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Module 1 : Writing letters, Memos & E-mails

1. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are :

a) Formal
b) Informal
c) Brief
d) Interesting

2. Letters that please the receiver are called, :

a) Good-news letters
b) Routine letters
c) Invitation letters
d) ‘yes’ letters

3. The purpose of a “no” response letter is to leave the reader with :

a) Unpleasant feelings
b) Reasons for rejection of the request
c) No future hope
d) Minimum disappointment

4. Form letters are also known as :

a) Bad news letters

b) Circular letters
c) Persuasive sales letters
d) Formal letters

5. A memorandum (memo) is a brief form of written communication for :

a) Formal use
b) Internal use
c) External use
d) Legal use
6. Simplicity in writing means essentially :

a) Plainness
b) Use of simple words
c) Use of simple sentences
d) Use of simple tenses

7. Writing a letter with “you attitude” means writing :

a) From the point of view of the reader

b) From the point of view of the writer
c) Using the word ‘you’ repeatedly.
d) Use of simple tenses.

8. Good business letters are characterized by :

a) Formality
b) Sincerity
c) Humour
d) Seriousness

9. The simplified style business letter has :

a) Indentation
b) A complimentary close
c) A subject line
d) A salutation

10. Modern business letters are usually written in :

a) Semi-block style
b) Simplified style
c) Full-block style
d) Indented style
11. If you are writing a job application letter without knowing a named
contact, how do you sign off your letter ?

a) Cheers
b) Yours faithfully
c) Yours sincerely
d) Yours admiringly

12. When you are writing a formal letter, what information might you

a) Dates
b) Names
c) Contact details
d) All of these

13. In letter writing format, a title ‘Dear Mr. John’ is an example of

a) Salutation
b) Sign name
c) Letter body
d) Introduction

14. In enquiring information regarding admission and equipment costs

etc., the type of letter used is known as :

a) Bad news letter

b) Adjustment letter
c) Enquiry letter
d) Complaint letter

15. Which of these must be avoided in a business letter ?

a) Polite words
b) Formal words
c) Abbreviations
d) Clear details
16. Which of these must not be mentioned in a business letter ?

a) Information regarding quality of the order

b) Name of the firm
c) The mode of payment
d) With regards

17. Where should the name of the firm mentioned ?

a) Right of the page

b) Below the writer’s address
c) Above the writer’s address
d) On the last page of the letter

18. Which of these is not used to conclude a business letter ?

a) Yours faithfully
b) Yours truly
c) Yours sincerely
d) With kind regards

19. Which of these should not be present in a business letter ?

a) The name of firm or businessman

b) The date
c) Business jargon
d) Courteous leave taking

20. The space to be left from the top in a business letter is :

a) 5 cms
b) 2.5 cms
c) 4 cms
d) 2 cms
21. Where are the details of enclosures mentioned ?
a) Beginning of the letter
b) Below the signature column
c) Right hand side of the letter
d) Main body of the letter
22. E-mail content should ideally be presented as :

a) One long paragraph

b) Bullet points
c) Story format
d) Text and picture

23. The most effective way of closing an e-mail is :

a) With a social message

b) With a clear actionable
c) Repeating the subject line
d) With a proverb

24. The subject line in an e-mail should be :

a) Long and descriptive

b) Short and precise
c) A greeting
d) Action-oriented

25. SMS language (dey, u, tmrw) in a business e-mail :

a) Should be used with a few selected clients.

b) Can be used sometimes if you feel like.
c) Should not be used.
d) Can be used while writing to juniors.

26. The use of all capital alphabets in an e-mail is regarded as :

a) Showing importance
b) Fancy writing
c) Screaming or insulting
d) Irrelevant
27. Proofreading e-mails before hitting ‘Send’ :

a) Can be done sometimes

b) Is not important.
c) Is a best practice
d) Is a waste of time.

28. What purpose does the first sentence in the body of the memo serve?

a) Introduces the writer of the memo

b) Serves as a formal greeting
c) Tells the audience whom to contact if they have questions
d) States the purpose of the memo.

29. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the spacing of
lines in a memo ?

a) The entire document is double-spaced.

b) The entire document is single-spaced.
c) Everything is double spaced except for the body paragraphs.
d) Only the body paragraphs are double spaced.

