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Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary

of the Old Testament


Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary
of the Old Testament

Edited by Georg Fohrer

in cooperation with
Hans Werner Hoffmann · Friedrich Huber
Jochen Vollmer • Gunther Wanke

English version by
W. Johnstone

Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York

Translated from the German
Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament
© 1971 by Walter de Gruyter · Berlin • New York

ISBN 3 Ii 00 4572 9
Translation © S C M Press L t d 1973
All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign
languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
- by photoprint, microfilm, or any other means - nor transmitted
nor translated into a machine language without written per-
mission from the publisher.
Printed in England

Introduction vii
Forms of the Hebrew Verb ix
Forms of the Aramaic Verb xi
Abbreviations and Symbols xiii
Books of the Bible XV

Hebrew Part

« ι <7 129
2 27 Q 135
3 43 : 167
1 54 D 185
η 6ι V 194
ι 67 Β 217
Τ 68 •χ 231

π 73 Ρ 241
D 97 Ι 253
^ 100 \>j 267
D 118 274
η 2Q6
Biblical Aramaic Part 3°7

ι. The Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament is

intended to fill a long-standing gap. There are large léxica, with a
comprehensive technical apparatus, which will continue to be used
in Old Testament scholarship. But there is need for a convenient
and inexpensive dictionary for everyday use, especially for reading
and translating Old Testament texts. Here is such a dictionary
which seeks, not to make the large léxica dispensable or superfluous,
but to stand alongside and complement them.
2. This dictionary contains the complete Hebrew and Aramaic
vocabulary of the Old Testament, including the names. For these
latter entries, as for the others, an English rendering is offered.
Thus forms of names which are differentiated in Hebrew are
correspondingly differentiated in the English rendering, since
historical or geographical identification cannot be the task of a
In addition, the dictionary notes, with references to the passages
concerned, significant special meanings and, in clear eases, also
includes conjectures. It makes use of results of recent research, but
not, of course, in such a way as to coin a new Hebrew vocabulary by
means of an uncritical use of Ugaritic or another Semitic language.
3. The dictionary presupposes a knowledge of Hebrew grammar.
For most purposes the standard text-books suffice, but in particular
instances such grammars as that of W. Gesenius-E. Kautzsch must
be consulted. On this presupposition, the citing of all the various
forms of the words, especially the verbs, has been dispensed with.
A reproduction of the complete list of forms would have made the
dictionary too bulky ; a mere selection of them would have been too
In addition, to avoid any pre-judgments, all material is excluded
which belongs more appropriately to the task of exegesis. This is
especially the case in the matter of the identification of names.
4. Combinations of two or more Hebrew words are, for the pur-
poses of listing, treated as single, composite words.
The form in which the entries are listed is based on the Massoretic
Text; thus, where they are regularly or exclusively used, mixed
Kethib and Qere forms which occur in the Massoretic Text are
reproduced as such in the dictionary.
The rendering of the names usually follows the practice of the
Revised Standard Version. Feminine names are marked/. ; those not
marked are to be taken as masculine.
Italics are used for explanatory and periphrastic notes.

Representation : for:

aph aphel
hi hiphil
hitp hitpael
hitpal hitpalel
hitpalp hitpalpel
hitpo hitpoel
hitpol hitpolel
ho hophal
hotpaal hotpaal
iphtael iphtael
itpa itpaal
ni niphal
nit ρ nitpael
pal palei
pealal pealal
pi piel
pil pilel
pilp pilpel
poal poal
poalal poalal
poel poel
pol polel
polal polal
polp polpal
pu pual
pul pulal
<1 qal
tiphal tiphal

Representation : for:

aph aphel
ha haphel
hist histaphal
hitpa hitpaal
hitpe hitpeel
hitpol hitpolel
itpa itpaal
itpe itpeel
itpol itpole/al
pa pael
pe peal, peil
po poe/al
pol polel
sa saphel
sa saphel

tibs. absolute
adv. adverb
alw. always
Aram. Aramaic, Aramaizing; also the symbol
Assyr. Assyrian
Bab. Babylonian
c. circa
cm centimetre
coll. collective
cond. conditional
conj. conjunction
cstr. construct
du. dual
dub. dubious
Eg. Egyptian
f. feminine, following
fig. figurative(ly)
fut. future
g gram
gent. gentilic
impf. imperfect
imv. imperative
inf. infinitive
intrans. intransitive
Κ Kethib
kg kilogram
/ litre
m. masculine
n. name of
part. particle
pass. passive
peop. people, inhabitants of towns, etc.
pers. person
Pers. Persian
pf. perfect
pi. plural
prep. preposition
pt. participle
Q_ Qere
rd. read (suggested emendation)
refl. reflexive
sg. singular
subst. substantive, substantival
terr. territory
text corr. text c o r r u p t
tog. together
trans. transitive
w. with
usti. usually
> symbol for development : becomes
< symbol for development : is derived f r o m
symbol for reference : see
uncertain meaning, uncertain
A word so marked is not attested in t h e (basic) f o r m
given. ( T h e asterisk is not p u t in when t h e basic f o r m
is attested in pause or with the article or with a p r e -
position, or if t h e construct is identical with t h e
absolute state. T h e other principal omission of the
asterisk is in cross-reference.)
Aramaism. ( T h e symbol is used to identify an entry
in t h e H e b r e w Part as an Aramaism in its entire use
and m e a n i n g ; otherwise -> Aram.)

Gen. II Kings Nahum Cant.

Ex. Isa. Hab. Eccles.
Lev. Jer. Zeph. Lam.
Num. Ezek. Hag. Esther
Deut. Hos. Zech. Dan.
Josh. Joel Mai. Ezra
Judg. Amos Ps. Neh.
I Sam. Obad. Job I Chron.
II Sam. Jonah Prov. II Chron.
I Kings Micah Ruth
Hebrew Part

DK father, ancestor (also in the broadest sense); II Chron. 2.12\

4.16 title of respect?
"DK shoot, bud.
3« ai«.
ΚΓΙ35Κ ». per s. Abagtha.
"1DK q be lost, wander, stray, perish.
pi lose, let stray, destroy, exterminate.
hi annihilate, exterminate.
"DÑ destruction > ill) for ever.
ΓΗ5Κ lost property.
ΓΠ5Κ underworld.
destruction, place of destruction ( of the abode of the dead).
> ft?« destruction.

¡"DK q want, be willing.

ΓΟ« reed.
Κ desire > misery.
OfàS trough, manger.
"ΠΠ2Κ rd. 'Π (Ezek. 21.20).
DTH22N water-melons.
"ON if only!
•OK n.pers.f. Abi < MON.
n. pers. Abiel.
«ÎÇK^K η. pers. Abiasaph.
Π ^ Κ coll. ears of corn; Abib ( name of a month, Marchi April).
V'Î'OK n. pers.f. Abigail (also ^ Κ ) .
I τη Κ η. pers. Abidan.
ΪΗ·ΟΚ η. pers. Abida.
npK η. pers. m. and f . Abijah.
η. pers. Abijah.
KiirriK n. pers. Abihu.
HiTOK n. pers. Abihud.
'rrras 2

η. pers.f. Abihail.
•HTjjn gent. Abiezrite.
poor, wretched,
^τηηκ n. pers. Abihail.
a n ^ a « n. pers. Abitub.
n. pers.f. Abitai.
η. pers. Abijam.
^«DOK n. pers. Abimael.
n. pers. Abimelech.
3nj' i 3« n. pers. Abinadab.
n. pers. Abinoam.
n. pers. Abner.
*1D}3« n. pers. Ebiasaph.
n. pers. Abiezer.
n. pers. Abialbon.
" T a « strong one; w. 3pJT or ^«"I'tP? the Strong One of Jacob/Israel?,
Defender of Jacob/Israel? (title of a God).
TS« strong, mighty, eminent; subst. strong one; fig. for celestial
being, stallion, bull.
o·}"?« n. pers. Abiram.
n. pers. f . Abishag.
n. pers. Abishua.
" l i r O S n. pers. Abishur.
n. pers. Abishai.
ni^a« n. pers. Abishalom.
- l τi rτ a: sν
n. pers. Abiathar.
τρκhitp whirl upwards.
tasq lament, observe mourning rites;fig. applied to nature dry up.
hi cause to observe mourning rites.
hitp mourn.
I ta« observing mourning rites, mourning.
I I ta« element of n. place Abel (watercourse, stream.?).
tas mourning rites, mourning.
ta« surely, truly; adversative part, no, but, however.
tas watercourse, channel.
pH 3 UN

/ stone, (stone)weight ; Gen. 49.24 rock,

"pfo du. potter's wheel; Ex. 1.16 delivery stones ?
TT - ι
n. river A b a n a .
"W.O - pl a c e Ebenezer.
tajá« sash.
"IJ2K n. pers. Abner.
D3N q pt. pass, fattened.
¡>3K n. place Ebez.
· pers. Ibzan.
ni wrestle.
P3K dust (whirled up)\ Ex. 9.9 soot.
'"'Í1¡?2N powdered spices.
"ÛN hi soar up.
"OK pinion, wing.
ΓΠ3Κ pinion, wing.
ΠΓΠ3Κ «· pers. A b r a h a m .
"•P.3K unexplained acclamation.
n. pers. Abram.
""ttÒK η. pers. Abishai.
0(1)^5« η. pers. Absalom.
ΓΰΚ η. place Oboth.
KJS n. pers. Agee.
n. pers. Agag.
^ J « gent. Agagite.
Εχ· '2.22 bunch; II Sam. 2.2s band; Isa. 58.6 rope; Amos 9.6
Tìa« nut.
"IÌ3K n. pers. Agur.
*ΓΠΐ3Κ payment,
O^JK n. place Eglaim.
DJN reedy pool; Jer. 51.32 redoubt?
reed ; Job 41.12 rd. glowing,
bowl, basin,
band, army.
138 q gather in (crop).
'rtrON 4 pH

" ^ η : « basin,
n ^ i í j letter.
IN stream?, underground water.?, mist?
hi I Sam. 2.jj < ^"ΙΝΠ^ cause to languish.
η. pers. Adbeel.
n. pers. Hadad.
fatj n. pers. Iddo.
DVljS n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. Edom.
^ O l I N gent. Edomite.
lord; Lord (only used of God).
P^K rt. place Addon.
Oyi^i? "· P¡ace Adoraim.
niifc rn1«.
"VHK mighty, glorious.
fcO^HK n. pers. Adalia.
D"1K q be red.
pu pt. dyed red.
hi be/become red.
hit ρ gleam red.
I ΟΊΚ coll. mankind, humanity, people; human being (frequently
DTK "12 or similar)·, Eccles. γ.28 man.
I I DIN n. pers. A d a m ; n. place Josh. j. 16 A d a m ; Hos. 6.7 rd. D1N3.
• I Kτ red,' reddish-brown.

ΟΠΚ red precious stone ruby?

ΟΤΠΠΚ reddish.
I MDTN cultivable ground (also landed property, earth as material substance).
I I ¡"ID^K n. place Adamah.
¡ID^K n. place Admah.
•Oftn« red, ruddy.
ΊΟ"ΙΚ gent. Edomite.
V ? ^ n. place Adami-nekeb.
DM21K η. place Adummim.

NÇD1K η. pers. Admatha.

p N pedestal; Job ¡8.6 base.
pK n. place Addan.
•αϊ« 5 nrrôns

,¡5p. η. pers. Adoni-bezek.

ρη ; \?'·ικ
η. pers. Adonijah.
p^S'VIS η. pers. Adoni-zedek.
Οξ^ΠΚ η. pers. Adonikam.
DTJIS n. pers. Adoniram.
Π S ni show oneself mighty.
hi make mighty, glorious,
might, glory.
"ΠΝ Adar (name of a month, February/March).
"Π8 ri. pers., η. place Addar.
"|Ì2"1"K daric (Pers. gold coin).
DVIK n. pers. Adoram.
ϊ^ΕΎΙΚ η. pers. Adrammelech.
«• place Edrei.
A U S splendour, glory; fine garment, robe of state.
WIN q thresh.
2ΠΚ q like, love; pt. also friend.
ni pt. worthy of love.
pi pt. lover,
enjoyment of love.
*2ΠΚ loving gift; loveliness,
nan« love.
τ-; —
ΊΠΚ η. pers. Ohad.
ΠΓΙΚ alas! (apotropaic cry of alarm).
K1HK n. river Ahava.
ΉΠΝ n. pers. Ehud.
•CIS rd. fl»N (Hos. 13.10, 14).
I ί>ΠΚ hi Job 25.s be bright.
I I 'iTIS q move camp, live as nomad.
pi pitch a tent.
I frlK tent.
I I Í>ñfí η. pers. Ohel.
η. pers. f . Oholah.
SK^nÑ η. pers. Oholiab.
rn^ns n. pers. f. Oholibah.
ΠΟ^^ΠΝ 6

η. pers. f , η. peop.? Oholibamah.

Q*l<?V*~ aloes; Num. 24.6 dub.
η. pers. Aaron.
IS or; or rather, or if; IS-—ÌS whether—or.
IS Prov. 31 .4 text corr.
^SIS n. pers. Uel.
I "DiS Job 32.1g wine-skin.
II ais
spirit of the dead.
n. pers.
T Obil.
τ ··
US piece of firewood.
miS cause; alw. w. ty because of.
HIS ni? be lovely, fair; be fitting.
pi wish, desire.
hitp show oneself desirous.
"DJS desire, longing.
"AS it. pers. Uzai.
tyS n. pers. Uzal.
η» η. pers. Evi.
•»iS alas ! (cry of anguish).
¡"Pis alas!
foolish, uninstructed ; fool (frequently with the secondary meaning
of impiety ).
T[l'~iQ 'TIS n. pers. Evil-merodach (Bab. Amel Marduk).
' *Ì>ÌM Ps. 73.4 body?
rd.Q_(II Kings 24.15).
I perhaps.
I I 15IK n. river Ulai.
I D^IS on the other hand, on the contrary.
I I D^íS n. pers. Ulam.
I l l D^IS porch ; properly -> D ^ S .
ri^ìS folly (frequently with the secondary meaning of impiety).
"IDiS matter.
"IDiS n. pers. Omar.
evil, sinister thing; trouble; wrong, wickedness, deception,

I }1N procreative power, strength ; wealth, abundance.

I I }1N η. pers. O n ; n. place Gen. 41.45, 50; 46.20 (Ezek. 30.17) On,
ÍJÍN n. place Ono.
Q1J1S pi. o/|lN or rUK.
DJÌN n. pers. Onam.
η. pers. Onan.
TBiK n. terr. Uphaz.
"VBlN n. pers. Gen. 10.2g; I Chron. 1.23 O p h i r ; n. terr. O p h i r \ Job 22.24
gold of Ophir.
]BÌN wheel.
"IBÌN -» T£)lK.
p S q urge, be in a hurry, hasten; Josh. 17.15 be too confined.
hi urge someone.
τ store,
1 treasure.

"litt q be/become light, shine.

ni? be lit up.
hi make shine, illuminate, light ; spread light, shine.
ni« light.
I -UN glow (of light), fire.
I I "Ί1Ν only pl., usually occurring with EPEFl, lot for oracular consultation
(decision in the negative).
I I I UN n. place U r ( of the Chaldeans) ; n. pers. U r .
a ^ N — J "IN.
miN light, happiness; II Kings 4.3g (Isa. 26.1g?) mallow.
n m : stalls.
η. pers. U r i .
^ΝηΐΝ η. pers. Uriel.
(ΐ)ΓϊηΐΝ η. pers. Uriah.
njniN rd. £ (II Sam. 24.16).
ΓΠΝ q agree.
niN sign, token, ensign; miracle.
TNat that time; then (fut. and cond.).
ητκ-» n i w .
n. pers. Ezbai.
2ÍTN hyssop.
"IÌW loin-cloth.
8 Π1ΠΧ

°1_TK parallel form of TN then.

