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Seafarer's Employment Agreement

According to the Panama Maritime Authority Regulations with respect to the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
1. Date of birth 2. Place of birth 3. Surname 4. First and middle name(s)
05.09.1984 Mykolaiv, Ukraine Bogomolov Oleg
5. Nationality 6. Home address 7. Phone #
apt 17, block 10, Mare Nostrum avenue 5, 46120, Alboraya, Valencia,
Ukraine Spain +34645515889

8. Name and address of next of kin Bogomolova, Valeriia 9. Phone #

apt 17, block 10, Mare Nostrum avenue 5, 46120, Alboraya, Valencia, Spain +79788192394
10. Name and address of Shipowner McDermott International Vessels Inc. 11. Organisation reg. number
757 N. Eldridge Parkway, Houston, Texas 77079, USA 5318146
12. Name and address of employer OSM Maritime Crew Limited 13. Organisation reg. number
OSM HOUSE, 22 Amathountos Avenue, Agios Tychonas 4532 Limassol, Cyprus 924349875
14. The shipowner's duty to ensure that the employer comply with the particulars in the employment agreement as per MLC Reg. 2.1 Standard A.2.1(a)
Terms and conditions of employment

15. Wages, overtime pay and other conditions according to CBA or below agreement

16. Breakdown of Wages

Amount (USD)
Monthly Wages present level (1)
Basic Wage 1320,00
Fixed Overtime 2677,00
Leave pay monthly 422,00
OSM Additional Wage/Bonus 8081,00
OVERTIME RATES (in excess of Guaranteed Overtime)
OT Rate per Hour - Weekday USD 6,55
OT Rate per Hour - Sat., Sun. USD 11,79

17. Paid Annual Leave 18. Health and social security protection benefits 19. Entitlement to repatriation
Leavepay as per breakdown of wage is calculated on days As per terms and conditions. Seafarers are entitled for
onboard and included in monthly payment. repatriation in accordance with
Standard A2.5 (MLC 2006) with
return to point of hiring.

20. Special conditions, other information

Taxes shall be deducted and paid in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the country the vessel is operating.Overtime included in wage are
up to 12 hours work every day including public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.All overtime are already included in the total wage for Officers (including
Electricians) being paid as per OSM Wage Scale. Travel allowance, termination pay and other CBA related items will be paid as per valid CBA wage is
mutually agreed to have +/- one week on contract period due to operational convenienceValid OSM/Customer Terms and Conditions as addendum is attached
to this SEA and to be signed by both employer and Seafarer.Crew is solely responsible in paying their own local mutually agreed to deviate on article 4,
30 days month, as payment is based on dayrate of actual days of the month”It has been agreed with the Owners McDermott Inc that OSM will be liable to
cover seafarers from the time a seafarer leaves his/her residence (home) until the seafarer reaches the vessel and from the time a seafarer disembarks from
the vessel until he/she reaches his/her nominated place of residence (home). The Owners are responsible to arrange cover for the seafarers when they are
on board and will be liable for all claims taking place during the time a seafarer is on board the vessel.Once the seafarer has completed his/her contract and
has signed a Letter of Intention to Return to Work (LOIR which is valid for 120 days), then he/she will be eligible to the Extended Cover which will insure the
seafarer and his family members who are annotated on the beneficiary form.Details of the Extended cover are to be found in OSM’s brochure ‘Overview of
Crew on Board and Extended Covers’.Once a vessel leaves OSM management or is being laid up the validity for the unfit between contracts or on standby
(UBCS cover) is only valid for two months instead of four.It is OSM’s policy to cover our seafarers from the time a seafarer leaves the declared and approved
place of residence (home) to assume his/her duties as stated in his contract of employment and will terminate upon completion of the agreed engagement
period and arrival in his/her declared and approved place of residence (home).The employment contract is in compliance with the 2018 Amendments to the
Code of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, as amended ( MLC 2006).

OSM will process personal data about you only to the extent necessary for administration of the working conditions and to ensure the performance of the
employment contract. Further information on which purposes personal data is processed for and what security measures we have implemented is available in
our Global Privacy Policy located on our website,

The Employee is obliged to keep absolute secrecy about the details of the business of the Employer, which might come his knowledge during his service. The
obligation rests upon the Employee even after termination of the contract.

If any errors in calculation of wages, this may be adjusted in next month(s) wage calculation.

The following conditions may not be applicable if the Vessel you are joining/joined operates in certain cabotage trade.

a) It is a condition of employment that you have any know necessary vaccinations for the countries which your ship might enter.

b) Vaccination requirements of the countries which the shipowner's fleet enters are constantly being monitored.The Company/Shipowner will aim to advise
you of vaccination requirements prior to joining a ship, but this is not always possible.You may be required to have further vaccinations during a TD.

c) It is your responsibility to bring all original international Certificates of Vaccination with you to the ship and have these available for inspection as required.

d) The Company will cover the cost of any vaccinations or medical precautions specifically required by the Company/Shipowner.Any other costs,for example
for additional investigations are your responsibility; also any travel, accommodation or subsistence which might be incurred.

