Cause and Effect Essay - Nhu Thi Xuan Mai - 96864 - N02 Writing 4 - Semester - 2024

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Name: Nhu Thi Xuan Mai - 96864

Class: NNA63DH02

Writing Task 2:
These days many of us prefer to throw damaged things away, whereas in the past people used to repair damaged
items and keep them for a long time. Explain why you think this change has happened. What are the effects of this
change in attitude?

There is indeed an alarming increase in human consumerism in the modern era. While broken items were often repaired and
reused in the past, people today choose to discard them and replace them with new ones. This essay will discuss the
fundamental causes behind this issue and some of its grave consequences for people.

To begin with, the fact that the change in consumer behavior can be attributed to several different factors. The primary
cause of this throwaway culture is that today's consumer industry encourages mass production and consumption. Therefore,
products that have low quality and longevity but are cheap are still chosen by consumers to abandon their shopping carts.
Another contributing factor to this issue could be people's desire to shop to relieve their emotions. This is because people
always feel inadequate and always seek security and temporary happiness in shopping. This feeling is evoked by young
people today with the name "FOMO," which stands for "Fear of Missing Out." Besides, many people also consider buying
new items as a way to show off their social status. A good illustration is that some people today are willing to pay large
sums of money to buy the most modern iPhone models, even if their current device is still in the best condition.
There are a range of problems when people continue to follow this throwaway trend. The main problem that overconsumers
have to deal with is probably the financial pressure and deterioration of overall well-being. This is because they are
obsessive about shopping and sacrifice their health to work until they can buy something they favor. Some people even
accept the feeling of getting stuck in a cycle of debt just to satisfy this luxury trend. Moreover, the extremely negative
impact stemming from this overconsumption is the increase in carbon footprint. Mass production leads to a need for more
supplies of production materials, which can lead to the depletion of natural resources and energy. Furthermore, it has been
shown that the amount of waste and emissions released into the environment leads to pollution of the air, rivers, water
sources, and land, which will probably become a major threat to humans in the not-too-distant future.

In conclusion, human culture and excessive consumption behavior have caused serious harm, not only in terms of human
financial burden but also seriously affecting the health of the environment. It is recommended that concerted efforts be
taken soon in order to address this issue.

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