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Pathfinders E-Learning




1. Space is created to avoid----------------------------

B. collision
2. --------------------- is an invasion game
B. soccer
3. Players should create space during the game by-------------------
C. dodging
4. A team of basketball has ------------------ players
A. Five
5. Swimming requires proper arm and-------------------- action.
B. leg
6. -------------- should be a good shooter.
A. Small forward
7. Who leads a basketball team on the court
A. Point guard
8. In soccer, -------------------- protects the goalkeeper and block shots from the opponents.
B. defenders
9. ------------------- can add conflicting information to the brain.
A. Anxiety
10. The dart board is made from ------------
C. sisal
11. The inner bull’s eye which is red is worth--------------------------
B. 50 points
12. Dart game is a--------------------game
C. target
13. Narrow and wide stances are used when playing-------------
B. golf
14. ------------------- is an action done to complete movement of hitting, kicking and throwing
D. follow through
15. Which of the following is a net game?
B. volleyball
16. In tennis, the serve should land---------------------the serve box
C. inside
17. A racket is used to play----------------------------
A. Tennis
18. A net is used to separate-----------------------------
D. opponents
19. Three vertical posts that support the bail and form the wickets are called
C. stumps
20. Sides of the racket are called ----------------------
B. bevel
Structured Questions

1. State any two invasion games (soccer, basketball, rugby……….)

2. Who prevents scoring in invasion games (defenders)
3. List the four positions in soccer (defenders, strikers, midfielders, goalkeeper)
4. Why is follow through important? (it determines where the ball falls or score, and direction)
5. State any two striking games. (cricket, golf, badminton)
6. Name any two sporting instruments used to strike a ball. (bat, golf club, racket….)
7. Batsman swap his hands to make ----------------easy to strike (strokes)

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