NURS 0126 Applied Ethics For Health and Public Health

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NURS 0126 Applied Ethics for Health and Public Health

Guided questions/topic for the essay assignment

1. As part of a public health initiative 'all children should be vaccinated

prior to starting primary school?'
a. Harper J W (2005) Informing Education Policy on MMR: balancing individual
freedoms and collective responsibilities for the promotion of public health Nursing
Ethics 12 1 43-58

b. Wearmouth EM G463(P) Children, vaccination and UK law and UK law Archives of

Disease in Childhood 99 1 193

2. Should taxation on alcoholic beverages be increased as a public health

a. Beauchamp D E (1976) Exploring New Ethics for Public Health: Developing a Fair
Alcohol Policy Journal of Health policy and Law 1 3 338-354

b. Rice and Drummond (2012) The price of a drink: the potential of alcohol minimum
unit pricing as a public health measure in the UK The British Journal of Psychiatry
201 3 169-171

3. Should health promotion campaigns use coercive measures to tackle

public health issues?
a. Gordon R, McDermott L, Stead M & Angus K (2006) The effectiveness of social
marketing interventions for health improvement: What's the evidence? Public Health
120 12 1133-1139

b. Wardrope A (2015) Relational Autonomy and the Ethics of Health Promotion Public
Health Ethics 8 1 50-62

4. To what extent should public health policies interfere with personal

choice for Public Health and wellbeing interventions?
a. Gostin L O & Powers M (2006) What Does Social Justice Require For The Public’s
Health? Public Health Ethics And Policy Imperatives Health Affairs 25 4 1053-1060

b. Childress J F, Faden R R, Gaare R D, Gostin L O et al (2002) Public Health Ethics:

Mapping the Terrain The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 2 170-178

5. Should parents be made to protect children from unhealthy food choices

that can cause them harm and provide an environment in which they can
lead healthy lives?
a. Scaglionli S , Salvioni M & Galimberti C (2008) Influence of parental attitudes in the
development of children eating behaviour British Journal of Nutrition 99 1 22-25

b. Holm S (2008) Parental Responsibility and Obesity in children Public Health Ethics 1 1

6. Should virtue ethics underpin healthcare professionals’ ethical decision

a. Curzer H J (1993) Is Care a Virtue for Health Care Professionals? Journal of
Medicine and Philosophy 18 1 51-69
b. Gardiner P (2003) A virtue ethics approach to moral dilemmas in medicine Journal of
Medial Ethics 29 5 297-302

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