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Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza y Traducción de idioma inglesa

Diseño Curricular

Maestro: Hernán Mario Gonzalez Hernández


Rocío Esmeralda Sánchez Gonzalez 1921317

Melissa Nohemí López Espinoza 2008836

América Saraí Tolentino García 2018501

Jennifer Estefanía Zamarrón Silva 1955366

Keyla Samara Acosta Garza 2031161

Samantha Ibarra Salazar 1961545

Grupo: i62
Course Information
Subject: Laboratorio de la lengua Inglesa B1
Frequency per week: 8 hours.
Academic period: August-December 2024
Academic level: 3rd. Period



Unit 1 Week 1 Diagnostic

● Speaking
Grammar reference.
Before to start the unit,
the students will practice
1.1 Are
grammar with a short
you really
activity in their
my friend?
1. Students will read
the phrase and
discuss. ● Reading
2. Students will read
and writing
the text and write
an opinion.

1.2 Why 1. Students will

● Listening
spending’s listen to a short
#trending audio and then Writting
2. Students will
separate some
sentences into
groups and then
make 5
sentences with
the previous

Week 2 1. 3
1. Students will read
y and ● Reading and
a fragmentation
skills Writing
and opinion of a
book and write
their opinion after
reading the text.

2. Students observe
the phrases said
in the description
of the book and
will underline the
word that they
consider most
important in the

1.4 1. Students will read

● Reading and
Speaking and analyze the
and Witing text about social writing
media and
answer the
question about it.
2. Students will be
able to analyze
questions and
formulate it
grammatically, as
well as compare
opinions with
● Speaking

Unit 2 Week 3 Review 1. Students circle the

● Writing
unit 1 correct form of the word
in the sentences.
2. Students write the
words in their correct
form of parentheses in
the sentence.

Grammar reference.
Before to start the unit,
Unit 2 the students will practice
grammar with two short
activities in their
notebooks. ● Grammar and
1. Students read the
article and make their
own opinion about it.
Students know how to
express their opinion ● Grammar and
using writing. vocabulary

2. Students make use of

linking words and
phrases to complete
simple sentences.

After reviewing the topic - Writing and

completely, the students speaking
will write a writing where
they talk about a past
moment on any topic
and then, randomly or
voluntarily, they will read
it in front of their
Week 4 2.2 1. Students ● Writing
complete the
sentences with
the verbs
provided in the

● Reading
2. Students will read
the text provided
in the activity and
● Grammar
choose the best
time linker

2.3 1. Students will read ● Vocabulary

Vocabular 3 sentences in
y and which they will
skills have to identify ● Speaking
developm what the
ent underlined words
mean and what
they refer to.
Then, they will
discuss it with
their partner and
ask themselves
the question of
what is the
difference in the
underlined word
in the sentence
that is mentioned.

2. The students, in
pairs, will have to
choose one of
the situations
mentioned in the
instructions or
create their own
situation in which
they tell that
something bad or
unexpected has
Afterwards, they
will tell their
partner and
check if they
used comment

Week 5 2.4 1. Students must ● Speaking

work as a team
and make a story
individually with ● listening
the words left in
the activity. At the
end of the story ● Reading
they will share
and read it with
their partner. ● Writing

2. Students will
work individually.
They will create a
story where they
can think about
the order and
how they use
time expressions
to link their story
with the
sentences left in
the activity.
Review 1. Students use the ● Reading
unit 2 knowledge ● Grammar
acquired to ● Vocabulary
correctly answer
the form of the
verb in each
2. Students select
the correct linking
word to make
sense of the

Unit 3 Week 6 3.1. 1. The students ● reading

Grammar read the ● Grammar
reference information on
the page of
reference in the
book and answer
the exercises.

● Grammar

1. Provide students
with a list of
modal verbs
(e.g., can, could,
may, might) and
a series of
Week 7
3.2 sentences related
to work skills.
Ask students to
complete the
sentences using
the appropriate
modal verbs to
express work
2. Present students
with a series of
Week 8
sentences related
to obligation,
permission, and
possibility in the
environment. Ask
students to
complete the
sentences using

the appropriate
● Speaking
form of modal
● Reading
verbs (e.g., must,
have to, can,
may) to express
the idea of
permission, or
possibility. (3.2)

● Speaking
1. Students work
● Vocabulary
as a team to
● Writing
answer questions
and share how
they felt in

2.Students work
as a team and
complete a series
of words with the
adjectives left in
the box.
Afterwards, both
will share their


● Grammar and
● Writing

1. In small groups,
students are to
make a
paragraph giving
an instruction to
do something.
3.4 Using the
Speaking questions and/or
and sentences
Writing mentioned in the
language for
speakers box
previously seen.

