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How to read

newspaper for
competitive exams
By Praveen Bharti
Benefits of Reading Newspaper

1. Stay informed about current events globally and locally.

2. Enhance general knowledge and historical awareness.
3. Boost vocabulary and language proficiency.
4. Stay updated on local issues and community events.
5. Cultivate cultural awareness and interests.
6. Develop and maintain healthy reading habits.
7. Increase awareness of social and political issues.
8. Find inspiration in stories of human achievement.
Select the Right Newspaper

Choose a reputable newspaper known for its comprehensive coverage of

national and international news.

In India, popular choices include The Hindu, The Indian Express, and
The Times of India.
Set a Regular Routine:
● Dedicate a specific time each day to read the newspaper.
Consistency is key to staying updated.
Skim the Headlines:
● Start by quickly skimming the headlines to get an overview
of the day's top stories.
● Focus on headlines related to politics, economy, science, and
international affairs.
Select Challenging Articles

● Choose articles that are slightly above your current reading

● This will expose you to new words and phrases.
Keep a vocabulary Journal:

● Maintain a notebook or digital document where you jot down

unfamiliar words and their meanings while reading. Include the
sentence or context in which you encountered the word.
Learn Word in context.

● Pay attention to how words are used in sentences.

● Understanding the context helps you remember their meanings and
usage better.
Use Flashcards

● Create flashcards with the word on one side and its meaning,
pronunciation, and usage on the other. Review these flashcards
Practice Pronunciation

● Try to pronounce new words correctly.

● You can use online dictionaries with audio pronunciations or
language learning apps for this purpose.
Learn Synonyms and Antonyms

● When you encounter a new word, look up its synonyms and

● This helps you grasp its nuances and expand your vocabulary
Understand word families:

● Explore related words and their forms (nouns, verbs,

adjectives, adverbs) derived from the vocabulary you learn.
Set Daily Goals

● Challenge yourself to learn a certain number of new words

each day. Start with a manageable goal and gradually increase
Review Regularly

● Periodically revisit your vocabulary journal and flashcards

to reinforce what you've learned.
Use words in writing

● Practice using new words in your writing. Create sentences or

short paragraphs that incorporate the vocabulary you've
Read Aloud

● Reading newspaper articles aloud not only improves your

pronunciation but also helps you remember words more
Diversify Your reading Sources:

● Besides newspapers, read books, magazines, and online

articles to encounter a wide range of vocabulary in different
Stay Persistent

● Building a strong vocabulary takes time and consistent

effort. Don't get discouraged if progress seems slow

By Praveen Bharti
Q1 What does it mean to exaggerate ?

a) To accurately represent something

b) b) To understate the importance of something
c) c) To overstate or magnify something
d) d) To ignore something completely
"Exaggerate" is a verb that refers to the act of representing something in an overly dramatic,
sensationalized, or overstated manner, often to make it seem more significant, intense, or extreme than it
actually is.

Exaggeration is commonly used in speech, writing, and storytelling to capture attention, create humor, or
emphasize certain aspects.

1. "I ate a million cookies yesterday!"

2. "My backpack is so heavy; it feels like I'm carrying a mountain!"
1. बढ़ा दे ना (Overstate)
2. फूलना (Inflate)
3. अ तशयोिक्त करना (Hyperbolize)
4. बढ़ावा करना (Amplify)
5. सजाना-सवारना (Embellish)
6. बड़ा करना (Magnify)
7. अ त रक्त महत्व दे ना (Overemphasize)
8. सत्य को अ त रक्त बढ़ाना (Stretch the truth)
9. महत्ता बढ़ाना (Aggrandize)
10. सजाना-सवारना (Embroider)

The medical breakthrough offers prospects for treating rare genetic disorders.

a) Regrets b) Hopes c) Disappointments d) Failures

Answer: b) Hopes

Explanation: "Prospects" refer to possibilities or chances, usually positive ones. Synonyms: Prospects -
Opportunities, Possibilities; Hopes - Aspirations, Expectations Hindi: संभावनाएँ (Prospects), आशाएँ

The new economic policy aims to stimulate growth in the manufacturing sector.
a) Hinder b) Encourage c) Stifle d) Dampen
Answer & Explanation
Answer: b) Encourage

Explanation: "Stimulate" means to encourage or provoke activity or growth.

Synonyms: Stimulate - Foster, Ignite; Encourage - Inspire, Motivate Hindi: प्रोत्सा हत करना (Stimulate),
प्रोत्सा हत करना (Encourage)
What is the predicament that the government is trying to address?

a) Solution b) Dilemma c) Achievement d) Advantage

Answer & Explanation

Answer: b) Dilemma

Explanation: A "predicament" refers to a difficult or tricky situation.

A "dilemma" also means a difficult choice between two options. Synonyms: Predicament -
Quandary, Plight; Dilemma - Conundrum, Puzzlement Hindi: संकट (Predicament), दु वधा

"Imbroglio" is a noun that refers to a confusing, complicated, or intricate situation, typically involving a tangled or confusing series
of events. It's often used to describe a perplexing or difficult-to-resolve situation, especially one that involves conflict or

Synonyms for "imbroglio" include:

● Complication
● Confusion
● Entanglement
● Predicament
● Quandary

Which of the following words is the opposite of "malevolent"?

a) Benevolent b) Hostile c) Neutral d) Sinister

Explanation: "Benevolent" means having or showing kindness, goodwill, and a desire to do
Its opposite, "malevolent," means having or showing a desire to harm or cause suffering to
others. Among the options, "benevolent" is the antonym of "malevolent."
Question: What does the term "expedite" mean?

A) To delay or slow down a process

B) To speed up or accelerate a process

C) To ignore a task completely

D) To delegate a task to someone else


What does the term "mundane" mean?

A) Extraordinary and remarkable B) Difficult to understand or complex C) Boring and

ordinary D) Extremely valuable or precious

What is the best synonym for the word "chagrin"?

A) Delight B) Satisfaction C) Embarrassment D) Compliment


Which emotion does the word "indignation" describe?

A) Joyful excitement B) Fear and anxiety C) Anger and resentment D) Sadness and sorrow

The chef's __________ handling of the intricate flavors and delicate ingredients resulted in a
masterpiece dish that left everyone in awe.

A) haphazard B) adroit C) redundant D) insipid

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