¡"Π3ΤΝ that part of the meal-offering which is burnt ; the incense accom-
panying the shembread.
q go away, disappear.
fyK rd. TKfrl (I Sam. 20.19) that one.
I hi listen to.
II pi weigh up.
ψ f ear.
"ÏÏ.Ç equipment,
"lian niJTK n. place Aznoth-tabor.
mm hi of imr.
"OÎK n. pers. Ozni; gent. Oznite.
¡TJTK n. pers. Azaniah.
ΓΠΝφ n. place Uzzen-sheerah.
•"'¡pTS manacles.
"ITS q put on a loin-cloth, gird (oneself).
ni be girded.
pi gird someone.
hitp gird oneself, arm.
yriTK / arm.
τ: ν
a native.
"'ΓΠΤΚ gent. Ezrahite.
¿1 jé - » s ^ î « ·
I Π Ν brother (also in the broadest sense).
τ ah! alas!
ΠΚ brazier.
"ΠΚ owl. ? , hyena?
n. pers. Ahab.
2ΠΚ n. pers. Ahab.
1 n . pers. Ahban.
ins Ezek. 21.21 dub.
"ins one, sole, single, first, anyone, once; pi. some, a few ; "ΠΝ3
(Aram.) together, at the same time.
τ reeds.
UnK n. pers. Ehud.
I °"Π1Π« statement.
I I Π1ΠΝ brotherhood.
ΠίΠΚ η. pers. Ahoah.
ντιπ Ν 9 DIVIN

gent. Ahohite.
^DVIK η. pers. Ahumai.
"lins behind, the west; afterwards, future; pi. back, hindquarters.
ΓιίΠΚ sister (also in the broadest sense).
TPS q seize, grasp, take hold; insert, join (architectural); Esther i.6
fasten; Neh. bar (Aram.),
ni be seized, held; be settled.
pi close.
ho II Chron. Q.I8 dub.
ΤΠΚ n. pers. Ahaz.
*ΪΠΚ holding.
Hi Π S landed property.
νΠΝ η. pers. Ahzai.
(ΐ)ΓΗΠΝ η. pers. Ahaziah.
ΕίΠΚ η. pers. Ahuzzam.
ΓιΐΠΚ η. pers. Ahuzzath.
"TIN η. pers. Ehi.
VIS η. pers. Ahi.
•Κ'ΠΧ η. pers. Ahiam.
O)'"1*'™ η. pers. Ahijah.
"RTIIN η. pers. Ahihud.
ί^ΠΝ η. pers. Ahio.
"irvns n. pers. Ahihud.
-ìtiVIN η. pers. Ahitub.
H'rny n. pers. Ahilud.
DÍOVIN n. pers. Ahimoth.
^DVIN η. pers. Ahimelech.
]DTIK n. pers. Ahiman.
¡'^OVIN η. pers. Ahimaaz.
η. pers. Ahian.
η. pers. Ahinadab.
Cyj^ns n. pers. f . Ahinoam.
^DDVIK n. pers. Ahisamach.
"lí^ns n. pers. Ahiezer.
E ¡3 TIN n. pers. Ahikam.
n- Pers- Ahiram.
•«ητπκ IO

''ΰΤΠ*! Sent- Ahiramite.

y v n s ra. per s. A h i r a .
" Π ^ Π Ν η. pers. A h i s h a h a r .
"ΙΒ^ΠΚ η. pers. Ahishar.
^ΒίνΠΚ ra. pers. A h i t h o p h e l .
^ Π Ν η. place A h l a b .
^ΠΚ ,^ΠΝ Ο if o n l y !
">5ΠΚ η. pers. A h l a i .
ilD^nS jasper,
• ο ρ π κ ra. pers. A h a s b a i .
1ΠΗ q stay.
pi detain; be late; delay, linger; Ex. 22.28 hold back.
hi be late.
I 1ΠΚ following, next, another.
I I i n « ra. pers. A h e r .
"ins sg. behind, in the rear, after, a f t e r w a r d s ; pi. end, b e h i n d , after
(prep, and conj.).
]ί~ΐΠΚ rear, the west, last; later, f u t u r e ; / last, in the end.
ΓΠΠΚ n. pers. A h a r a h .
Pers· Aharhel.
ΓΤΗΠΝ issue, end (in space, time, qualityremnant, posterity.
ΓΝΠΠΚ back, b a c k w a r d s .
satraps, governors.
^(ί)ΎΙΙί>ΠΝ η. pers. X e r x e s .
ΒΗ,Φ™ rd. (¿(Esther io.i).
ΉΓι^ΠΧ gent. Ahashtarite.
D^JiritiTIN belonging to the king's service, royal.
"ÎDS gently, s o f t l y ; Gen. 33.14 convenience.
thorn-bush boxthorn. ?
D^tSN exorcists.
DISS q stop u p , close; I Kings 6.4; Ezek. 40.16; 41.16, 26 close with
lattice-work? f r a m e ?
HON q close.
"ItDN ra. pers. A t e r .
-I12N nc«

Ι Ε « restricted on the right > left-handed or ambidextrous.

•'S where?; ΠΓ",Κ which?, where?
I "'S coast, island.
I I '"'N demon?, jackal?
III alas\\ Job 22.30 dub.
j ' ' S q be hostile towards; pt. also enemy.
¡"I^K enmity, hostility.
"PK disaster.
I ΓΡΝ hawk, kite.
I I ΓΡΝ n. pers. Aiah.
ΓΡΝ where ?
V« rd.H(Jer.37.i9).
n. pers. J o b .
η. pers. f . Jezebel.
ìpN h o w ? ; how!
1i33(·)"« «· pers. Ichabod.
Π2" « h o w ? ; h o w ! ; Cant. 1.7 where? (Aram.).
Í1WK how?
T T · ·

ram; mighty one, leader; large tree; pillar, post.

>K strength.
Π^Ν doe, hind.
i^S rd. ft (Eccles. 4.10).
n. place Aijalon.
J I ^ K n. pers., n. place Elon.
niW? n. place Eloth.
"D^X porch.
n. place Elim.

n. place El-paran.
Π ^ Κ n. place Elath.
n.^K doe, hind,
MD"1« terror; Jer. 5 0 . 3 8 apparition > idol.
CD" 1 « 12

η. peop. Emim.
I non-existence > not, no, without, -less.
II P « where?, always whence?
Γ« rd. PN (I Sam. 21.9).
TTJW n. pers. Iezer.
ηΤ^Κ gent. Iezrite.
grain-measure ephah (between 22 and 45 I).
nb>S where?
WK man, human being; one, anyone, each one; pi. people.
η. pers. derogatory form of Ishbosheth.
ΊΐΠ^Κ η. pers. Ishhod.
;·ΊΒ>\Ν time.
,2itû n. pers. Ish-tob.

n. pers. Jesse.
Ti^H n. pers. Ithai.
^JVN η. pers. Ithiel.
"ICrVN n. pers. Ithamar.
I ever-flowing; enduring; pi. Ethanim (name of a month,
September/October ).
II «• pers. Ethan.
T]K only; surely, certainly; however.
12X n. place Accad.
τ : —
j^ÎSN n. place Achzib.
1T3K cruel.
nnN cruel.
W I T S Κ cruelty.
τ · -J
»13 Κ
q eat, devour; taste, enjoy.
ni be eaten, consumed.
pu be devoured, consumed.
hi feed, make to enjoy,
food, nourishment.
*?3K » . persi
food, nourishment.
τ : τ '
13 II

surely; but, however.

pK q press someone.
Ί 2 8 farmer, farm-worker.
η. place Achshaph.
te not; I Sam. 27.10 rd. or ""D'te.
I te cstr. of ^N.
I I te power.
I I I te god, God.
I V te these.
te towards, up to, against, with regard to; at, on; frequently
' forty.
« t e η. pen. Eia.
t e i l t e ice crystals, hail.
D^IJ1?« rd. D^pte.
l ' i t e η. pers. Eldad.
nyite n. pers. Eldaah.
I n t e q swear.
hi curse, place under oath (hypothetical curse).
II°nte ? lament.
Ill nte q be unable,
n τt eτ oath,' curse.
I nte large tree.
II nte n. pers., n.peop.J Elah.
nte large tree,
nte these.
nte ->• n i t e .
D\n'te God, gods.
i t e if.
n i t e God.
Elul (name of a month, August/September ).
I | i t e large tree.
I I ; i t e -»
I ] i t e large
I I l i t e n. pers. Allon.
i sute friendly, tame; subst. intimate; Ps. 144.14 cow?
I I n i t e chief.
14 yot^ 1 ?«

tri1?« η. place Alush.

ni 1 ?« ni^«.
nSJ^K n. pers. Elzabad.
ni be corrupt.
«· pers. Elhanan.

n. pers. Eliab.
n. pers. Eliel.
n. pers. Eliathah.
n- Pers- Elidad.
V'T^ n. pers. Eliada.
fat tail (of sheep),
n. pers. Elijah.
in^K n. pers. Elihu.
ΚίΠ^Κ η. pers. Elihu.
y^'T^i? n. pers. Eliehoenai.
"^S^K n. pers. Elioenai.
n. pers. Eliahba.
^ΊΠ^Κ η. pers. Elihoreph.
gods (alw. used contemptuously), idol; nothing, futile.
ï l f o ^ K η. pers. Elimelech.
n. pers. Eliasaph.
"IJJ^N n. pers. Eliezer.
DJJ^N n. pers. Eliam.
" j j ^ K n. pers. Elienai.
TS^K n. pers. Eliphaz.
^B^K n. pers. Eliphal.
ìrfJE^N n. pers. Eliphelehu.
û j à ^ « η. pers. Eliphelet.
HX^N η. pers. Elizur.
Î S Ï ^ K η. pers. Elizaphan.
Pe™· Elika.
n - P e r s - Eliakim.

JÖB^N η. pers. f . Elisheba.

Π ^ Κ η. ten. Elishah.
J W ^ K n. pers. Elishua.
S ^ B n. pers. Eliashib.
yDB^N n. pers. Elishama.
W^N 15

η. pers. Elisha.
tûEtt^S η. pers. Elishaphat.
•Ίζ^Ν n. pers. Eliathah.

^ K alas!
pi bind (sheaves),
ni be/become bound, dumb.
DÌ?« silence?
D^K dumb.
D^K -»· D^N.
I I I D^K.
D^D^K almug wood (species of wood from Lebanon).
lllD^K n. pers. Almodad.
η. place Allammelech.
rUD^K widow; pi. also widowhood.
τ : —
\?bí>N a particular, a certain.
gent. Elonite.
DJJJ^K n. pers. Elnaam.
η. pers. Elnathan.
IDiJN n. place Ellasar, Larsa.
"t^N n. pers. Elead.
ITIJJ^K n. pers. Eleadah.
Wfiit n. pers. Eluzai.
I ] ^ « n. pers. Eleazar.
^ ^ n. place Elealeh.
n'tt^K η. pers. Eleasah.
q become familiar with.
pi (Aram.) teach, instruct.
II hi produce in thousands.
I ^ M cattle.
thousand; company of a thousand > clan, tribe, district.
Ill n. place Eleph.
β^Ν n. pers. Elpelet.
»• Pers- Elpaal.
] ,( 7« i6 ]DN

J'Í'K pi pester, press hard.

η. pers. E l z a p h a n .
D p ^ K dub. (troops?),
"•ϋ?^!? η. pers. Elkanah.
T P ^ gent. Elkoshite.
I^in^ijt n. place Eltolad.
npn ?« , ν ρ γ ^ κ
η. place Elteke.
|ΡΓή>Κ n. place Eltekon.
DK if, though, even if, if only, w h e n ; w h e t h e r ; DK—Π w h e t h e r — o r ;
DK—DK whether it b e — o r ; DK introduces an oath to be
translated in the negative, K^ 2N an oath to be translated in the
DK m o t h e r (also in the broadest sense); Ezek. 21.26 ^"Π'Ί OK
parting of t h e ways.
τ τ
female slave.
I ΠβΚ cubit (c. 45 cm, on the old standard c. 53 cm); Isa. 6.4 pivot
of leaf of door.
I I HQS II Sam. 8.1 dub.
I l l HQS n. place A m m a h .
η οτ κ·· - ν π ητ " κ·· .
•''Π12Κ clan, tribe.
I }ÌDK artisan; Prov. 8.30 fondling?, darling?
I I jiDK η. pers. A m o n ( also the name of an Eg. god).
sincere o n e ; honesty.
rU'OK firmness, faithfulness, constancy.
fiOK n. pers. Amoz.
n i o s rd. niKO (Ezek. 42.16).
"OK n. pers. Ami.
Q1DK -» DM^K.
Ji^DK n. pers. A m i n o n .
pQK strong.
"ISDK b r a n c h .
^DK pul dry up, wither, become feeble.
''^DK languishing?
^DK feeble.
feeble, wretched.
DDK n. place A m a m .
JDK q -* ]OK ; pt. pass. Lam. 4.5 s u p p o r t e d , carried.
7 ID«

ni prove firm, f a i t h f u l ; be faithful, reliable, t r u e ; last, remain,

e n d u r e ; pt. also entrusted, a p p o i n t e d ; Isa. 60.4 be carried.
hi feel confidence, consider faithful, believe, trust, rely on.
tutor, f o s t e r - f a t h e r ; / , nurse.
}DK faithfulness.
|DN faithfulness.
τ · · , ν:
τ ν:

I Π JDK firm agreement, fixed a r r a n g e m e n t .

I I njDK n. place A m a n a .
τ : τ
in fact,' indeed.
I I ΓΟΟΚ u p b r i n g i n g , fostering.
" rijObí door-post?, plate?
pJDK n. pers. A m n o n .
DJDK surely, indeed.
DJDK surely, indeed.
| j ç s ->• flJÇK.
J-ΌΝ q be strong.
pi s t r e n g t h e n ; h a r d e n ; Ps 80.16, 18 r e a r ; II Chron. 24.ij
hi feel strong.
hitp show s t r e n g t h ; Ruth 1.18 be firmly resolved.
J>DK ->· p D K .
*}>ÖK d a p p l e d ?
}>DK strength,
nxp« strength.
"•SDK n. pers. Amzi.
(i)!TXDK n. pers. Amaziah.
I ΊΟΚ q.say, speak; call; think.
ni be said, spoken; it is said, told; be called.
hi make to declare.
I I I D S hitp boast.
"1DK speech, information ; Job 22.28 1DÌN.
I n o s iS "OJK

I "'"ION speech, word.

I I " I D « antler.

"IDN n. pers., n. place? I m m e r .

, * r n D K word, saying.

"ΓΠ3Κ '

"Hblí gent. A m o r i t e .
•HOK η. pers. I m r i .
0)ΓΡ"1ΟΚ η. pers. A m a r i a h .
^ΕΊΟΝ η. pers. A m r a p h e l .
B"DS last night.

H Q S firmness, faithfulness, stability, constancy, truth.

ΓιΠΓίΟΚ sack.

VHPS n. pers. Amittai.

jS where?, whither?; w . 1>) h o w long?

Π5Κ ,«3« ah n o w !

I ΓΟΗ q m o u r n .

I I rUK p i cause to fall.

p u befall.

hitp pick a quarrel.

'"'HJK time of m o u r n i n g , mourning,

n j i j ,ΓΟΚ where?, whither?; h o w long?

tí'íJK incurable, desperate, disastrous.

I ^ Í J N mankind, m a n .

I I n. pers. Enosh.

PIJK n i sigh, groan.

n n J S sighing, groaning.

UnJN we.

ΓΠΠ.3Κ η. place Anaharath.


m . a n d f . fleet, ships.

¡TJK ship.

rWN m o u r n i n g , lamentation.

DJPJN n. pers. Aniam.

plumb-line?, p l u m m e t ?

Oit* I.
• Τ
19 wnsD«

ρκ hitpo indulge in complaints.

°DJK q compel.
fpK q be angry.
hit ρ be angry.
flBJK heron?

pJN q groan.
ni groan.
I groaning.
II gecko (species of lizard).
m be taken ill.
NDN rt. pers. Asa.
^IDK small oil-jar.
|ÌDK accident (frequently fatal).
Y D S fetter!
fpDN ingathering, harvest.
YDS prisoner.
I "VBH! prisoner.
I I TDK n. pers. Assir.
τ τ store.
rUDK η. pers. Asnah.
nJDS n. pers. f. Asenath.
1DK q gather, gather in, gather together; receive, remove; Isa. 58.8
bring up the rear.
ni gather together (refi.) ; be gathered; be removed, perish.
pi gather in, receive; bring up the rear.
pu be gathered, be removed.
hitp gather together (reft.).
^DK n. pers. Asaph.
ηρκ η"ρκ.
" f p s store, storehouse.
HDk ingathering.
¡ISDN incarceration.
"'USDS collection.
«lpepK rabble.
KnBpK n. pers. Aspatha.
20 D^DI DB«

pD« impf, q of P^D.

I D « q fetter, bind, yoke; Num. 3o.jff. place oneself under obligation.
ni be fettered.
pu be captured.
°~lD« vow of abstinence.
ID« I TS«.
pn-nOK n. pers. E s a r h a d d o n .
p n -id«
"ΙΓίρΝ η. pers. f . E s t h e r .
I η « also, besides, even ; ''S η« even if, yes and what is more, how
much more, how much less, let alone.
I I *]« nose; anger; du. also face.
12« q tie on.
I 12« 1ÌSN.
I I ISK n. pers. Ephod.
*ΓΠΒ« covering.
"T]BK palace.
HB« q bake.
ni be baked.
ΠΒΚ -> r m ? .
«1B« ,ÌB« t h e n , s o .
"IIB« e p h o d (priestly garment, cult object, oracular instrument).
ΓΡΒ« n. pers. Aphiah.
* ^ B•«τ late.
D?S« η. pers. Appaim.
I P^B« stream-bed, channel ; J M 40.18 tube; Job 41.7 furrow.
I I "P^B« strong.
P^BK n. place Aphik.
TBft n. terr. I Kings 10.11 O p h i r ; —• also T B I « .
^B« darkness,
WBK n. pers. Ephlal.
*}B« in time?
DB« q be at an end, cease to be.
DCS end, non-existence, nothing; no longer, not, only; 13 DBS ex-
cept that, but, yet.
CtS^T DB« η. place Ephes-dammim.

