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  Vincent  T.  Covello,  PhD  

  Randall  N.  Hyer,  MD,  PhD  

77  questions  most  frequently  asked  by  journalists  in  a  crisis  
1. What  is  your  name  and  title?   21. Can  you  be  specific  about  the  
2. How  do  you  spell  and   types  of  harm  that  occurred?  
pronounce  your  name?   22. What  are  the  names,  ages  and  
3. What  are  your  job   hometowns  of  those  that  were  
responsibilities?   harmed?  
4. Can  you  tell  us  what  happened?   23. Can  we  talk  to  them?  
Were  you  there?  How  do  you   24. How  much  damage  occurred?  
know  what  you  are  telling  us?   25. What  other  damage  may  have  
5. When  did  it  happen?   occurred?  
6. Where  did  it  happen?   26. How  certain  are  you  about  the  
7. Who  was  harmed?   damage?  
8. How  many  people  were   27. How  much  damage  do  you  
harmed?   expect?  
9. Are  those  that  were  harmed   28. What  are  you  doing  now?  
getting  help?   29. Who  else  is  involved  in  the  
10. How  are  those  who  were   response?  
harmed  getting  help?   30. Why  did  this  happen?  
11. Is  the  situation  under  control?   31. What  was  the  cause?  
12. How  certain  are  you  that  the   32. Did  you  have  any  forewarning  
situation  is  under  control?   that  this  might  happen?  
13. Is  there  any  immediate  danger?   33. Why  wasn't  this  prevented  
14. What  is  being  done  in  response   from  happening?  Could  this  
to  what  happened?   have  been  avoided?  
15. Who  is  in  charge?   34. How  could  this  have  been  
16. What  can  we  expect  next?   avoided?  
17. What  are  you  advising  people   35. What  else  can  go  wrong?  
to  do?  What  can  people  do  to   36. If  you  are  not  sure  of  the  cause,  
protect  themselves  and  their   what  is  your  best  guess?  
families  -­‐  now  and  in  the  future   37. Who  caused  this  to  happen?  
-­‐  from  harm?   38. Who  is  to  blame?  
18. How  long  will  it  be  before  the   39. Do  you  think  those  involved  
situation  returns  to  normal?   handled  the  situation  well  
19. What  help  has  been  requested   enough?  What  more  could  or  
or  offered  from  others?   should  those  who  handled  the  
20. What  responses  have  you   situation  have  done?  
received?,  LLC  
415  E  52nd  Street,  Suite  3DA,  New  York,  NY  10022    USA  
Tel  (855)  4A-­‐CRISIS    |    (855)  422-­‐7474  
  Vincent  T.  Covello,  PhD  
  Randall  N.  Hyer,  MD,  PhD  

40. When  did  your  response  to  this   59. What  precautionary  measures  
begin?   were  taken?  
41. When  were  you  notified  that   60. Do  you  accept  responsibility  
something  had  happened?   for  what  happened?  
42. Did  you  and  other   61. Has  this  ever  happened  before?  
organizations  disclose   62. Can  this  happen  elsewhere?  
information  promptly?  Have   63. What  is  the  worst-­‐case  
you  and  other  organizations   scenario?  
been  transparent?   64. What  lessons  were  learned?  
43. Who  is  conducting  the   65. Were  those  lessons  
investigation?  Will  the  outcome   implemented?  Are  they  being  
be  reported  to  the  public?   implemented  now?  
44. What  are  you  going  to  do  after   66. What  can  be  done  now  to  
the  investigation?   prevent  this  from  happening  
45. What  have  you  found  out  so   again?  What  steps  need  to  be  
far?   taken  to  avoid  a  similar  event?  
46. Why  was  more  not  done  to   67. What  would  you  like  to  say  to  
prevent  this  from  happening?   those  who  have  been  harmed  
47. What  is  your  personal  opinion?   and  to  their    families?  
48. What  are  you  telling  your  own   68. Is  there  any  continuing  danger?  
family?   69. Are  people  out  of  danger?  Are  
49. Are  all  those  involved  in   people  safe?  
agreement?   70. Will  there  be  inconvenience  to  
50. Are  people  over-­‐reacting?   employees  or  to  the  public?  
51. Which  laws  are  applicable?   What  can  people  do  to  help?  
52. Has  anyone  broken  the  law?   71. How  much  will  all  this  cost?  
53. How  certain  are  you  about   72. Are  you  able  and  willing  to  pay  
whether  laws  have  been   the  costs?  
broken?   73. Who  else  will  pay  the  costs?  
54. Has  anyone  made  mistakes?   74. When  will  we  find  out  more?  
55. How  certain  are  you  that   75. What  steps  need  to  be  taken  to  
mistakes  have  not  been  made?   avoid  a  similar  event?  Have  
56. Have  you  told  us  everything   these  steps  already  been  
you  know?   taken?  If  not,  why  not?  
57. What  are  you  not  telling  us?   76. Why  should  we  trust  you?  
58. What  effects  will  this  have  on   77. What  does  this  all  mean?  
the  people  involved?,  LLC  
415  E  52nd  Street,  Suite  3DA,  New  York,  NY  10022    USA  
Tel  (855)  4A-­‐CRISIS    |    (855)  422-­‐7474  

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