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A Voice that Needs to be Heard

● Angela Davis - socialist, Afro-American civil rights campaigner and author of ‘Women,
Race and Class’.
● grew up in segregation, fought against police brutality and white supremacy
● recent revival during the Black Lives Matter movement
● I firmly believe that her voice should be heard.

● Angela Yvonne Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1944.
● white supremacist and politician Bull Connor
● protests by the black community such as economic boycotts and marches led to
backlashes from the KKK
● the 16th street Baptist church
● “Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. Its
ugly record of brutality is widely known.”

Black Panthers Party

● African-American revolutionary party whose original purpose was to patrol and protect
African-American neighbourhoods
● The Marxist group that called for…
● by the late 1960s, amassed over 2,000 members
● Sacked from her job at UCLA, by Reagan

The Struggle against Government

● Shotgun story: 4 Deaths (judge, 2 defendants and student), tried for aggravated
kidnapping and first-degree murder, publicised by Aretha Franklin
● Became a political figurehead for activism from community leader
● what advice would she give the Black Lives Matter movement?

Recent Movements
● Burning the Minneapolis police precinct and removing the Edward Colston statue in
Bristol was not the ultimate answer.
● Building toward transforming the society we live in
● Waiting for another black male charismatic leader is looking in the wrong direction
● Radical organising among young feminists, emphasising collective leadership
● The effect of the masses creates a domino effect to instil change and inspire greatness
● Envision a new world, changed by your own actions
● Should not be shackled down
● “things would change…they would change and she (Davis) could be part of that change”
- Her mother
● things will not always be as they were, but the rate of change is up to the mind of the

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