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chsove beloren the present snple present eantinucus for these bs depending on whether they are state or active nm Coote) right ana (yOU/ ove) hit (ook) lovely tn that new des 1 Thivsoup ‘ a= (yo see) whit | mein think) Wl have a vest | tired 6 Che) really damp today. snows Chave) a bath every r70°nIng A _____ (need) some new clothes for the winter 9. mahaid | Coat anew) the vane Lc the question. 10. Mychildren notf believe) in fies. 1. dane __ Gee) her daughter ext roanth. _— (vant) to go the USA for ou holidays. Kenjop) going to dcen “ (yousook’ at re Ike that? 15. ate) the wine for 03 nee 6 have) a geod 61 atthe moment 1 (you/think) about Sue's 2 house? 18 1 Gmc) wll, Can it dow please 19. Mary_______ (natfbe) a nurse, she's doctor 1. taped the weather is goor tamorrom My husband __ Calways/earte} the food while I'r9 cooking! ane Cyouhwant) a andr! 1 ____._. (have) a terrible taathache 24. Mem! That Goimell) nice What it? 25. oe cnn (have) a patty oext wecloand 26, Thatboe nee CN) ffce equipment 27. Sara think) of going £0 live ie France 28 Howmuch (itleos®! Jenny eee 1) the det now (you/undertand) thin exerese, Grammar LSE 1 Complete the dialogues with the comect present simple form ofthe verbs in brackets, 1 &__(you /g0} tothe gym every day? B:No,1______not go} everyday. |—__ go) tive times a week {Sam study) at yourschoot? not study thee. He study ata private schoo, 3. A:Does your mother (teach) Engh? 2A B:No.he. BiYes, she does, she aso teach French and Spanish. she — {be very good at languages. 4 _ (your parents / wor in tondon? No, they don't They both (wor in Oxford SA. (you practise] much before you perform anew play? Bes we (practise for weeks before the fist performance. andthe director (rake) ae of changes 2 Complete the voice message with the comec present ‘continuous form of the verbs in brackets, ‘Hi Steve! Its Sean, How are things? hope you are ell (you / have) a good time in ull? (eal fom my grandparents! house in Comwall My sister and? (stay) here fora couple of weeks, and we * —__ (enjoy) it tot.1*_(plan) to ‘study for my exams latr, but now (Gelax). i not totally lazy, though = 1. (run) every morning. Jake and I ‘___ (think) about spending a month in ‘Spain. Would you Uke to go with us? Let me know! Wel the sun (shine) so thine 70 go fora walk. Bye! 3 Match sentences a-Fiththe uses of the present tense (6). 1 something that happens regulary =] 2 verbsnotusedincontoucus tenses 3 something rapperigat this moment 4 stating factor law Q 5 somethingrappering acundthstime C) 6 future plan o 2 lamleaing for London st 63m teatro b Thefarth oes round the son « (always ly basket on Saturdays, 4 They arespenng alot of me together tes dys, € Ineedsome hep wth homeo # lockoutside-itssnowing! Contrast: present simple and present continuous can dlstinguish the use ofthe present simple and present continuous, 4 Complete the sentences withthe correct present simple or resent continuous form ofthe vrs in brackets. 1 feth__atleastone point in every game he plays (ore) a that they wl give Kate aplacecon the team (ble) 3 susan tofinish her homework today (ty) 4 Mydad______ chinese food tonight. cook) 5 My bother loves books. He book every weet. fad) 61 lof my old ends DVDs this week (wate 7 Sam__before 7am, even on Sundays (get up) 8 Lookout ofthe window Abig storm ' (come) 9 lis usually deo games when she gets home (pay) 0 hat youre saying, but don't agree with Ie understana) Complete the emall withthe correct present simple or resent continuous form of the verbs in brackets, Hi tawen How (te eveig ope you ‘har a rs tia at tl ca ti wk (eo my sare rome preiec. | i Emryeamne ve to ly Samer rds ara iron Alcs hips vn Wa gen abate _you/we/they? —Yes,you/we /they?_ No you/ wef hey aren't 3. Write two sentences with the ver be, one affirmative and ‘one negative. Whichs true or you? Which s false? WiteT orf. 1 We___atschool WoareatechoolT We ara 2 wjteacher very tal 3 1__\byearsald, 4 Myfrends ___allgts. 