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Health and Fitness

Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

St Nicholas College Middle School English Team

Track 2 - In this unit you will:
Tick as appropriate

LS 7.7 I can give and understand instructions, and ask

I can give and receive instructions as well as for clarification in activities that require some 
clarify any points that may be unclear. independent use of spoken language.
LAP 7.3 I can accurately use the following in the
I can use the past and present tenses and affirmative, negative and interrogative with
refer to the future accurately when speaking appropriate time markers: 
and writing. • the present perfect simple
LAP 7.1
I can accurately use:
I can write and talk about things as they are
•the imperative (positive and negative). 
using accurate sentences.

W 7.10
I can write clear and detailed instructions I can write a set of simple instructions to explain
using a logical sequence to explain the steps the steps of a familiar process. 
of a process e.g. how to prepare a meal.

LS 7.10
I can express an opinion and give one reason to
I can express my opinion in response to
support this opinion. 
other speakers' opinions.

R 7.8 •I can identify the layout of a text.

I can understand text organisation and can •I can identify sequence in an unfamiliar text
recognise techniques the writer uses to about a familiar topic in which the information 
bring across the argument, story or is not presented sequentially.

LAP 7.5
I can understand and use language which I can use some modals of advice and prohibition
expresses hypothetical situations and verbally and in writing. 
possibilities i.e. modals and conditionals.

LAP 7.9 I can identify and make use of link words to list
I can identify and make use of link words to add up ideas in a paragraph. 
list, add up and compare and contrast ideas

W 7.5
I can write appropriately for an audience and I can write a short text with a clear purpose. 
with a purpose.

Self- Assessment -  I performed well.  My work was average.  I need to work harder.

Interview with a Clown Doctor
1. Listen to the interview with a clown doctor and put these pictures in order. Each
picture contains the questions asked by the interviewer.



E 1 - ____

2 - ____

3 - ____

4 - ____

5 - ____

2. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1. Clown doctors are qualified doctors. T/F
2. Children are scared of Fran Mason. T/F
3. Clown doctors do not give the children any medicine. T/F
4. Fran was a lawyer before she became a clown doctor. T/F
5. Fran has worked there since last year. T/F
6. She visits 10 different hospitals in total. T/F
7. Lots of doctors and nurses say they often end up laughing T/F
with the children when the clown doctor is present.

Fran says:
“I have been a clown doctor for three years.”
▪ Is Fran a clown doctor now? _____________

▪ When did she become a clown doctor? _____________

Rule: We use _________________________ for things that started in the past and
continue to the present (now).

Look at what Fran says:

How long have you been a clown doctor?

For three years.

And how long have you worked in London?

Since last year.

Put these time expressions in the correct columns.

6 o’clock 7th February 2014 1 year an hour the age of 5

For Since

Complete the sentences with information about you.

You can use
1. I _______________ at this school for ______________________. these verbs:
2. I _______________ this uniform since ____________________. Have
3. I _______________ my English teacher for ________________. Be
4. I _______________ able to swim since ___________________.
5. I _______________ in my home for ______________________. Live

6. I _______________ (be) friends with _____________ since ____________________

Find Someone Who …
Use the prompts in the chart to ask your classmates questions.
When a classmate answers “Yes, I have”, write down his/her name
and ask more questions to obtain further information. The example
may help you.

Find someone who … Name More information

… fly / in a hot air balloon When have you done so?

Have you ever flown in a hot On holiday in Turkey.
air balloon?
… run / in a marathon

Have you ever …

… play / tennis

Have you ever …

… watch / a football match

Have you ever …

… do / gymnastics

Have you ever …

… ride / a bicycle

Have you ever …

… win / a competition

Have you ever …

… meet / a famous person

Have you ever …

Think about …
 How many sports activities can you name? (Write them down in the table below.)
 Which is your favourite one? Why?

Useful Vocabulary:

To show your opinion you can use the following phrases:

I think ... In my opinion …

Personally, ... If you ask me, ...

I guess ... As far as I'm concerned, ...

To be honest … I feel that …

I suppose … In my view, ...

The way I see it, ... I really think ...

I strongly believe ... I'm absolutely sure that ...

To ask for someone’s opinion you can say:

What do you think about ...? What's your attitude to ...?

What’s your opinion …? What are your thoughts about …?

What are your views on …? How do you feel about …?

To show that you agree: To show you disagree:

You’re right. I have my doubts about …

I totally agree. I agree up to a point, but …

I absolutely agree with you. I don’t agree at all. / I completely


Interrupting politely

- While talking to friends in informal situations we often interrupt by saying:

Hold on!

