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CSKPHC 2023-2024 Form 1 B/C/D Grammar Test 2-2 Practice KEY

2nd Term No. of page(s): 3 Name: ___________________

Full Mark: 100 Time Allowed: 45 minutes Date: 5th March, 2024
(Follow the instructions carefully and answer all the questions neatly. Questions with * are more challenging.)
A. COLLECTIVE NOUNS. Fill in the correct collective nouns: (4%, @1%)
o a 1. gaggle of geese o a 2. clutch of eggs o a 3. gang of thieves o a 4. flight of aeroplanes

B. FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES. Form adjectives of the following nouns: (8%, @1%)

1. reliance reliant 4. doubt doubtful / doubtless 7. triumph triumphant
2. misery miserable 5. impulse impulsive 8. Chile Chilean
3. compare comparative 6. commerce commercial

C. PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the correct prepositions: (10%, @1%)

o We were angry 1. with her for being late.
o His teacher was displeased 2. with his work.
o He was jealous 3. of her success.
o ‘What is your necklace made 4. of? Platinum or silver?’
o Jennie is using a hairbrush 5. as an imaginary microphone.
o After his release 6. from prison, Michael managed to get a job within a month.
o I am sure I have looked 7. through that cupboard before – how could I have missed seeing the file?
o Ancient travellers depended 8. on the moon to provide light 9. at night.
o He is different 10. from his brother in the way he approaches a problem.

D. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. Choose the best answers. Write LETTERS only: (8%, @1%)
o Lana Ho is [1] (A. a / B. an / C. the / D. X) outstanding photographer from Class 1E. Most of her [2] (A.
work / B. works / C. jobs / Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct) will be shown in a charity exhibition at [3] (A. a
/ B. an / C. the / D. X) Macao Cultural Centre this Friday.
o They are looking for [4] (A. a little old furniture / B. a few old furniture / C. little old furniture / D. few
old furniture) as they are running out of budget.
o I cannot read his writing – I think I need [5] (A. a new pair of glass / B. a new pair of glasses / C. some
new glass / D. some new glasses).
o Can you lend me [6] (A. a paper / B. some paper / C. a sheaf of papers / D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct)?
I have left my notebook at home.
o Fish and chips [7] (A. is / B. are / C. was / D. were) one of the most common English dishes.
o The Spanish [8] (A. love / B. loves / C. is loved / D. are loved) being outside on warm, summer evenings.


(a) Put the adjectives in the correct order. Add necessary words and punctuation marks: (6%, @1.5%)
1. My grandparents live in a / an (old / Victorian / big) house. 1. big old Victorian
2. I met a (tall / French / interesting) woman at the party. 2. interesting tall French
3. There is a (round / wooden / beautiful / brown) table in my friend’s kitchen.
3. beautiful round brown wooden
4. Ever since Simone came back from Bangkok, she has been cooking me (green / Thai / delicious) curry.
4. delicious green Thai

(b) Choose the best answers. Write LETTERS only: (6%, @1%)
1. Something smells (A. well / B. good / C. goodly / D. in a good way) – what is for dinner?
2. You had better give Tom and Barbara a ring to tell them we might arrive a bit (A. late / B. lately / C. in a
late manner / D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct).
3. As I sat down, someone I had never seen before waved to me (A. friendly / B. friendlily / C. in a friendly
way / D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct).
4. To most pet owners, deciding what food to feed their pets can be (A. confused / B. confusing / C. puzzled /
D. Both ‘A’ and ‘C’ are correct).
5. I get really (A. irritating / B. irritated / C. angry / D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C are correct) with people who use
their mobile phones in the cinema.
6. All the students did (A. in their mock exams really well last week / B. really well in their mock exams
last week / C. really well last week in their mock exams / D. last week really well in their mock exams).

(c) Identify the parts of speech of the bracketed words: (6%)

(1) If it is an adjective, write ‘adjective’ and indicate the word being modified.
(2) If it is an adverb, determined what type of adverb it is; then indicate the word being modified.
Follow the examples below:
e.g.1. These flowers are (a. beautiful). ANS: adjective, These flowers
e.g.2. The train travels (b. quickly). ANS: adverb of manner, travels
o She moved the pins on the maps around (1. constantly) after consulting the (2. daily) newspaper.
1. adverb of frequency, moved 2. adjective, newspaper
o The whole show was (3. really) entertaining and the singers and dancers show a lot of enthusiasm.
3. adverb of degree, entertaining
o The (4. timely) arrival of the police prevented the situation from getting (5. worse).
4. adjective, arrival 5. adjective, situation

