MCQ No.2 G9M 2324 Q501 600

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Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333



501. Florida __________ Georgia to the north.
A. is bordered B. borders C. frontiers D. boundaries
502. You can get more information at your local citizen’s advice __________.
A. bureau B. burglar C. burrow D. bureaucrat
503. It is an island two miles __________ the coast of Scotland.
A. far B. away C. of D. off
504. We expect good results __________ our employees.
A. of B. by C. from D. off
505. Forecasts __________ the economy are often misleading.
A. about B. of C. on D. to
506. __________ the lid and look inside the box.
A. Live B. Lift C. Lit D. Light
507. We went out to sea __________ the ebb tide.
A. in B. on C. of D. when
508. You can never entirely __________ even a “tame” leopard.
A. trust B. trustful C. trusting D. trusty
509. The plantation was devastated by a __________.
A. tycoons B. typhus C. typhoon D. typhoid
510. I must __________ you that some of these animals are extremely dangerous.
A. warn B. suggest C. advice D. ask
511. The chemistry book __________ was a little expensive.
A. that I bought it B. I bought that C. what I bought D. I bought
512. Do you have the book __________ the teacher?
A. that it belongs to B. to which belongs to C. to which belongs D. that belongs to
513. The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate __________ proposals called for higher taxes.
A. who his B. whose C. whom he had D. that his
514. Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, __________ taught us English composition?
A. who B. whom C. that D. which
515. I have three brothers __________ are businessmen.
A. that all of them B. who they all C. all of whom D. who all of them
516. Damage __________ the building could take six months to repair.
A. of B. with C. to D. for
517. Two churches were destroyed __________ fire last night in northeast Mississippi.
A. by B. of C. to D. with
518. The earthquake __________ the city at two in the morning.
A. happened B. hit C. occurred D. came


Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms)
519. The temple was destroyed in the violent __________ of 1470 BC.
A. erupt B. eruption C. erupting D. erupts
520. We were warned __________ drinking the local water.
A. about B. for C. on D. against
521. These proposals represent a dramatic __________ in policy.
A. shifting B. shift C. shifty D. shifter
522. Politicians just can’t be __________.
A. trust B. trusted C. trustfully D. trustfulness
523. The fish prefer a temperature __________ 24-27oC.
A. in B. at C. of D. on
524. Choose from our __________ range of bedroom furniture.
A. extensive B. extent C. extension D. extensively
525. The forecast __________ there would be sunny intervals and showers.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
526. The cooker __________ is displayed at that shop looks modern.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
527. “Were you able to locate the person __________ wallet you found?” “Luckily, yes.”
A. which B. that his C. whose D. that’s
528. “Why do you get up at 4:00 a.m.?” “Because it’s the only time __________ without being interrupted.”
A. when I can work on my book B. when I can work on my book at
C. when I can work on my book then D. at when I can work on my book
529. “You seem so happy today.” “I am. You are looking at a person __________ has just been accepted into medical school.”
A. who B. who she C. whom she D. whom
530. The movie __________ last night was terrific.
A. I went B. I went to it C. I went to D. that I went
531. Crops are sprayed with chemicals to prevent __________ from insects.
A. damaging B. damages C. damage D. damaged
532. The building work was completed on time, contrary to __________.
A. expect B. expecting C. expectant D. expectation
533. The building was __________ damaged by fire.
A. extensive B. extent C. extension D. extensively
534. He felt as if an enormous weight had been __________ from his shoulders.
A. lift B. lifted C. lit D. lighted
535. These climate __________ occurred over less than a decade.
A. shift B. shifting C. shifts D. shifters
536. Serve the wine __________ room temperature.
A. at B. with C. on D. by
537. This plant grows well in __________ above 55°F.
A. tempera B. temperate C. temperature D. temperatures


Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms)
538. Seals lie on the rocks __________ low tide.
A. at B. in C. of D. when
539. Can we trust you __________ John the message?
A. to give B. giving C. of giving D. give
540. The report warns __________ the dangers of smoking.
A. in B. on C. of D. for
541. “isn’t Peter Reeves a banker?” “Yes, why don’t you talk to him? He __________ be able to help you with your loan.”
A. must B. may C. could D. will
542. Please keep your voice down in this section of the library. If you __________ to talk loudly, I will have to ask you to leave.
A. continued B. could continue C. will continue D. continue
543. “Will you see Tom at lunch today? I’d like you to give him a message for me.” “I’m not going to lunch, but if I __________ him
later, I’ll give him your message.”
A. should see B. will see C. would see D. could see
544. “Why aren’t you going mountain climbing with the rest of us next weekend?” “To be honest with you, I’m lazy. If I weren’t,
I __________ with you.”
A. would have gone B. would go C. go D. will go
545. If I could speak Spanish, I __________ next year studying in Mexico.
A. will spend B. would have spent C. had spent D. would spend
546. If I had enough apples, I __________ an apple pie this afternoon.
A. will bake B. would bake C. bake D. baked
547. The __________ is due to take off at midnight.
A. aircraft B. airline C. airmail D. airport
548. During the war, he was imprisoned as an enemy __________.
A. alien B. alienist C. alienate D. alienator
549. The argument was far from __________.
A. conclusion B. conclude C. concluding D. conclusive
550. The rugged mountains in the distance were dark and __________.
A. mystery B. mysterious C. mysteries D. myth
551. We need a useful device __________ checking electrical circuits.
A. for B. on C. in D. of
552. How could he explain his abrupt __________ from the party?
A. disappear B. disappearing C. disappears D. disappearance
553. The timber is graded __________ its thickness.
A. with B. of C. on D. according to
554. Nobody hates you - it’s all in your __________!
A. image B. imagine C. imagines D. imagination
555. We looked at __________ books to choose the furniture fabric.
A. simple B. sample C. concept D. model


Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms)
556. “Isn’t Margaret’s daughter over sixteen?” “She __________ be. I saw her driving a car, and you have to be at least sixteen to
get a driver’s license.”
A. must B. might C. may D. would
557. Study harder __________.
A. and you would fail the exam B. unless you fail the exam
C. if you will fail the exam D. or you will fail the exam
558. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species __________ extinct.
A. became B. would have become C. will become D. would become
559. I would fix your bicycle if I __________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
A. have B. would have C. had D. will have
560. Sally would answer the phone if she __________ in her office right now.
A. were B. may be C. is D. would be
561. I __________ a student in this class if English were my native language.
A. wouldn’t be B. won’t be C. aren’t D. wasn’t
562. They spoke a language totally alien __________ him.
A. with B. to C. for D. of
563. She crossed the Atlantic by hot-air __________.
A. ballot B. ballet C. balloon D. balance
564. Can’t you claim __________ your insurance?
A. on B. of C. for D. about
565. He was crazy __________ me for letting the goal in.
A. at B. on C. in D. with
566. The new born young are helpless __________ and easy prey for birds.
A. creature B. creatures C. creaturely D. creates
567. The kidnapping charge was dropped because of lack of __________.
A. evident B. evidence C. evidently D. evidential
568. There was a fear that the club might go out of __________ for lack of support.
A. exists B. exist C. existence D. existing
569. The satellite will remain __________ orbit for several years.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
570. Stop being so __________ and tell us what happened!
A. mysterious B. mystery C. mysteries D. myth
571. “Overall, don’t you think the possibility of world peace is greater now than ever before?” “It __________ be. I don’t know.
Political relationship can be fragile.”
A. must B. may C. will D. would
572. If they go to the mountains next week, they __________ ski.
A. will be able to B. can C. would be able to D. must be able to
573. I will take you to the circus on Saturday if you __________ my car for me.
A. wash B. washes C. washed D. will wash


Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms)
574. If there __________ no oxygen on earth, life as we know it wouldn’t exist.
A. will be B. were C. is D. are
575. If there were only one village on earth and it had exactly 100 people, who __________ of?
A. will it consist B. would it consist C. was it consist D. does it consist
576. If I __________ more seeds than I need, I would give some to my neighbor.
A. had B. had had C. have D. would have
577. These timid little __________ exude a pungent smell when threatened.
A. creature B. creatures C. creaturely D. creates
578. He measured the room using an ingenious new electronic __________.
A. despite B. divide C. device D. devise
579. Wearing dark glasses gives him an air of __________.
A. mystery B. mysterious C. mysteries D. myth
580. The kids would answer back, and that drove her __________.
A. crazy B. madness C. craziness D. crazily
581. He’s terrified __________ spiders.
A. of B. to C. with D. about
582. Had I really heard a noise, or was I just __________ things?
A. image B. images C. imagine D. imagining
583. Few of these monkeys still __________ in the wild.
A. exists B. exist C. existence D. existing
584. She has considerable professional experience __________ translation.
A. of B. for C. about D. on
585. The containers are graded __________ size.
A. to B. of C. with D. by
586. “The speedometer on my car is broken.” “Do you think you’re driving over the speed limit?” “I don’t know. I __________.”
A. must be B. might be C. am D. can be
587. If you go to that disco, you __________ get into trouble with your parents.
A. will B. must C. would D. could
588. If you __________ how to use a computer, it will be hard to find a job.
A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. know D. wouldn’t know
589. If the polar ice caps __________, the level of the oceans would rise and flood coastal cities.
A. sink B. sank C. sunk D. will sink
590. I don’t have enough money, but if I had, I __________ buy that book.
A. would B. will C. can D. ⍉
591. I have to go to class this afternoon, but if I __________, I would go downtown with you.
A. had B. hadn’t C. haven’t D. wouldn’t
592. Not by any stretch __________ the imagination could she be called beautiful.
A. with B. of C. to D. on
593. Marjorie looked down at the sleeping __________ in her arms.


Thầy Giáo TRẦN THANH TÙNG – Facebook Page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG – SĐT: 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms)
A. infant B. instant C. inferior D. infancy
594. This is really __________ news!
A. marvel B. marvelous C. marvelously D. miracle
595. Modern forecasts try to take the mystery __________ meteorology.
A. from B. of C. among D. out of
596. She believes there is life __________ other planets.
A. in B. of C. for D. on
597. He tried to prove his theory __________ his friends.
A. with B. to C. for D. among
598. He rarely appears __________ public these days.
A. in B. on C. for D. with
599. The police are now following up a number of reported __________ of the missing woman’s car.
A. sight B. sighting C. sights D. sightings
600. At this stage, these are proposals and are still subject __________ change.
A. for B. to C. with D. of


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