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1ypes of Llssues Lhelr funcLlons where Lhey are found and how Lo ldenLlfy Lhem
Lp|the||a| t|ssue
1here are 4 klnds of eplLhellal Llssue (ln Lhe book) 1helr names refer Lo Lhelr shapes whlch should make Lhem easy Lo
remember LplLhellum are cells LhaL llne Lhlngs Lo proLecL Lhem [usL as our skln llnes our bodles 1hey also always have a
basemenL membrane whlch ls essenLlally a wall aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe cell

1) S|mp|e Squamous
ln laLln squamous means scale" llke Lhe scales on a snake and LhaL ls exacLly whaL lL looks llke SomeLlmes under Lhe
mlcroscope Lhough lL can resemble a drled up and cracklng deserL floor
ID ldenLlfy Lhem by Lhelr shape and Lhelr nucleus whlch can be anywhere ln Lhe cell Some wlll be on one slde and some
on anoLher
Loc Llnlng of Lhe lungs (1he slngle layer of Lhe cells allows gasses Lo pass Lhrough Lhem)
Iunct|on 1o proLecL

2) seudostrat|f|ed c|||ated co|umnar
seudo means fake and sLraLlfled means layered 1he name LogeLher means LhaL lL looks sLraLlfled buL lL really lsnL
1he clllaLed porLlon refers Lo Lhe cllla (llLLle halrs) aL Lhe very Lop of Lhe cells 1hese halrs sway back and forLh movlng
Lhlngs llke sallva llnally columnar means column shaped
ID 1hese wlll be Lhln recLangles wlLh halrs on Lop and nucleuses all over Lhe place 1hey also have whaL look llke llLLle
pockeLs of waLer whlch ls really where lL sLores Lhe mucus
Loc 1hey can be found ln Lhe Lrachea
Iunct|on 1he cllla sweep lmpurlLles Loward Lhe LhroaL whlch wlll cause you Lo cough lL up

) S|mp|e Cubo|d|e
1hese are very slmply called cuboldle because Lhey are cube shaped 1hey can be packed LogeLher ln sLralghL llnes or
Lhey can form a clrcle 1hey have blg nuclel ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe cell
ID Cbvlously Lhey are cubed shaped and ofLen ln rlngs LhaL look llke glanL C's
Loc 1ubules of Lhe kldneys
Iunct|on lL absorbs molecules

4) S|mp|e Co|umnar
1hese are column llke cells LhaL secreLe mucus
ID ldenLlfy Lhem by Lhelr column shape and unllke Lhe pseudosLraLlfled columnar for Lhe mosL parL Lhe nucleus ls elLher
aL Lhe Lop or boLLom of Lhe cell (dependlng on your perspecLlve)
Loc Llnlng of Lhe small lnLesLlne
Iunct|on lL absorbs nuLrlenLs
1he name of Lhe parL LhaL secreLes mucus ls Lhe gobleL cell 8emember LhaL by rememberlng LhaL a gobleL ls a cup

1here are a few more types of epthe||um not ment|oned |n the book and |m not sure why as they are very |mportant
Such as strat|f|ed squamous wh|ch |s what our sk|n |s made up of

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