21. Rank 22. Wages from and including 23. Probationary period 24. Mutual period of notice
Electro Technical Officer (Senior) As per joining date As per terms and conditions As per terms and conditions
25. Name of vessel 26. IMO # 27. For specified period
DLV 2000 9683142 From 11.02.2024 To 25.02.2024

OSM SEA v1.1. 01.08.2015 Page 1 of 2 202407020265

28. The employment agreement signed - Odessa, Ukraine and 07.02.2024

I confirm that I have freely entered this agreement with a sufficient understanding of my rights and responsibilities, and I have been given an opportunity to review and seek
advice on the agreement before signing.

Oleg Bogomolov (216628)

Employee's signature

I confirm that the seafarer has been informed of their rights and duties under this agreement prior to or in the process of the seafarer's engagement onto the vessel.

On behalf of Employer and Shipowner, as Agent only

Gezha, Igor
OSM Crew Management Limited

OSM SEA v1.1. 01.08.2015 Page 2 of 2 202407020265

Approved by: Claims Manager
Effectivity Date: 22 May 2018

Document title: Intention to return to Work Letter Revision: 00

Document ID: PI-06 Pages: 1 of 1 ž Global  Local

Intention to return to Work Letter

I Bogomolov, Oleg Signed off DLV 2000

(Seafarer’s Name) (Vessel’s Name)
declare that I intend to be available to return to work for OSM for my next contract.

The validity of this letter is for up to 120 days from the date it has been signed or until a new employment contract is signed.

I fully understand and accept that this letter will be valid for one hundred twenty (120) days starting from the date cited below or
until the date I sign a new contract of employment, whichever is earlier.

This document does not constitute a contract nor does it extend or amend any document which has been previously signed by
the seafarer.

Prior to joining or accepting a new assignment a seafarer must meet contractual employment requirements including but not limited
to: clean pre-medical certificate (PEME), newly-signed contract of employment, national & flag state documents.

Oleg Bogomolov
_________________________ Spain / 07.02.2024

Signature Seafarer Place/Date


Nadya Gezha
_________________________ Ukraine 07.02.2024

Crewing Manager's Place/Date

Document ID: CRW-03
Effective Date: Revision: 02

Drug and Alcohol Declaration Form

I do hereby declare to have read and understood the Company’s drug and alcohol policy and the
disciplinary consequences if he/she does not follow the policy. See also OSM’s Drug and Alcohol Policy

1. I will exercise due diligence to comply with this policy and the Vessel’s drug and alcohol policy and
the said regulations.

2. Alcohol and/or drug abuse, including drug trafficking, will not be tolerated and the Company
operates strict control measures which must be complied with.

3. Any employee found in breach of the vessel / unit D&A policy will be subject to disciplinary
procedures. Payment of the cost for the repatriation will apply as per the relevant CBA / SEA /
POEA agreement.

4. I am not and have not been addicted to any drugs and I am not a drug user.

5. I will not be engaged or be concerned in any way with activities in connection with drugs or any
drugs peddling and I will fully cooperate with the relevant authorities to avoid smuggling or trafficking
of illegal drugs or substances.

6. I declared all medication prescribed by my doctor on this date, and I am aware of that I shall declare
the same to the Master when I sign on the vessel.

7. I am also aware of that the use of medication that is not classified as drugs can have a diminishing
effect on my capabilities and performance if taken above the recommended and prescribed amount
described on medicine package.

8. If I should be found in unlawful possession of drugs, I hereby undertake to pay in fully all claims /
damages / cost and expenses whatsoever which may be taken against the vessel.

9. I accept to volunteer without objections to submit to unannounced alcohol and/or drug testing in
accordance with principles established by the Company’s management when required by the
company or the charterer.

10. I also accept a search to be held in my cabin or among my personal effects when required by the
port state authorities.

11. When travel to and from Vessels I will observe the requirements stated in our customer’s drug and
alcohol policies addressing consumption of alcohol, and if not stated in their drug and alcohol policy,
in all cases behave in a responsible way consuming alcohol during the travel.

12. Alcohol abuse during travel to and from the vessel leading to a situation where the seafarer is
denied access to the air craft or any other means of transportation, leading to late arrival at
destination or being sent back home due to the delay, will result in a liability situation for seafarer.

Name: Oleg Bogomolov Signature:

Click or tap to enter a date.

Office Representative: Date 07.02.2024
DECLARATION Effective Date: 01-Nov-2023 Revision: 01

No Fee & Bribe,Certificate Authenticity and Harrasment Declaration

1. No Fee & Bribe

I the undersigned declare, that I haven’t paid or even promised to any legal entity or any private person ANY fee for joining, or employment, or
any other matters connected to my embarkation on M/V “……………….….” , except, as per MLC 2006, Standard A1.4 (b) or Flag State

Standard A1.4 – Recruitment and placement

(b) require that no fees or other charges for seafarer recruitment or placement or for providing employment to seafarers are borne directly or
indirectly, in whole or in part, by the seafarer, other than the cost of the seafarer obtaining a national statutory medical certificate, the
national seafarer’s book and a passport or other similar personal travel documents, not including, however, the cost of visas, which shall be
borne by the shipowner.