DOBS ankles.
JJBt< rd. DSÇ (Isa. 41.24).
njjsx species of snake viper?
^SK q encompass.
PBN hitp summon one's strength, control oneself.
n. place Aphek.
n¡?SN η. place Aphekah.
"ISS f . loose soil, dust; Num.; Ezek. 28.18 ash.
"ISN bandage.
"ΤΠ2ί< young (of birds).
IVHBK litter.
CHSK n. pers., n. peop., n. terr., n. place Ephraim.
ΓΠ3Ν η. pers. f . Ephrath.
nniSH η. place Ephrathah.
THSN gent. Ephrathite.
]3XK n. pers. Ezbon.
JJ3XK / finger; toe.
I "' ^ K remote part.
II ^ X •
K τ eminent.
n^S« Jer. 38.12 armpit; Ezek. 13.18 wrist; Ezek. 41.8 in
^SK q lay aside, remove.
ni be recessed (architectural).
side; beside.
^XK n. pers. Azel.
Í'XS Zech. 14.5 text corr.
^ Ϊ Ν η. pers. Azaliah.
Di'Κ η. pers. Ozem.
ΓΠ5?ΧΚ step-chain; armlet.
ΊΧΚ q store up.
ni be stored up.
hi make to store.
"1XK n. pers. Ezer.
rn¡5t< beryl?
wild goat.
"IK rd. ik) (Amos 8.8).
ΝΊΝ n. pers. Ara.
^νίκ -»• ι ^ κ η κ .

II ^ ' l « ·
η. pers. Areli \gent. Arelite.
rd. (Isa. 33.7) people of Ariel.
q lie in wait, ambush.
pi ambush.
hi set an ambush.
a*lK n. place Arab.
ambush, lurking-place,
a"lK ambush.
^rrn -<· i s a i s r v a .
n a i H migratory locust.
τ : τ
Π3ΊΚ opening, window.
nia?« η. place Arubboth.
•»an« gent. Arbite.
I four; du. four-fold; pi. forty.
I I j j a n s n. pers. Arba.
q weave,
ajntj n. ten. A r g o b ; II Kings 15.25 dub.
wool dyed with red purple.
ΪίΠΚ container.
wool dyed with red purple.
1ΊΚ n. pers. Ard.
n. pers. Ardon.
"»TIN gent. Ardite.
""TIS η. pers. Aridai.
ΓΠΝ q pluck.
"IIIS η. pers. Arod.
IVIS n. place Arvad (island and city).
ηήΚ η. pers. Arodi; gent. Arodite.
gent. Arvadite.
"ΠηΚ stabling.
-τηκ tight.
Γ01ΊΚ healing; restoration.
flOVIK n. place Arumah.
chest, ark; Gen. 50.26 coffin.
runs 23 rOJI«

«· pers. Araunah.
í"l« cedar.
ΠΠ« cedar-panelling.
Π"ι« q journey, travel.
ΓΠ« n. pers. Arah.
Π Ί « w a y (also in the broadest sense).
"ΠΓΠΚ caravan.
ί^ΓΠ^ provisions for the journey, allowance,
ηΚ pi«.
I ^ « P « hearth for sacrifice > name for Jerusalem.
I I ί>«·η« η. pers. Ariel.
« Π Ύ η « ' n. pers. Aridatha.
I lion.
II π η κ II Kings 15.25 dub.
"'T.N stabling.
ΤρΉΝ η. pers. Arioch.
η η κ pi. of ι un.
η. pers. Arisai.
^ΡΚ q be/become long.
hi lengthen, prolong.
''""IS long; D^S« ? p « long-suffering.
T|1K length; E?S« ~"lÑ patience,
"îp« long, lasting,
tp.« n. place Erech, Uruk.
nan« nan«.
"ΨΊΪ? gent. Archite.
En« n. pers., n. ten. Aram.
|iD"1« fortified dwelling, dwelling-tower.
Μ2Ί« gent. Aramaean.
JVDnhj in Aramaic,
cnnj on« n. terr. A r a m - n a h a r a i m (region on the middle Euphrates).
ijb")« n. pers. Armoni.
p « ra. pers. Aran.
I pfc laurel.
I I p « n. pers. Oren.
n a J I « hare.

η. river Arnon.
Π\]"ιΚ η. pers. Araniah.
•¡JTK n. pers. Aman.
n. pers. Ornan.
*1B "IK n. place Arpad.
"IBOSi'h n. pers. Arpachshad.
piece o f land, land, earth.
η. pers. Arza.
Π M q curse.
ni be cursed.
pi curse, bring a curse.
ho be laid under curse.
β Ί Ί Ν η. terr. Ararat.
"ΠΊΝ gent. Ararite.
pi be betrothed.
pu be betrothed.
Γι^ΗΚ request.
,ΝΓιΟΦΠΓΠΚ η. pers. Artaxerxes.
^ " I t i ' S η. pers. Asarel.
n^SlW n. pers. Asarelah.
^SnifK gent. Asrielite.
n. pers. Asriel.
¿>K fire.
existence; there is.
^ N ». pers. Ashbel.
gent. Ashbelite.
n. pers. Eshban.
yatt»« n. pers. Ashbea.
n. pers. Eshbaal.
"'¿•N slope.
iVntPK n. place Ashdod.
•Hfttj!« gent. Ashdodite.
rVHi'WN in the language o f Ashdod.
rfltPN Deut. 33.2 text corr.
"ΠΐΡΝ J er. 6.2Ç text corr.

τ • woman ': each.
rWK offering made by fire, offering.
"TñB'K ri. Q (Jer. 50.15) buttress; tower.
n. pers. Asshur; n. peop. Assyrians; n. terr. Assyria.
Ή^Ν gent. Ashurite.
D^ltSW n. peop. Asshurim.
"ΝΠΙΡΚ η. pers. Ashhur.
¡ID^N n. deity Ashima ( name of a Syrian god).
rvym? -> nna>N.
Mti'^ïi'K cake of raisins (made from dried, compressed grapes).
ΐ^Κ testicle.
,1 í'iSti'K bunch of grapes.
I '
,11'jiSti'N n. pers., n. place Eshcol.
I I tetfN '

n. pers., n. peop. Ashkenaz.

tax, tribute.
τ : ν '

DtPS q commit an offence, suffer punishment for guilt.
ni perish.
hi bring punishment upon.
Dti>N guilt, liability incurred, guilt-offering, gift in atonement,
ΓΙΟΡΝ guilt, offence.
rniDWK night-watch.
D"3D¿¡>K Isa. 59.10 dub.
rnhtPK night-watch.
τ : ν window-lattice.
ÎWK n. place Ashnah.
ftjtPK n. place Eshan.
n i s ^ K quiver.
-> n s t ^ s .
TJBB>K n. pers. Ashpenaz.
"iStPK cake of dates.
Γ)ΒΒ>Κ 26

ΓΐΒΙ^Κ ash-pit; rubbish-dump.

η. place Ashkelon.
"OftplPN gent. Ashkelonite.
I HPK q advance.
pi advance; lead, correct.
pu be led.
I I Its'« /»¿call happy.
pu be called happy.
"ItPN n. pers., n. peop. Asher.
relative particle ; conjunction that, so that, because, in order that,
if, when, as.
*"ltt>K happiness.
*-|¿>K f . step.
I f step.
I I -ib>N W«.
¡"WW asherah ( sacred pole), Asherah ( name of a goddess).
"H^W gent. Asherite.
^l.tPK happy! (introductory word of blessings).
»¿>K hitpo dub.,rd. ÍWÍSnn (Isa. 46.8).
^iSn^K n. place Eshtaol.

gent. Eshtaolite.
n. pers. Eshton.
nbijl^S n. place Eshtemoh.
n. place Eshtemoa.
ηκ πηκ.
f sg. you.
I nS sign of the accusative.
I I ΠΚ together with, with, beside; D S D away from.
I I I *ΠΝ ploughshare or mattock.
ηκ ni«,
κηκ ηηκ.
η. pers. Ethbaal.
°ΠΠΚ q come.
hi bring.
flPlK m. sg. you.
f . female donkey.
"Pin« rd.Q_(Ezek. 41.15).

M-IK rd.Q,
TIN ». pers. Ittai.
Ρ^ΓΙΝ gallery?
DflN m. pl. you.
». place Etham.
yesterday, long ago.

- 1 m-
runs f . pi. you.
η τ: η; κ·.· gift.
». pers. Ethni.
Q i•j ñτ «·· 1
I gift.
H ». pers. Ethnan.
D'HO« ». place? Atharim.

3 in; among, upon, into; on, by, with; on account of ; w. inf. as,
when, while.
ΠΝ3 entrance.
"IKS pi make clear; Hab. 2.2 inscribe.
I Ί Ν 3 well; pit.
I I Ί Ν 3 n. place Beer.
-iris -»• l i a .
ΚΊΝ2 η. pers. Beerà.
D ^ S "ΊΝ2 η. place Beer-elim.
ΓΤΊΚ2 ». pers. Beerah.
ΓΠΊΜ2 n. place Beeroth.
"HK2 ». pers. Beeri.
ΊΗΊ vb -1K2 ». place Beer-lahai-roi.
yiV "1S2 ». place Beersheba.
ΓΠΝ3 ». place Beeroth-bene-jaakan.
IP?™' '
gent. Beerothite.
q putrefy, stink.
pu: 28 n'ha

ni make oneself odious.

hi cause to stink, make odious; stink, be odious.
hitp make oneself odious.
tPN? stench.
*ti>N2 rotting berry.
WS3 darnel (noxious weed).
*Π22 l ^ ñ η ; 2 eyeball.
Ό 2 η. pers. Bebai.
η. place Babel; n. ten. Babylonia.
32 rd. Q_(Ezek. 25.7).
133 q act treacherously.
I 133 treachery.
I I 133 garment, covering.
ΓΓΠ32 treachery.
^ 3 3 n. pers. Bigvai.
on account of.
ΚΠ33 n. pers. Bigtha.
Ν3Π33 ,|ΓΙ32 η. pers. Bigthan, Bigthana.
I 1 2 part, piece; piece > piece of cloth, linen; 12^ alone, apart,
by oneself, 1v. |D besides, apart from ; pi. poles, carrying-poles,
I I ° * 1 2 empty talk.
I I I " 1 2 oracular priest.
° K 1 3 q devise.
1 1 3 q be solitary.
1 1 2 alone.
n. pers. Bedad.
•H2 - O l .
n;i3 n. pers. Bedeiah.
^12 tin.
" ^ÍH3
1 •2 τ dross.
ni separate oneself, go over to ; be set apart.
hi separate, divide, distinguish; set apart, choose,
part, piece.
n^3 bdellium-gum.

η. pers. Bedan.
p"12 q repair.
p12 breach, seam.
n. pers. Bidkar.
"Π2 emptiness, waste.
"|in? thumb, big toe.
ΏΠ3 precious stone.
°"Ι\Ί3 brilliant. ? , obscured?
• τ '
ni be/become frightened, dismayed; hasten (Aram.),
pi frighten, dismay someone; hasten (Aram.),
pu pt. hastened, hastily acquired (Aram.),
hi frighten, dismay someone; hurry; II Chron. 26.20 remove
quickly (Aram.).
n^na dismay, terror.
n o n a cattle, animals; Job 40.15 Aliona hippopotamus,
pa n. pers. Bohan.
pna harmless eruption on the skin.
Γι "1Π 2 blotch ( symptom of a skin-disease).
Nia q enter, come; set (sun),
hi bring in, bring.
ho be brought in, brought.
Tía q treat contemptuously, despise.
I Ti a contempt, scorn.
I I na n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. Buz.
nna contempt, scorn,
nia n. pers. Buzi; gent. Buzite.
va η. pers. Bavvai.
ìpa ni be stirred up, wander about.
I to dry wood.
II to Bui ( name of a month, October / November ).

Ρ - p .
njia n. pers. Bunah.
^la ». pers. Bunni.
Dia q trample down, trample under foot.
pol trample down > desecrate.
ho pt. trodden down.
hitpol kick about.
Γ- 30

}>ì2 byssus (fine white cloth).

η. place Bozez.
¡Ipl2 waste, emptiness.
"1¡?Í2 cowherd.
"112 cistern, pit; grave; prison.
112 rd. Q_(Jer. 6.7) well.
m τe·n- nia mτo• .
η. place Borashan.
6Î>12 q feel shame, be ashamed; Ezra 8.22 hesitate.
pol delay.
hi put to shame, treat shamefully, be ashamed.
hitpol be ashamed before one another.
nt£>12 confusion, shame.
T2 plundering, plunder.
NTj q wash away.
ΠΤ2 q despise.
ni be despised, scorned.
hi make despised.
Πί2 plundering, plunder.
ÎÎ2 q plunder, strip, take as booty.
ni be plundered.
pu be plundered.
]1V2 contempt, scorn,
rrni^a rd. (josh. 15.28).
pT2 lightning flash.
PÍ5 - place Bezek.
"Ita q scatter, distribute.
pi disperse.
ΚΠΪ2 n. pen. Biztha.
! TI 2 assayer.
Ί1Π2 young man (adult, vigorous, still unmarried).
"ΤΠΊ1Π2 time of life, age, condition of a young man.
nninà -» o ^ n a .
*]»Π3 rd. Q_ (Isa. 2j.ij) siege-tower ?
• τ chosen.
q feel loathing.
pu rd. Q (Prov. 20.21 ).

]ΓΠ q try, put to the test.

ni be tried, put to the test.
pu Ezek. 21.18 text corr.
}Π2 watch-tower.
}Π2 testing?; ]Π2 hard stone? (schistose gneiss?).
q select, choose; prefer; try (Aram.),
ni be chosen, preferred; be tried (Aram.),
pu rd. Q_ (Eccles. g.4).
"'Duna gent. Baharumite.
"Dnna time of life, age, condition o f a young man.
Dnna n. place Bahurim.
ΠΒ3 ,St32 q speak rashly.
pi speak rashly.
Π1β3 trusting.
ΠΪ22 q feel safe, trust, rely on.
hi instil trust.
I ΠΩ? security, trust; usu. adv. securely, carefree.
II nçà η. place Betah.
- ··. Τ
— Τ

n n a a trust.
;ίΠΕ2 trust.
nintS2 security.
0l 7t22 q be idle.
1 1 Ç 2 belly, body, womb, innermost part; I Kings 7.20 swelling?
II n. place Beten.
D\3t?2 pistachio nuts.
COba η. place Betonim.
"'S if you please ( at start of a conversation ).
pa q distinguish, perceive, pay attention, consider, understand,
ni be discerning, skilled.
pol be attentive.
hi be able to distinguish, have discernment ; lead to discernment,
discrimination, instruct.
hitpol act with discernment, pay attention,
interval; cstr. predominantly used as prep, between.
."WO 32 • « ν rva

¡"1^3 ability to discriminate, discernment, understanding,

¡TV 3 citadel; I Chron. 29./, ig of temple.
"'¡TJ'V3 fortified place.
ΓΡ3 house, abode, interior; household, family; property.
IV 2 n. place Beth-aven.
η. place Bethel.
rVO n. place Beth-arbel.
ySB'K IV 3 n. place? Beth-ashbea.
^JJD ^ 3 IV3 n. place Beth-baal-meon.
n s 2 n. place Beth-birei.
m a i v a η. place Beth-barah.

"HiTIVS η. place Beth-gader.

^Dä IV3 η. place Beth-gamul.
Ο Τ ^ η η JVa n. place Beth-diblathaim.
^ í V í V a η. place Beth-dagon.
^sn rea gent. Bethelite.
'ΤΧΚ,'Ί η"1? η. place Beth-ezel.
IV3 n. place Beth-gilgal.
rV3 η. place Beth-haggan.
,nb(' , )ti^Ü IV3 η. place Beth-jeshimoth.
• 13Π ΓΐΌ n. place Beth-haccherem.
"ΏΠ^Π IV 3 gent. Bethlehemite.
ηΪ23"ΊΕΓΐ JV3 n. place Beth-marcaboth.
pDJjn nia η. place Beth-emek.
naijin η"1? η. place Beth-arabah.
Din rva «• place Beth-haram.
p n IV3 n. place Beth-haran.
¡"listen rV3 n. place Beth-shittah.
WD6S>niV2 gent, of Beth-shemesh.
n^n^rpa n. place Beth-hoglah.
l(i)Vin(-)iva - i(i)nn(-)iv3.
p n ÍV3 ». place Beth-hanan.
|(i)-|h(")n , , a n. place Beth-horon.
a ç v IV? n. place? Beth-joab.
-D ΠΌ 33

12 ΓΡΪ η. place Beth-car.

ηίκη1? rva η. place Be h-lebaoth.
•rf? IV S n. place Bethlehem.
rrjsj)1? ΓΡ3 n. place Beth-le-aphrah.
K(Y)$>D JVa n. place? Beth-millo.
JVS n. place Beth-meon.
fOJJD JVS n. place Beth-maacah.
ΠΪ33ΊΟ η. place Beth-marcaboth.
IO"1? palace.
rnDJ fVS n. place Beth-nimrah.
Π^ n. place Beth-eden.
niDTJ) JV3 n. place Beth-azmaveth.
nijy-rva n. place Beth-anoth.
nJ^TVa η. place Beth-anath.
n. place Beth-eked (-roim).
rfS ». place Beth-pelet.
"lìys ΓΡ2 n. place Beth-peor.
{•i'S ΓΡ2 η. place Beth-pazzez.
HXTVa n. place Beth-zur.
3ίΓΠ rV2 n. place Beth-rehob.
a Τa v" r v a axa i".
JÏDVÎVa η. place Beth-rimmon.
NsnT T
rva· · -> NEH.T T

tN^-n^a η. place Beth-shean.

n. place Beth-shemesh.
^("Jjva n. place Beth-shan.
n o - u t a rva ->· nnnjri.
fflSFiTVa η. place Beth-tappuah.
naa q weep.
pi bewail,
n a a weeping.
-iiaa -> i b a .
ÎTTiaa early fig.
D'Htöa early fruits, first-fruits,
r n t o a n. pers. Becorath.
n i a a weeping.

