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Jurassic Park

It is an excellent movie, because from the beginning until the final it shows wonderful
places with a lot of action.
Especially when the movie starts with animals that the humanity believed than doesn’t
exist any more.
And the interest in money it is more important than all. That is the origin of the disaster,
because all the people does not know anything about dinosaurs, the reason is that the
humans and dinosaurs existed in different ages of the earth.

In the movie, the owners of the park were interested in the money. So they opened many
areas where lived dinosaurs and the tourist can visit the park in cars but the owners of the
park does not consider that the animals even have theirs instinct natural.

At the beginning all was nice, but when the animals attack the humans is the disaster,
because many people died, like kids, old people, and everything. The dinosaurs destroy all
the park.

These movie show us, that the most important thing is not the money; the animals have
their instinct natural and the humans can not change the genetic or the form the animals
live. The human only have to respect and appreciate the natural life.

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