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Milestone Category

Sr. No. Questions Owner

Asset Information
1 How many Servers are in scope of Support ?
2 Number of Production/Development/test Server ?
3 How many servers are infrastructure/application/database servers?

4 How many servers have cluster support & which clustering Supervalu
technology is used ?
5 Provide details of the application/database running on respective
6 Who is managing the application/database? Respective Teams
Contact Details ? Details of the support matrix ?
7 How many Printers are currently supported ?
8 Who should be contacted incase of printer hardware failure?
10 Give Details of the hardware/Software support contract of servers

11 How many blade servers are present? Provide details regarding the
12 Provide Vendor contact details along with support levels & support
13 How many servers have reached End of service life ?
14 How are these servers managed incase of any Hardware/software
15 Who takes care of the warranties/renewal of support contracts of Supervalu
hardware/software ?
16 What is the current process followed for the servers that are not
under hardware warranty from any vendor?
17 Provide Details of datacentre/network layout
What are the storage used and to which servers it is connected?
How many tape drives are there and connected to which servers?
23 What is the process for server/hardware upgrade?
24 Physical/Logical port details for each server?
25 How IPs are allocated to new server build (DHCP/Manual)?
26 Licence details of all hardware and software? Supervalu
MRKT2/MR Operations/Technical Sr. No. Questions Owner
KT3 support
1 How many servers are equipped with Remote consoles to connect to
the server from offshore in case console access is required?

2 What are the various tools available for remote connectivity?

Terminal server/Drac etc?
3 Please provide the details of format, contents, distribution list &
frequency of weekly& monthly reports ?
4 Please provide the details about the monitoring tools installed on the
servers and services monitored along with runbook
5 Provide a list of agents that should be running on the server along
with agent installation procedure?
6 Provide agent configuration settings like server to be
used,ports,authentication protocol etc
7 How are all event, warning, alert,current threshold and alarm
messages managed and for which tickets are to be raised?
8 Is there any automated procedure in place in Monitoring system to
inform the resolver group (sms/email etc)?
9 What is the notification/escalation procedure followed in case of
10 Provide the incident & service requests of last 6 months with SLA
details for the servers ?
11 Please provide the complete list of categorization used in Incident
12 What is the current naming convention for Prod/Dev/Test Server?

13 Is there a provision of maintenance LAN for Backup/Maintenance

14 Provide Routing Details Prod/Maint LAN?
15 Schedule for weekly reboot/maintenance ? Supervalu
16 what all system resources are monitored curently & what is the
threshold & severity level?
17 What actions are to be taken when the threshold levels are
18 what is the process to disable alert monitoring incase of know
19 Does the current monitoring tool ignore server downtime for
scheduled weekly reboots/activity.
20 Provide the list of reports that have to be generate as part of
monitoring process ? Provide previously generated reports
21 what are the tools used for system auditing/logging ?
22 Is there a common repository to store all the log file ?
23 How frequently are these log recycled?
24 What are activities are audited as part of system auditing ?
25 Are the applications/database running on the server started
automatically after system reboot or it has to be done by manually
executing the scripts
39 Provide the standard server hardening procedure
40 Provide detailed documentation of security settings applied
,patching history, services running on the server under SOX/PCI
41 Explain the architecture diagram/setup for critical servers
42 Provide details about the physical location of each server
46 Who is responsible for adding & deleting of zone information ?
48 How many server have SAN boot disks ? How are they configured ?

49 What are there any configuration changes to be done before

allocating SAN boot device ?
50 Provide Boot device order settings for all servers
51 What are the RAID configuration of the local hard disk on the
52 How is the SAN multipathing configured? Active-Active or Active-
53 What kind of algorithm is defined in SAN multipathing for read/write
54 What kind of alert monitoring is in place to detect failure of 1 or
both paths to storage?
55 What are the various disk I/O related system parameters changed
for the LUNs assigned from Storage?
56 What are the RAID configuration of the LUNs used for Prod/Dev/BCV
requirements etc?
57 What are the various BCV/Mirror configured on Storage side for
backup/business continuity purpose?
58 What is the frequency for taking the BCV/Mirror and the LUNs for
which it is configured?
59 Is remote storage replication (ex SRDF) in use to replicate data at
DR/Remote site?
60 What are the NIC configurations on the servers?Duplex etc
61 Firmware/BIOS level of all the servers?
62 Frequency for upgrading firmware/bios? Procedure for the same
63 What are the various firmware/bios/obp/sms level settings done on
the servers?
64 details of system performance report generated for the last six
months ?
65 details of the process used for creation of new user/common
accounts ?
66 What is the approval process for user id creation?
67 Userid naming convention & default password convention
68 Details about the approval process for password reset of individual /
group user ids
87 How is the Cluster Node configurations designed ? (Act-Act,Act-
Pas,N+1,N+M etc) and architecture diagram for the same.
88 Details regarding cluster such as shared storage,failover mechanism
for application packages on cluster.
89 Which network is used as heartbeat lan ? Is it isolated or used for
other purpose as well ?
90 Is there any alert mechanism in place for split-brain syndrome and
what is the procedure to recover from such state?
91 Quorum is provided by disks or some specialized software? In case
of software,administration activities on the same.
92 Scheduled for maintenance/reboot of servers in cluster and
procedure for the same
93 What are the standard System,I/O,Memory,TCP/IP parameters
changed (along with the values) for the installation of applications
like Oracle,Websphere,Other DBs/Apps etc
94 What are the various automation script in use.Provide the details in
terms of business objective,usage,input-output etc
96 Provide the physical startup/shutdown/reset procedure for all types
and models of H/W
97 What are the different application/services restart requested by
customer?Procedure and SLAs for the same
98 What are the standard LVM/SVM/VxVM level parameters along with
the values and naming standards?
101 Audits done in the past (What kind of data is collected/provided?)