"'Sil weeping; Job 28.11 trickling.

0^33 n. place Bochim.
¡TTO? the older (woman).
"IVOS mourning.
"133 pi bear early fruits; treat as first-born.
pu be destined as first-born.
hi give birth to first child.
*"I33 young male camel.
133 - Pers- Becher.
1 3 3 first-born ; periphrasis for superlative.
ΓΠ33 rights as first-born.
ΓΠ33 young female camel.
11?3 n. pers. Bocheru.
^"133 gent. Becherite.
n. pers. Bichri ; gent. Bichrite.
ί>3 wearing out, non-existence > not.
^ 3 Bel ( name of the god Marduk).
«· Pers· Baladan.

hi become cheerful; Amos5.9 flash.
'13^3 n. pers. Bilgah.
n. pers. Bilgai.
1^3 n. pers. Bildad.
Πί>3 q be worn out, done; wear out, fall in pieces.
pi wear out, enjoy the use of; make to waste away; oppress.
" rw
úao r n out, done.
η. place Balah.
pi discourage.
ΠΠ^3 terror.
ΠΓΐί>3 η. pers. f . , η. place Bilhah.
]PIÍ>3 η. pers. Bilhan.
worn out clothes, rags.
"IXNtPB^a n. pers. Belteshazzar.
Isa. 38.17 wearing out, destruction; negation not, un-, -less,
^ 3 mixed fodder,

ty^ì1 worthlessness, destruction; good-for-nothing; wicked, worth-

less person.
q mix, confuse ; Judg. ig.2i give fodder.
hitpo intermingle.
Isa. 64.5 rd.
DÍ>2 q restrain?, curb?
q nip sycamore figs.
I V'TJ q swallow, gulp down.
ni be swallowed.
pi swallow, destroy.
pi inform, spread abroad.
pu be informed.
I l l 3^2 ni be confused.
pi confuse.
pu pt. confused.
hit ρ appear confused.
II I "V^ì! thing swallowed.
I l l j t o n. pers., n. place Bela.
"H?/?? ^"íy'í'í without, apart from, besides.
gent. Belaite.
n. pers. Balaam ; rt. place Bileam.
P^D q lay waste.
pu pt. laid waste.
p^2 n. pers. Balak.
ISKB^a n. pers. Belshazzar.
n. pers. Bilshan.
^ 2 cessation of existence, non-existence > un-, except, without,
not;\Fi^;í> w. inf. negates subordinate clauses.
¡"IDS high ground, high place for worship.
n. pers. Bimhal.
iO 2 synonymous with 2.
ΓΠ02 η. place Bamoth.
I ;2 son (also in the broadest sense)·, expresses membership in the
broadest sense.
I I | 2 n. pers. Ben.
n. pers. Ben-oni.

Π33 q build, construct, build up, rebuild.

ni be built, r e b u i l t ; ^ . obtain a child, live on (in the children).
Τ]?."]? n- Pers- Ben-hadad.
Via n. pers. B i n n u i .
n n i r - ; a I Chron. 4.20 n. pers.? text corr.?
n- Pers- Ben-hayil.
pn-]a n. pers. B e n - h a n a n .
U a n. pers. Bani.
153 n. pers. B u n n i .
p"ia"\ja n. place B e n e - b e r a k .
HU? building.
(í)nua n. pers. Benaiah.
pJTUa n. place Bene-jaakan.
D\J3 ü ^ a n c h a m p i o n , single c o m b a t a n t (between two battle
,!(")DUa n. pers., n. peop. B e n j a m i n .
U^D1;"]? gent. B e n j a m i n i t e .
i^jà b u i l d i n g .
UUa n. pers. B e n i n u .
KJ)J3 n. pers. Binea.
rPliDa n. pers. Besodeiah.
i ç a η. pers. Besai.
1 D 3 unripe, sour grapes/fruit.
distance; prep, in t h r o u g h , out t h r o u g h , b e h i n d , a r o u n d , on
behalf of, f o r ; Prov. 6.26 dub.
n y a q Isa. 21.12 i n q u i r e ; Isa. 64.1 bring to the boil.
ni Obad. 6 be searched o u t ; Isa. 30.13 b u l g e out.
"ifya pers. Beor.
*mya terror.
Tjja n. pers. B o a z (also the name of the left-hand pillar in front of the
temple in Jerusalem).
taya q lash o u t ; I Sam. 2.2g despise,
a^ya rd. c x y a (isa. 11.15).
*Ty3 cattle, property.
tya q possess, r u l e ; take possession of (as a wife), marry.
ni be taken possession of (as a wife), married.
i t o 37 rwya

I owner, citizen (as owner of land), husband; expression for the

power to make use of or have a share in, something', frequent
designation of deity, Baal (name of a Canaamte god).
II n. pers. Baal,
"ir^a ». place Baal-gad.
I f owner.
I I rfrjj? n. place Baalah.
n. place Baal-hamon.
n f t j j a ». place Bealoth.
]Jn n. pers. Baal-hanan.
~ή¥Π to ». place Baal-hazor.
|1D"in η. place Baal-hermon.
n. pers. Beeliada.
n ^ y a n. pers. Bealiah.
mil tyi rd. ΓΠΊίη n^Jja (II Sam. 6.2).
D^ya n. pers. Baalis.
j i y p ^ya n. place Baal-meon.
•sS1S(-)l7J>a n. place Baal-perazim.
](i)Bï to ». place Baal-zephon.
Πφύ to ». place Baal-shalishah.
n^ya n. place Baalath.
nsa n^jja n. place Baalath-beer.
"IDFl ^ y a ». place Baal-tamar.
|Í>a ». place Beon.
njya ». pers. Baanah.
τ-:- r-:-
1 "IJD q be on fire, burn, consume.
pi set on fire, kindle, burn down.
pu be kindled.
hi set on fire, reduce to ashes.
I I "11)2 pi remove; lay waste.
hi clear away ?
I I I "IJ}2 q be brutish, stupid.
ni behave in a brutish, stupid manner.
"iya brutish, stupid,
tnya ». pers.f Baara.
rnya burning,
rwjja ». pers. Baaseiah.
38 •papa

KtítyS η. pers. Baasha.

ΓΠΙ-ΐψ})? n. place Be-eshterah.
riva ni be overcome with terror.
pi terrify,
n n j í ? terror.
Y ¿ mud.
PS - Κ « ·
n sτ a* marsh.
fortified, inaccessible ; Jer. j j . j inconceivable thing.
ΎΙΪ3 rd. Κ (Zech. 11.2).
ti. pers. Bezai.
TX3 vintage,
Τ τ
η. pers. Bezalel.
rfl^S? n. pers. Bazluth.
n^sa n. pers. Bazlith.
q cut off ; make gain.
pi cut off, finish, fulfil; defraud.
y x 3 cut > gain.
D^lîï? rd. Q (Judg. 4.11).
p¥3 q swell up.
p ï 3 dough.
Γιρϊ3 n. place Bozkath.
I 1X3 q gather grapes.
II 1V3 q humble.
I l l "1X3 tit be inaccessible, impossible.
pi make inaccessible.
I "1X3 gold ore.
I I T i 3 η. pers., η. place Bezer.
I r n ? 3 Micah 2.12 fold?
I I " T i 3 η. place Bozrah.
ΓΤΊΪ3 lack of rain, drought.
P"IX3 Zech. Ç.12 stronghold? text corr.
ΓΠΧ3 lack of rain, drought.
p13p3 n. pers. Bakbuk.
p i p a flask.
ΓΡρ3ρ3 n. pers. Bakbukiah.
"Ip3p3 n. pers. Bakbakkar.
39 11Ί2

η. pers. B u k k i .
η. pers. B u k k i a h .
breach, fragment.
JJp2 q split, d i v i d e ; break through, break i n ; Isa. 34.15 hatch;
Amos 1.13 slit o p e n ; Ps. J4.15 break open.
ni split, break open, break through, be conquered ; Isa. 5 9 . 5 be
pi split, slit open, make to break t h r o u g h ; break in pieces;
Isa. 5 9 . 5 hatch; Job 28.10 cut out.
pu Josh, g.4 be split; Ezek. 26.10 be c o n q u e r e d ; Hos. 14.1 be
slit open.
hi II Kings3.26 break t h r o u g h ; Isa. 7.6 conquer.
ho be conquered.
http split, break apart.
unit of weight beka (half-shekel, 5 . 7 / 2 g).
Π ^ ρ 2 valley with flat bottom.
|1iJ"nyp2 n. place valley of A v e n .
I ppD q ravage, bring to nothing.
ni be ravaged, disturbed.
po ravage.
I I pp3 q Hos. 10.ι be luxuriant.
1 p 2 pi care for, concern oneself a b o u t ; Ps. 2J.4 take delight.
1 pr 2Τ coll. cattle,' herd of cattle.

"1¡53 morning.
'•'í"n¡?5 care.
ΓΠ[52 reparation,
' ¿ ' p j pi seek, seek to obtain ; seek out, consult ; d e m a n d , require.
pu be sought.
*ΠΚ>ί52 request, desire.
rd. (II Sam. 20.14).
I°"l3 son.
Una pure, clear, unsullied.
III 13 grain, wheat.
I V e "ia open country.
I l'a purity; potash, lye (purifying agent).
I I na - o í a .
I «"Ü 40 nyna

I ΚΊ2 q create ( only used of God),

ni be created.
I I ΝΊ3 hi make oneself fat.
I I I N"D pi cut down the trees, clear ;fig. cut in pieces.
I V K-Ü II Sam. 12.17 I
« n a -> u n a .
•τ ·τ
η. pers. Berodach.
noa -> "'«na η 1 »!.
iTK'ia η. pers. Beraiah.
T Ï a q hail,
n TT
a hail.
* " ñ a dappled.
Ή.? η. pers., η. place Bered.
Ima q eat, fortify oneself.
hi feed, fortify someone,
lima q choose ?
Tjna η. pers. Baruch,
i n a pure, clear,
t f ñ a juniper.
°*nna juniper,
n i l 2τ , - n n aτ food,' refreshment.

nnna η. place Berotha.

nina η. pers. Birzavith.
^ H a iron.
n. pers. Barzillai.
ma q run away, flee; Ex. 36.33 pass through, slide.
hi drive away, put to flight; Ex. 26.28 pass through, slide;
I Chron. 12.16 render impassable,
r n a gliding, fleeing.
"Orna gent. Barhumite.
na n. pers. Beri,
« n *a τ fattened, ' fat.
τ · : act of creation.
τ : * food,7 refreshment.
Π η 2 η. pers. Bariah.
nna bar.
njjna n. pers. Beriah.
Tna 4 "ma

lyna geni. Beriite.

n'Ha promise, obligation.
n'Ha soda.
I ?pa q kneel d o w n .
hi make to kneel d o w n .
II ìpa q praise, bless.
ni wish blessing for oneself.
pi bless, praise; euphemism for blaspheme, curse.
pu be/become blessed, praised.
hitp wish blessing for oneself, consider oneself fortunate,
η-¡a / knee.
^KDna n. pers. Barachel.
I n a n a blessing; benediction, wish for blessing, blessing f o r m u l a ; gift
(accompanied by a wish for blessing); II Kings 18.31 ; Isa. 36.16
I I n a n a n. pers. Beracah.
nana pool.
(l)rpana n. pers. Berechiah.
D>nha cloth of t w o colours.
yjná j t f n a KHÇ.
V I ? «· pers- Bera.
njna njna.
p n à q flash. '
I pna lightning.
I I p n a n. pers. Barak.
pna pna-oa.
D i p n a n. pers. Barkos.
D V Ç n a thorns?, threshing-sledges?
n p n a , n p n a green precious stone b e r y l or emerald.
I nna ¡¡r separate, p u r g e o u t ; test.
ni keep oneself p u r e ; be pure, undefiled.
pi sift.
hi p u r i f y .
hitp show oneself pure.
I I nna q sharpen.
hi sharpen.
iWna n. pers. Birsha.
Tina n. pers. Berothai.
ΤΠ2 42

gent. Berothite.
n. river Besor.
mτw a -> r τw a .
. . *·
,ύψϊι balsam-tree, balsam-oil ; perfume.
τ r
rifila η. pers.f. Basemath.
pi announce, inform, proclaim.
hitp receive news.
"lK>a flesh; body; euphemism for genitals; Isa. 58.7 relatives.
mii>a message, news; messenger's reward.
DJtt'ä since ( < D3, ψ, a).
q ripen, boil.
pi cook.
pu be boiled.
hi ripen,
^ a boiled.
D^tfa n. pers. Bishlam.
n. terr. Bashan.
τ : τ
DtP2 poi levy farm-rent.
nii'a feeling of shame, shame ; disgrace (also as derogatory substitute
for Baal).
I n a daughter (also in the broadest sense); expresses membership in the
broadest sense; population; Ps. ιγ.8 eyeball.
I I n a liquid measure bath (between 22 and 45 I)•
mτ aτ waste.
" l i n a II Chron. 34.6 text corr.
* n n a ravine.
ÍWna η. pers., η. place Bethuel.
^na n. place Bethul.
n^na virgin.
Üi^na time of life, state of a virgin; proof of virginity,
rvna n. pers. f . Bithiah.
pna pi cut down,
ma q cut up.
pi cut up.
lira 43

I "ΊΓΙ2 piece, part.

I I "ιΓι2 Cant. 2.17 clefts in the rock?, perfume?
}ί"!Γι2 II Sam. 2.2g ravine?, half a day?
iDtPTfi n. pers.f. Bathsheba.
n. pers.f. Bathshua.

S3 proud.
ΠΝ3 q be/become high ; be exalted, be arrogant.
ΠΚ3 pride.
ΠΝ3 high, exalted; proud.
ÍWÑ? n. pers. Geuel.
Π1Κ3 majesty; pride; Ps. 46.4 raging.
release.?, duty as avenger/1
]ÍN3 height; thicket; majesty; pride.
Π1Κ3 rising up ; majesty ; pride.
" 1 ^ 3 Ps- 123.4 proud,
rvw pi. of «>3.
I q redeem, release; ransom; claim back; ΟΊΠ > ^Sj avenger
of blood.
ni be redeemed, bought back.
II ni be defiled (cultically).
pi defile.
pu be pronounced unclean.
aph stain.
http defile oneself.
"1?Κ·Ι pl. defilement.
flvJNâ redemption; right, duty of redemption.
23 torus, elevation; boss, back; rim.
I "23 ditch.
I I "23 I Kings 6.ç beam.
I l l "23 swarm.
K23 pool.
Π23 q be high, exalted ; be proud.
hi make high.

high; haughty.
Π23 high, exalted; proud,
nail height, majesty; pride.
ΜΓ03 pride.
vài rd. Q_ (Josh. 15.47).
^>123 boundary, territory.
" boundary, territory.
"Π23 valiant, powerful; warrior, champion; I Chron. g.26 chief.
n~lj3 strength, might; pi. mighty deeds.
Π23 bald on the forehead.
ΠΠ33 baldness on the forehead ; bareness,
swarm of locusts.
3ä η. pers. Gabbai.
D'OS η. place Gebim.
goblet, cup.
Τ1?? lord, ruler.
ΠΎ03 lady, mistress (also title of the queen-mother ).
tPO3 rock crystal.
q bound; border upon.
hi set bounds for.
». place Byblos.
ί>23 n. ten. Gebal.

gent, of Byblos.
ΓΙ<0| twisting.
τ · :
*pD3 (mountain) peak.
- place Geba.
ï £ 3 -»JJiiâ.
KJJ23 n. pers. Gibea.
I fljjää hill.
11^23 n. place Gibeah.
n. place Gibeon.
gent. Gibeonite.
bud. ? , seed-pod ?

nj??2 η. place Gibeah.