Declaration of Certificates Authenticity

This is to declare that all documents (licenses and endorsements, certificates, records of sea service etc.) submitted for my employment in
OSM Thome are original, authentic, and not obtained fraudulently.

I understand that all above mentioned documents, and other relevant documents, will be a subject for authenticity verification as required by
OSM Thome Manning Policy, Process 2.2 “Manage Pre-Joining requirements” and MLC 2006 Guideline B1.4.2:

“(i) … all mandatory certificates and documents submitted for employment are up to date and have not been fraudulently obtained and that
employment references are verified.”

I confirm that all information provided by me in this letter is correct and true and I fully understand above requirements of OSM Thome and
MLC 2006 and the consequences may arise if document’s authenticity is not verifiable.


We are committed to respecting and protecting the dignity, rights, and well-being of all our employees, whether they work onshore or onboard.
We adhere to the relevant laws and conventions that regulate the benefits, payments, and working conditions of our people. Additionally, we
have zero tolerance for any form of harassment and are dedicated to providing a work environment free from any form of harassment or

We expect our people to perform their duties with professionalism, skill, and ethics, and to contribute to a healthy, safe, secure, and friendly work
environment. Any incidents of harassment will be promptly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with applicable rules
and regulations. We are committed to fostering a workplace where everyone is treated with respect and dignity."

Any breach of section 2. Declaration of Certificates Authenticity or 3. Harassment, may affect your employment, including termination of


[Employee’s signature]

Employee’s name: Oleg Bogomolov

Date: 07.02.2024
Document ID: CRW-02
CHECKLIST A Effective Date: 06-SEP-2023 Revision: 08

Purpose: To ensure that the seafarer has received all necessary documents and information before embarking a vessel. The checklist shall be duly signed by
the seafarer and filed in eCrew.

Name: Oleg Bogomolov

Rank: Electro Technical Officer (Senior) Vessel: DLV 2000

Item Detailed Instruction OK N/A

Contact Details E-mail address, phone number and NOK in e-crew are correct ok
Salary Scale The salary for this contract is understood and accepted ok
SEA Before signing the Seafarers’ Employment Agreement, I was given the opportunity to examine and seek advice on the
(Seafarers Employment agreement. I have freely entered into an agreement with a sufficient understanding of my rights and responsibilities.
Agreement) Terms and conditions of the contract is understood and accepted ok
Conditions I was given a copy of or briefed about the present CBA conditions of the agreement. ok
POEA Contract Have received a copy of the full POEA Contract (Philippines only) n/a
Š I was informed about the OSM monthly account of the payments due and the amounts paid, including wages, additional
payments and the rate of exchange used where payment has been made in a currency or at a rate different from the one
OSM Pay slip
agreed to.
Š Confirm that I understand how to read the OSM Pay slip.
Customer & Vessel I was informed about the vessel’s particulars. Information who is the owner of the vessel and OSM’S relation as employers
Information received. ok
I received and understood the
Š DOC Holder On-Board Complain procedure regarding their Crew Complaint On-board. (MLC A5.1.5 – On-board complaint
MLC 2006
Š Any amendments in MLC 2006 – (e.g. financial security of seafarers; contractual claims for compensation)
Job Description Explain and a copy of the job description for the position were received. ok
Trade Area Likely trading area and cargoes most commonly carried. Got the information if vessel is trading in risk area. ok
Crew Complement Information about nationalities of crew onboard received. ok
Information on seafarer’s tax and national insurance contribution (NIC) obligation on offshore continental shelves. Seafarer has
signed the relevant tax forms (if required).

Read and understood the Global Employee Privacy Policy which is available in OSM Thome Website – Privacy
Global Employee Policy — OSM Thome
Privacy Policy / For PH
Seafarers-Data Privacy
which is available in OSM Thome Website (only applicable to PH
Notice Read and understood the Data Privacy Notice
seafarers) –Privacy Policy — OSM Thome
No Fee and Bribe
Read, understood and signed OSM’s ‘No Fee and Bribe Declaration’ . ok

OSM D&A Policy /

Read, understood the OSM D&A Policy and signed OSM’s D&A Declaration

Customer D&A Policy Read and understood the customer’s D&A Policy ok
I was informed about OSM Medical Insurance with family cover. (if applicable, were the vessel is covered by OSM medical
Vessel that is part of I have in my procession the OSM Medical Insurance Booklet.
OSM Medical For Seafarers that are covered by OSM Extended Covers : Read, understood and signed the PI-06 (Intention to Return to Work
Insurance Letter)

Yes: Full No:

I was informed about OSM Provident fund and how to find the status and booklet in Ecrew.
Vessel that is part of
OSM Pension fund.
Yes No:

Comments or Remarks:

_________________________ 07.02.2024
Signature Seafarer Date signed

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