30 Memos are usually ______ page long.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

31. Which two adjectives best describe a memo ?

a) Lengthy and in-depth

b) Short and concise
c) Detailed and formal
d) Verbose and formal

32. In a memo, reasoning on purchasing, hiring and firingetc., are known


a) Recommendations
b) Procedures
c) Affiliations
d) Preferences
33. What does BCC stand for ?

a) Behind carbon copy

b) Blind carbon copy
c) Business carbon copy
d) Blind copy carbon

34. What is the first part of an e-mail address called ? e.g.

a) Log in
b) Host name
c) User name
d) Blind copy carbon

35. The subject line in an e-mail is used for :

a) Writing the e-mail message

b) Giving a brief description of the content
c) Homework assignments
d) Emoticons

36. You should ________ your e-mails before sending :

a) Return
b) Reply
c) Review
d) Remind

37. Typing e-mails in ALL CAPS is the same as :

a) Messaging
b) Browsing
c) Emphasizing
d) Shouting
38. “Dear Mrs. Smith,
I will bl8 for class. Plz tell me wat I missed. thank U.
Jaya Rath”
Which rule is being broken in this e-mail ?

a) Don’t use slang or abbreviations

b) Use a greeting
c) Sign off with your full name
d) Be careful when replying.

39. The tone of your e-mails should be :

a) Very aggressive
b) Rude if it is not a client
c) Bossy if addressed to your junior colleagues
d) Polite and assertive

40. While setting up an appointment on e-mail, you should :

a) Leave it open-ended
b) Never mention date and time
c) Sometimes mention a date and leave it at that.
d) Recommend a date and time and request confirmation.


1.b, 2.a, 3.d, 4.c, 5.b, 6.a, 7.a, 8.b, 9.c, 10.c,

11.b, 12.d, 13.a, 14.c, 15.c, 16.d, 17.b, 18.d, 19.c, 20.a,

21.b, 22.b, 23.b, 24.b, 25.c, 26.c, 27.c, 28.d, 29.c, 30.a,

31.b, 32.a, 33.b, 34.c, 35.b, 36.c, 37.d, 38.a, 39.d, 40.d.

1. A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person

shares factual information with an audience that is :

a) Mixed
b) Large
c) Specific
d) Small

2. The presenter acts as the

a) Deliverer of information
b) Medium of information
c) Advocate of information
d) Support of information.

3. The three major elements of presentation do not include :

a) Visual aids
b) Specific content
c) An audience
d) A presenter

4. The audience for a presentation consists of people who

a) Are uninformed and lack a purpose

b) Are confused in their purpose
c) Vary in the level of information and purpose
d) Are uniform in their level of information.

5. To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is

a) Audience-based
b) Useless
c) Necessary
d) Optional
6. Reading out a presentation is:

a) Not allowed
b) Helpful
c) Dull
d) Allowed

7. To select the content of your presentation, the most important thing

you should know is :

a) The available material

b) Your purpose
c) The time limit
d) The audience’s needs

8. To make a presentation effective and impressive, you should use :

a) Jargon
b) Complex sentences
c) Passive sentences
d) A simple and active form of sentences.

9. In presentation design, maximum time is given to the :

a) Question-answer session
b) Introduction
c) Main body
d) Conclusion

10. Initially, a presentation is a form of :

a) One-way communication
b) Intrapersonal communication
c) Group communication
d) Two-way communication
11. Which of these is the most important tool of communication ?

a) Body language
b) Gestures
c) Language
d) Posture

12. Which of these must be avoided in any presentation ?

a) Proper grammar
b) Complex words.
c) Short sentences
d) Clear voice

13. Which of these is the best way to establish a proper rapport with the
audience ?

a) Pointing a finger
b) Waving your hands
c) Standing erect
d) Making eye contact

14. Which of these is the best pace to deliver a speech ?

a) 50 words per minute

b) 150 words per minute
c) 200 words per minute
d) 250 words per minute

15. Which of these can be used to break the monotony in a presentation?

a) Humour
b) Constant tone
c) Low voice
d) Sad story
16. Which of the following steps should be completed first when
preparing to give a presentation ?
a) Consider your audience
b) Define your purpose
c) Organize your content
d) Design a multi-media
17. Which of the following points should not be a part of delivering your
presentation ?
a) Establish eye contact with each member of the audience.
b) Speak clearly.
c) Face your audience.
d) Keep each slide simple.
18. Which of the following techniques will help to lessen your
a) Use a relaxation technique
b) Practice for distractors
c) Know that nervousness and its symptoms are not seen.
d) All of the above
19. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the content of the
presentation are known as :
a) Handouts
b) Cue cards
c) Attention grabbers
d) Lecture notes
20. __________ presentations include talks, seminars and meetings in
which the presenter shares expertise and exchanges information.
a) Persuasive
b) Informative
c) Image building
d) Decision making

1.c, 2.a, 3.a, 4.d, 5.c, 6.a, 7.d, 8.d, 9.c, 10.a,
11.c, 12.b, 13.d, 14.b, 15.a, 16.b, 17.d, 18.d, 19.a, 20.b.

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