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East Coast Railway

Office of
Pr. Chief Mech. Er.rgineer
No. M2/ 16A/Pt-Vril/ l 56Y Date: 14.08.2020


Sub: Operation and Maintenance of Air Spring and FIBA in LHB coaches
Ref: RDSO lctter no. SV.AS.FIBA dated 05.08.2020.

Please fintl enclosed the letter undel reference which is self-cxplirnirtory. A

punctuality loss case was reported in Asansol division for air pressure leakage from
FIBA parrel. After investigation, it was foturd that improper adjustment of trir spring
height by installation lever was the reason fol en-route failure.

In vieu' of above; it is requestet{ to ensure the following

a. Height of air spring must be checkecl and maintained as per instrtrctions in this
regard in CAMTECH maintenance manual and Pamphlet on air suspension
system for FIAT bogie during primarv ancl secondary maintenance antl in case of
anv issue reportetl with air spring /FIBA/ air suspension control equipment.
b. AII C&W engineers anci staff at depots and en-route stations sllould be impartecl
h'aining regarding inspection, maintenance and operation (inclurling en-r'oute
isolation) of air spring, FIBA, air suspension control equipment antl brake
c. Driver, Asst. Driver and Guard should also be trainecl for operation anrl isoltrtion
of ail suspension svstem, FIBA derrices and brake system.
d. Necessary h'aining may also be imparted to on board C&W staff.

This is for your information and necessary action please

Encl: As abor,e
L qt &"
(Lingaraj Tripathy)
Dy. CME/Coaching
Copy to: Sr. DME/KUR ,WAT for inf. & n/a please.
qH qfiIl - lil irdc Cr0ymBrt of hdi&Midlry of Rrikays

wdfiriqnmftqffitrfi Rrs.0nh Dcdgni & Stud[ds orBdsrtion

frffi-ai0ll 0ll il'lilrlrfrrarv,

Luchow- 225
tfi fifqf, tr,r,".'
EP&Y (0522) 21s1200 0D (0522) 2150115
Fu (0522) 2450679 uD (05aa 2405010

No: SV.AS.FIBA Dated: 0108-2020

Prlnclpal Chlef Mechanlcal Englneer'

East Central Railway,
Hallpur€4/t 10'l

Prlnclpal Chlef Mechanlcal Engineer'

Eastern Rallway,
Falrly Place,
Kolkata- 700 001

Sub: Operatlon and malntenance of Alr sprlng and FIBA ln LHB coaches'
Ref: ST.DMUER/ASN's letbr no. MCBS dated 030&2020'

reported fur air pressure leakage from FIBA panel Following facts have
come to
notice from the report submited vide leter under reference:-
with operation and isolating procedure of F|BA They bok 31 minutes to
atbnd the defect by randomly opeftlting isolating cocks'"
2. Coach was checked at Asansol station by SSE (C&WyASN Air springs were
checked for leal€ge and were fuund OK. FIBA was reset' Brake system and
FIBA panel were isolated as precautionary measure and tain was allowed
Air spring was not checked br its designed height Holdrah divlsion was
intimabd b check the coach.
3. SSE/C&WHVV}i allowed the coach for Paha in same (FIBA isolated)
condition. No atbntion b air spring height and FIBA was given'
4. At PN BE/ECR, ertire brake system and FIBA system of the coach were made
normal. All paramebrs function were fuund OK and coach was deployed in
seNice in active condition and it is running without any reported i$ue'
PNBE/ECR further confirmed that the lssue was of Air spring height, which
was mainbined with adjusting insEllation lever.

As can be seen from the above, reason for enroub failure was impfoperly adjusted
Air spring height by installation lever. lt was not checked at slb of failure, next
enroute c&w point (Asansol station) and brminating stauon at Howrah. Moreover,
the coach was permited by Howrah division with isolated FIBA

ln view of above, it is requested ensure the following: -

I Height of Air spring must be checked and maintained as per instuctions in

this regard in CAMTECH maintenance manual and Pamphlet on Air

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Suspension System for FIAT bogie during primary and secondary
mainbnance and in case of any issue reported with Air spring/FlBA,/Air
suspension control equipmenl
2. All C&W engineers and staff at depots and enroute stations should be
imparbd faining regarding inspection, maintenance and operation (including
Enroub isolation) of Air spring, FIBA, Air suspension contol equipment and
brake system.
3. Driver, Asstl Driver and Guard should also be tained br operation and
isolation of Air suspension system, FIBA devices and brake system.
4. RDSO has already insbucted OEMS of Air spring, FIBA & Air suspension
contol equipment for conducting training at Zonal Railways vide leter no.
SV.EMU.RAS dabd 17.05.2019. Training programmes by OEMS have
already been conducted in various zonal raitways. OEMS may again be
approached for conducting training ior maintenance and operaton of Air
spring, FIBA I Air suspension control equipment.

DA: nil Oigitally $gmd by

DaEi 2020.G.05
SINGH 15:1os {5 30'

(Shobhit Prabp Singh)

Joint Directo rA/DG/Carriage
for Director General/ Cariage

Copy b

Principal ChleI Mschanical Englnser,

1. Northern Raihray, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001

2. Westem Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400020
3. Central Railway, CSTM, Mumbai- 400 001
4. Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai -600003
5. North Frontier Raih/vay, Maligaon, cuwahati- 781 001
6. North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001
7. Souh Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata-7oo 043
8. Souh Cental Railway, Secunderabad-soo 071
9. West Central Raitway, Jabalpur482 001
10. South East Cenfal Railway, Bilaspur-4gs 004
1 1. South Western Raihrvay, Hubli-580023
'12. East Coast Raitway, Railway Complex, Bhubaneshwar-7s1 023
13. North Westem Railway, Jaipur3o2 006
14. North Centlal Railway, Allahaba+21 1 001
15. Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Belapur Bhavan, plot No 6,Sector 1 1,
CBD,Belapur, Navi M umbaH0061

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