2. In this activity,
students will only
do a simple
activity in small
groups, in which
they will answer
two simple
questions and
discuss them with
their teammates.

unit 3

1. Students,
individually, use
the knowledge
acquired to make
expressions with
sense using
verbs and short
sentences in a
very short
2. Students,
check the modal
verbs topic and
answer the
according to
instructions. In
this case,
students must
write a new
sentence using
one of the modal
verb given to
express the same
rule in different
Present simple, continuous and perfect .


Complete the conversations with the present simple, present continuous or present perfect form of
the verbs in brackets.

1 A Where do you work?

B Well, normally ____________I in Berlin, but I____________ in Stuttgart at the moment. (work)

2 A____________ you____________ Jake?

B Yes, we each other for a few years. (know)

3 A____________ you____________ in London?

B Yes, I do. Actually, I____________ there all my life. (live)

4 A Jameela’s busy at the moment. She____________ a piano lesson

B Oh yes, of course. She____________one every Wednesday. (have)

5 A____________ you ____________Andy yet?

B I ____________him right now, actually. (email)

6 A How many Facebook friends____________ you____________ ?

B Not many. I think I ____________ about fifty or sixty. (have got)

7 A I____________ for my phone.

B____________ you____________ in the kitchen? I think I____________ saw it in there a few

minutes ago. (look)

8 A You____________ have Karen quite often, don’t you?

B Usually, yes. But I ____________now. (see/not see) her for a few weeks

9 A I a great book at the moment – Tribal Life by Bruce James. You it?

B No, but I____________ another one of his books. (read)

1. Read the next phrase and answer the questions in groups. “ The maximum
number of Facebook friends a person can have is 5,000”

● Do you think that a person can be friend with so many people? Why/Why
● How many Facebook friends do you have? Do you talk with all those

2. Read the following text and write an opinion about why it is dangerous to
meet people that you don’t know. At least 50 words.

John, a friendly guy with a passion for photography, decided to meet his
Facebook friend, Alex, whom he had never met in person. They had connected
over their shared love for capturing moments. Excited, John agreed to meet at
a local park.

As John approached the meeting spot, he noticed someone resembling Alex.

However, to his dismay, it wasn’t the person he had been chatting with online.
Suddenly, the stranger revealed his true intentions – he was a scam artist who
had lured John into a trap.

Caught off guard, John tried to resist, but the scammer swiftly grabbed his
camera and wallet, leaving John in disbelief. This unfortunate encounter served
as a harsh lesson for John about the risks of blindly trusting online connections.


Vocabulary and listening

3. Read the statements. Then listen to the audio about Spending Money
During Christmas and decide if the statements are true (T) or False (F).
Correct the false statements.
1. Sometimes people take out a loan from a bank in order to buy Christmas
2. In the United States, people will spend over one million dollars on Christmas
3. People spend money on food.
4. United Kingdom spends the most money on Christmas in the world.
5. People spend an average of 50 hours shopping.
1. Look at the cover and description of a recent book about the Internet. Do
you think the author is positive or negative about the effect of the Internet?
Read the book description, check your ideas and write your answer below.
This is a fascinating book. We all know that the internet is changing the way we do
things, but Carr believes that it is also changing the very way our brains work. With
the printed book, he argues, our brains learnt to think deeply. In contrast, the
internet encourages us to read small bits of information from lots of different
places. We are becoming better and better at multitasking, but much worse at
concentrating on one thing.
2. Look at these phrases from the review in exercise 1. Which do you think
are the most important words in each phrase? Discuss with a partner and
uderline them.
1. This is a fascinating book
2. We are becoming better and better at multitastking...
3. In contrast, the internet encourages us to read small bits of information from
lots of different places.
4. ...but much worse at concentrating on one thing

1.4. Speaking and Writing

1- Read the post from social media page #haveyoursay.

