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1. What is life without ICT?

Living a life without Information and Communication Technology or ICT is like riding a carabao

Progress or improvements will be sluggish even opportunities will be elusive. Everything will
consume more effort and time!

Before the invention of telegraph, telephone, internet, wireless network and mobile phone or
cellphone; it will take weeks or even month to send and receive mail from other parts of the

According to PHLPOST, if you use their international delivery services to send a mail to USA; it
will take around 15-30 working days to reach its destination. Considering this, if you will write a
business letter or proposal to your boss that lives somewhere in USA obviously, the result will be

We’re not talking about just a mail delivery system alone even in transportation and other fields
without ICT it will be pretty much challenging.

So yeah, a life without ICT is like riding a carabao carriage.

2. Life with the influence of ICT

Being an IT professional that works in one of the leading online broker US company, the
influence of ICT, I would say that it is pretty much life changing.

I can work comfortably in my home while handling different clients all around the world. And
because of online conference, weekly meeting without actual physical appearance in the office
is now possible.

Giving updates and follow-up with the clients will be as easy as pie compared to life without ICT.
Hah! Imagine you will need around 15 – 30 working days just to send and receive mail to other
parts of the world. But with the influence of ICT that lead to creation of new tools such as
software or apps that 15 – 30 working days will become 1 – 10 minutes depending on how fast
you can chat or encode.

Opportunities will be within your fingertips away. For example, I can even look for another work
if I want to! What I mean is that working in different company at the same time will be possible.

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