Core Competency Reflection

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Today you will be working on your first blog post. This blog post will be a Core
Competency Reflection. For this task you will need to complete the following:
○ Reflect on each core competency and highlight/note what you do well and
what they think you should focus on for growth this year
○ Write a reflection blog post about strengths/areas of growth needed for
each of the 6 Core Competencies.
○ Hand in on Teams & upload to Blog Journal Page

Personal Awareness & Responsibility

1. Self-Determination
2. Self-Regulation
3. Well-being
I believe I’m pretty lacking in this department as I lose motivation quickly after having a
burst of it, making it difficult for me to stay consistent. I strive to improve myself in
staying consistently self-determined by the end of the year. Though I’m self-reliant and
dislike getting help from others, I also neglect to take care of myself on many occasions,
usually because I’m too absorbed in something else. I find managing time efficiently
difficult, but knowing it’s a learned skill, I hope to become much more self-sufficient and

Social Responsibility
1. Contributing to the community and caring for the environment
2. Solving problems in peaceful ways
3. Valuing diversity
4. Building relationships
Though I generally get along and know how to lead a conversation, I tend to isolate
myself and have a very low social battery which is a big weakness of mine. I also fail to
come off as too amicable at times. I’m also not too big on collaborating in general, as I
like doing everything on my own terms, which is a mindset I need to set aside.

Critical Thinking
1. Analyze and Critique
2. Question and Investigate
3. Develop and Design
I’m a very critical person, almost to a fault, and am always looking for ways to improve
my work. I reference other materials, think of my own, and am able to innovate.
Creative Thinking
1. Novelty ad Value
2. Generating Ideas
3. Developing Ideas
At times, I have so many ideas that I have difficulty settling on just one. When
brainstorming for ideas, everything I see easily becomes reference material for new

1. Connect and engage with others
2. Acquire, interpret, and present information
3. Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review
4. Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishments
My ability to communicate is all dependent on the first category of personal awareness
& responsibility. When I have myself together and am up to date with everything
needed, I can communicate and lead efficiently, but otherwise, I am too self-conscious
of my own lack of knowledge to contribute in a significant way. It’s most important for me
to improve on self-stability as it is my biggest flaw, and it bleeds into other aspects of my
core competencies.

Personal & Cultural Identity

1. Relationships and Cultural Identity
2. Personal Values and Choices
3. Personal Strengths and Abilities
I’ve spent a long portion of my life figuring myself out and my own identity, as I
remember disliking how vague I was about so many things. Though they still waver at
times, I’ve come to largely recognize my own values, goals, strengths and weaknesses.
I also know how to appreciate and see from the perspectives of the various cultures
around our world and know what role I play within mine.

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