Are cheap clothes ethical?
Cheap clothes can be made using children working in poor conditions. So should
we stop buying cheap clothes, or simply bo more careful about finding out how and
where they were made?

lan Martin: Every! shid just buy less.
Cristina Oliveira: 2 keep up w/ fashion u need buy cheap clothes. Gan't afford
expensive ones.

Pippa Jones: Ppl need jobs, esp in poorer places. If u don't buy, they don't work.

James Brook: Some opl can't afford 2 pay higher prices 4 clothes

Yumi Watanabe: Difficut 2 know which companies r OK 2 buy from

1.2- After reading the post from social media page #haveyoursay. Which of
the following statements do you agree with? Discuss with a partner and write
the answer below.

● Not everyone can afford to buy more expensive clothes.

● Fashion changes quickly, so it's important to be able to buy cheap clothes

you can throw away when they go out of fashion.
● If you don't buy clothes made in poorer countries, you are putting people out
of work.
● It should be easier to find out which companies look after their workers
● People buy far too many things these days.

2- Complete the following conversations with the appropriate vocabulary

(questions about giving opinions and asking for).

● X: ________ the fact that guilt-free brands are often more expensive?

Y: ________ it´s fine to pay a bit more to know that the environment isn´t
being harmed.
● X: Most of us can´t afford electric cars. ________ people who buy electric
cars are showing off how rich they are, rather than actually caring about the
Y: You may be right, but ________ everyone will drive electric cars in the

● X: ________ we should just buy less stuff. What do you think about that?

Y: that´s a good idea. We all have far more than we really need.

● X: ________ the government make electric cars less expensive so everyone

can afford one?
● Y: Yes, definitely.

2.2- Then, compare your answers with your partner and ask for their opinions
on the exercise 2.

1. Choose the correct form for each sentence.

Social networking has/ have revolutionized the way we connect and communicate in
today's digital age. With platforms like/as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn,
people can /could effortlessly share their/his thoughts, experiences, and interests with
friends, family, and even strangers across the globe. These platforms serve as virtual
meeting places where individuals can form communities based on common interests,
hobbies, or professions. From staying updated on news and trends to fostering new
relationships and collaborations, social networking has become/ can became an integral
part of our daily lives, shaping how we/they interact and engage with/on the world
around us.

2. Complete the sentence with the correct form in brackets

Presente Continuo: Right now, my best friend is (study) for her exams, so I'm sending
her motivational messages to keep her spirits up.
Presente Perfecto: I have (know) my closest friend since elementary school, and our
bond has only grown stronger over the years.
Presente Simple: Sarah always (listen) attentively when I need to talk about my
problems, and I appreciate her unwavering support.
Presente Continuo: Our group of friends is (plan) a surprise party for Jack's birthday
next week, and everyone is pitching in to make it a memorable celebration.
Presente Perfecto: I have just (finish) writing a heartfelt letter to my long-distance
friend, expressing how much I value our friendship despite the miles between us.


2.1 I’ll never forget that day.
Grammar reference.
1. Put the underlined events in the order they happened or started.
1 (a) Jenny and I started our website in order to market (b) the clothes we
had designed while (c) we were studying together at university.

2 (a) I decided that I wanted to become a pilot while (b) I was sitting in the
garden one day and (c) saw several aeroplanes crossing the sky.

3 (a) I first noticed the man while (b) I was travelling by train from Paris to
Milan. (c) He was reading a book by my favourite author. (d) I'd been
watching him for about an hour when (e) he spoke to me.

2. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I'll always remember the time we were struck by lightning when we ¹ were
flying (fly) back from Singapore. We ²________ (be) in the air for about an
hour, and the plane ³______(move) up and down quite a lot. Outside you
⁴________(can) see flashes of lightning across the sky and dark clouds.
Suddenly there ⁵________ (be) a loud bang. At first a few people ⁶ ________
(start) screaming. But then the whole plane ⁶ __________ (become)
strangely quiet. The pilot ⁸________ (speak) to tell us we were about to land,
which was a great relief to everyone. But just as we ⁹________ (land), the
whole plane ¹⁰ __________(start) shaking violently again. In the end we
¹¹________(land) safely. When we ¹² ______(get off) the plane, we
¹³_______(see) that there ¹⁴_______(be) an enormous hole in the tail fin.