"O5J?? gent. Gibeathite.
q prevail, be strong; increase; succeed.
pi make prevail ; exert.
hi prevail.
hitp assert superiority.
I 133 young, strong m a n ; man > each.
I I "IDS! n. pers. Geber.
133 η. place Gibbar.
-|b3 ->1135.
^ 1 3 3 η. pers. Gabriel.
Π Ί 3 | cstr. of ΠΎ03.
^Π33 η. place Gibbethon.
33 flat roof, covering slab.
I "13 coriander.
I I 1 3 good fortune; Isa. 65.11 god.
I l l 13 ,13 n. pers., n. peop. Gad.
τ : * -*· 13131
τ : · - 1Π.
Π1313 η. place Gudgodah.
113 q band together.
hitpo administer cuts to oneself.
"ΠΠ3τ··. : cut.
I "1113 soil thrown up by the plough.
I I H13 raid, plundering expedition; host, horde, band of robbers.
Ì7Ì13great (in the broadest sense).
Π7Π3 ,1^113 greatness ; great deeds,
reviling, abuse.
, 0 ΠβΠ3 reviling, abuse.
1Î13 ->11$.
-niia pi. of π 13.
η? kid (m).
•Ha gent. Gadite; η. pers. II Kings 15.14, i j Gadi.
"'IS n. pers. Gaddi.
· Pers- Gaddiel.
*ϊ»13 kid ( f ) .
:· river-bank.
ti"13 stack of sheaves ; Job 21.32 burial-mound.

q be/become great (also in the broader sense),

pi make great, grow; magnify, extol, praise; bring up.
pu pt. grown up.
hi make great; display greatness; magnify oneself, do great
http magnify oneself, show oneself great.
"71Î1 greatness; glory, praise; w. pride.
'¡H3 growing, becoming great, great,
tassel, twisted ornamentation.
n. pers. Giddel.

n^a rto-13.
η. pers. Gedaliah.
η. pers. Giddalti.
JJU q hew off, fell, break in pieces, cut off.
ni be hewn off, broken in pieces.
pi strike off, shatter.
pu be felled.
PJH3 n. pers. Gideon.
"»Jly-13 - O j ' j n ? .
•ins n. place Gidom.
^Jjns n. pers. Gideoni.
'^13 pi revile.
ΠΒ13 nsn3.
τ "·.· τ
"Π2 q erect a stone wall, wall up.
"Π3-τ stone wall,' wall.
"PI 3 n. place Geder.
1Ί3 η. pers., η. place Gedor.
I *Π"Π3 stone wall, fold.
τ ·•:
I I ΠΎ13 η. place Gederah.
ΓΠ1Ί3 n. place Gederoth.
Ή!? gent. Gederite.
Γ0.13 wall.
T H I S gent. Gederathite.
ΕΤΓΠ3 η. place Gederothaim.
Π3 rd. T\\(Ezek. 47.13).
ΠΙΊ3 q heal.

¡"ΙΠ3 healing.
-inj q bend down, crouch.
"13 back; w. ·ΗΠΝ η ^ Π reject.
I 13 back.
II 13 community.
I ni3 swarm of locusts.
lian n. place Gob.
3Ì3 n. pers. Gog.
n a q make a raid, attack.
I ma back.
II Π13 pride, arrogance.
T13 q drive in, sweep away.
^rtä young bird.
n. terr. Gozan.
Π13 - » ΓΡ3.

•»13 swarm, nation.

ΠΜ3 body ; corpse.

deportation; those deported.

n. place Golan.
γν\ί pit.
•ou ». pers. G u n i ; gent. Gunite.
q perish, die.
η ΐ 3 hi shut.
*ΠΒ13 corpse.

I 113 q stay as client, alien.

hitpol stay as client, alien.
II "113 q attack.
III "113 q be afraid, stand in awe.
"-ΙΪ3 lion cub.
ΙΊΗ young (stillsucking).
II Ί13 n. place G u r .
n. place Gur-baal.
În1â lot, allotment, destiny.
shearing, mowing.
ητ3 q cut off.
ΓΗ3 fleece, wool.
48 Qiyaxfi Ό

"Oiîâ gent. Gizonite.

q clip, shear.
ni be removed, destroyed.
'I? «· pers. Gazez.
ΓΡΪ3 squared stone,
ta q tear away, seize possession of, plunder, rob; Micah 3.2 flay.
ni be stolen,
ta. robbery.
ta robbery, stolen goods.
robbery, stolen goods.
DJ3 locust?, caterpillar?
DT3 n. pers. Gazzam.
*Ì)T3 tree-stump; shoot.
I "IM q cut, fell ; Job 22.28 decide.
ni be cut off, separated; be lost; Esther 2.1 be decreed.
I I "ITJ q devour.
I "It3 part cut off, portion.
I I IT3 n. place Gezer.
ΠΊΤ3 separated area; Lam. 4.7 cutting?, form?
τ·· :
ΠΠ3 q Ps. 22.10 draw out?
|ίΠ3 belly.
ήΠ3 -> ;irr3.
"•ma -> vr™.
coal, glow.
DH3 η. pers. Gaham.
~ΙΠ3 η. pers. Gahar.
"!} Ol valley.
«•>3 ,κ;ΐ valley.
D 3 n ( - $ ) (Κ)\3 n. place Valley of Hinnom.
n. place Valley of Salt.
ΠΠΒΪ KN| n. place Valley o f Zephathah.
T3 sinew.
D*psrPâ n. place Valley of Zeboim.

ΠΌ q burst out.
ht burst out; Ezek. 32.2 snort?
ITä η. place Giah.
the spring Gihon; ». river Gihon.
"ΊΠ"1? η· Pers- Gehazi.
'¡'N'nnS^ "'J ». place Valley of Iphtah-el.
q rejoice, shout for joy.
I 0 * ^ ! age (-group).
I I ^ 3 rejoicing,
îl^â rejoicing.
ifrs gent. Gilonite.
nJ^a n. pers. Ginath.
Q'T? pi- of "13.
rd. Q_ (Job 7.5) crust.
n. pers. Geshan.
I ί>3 heap of stones.
I I fc
73 bowl.
n. place Gilboa.
^3^3 wheel; Isa. 17.13', Ps. 83.14 wheel-shaped thistle-ball.
I wheel.
I I ^ 3 n. place Gilgal.
n ! & 3 skull, head.
¡"1^3 q lay bare, uncover; (have to) go into exile.
ni uncover oneself, disclose oneself, make oneself known ; be
uncovered, laid bare, revealed ; be taken into exile.
pi lay bare, uncover, open; disclose, reveal.
pu be uncovered; pt. open.
hi take into exile.
ho be taken into exile.
hitp uncover oneself, declare oneself.
ΓΪ73 rf?Ì3.
íi^3 η. place
τ τ Giloh.
¡"1^3 bowl; torus; spring; Josh. 15.19b; Judg. 1.15b n. place.
Vfo 50 02

* 01*73 garment.
ri. Q_(Josh. 20.8; 21.27).
deportation; those deported.
Π1?) pi shave.
pu be shaved.
http shave oneself, have oneself shaved,
tablet; hand-mirror,
pivot, cylinder; ring.
I I Wi• τ n. ten. Galilee.
Π ^ 3 circuit, district.
nlWa n. place Geliloth.
0^3 n. place Gallim.
n^3 n. pers. Goliath.
q roll, roll away.
ni be rolled together; roll, flow.
poal pt. rolled.
hitpo fall upon, roll.
pilp roll away.
hitpalp roll on.
hi -* q.
I dung.
I I oc?Vi n. pers. Galal.
Ill only w. 2 on account of.
forms of I
n. pers. Gilalai.
D?3 q roll up.
formless thing, embryo,

hitp break out.

1^3 n. pers., n. place., n. terr. Gilead.
n. place Galed.
•HJjfa gent. Gileadite.
q come down.
D3 together with, also, for one's part, even, yet; 0 3 — 0 3 not only—
but also, negative neither—nor.
KDJ 51 m»

KD3 pi swallow up.

hi give to sip.
KD3 papyrus.
"IÛ3 linear measure gomed of a cubit?),
n. peop. Gammadites.
n. pers. Gamul.
^03 deed, reward.
T i deed,' reward.
ÌTD3 ti. place Gimzo.
^DJ q become ready, ripe; ripen; wean; deal with, show; reward.
ni be weaned.
^03 camel.
^D3 n. pers. Gemalli.
ÍW^DI n. pers. Gamaliel.
"ID3 q be at an end, bring to an end.
"ID3 n. pers. f . , η. peop. Gomer.
Pers- Gemariah.
I3 garden.
233 q steal; deceive.
ni be stolen.
pi steal; deceive.
pu be stolen \Job 4.12 come stealing.
hitρ steal away.
T- thief.
¡"I2J3 thing stolen.
n?¡33 η. pers. Genubath.
Π|3 ,"Λ'ΓΙ33 garden.
•τ : treasures.
I I "DVJ3 carpets
*^ÎJ3 treasury.
q enclose, defend.
hi -* q.
ΜΠ33 η. pers. Ginnethoi.
n. pers. Ginnethon.
q low.
*nj>â η. place Goah.
52 DVU

tyl q abhor.
ni be fouled.
hi Job 21.10 fail (in impregnation).
tyi η. pers. Gaal.
q rebuke, threaten.
rnj)3 rebuke, threat,
ffj» q shake.
pu be shaken.
hitp shake.
hitpo shake.
t£>}?3 η. place Gaash.
n. pers. G a t a m .
I back.
I I * η | 1B33 h e alone.
IΒ 3 f . tendril, vine; grape-vine.
"I S3 kind of wood, gopher.
ΓΥΗΒ3 s u l p h u r .
"13 client, alien.
13 chalk.
ΜΊ3 ». pers. G e r a .
3*51 e r u p t i o n .
2Ί3 n. pers., n. place G a r e b .
"13-13 olive.
ni"13*ia throat, neck.
'IMI? gent. Girgashite.
hitp scrape oneself.
113 pi excite.
http excite oneself, engage oneself (in conflict, war) ; Dan. ii.ioa
prepare for war, ii.iob rd. Q_ press on.
I ΓΠ3 c u d .

I I ΓΠ3 unit of weight gerah of a shekel, 0.572 g).

* m lτ l lion c u b .
throat, neck.
ΠΠ3 lodging-place.
113 ni be removed.
T l ä rd.Q_(I Sam. 27.8) gent. Gizrite.
D^pJ n. place G e r i z i m .

] Π | axe, chisel,
i n i - • "7-J.Ì3.
D-13 g dub.
pi gnaw.
D'I3 bone; II Kings g.ij self.
geni. Gannite,
p i f . threshing-floor.
IÇÇn p i η. place Goren-ha-atad.
p j n. place Goren-kidon.
]Ì3J p i n. place Goren-nacon.
DH3 q be worn out.
hi make break.
ίΠ3 q shave, clip; reduce, deduct, withdraw.
ni be reduced, deducted, withdrawn.
pi extract.
ΠΊ3 q sweep away.
"Π3 q carry away; w. Π"13 chew the cud.
poalpt. sawn.
"Π3 n. place Gerar.
BH3 crushed grain groats.
BH3 q drive out, divorce; Isa. 57.20 throw up.
ni be cast away; be troubled.
pi drive out.
pu be driven out.
produce ?
"ΠΙΪΗ3 expropriation.
DlüHä η. pers. Gershom.
Jít¿h3 n. pers. Gershon.
Qtt>-]3 Citi»-)3.
S e n t - Gershonite.
ÍTW? ."W3 n. terr., n. peop. Geshur.
"HìtM gent. Geshurite.
DtP3 hi send rain.
I 0^3 torrent of rain, rain; pi. also rainy season.
II 0^3 n. pers. Geshem.
*D¿>3 rain.
η. pers. Gashmu.
JIM n. place, n. terr. Goshen.

HBt^ä η. pers. G i s h p a .
IPIM pi grope.
I nä / wine-press.
I I na η. place Gath.
η · piece Gath-hepher.

Τι2 gent. Gittite.

" n. place Gittaim.
n"JTi| musical term.
"ΙΓ|3 η. pers. Gether.
}iBVJ"lä η. place Gath-rimmon.

3N"1 q languish, faint.

¡138'! despair,
q fear; be anxious, care for, be afraid.
3K-J. n.
ÜK^l ti. pers. Doeg.
ττ :
anxious care.
ΓΙΚΤ q fly, swoop down (birds of prey )\ soar ( God).
ΠΙΠ kite, fork-tailed kite.
"ΙΚΊ n. place D o r .
3*1 bear, she-bear.
331 q moisten.
ΓΙ2*! report, calumny.
I m iΤ3 1s bee.
I I Γηί3Ί. η. pers. f . Deborah.
I "V31 hindermost room (of the temple).
II " l ^ . η. pers., η. place D e b i r .
c a k e of figs (from pressed figs).
"n^n rd. rto-l (Ezek. 6.14).
n. pers. Diblaim.

pin g cling to, be attached to ; hold fast to something, stick.

pu be held together.
hi catch up with, overtake; make to cling; pursue.
ho pt. stuck.
I ..

Ρ5Ή soldering; I Kings 22.34; H Chron. 18.33 baldric ?

I "121 pi turn away; drive away; exterminate.
hi α>. nnFi drive out, subdue.
I I "Û"t q speak.
ni speak with one another.
pi speak, talk.
pu be spoken.
http speak with one another.
word; matter, event, affair; allotment, output; something,
negative nothing.
"15?. plague.
"'"DI pasture.
- pla c e Debir.
"121 word.
Job¡.8 cause; Ps. 110.4 manner; w.also because of, in order
rnii Γπΐ:η.
•H21 η. pers. Dibri.
ΓΠ21 n. place Daberath.
"ΓΠ^'ϋ word.
I n ^ a i hump.
I I n ^ i i l η. place Dabbesheth.
fish; Neh. 13.16 coll.
¡"OI q become numerous.
ΓΠΙ coll. ñsh; Jonah 2.2 a fish.
n. deity Dagon.
q raise the standard; pt. pass. Cant. 5 . 1 0 distinguished.
ni pt. trooped round the standard,
standard > division.
I non

grain, corn.
"131 q b r o o d ?
du. b r e a s t s .
-ft ni·^.
mi hup go. ?
->• iYn.
inVT^t n. pers. D o d a v a h u .
^ rd. Q_(II Sam. 23.9).
p^l n. peop. D e d a n i t e s ; n. pers., n. terr. D e d a n .
D\2T1 n. peop. D e d a n i t e s .
D'O'l^ n. peop. D o d a n i m .
Cm ni pt. c o n f o u n d e d .
"1ΓΠ q d a s h .
"ΠΊΠ1! d a s h i n g .
JKft -OK^I.
hi waste.
If* -» Λ.

τ - fisherman.
nw Amos 4.2 w. n Ï T D fish-hooks, fishing tackle.
Ill lover, b e l o v e d ; (paternal) u n c l e ; pi. also love, e n j o y m e n t o f
HI c o o k i n g - p o t ; basket.
T H n. pers. D a v i d .
I J er. 24.1 baskets.
I I D ^ •N τW mandrakes.
"Tnto (paternal) aunt,
i l f a η. pers. D o d o .
"ΗΐΊ η. pers. D o d a i .
ΓΤΠ q b e unwell, m e n s t r u a t e .
¡TH unwell, m e n s t r u a t i n g ; sick, ill.
ΓΙΠ hi rinse.
"•l'I illness.
sick, ill.
^.H n. pers. D o e g .
•τ - > T* T

•^TC q p o u n d .
nS'OTC hoopoe.
I HÛTC silence (term for the underworld).
II n o n 57

I I MDH η. pers., η. peop., η. place, η. terr. D u m a h .

¡"POil silence.
DDW silently.
ptt'SH n. place Damascus.
' p q rule?
JJfa wax.
pi q skip.
"Ill q Ezek. 24.5 pile up in a circle; Ps. 84.11 go about, dwell.
Ill Isa. 22.18 ball; Isa. 29.j w. 3 around.
I "ita camp.
II age, generation, posterity; company, community.
I I I Ί Ϊ 1 n. place D o r .
ΙΡΠ q trample down, thresh.
ni be trampled down.
ho be threshed.
ΠΓΠ q push, push in.
ni be overthrown.
pu be overthrown.
ΠΠ1 ni be pushed, driven away.
ΤΠ tripping, stumbling.
ΙΠΙ millet.
ΊΓΠ q pt. pass, swift.
ni hurry.
pm q push, oppress.
sufficiency, need; enough; a>. 2 for, as often as; 1τ. 3 according
to, as much as; w. |D as often as; enough.
n. place D i b o n .
an q fish.
τ - fisherman.
unclean bird.
3ΠΤ '"I n. place Dizahab.
fio1"! n. place D i m o n .
¡"OID1"] η. place Dimonah.
q administer justice, effect justice, pass judgment.
ni dispute.
58 II

case, legal claim, lawsuit, judgment; Esther 1.13 justice,

nj»ïj η. pers.f. Dinah,
ns^l η. pers. Diphath.
p ^ siege-work.
tí*? threshing-time.
I Ι^Ί. η. pers., η. peop. D i s h o n .
I I J B * ^ animal permitted for food b i s o n ?
η. pers., η. peop. D i s h a n .
ìJH oppressed.
ni pt. oppressed.
pi shatter, crush.
pu be shattered.
hitρ lie crushed.
K M crushed, dejected; Deut. 23.2 crushing; Ps. go.3 dust.
HDT q rd. ni (Ps. 10.10).
ni be crushed.
pi crush,
I ^ door.
II poor; mean, helpless, weak, destitute.
3ÍH q leap.
pi leap, climb.
I ¡"fri q draw.
pi draw up.
I I n^T
q Prov. 26.7 hang down?, dangle?
I s a - 3 8 · 1 2 thrum.
I ito
II Cant. 7.6 flowing hair.
I l l *Hv"l
coll. and pi. the poor,
q muddy,
(ΐ)Π^ΐ' n. pers. Delaiah.
Π^Η n. pers.f. Delilah.
tendrils, foliage.
I q be/become small, low; Isa. 38.14 languish?
I I <7(?1 q Job 28.4 dangle.

