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The objective of this lab activity is to measure the gain of a non - inverting operational


Experiment Title.

Student Name: Yuvraj UID: 21BCS4769

Branch: CSE(AIML) Section/Group: 120/A
Semester:1st Date of Performance:13/01/22
Subject Name: BEEE Subject Code: 21ELH-101

1. Aim: The objective of this lab activity is to measure the gain of a non - inverting operational

2. Apparatus:

S. No Apparatus Name Specification &Ratings Quantities in No.

2. CRO 0-230V, 30Mhz 1
3. CRO Probes -------- 2
4. Digital Multimeter -------- 1
5. Function Generator 10Hz to 1Mhz 1
6. Breadboard --------- 1
7. Connecting Wires As Per Requirement
3. Circuit Diagram:
4. Percentage error (if any or applicable):

No Error.

5. Result/Output/Writing Summary:
6. Sources of Errors

1. Due to internal resistance of multimeter.

2. Due to interruption of power supply.

3. Due to wrong connection of circuit.

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Identify the gain of inverting amplifier.

2. Design the circuit of inverting operational amplifier.

3. Verify the output voltage of circuit

Evaluation Grid:

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Worksheet completion including writing 10
learning objectives/Outcomes.(To be
submitted at the end of the day).
2. Post Lab Quiz Result. 5
3. Student Engagement in 5
and Controls/Pre-Lab Questions.
Signature of Faculty (with Date): Total Marks Obtained:

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