5 it__verycoid today, 6 My frends and|___inan English lesson, 4 SPEAKING Complete the questions withthe core form ofthe verb be. Then ask and answer the questions in pas. 1 __you hungry? ——ourteacher mae? ‘we atschoo? — your friend allat this school? ——youtighteenyensotat tem the Uk? 2 3 4 5 6 freyeuhungry? | Yes.12m /No.tmnot ‘»eGiommar Buller 8 pe 5 Complete the es thst bo. Use short forms. Use the lialoguein exercise 1to help you. What are the long faxms? {TEAR THist hove got {We use have got otal about postssons and fomily members Affirmative you fwe /they’____got he /sbe/it* Negative {you /we /they haven't got be /she it? got Interrogative Bo 1 you / we /they got? ashe /she it go? Short answers Yesthave./NoI§__ Yes he/she/ithas.No, he/she it hasnt. ‘Yes,you /we /they have. No,you /we/theyhaven' 6 Compete the sentences withthe corec form of have got, affirmative or negative, Make them tue fr you 11___ twa bothers 2 We amathsesson next, 3 Ourteacher shot hat, 4 bie ees, 5 Ourteachers big teachers room stn, Tick the things that Joe and Amy have got. — | a skateboard E Cae [asmarpioe | ator || | [ewes] me aaaak famyi|Yoll | Your 8 Write sentences about Joe using the information inthe ‘abl inexercise7. Use the correct form of have got. oe'syot.... He hasnt got {9 SPEAKING Complete the column fr you in exercise 7. Then askand answer in pairsand complete the olumn for your partner. Have you got? 10 SPEAKING Tellthe class about your partner, ‘Marianne hast got pet. 1h Grammar Bude page a2 Speal Talking about ability and asking for permission {can talk about ability and ask or permission. 1 (GHD Read and isten tothe dialogue. what Aes opinion of the gin the photo? What is Roses opinion? Alfie ove ie Let's stop arden. hiss a ret song. Him, Se int very good She ant sing Secon play the gar ell wel. Ad her voice set hac cart hear the words. But she's really young She's only fourteen orfeen Canyou pay the guitare hat? ‘No can't But cn play the piano, Come or, e's go. tio. wait. Rose What’sthe problem? ‘fle can' find my money. Can borrow please? ose. For er Realy? Oh, OK 2 Read the Learn this! box. Find an affirmative, negative and Interogativ form of can in the daloguein exercise Rose Alfie Rose Ale TEARN TH 6G. 4 Weuse cn total about aby. b The formot can isthe same forall persons you. he, she,we, et) Affmative: can pe foetal. Negative: Thy can'-hear you Interrogtive: an you dance Yes can. / Na lean, «Weal se can to ask for persion, Cantuseyour phone? Ys youcan /No you cant 3 Complete the sentences about the dalogue in exercise, Use the affirmative or negative frm of ca, 1 Thegit__playthe uta welt. 2 Rose hear the words of he song 3 Rose pythe guitar 4 Rose playthe pana, 5 Ale findhss money BERD inrcsucton 4 SpEAtamc. Workin pairs Ask permission todo the things below. Use Can. ? bomew your pencil use yourtetionary aska question stare your book copy your answer CCan\ borrow? Yes,yeucan./No youcant. + Giana Buds I page 22 5 VOCABULARY Complete the st of musical instruments. ‘Tre msing words are inthe dialogue in exercise. Then check the meaning fal the vod Instruments cornet drums fle keyboard p saxophone twumpet violin 6 HED tistenanddentfy the instruments. ariet 5 2 3 4 ‘> Veabuay Bur Haul wstroments page 77 7 vocaBuvaRy check the meaning ofthe verbs below. vate fou of hewn with petures I, ‘Action verbs. dance. play basketball / football / tennis Play the drums /clsrinetrdea bike /a horse skate Stateboard sing. sti speak Chinese / French / Spanish 8 writes questionnaire about ability for your partns. Write sixquestions with can, Choose verbs frm exercise and indlude one musi instrument from exercise. 