Wait a minute!

Actually …

- In more formal situations, and in a more polite way, we say:

I’m sorry to interrupt but …

Excuse me! …

May I interrupt here? …


1. What kind of sports do you like?

2. Have you ever met or seen a famous person?

Underline the correct form to complete the text:

I (1) always loved/have always loved tennis. A few years ago I (2) was/have been in England
during Wimbledon season so I (3) went/have gone to see one of my favourite players – Rafa
Nadal play.

Rafa Nadal (4) was/has been born in Manacor in 1986. He (5) won/has won four French
Open titles and an Olympic gold medal. In 2008, Nadal (6) became/has become the second
Spanish man to win Wimbledon.

Since 2004, Nadal (7) was/has been a strong competitor to

Roger Federer. They (8) played/have played against each other
in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal (9) won/has won five of
them. Nadal (10) ranked/has ranked World No. 2 behind
Federer for a record 160 weeks. He (11) was/has been the first
in the rank for 46 weeks.

Rafa (12) played/has played the Davis Cup with the Spanish
team four times so far. They (13) won/have won the trophy in 2004 and 2008, although
he (14) didn’t play/hasn’t played on the final due to a knee injury.

Some trivia about him:

 He (15) began/has begun playing tennis when he (16) was/has been five.
 In 2002, he (17) won/has won his first ATP match at Majorca at the age of 15.
 He (18) always played/has always played with his left hand although he is right-

Never Give Up

Bethany Hamilton (born February 8, 1990) is probably the world’s most famous shark attack survivor. She
is an American professional surfer although she has only one arm. She wrote about her experience in the 2004
autobiography Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. In addition,
in April 2011, the feature film Soul Surfer was released. Furthermore, Hamilton has appeared on several shows
since the loss of her arm.

Shark attack and recovery

In 2003, at the age of 13, Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach. She was with her best
friend Alana Blanchard, Alana's father and brother. At 7:30 a.m. she was lying on her surfboard. Suddenly a
tiger shark attacked her. The shark ripped her left arm off just below the shoulder. The Blanchards helped to
get her back to shore, and Alana's father rushed her to Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Consequently*, Bethany
ended up with just one arm.

Bethany underwent a great trauma because of the incident. However, she was determined to return to surfing.
Firstly, she got back into the water. Secondly, less than one month after the incident, she returned to her board
and went surfing again. Lastly, after teaching herself to surf with one arm, she started to participate in

Consequently, Bethany received a number of awards. For instance, in July 2004, Hamilton not only won the
Best Comeback Athlete ESPY Award, but also received a special "courage award" at the 2004 Teen Choice
Awards. In 2005, Hamilton also took 1st place in the National Scholastic Surfing Association National
Championships. In 2008, she began competing full-time on the Association of Surfing Professionals World
Qualifying Series where she finished 2nd. To sum up, Bethany has managed to realise her life-long dream,
despite her handicap.

Since the attack, she has been a guest on many television shows like for example The Oprah Winfrey Show
and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. In October 2004, MTV Books published Hamilton's book, Soul Surfer: A
True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board, which describes her experience. In
2011, the feature film Soul Surfer, based on her 2004 book, was released. Anna Sophia Robb plays the role of
Hamilton. Hamilton performs all the one-armed surfing stunts in the film.

In conclusion, one can say that Bethany Hamilton is a true example of courage. Her disability did not make
her give up on her dreams. She is a role model and a ray of hope to all those people who have physical

* consequently – as a result

Task 1

Imagine you are a reporter. Number the following events in Bethany Hamilton’s life in
chronological order. The first one has been done for you.

1. At the age of 13,
 Less than one month .
Bethany was bitten
after the incident, by a shark and it
Bethany returned to her ripped off her arm.  A feature film
board and went surfing Soul Surfer, based
. on her book, was


 MTV Books published

Bethany's book, Soul Surfer,
which describes her experience.

 Since her accident,

Bethany has been a
 Bethany was presented guest on numerous
with a number of television shows.
prestigious awards such as
the Courage Award" at the
2004 Teen Choice Awards.

She was determined to

return to surfing so she

got back into the water.

 Bethany began competing

full-time on the Association of
Surfing Professionals World
Qualifying Series.
 After teaching herself to
surf with one arm, she resumed
participating in competitions.

Task 2 a) Re-read the text and underline the link words.

