Recound Teks Soal DN Jawaban

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KELAS : X-9 NO 03
TAHUN : 2023

I’ve had pretty bad experiences in the past. When I was 10 years old, I played in the pool with
my father, mother and brother.
We are very happy because it is the first time to go to the swimming pool with all family
When I came to the swimming pool, I saw that there were various kinds of swimming pools for
small children, teenagers and adults.
Mom and dad told me to play in the swimming pool for small children because the depth can still
be overcome. While my brother played in the place of teenagers.
At first I was very lonely because there was no one I knew in the children’s pool. Then I came to
where my brother was playing and got into her pool.
It turned out to be very deep and made me sink. Luckily my brother could swim and immediately
saved me.


Aku memiliki pengalaman yang cukup buruk di masa lalu. Saat aku masih berumur 10 tahun,
aku pernah bermain di kolam renang bersama ayah, ibu dan kakakku.
Kami sangat senang karena ini pertama kalinya pergi ke kolam renang bersama semua anggota
Saat datang ke kolam renang, aku melihat ada berbagai macam kolam renang mulai untuk anak
kecil, remaja dan dewasa.
Ayah dan ibu menyuruhku bermain di kolam renang untuk anak kecil karena kedalamannya
masih bisa teratasi. Sedangkan kakakku bermain di tempat anak remaja.
Awalnya aku sangat kesepian karena tidak ada orang yang kukenal di kolam renang anak kecil.
Kemudian, aku datang ke tempat kakakku bermain dan masuk ke dalam kolamnya.
Ternyata sangat dalam dan membuatku tenggelam. Untung saja kakak bisa berenang dan
langsung menyelamatkanku.

1. According to the text, what type of text?

a. Report
b. Explanation
c. Recount
d. Analytic
2. What is the recount text called?

a. Factual
b. Personal
c. Imaginative
d. Historical

3. What is the text about?

a. Main character jump from waterfall

b. Experience of drowning in swimming pool
c. I win the contest
d. I walk with my dog and meet the robber

4. Who is the main character from the text?

a. I
b. Dad
c. Mom
d. Brother

5. What is the problem from that recount text?

a. I jump to teenager’s swimming pool, so I’m drowning

b. My family and I went to swimming pool
c. I feel so lonely at swimming pool
d. Mom and dad leave me at swimming pool

. Why did the character “I” come to the swimming pool for teenagers?

a. I want to be brave
b. Because mom and dad swim there
c. I feel so bored with other kids
d. I feel so lonely and then come to meet brother on swimming pool for teenagers

7. How did the story end according to the text?

a. Dad came to help
b. Main character drowning
c. I swim with other kid
d. Brother save main character

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