2022.10.01 - News & Reading Comprehension

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Daily News

Science World News 1st October 2021

Draconid Meteor
Seeing a meteor - a ‘shooting star’- can be a
magical experience. But, it can also be a bit
Standing in the dark, getting cold and slightly
bored of waiting... Then, all of sudden, you think
you catch something out of the corner of your
eye. Was that it? Did I see one?
It really helps to know when and where to go
looking for them.
So, good news! The Draconid meteor shower is Photo: The Big Dipper on the right pointing to the
happening soon. star Polaris (the tip of the Little Dipper) on the left
It’ll be visible between 6th and 10th October. with Draco in between snaking its way down to the
It is called the Draconid meteor shower horizon and curving off to the left.
because it sort of looks like the meteors are
coming from a constellation called Draco. On the 8th, there will only be a thin sliver of
Moon and it will set early in the
What causes the Draconid meteor shower? evening. This means the night will
be even darker and that’ll help
• It happens when the Earth passes through the debris with spotting shooting stars.
Some meteor showers are best
left behind by a comet called 21 P/Giacobini-Zinner.
viewed in the early hours of the
• At this time each year, these tiny particles - some morning. However, the Draconids
no bigger than a grain of sand - burn up in our are best seen in the evening soon
atmosphere and create the meteor shower. after it gets dark.
Maybe, if you ask really nicely,
you’ll be allowed to stay up and
Draco, which means serpent or dragon, is one watch the dragon’s fiery show.
of the largest constellations in the night sky.
Despite its size, some of its stars are quite faint
so sometimes it’s hard to find. However, this long Glossary
dragon is near some more well-known patterns debris Scattered pieces of something.
which can help you find it.
Draco snakes its way between Ursa Major constellation A group of stars forming a
(the Big Dipper), Hercules and Ursa Minor (the pattern in the sky.
Little Dipper).
light The glow of lights on Earth
The best evening to catch the Draconids will
pollution that makes it hard to see the
be on the 8th so fingers crossed for clear weather.
night sky clearly.
Like all meteor showers, you’ll see more if you
can find somewhere away from light pollution sliver A small slice of something.
where you can see loads of sky.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. The debris from which comet creates the Draconid meteor shower?

2. Which of the following alternate headlines best summarises the article? (tick one)

Draco Constellation Hard to Spot

Scientists Discover Comet 21 P/Giacobini-Zinner
Shooting Stars Are Meteors Not Stars
Eyes Up for the Draconid Meteor Shower

3. Give the meaning of the word ‘faint’ as it is used in this sentence: Despite its size, some of
its stars are quite faint so sometimes it’s hard to find.

4. Which of the following definitions is closest in meaning to the word ‘snakes’ as it is used in
this sentence: Draco snakes its way between Ursa Major (the Big Dipper), Hercules and
Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper). (tick one)

More than one snake.

Untrustworthy people.
Moves in a straight line.
Moves in a bending or winding way.

5. Tick to show whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.

Fact Opinion
Watching meteor showers is boring.
The Draconids are the coolest of all annual meteor showers.
Light pollution makes it harder to spot shooting stars.
Some meteors are the size of a grain of sand.

6. Find and copy one piece of evidence that suggests the Moon won’t get in the way of people
viewing the meteor shower.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. The debris from which comet creates the Draconid meteor shower?
Comet 21 P/Giacobini-Zinner

2. Which of the following alternate headlines best summarises the article? (tick one)

Draco Constellation Hard to Spot

Scientists Discover Comet 21 P/Giacobini-Zinner
Shooting Stars Are Meteors Not Stars
 Eyes Up for the Draconid Meteor Shower

3. Give the meaning of the word ‘faint’ as it is used in this sentence: Despite its size, some of
its stars are quite faint so sometimes it’s hard to find.
Accept any reasonable answer which gives a correct definition of the term in that
context, e.g. It means dim or not very bright.

4. Which of the following definitions is closest in meaning to the word ‘snakes’ as it is used in
this sentence: Draco snakes its way between Ursa Major (the Big Dipper), Hercules and
Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper). (tick one)

More than one snake.

Untrustworthy people.
Moves in a straight line.
 Moves in a bending or winding way.

5. Tick to show whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.

Fact Opinion
Watching meteor showers is boring. 
The Draconids are the coolest of all annual meteor showers. 
Light pollution makes it harder to spot shooting stars. 
Some meteors are the size of a grain of sand. 
6. Find and copy one piece of evidence that suggests the Moon won’t get in the way of people
viewing the meteor shower.
Accept any reasonable answer which refers to the Moon being small or that it will have
set early in the evening, e.g. It says the Moon will set early in the evening.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

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