η. place Dilan.
I q leak.
I I η^Ι q be sleepless,
i f t leaking roof,
l i e f t η. pers. Dalphon.
P^l q set on fire, burn ; pursue hotly.
hi kindle, inflame,
np^ fever-heat.
door-leaf, door; II Kings 12.10 l i d \ J e r . 36.23 column.
D1 blood; bloodshed, guilt of bloodshed.
I Π 0 1 q be like, equal to.
pi compare, ponder, devise.
hitp make oneself like.
I I ΠΟΤ q be still, cease ; Jer. 6.2; Hos. 4.5 dub.
ni be silenced, reduced to silence; be destroyed.
HQ? Ezek. 27.32 text corr.
rflDI, copy, likeness, form.
">θη half.
W quiet.
"PP'l resemblance.
DDT q stand still, keep silent, be motionless, be dumb; perish.
ni be silenced; be devastated, perish.
poel quieten.
hi bring to a halt; cause to perish.
τ τ :
njDT n. place Dimnah.
yOT q weep.
abundance?, juice?
njJQT coll. tears.
pK'QT n. place Damascus,
n. pers., n. peop., n. place, n. ten. Dan.
6o tmn

rW η. place Dannah.
ΓΙjru^ η. place Dinhabah.
^ gent. Danite.
ÍWJ^J η. pers. Daniel,
njTI knowledge.
"¡Wyi η. pers. Deuel,
ìjyi q be extinguished.
ni dry up.
pu be extinguished,
n j n knowledge, skill, perception, discernment ; intimacy, association.
W• T; blemish.
pBT q drive too hard; knock.
http jostle each other.
riÇS'n η. place Dophkah.
PU thin, fine, low.
p'í veil?
n^p^ n. pers. Diklah.
PP"I q crush; be pulverized.
hi crush; pulverize.
ho be crushed.
Ίρΐ q pierce.
ni be pierced.
pu pt. pierced.
ηρ·η η. pers. Deker.
"Π costly paving.
~fí -* I I n i l .
JÍNTJ aversion.

m g°ad-
yill η. pers. Darda.
T ü H thistles.
DÌ11 south; Job 37.17 south wind.
I l i n ! / swallow?

I I "lin. drops.
Illni-ffl release,
n. pers. Darius.
ντ:ιτ r
»im 6ι •oron

»ini rd. B>rn (Ezra 10.16).

• p i q tread; tread grapes; bend (the bow).
hi cause to tread ; make firm by treading ; bend (the bow) ;
Judg. 20.43 dub.
Τ]Ύ1 m. and f . way, distance, journey ; manner, custom, behaviour,
course of life, condition.
D'OiDSTI drachmae.
p'B>D~n n. place Damascus.
V I I η. pers. Dara.
|ίρ"Π η. pers. Darkon.
q seek, inquire, require, care for.
ni be sought, let oneself be sought.
q become green.
hi produce fresh growth,
fresh growth, grass.

q become fat.
pi make fat, smear with fat; clear of fat ashes; Ps. 20.4 regard as
pu be made fat.
hotpaal be satiated with fat > drip,
fatness, fat ashes,
fat, full of sap.
ΓΠ f . decree, law.
n. place Dothain.
jrfl n. place Dothan.
}Γ)1 n. pers. Dathan.

ΝΓΙ here!, see!

Π«Π aha!, fine!
ηηκη gent. Hararite.
,Π2Γϊ) 2Π imv. of 2 if give!, come on!

"ΟΠ2Π Hos. 8.13 dub.
•en 62 DU

o nτ ->. a n- .
»n Hos. 4.18 dub.
*τ a n~.

toi q b e empty, vain.

hi make e m p t y , vain.
I breath > vanity, transitoriness ; also of idols.
I I ί>3Π n. pers. Abel.
Ί3ΓΙ q divide; pt. w. D^D^ astrologer.
Ν3Π n. pers. H e g e .
nihil mana.
IΠ3Π q coo, growl, m u r m u r ; meditate, reflect; speak.
hi cause to m u r m u r ; m u t t e r .
poelì Isa. 59.13 speak.
I I Πϋη q separate, remove.
Π311 m u r m u r i n g , m o a n i n g ; r u m b l i n g (thunder).
HUI meditation.
"On n. pers. Hegai.
'"'^n sighing.
]i , 3n m u r m u r i n g , plotting; s o u n d i n g ? ; Ps. g.i7 liturgical direction.
Ezek. 42.12 suitable?
"IM n. pers.f. H a g a r .
"Η3Π η. peop. Hagrite.
"in shouts of joy (properly an interjection).
ΊΊΓ1 n. pers. H a d a d .
Ί Ρ Π Ί Π η. pers. H a d a d e z e r .
|ÌEV1in Zech. 12.11 name of a god or n. place
n i n q stretch out.
l i n η. terr. H o d d u , India.
Ds"N"in Isa. 45.2 dub.
D l i i n n. pers. H a d o r a m .
Ί Π n. pers. H i d d a i .
inpih rd. Q (I Chron. 3.24) n. pers. Hodaiah.
^pn q trample down.
D i n footstool.
63 n^mn

D'in myrtle.
HD 1Π η. pers.f. Hadassah.
ηΐΠ q push, drive out.
Π Π q honour, favour.
ni be honoured.
http put on airs,
lin η. pers. Hadar.
"ΠΠ honour, ornament, splendour, majesty.
"Π.η adornment.
"Πηηη adornment.
mτi m .
ΓΠΠ ah!, alas!
in alas!
«in - + i m n .
Η « he; that.
DVJjin rd. Q(Ezek. 27.15) ebony.
I "lin majesty, splendour.
I I "lin η. pers. Hod.
ΠΗίη η. pers. Hodvah.
.•Win rt. pers. Hodaviah.
nnin n. pers. Hodiah.
I mn q fall.
I I '""in q become; remain.
-njn destruction; outrage; desire,
nin disaster, destruction.
Dnin ». pers. Hoham.
"•in alas! (in lamentation for the dead, prophetic diatribe).
ni^in ,ηΐ^ίη folly.
D^in pt. q. of D^n.
Din q throw into confusion.
ni be in a stir.
hi throw into confusion; be in a stir.
DDin n. pers. Homam.
]in hi regard as easy.
;in goods, wealth; adv. enough,
yçt^in n. pers. Hoshama.
ütí>in η. pers. Hosea.
n^in n. pers. Hoshaiah.
mn 64 I

mn nnn.
Τ«ηίΠ n. pers. Hothir.
nrn q pant.
**Π cry of woe.
Ν"1? f . sg. she; that.
ΤΡΠ shouts of joy (properly an interjection).
ΠΊΤΓΙ songs of praise.
Í1V1 q happen, become, be.
ni happen, take place.
*n»n destruction, disaster,
palace; temple, principal room of the temple.
fyn morning star.
DDVI n. pers. Hemam.
n. pers. Heman.
PN liquid measure hin (between 3.66 and 7.5 I).
nan q press?
*·"Π3Π w. D'OS partiality.
S'jn ni pt. far removed.
n«^n further, onwards.
D ^ N festival.
T^N TO. andf. this one; there,
VT -
this one.
this one.
mn|ñ rd.fKJer. 48.5).
"TJ^N step.
-na^n way; pl. way, course, doings, caravan, procession.
•J^Nq go, walk, act; go away, pass away.
ni be made to pass away.
pi go, walk, walk about; pass away; Prov. 6.11 pt. highwayman.
hi cause to go, lead ; bring.
hitp go to and fro, traverse, walk, flow away (water).
I Sam. 14.26 flowing; II Sam. 12.4 visitor.
I ^ N hi cause to flash.
I I ft π 65 on

I I ftn pi shout with joy, glorify, praise, extol.

pu be celebrated, praised.
hitp boast; Prov. 31.30 be praised.
I l l ftn q be deluded.
poel make a fool, a laughing-stock, of.
poal pt. senseless.
hitpo behave madly,
ftn n. pers. Hillel.
D^n q hammer, beat; stamp; overcome.
D-I?n hither, here.
DÍ?n η. pers. Helem.
nìOftl hammer.
0Π n. place Ham.
"ΠΟΠ ,*DH luxury?
ΟΓΙ m. pl. they.
ΚΓΠΰΠ n. pers. Hammedatha.
ΠΟΠ q make an uproar, roar; growl, snarl, coo, bark; sound; groan;
be agitated.
ΠΒΠ m. pi. they.
Πχ^ έ η"*ϊ ΠνΌΠ.
τ ··.":

ρΟΠ roar, tumult; crowd, wealth; commotion, agitation.

njlDH n. place? Hamonah.
"ΓΡΟΠ thrumming.
Π^ρΠ roar?, throng?
DDD q confuse, exterminate; Isa. 28.28 drive o n , J e r . 51.34 dub.
|ΟΠ n. pers. Haman.
DODH brushwood.
^Π see!; if (Aram.).
I ¡"lin here, hither; until now.
I I Π3Π / pi. they,
run see!; if.
nnjn remission, amnesty.
03Π η. pers. Hinnom.
Vin n. place Hena.
HBjn swinging.
¿H hush!
non 66 Din

n o n ht stili.
onion pt. pass, q o/nDN.
*ΓΠΒΠ cessation.
Tjsn q turn (trans.) ; overthrow, destroy; change; turn (refl.), change
into, become.
ni turn (refl.)·, be overthrown, destroyed; be changed; change.
ho turn (refl.).
hitp Gen. 3.24 whirl\Judg. 7.13 ro\\\ Job 37.12 turn this way and
that \Job 38.14 be transformed,
opposite, perversity.
τ "
η|ΡΒΠ twisted,
psn n. place Ziz.
¡"ftsn deliverance.
η. pers. f . Hazelelponi.
| ï h multitude. ?
ρήρΠ η. pers. Hakkoz.
1ΓΙ mountain, highlands,
"in n. place Hor.
Sin n. ten. Hara.
^nn rd. I ^ηκ (Ezek. 43.15).
rvsnn rd. Q_ (II Sam. 14.11 ) inf. cstr. hi of ΠΠ.
]"Π q kill, slay; slaughter.
ni be killed.
pu be killed.
3T1 killing, murder,
'"•ìlì! killing, slaughter.
mn q conceive, be/become pregnant; pt. mother, parents.
pu be conceived.
poel? Isa. 59.13 conceive.
ΓΠΠ pregnant.
ΟΓΙΓΙ η. pers. Harum.
ΉίΊΠ gent. Harorite.
* Π η η pregnant.
fVHH conception.
m TnT -> BTiTr m a" .
mn 67 VWl

D'I Π η. per s. Horam.

"|ÌD"iri unexplained.
pfl η. pers. Haran.
")'"ΙΠ pregnancy.
DIM q tear down, pull down, destroy; break through, press forward;
Ps. 58.7 knock out.
ni be pulled down.
pi destroy.
DTI destruction.
'''ΠΟΙΠ ruins.
τ ·~:
"Πρ"1Π destruction.
"'"Π η parallel form of "ΓΙ.
•τ-: ,ΉΙΠ
·ττ gent.
0 Hararite.
ΒΙ^Π η. pers. Hashem.
ntyDtWl information,
nis^n nSE>K with the article.
—. I T : -

sJIWI melting,
nnannn inf. hitp of π m n .
ηηη η. pers. Hathach.
'bnn pi mock.
D^nn mockery.
ΠΠΓΙ poel overwhelm with reproofs.

1 ,1 and; also, together with; that is; or; 1 — 1 not only—but also,
pi n. place Vedan,
ani η. place Vaheb.
"11 peg.
"ITI guilty
ΝΓΙΓΙ η. pers. Vaizatha.
"lfl child.
,TJ1 n. pers. Vaniah.
DB1 n. pers. Vophsi.
"0101 n. pers. Vashni.
"^¿>1 n. pers.f. Vashti.
I 2 N Î 68


I I ηκτ η. pers. Zeeb.

ΓιΚί / sg. this.

°1DÎ q present with,


°"UÌ ». pers. Zabad.

». pers. Zabdi.

η. pers. Zabdiel.

η. pers. Zebadiah.

coll. flies.

». pers. Z a b u d .
Ì ^ D I ,Ι^ίΰΤ ». pers., n. peop. Z e b u l u n .
•O^ST gent. Z e b u l u n i t e .
Π3Τ q slaughter, sacrifice.

pi sacrifice.

I Π3Τ sacrifice.

I I rDT ». pers. Zebah.

"3Î η. pers. Z a b b a i .
°ΓΗ>αΐ η. pers. f . rd. Q_ (II Kings 23.36) Zebudah.

». pers. Z e b i n a .
ÍOT q honour?; live with?

I ^DT dwelling.

I I ^pT ». pers. Zebul.

-> i t o .

3T skin.

IT insolent, presumptuous.

]i"lí presumptuousness.

ΠΤ this; here; n o w ; also relative particle in poetry.

Πΐ f . sg. this.

2ΠΤ gold.

DHî pi fill with disgust.

D"T n. pers. Zaham.

I "ΙΠΤ hi shine.

I I "iHT ni let o n e s e l f b e warned.

hi warn,

"irit brightness.
IT 69

IT Ziv ( name of a month, April/May).

IT f . sg. this
Π relative particle; Hab. 1.11 text corr.?; Ps. 62.12 this.
DIT q flow; Lam. 4.g waste away?
DÎT discharge.
ητ ->ττ.
DVIT η. peop. Zuzim.
ΓΙΠΙΤ η. pers. Zoheth.
*ΓΜΤ •τ corner.
q lavish.
*Πί>?Τ besides; Josh. 11.13 except that.
]1T Prov. 17.4 ht ο/ΐ;ΤΝ.
riJÏT prostitute.
VIT q tremble.
pilp shake.
C1^1! 'nK1·- t r e m b l i n g ' terror.

I "ΠΤ q press out, crush.

I I ~11T q turn away.
ni turn away.
ho pt. estranged.
I l l Ht q be loathsome.
NTT n. pers. Zaza.
ΠΠΤ ni be displaced, slip.
^ΠΤ q creep, crawl away.
TT q be presumptuous.
hi act insolently, act presumptuously; be inflamed, instigate;
Gen. 25.2g boil.
"]ÍTT seething.
I PT swarm.
I I PT udder, nipple.
KPT n. pers. Ziza.
ΠΡΤ n. pers. Zizah.
NTT n. pers. Zina.
η. pers. Z i a .
n. pers., η. place Z i p h .
HSV η. pers. Ziphah.
"ÎV gent. Ziphite.
70 .TT>ûî

Πίρ'Ί flaming arrows.

ΓΡΙ olive-tree; coll. olives.
n. pers. Zethan.
ηΐ pure, clear.
Π2Τ q be pure.
pi keep pure.
hitp make oneself clean.
ΓΥ013Τ glass,
TÔT mindful.
H3Î n. pers. Zaccur.
"'S} η. pers. Zaccai.
?pî q be clear, pure; be bright.
hi cleanse.
131 q recall, think of, remember.
ni be remembered, mentioned.
hi remind, mention; confess, praise.
man; '
"13Î memory, mention, naming, invocation.
"ID.T n- Pers- Zecher.
°]Ì"I3T memory, reminder, mention ; memorial ; event to be
remembered ; maxim.
Ί·ΰΤ η. pers. Zichri.
(ί)η;η;τ η. pers. Zechariah.
Πίν'Τ vileness.
D ^ T tendrils.
I W t q be profligate, vile.
hi despise.
I I ^ T ni quake, totter.
*flBJ^T , ' c n s ^ T intensity, fury.
flS^t n. pers.f. Zilpah.
IΓΊΕΤ τ - shameful deed, shame.

I I MET n. pers. Zimmah.

τ : vine-branch, vine.
CBTDT n. peop. Zamzummim.
I TDÌ pruning ( of vines), trimming.
I I *TBT song.
ΠΤΟΤ n. pers. Zemirah.

DDT q consider, purpose.

