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Co-cultural Theory:

What is your field of experience as a co-cultural group member, a dominant

group member, or perhaps both at different times?

In line with this question, I have to answer that I am a part of the co-cultural
group and I represent a victimized group which is supposed to be the Filipinos. I am
also supposed to say that I am part of the dominant group since I am male. Moreover,
since I have the privilege to study in a prestigious school and have moderately
comfortable life, then I have to categorize myself as a middle class person. However, I
do not agree on this. I am not marginalized since I love my life as a well privileged
person that can an access quality education, food, cosmetics, technologies and
entertainment. I disagree with this notion that I have to view the world as rich vs. poor,
or as a power-driven world, and with utmost understanding of myself and of the people
around me, I disagree with this theory. It is because this theory is predicated upon the
idea that the world I live in is structured based on tyranny and force, and that anything
else outside it is non-existent. My identity as a Filipino student and as male does not
make me a victim nor a perpetrator. Filipinos have a history in which we are colonized
and became slaves to some countries, however, I am not a slave. I am not directly
involved and affected by the slavery that happened before my time. My success in life
doesn’t depend on my history, just as my failures aren’t predicated upon the decisions
of other people. Furthermore, I will not take any blame or guilt, or gaslighting from
others just because I am doing better than them. My morality doesn’t depend on the
opinions of others, but on the objectivity of my actions.

Based on this field of experience, what communicative practices are you

comfortable enacting? Which would be uncomfortable for you?
Based on my field of experiences, I will be comfortable using any of the
communicative practices, however, I would be least comfortable with using the non-
assertive approach since it would mean that I have to make myself harmless and justify
the bad actions that people do when they step on my boundaries by avoiding conflict –
in others words, I will become a doormat. This is not good for me because it will build up
resentment in my part and I could unhealthily approach it. That’s why, I think it is better
if the approaches that I use will depend on the situation at hand and not applied as a
general solution to every situation.

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