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METHODOLOGY 5.1 Research Design
The main focus of this research is to assess how the preschool education is being
implemented and sorting out the curriculum and teachers related challenges hindering its implementation.
For the purpose of this study, descriptive research was used to obtain a picture of implementation of the
preschool program in the region through gathering data that labels the practices and then organizes,
tabulates, depicts and describes the obtained data. Survey methodology was used to collect relevant data to
answer the basic questions because it is useful for non-experimental descriptive designs that seek to
describe reality like information on attitudes and behaviors (Mathers N. etl, 2007). In support of this idea
Isaac & Michael, in Glasow (2005:1) [3] stated that:
Survey research is used to answer questions that have been raised, to solve problems that have
been posed or observed, to assess needs and set goals, to determine whether or not specific objectives have
been met, to establish baselines against which future comparisons can be made, to analyze trend
across time, and generally, to describe what exists, in what amount, and in what context (Isaac & Michael,
in Glasow, 2005).
In this regard, the survey method was applied in this research to determine whether the
set objectives of preschool education program have been met or not, to analyze trend of preschool
implementation across time, to describe the status and extent of the program implementation, to establish
baseline information on the program implementation in the region. In the survey, both the qualitative and
quantitative data collection approaches were employed.

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