102 Is there any account lockout policy? If yes what is the policy?
103 Provide the list of which servers are decommissioned and for what
104 Which performance monitoring tool you are using for disk space
utilization, memory, CPU, etc.?
105 What type of application is used for backup(e.g script or
106 What is the antivirus server for windows/Unix server?
110 configuration details of backup agent?
111 Restoration Policy for os or any other backup?
113 Is Internet accessible from any servers?
115 Is TCP wrapper configured on servers?
116 Is SMTP configured on servers?
117 Which mail client is used for SMTP?
118 Which mail server is used for SMTP?
119 How do you transfer/access data from unix to windows servers or
120 Is ftp access is allowed on servers?
121 Are the servers added to any domain?
122 Is IP filtering enabled on servers?
123 Oracle Grid Finance server administration
124 Script automation details
125 M4k and other high end server hardware racking, installation
126 M4K system administration
Management/Admini Sr. No. Questions Owner
1 What are the tools used for performance measurement?
2 What parameters are been monitored
What are the current threshold set after which an alarm is
What is the process to tune a system parameter incase of
performance degrade?
5 Where is the repository for system performance data stored?
6 How to access the performance data repository
7 Provide performance report for the last 6 months
Provide list of standard NFS shares on the servers and clients uding
11 Provide the application usage and dependencies for NFS shares
17 Is there any tool is use for patch management?
How are the patches applied to system? Which policy is used?
Conservative or Latest Patches?
Downtime is provided for patch upgrade activity specifically or has
to be managed under standard maintenance window?
Patch release history of all server and list of issues which were
caused by Patch upgrade
Provide details regarding the testing of patch and test
21 environment.How many days/weeks to wait before releasing the
patch in production?
22 What is the process and procedure for emergency patching?
25 Rollback policy for patch not suitable?
Is there any inventory of current/latest patch level updated on all
servers currently patched?
27 Which type of Application is used for virtualization?
What are the guidelines/policies for assigning SUDO,RBAC access to
normal users?
Provide details regarding RBAC,SUDO access given to normal users
Is RBAC(Role Based Access Control) is used currently on all the
servers(for Solaris)?
ACL(Access Control List) for filesystems/directory currently set on all
the servers.
Any Startup/Shutdown procedure for all the servers at the time of
33 Print server configuration details ?
34 How is print queue managed?
35 Which files/directories are presently shared on servers?
36 Are CD/DVD drives enabled on all unix servers?
37 Any Change request required to enable CD/DVD drives?
MRKT7 Database Support Sr. No. Questions Owner
Provide details of servers that have Database running on them along
with number of instances & their names ?
2 Provide business description and importance for all the databases
3 Provide contact details of DBA teammembers
4 Details about the database backup schedule for these servers ?
what is the level of support currently provided as part of database
support ?
What level of support is provided and expected from Midrange team
in case of DB Patch application etc by DBAs?
7 Is Oracle RAC in use? Provide details on the same
8 Standard Database installation procedure ?
10 Details about space utilization of database on each server?
Incident & Problem
MRKT8 Sr. No. Questions Owner
1 Which tools are used for incident management & how to use those?
details of the existing policies & procedures for incident/problem
management process
Sources from where we get incident calls e.g
servicedesk/enduser/operations/system generated alerts?
4 What is the process of routing ticket to other queues?
Problem Mangement Poclies in place for eleminating recurring
What is the criteria for doing RCA's ? Is it done for all P1/P2
incidents ?
7 What are the SLAs governing RCA submission?
How are the RCAs tracked/managed? Any special tool used for the
what are the (approval) processes followed incase of service request
10 What are the SLAs governing request fulfillment process ?
11 Details of incidents & SR for the past 6 months
12 Is there any known error database in place?
what the current escalation metrics & how are the severity levels
classified ?
Are there any VIP/Priveleged users whoes issues are to be
addressed on priority ?
15 What are the SLAs governing such VVIP requests?
16 What type of ITIL processes do you follow?
17 Where is CMDB?
18 How is capacity planning done?
19 What are the best practices you are using at present?
MRKT9 BC & DR activities Sr. No. Questions Owner
1 What are the policies & procedures for DR/BC
Provide details roles/responsibilities and contact details specific to
How many infrastructure and applications are under the scope of
DR/BC along with RTO/RPO timelines
What is Processes/procedures necessary for Change management
and Capacity planning of DR equipments
What is the Escalation procedure, communication channels during
6 Provide DR Performace report after the occurrence of disaster
7 What are the recovery procedure & tools used at DR Site
8 Please provide reports of previous DR/BC drills
What is the frequency for conducting BCP(Business Continuity
Planning) drills?
IMAC process Sr. No. Questions Owner
1 Provide the details procedure for soft and hard IMAC activities
2 What is the process for moving server between DC
What is the process for commissioning & decommissioning of
What is the timeframe between server decommissioning and
