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Student Feedback: Responses from Google Form

The following are questions I presented to students at the end of my student teaching, and
responses that give the most insight into my teaching and classroom.

Question: What did you like about Ms. Sharpe's class and teaching style?

“I don't what specifically helped me about her teaching, but when she taught I had done
better than I ever had in a history class, I think maybe her powerpoints and optional guided
notes really helped”

“I liked how comfortable she made the class feel and when she would lecture she would
make it sound interesting and wasn’t just speaking at us but actually informing us on the
effects of these historical events.”

“Understanding and kind. Teaches in a way that connects to students and isn’t just trying to
cram us with how to take a test, but teaches us lessons that we can take into our lives and
enjoy learning.”

“She’s very organized and knowledgeable about history and communicated the content in a
way that was easily digestible that set us up for success”

“There were a bunch of interactive activities that helped us get away from the usual lecture
style of a history class.”

“I liked all of the various games and activities we did. It kept me more engaged when we did
games related to the topic and remembered the material better.”

“Everything, she is super sweet and understanding which I don’t see in teachers much since
after Covid. She creates powerpoints and assignments that are made in a way to help you
understand better and provides EVERYTHING needed to do good on tests and treats her
students with respect”

“How kind she is and her method of relaying information”

“She provided us with lots of optional assignments which helped me comprehend the
material much better and I felt very prepared for the test. The class was also very inclusive
and I felt very comfortable in class.”

“I loved the games we played that contained class material. I do not retain information well
from lectures and articles, so the fun activities helped me learn and remember information for
my tests!”

“She explains things clearly, easy to talk to and ask questions.”

“She spoke clearly and directly, she made it easy to understand history and the settings they
took place in.”

“I appreciated that the lectures didn’t take all hour and we did more than just lecture every
day. I also liked how we did interactive activities and games a lot.”
Question: What do you wish Ms. Sharpe would change and why?

“I wish there was a little less lecture time and a little more time to work on assignments in

“I wish I had more organized study guides to do prior to the test to help even more to prepare
us for the test.”

“Maybe it was just because it was first hour but I felt people and myself included weren’t
really into the interactive or simulation games/assignments.”

“All I’d change is allowing more time in class for long projects like the genocide project, since
group members often either didn’t show up or communicate well.”

“I wish she would make us watch a documentary without answering questions.”

“More engaging group/class learning.”

“Some of the assignments felt a bit like busy work - not sure what else you would do for that

“Less lectures”

Question: What advice would you give to Ms. Sharpe's future students?

“She’s patient with her students so please give her the respect”

“Participate in the games! Even if you feel embarrassed or silly at first, it really helps.”

“Actually talk in class and don’t sit there in silence like our class.”

“Make sure you use study materials and listen into notes and you without a doubt succeed in
her class”

“Listen and follow along and you’ll do great”

“Do the optional work. It may seem tedious and long at some points but its very helpful in
comprehending the information, gives you a good grade cushioning, and better prepares you
for the tests.”

“Pay attention and be nice, Ms Sharpe is really nice”

“Study and have fun with the extra activities because not a lot of teachers do that”

“Don’t procrastinate, work will add up if you sit and wait till the due date, all of the work she
organizes can be done with good time management and the time she gives in class to work
on them.”
Question: Did Ms. Sharpe increase your interest in history? Why or why not?

“Yes, because she made it fun to learn and comfortable to learn it. Her demeanor in class
made it easy to ask questions or add to the discussion”

“I already enjoy learning about history and the past, but you made the content we learned in
class a lot more interesting and engaging than any of my other history teachers in high school,
which I really appreciated.”

“Yes she made everything seem so interesting and made me question things I never thought I
cared about”

“Yeah cause she put it in a interesting light”

“Yes! Again the extra activities were the most fun I’ve had in a history class. Honestly I have
never had a history class that did anything other than notes and articles.”

“I don't think my interest was increased but I did feel less stupid in the subject than I had in
previous years/ history classes”

“Yes, she made the class more interactive and interesting which made history more

“I think a little bit yes. She taught in a way that wasn’t just lecture, and the activities made it
more interesting.”

“Sorta, I don’t really enjoy history but it was better this semester.”

“Yes! The material was a lot of fun to learn and we got to learn it in fun ways. For example, we
got to learn about Joseph Stalin through a class activity where we were the loyal citizens who
had to look out for spies who could potentially report us to Stalin if we messed up any of the
rules. It was very interactive and an easy way to learn the information.”

“She did, she showed interesting documentaries and showed interesting points of history”

“I’ve never liked history so a teacher would have to like make a time machine and take us
back to the time period to make me like it”

“Yes my interest went down after APUSH but this class was a lot of fun and helped me
rediscover my interest in a few topics.”

“Yes! She speaks to us in a fun and engaging way.”

“Yes, she made history interesting.”

“Yes, she is not monotone and easy to follow. Also had tons of fun games that made it fun
and put us in the shoes of the people at the time.”

“No, I don’t really like learning about it.”

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