2.1 Writing (Ame)

The student writes/make (?) a writing talking about past experiences
using narrative forms (simple past, past continuous and past perfect)

2.2 Unbelievable
Grammar reference
1. Read the article and answer the questions below.

The Letter of Doom

Tourists tread streets once associated with doom in Spain’s UNESCO-listed historic city of
Toledo. In 1184, a letter that foretold the apocalypse traversed Europe. Supposedly written
by astrologers from Toledo, it warned that 1186 would see the world end in a maelstrom of
earthquakes, storms, and pestilence.
Panic ensued. “People in many regions of the then known world [began] fasting, praying,
and undertaking religious processions in order to avert disaster,” says Jonathan Green,
author of Printing and Prophecy.
Over the following centuries, adaptations of the Toledo letter circulated widely, creating
fresh alarm. To delve into this tale of Armageddon, tourists can scale Egypt’s spectacular
Mount Sinai, where a hermit supposedly penned one of these updated versions.

A. Have you heard any of this story before, or any similar one?
B. Why do you think people carry out hoaxes like this?
C. List three reasons for carrying out the hoaxes that you think.
2. Complete the sentences using the correct linking word or phrase from the
box. Use each word or phrase only once.

when until while then as soon as

A. I can’t go out with my friends __________ I finish my homework.

B. We used to go home __________ classes finished for the day.
C. __________ my teacher calls my parents, something must be wrong.
D. Everybody was staring at Emma and Nick __________ they were arguing.
E. Mum prepared dinner for us, __________ she went to bed.

1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verbs from the box in
the correct form.

Announce Claim interview mention tell

Police ______yesterday that calls to the emergency 999 number had risen
sharply in recent months. They _____________the public to ignore a hoax story
which ___________ that dialling 999 will charge your phone battery.

Admit inform invent keep quiet report

The newspaper which recently_________ that Bejing was showing digital

sunrises on huge screens because air pollution was too bad for people to see
the real thing has now ___________ that a journalist actually ___________ the

2. Read the sentences and choose the best time linker options.
1 During / While the early twentieth century, scientists were keen to find some
evidence that would prove the link between early man and apes. In 1912 that
evidence seemed to have been found 2 meanwhile / while Dawson and
Woodward were digging on a site in Piltdown, in the south of England. 3 As
soon as / Until they saw the jawbone and the skull, they decided that this must
be the evidence science needed. Woodward claimed that both bones belonged
to a human being who had lived about half a million years ago, 4 by the
time/during what is known as the Lower Pleistocene period. Most scientists
accepted this opinion 5 until / while nearly forty years later, when it was
discovered that the Piltdown Man was a fake. 6 By the time / Meanwhile,
Dawson, who most people consider responsible for making the fake, had died.
The Piltdown Man hoax truly damaged science because 7 while / by the time
the hoax was discovered, scientists had wasted nearly forty years believing a

2.3 Vocabulary and skills development

Vocabulary and Speaking references
1a. Read the following sentences. What does the underlined word in each
sentence refer to?
1. We all read the article, but none of us liked it.
2. We all had to study science up to the age of sixteen at school, and so do
students at secondary school nowadays.
3. He may be the most famous scientist of all time, but Albert Einstein only
got his first scientific job when he was twenty-nine.
1b. Discuss with a partner. What is different about the way the reference
word is used in sentence 3?.

2a. Work with a partner. Choose a situation or think of one of your own when
things went wrong or something unexpected happened.
● a meal in a restaurant
● missing a train/plane
● thinking you recognize someone you know but actually don't know
2b. Tell your partner about them, using some of the comment adverbs.

2.4 Speaking and writing

1. Work with a partner. Look at the words left in the box, together make up a
story related to the words and individually create your own story. Finally,
everyone will share their story.
Carrot Ring baking kitchen floor 1995 vegetable
garden sweden

2. Individually. Use the following story skeleton, according to your own

ideas, to write a story about a coincidence. Think about the order of
events and how to use time expressions to link events.
● Man finds picture thrown into his garden.
● Did gallery owner really hate it?
● Man rings gallery owner/asks why she did this.
● Gallery owner says she really likes picture.
● Picture and other things stolen from her car.
● Thieves threw picture away into artist's garden!

