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Paula Carmona (2023)

Let's advertise SESSION 2

Activity 1 Activity 3
a. Think about the last time you had to a. Read all the speech bubbles on the
persuade someone to do something. In next page paying attention to the verbs
pairs, discuss the following questions: and expressions in bold.

Who did you try to persuade, and into b. Fill in the following table with the
what? Did it work? expressions that can be used to
How did you do it? How did you feel? persuade and convince somebody.
Do you feel you know how to do it in
the best way possible? EXPRESSIONS TO PERSUADE
Do you know how to say no when
someone tries to convince you of

Activity 2
Watch a video of a popular influencer:

b. Underline in blue the expressions of

a. What’s the purpose of the utterance
the speech bubbles used when accepting
“You should try the new coffee they
suggestions and in red the expressions
used to reject them. Can you think of
1. Sharing her experience to entertain us more expressions?
2. Giving us advice on how to celebrate
3. Showing off
4. Selling a product
c. Do you think these persuasion,
accepting and rejecting expressions are
b. In pairs, make a list of any other language used in formal or informal situations?
you can spot she uses for the same
Paula Carmona (2023)

A: We should try the new Indian
restaurant. It is the biggest one I’ve ever been to
and the food is tastier than anywhere else!
B: That sounds great. Let’s go tonight!
C: What about calling to book a table? It’s always
B: Absolutely! I think that’s the best option

A: Why don’t you try asking for a
raise at work? You totally deserve it!
B: I don’t know… I don’t want to come off
as too demanding or pushy.
A: If I were you, I’d go for it. You’ve been
putting so much effort lately.
B: I guess I’ll consider it, but I am not
really sure.

1: Will it be possible for you to come to my party tonight?
You’ll come, won’t you? It’s really important to me.
2: I don’t know, I’m not really feeling in the mood for a party.
1: You promised you’d come with Sara. You’ re not going
to let me down, are you?
2: I’m just exhausted after this week.
1: But not even for me? You know it would mean a lot to
me if you were there.
2: I’m really sorry but I can’t. I feel under the weather.
Paula Carmona (2023)

Let's advertise SESSION 2

Activity 4
Your friend has come to have dinner at Activity 5
home with you and your family. You both
want your parents to let you visit some
In pairs, you will have to roleplay two
places next summer, and your friend is
situations. First, one member will try to
saying the following to try to persuade
persuade, while the other will reject. Then,
for the second situation, you must change
your roles.
Hey, I really hope you're cool with us hitting up
Remember to use the persuasion strategies
Paris next summer. It'd mean the world to us! Plus,
and expressions learnt in this class.
I've been itching to check out Calais too. I hate to
put you on the spot, but how about staying
Here you are your situations:
abroad for a couple of weeks? It’d make my day if
you said yes! Situation 1: After a long afternoon at the
library, you feel like having some tapas
at a bar but your friend doesn’t want to
You see s/he’s speaking in a rather too go. What would you tell him/her?
informal way. Can you help your friend by
reformulating his/her language and make Situation 2: You have prepared a party
it sound more formal? for your birthday and one of your
classmates doesn’t want to come
although she had previously said she
would come.

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