5 What are the policies and procedure for disposal of the servers?
6 What are the policies and procedure for the reuse of the servers?
What are the different test done on H/W(new/reuse) before being
certified for use by business?
What are the various precautions taken during IMAC to prevent
damage to equipments ? Ex Antistatic bands etc..
Any tool used for erasing the data on local disks before
reuse/disposal? Details regarding the same
Any tool used for erasing the data on tapes before disposal/reuse?
Details regarding the same
11 Provide the details for adding or changing IO cards/peripheral
Process for installation of new server . Is there any standard
document that is followed
13 List of S/Ws which are part of standard system build(Agents etc)
Is new system built done manaully or is there any automated
15 What are the SLAs in place for new system/image build?
16 What are the SLAs in place for installation of S/Ws?
17 Provide details for automated installation NIM/Kickstart/Jumpstart
18 How frequently are the system build images updated ?
Are there any specific parameters that are set for
Database/Application optimization during system builds
What the conventions used for server naming/ip addressing/routing
for producation/development servers
How is storage allocated for midrange servers ?? Do they boot from
SAN or only the data is kept on storage devices
23 Is there any process for new server hardware signoff
who is reponsible for installing database/application software during
new server build
25 What are the specific setting related to NIM servers?
26 What are the different SPOTs created ,its content and use?
27 NIM Client settings
28 Hos is the patch management done from NIM environment
How is the OS backup taken?Frequency? Standard directories to be
excluded from the Nim image.
30 Which LAN is used by the NIM Infrastructure?
31 What are the Pre & Post scripts for NIM client installation
32 What are the specific settings related to Jumpstart servers?
What are the different S/Ws added to jumpstart server ,its content
and use.
34 Jumpstart client settings
How is the OS backup taken?Frequency? Standard directories to be
excluded from the Flar image.
36 What are the Pre & Post scripts for Jumpstart client installation
37 Specific setting related to Kickstart servers
38 What are the different image sources and ks.cfg files?
39 What are the Pre & Post scripts for Kickstart?
How is the OS backup taken? Tool used?Frequency? Standard
directories to be excluded from the image.
41 What is the server naming convention?
42 What are the specific IO and Filesystem parameters set?
Are different network used for production/dev/backup
purpose?What are those?
Provide details on the test enviroment used for testing the new
system builds
45 Provide details regarding IBM lpars and lpar settings
Provide list of HMCs and details regarding the lpar configuration on
Provide details regarding the resource management settings for
48 Are Solaris Zones in use?
49 Which type of zones are used ? Whole root/thin/BrandZ?
Provide details regarding the server on which zones are configured
and zones configuration
How are the resources on the servers managed between zones?
Please provide detailed resource management configuration
52 What are the criterias for moving application to zones?
What are the different resource parameters identified and data
collected for the resource requirements of a zone?
54 What are the defaults settings for new Zones?
55 Provide details regarding the Vmware infrastructure in place.
56 Is it used for test purpose or production as well?
Which servers are migrated or due to be migrated to virtual
How are the resources on the Vmware servers managed between
VMs? Please provide detailed resource management configuration
59 What are the criterias for moving application to VMware?
What are the different resource parameters identified and data
collected for the resource requirements of a VMware?
61 What are the defaults settings for new VM?
Provide list of users who have access to VMware (client or web-
based) ?
63 Provide the level of access granted to such users?
69 What are the routes added on all the servers and for what purpose?
Any firewall need to authenticate to access client network(for e.g
telnet, ssh, website, etc.)
73 Is there any test procedure for checking image build on server?
Procedure for moving server between production and development
75 Paging/Swap/Dump device details of all the servers?
General rule for calculating the size of various OS related
General rule used while allocating swap space for the new system
Break Fix Sr. No. Questions Owner
Provide details about hardware vendor contact details & procedure
to log tickets with vendor
2 Details of server in warrany / non- warrany /End of life
3 Details of vendor contract types and response time/SLA provided.
How is the vendor SLA tracked and escalation matrix/procedure for
each vendor?
5 What is the Breakfix windows - for each server
What is the server break fix procedurefor server under non
7 Provide spare parts inventory details along with the location
Is there any system for tracking SLA for breakfix replacement ??
Provide details
What is the process for ordering new spare parts & for scrapping
broken parts
Provide the list of servers from past 6 months of the some
hardware(mem, cpu, etc.) is replaced
Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu

Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu

Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu
Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu
Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu

Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu

Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu
Response from TCS Tier2/Supervalu

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