Review Unit 2
1. Choose past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple to complete
the sentences below.
a) It was Sunday afternoon. I __________ (watch) a cookery program
on TV when I __________ (realize) how hungry I was.
b) I __________ (eat) anything since lunch, and I __________ (run) a
race in the morning. “Biscuits!” I _________ (think).
c) My mother __________ (give) me a jar of delicious home-made
d) I __________ (go) into the kitchen, __________ (open) the fridge
and __________ (pour) some milk in a big glass. A few minutes
later, I __________ (drink) my glass of milk.

2. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

a) The waves were high after/while the cruise ship passed by.
b) I'm going to leave home before/as soon as I finish secondary
c) San had been very irresponsible before/until he got into university.
d) First, Karla started laughing, when/then she burst into tears.
e) The children stayed indoors until/while the rain stopped.
f) Everyone was shocked as soon as/when they heard about the


Grammar reference
Choose the correct options.
Ability. Can, could, be able to.
1. My parents say I can/could walk when I was about nine months old.
2. The DVD player wasn't working but in the end we could/managed to fix it.
3. Do you think you'll manage to/succeed in finish your assignment by the
4. How many languages do you manage/can you speak?
5. I couldn't/won't be able to meet you tomorrow, I'm afraid.
6. Some people can/succeed in learn languages easily.
7. Did they manage to/succeed in reaching the top of the mountain?
8. Anyone is able/can to learn a musical instruments if they try.

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

Obligation, permission and possibility. Must, have to, need to.
1. You________use you mobile. It be switched off. (Must, can't)
2. You_______ pay un pounds. You______also pay un euros or dollars if
you prefer. (Can, don't have to)
3. The main requirements in my job are that you________be good at
making decisions and you________be a good leader. (Must, have to)
4. Sorry, I'm late home. I _____ stay at work and finish a report. I _____
leave until I'd sent it to my boss. (Couldn't, had to)
5. You_____have a university degree to work here, but you_____have a lot
of relevant experience. (Don't need to, must)
Review Unit 3
1. Match 1-5 to a-e to make expressions.

1. be a. temptation
2. deal b. the right choice
3. make c. with a problem
4. resist d. to a challenge
5. rise e. patient

2. Rewrite the workplace rules so they have the same meaning. Use one of
the modal verbs in brackets.
a. We’re allowed to dress down on Fridays. (can/need to)
b. It isn’t necessary to wear a tie. (mustn't / don’t have to)
c. A few years ago, employees weren’t allowed to check personal emails at
work. (couldn’t / mustn’t)
d. You aren’t allowed to eat sandwiches at your workstation. (couldn’t /
e. It is necessary to book holidays six months in advance.(can / need to)

3.2. Skills, obligation, permission and possibility

Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs to express
work skills.
1. Sarah ________ speak three languages fluently.
2. My colleague ________ use Excel proficiently.
3. As a graphic designer, Mark ________ create stunning visual
4. I ________ handle customer inquiries effectively.
5. Our team ________ meet tight deadlines consistently.
Answer: can, could, may, might, can

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of modal

verbs to express obligation, permission, and possibility.
1. Employees ________ wear safety helmets in the construction site.
2. You ________ take a break if you feel tired.
3. Managers ________ attend the meeting at 9 a.m.
4. Visitors ________ bring their ID cards to access the building.
Answer: must, can, have, may

3.3 Vocabulary and skills development

1- Work with a partner and answer the following questions. Have you ever done
any of these things? How did you feel?

a. Taken a every important exam

b. Made a speech or presentation toa large number of people

c. Sung in public

d. Had an interview for a job you really wanted

2- Work with a partner and answer the following sentences with a word from the
box to make a compound adjective.

Going Hard known made page priced speaking star

1- Easy-

2- Home-

3- Five-

4- Over-

5- 500-
6- Second-

7- English-

8- Well-

3.4 Speaking and Writing

Practical Instructions
LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING giving instructions
Putting instructions in order: the first thing you do is…., when you've done
this…, after doing this…
Explaining or showing: you do it like this…, let me show you, make sure…
Asking questions: how do you…?, can you show me?, can you say that part
1.Work in small groups and give instructions on how to do something.
● Choose a skill you are good at and make brief notes on how to do it.
Include 5 steps.
● Use the information in the previous Language Speak Box. Add pauses to
make the instructions clearer.
● Work in small groups. Give each other the instructions. When you listen,
ask questions to make sure you again.

2.Work in small groups and discuss the questions.

● What was the last thing you learned to do?
● Do you think it's important to learn new things as we get older? Why/
Why not?

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