(d) Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets: (11%, @1%)
Boys do not read enough
Boys read (1. little) than boys in nearly every developed country and it is one of (2. important) reasons
why they have (3. bad) educational results.
In two of (4. large) studies ever conducted into the reading habits of children in the United Kingdom,
Keith Topping, a university professor found that girls dedicate (5. much) time than boys to processing words, as
they are (6. likely) to skip passages or entire sections. Also, boys choose books that are beneath their reading
levels (7. frequently).
Topping told our reporters, ‘Sometimes, it is the stereotype that liking reading is a feminine quality, but
if we give boys the literature that suits their interests, such as comic books, I believe that they will start to love
reading since they may think that these comic books are (8. appealing) books they have ever read in their leisure
time.’ He also suggests that schools should make a (9. good) effort to fill their libraries with the kinds of books
that interest boys. He hopes that this will become a (10. effective) way of motivating boys to read a (11. wide)
variety of texts in the near future.
1. less 5. more 9. better
2. most important 6. likelier 10. more effective
3. worse 7. more frequently 11. wider
4. the largest 8. the most appealing
F. LINKING WORDS. Combine the sentences using the words given in brackets: (10%, @2%)
1. The hotel is clean and cheap. It is near the train station. (WHAT IS MORE)
The hotel is clean and cheap. What is more, it is near the train station.
2. The previous album did not contain any good songs. The current album did not contain any good songs either.
Neither the previous album nor the current album contained any good songs.
3. Henson is an outstanding pianist. He is good at doing magic tricks too. (IN ADDITION)
Henson is an outstanding pianist. In addition, he is good at doing magic tricks.
4. She played hockey when she was a student. She also played basketball then. (BOTH…AND)
She played both hockey and basketball when she was a student.
5. We look forward to seeing you again. We also look forward to meeting your wife. (AS WELL AS)
We look forward to seeing you again as well as meeting your wife.

G. TENSES. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs given: (20%, @1%)
o When the police stopped Mr. Smith’s car for a routine check, they realised that he was the man who (1. had
robbed) the bank.
o The doctors tried their best, but while they (2. were performing) the operation, the patient died.
o I (3. have had) this computer for more than ten years, so I am thinking of getting a new one.
o ‘How (4. are you getting on) in Paris? Sorry I (5. have not written) before but I (6. have trained) hard for
my basketball team recently. We (7. played) in a tournament last week – we came third! I really enjoyed
taking part, but I (8. have not done) anything else for the past month.’
o An art historian (9. has discovered) two missing paintings by Fra Angelico in the home of a pensioner from
Oxford who (10. died) earlier this year. Jean Preston (11. bring) the paintings while she (12. was working)
in America in the 1960s. Shortly before her death, a friend (13. had recognised) them as part of a group of
six small paintings which Angelico (14. painted) in 1439. Miss Preston paid about £200 for the pair, but
experts say that they now (15. cost) around £1 million.
o The cinema (16. is showing) this film now. If your friend (17. wants) to see it with us, tell her that we (18.
will meet) her at the cinema half an hour before the film (19. starts).
o Why are the brushes and the pot of paint near the fence? (20. Have you painted) the fence?

H. VOCABULARY. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Some words are not necessary.
You do not need to change the form of the nouns and verbs: (10%, @1%)
have ups and downs apple of her eyes companion strike up a friendship
circle of friends fall out split up with somebody bossy
see eye to eye with lend somebody a helping
have nothing in common opposites attract
somebody hand
o Alex always 1. strikes up a friendship with people whom he meets on trains and planes, so he has got a lot
of friends. Even if they 2. have nothing in common, Alex can still keep talking with them during the journey.
o The service dog acts as a 3. companion to the blind man and follows him everywhere he goes.
o ‘There is no point getting into an argument about this – I do not 4. see eye to eye with you – let’s just leave
it like that.’
o Ella and his boyfriend have not talked with each other for three days; I think she has 5. split up with him.
o I know that 6. opposites attract because my wife and I are very different people and have a very happy
o Seeing young people become addicted to drugs, the new charity tries to 7. lend them a helping hand so that
they can stop taking drugs.
o Every marriage 8. has ups and downs, so things will get better soon.
o He has five kids, but his only daughter is clearly the 9. apple of his eyes.
o The 10. bossy child liked to order her playmates around and force them to play dolls with her.

Total pages: 3

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