Digmatikan 2024

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Title: "Harmony in Diversity: An Interdisciplinary Culmination" DIGMATIKAN

Objective: To showcase collaborative learning across various subjects through the creation of a
unique, culturally-inspired product.

Instructions: Students will form groups of 12, each representing a different subject area. The
goal is to collaboratively create a showcase titled "Harmony in Diversity," where each subject
contributes a component to a cohesive whole. The theme for this collaborative project is centered
around Asian literature, incorporating elements from Filipino Role Playing, English One Act
Play, Science and Health Rescue Operation/Volcanic Activity, Physical Education Tango and
Jive Dance, Music Asian Song, Arts Neo-Classical Architecture, Math Geometrical Figures,
Computer Digital Poster, TLE, and Aralin Panlipunan's Asian Salad Making, and ESP Value

Tasks for Each Subject:

1. Filipino (Role Playing):

o Create a short role-playing scenario inspired by a notable piece of Filipino
o Perform the role play during the showcase, incorporating Filipino values and
cultural nuances.
2. English (One Act Play):
o Draft and perform a one-act play inspired by an Asian literary work or theme.
o Emphasize linguistic diversity and cultural richness in the dialogue and plot.
3. Science and Health (Rescue Operation/Volcanic Activity):
o Develop a simulated rescue operation or response plan for a volcanic activity.
o Present the scientific principles behind volcanic eruptions and the health-related
challenges in the aftermath.
4. Physical Education (Tango and Jive Dance):

 Choreograph a dance routine combining elements of Tango and Jive, incorporating Asian
dance styles.
 Emphasize the physical fitness benefits and cultural significance of the chosen dance

5. Music (Asian Song):

 Compose or select an Asian song to be performed during the showcase.

 Consider incorporating traditional instruments or vocal techniques from diverse Asian

6. Arts (Neo-Classical Architecture):

 Create a visual representation of a neo-classical architectural structure inspired by an

Asian city or historical site.
 Explain the architectural elements and cultural significance during the showcase.
7. Math (Geometrical Figures):

 Design and display geometrical figures representing patterns found in Asian art and
 Explain the mathematical concepts behind the chosen figures.

8. Computer (Digital Poster):

o Design a digital poster that visually represents the collaborative project.
o Integrate multimedia elements, graphics, and information from all subjects.
9. TLE (Asian Salad Making):
o Prepare an Asian salad during the showcase, using ingredients inspired by diverse
Asian cuisines.
o Discuss the culinary techniques and cultural influences in Asian salad making.
10. Aralin Panlipunan (ESP Value Integration):
o Integrate essential social and ethical values into the entire showcase.
o Emphasize the importance of unity, respect for diversity, and cultural sensitivity.

Showcase Presentation:

 Each group will present their component during the collaborative showcase.
 Emphasize the interconnectedness of subjects and the richness that diverse perspectives
bring to the final product.


 Evaluation will be based on creativity, collaboration, integration of subjects, and

adherence to the Asian literature theme.

This interdisciplinary performance task encourages students to explore and appreciate the
interconnectedness of various subjects while celebrating the diversity within Asian literature and

nterdisciplinary Showcase Rubric

Criteria Exceptional (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
deep Shows a strong
Exhibits a basic Limited
understanding grasp of Asian Fails to
understanding of integration of
Content and integration literary themes integrate Asian
Asian literature Asian literary
of Asian in most literary themes.
in some subjects. elements.
literature across subjects.
all subjects.
Mastery Displays Demonstrates a Shows Exhibits basic Lacks
mastery of good command competence in proficiency in proficiency in
subject-specific of subject- subject-specific subject- subject-specific
knowledge and specific knowledge and specific knowledge and
Criteria Exceptional (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
skills in the skills. skills.
knowledge and knowledge and
skills. skills.
Shows Lacks
diverse Asian
creativity in Demonstrates Limited creativity;
Creativity incorporating some creativity creativity in presentation is
Asian cultural in presentation. presentation. dull and
elements. uninteresting.
engagement and
Exceptional use
Limited use of Poor
of props, Effective use Adequate use of
props; may not management of
enhancing the of props, props, though
Management contribute props; detracts
overall contributing to some elements
of Props significantly to from the
presentation the overall may be
the overall
and thematic presentation. inconsistent.
presentation. presentation.
Presents a Demonstrates a
Narrative flow Narrative lacks
seamless and good narrative Presents a
is weak; cohesion;
well- flow with narrative with
Flow of the transitions difficulty in
coordinated smooth some disruptions
Story between understanding
narrative flow transitions or
subjects are the overall
that enhances between inconsistencies.
abrupt. story.
understanding. subjects.
Exceptional Effective Poor
Adequate Limited
presentation of presentation of presentation of
presentation of presentation of
the Asian salad, the Asian salad the Asian
Salad the Asian salad the Asian
creatively with good salad; lacks
Presentation with some room salad; lacks
integrating attention to attention to
for culinary
diverse culinary culinary
improvement. aesthetics.
ingredients. aesthetics. aesthetics.
Exceptional Effective Poor
demonstration demonstration Adequate demonstration
of rescue of rescue demonstration of of rescue
of rescue
Rescue procedures with procedures rescue procedures;
Procedures a clear with a good procedures with little
lacks clarity on
understanding grasp of room for understanding
of the scientific scientific improvement. of scientific
aspects. principles. principles.
Dance Exceptional Effective dance Adequate dance Limited dance Poor dance
Presentation dance presentation presentation presentation; presentation;
presentation, with good with some struggles with lacks
seamlessly integration of inconsistencies integrating integration of
combining Tango and Jive in style Tango and Jive Tango and Jive
Criteria Exceptional (5) Proficient (4) Competent (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
Tango and Jive integration. styles. styles.
with cultural styles.
Effective Adequate Limited Poor
musicality with musicality with musicality; musicality;
showcasing a
a good room for struggles with lacks
Musicality understanding improvement in integrating understanding
of diverse incorporating diverse Asian of diverse
of diverse Asian
Asian musical Asian musical musical Asian musical
elements. elements. elements. elements.
Exceptional Limited Poor
integration of
integration of Adequate integration of integration of
social and
social and integration of values; lacks values; little
Values ethical values,
ethical values, some values, emphasis on emphasis on
Integration promoting
fostering unity with room for unity and unity and
unity and
and cultural improvement. cultural cultural
sensitivity. sensitivity. sensitivity.

Note: The rubric assesses each group's performance based on the specified criteria,

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