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Epic Valheim support:



5.0.9 - 5.0.11 INSTALLATION (optional):

Remove SimpleRecycling from the mod list

5.0.6 - 5.0.11 INSTALLATION (skip if done on 5.0.6):

New world and character recommended for most optimal experience

Alternative - not as good - options:

New world old character

Running Upgrade World to re-generate all the assets
Continue playing but with potentially glitchy assets

ONLY use R2MM for EV installation:

Simple upgrade from previous version - update using existing profile

Installing EV first time/reinstalling - create a new profile, new
world, new character


Using R2mm, create a new profile, new world, new character, no extra
mods, singlelpayer
If any issues persist, report it in EV Discord

Additional notes:

Unless a mod is broken, only update mods when EV patch releases

EV 5.0.9 - 5.0.11 RELEASE NOTES:

Non-boss creature health reduced by 25% across all tiers

Magic stave damage reduced by 33% across all tier variants
Eitr regeneration reduced by 50% across all sources
Equipment items can now be sold to the trader
Removed SimpleRecycling from mod dependency


Dvergr expeditions have now marked all the Primordial Veins they found with a
Further increased the spawn rate of following resources:
Primordial Pebble
Primordial Stone
Worldtree Seed
Worldtree Root
Fixed Enchanting table not granting resources back when disassembled
Fixed depreciated stave variants showing up in crafting section


All level Dvergrs now drop x10 common resources in addition to their regular
Fixed extra clutter and vegetation spawning in vanilla biomes
Fixed Handcrafted Shield having incorrectly reduced durability values
Fixed enchanted equipment loot tables having incorrectly high values
Fixed factions being set incorrectly on creature spawn



Dark Biomes now have unique terrain generation

Dark Biomes now have more clutter, vegetation and locations
Dark Biomes now have increased resource generation
Dark Biomes no longer have overly happy weather in rotation


Magic item droprate is now 50% instead of 100%

Increased Essence drop rates for 1/2 starred creatures
Golden Boar now requires 5 Boar Skulls, down from 10, Skull stack size
corrected to 5
Every creature now has the same faction
Dvergrs now have twice as much health and twice as less damage
Dvergrs no longer spawn on biome edges
Creatures above player level no longer display a red name (10+/- level


Disabled Recycling
Metals can no longer be bought
Fire/Ice staves now only have a single variant, costs merged
Movement speed altering enchants can no longer roll on staves
Handcrafted Shield now has further reduced durability
Gamble Tokens now can be sold
Crafting costs of majority of the assets have been doubled
StarterHouse Chest resources doubled
Decreased enchanting/augmenting costs

Bug Fixes:

Ghosts/Wraiths now properly follow normal creature loottable rules, and

elite lootables for Dark variants
T2 Dvergrs now have stats intended for T2 and not T3



Increased world spawn of the following resources:

Worldtree Seed (pickable)
Worldtree Root (pickable)
Primortial Pebble (pickable)
Primordial Stone (pickable)
Worldtree Trees now yield more Worldtree Wood when cut down
Added Enchanting Dust to trader
Regular bounties now provide 250 gold, down from 500
Elite bounties now provide x2 of Token rewards
Doubled the yield gained from crafting Handcrafted Arrow
Dvergrs now drop more Living Essence
Recycling no longer yields at least one resource, returned resource amount is
now up to 0.5
Enchanting Table and most of the enchanting functions are now available at T1
Moved Enchanting Table to Odin's Hammer
Frost Staves now have no movement speed penalty
Fire Staves now deal 0.5 of previous damage, but cost 40% less resources to
Fire Staves now set movement speed to 0% when in use
Regen provided by Eitr armors are down to 0.3, from 0.4
Bosses and most minibosses now take "Normal" damage from conventional
weapons, and "Resistant" from elemental
Reduced price that the player sells Dvergr Trophy at
Reworked Enchanted Equipment drop tables:
0 star: -
1 star: -
2 star: x1 [34/33/33/0]
0 star: -
1 star: -
2 star: x1 [0/60/30/10]
Dark Normal:
0 star: -
1 star: x1 [60/30/10/0]
2 star: x1 [0/60/30/10]
Dark Elite:
0 star: x1 [60/30/10/0]
1 star: x1 [0/60/30/10]
2 star: x1 [0/0/75/25]
0 star: x1 [60/30/10/0]
1 star: x1 [0/60/30/10]
2 star: x1 [0/0/75/25]

