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Visual Map dnew242424mts nbmes old25 new 30 for dnew789

Nb30 Nb30preduringpostexamwkupsbrses

Quizzes Hierarchy

dnew123 Per se

dnew456 Ct pod

dnew789 Beta4b (see 100’ in above)








Hierarchy of events in Descending (Flying Down) Order, with each progressive level up requiring a

greater than sca no 4.5 proficiency at the immediately a priori level

10 million’

-Usmle 2 ck- very high score- ie mean +2.5Sd level -official exam

1 million’

- Usmle 2 ck-nbme near pass right after usmle 1


- Usmle 1-pass- but if had been scored, would have at least been in the mean +1SD level (ct s 87%

correct on nbme)


-St James’ exam -met and exceeded benchmark by 13%

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-Nbme30 exam -achieved 79% (see mo), but immediately set to work with rcts based on beta4b from 04

11 reworked

- -Mo

- - -from beta 4b from 04 11 re worked for sta to finish- exam techniques


-Nbme30 visual map dnew### exam quizzes prep -mo, via immediately set to work with rcts based on

beta4b from 04 11 reworked

- -Mo

- - -from beta4b from 04 11 reworked for sta to finish exam prep techniques

- -Special beta4b insert

- [:" Reworked beta4b schedule as of 04 11 1201; we retain PST talk times conventions (HC must SMS

regarding nec prn talk mfics):


0. Dte no 10, 17:11

Dte no 11, just a 15:01 SMS SG to HC, that item 8a below is fully prepped

Dte no 12, 17:11

Dte no 13, 17:11

Dte no 14, 17:11

Dte no 15, _ _: _ _ tbd so does not conflict with in-transit status

Dte no 16, 17:11


1. 9 2. 17:12 onward 3. Visual Map dnew123456789101112131415 4. All are prepped at std level of

"exam now-quizzes," for each dnew### (thought experiment- Mo) as CT expected

5.'"Visual Map-" dnew242424mts nbmes old25 30 dnew1-21 score

6. All listed 5's are finally done in toto by 6b this is your beta1 of item31...please implement in full ;

-6b this is your beta1 run of item31... (See appendices 6b fb[ Appendices 6b fb -6b this is your beta1 run

of item31... - -thus please implement 31 now, in a practice of St James attempt Mo- EXAM is

NOW procedures.. - - -Some common sense liberties are allowable for 6b, for now]
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7a. 11th with a sta no ~15:01 for 7b with notice that 8 is ready at easytouse@gmx as well as SMS (I

guess it has to be received in airplane mode on flight I am doing a cc to easytouse@gmx that you

may wish to access frequently, once on board)

8a.Visual Map dnew242424mts nbmes old25 30 dnew1-21 score

8b. Get score only, and

8c allow for analysis at talk time Dte no 12 sta no 17:11

8d in fact, should also annotate the missed MCs (what is the total number missed, and do the usual

classif of foolish mistake, reduced to three, reduced to four, or wild guess of five answer options; and then

characterize them for each ct CVS in each dnew### esp was this a pretest type of tough, not from FA or

at least not from our notes missed MC? At this point then and even more importantly, was it from the

notes'-set for that dnew###, and get still missed?

Then what is our ct rct plan, especially if the missed MCs are from high yield ratioed cvses including SRS

cvses, and we're presented in the notes'-set, somewhere...

8e ct 8d 'what is our ct rct plan,': answer, per talk, is to simply denote said missed topics, CTL actings,

and even heterogeneous clonidines's sets, a priori ahead of that d###'s prep; now besides extra front

loaded attention, also create a backup review mo, via auto lmr notes of that content ie 'dnew22lmrs old1-

24spl extracts'

9.a "Visual Map-" dnew242424 mtst james-entire old n /a dnew1-21 score _ - 'correlated prep:

9b. Dte no 12th Sta no 00:01

10. Must create a priori on own for each new d###

11. Visual Map dnew23asitabulars old0's

12. Then in trenches operant conditioned to create for each dnew###

13. Visual Map new22lmrs old1-24spl extracts

14. But the first dnew### is

15a. Visual Map dnew0srses oldsrses and

15b Must finish all not yet finished SRSes too..

15c. If 11's a-si tabular calculation does not permit for 15b- for full-blown notes from pretests then cut

losses with predesignated FA or brs notes only

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16.a. Df to view the CT npd6 annotationals for each dnew###; Now proceed w/ Visual Map dnew 123 456

789 101112 131415 161718 192021, as ct St James prep

17. All are done by 18. Dte no 15 19. Fin no 09:01

20.Now from 21. Dte no 15, Sta no

22a 09:02 onward prep begins for 22b. "Visual Maps'-": dnewlmrs (stu's own needs total Hrs no 10)

23. dnewlmr brses 24. Vs the latter (SG's set) needs total Hrs no 28

25. All are done at std level of "known -all in-advance"- prep by

26. Dte no 27. 17 28. Fin no 02:01 (non caffeinated prep a priori will be conducive for a fatigue driven 4

hrs of sleep) 29. With a finale fully extracted lmrs'- set to "take to exam hall" and implement in full

30.'"Visual Map-" dnew242424 mtst james-entire old n /a dnew1-21 score _ . done by (with scores report)

31. Stick to basics prompt stem then back to body (its like reading the fa or Blackwell's block of

heterogeneous info on a case (aka clonidines).

Exam techniques: recall first for around 45% mcs (cases are plug in and not much of -ddx); remaining

40% not sure (-ddx level between 2 clonidines) then review left sided clonidines but beware of distractors,

and at least eliminate the crazy irrelevancies..

The remainder 15% are have no idea so just c down the middle (take my 20% correct and run to give me

more time on doubts elsewhere) unless I have a last gasp to eliminate one that is common sensically

impossible at the bags and sacs level), and annotationals for a return trip if time in the section permits...

no food in exam..

Just a granola bar or cookies with higher glucose is better such as pure sugar cereal bar bar at best with

no 5 h t containing Dairy or fat or cheese etc...

-10’ to +10”

- -Everything (with an attempt to precisely redux the quizzes taking mo from the past 6 days) is in the

easytouse dropbox, (using std labelling for ease of access), so as to allow for a deviation from the std

restrictional conventions in npd6; in word form if possible to allow for immediate stu annotationals that

should be memorialized for ensuring ascending hierarchical outcomes

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- -beta4b from 04 11 reworked is here too so as to provide an updated version of all smses since beta4

was smsed on 04 07

- - -an attendant beta4b pod has been uploaded as a ct labelled amr file to provide better context for in

the trenches activities

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