1 Canyouplay th 9 sptaxac Workin pars Do your questionnaires, Make a note of your partners answers. Canyouplaytiewsin? | Noda, 10 sptaKinc Tel the cass about your partner, ‘Mina can't pay the voi, she ean TB | Past simple (affirmative) 1 compete the sentences withthe pst simple fom ofthe cone eis : _epatnsSath | foe] 4 [Bao inare_bot Losec mysiter MEH tothe shaping | allots erent as and ! cere whe ends She Loa4g. 9 OVD and {hei pes before! this one somebootsantihenthey 8A _tnchintown Fete say 2 [fnd_gve tae] \aya_—to Germany, history at Tester. FOV waetin the ste | nesta then apa ateicherin tio the plc station and " Desi {othe poe officer ee 6 [Bop feel say 3 [spendsteal_win H nothing when my fiend y ‘Ted 20% T5001 a competition and. pone bat oop rss the money on 8 new eye Unfetunsteh, now someone SCA the ing dy 2 Complete Tanya's email with the pat simple form ofthe vers in brackets (spend) alot, We have some sandviches ata smal cfeinthe pa and ther, ftelunch we of money ntlaods ch ea! Hope yous wel Lotsotleve Tau. Menge onto CSCIC) | tisen | Thanks for your letter We'e having greatholday here inthe UK. | Yer (glo tandon gestae? ak] asthe staan anathe?____ \ ‘inominPauingn Thetenjaaney® elearning We? ———(aoaloveyfaiyforn | Pru. They be) herein England on hay. We. {say} goadbye othe at Paddington andthe ve oan | 5 BEEONMG wok in groups. Pla ‘Spot the "wit seven true sentences and one fase sentence about your weekend. Use the past simple. Then rend cut your sntences tothe cher student n your group. ‘Can they spot te lie? | ted to ey aunt in Hong Kong ‘ought nw bag, Choc cake for eit LMRIY | roby pene Lent te cm. argh my ier Ion api in a competion Lent ce sain Solutions Tir Edition Pre-intermediate [BESS © oxford University Press Listening Unusual schools {con understand numbers, dates and times 1 Complete thetext about the West London Fee School Use 3. White the dates and years as we say ther. the words below, + di chan Scuba ew dogo punish study wear (x 2 o108. 3 1008 a0 5 2001 = ana ee 71995 8 200 4 (HED write the numbers you hear. ‘5 EEIEED usten and complete the sentences with the number, date or time you hear. (Write numbers not words ‘where posible) 1 mydateofbirhs 2 Schoolstarsat_—— 3 Thistermendson 4 Thereare______studentsin my school 5 | usualy have breakfast at ay {6 Mymumisbirthdayison 6 GARD listen toa student at the West London Free ‘Schoo! talking about the school. re the sentences tre (1) corfase 2 2 suena Teepe 1 na doesn ke seo C) ppiiratesis* ieee 2 Shelersamuseaintament.C] 4 She does homework before ne ‘homework every evening. every cay. (J + Ywocrs rave 0 log black 7 (@IED Uisten again. choose te comet answers. ove te te teachers Mary Peto 1 The schoolopenedin 220m, 200 em : 2 Scoot at roa 2830 vaso 950, Natesreyouewhow tes mesandmumbasare_ > Ashen lense dy : Spolen so tatu cnet thm eryauearthem | 8 < ee an zs 4 Thelessons ate mints ng 240 330 <6 2 HBB ead the UsteningStategy. Then litem and teh 5 hasta thetimes nd dates that yuan os ee a vams() bs ¢ ms) 6 She has dinner at. 2an0l) bon « nsof) 2 600. b 100. ¢ 900. 3600} 5530 C) < 6:00] as) bes 0 cms 5.2 m04z00 [) b 2042001 ( ¢ 204200 6 2 o4nszm0(} » os2702 C) ¢ os0s2020 0) 73 ny 200() b sly32000) ¢ s1niy 200) 8.3 eFetraty 2006.) b February 62016) Febwany206 el IB Lt Present and future tenses ‘con use different tenses to talk about the present and future. 1 SpEAKING Workin pars. Look atthe lst of annoying habits. Which annoy you the most? Which do you do? Some * checcthek male ptoe a het 1 gcariecltevtenmectg tes ‘empspeage etme © torrow ngs bt eer rene thm avo tat soa imetrst 2 EINE read andsten to the dialogue. which ofthe faults in exercise does Andy complain about? Do you agree with the adviceJesia gives Andy? Why? J Why not? Jessica Hi, Andy. You dott seem tos happy ‘Andy Oh it's Tom |hnow hesa friend, buthecan be realy annoying sometimes. Jessica What doyoumear? ‘Andy Wl ne never asks about wat m ding "HS hay talking aboutis fe and what he's gong to Go, buthe doesnt care about anyone else! Jessica Yes, le noticed that he never takesanintertin ‘the people Are you ging todo anything about? ‘Andy What can do? That’ the personality he got Jessica ‘Next time yousee