Link words Link words Link words Link words Link words Link words Link words
that show that show that that add that that explain that lead to a
contrast similarity introduce information structure consequence conclusion
examples the text
but like for example moreover firstly so In conclusion

however also for instance in addition secondly because of to sum up

although as well as not only… lastly consequently

but also…


Link Words
Linking words and phrases are used to show relationships between ideas.
They can be used to add ideas together, contrast them, or show the reason for

Linking words/phrases can be used to join two or more sentences or clauses.

Further practice: Join the sentences with a suitable link word.

1. Nelson was very ill. He didn’t go to the doctor.

2. Kate is allergic to chocolate. She ate a bit.

3. Anne cried a lot. Her dog died.
4. She has not made up her mind yet. She doesn’t know if she wants to go to university or not.

Modal verbs

Checkers: Rules
Complete these rules using one of these words:
are allowed to - cannot – must – must – must

1. Each time you play you _________ move a piece one space diagonally forward.
2. You _________ move a piece backwards if it is not a King.
3. If one of your opponent’s pieces is on a forward diagonal box next to one of yours, and
the next space is empty, then you _________ take the jump.
4. When you jump over an opponent’s piece you __________ remove your opponent’s
piece from the board.
5. Both men and kings _________________ make a jump.

Underline the correct answer.

 An exclamation mark (!) shows you that is something that has to be done.
 A tick () shows you that this is something that players are able to do.
 A cross (×) shows you that this is something that is not allowed to be done.

Quidditch is a fictional sport created by J.K.Rowling in the Harry Potter series.
It is the most popular game and most well-known game among wizards and
witches, however, recently Quidditch for muggles has also been invented.
There are two teams with seven players on each side (3 Chasers, 2 Beaters,
1 Keeper, 1 Seeker).
Three of them are called Chasers. These players move the Quaffle (a bright red ball) down the field
by running and passing. They (1) must/ are allowed to/ are prohibited to (!) throw or kick the Quaffle
through the opposing team's hoops to score a goal.
There is another player on each side called the Keeper. The Keeper (2) can/ should / is prohibited to
() stop the Chasers from scoring.
There are also two Beaters on each team. Their job is to protect their team members. The Beaters
(3) can/ must/ are allowed to (!) keep the Bludgers away from their team members. They (4)
mustn’t/ can/ aren’t allowed to () throw them in the direction of their opponents to keep them
from winning.
The most important ball is the Golden Snitch. The last player – the Seeker – (5) is allowed to/ must/
cannot (!) catch it. The team that catches the Snitch often wins.
Before a game (6) can/ must/ is prohibited to () start, every player must have a few standard things.
Each player (7) can/ must/ is allowed to (!) have a broomstick ready to be mounted and they all must
wear the uniform of their team in an official match. They (8) can/ must/ aren’t allowed to (×) wear
any colour they want, otherwise they will not be able to see who is on which team.

Think of a game you like or think of a place where rules are important. Write 5 rules. Use some
of these words:
Can/cannot, must/mustn’t, do/do not, (not) allowed, prohibited

Name of game or place: ______________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Read these reviews written about a variety of restaurants in London. Underline any
new vocabulary or phrases which can be used to describe restaurants.

The Ritz

Food: traditional British or fusion cuisine

Price per person: £80

This amazing palace-style dining room is one of London’s most luxurious, romantic
restaurants. It’s hard to resist splashing out on the exquisite 5-course menu. The staff are
extremely polite. It’s hardly surprising that the clients are a mixture of celebrities, business
executives and wealthy tourists. Come here for a memorable dining experience, which will
certainly do damage to your bank account!

Yo sushi!

Food: Japanese

Price per person: £10-15

The best known sushi place in town. This restaurant is great both for its raw fish and its
flashy Japanese décor. Service is efficient and speedy. You can eat delicious sushi for a few
pounds, serve yourself unlimited beer, select food from a conveyor belt and even have a
relaxing head massage! Sometimes there are karaoke nights here. This restaurant is bright
and unromantic but great fun.


Food: Italian

Price per person: £15-20

A family-owned restaurant that has faithful clients coming back again and again. Amaretto
offers classic Italian food in warm and friendly surroundings. Whatever time you come here,
this restaurant is always busy and lively. The pizzas and pasta dishes are well recommended
as being tasty and excellent value for money. Great for families or big groups of friends.

The George Inn

Food: traditional British pub food

Price per person: £5-10

A dark and smoky pub, which was built in 1780. Come here if you want to taste traditional
English fish and chips or steak and kidney pie in a lively atmosphere. The food isn’t great, the
service is slow, but this pub serves a good range of beers and ales.

