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Workneh hailu


This document is prepared for 3rd year Electrical and Computer Engineering students as a lecture note
for the course. No part of this book can be published or distributed in any media.

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Electrical And Computer Engineering


Lecture Note

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Chapter 1

1.1. Basic definitions and representation of networks

An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical elements such as resistors, inductors,

capacitors, transmission lines, voltage sources, current sources, and switches.
Consider a general network system representation.

Excitation – source of electrical energy to be connected to the network
Response – output signal produced by the network in response to the input (excitation)

1.2. Analysis and synthesis

Network Analysis
If the network and the excitation are given, and the problem is to find current or voltage
through/across elements of the network or to find their relation with other voltages or currents,
the process to find the solution is called network analysis.
In this process there is always one and only one solution

Network synthesis
If the input and the output are given explicitly or implicitly (in the form of a function relating the
two) and the problem is to create a network that meets the given specifications, the procedure
followed is called network synthesis.
In this kind of process there may not be a solution (unrealizable specifications);
otherwise if a solution exists, there will be several (precisely infinite) equivalent solutions

1.3. Network components

Electrical network (Circuit) components (elements) can be classified according to different

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Active and passive elements:
 Passive elements are those that have no energy sources. This includes resistors,
inductors, capacitors and coupled inductors (transformers)
 Active elements are gyrators, dependent sources, transistors, op-amps, GIC (general
impedance converters), NIC (negative impedance converters), FDNR (frequency
dependent negative resistance) etc. There are separate energy sources in these elements,
without which they cannot function.

Linear and non-linear elements:

A system is linear if superposition theorem holds true for the input-output relationship

If x1 y1
and x2 y2
then ax1+ bx2  ay1+ by2

Similarly, linear elements are those that have a linear response (current or voltage) to the input
(voltage or current); or elements that have linear relationship between current and voltage
through/across them.

Distributed and Lumped Parameter elements:

Unlike lumped parameter elements, many network elements have electrical properties
(Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance) in a distributed manner in space (say, a transmission
line or a rheostat or an inductor at high frequencies).
A transmission line between a generating station and the load has inductance (due to the
magnetic field set up by the current) and capacitance (between two conductors and between
conductor and ground).
When a source of energy is connected to the transmission line, energy is transported through all
the parts. However, points along the line do not have the same electrical conditions at the same
instant of time. This means that the parameters are distributed along the line.

1.4. Types (active, passive; linear, non-linear; lumped, distributed)

Depending on type of components that makeup the network, a network can be classified as active
and passive, linear and non-linear, lumped and distributed, continuous and discrete; and
depending on the number of terminals, a network can also be classified as 1-port, 2-port,…

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The following are examples of various kinds of networks

One-port, two-port, multi-port networks

A pair of terminals such that current entering one of the terminals is the same as current leaving
the other terminal is called port. Depending on the number of ports, networks can be classified
as 1-port, 2-port…, n-port (multi-port).


One pair of terminal

Current entering the port = current leaving the port

- Two pairs of terminal : two-port

- Current entering a port = current leaving a port
- V1, V2, I1 and I2 are related using two-port network parameters

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1.5. Mathematical equations (time-domain and transformed)

Network analysis and synthesis is usually done in Laplace domain so that it is important to know
mathematical equations of network elements in Laplace domain. Consider the following general
network element.

The relation V(s) = Z(s)I(s) is called impedance description of the device (element)
Z(s) is called impedance of the element.
Similarly, I(s) = Y(s)V(s) is called admittance description. (Y = 1/Z)
Y(s) is called admittance of the element.

The following are time domain and Laplace domain equations for passive elements: resistor,
capacitor and inductor assuming zero initial conditions.


Time domain V(t) =R i(t) V(t) = L di(t)/dt i(t) = Cdv(t)/dt

Laplace domain V(s) = RI(s) V(s) = (Ls)I(s) V(s) = (1/Cs)I(s)

Impedance Z(s) R Ls 1/Cs

Admittance Y(s) 1/R 1/Ls Cs

1.6. Network Functions

Network function is the ratio of zero state response (initial conditions = 0) to the input
(excitation) both in Laplace domain. There are two sets of network functions:

Deriving-point functions

If the excitation and response are measured at the same set of terminals (port), the network
function is called deriving-point (Dp) function. There are two deriving-point functions:
Deriving-point impedance (Zdp) and Deriving-point admittance (Ydp).