"DDT plan.
]DT pu pt. appointed.
|DT (fixed) time, date.
I ΊΟΤ q prune (vines), trim.
ni be pruned (vines), be trimmed.
I I ΊΟΤ pi sing, play a musical instrument; praise.
"IDT wild goat?, species of gazelle?
I PHDT song, sound.
I I * m D T Ex. 15.2; Isa. 12.2; Ps. 118.14 strength?
I l l * m D T fruit, produce.
mbT -<· miDT.
τ : τ :

">"1ÇT η. pers., η. terr. Zimri.

pDT η. pers. Zimran.
rn¿T ->IIn"jDT.
Til kind.
DJT pi destroy the rearguard.
2JT tail; stump.
njT q fornicate; be unfaithful ; Judg. 1Q.2 take a dislike to.
pu have fornication committed.
hi induce to commit fornication ; fornicate.
rut ΓΰίΤ.
τ τ
niJT η. pers., η. place Zanoah.
D^OW unchastity, fornication ; unfaithfulness.
ΓΛ3Τ unchastity, fornication; unfaithfulness.
I PUT hi stink.
I I PIJT q reject, cast off.
hi declare rejected, reject.
~ τ -> niJT.
pJT pi spring out.
*Π}}Τ sweat.
mj>T trembling, terror.
]1i!T n. pers. Zaavan.
ÎÎTVT ptlp of i)lT.
°-pîtt a little.
T^JJT ni be extinguished.
72 II π-ιτ

Olii q curse, inveigh against, be angry with.

nipt, cursed.
DJJT curse, anger.
HJÎT q be incensed; Dan. look wretched.
IJJT rage, anger.
PJJT q cry, call.
ni be mustered ; I Sam. 14.20 assemble.
hi cry; muster (levies)·, Jonah 3.7 have proclamation made;
Zech. 6.8 call out to.
Pipyt outcry, lamentation.
'•'pSÌ n. place Ziphron.
ΠΒΤ f . pitch.
I D^ipT fetters.
II D^ipT flaming arrows.
|pT q be/become old.
hi become old.
]¡3T m. and f . beard,
fpî old; old m a n ; elder.
)i?t old age.
rug» growing old.
D\3pT time, condition of growing old, old age.
t p t q raise up.
ppT q filter, wash (ore),
pi refine.
pu pt. strained, refined.
"IT foreign; foreigner; different, surprising, strange; unlawful.
"IT moulding, band.
NIT diarrhoea with vomiting.
2"IT pu become parched.
n. pers. Zerubbabel.
TIT n. river Zered.
I ΠΊΙ q scatter, winnow.
ni be dispersed.
pi scatter, disperse, spread abroad; Prov. 20.8,26 winnow.
pu be spread, scattered.
II ΓΠΤ pi measure off.

yi"lt arm, f o r e a r m ; strength, force.

"VpT downpour.
"MIT Prov. 30.31 text con.
mt q rise, break out.
I *ΓΠΤ rising (sun).
I I ΓΠΤ n. pers. Z e r a h .
"'fT'lT gent. Zerahite.
ΠΤΠΤ η. pers. Zerahiah.
DIT q wash a w a y ?
poel pour out.
DTT downpour.
"ΠΟΊΤ penis,
yit q sow.
ni be s o w n ; be fertilized.
pu be sown.
hi produce seed; Lev. 12.2 bear o f f s p r i n g ,
y "IT sowing, s e e d ; s e m e n ; o f f s p r i n g ; family.
,Ο^ΊΪ vegetables,

P"1T q scatter, sprinkle; Hos. 7.9 be sprinkled.

pu be scattered.
"ΠΤ q pass. ? be squeezed out.
poel sneeze.
BHÎ n.pers.f. Zeresh.
Γι "IT span (c. 22 cm).
NVlî n. pers. Z a t t u .
ΠΓιΤ η. pers. Z e t h a m .
"ιΠΤ η. pers. Zethar.

*2Π shirt-pocket.
SDH ni h i d e ; be hidden, sheltered.
pu keep in hiding.
hi hide, keep hidden.
22Π 74 II-απ

ho be kept hidden.
hitp keep in hiding ,30b 38.30 solidify.
°23Π q love.
22Π n. pers. Hobab.
Π2Π q hide.
ni hide.
n. river Habor.
ΓΠ12ΓΙ injury, bruise.
122Π q beat, beat out.
ni be beaten out.
ΓΡ3Π n. pers. Hobaiah.
]Van veil.
I ^ΠΠ q take in pledge.
ni be bound in pledge.
II q act corruptly.
pi spoil, ruin.
pu be destroyed ; be distraught.
Ill pi conceive.
I ίΟΠ rope, line, cord; noose, snare; piece of ground; district, region;
I Sam. 10.5,10 band.
II destruction.
labour-pains, sufferings; foetus,
'bah sailor.
*n£iq pledge.
D^nh union.
lily (asphodel).
nijsan n. pers. Habazziniah.
ρύΠ q embrace; Eccles. 4.5 fold (the hands).
pi embrace; Job 24.8; Lam. 4.5 take shelter.
ρ2Π folding.
pìpèO η. pers. Habakkuk.
I hi be brilliant.
I I "Ι-Π q be joined; cast (spell),
pi join, ally.
pu be/become joined.
I Ί2Π 75

http ally oneself; be in trading partnership.

itpa be in trading partnership.
I "Ί2Π league, association; binding, spell.
I I "ΟΠ n. pers. Heber.
""ΟΠ companion, associate; devotee.
*"|2Π partner.
*γπϊπ5Π spots.
τ : ν
"ΓΤΊ3Π injury, bruise.
n. pers., n. place Hebron.
gent. Hebronite.
•HDH gent. Heberite.
tfian -•Vii?".
*Γη2Π. partner.
set; hanging.
5Ρ2Π q bind, bind round, bind u p ; saddle; Ezek. 27.24 twist;
Job 34.17 hold the reins; Job 40.13 confine.
pi bind up ; dam up.
pu be bound up.
DTÇn pans.
3Π pilgrim-feast.
Ν3Π confusion.
I 23Π locust.
I I 32Π n. pers. Hagab.
ΓΙ23Π n. pers. Hagabah.
33Π q keep a pilgrim-feast; Ps. 107.27 reel.
"'Ί3Π refuge.
*"113Π girded.
ηϊ3Π girdle.
ΓΠ13Π girdle; loincloth.
^Π n. pers. Haggai.
"'in n. pers. Haggi;g£«i. Haggite.
ΓΡ3Π η. pers. Haggiah.
rvan n. pers.f. Haggith.
Π^Π n. pers. f . Hoglah.
"0Π q gird ; gird oneself.
πηαπ ,-iiq -+ r n U n ,-ihn.
I " 1ΓΙ sharp.
-in 76 ητιπ

I I °1Π Ezek. 33-3° one ·

"ΠΠ q be aggressive.
ho be sharpened.
"ΠΠ η · fers- Hadad.
°mn q rejoice.
pi make glad.
"D'HWn points.
°ηνΐΠ joy.
Τ1Γ1 n. place Hadid.
q cease, desist from, neglect; fail to appear, be absent; rest.
Ps. 39.5 ceasing, transient; Ezek. 3.27 declining; Isa. 53.3 dub.
ίΠΠ abode o f the dead ?
^ΗΠ η. pers. Hadlai.
pin nightshade.
η. river T i g r i s .
"ΠΠ q surround.
Τ1ΓΤ inner room, c h a m b e r ; innermost part,
ητιπ η. place Hadrach.
tíHH pi renovate, renew.
http be revived, rejuvenated.
ΒΗΠ new, fresh.
τ τ

I ΒΗΠ new moon, m o n t h ; Jer. 2.24 heat.

I I ΒΗΠ η. pers. f . Hodesh.
ΠΙίΗΠ η. place Hadashah.
TIO η · P l a c e Hodshi.
°ΠΒΙΠ -»· π π π π n ì s n .
°31Π pi bring into liability,
ΓΟΪΓΙ η. place Hobah.
Jin q describe a circle.
3VI circle, horizon.
°ΤΙΠ q pose a riddle.
°Π1Π pi proclaim, instruct.
I * n j n camp, tent-village.
I I ΠίΠ η. pers. f . Eve.
* n r i n -+ nth.
77 DWl

•»Tin η. pers. Hozai.

Hin thorns; thorn, hook.
DTlin hiding-places.
ΒίΠ thread.
•^Π n. pers., gent. Hivite.
Π^ΙΠ n. pers., n. terr. Havilah.
q dance a round dance, turn.
pol dance a round dance.
hitpol whirl.
II -»Ι*Π.
^ίΠ η. pers. Hul.
I ^in sand.
I I Mn
Job 2Ç.18 phoenix.
DÌH dark-coloured,
nçin wall.
Din q be sad ; have pity, spare.
^ίΠ shore, coast.
DSVl n. pers. Hupham.
iQStfl gent. Huphamite.
alley; outside; Eccles. 2.25 ¡D ¡ΊΠ except.
ΡΡ'Π η. place Hukok.
Τ1Π q turn pale.
I ΊίΠ linen.
I I Un η. pers. Hur.
lin ι ih.
η-¡in - o n h .
•nin -> i i - n h .
»lin linen.
•ΗΙΠ η. pers. Huri.
•Η VI η. pers. Hurai.
D^n η. pers. Huram.
Η^Π n. terr. Hauran.
D.»j'-)in Ο^ΓΙΠ.
tPin q hasten; Eccles. 2.25 be anxious?, enjoy?
hi hasten, speed; yield.
HOT! n. pers. Hushah.
^ ί Π η. pers. Hushai.
D"Wn n. pers.f. Hushim.

-> DtíTt.
* '··

I Dnin
II onìn η. pers. H o t h a m .
7ΚΙΠ «. pers. Hazael.
ΠΤΠ q see, behold; Ex. 18.21 choose.
breast, brisket.
"ΤΠ seer.
^ΚΠΐΠ ^Kîq.
im η. pers. Hazo.
]ίΤΠ vision, appearance.
ΓιίϊΠ record of vision.
°Γι1ΤΠ vision ; Dan. 8.5,8 conspicuousness.
*7«>ΤΠ η. pers. Haziel.
ΠνΠ n. pers. Hazaiah.
]ίνΠ n. pers. Hezion.
ρ^ίΠ vision, appearance.
ΠΠ thundercloud.
ΤΪΠ wild boar.
ΤΪΠ η. pers. Hezir.
ΡΤΠ q be/become firm, strong ; impel ; w. 2 be caught, hold fast ;
vp. be obdurate.
pi make firm, strong; w. ^ and D^S harden, indurate; Isa. 33.23
hold fast; Isa. 22.21 ; Nahum 2.2 gird (Aram.),
hi make firm, strong; take hold of, hold fast; show oneself
hitp strengthen oneself, show oneself strong.
ΡΤΠ firm, hard, strong; severe.
ΡΤΠ strong, powerful.
"ΡΤΠ strength.
Pjh strength.
*ΠξΤΠ gaining strength; Isa. 8.11 impelling.
ΠρϊΠ power, strength; II Kings 12.13 repair (architectural).
"»ΡΤΠ n. pers. Hizki.
(ΐ)Π>ρΤΠ η. pers. H e z e k i a h .
ΠΓΙ thorn, hook; Ex. 35.22 clasp.
san 79 I I I ΓΓΠ

«an q miss; be guilty, incur guilt, sin; Hab. 2.10; Prov. 20.2 forfeit.
pi purify from sin, make sin-offering; Gen. 31.39 be obliged to
A* cause to sin, lead astray \Judg. 20.16 miss; Isa. 29.21 represent
as guilty.
http purify oneself; Job 41.17 draw back.
Nan fault, guilt, sin.
*Nan sinful; sinner,
nijan offending,
nsan fault, sin; sin-offering,
nsan fault, sin.
τ τ- '
n t í a n , n s a n fault, sin ; punishment for sin ; sin-offering.
I San qhew.
pu pt. carved.
I I S a n q pt. pass, variegated,
n aτ n· wheat.
^an n. pers. Hattush.
xa"an n. pers. Hatita.
^an n. pers. Hattil.
NS^an n. pers. Hatiphah.
Dan q restrain oneself.
|an q seize,
iah shoot, rod.
nan n«an.
I TI living; fresh; ΓΡΠ njîS in a year's time; —• also Ο^Π.
I I *"Π I Sam. 18.18 kinsfolk?
ÍWn n. pers. Hiel.
°ητπ riddle; Hab. 2.6 veiled insinuation; Dan. 8.23 intrigue.
ΓΡΠ q live, remain alive, revive, recover.
pi let live, preserve alive; bring to life, call into being; revive;
Hos. 14.8 cultivate (corn),
hi preserve alive ; revive.
"ΠΤΙ Ex. 1.19 having easy labour.
I ΓΡΠ animal (usually not domesticated)·, being.
I I "ΓΡΠ life; Job 33.20; 38.39 appetite.
T- band,7 host.
ηττι 8ο

ΓίνΠ life-span; II Sam. 20.3 during the lifetime (of the husband).
DVTI life, lifetime, life-span; happiness in life; sustenance.
I '¡"Π q have labour-pains, be in labour; writhe, quake.
pol make to have labour-pains; bring forth.
polal be b o r n \ J o b 26.5 be made to quake.
hi cause to quake.
ho be born.
hitpol writhe in anguish.
hitpalp writhe in agitation.
I I ^ Π q endure, be lasting.
I l l 5>V1 q wait.
pol wait.
hitpol wait.
strength, ability; wealth, property; military force, army;
Neh. 3.34 notables,
outer fortification?, rampart?
7N1 labour-pains.
Π^Π labour-pains.
n. place Hilez.
t^TI η. terr. Helech, Cilicia.
D^TI n. place Helam.
n. place Hilen.
pH Job 41.4 text corr.
Π? wall.
Ι^Π external, outer; secular; w. 5 on the outside.
Ρ TI lap, bosom; fold of garment; region of the k i d n e y s ; / cavity.
ΓΠΤ1 n. pers. Hirah.
n. pers. Hirom.
DTH n. pers. Hiram.
rrvn n^nrps.
ly^n quickly.
ΓΙ2Π q wait for.
pi wait, await ; delay.
Π3Π fish-hook.
η. place Hachilah.
rrton 8ι

η. pers. Hacaliah.
•Wsri dark.
03Π q be/become wise; act wisely.
pi make wise; instruct.
pu pt. instructed, experienced.
hi make wise.
hitp show oneself wise, shrewd.
03Π expert, skilled, skilful ; experienced, shrewd, wise.
Π03Π accomplishment, skill; experience, shrewdness, wisdom.
"0103Π ». pers. Hachmoni.
niDSnι τ wisdom.
fr profane.
fri ^Π.
« f r q fall ill.
hi make ill.
I *HKfr rust.
I I n s f r n. pers. f . Helah.
CSfr pi. of l ''fr.
Τ Τ ··
Dτ ^ n· · .
n τf rτ milk.
I ùfr fat ; best, choicest part.
II j f r n. pers. Heleb.
n|fr n. place Helbah.
]l2frl n. place Helbon.
Hjafr galbanum.
"ifr life-span ; world,
"ifr n. pers. Heled.
ifr mole-rat.
rnfr n. pers. f . Huldah.
». pers. Heldai.
nfr q be/become weak, sick.
tii become weak, sick; pt. severe, incurable.
pi make sick; m. D'OS appease.
pu be made weak.
hi make sick; pt. sickness.
ho be drained of strength.
hitp feel/feign to be sick.
82 Into

Πν>Π bread ( in the shape of a ring).

Dito dream.
lito window aperture, window,
jito n. place Holon.
flito passing away?
rialto defeat.
rito η. place Halah.
imto n. place Halhul.
ntoto shuddering.
tito q take to be favourable,
•»to sickness, suffering.
I >to ornament.
I I ito η. place Hali.
"irto ornament.
^ t o flute.
n τW·nτ far be it.
* rialto turn, relief; (change of) clothing; Ps. 55.20 mutual obligation.
" Π ϊ ^ Π clothing, arms (< that which may be stripped off).
.CKSto unexplained.
l i t o ni be profaned ; defile oneself.
pi defile; take into (profane) use; Ezek. 28.16 cast out.
pu pt. profaned.
hi begin; Ezek. J9.7 permit to be profaned; Num. j o . j break
(one's word),
ho be begun.
I I i t o q be pierced.
pi pierce.
pu pt. pierced.
poel pierce.
poalpt. pierced.
I l l i t o pi play the flute.
i t o pierced; slain; deflowered.
nτi i·nτ -> ni·«to.
τ -τ
I Din q become robust.
hi let recover.
I I D?n 83

I I D^n q dream.
hi? cause to dream.
DÌTI n. pers. Helem.
níDv>n species of plant marsh-mallow or ox-tongue.
Β^ΓΙ flint.
n. pers. Helon.
I Π^Π q pass by, pass away; I Sam. 10.3 depart.
pi change, alter.
hi Gen. 31.7,41 alter; Gen. 35.2; Ps. 102.27 change; Lev. 27.10
replace; Isa. g.g substitute; Isa. 40.31 ; 41.1 renew ; Job 14.7
sprout again; Job 2g.20 send one after another.
I I η^Π q pierce.
I ^ Π in return for.
n. place Heleph.
I γ?Π q pull off; Lam. 4.3fig. present (the teats)·, Hos. 5.6 withdraw.
ni be delivered.
pi tear out; deliver; Ps. 7.5 despoil.
I I γϊη q pt. pass, armed.
ni arm oneself.
hi make sound.
I ""¡^Π loin.
II n. pers. Helez.
I ρ^ΓΙ q be smooth, false.
hi make smooth; w. ^ΙίΛ or D^lDN flatter.
I I ρ*Π
a divide, distribute, apportion; receive a share; give a share;
II Chron. 28.21 plunder.
ni be divided ; divide.
pi divide, distribute, apportion ; scatter.
pu be divided.
hi share in an inheritance.
hitp divide among themselves.
pbn smooth, insinuating; Ezek. 12.24 deceitful; pi. f . also falseness,
flattering thing; Ps. 73.18 slippery place.
I ρ^Π cajolery.
ΙΙρ^π 84

I I ρ^Π portion, share, possession, profit; lot.