him tel him tatit annoy you tel hf you want because ititates me tol Andy Perhaps should because his attitude isreally patting me fim fhe cat change is behaviour then dont se how we can sty fiends, “Qucfst esson temorow is Engh speak hm then Jessica Good idea. hes ely a good fiend, hew ‘etary ‘andy Wel thanks fr your advice. "plain tH this eveing adit ook it's going toa, so better gohiomeand ick up my wateroats Se you. Jessica OK Goodluck wth Tom! 3 Read the ea:n this box. Match the highlighted sentences (Tinexercse2 wth the structures (a-2) EAR THIS! Present simple nd continous ese thepsent snp: 3 forkabits androutines ‘fora permanent stustonerfact, “c fortmetables and scedes 4 infutre time clases fer when. as sons oft cre next tine et Weusethe present conirues: ¢ fr someting hoppering row or about ron £ for deserbing anoying behaviour wth anys 8 forfutearongements 4 Find more examples of the present simple and continuous inthe aialogue in exercise 2. Match them with the uses in ‘the iam tis! box. A 5. Complete the text with the corect present simple or ‘continuous form ofthe verbs brackets. More than one answer may be posible Irequentty'___ ox) my fends on my mobile phone, but Fm not ike some people who (aiwaye uso) their phones, ‘von when they __(go ou) with fonds. 1* (se) tat the moment because | (eoise) with some fonds tomorow our exams *_—___ (stat) on Monday) and we" to) to decize where to meet. Texting (help) you organise your ie, but shouldnt dominate ‘> Grammar Builder) page 12 6 Read the Lain tis! box. Complete the rules with willor ‘going to. Use the underlined examples from the dialogue in ‘exercise 2 to helpyou. LEARN THIS! will and going to (For redtions. we se: “) 8 ___whenitisbasedon what we can see or het, > when tis based on what we know ois justa guess, For plans, we use: ge hen we havealendy decided what todo. 4___when we decide what todo at the ‘moment of speaking. eWeuse tomake offers and promises. Grammar BulderE2 poge 22 Read the questions. Which present and future tenses ‘would you use to answer eachone? 1 What habits do you have that might annoy people? 2 What doyou dof someone has habit that are annoying? | What socal arangements have you made forthe next few days 4 What eventsin schoo do you predict forthe coming yea? 5 What plans do you have forthe next school holiday? 8 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions Inexercise7. Irtroeton CE at: 1 _) Exam Sl lls Trainer icacing seseny 1 wcort on inthe text yeu need se ‘i "over ofthe questions : riencasinthetextthat } ashen » “omparethe sentences wil tre questo au. the sentences truco Fle Se. athe stra 2th ol atthe statements below and reedshetist oa iv exerelse2 Undetine he samtence thet ‘ve einformation inthe slavements. i bey wr (ioe Fale Wht 1 Arthur Conia Cesk ve 2 ras: Joc: Helms before they feodthe © < Fd twue(n fale Fares friends en amas detectives, > thar ran Boe Thesegpesr the 9200 Vator hat mie rss tne stot or porn feane ef 02203 2a. ects ha twa men ach ones and sine ae bu they ae sue ie. Sin thw eae. Nation eine tele sn aie os rae Meal ae 3 fe stage ve rot ule diferent charace, ote is Mio sna he haa lak ers. Wis ons herp ane The tr Pt Wate ose ts tact. whan le rfatiro: opis eat, Watson ahs Wain aboat tn el steut his wok The woman os eo alee Nis Hudson, wh ds he azeem rv spr ast i tine dg detective > Wat Oo oe pe les eB fe tine ey ath ee be nese f aie Fist mee tet gon ges no sh we. Bathe ti seein ve ree fue wo Hg tage Mason Taettotse thir es hi ele dl, En Conan istetes tot oom than 6 es on oti aD BS Thy oonen 1 ookvey ferent.) stoi slvesn (He taing about imselé C) Wilscninow bat Holmesisa detective before he goes tobewitahiry (1) cond: cost fthe cooing and clearing for Hows sandvs ton C) 5 Watson alps > ves with is detective wor but he also sanethe 00 ‘Wolsens uel Io Holmes because hes adactor Holy sismar 4 but he doesn't five wit his wife. ‘Wal caliesi> Gale Steeflatinallofthe serock