Food for Thought

Food: vegetarian

Price per person: £5-10

This is a tiny colourful vegetarian restaurant and takeaway. It offers food free of chemicals,
pesticides and preservatives. The food is good and the menu changes every day, but this
place is also great if you just want a coffee. Don’t come here at busy times if you want a
slow, relaxed meal.

Café Sol

Food: Mexican

Price: £20-30

Café Sol is a great place to go at any time. Enjoy genuine Mexican food at lunchtime (watch
out for the chilli!) or go for a drink and a dance when it gets dark. The atmosphere is always
buzzing and lively, and the food is reasonably priced. On a Saturday night, the young crowds
in Café Sol are usually very loud and merry after sampling the long list of tequilas!

The Hard Rock Café

Food: Tex-Mex and burgers

Price per person: £10-20

A genuine celebration of rock ‘n’ roll! This is the original Hard Rock Café. It opened in the
1970s, and it’s the first ever theme restaurant. The queue to get in is famous! You can’t
make reservations and you will find a queue almost all day long, every day of the year. But
this adds to the memorable experience. Once in, there’s good food and a great atmosphere,
created by rock music, dim lighting and walls covered in rock souvenirs.

from © BBC | British Council 2010

1. Answer the following questions about the restaurant reviews you have read:

What restaurant would you recommend for...

a. … music fans who don’t mind queueing! ___________________________________

b. … a tourist wanting to try different English beers and ales. ___________________

c. … a person looking for a fun evening and good food on a budget. ______________

d. … some young people who like to dance. ___________________________________

e. … a rich couple looking for a romantic night out. ______________________________

f. … a family looking for value for money. ___________________________________

g. … a health-conscious person on a budget. ___________________________________

2. Group task: Open a new restaurant!

Work in groups of 3-5. Imagine you are going to open a new restaurant. Discuss

and decide on the following aspects.

Who are your customers going to be?

What type of food will you serve?

Will you have any specialties, or a daily menu, or takeaway?

What type of atmosphere will you create? How?

Will there be any entertainment?

Where will your restaurant be located?

What prices will you charge?

What are you going to call your restaurant?

What will your opening hours be?

Be ready to present your new restaurant to the

rest of the class!

Writing a report about the good and bad points of a place

Ex 1. Read the followinq paraqraphs and put them in the correct order:

To sum up, the new Monty's restaurant in Chester is a great success. However, I think
that the manager should make a few improvements. Firstly, he should make sure that all
hot dishes are hot when they go out to customers. Secondly, he should lower the prices,
as they are too high for a fast-food restaurant. Finally, he should improve staff training,
so that the staff work faster and make fewer mistakes.

Finding the restaurant was quite easy as it is in the main square. The pleasant
decorations, good music, clean tables and comfortable seating all help to give Monty's an
excellent atmosphere. The new no-smoking policy is also a good idea. It certainly made
my meal at Monty's a very pleasurable experience.

The purpose of this report is to assess the new Monty's fast-food restaurant in Chester,
which I visited on 28th January.


The Monty's staff were helpful, friendly and polite during my visit. They looked very smart
in their clean uniforms. Unfortunately, the service was rather slow and one of the cashiers
gave me the wrong change. Try to avoid visiting between 8 – 9 pm for better service.


There is a varied menu at Monty's which includes a fantastic salad bar, a wide choice of
vegetarian dishes and five types of delicious hamburgers. I ordered the Mexican Sizzler —
a spicy hamburger with chilli sauce in a soft, white bread roll. It was very tasty. However,
it was rather cold. I also thought that Monty's was a bit too expensive.

Ex 2. Fill in the missing headlines from the following:

Food and Prices

When we write a report about the good and bad points of a place such as a
restaurant, a campsite, a hotel, etc, we can divide it into three parts:

 the introduction, where we state the purpose of our report;

 the main body, where we talk about the good and bad points giving
examples. We write each piece of information under subtitles.
 the conclusion, where we give our overall impression and make
our suggestions.

We can use present tenses or past tenses for this kind of report.

Ex 3. It’s your turn!

Write a report about a restaurant or a hotel you have visited.

Write between 150 to 180 words. Use Monty’s Review as an example.

Indicate which restaurant you are reviewing and where it is located. Write about
the atmosphere, the food, the service and the price. Mention both positive and
negative remarks.

When you are ready:

Check your work! Yes No

Have you planned your work?

Have you written 150-180 words?

Have you stated your purpose clearly?

Have you mentioned the positive aspects?

Have you mentioned the negative aspects?

Have you divided your work in paragraphs?

Have you checked your spelling and punctuation?

Have you used the right verb tenses?

Is your writing appropriate for your intended audience?


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