Paper Presentation Re - Marriage

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A good marriage is the most rewarding experience the life can offer. It is almost like a
heaven on earth. Besides providing for safe and secure sexual gratification it also takes care
of many other human needs like those of companionship, affection, security etc., it helps both
spouses to feel adequate, desired, approved and complete to a degree which is not available in
any other human relationships. However, a good marriage does not simply happen. It has to
be worked out. Community influence, social context and individuals attitude plays a major
role toward marriage. Steps are being undertaken in many countries to challenge the abuse of
widows and to change the cultural perceptions of widow hood.

Re-marriages in India:

Rules for the remarriage of widows differ from one group to another. Generally,
lower-ranking groups allow widow remarriage, particularly if the woman is relatively young,
but the highest-ranking castes discourage or forbid such remarriage. Remarriage will change
the belief about family responsibilities and Obligations The strictest adherents to the non
remarriage of widows are Brahmans. Almost all groups allow widowers to remarry. Many
groups encourage a widower to marry his deceased wife's younger sister. Remarriage at any
time makes the widow potentially eligible for spouse benefits on her new husbands work
record. Widow Remarriage was very common among the young widows and 80 percent of
them who do not have a child at the time of widow hood were remarried. The establishment
of women oriented and feminist presses and journals have been instrumental in the
documentation of gender issues and movement activities paved a big way for widow
remarriage. 1

Problems Faced by the widows in India:

Life is unceasing misery for hundreds of millions widows living in India, While
widowhood is unwelcome for anyone in the Indian milieu; it’s the Hindu widows who have
it the worst. India’s majority religion Hinduism and many of its adherents treat women and
particularly widows very badly. Widows have a very low social status in the Hindu system
and their sight considered an ill-omen. Often blamed unfairly for their husbands’ deaths and

J Martin . The Justice Journey: A Handbook for Pastors and Other Christian Leaders. (Washington,
DC: 2008).p125

exploited in every way by both relatives and outsiders, widows are expected to devote their
lives to God and lead a life of renunciation. The death of a spouse brings profound change
to the living conditions of the surviving party. The consequences of the decline in support
could be disastrous, though various kinds of compensation were available. Cultural patterns
shaped the access to remarriage, but widows resulted more open than widowers did in the
partner choice. Furthermore, remarriages were more likely Kindred than first unions because
of socioeconomic reasons .Women forming half of the population of the world and share one
per cent of the resources. In India, women are born to suffer till their death. The sufferings of
women are doubled if they happen to be widows in the Indian soil. A woman is surrounded
by the culture that seldom she can come out from this. Though social change is very fast
due to the growing globalization few areas remain unchanged and one of the areas where the
change is very slow is the marriage and related customs. Society is not positive even today
for widow remarriage. Societal norms are strong here that a widow has to die as a widow
whatever her age and surroundings are. In India widowhood is not just transition from one
marital status to another after the death of the husband. Entering into widowhood is more
painful and humiliating to women than to a widower because of the discrimination,
ritual sanctions of the society against widows. With the result, widows in India not only
suffer with social and economic sanctions but also face Widow Remarriage many
psychological consequences, loneliness and in many cases deprivation causing emotional
disturbances and imbalance. 2

Significance of Re- Marriage:

A thorough methodology was developed to assess the opinion of remarried women

regarding remarriage. Remarriage in India is considered as a neglected factor and women
are not allowed to marry again after the sudden death of her spouse. But recently the
trend is changing and more widows are willing to get married again and the most welcoming
aspect is that more young men are willing to accept widows. This is an attempt to study the
changes that took place in the society because of widow remarriage. The aim of the study
is to analyze the specific issues related to the problems of widow, to study the impact of
widow remarriage and its consequences in the society and to find out the changes it brought
as a new dimension of social change in India.3

2 03.02.2023
Robinson, J. J., green, g. P. (Eds.) Introduction to community development: Los Angeles, (CA:
SAGE.2011). p 328

Social work intervention

The present study reveals that more than half of the respondent’s social, economic,
educational status plays a very important role in motivating them to get remarried. The
professional social workers could help the widows to create more awareness on remarriage
and to enhance their status by applying social work methods such as social casework, social
group work, community organization, social action etc. More number of voluntary
organizations can work for the encouragement of widow remarriage in rural areas and the
social workers can conduct awareness program in order to create awareness among the rural
women on the human rights issues, right to information, and general advocacy programs.
Participatory approach will be highly suitable approach to find out the actual problems of the
rural widows and forming of more self-help groups will help the community to short out
the problems. Social workers should come forward to do more systematic research with
innovative ideas; to develop a better society.Students with Community Development
specialization should be actively involved in sensitizing the Government machineries to
implement more number of programs for the benefit of the rural women by creating
proving more rehabilitation programs and encouraging the widow remarriage by bringing
major changes in their policy. No doubt that widow remarriage has brought a new
dimension of social change in India.4