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Consider the following 1-port and 2-port networks.

All are in Laplace domain

Transfer function
Measurements are taken at different ports. For example, for the above two-port network, the
transfer functions are given as:

All are in Laplace domain

Details of two-port network functions will be covered in chapter-4
Problem 1
Find the deriving-point impedance and admittance functions for the following network

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Problem 2
Determine Z11(s) for the following network.

Deriving-point functions of linear, lumped and passive elements (resistors, inductors and
capacitors) are rational functions of S (Laplace domain) with positive and real coefficients.

1.7. Important definitions and mathematical representations

1.7.1. Poles and zeros of rational function (Laplace domain)

We have seen that network functions are rational functions of s, and the generalized network
function can be written as:

By factorizing each polynomial, the above function can be written as:

Where z1, z2… zn are n roots of the polynomial P(s) and p1, p2... pm are m roots of the polynomial
Q(s). The roots of polynomial P(s) are called zeros whereas the roots of the polynomial Q(s) are
called poles. In complex frequency domain, a zero is denoted by a small circle and a pole by a
cross. From the above equation, H(s) becomes zero when s is equal to any of the zeros and H(s)
becomes infinite when s is equal to any of the poles.

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 When the degree of P(s) is greater than the degree of Q(s), then H(s) goes to infinite as s
goes to infinity; and hence, H(s) is said to have pole at infinity.
 Similarly, when the degree of P(s) is less than the degree of Q(s), then H(s) goes to zero
as s goes to infinity; and hence, H(s) is said to have zero at infinity.
 Poles and zeros at s = 0 and s =∞ are called external critical frequencies, and other
poles and zeros are called internal critical frequencies.
 H(s) is said to have simple poles and zeros when the poles and zeros are not repetitive,
otherwise the network function may have multiple poles and zeros.

H(s) can have three types of critical frequencies (poles and zeros)
 Poles and zeros at s = 0 and s = ∞
 Poles and zeros at real frequency (σ). These poles and zeros have the form of
(s+σ1) during factorization.
 Poles and zeros at complex frequency (σ + jω). These poles and zeros have the
form of (s - σ1 - jω) during factorization. For network functions, these complex
poles and zeros exist in conjugates so that the product of these terms [(s - σ1 - jω)
x (s - σ1 + jω)] gives the term (s2 - 2 σ1s+ σ21+ω2).
For poles and zeros on the jω –axis, σ is zero so that the above term is reduced to (s2+ω2)

Example 1
Find its pole-zero plot for the following transfer function.

Problem 3
A transfer function is given by

Find its pole-zero plot.

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1.7.2. Partial fraction expansion and residues
Consider the general network function.

When the denominator polynomial is factorized, H(s) can be written as:

Partial fraction expansion is done by breaking up H(s) in to sum of smaller functions each
containing a pole. The partial fraction expansion of H(s) is given as

Where, q(s) is the quotient polynomial found by long division.

In the case of passive network functions, degree of the numerator (P(s)) will not exceed the
degree of (Q(s)) by more than one, hence the quotient polynomial will be a 1st order or less
polynomial so that H(s) can be written as:

Ko = (1/s)H(s) |s = ∞
K1 = (s-p1)H(s) |s = p1
K2 = (s-p2)H(s) |s = p2 ...

The constants Ki are called residues of the poles.

The term Kos exists only if H(s) has a pole at infinity.

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Where the first term is a constant and the rest are functions each of which consists of a pole from
H(s). In other words, subtracting any of the functions from H(s) removes the corresponding pole
so that we say a pole is removed from H(s).

When H(s) contains jω –axis poles and zeros, it can be written as:

And its partial fraction expansion will be as follows:

Example 2
Find partial fraction expansion of the following admittance function

Problem 4
Find partial fraction expansion of the following impedance functions.

1.7.3. Continued Fraction expansion

Continued fraction expansion of a network function is accomplished by long division where the
division continues by taking the reciprocal of remainder functions.

The polynomials qi(s) are quotients of the subsequent divisions.

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Example 3
Express the following impedance function using continued fraction expansion

Problem 5
Find continued fraction expansion of the following impedance function.

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