Bug Fixes:

StarterHouse chest now properly contains Handcrafted Axe and Shield

Treebark Cape now is now upgradable correctly
Eitr armor gambles should now properly show up in the list
Fixed Enchanting Dust having incorrect tooltip
Fixed Fire Stave upgrade values being lower than intended



Disabled FreeBuild enchant

Burial Grounds chest now drop T1 loot, down from T2
Increased Primordial Vein spawn rates, reduced their yield
Increased the price the Trader sells metal ores at
Disabled Healer Dvergr variant for now
Slightly increased Dvergr spawn rates
Dark Biome 0 stars now drop enchanted items slightly less frequently
Added Handcrafted Axe and Handcrafted Shield to Starter House Chest
Increased various resource amounts in Starter House Chest
Infusion Table now costs less Primordial Stone
Empowered/Eitr foods now have corresponding color names
TripleShotBow now sets movement speed to 0, instead of reducing damage,
renamed Immovable Force
Frost Stave now has moderately reduced damage
SpiritFrost Stave now costs less Eitr to use
SpiritFire Staff now costs less Eitr to use

Bug Fixes:

Fixed Fishing Rod not being sold

Fixed Troll having duplicate loottables
Fixed one of the Odin Staff variants having incorrect name
Fixed Ancient Bark Spear having vanilla stats
Added missing flavor text to T1 Empowered Foods



Removed GoldRubyRing
Reworked Polished Silver Ring:
Now named Simple Ring
Available from T1
Costs 2 Flint
Simple Belt now costs 10 Leather Scraps only
Andvaranaut and Blank Runestone moved to the BetterTrader tab
TripleBowShot now reduces damage by x3, up from x2

Bug Fixes:

Fixed belts/rings not rolling as set items properly (might need to re-
discover/learn these items)
Added various missing items to BetterTrader tab
Fixed various inconsistent pricings in BetterTrader tab


Cleared up internal BetterTrader config file in case the file size

matters to servers

EV 5.0.1 - 5.0.2 RELEASE NOTES:


Trader spawnpoints adjusted to 8, 1500-2000 distance from the center

Deer Cape now requires extra Deer Hide instead of Bone Fragments
Greylings can now spawn outside of forests
Added extra descriptions to Primordial Pebble/Stone to better indicate
their usage
Upgrading equipment now additionally requires Runestone
Handcrafted Axe formula reworked:
Now [max upgraded tier's Axe stats] x2

Epic Loot:

Server-side config now locked by default

Dust gained from disenchanting now 1 from all rarities
Tokens now weight 10 each and stack to 10
Augmenting now requires Dust x5 instead of Runestone x1
Reworked Gambles:
Non-token gambles now cost 1000 and guarantee a legendary
Token gambles are coin-free, but require 3 of that rarities token
Reworked TripleBowShot:
Still rolls only as unique-legendary guarantee (named Brute
Reduces damage output by half when in use, non-augmentable

Bug Fixes:

Console should no longer spit out warnings about weight tables

T1 Dark lvl 3 drop table corrected
Handcrafted Shields now have correct T2/T3 values
Handcrafted Shields no longer have nonexistent variant selection
T3 Worldtree Health Potion now has correct value of 400
Infusion Table / Odin's Forge use error fixed
Trader tab now displays item names correctly
Enchanting Table recipe now uses the intended materials
Corrected Worldtree Seed collision inconsistencies
Removed T1 shields from upgrade pool
Added PickaxeAntler to gamble tab (should prevent 0 gold error)

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