From biblical views –

The issue of Divorce or Widow and Re-marriage is one of the most debatable issues
among the Christian circle in an attempt to understand what the Lord Jesus Christ meant
when he responded to the question that came from the Pharisees in Matthew 19:8. Besides, in
as much as we advocate for Divorce or Widow and remarriage, it has a negative impact most
importantly on the church (body of Christ), the children, and on the couple themselves just as
the Psalmist said, “I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I
drench my couch with my weeping”, Psalm 6:6. Hence, Divorce or Widow is an act contrary
to God's intended purpose for marriage, a life covenant cut between a Man and Woman
before God reflecting the relationship that exists in the Triune God, and between Christ and

M Hanna. What is Christian about Christian leadership? Journal of Applied Christian Leadership,
(England: Lion publishing, 2006) p 21-31.

the church, and it is only ended by death thereby, creating room for remarriage to the
surviving spouse.5

God’s Meaning of Marriage =

When we consider Genesis 2:24, marriage originates from God, marriage involves
leaving the one relationship and cleaving to a new relationship. Marriage involves headship
and submission in love. Marriage involves the one-flesh union. Marriage involves a
permanent union. Therefore, God’s view of marriage is a union between a man and a woman
that reflects the God-head relationship and the relationship that exists between Christ and the
church (Genesis 1:26, 2:23, Ephesians 5:31). says, “Marriage is an exclusive covenant
relationship of love between one man and one woman”. As noted in this view, marriage
should be a strong bond between a man and a woman and centred on love just as the scripture
teaches “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been
born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is
love.” 1 John 4:7-8. This marriage is built on God’s love and that love covers multitudes of
wrongs as the Lord’s love covers our sins when we confess to him in prayer 1 John 1:9,
Ephesians 5:27. Therefore, marriage is meant to last for life and not to be broken by divorce
and replaced by remarriage.6

Views on Divorce or Widow and Remarriage

After considering God’s view of marriage, here is the truth, the absence of love for
God and the wife, and the respect of God’s headship and that of man and sexual union is the
beginning of a divorce and desire to re-marry. has said that “Marriage functions well when
each side does their part one hundred per cent. It is not a matter of meeting halfway. Rather,
it is that doing of your part in obedience to the Lord, whether your spouse is doing their part
or not. Therefore, it is in this view the Scripture says God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). It
destroys his original plan for it. Because of man’s stubbornness of sin, divorce found its way
into a marriage union (Matthew 19:8).

Bargas, R. P. A Biblical View of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. Grace Theological Journal,
(Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers2006.) 561.

No Divorce or Widow no remarriage

This view advocates for the promotion of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation for
marriage is God’s idea and He ordained it to serve as a permanent covenant between man and
woman Genesis 2:24. Besides, it reflects the union of the Godhead. Therefore, divorce has no
place in Christian marriage (Malachi 2:13-16). a proponent says, “Even if immorality occurs,
forgiveness and reconciliation are the goals, not divorce. Even if a legal divorce should occur,
the ‘one flesh’ relationship cannot be severed, and that is why remarriage is disallowed”. My
evaluation of this view this view shows that marriage is the picture of the relationship
between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:22-25), and therefore, marriage should be treated
as such by the couple and they should imitate God and deny all filthiness in marriage. Now,
in recognizing the sin against the other spouse, the couple is encouraged to reflect on God
word to pursue after love, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and grow together in the
knowledge of God and in being his witness here on earth to unbelievers just as Christ love to
the church (Ephesians 5:25-27).7


After considering the biblical meaning of marriage, the biblical view of Divorce or
Widow and re-marriage, marriage remains God’s idea, a reflection of Christ's love for the
church, and a permanent covenant that can only be broken by the death of a spouse thereby,
giving room for remarriage. Therefore, the Christian goal for marriage life should be based
on Christ's love (Ephesians 5: 5:25-27), and Divorce or Widows and re-marriage are only
permitted on biblical injunction (Rom. 7:2-3; 1 Cor. 7:39). Marriage is a gift from God and
should be enjoyed.

Mbewe, C. Marriage. Divorce and Remarriage. (Edinburgh, Scotland:Evergreen Publishers 1986) p


J Martin . The Justice Journey: A Handbook for Pastors and Other Christian Leaders. Washington,
DC: 2008. 03.02.2023

J.J. Robinson,, green, g. P. (Eds.) Introduction to community development: Los Angeles, CA:

M. Hanna. What is Christian about Christian leadership? Journal of Applied Christian Leadership,
England: Lion publishing, 2006.

R.P.Bargas. A Biblical View of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. Grace Theological Journal,
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers2006.

C. Mbewe, Marriage. Divorce and Remarriage. Edinburgh, Scotland:Evergreen Publishers 1986.

Paper Presentation Re- Marriage

An Assignment
Submitted to
Dr. Subo Nungsang Jamir

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirement for the Course
Pastoral psychology and counselling

Mrs.Kamini Rao Achary
M. Div-III
Reg. No #340/20
Calcutta Bible College

06th February , 2023

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