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Kamala Das, Malayalam pen name Madhauily

Muslim name Kamala Surayya, (boun Mahch 3L,
1934, Thaiss un Malobas Loast no LO
Kesolo 1, Buitish nda -did May 31, 2009,
Pune, nda), lndian au tho%
openly and fuankly aboul female sexual
desBusamd the expeaience f be ing
an Jndfon Woman. Das was paul o
a geneHotion of Sndan wHiteas hose
wORk cen Ised on pesonal Mo then
than colonial and the
Shoxt stoniLs , poetny Memotkt and
esays buought heN HASpect and
easuLeS Das
Auote books bothin Engliah (mostly
poetuy ) and, undeR the pen name
Ma dha uikuthy , in the Malaya lam
language Southetan Indla.
Das w0S boun into hih- status
family. Hen mothek Na la well
Ba lamani Amna
known poet and heh folhen.
V.M. Naiu was a n aulomo bPle
Lompany executive and o JouAnalat. She
ond in
nou) KeLala
Calcutta (now Kolkata), whehe
fathek wDRked . Shechildbtgan AJhenwutingpottny
old she maskie d Madhava
15 yeas
Das,a banking ereuliis many
and they mDVEd to Bombay
hey seniDs and
now Mum boi). Jas hod thee Son
did he9 ot night.
Dass pDe tay collectibns included SummeK
Calcutla (1965), The Descen da nts (196),
and The old Playhouse and othek Po ems
(1973). Su bstq uent English- languag OHks
ncluded the nouel Alpha bet of Lust the
ond fhe Shoet stoaies A Doll on Chtld
fhasttute " (191)and fadma vah the Aasot
(1992). Nolable among hM mony Matoya lam
the shol- stosuy collection
Thanappu(1961; *Cold ) and the Mermo
Bo lyaka lasmanana kal (1987;
Childho od) feuhaps he best - knD wn
auto biagaphy.
ppeaued as a seuis columnt
Jhe NL£kl Ma laya ana du, lhen n
Ma tayo fam as Ente katha
(1413), and fnally io
English as My Stosy (1976). Ashocking
nlimote w0nk Came to

Sas sald thot pGNls o the 6obh

Jn 1999 she con tho vensially
Convened toslam AeHamin9
Aa9sal kama la Sunayya. She ee ceived
tncluding the Asian Wonld Aize
Lite4otuse in 1985.
While daiving 0m hes pa9Enis home.
to Cochin , nde% no tional Aupohl,kamala
Bos noliies hes motheg 2oho as
silling bside heu, dozing with
mouth open. Aes molheu face was
pale like a deod body. The expuessibn
on heu foce wOs cleauly One
pain, bone oul of fean o sepáotion
and old A sudden as and
pain (Ho, p in the pbels mnd
and she eolses that heh mo fhee
ofd n0 lw and could pass way the
leo ung heu all olone. Though
Healis&lhn was alonming, i was
hasd to occepl.
n o8 des to du heu lhoug hls aay
fuom the sgony and pain colou less
hey mo then's
polefae, Kama a looks ouls de
lhe ca4 The iueas Hocng
and the Speeding
MemindesL thal loon
Eme hos
by. The Joyous chllduen playing
oulside ep Basen youth , tnikdy
and AlL
AEminded hes child hood when heu
young. check al the aiu powt
kftR looko back al beu molhe
Komala a
landig fes yods away looking
pale and ghey eke famitios
poin and
The poet Senses a
heuchild hood feau o the thought of
Lastng hen molhe comes back. Ove come
mothes good bye and keeps Smiltng o hide

The theme of the p0Lm Is
nolunt. It ako de pi te the helplesneu
and' aspiotions of h. oung gentsation
and euEHybody gauoas old
and foces vOHo uS siluafons hal fe
hao is at them. Hence hi i the.
Cen ilal heme o the poem My
Mo thek A Bty Sik
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Stanza 1
Drive from my parents
Home to cochin last friday
morning. I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen ike that
of a corpse

Poetic Devices:

1. Assonance:Prominent sound of 'o': i.

Home to Cochin last Friday morning
ii. doze, open mouthed, her face ashen
like that of a corpse.
2. Simile: The colour of the poetess'
mothers face has been compared to
that of a corpse using like: her face
ashen like that ofa corpse.

Stanza 2

And realised with pain

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Stanza 2
And realised with pain
That she was old as she looked but soon

Put that thought away and looked out at

Tree sprinting, the merry children spilling
Out of their homes.

Poetic Devices:

1. Consonance: i. Prominent sound of 't':

Put that thought away and looked out

at young.
ii. Prominent sound of 's': That she
was old as she looked but soon.

2. .Imagery: Thedescription about

children playing and sprinting trees is
given: Tree sprinting, the merry
children spilling out of their home.
3. Repetition: The word looked has been

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3.Repetition: The word looked has been

4.Personification: The trees are said to
be sprinting (running): Tree sprinting,
the merry children spilling.
5. Contrast: The difference between
poetess mother and the children is
shown by using the word old and

Stanza 3
But after the airports
Securitycheck, standing a few yards
Away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
As a late winters moon

Poetic Devices:

1. Simile:The poetess mothers face has

been compared to the late winters
moon using as: Pale as a late winters

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As a late winters moon

Poetic Devices:

1. Simile: The poetess mothers face has

been compared to the late winters
oon using as: Pale as a late winters

2. Consonance: Prominent sound of s:

Security check, standing a few yards.

3. Symbolisn: Winters moon is a symbol
of decay.

And felt thatold

Familiar ache, my childhoods fear,
But all I said was see you soon, Amma,
All I did was smile and smile and smile

Poetic Devices:

1.Repetition: Theword smile has been

used thrice: All I did was smile and
smile and smile.

2. Alliteration: Repetition of the letter s:

But all I said was see you soon, Amma

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