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Mangulabnan, John Chrisver H.

BSN 3-Y2-16


*Comprehensive Mental Health Care Act*

Mental health problems are a growing concern worldwide, impacting people of all ages and backgrounds;

Whereas, the Philippines struggles with signi cant obstacles in addressing mental health issues, such as stigma,
limited service access, and inadequate resources;

Whereas, urgent action is necessary to pass legislation prioritizing mental health care, raising awareness, and
guaranteeing quality services accessible to all citizens.

Be it resolved that:

1. The government will enact the Comprehensive Mental Health Care Act, which aims to create a
comprehensive framework for tackling mental health issues in the Philippines.
2. The Comprehensive Mental Health Care Act shall mandate the integration of mental health
education and awareness programs into the national curriculum at all levels of education, to promote understanding,
reduce stigma, and encourage early intervention.
3. The act shall allocate su cient funding for the development and expansion of mental health
services, including the establishment of community-based mental health centers, crisis hotlines, and support
services for vulnerable populations.
4. The act would emphasize the training and recruiting of mental health professionals, such as
psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and social workers, to guarantee that quali ed sta are available to provide
diagnosis, treatment, and support services.
5. The act shall enforce measures to protect the rights of individuals with mental health conditions,
including anti-discrimination laws, con dentiality provisions, and mechanisms for access to justice and redress.


The enactment of the Comprehensive Mental Health Care Act is essential to address the pressing need for improved
mental health care in the Philippines. Mental health issues, if left unaddressed, can have devastating e ects on
individuals, families, and communities, leading to increased morbidity, disability, and socioeconomic burden.

By promoting awareness and education about mental health issues can reduce the stigma surrounding them and
encourage people to seek help sooner. Encouraging self-care is vital; taking care of one's mental health can be as
crucial as tending to physical health, including activities like exercise, meditation, and setting boundaries. By
integrating mental health education into the national curriculum, we can promote early intervention and destigmatize
mental illness, encouraging individuals to seek help and support. Such education and awareness are pivotal in
constructing a supportive and inclusive society that prioritizes mental health and well-being.

Furthermore, we can guarantee that all citizens, irrespective of their location or socioeconomic level, have access to
timely and adequate care by providing funding for the creation of mental health services and the training of
specialists. Crisis hotlines and community-based mental health clinics can o er crucial assistance and intervention,
lowering the likelihood of mental health crises and improving the prognosis for those who su er from mental illness.
Laws that safeguard the rights of people with mental health disorders can also be passed to ght prejudice,
encourage inclusion, and give people the freedom to fully engage in society. It is everyone's right to be treated with
respect and decency, regardless of their state of mental health.
In conclusion, the Comprehensive Mental Health Care Act is an important step toward creating a more caring,
supportive, and mentally healthy society. We can create a safe environment for all Filipinos who experiencing this
kind of situation by prioritizing mental health care, raising awareness, and protecting individual rights.

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