Holmes starie. [ x ening Siategy - Ffoevosten. > sine the key worn the £ eidth} abutw' a: he spears might say about 3 ead te Strategy then read the exam taskin exercise 4 ‘nd underline th: Ley wordsin the questions (AG). Match “Gut sheen nples below. Z muse yurte 2 owt cook ply ie gitar spaak Fench soi) quell sh texnaoet> cunt) Cory Sash lout i Spiegel d 7 fiend. pati sensible) 4 [BIEY) lstento “i: people talking about who they are ein hitomi. otehspeakers-6 with A-G.Thereis fees senten ce pea [sonra 3 peacer=(] sorakers Q) speaker C) Soeaker6 Q) ‘ej aye ome game asomereen ter : : fans ‘ has sume os someone ein the family. ms ke sore ein ther Fai. 1 has he samej>>a someone eben thet family F saois esomee2e'e intel family, but they have fier rest S | hae arp nly to someone ele inthe fai leo gromge> conealein thai family. = the Stialegy word that fist come oy tosusta 2 moth 4 mph ry ads dead the text and choise compte the ys. Father and sen gas aaah 3 73 chee eas a yen i et Sp sft tlh have Le fafa an ne! Ud uioang athena vaa a does 8 2 got 5 a sea a 5 anid Ba 6 A aunt ® 8 ben WA intst Speakiag suategy tev aly soi shase ou tthe »yoptitak complete Y ings Ten ok at the ‘ste sdude itisit ‘vember fist ceckthe + plete thesentences with the veoh got Bue eyesand sir abeadanda ut eur heliay-wee ging cots the dame and vs cect option A-c}to ih ge ‘ us in Mia UE Ene Spar et se ana Sh sige ve anand the i He ana Rebuge T vi! hed Ee ako ee ge hand gue. gst ‘neon hi Dos aight Eng n00 ne nse yes wether the ie Cote ve got speaks sons z we cis os Ceviques cis C proud «allowing oder: vor entres (ges, 7 poadthe strategy Then putthe sentences inthe core order =I. at rs eo (ep otsbo ood har and ue es. [Js ouses a ck and e's gota red sti. [Jiesverytal- out 90em=andhesqutethin, = 52 (Jie) blo etd anda moustache ia 8 fad the oxo te: « Declde who is Student Aand whois) 7 ~ bate oe ‘Students’ and B: Viste dawn the names of three famous te. pople dtc rt your partner see. S abe writing fe 4 eI covers oer ntmmeaneer © adte strategy then match two sentencesa-h with irtrodicionseiences 1 san eppye-rs OD 2 ipayt weston eetme. OO 4 Aton 2, usu belpwith the housework.) ‘A fmiresdy anc eryharéating, CID 2 ty ny bedroo ncn Saturday mornings. b tenjzyalingt= people ens cenye (Ia fat cshaasher ater dnne € frmintse sche tom. 4 fmnin\serat stl Gramma Schoo «We sorties ay matches at the weekend. he iwont agote. ovtywhen finish school, 10 bagine) aro ing fora summerjobina hotel Wet 1s penen.prflestoxt yourself poston ajbs web, Fred ifr ton below, «You nme ho youareand vnatyetyouarein ateveak Ws and in etme F Whit o.seye usually de athome, iy ourpercorsty isthe 3 | Solutions ‘bird Edition Lal L Mead! Unit 1 Short Test 1B Gr: nmat © Complete 1 sor too0s with the eorraet past simple form of te vor in brackets. yoo wa ev whe (at) gota fraps yin ste fay) her naband win 85 98 yo 8 oye nang (ake) my new 9 e , Mun ace ypatnenisn (eave our ot cue 1 Tet __ ‘war al th fends 909 po. Marke Complete the sialonve with tha correct past simple forms of he verbs unlow. There is one extra verb. te ge hove bse, Wy {soos te you OK? Yu look annoyed, lack am _—myvealet when 2 his mig. Rachel Ob, Via Jack oor. twit me in Bovveos Cet, co maybe sero Rachel yc yeu phone ham? ek local te cab eater utrbooy" the prone, Pacha ‘nine Vocabulary 41 Gompiete the sono" 20" with the adjectives bolow. There ao we axt: adjectives, lonesse) envous proud loved suspicions upset =) : Wey ane passed tebe cue et a he teppei ay lat nf cae Yeuvere —_____whonyou wach at ine You 4 The seo iste was ef son ve ws Mune [ensious rere erate: ‘har my breather dnt care i me ne, 4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 1) This s eatemsy «ile bit hot be earful 2 The wing vey bit nl, bu canal ead Jako stra ely et Wad sos going to bad ight ow Fm ate its yny ie 9ij-89 ante wat bg mea. © Those: 065-30 2 Live tthe expeniva— thee $100)

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