I l l p¡?n n. pers. Helek.
"Ρ^ΓΙ smooth.
I 'Πζ^Π smoothness, cajolery.
I I n¡#ri field.
"Πρ^Π division.

nip^n smoothness.
gent. Helekite.
n. pers. Helkai.
(ΌΓΤ^Π η. pers. Hilkiah.
Π ΐ ρ ^ Π slippery places; smoothness, falseness.
ηρ^Π n. place Helkath.
W^n q Ex. 17.13; Isa. 14.12 defeat; Job 14.10 be frail.
ti>j>n weakling.
I *DH father-in-law (husband's father).
I I OH hot.
I I I DH n. pers. Ham > Egypt.
ΠΠ heat.
son ->Inçn.
Π χ έ η butter.
"IDH q desire, long f o r ; prize; pt. pass. Isa. 44.9 beloved; Ps. 39.12;
Job 20.20 valuable object.
ni pt. desirable.
pi desire.
"ΙΟΓΙ grace, beauty.
ΓΠΟΓΙ desirable thing, valuable, pleasantness,
n i n p n valuable objects; delicious; worthy of love.
η. pers. Hemdan.
rvián ->niinn.
nn'n ->noiri.'
Τ -
heat > sun.
I ΠΟΠ heat, arousal, rage; poison.
I I non
Τ *·
T S ν

^Ν'ΕΠ η. pers. Hammuel.

,ní-nori - > n i i D q .
^WDn η. pers. f . Hamutal.
^íDn η. pers. Hamul.
•^ιοπ 85 pon

^ Ο Π gent. Hamulite.
}1θΠ η. place H a m m o n .
*ρθΠ vivid.
pìDn oppressor,
"pitan curve.
I lion ass.
I I l î D n I Sam. 16.20 batch; Judg. 15.16 w. du. in heaps.
I l l lion n. pers. Hamor.
"'ΓΠΟΠ mother-in-law (husband's mother).
OOh a reptile.
noon n. place Humtah.
ί>β»ΟΠ II Kings 24.18; J er. 52.1 rd. Q_.
ρΟΠ sorrel.
^ΟΠ fifth;/ also fifth part; I Kings 6.31 pentagonal.
^ΟΠ q have compassion; spare, save; II Sam. 12.4 be unable to
bring oneself; m. Nfr also without compassion.
"Π^ΟΠ compassion,
rfton compassion.
DDn q become warm, warm oneself; become heated, aroused.
ni pt. inflamed, lustful.
pi warm.
hitp warm oneself.
*;an incense-altar.
DDP qjer. 22.j; Job 21.27 treat with violence, oppress; Ezek. 22.26;
Zeph. 3.4 violate; Job 15.33 shed; Lam. 2.6 pull down.
ni suffer violence.
ΡΟΠ violence, wrong.
I ρΟΠ q be/become leavened.
hi taste leavened.
hitp be embittered.
I I ρΟΠ q oppress.
ρΟΠ leavened material,
poh vinegar.
*ΠΧΟΠ mf. q of I ]>ΟΠ.
ΡΟΠ q turn aside, go away.
hitp run hither and thither, vacillate.
I inn 86 nrjn

I i o n q foam; Ex. 2.J coat with pitch.

poalal be in ferment.
I I ΊΟΠ poalal be reddened,
"içO wine.
I non mud, clay; mire.
II ion dry measure homer (between 200 and 450 l)\ Ex. 8.10 heap,
I I I nnn surge.
10Π asphalt, bitumen.
non -»• I l i o n .
n. pers. Hamran.
atan q pt. pass, in battle formation.
pi take the fifth part.
«tan five; pi. fifty.
I tyç'n Gen. 47.26 fifth part.
π t^tin abdomen, belly.
rrtttan npçq.
n o n skin.
n o n n. place Hamath.
π έ η n. pers., n. place Hammath.
gent. Hamathite.
i d grace, beauty; favour, regard, approval; Zech. 12.10 compassion.
n uTTn ·· n. pers. Henadad.
run q decline; encamp, set up a war camp.
pi be gracious.
Π3Π n. pers.f. Hannah.
•ηίίη n. pers., n. place Enoch.
n. pers. Hanun.
kind, gracious.
° * η υ π vault.
I tDjn q Gen. 50.2,26 embalm.
I I twn q Cant. 2.1 j become ripe,
DißJn embalming.
n. pers. Hanniel.
n i ^ n pi. of n o n .
retainer?; trusty ?
kindness, favour.
τ · —:
ΓΜΠ «7 mon

η\3Π spear,
ì p n q train, dedicate,
nsjn dedication.
•Çjn gent. Enochite.
03Π gratis, without p a y m e n t ; in vain; without cause, undeservedly.
í>KDJn n. pers. H a n a m e l .
^ ¿~ jχ—:
n flood.
I p n q be gracious, generous.
nijer. 22.23 °f
pi make charming.
poel have pity.
ho find pity.
http implore favour, pity.
I I ]JTI q stink.
Ι^Π n. pers. H a n a n .
n. pers. H a n a n e l .
V^n «• fers. H a n a n i .
(')n\3Jn n. pers. H a n a n i a h .
DJn n. place H a n e s .
η^ΓΙ q be defiled, be godless; Jer. j.ç defile.
hi defile; seduce.
IJH godless.
Π^Π godlessness.
nsjn godlessness.
pJH ni strangle oneself.
pi strangle.
•Jìnìin η. place H a n n a t h o n .
I ηΟΠ http show oneself loyal.
pi abuse.
I "0Π joint obligation, loyalty, solidarity; pi. also demonstrations of
favour, proofs of devotion.
I I "IDH disgrace.
I I I "IDH n. pers. H e s e d .
ΓΡ~ρπ η. pers. Hasadiah.
Π0Π q shelter, seek refuge.
ΠΟΠ η. pers., η. place Hosah.
Γ/ΙΟΠ refuge.
τοπ 88

Τ Ο Π loyal, pious.
τ -
stork?,' heron?
^ D• nτ locust?,' cockroach?

^ΟΠ strong.
'j'Dn q eat up.
DDn q muzzle, block.
°]0Π ni be stored up.
°|D'n store, treasure.
°|bn strong.
DSDn pt. (pass.) flaky?
"10Π q diminish; be empty; lack, want; suffer want.
pi cause to lack, cause to want.
hi cause to want, have want.
10Π in want of, lacking.
"IDH want.
Ί 0 Π want.
ΓηρΠ n. pers. Hasrah.
°]ΪΊρΠ want,
ΚΒΠ pi II Kings 17.Q unexplained.
nsn q cover.
ni be covered.
pi overlay.
Τ ...
shelter;' bridal chamber.

I I nsn n. pers. Huppah.

Τ3ΓΙ q hurry away.
ni be driven away.
¡ίΤ3Π hurried flight, haste.
DSn ,Ο^δΠ η. pers. Huppim.
"|jj'n hollow of the hand.
"ΟΒΠ n. pers. Hophni.
ηεΠ q shelter.
I Ι'ΒΠ q be pleased, have pleasure; desire; be minded, feel inclined.
I I ρΒΠ q Job 40.17 hang?, stretch out?
f a n having pleasure in, willing.

}»sn delight, joy, pleasure ; wish, desire ; business, matter, affair

Πΰ'^ΕΠ η. per s. f . Hephzibah.
I "ΙΒΠ q dig, paw; search out.
I I "1ΒΠ q be ashamed, be shamed.
hi be abashed ; act shamefully.
ΊΒΠ n. pers., n. place Hepher.
"ΗΒΠ gent. Hepherite.
ΟΉ^Π η. place Hapharaim.
ΪΠ2Π it. pers. Hophra.
*ni-|S nbn rd. n i n s - i ç n shrews.
tPBn q search for, search thoroughly.
ni be thoroughly searched.
pi search for, search through, seek.
pu hide. ? , be devised ?
hitp disguise oneself, be disfigured.
ϋ>ΕΠ purpose?
tëten pu be released,
liten material.
ιΊΚ'ΒΠ release.
nWBn rd. <¿ (II Chron. 26.21).
''liten released, free.
*. : τ
ΓΡίΡΒΠ release; exempt from duties.
γη arrow.
2ΪΠ q break, hew out, hew ; split, dash to pieces.
ni be hewed out.
pu be hewed out.
hi hew down.
ΠΧΠ q divide, share, divide off; Isa. 30.28 w. reach up to.
ni be divided.
r rτaι x n
"ifrn n. place Hazor.
ΠΡΠΠ Ί ΐ ϊ Π η. place Hazor-hadattah.
nixn middle.
^Π half; middle, half-way up.
ιχπ arrow.
Τ'ϊΠ grass, reed; Num. 11.15 leek.
, ' Γ ] Ϊ Π bosom, fold o f garment.
pm 90 ρρπ

ρίΠ q keep in file.

pi distribute.
pu be measured off for a limited span,
gravel, pebbles.
,ΙΕιΓί ρ ϊ ϊ Γ Ι η. place Hazazon-tamar.
non prçn"
"ΙϊϊΠ sound, blow the trumpet.
ΓΠΤΪΠ trumpet.
"ΙΪΠ settlement, court, enclosure.
1 Ϊ Πτ - o t e nτ .
η. place Hazar-addar.
ΓΠ3 Ι ϊ Π η. place Hazar-gaddah.
ί"ΠΠ η. pers. Hezro.
]i"ixn η. pers., η. place Hezron.
\3ί"ΰΠ gent. Hezronite.
ΓιίΤϊΠ η. place Hazeroth.
•ΗϊΓΙ η. pers. Hezrai.
ΠΙΟΊϊΠ η. pers. Hazarmaveth.
' frçn -•

,riDlD "ΙΧΠ η. place Hazar-susah, Hazar-susim.

"Wt ». place Hazar-enon, Hazar-enan.
ϊψιά -ran n. place Hazar-shual.
r f w i -> ni-ΐϊπ.
PO - » P f ·
ΡΠ something fixed, laid down; measure, limit; fixed period;
prescribed due, obligation, entitlement; ordinance, rule, pre-
cept, regulation, law; Ps. 2.7 royal protocol.
Mpn pu pt. inscribed, drawn.
http engrave.
Π(5Π something fixed, laid down; precept, statute, regulation, law;
Jer. 5.24 season.
KSípn n. pers. Hakupha.
ppn q inscribe, engrave; lay down, fix, command; Isa. 22.16 hew
ρρπ 9ΐ I I η viri

pu pt. prescribed.
ho be inscribed.
poel regulate, lay down ; pt. also commander's staff ; leader.
M?¡?ü pl- cs. of ΡΠ.
"lpn q search, explore, examine.
ni be searched out ; be calculated ; be penetrable.
pi seek.
l p n investigation; exploration; something to be searched out.
I * l h freeman, noble.
II1Π hole, cave.
"1Π hole, hiding-place.
"''Β^ΊΠ excrement, dung.
I ΞΊΠ q dry up, be dried up ; lie waste, desolate.
ni be laid waste.
pu be dried up.
hi dry up ; lay waste, make desolate.
ho be laid waste.
II q slay, cut down.
ni cut one another down.
ho II Kings 3.23 inf. abs. in conjunction with ni.
21ΓΙ dry ; laid waste, desolate.
3ΊΠ knife, dagger, sword; chisel; Ezek. 26.9 iron instruments?
I "[Π dryness, heat; devastation, desolation.
n. place Horeb.
Π2ΊΠ desolate land, ruined habitation ; Job 3.14 pyramids,
r eΤ mTT that which is dry.
dry heat.
η. pers. Harbona.
ruirin '
J i n q come out.
ί>!ππ species of locust.
"ΗΠ q tremble, quake.
hi terrify, strike with terror.
"ΠΠ trembling, anxious, afraid.
Τ1Π n. place Harod.
Ι ΓΠΊΠ trembling, anxiety, terror.
I I ΠΤΙΠ η. place Haradah.
mn 92

" i h n gent. Harodite.

ΓΠΠ q burn, be kindled; become angry; Isa. 24.6 dub.
ni pt. angry.
hi become heated; be zealously engaged.
hitp show oneself angered.
tiphal compete.
"ΙΓΙ n. place Hor-haggidgad.
njmO n- Pers- Harhaiah.
n i n q ->"ΐ·ιηπ.
D^TVin necklace.
'ΤΠΠ weed, thistle.
τ '
ηΟίΙΠ η. pers. Harumaph.
]i-in heat.
;inn ]h'n r v a .
D^il'n n. place Horonaim.
I pin gold.
II p i n moat; cut; mutilated; threshing-sledge; Joel 4.14 decision.
III î'nn diligent.
I V p~in n. pers. Haruz.
ΊίΠΊΠ η. pers. Harhur.
Drnn n. pers. Harhas.
ΊΓΠΓΙ feverishness, inflammation,
ti 1Π stylus.
" D b i n learned person, soothsayer-priest.
•ΠΠ heat.
I "ΠΠ baking.
I I 'ΗΠ η. pers. Hori; gent. Horite.
nn cstr. of* n^nn.
*12ΉΠ container, money-bag.
Q^'^-in'rd. n^Jr nn (II Kings 6.25).
ηΉΠ n. pers. Hariph.
^enn rd. Κ (I Chron. 12.6) gent. Hariphite.
I "Ρ"]Π slice, piece.
I I *Ρ"]Π pickaxe, hoe.
ΙΡ'ΗΠ ploughing-time; that which is to be ploughed > cultivated

ΐρΠ q unexplained.
D^äin lattice window.
I D i n hi lay under ban, devote by ban ; exterminate.
ho be laid under ban.
II D T q pt. pass, with slit nose.
hi Isa. 11.1 s split.
I D i n ban; that which is laid under ban, goods under ban.
I I D i n net.
Din n. pers. Harim.
D i n n. place Hörem.
~Din n. place Hormah.
|ÍDin η. place Hermon.
D\3ÌD"in summits of Hermon.
tt>Din sickle.
]1Π n. pers., n. place Haran.
V'l'n gent. Horonite.
D^hn ->D?Jiïn.
1 Μ 1 Π n. pers. Harnepher.
I D i n / scab, itch.
I I D i n sun.
I l l D i n n. place Heres.
η ΐ ε η η rd. Q (Jer. ig.2) potsherd.
I ηΐΠ q winter.
I I ηΐΠ q abuse, taunt.
pi abuse, taunt; provoke; despise.
I I I ηΐΠ ni pt. Lev. ig.20 designated.
ΤΊΠ n. pers. Hareph.
ηΐΠ prime, youth ; autumn ; winter,
n s i n abuse; disgrace, shame.
I f i n q fix, determine; w. threaten.
ni pt. that which is determined, decision.
I I }'1Π q hasten.
* 2 X 1 P fetter; pang.
*J2nn stone,
p i n q grind.

"ΠΠ q glow, burn.

ni be set on fire, scorched, inflamed.
pilp cause to glow.
ΠΉΊΠ stony waste, lava-fields.
ΒΗΠ clay; potsherd,
r a n n ->• n a n n τ ρ .
I 12ΗΠ q engrave; work, cut; plough; devise.
ni be ploughed.
hi devise.
I I tihn q be deaf, be silent.
hi be silent, keep silence, pass over in silence; leave off, be
inactive; reduce to silence.
hitp keep quiet.
I "ϋΠΠ magic art.
I I tthn secretly.
I I I '¿hfl n. pers. Heresh.
ΒΗΠ wood.
ty"in worker.
ΒΗΠ deaf.
ΝΒΠΠ η. pers. Harsha.
ntfhh n. place Horesh.
niihn working.
nánri -> n ç n n -p¡?.
D^län ΓΜΗΠ n. place Harosheth-haggoiim.
°mn q engrave.
ΓΠΠ n. place Hereth.
SSlifH n. pers. Hasupha.
TjliTt q keep back, spare, save; fail.
ni be kept back, spared.
fftiTI q strip, bare; draw.
*η'Β>Π small group, little flock.
-> NB«1TI.
τ —:

StíTI q reckon, consider/regard as valuable; consider to be some-

thing; mean, devise, plan; Ps. 40.18 care for; pt. also weaver,
ni be reckoned, be regarded, be considered as.
pi reckon; consider; devise, plan.
hitp count oneself among.
nirn 95 TlüT!

-ttTI girdle.
η. pers. Hashbaddanah.
Π3ΒΤΙ η. pers. Hashubah.
I ]12tyn reckoning, perception.
II ¡ìa^n η. place Heshbon.
"lilU'n pi. devices; defensive devices.
0)n;7»n n. pers. Hashabiah.
¡"USttTI η. pers. Hashabnah.
Π\31Β>Π η. pers. Hashabneiah.
ΠίίΠ q be inactive ; keep silence.
hi bid keep silence; be inactive; keep silence; hesitate.
21BTI n. pers. Hasshub.
'•'•pwn tie-bar.
ro-wn -* nstpn.

^BTt q be/become dark.

hi darken, obscure; be dark.
ψ^Π darkness, obscurity, darkening.
'"ifttTI dark > obscure.
nDti>n darkness.
^Π ni pt. straggler.
CiiTI n. pers. Hashum.
DBT1 n. pers. Husham.
DtiTl n. peop. Hushim.
ΙΪΟΒ'Π n. place Heshmon.
MJbtt'n n. place Hashmonah.
D^D^TI articles in bronze,
pBTI q be attached to someone, love.
pi link.
pu pt. linking or linked.
ΡψΆ desire.
"'ρίί'Π spoke.
"Ι^Π hub.
*m T tfn gathering ?
w n dry grass; foliage.
" W H gent. Hushathite.
Φ II ηηπ

ηπ terror; filled with terror.

η. pers. Heth.
I ηηπ q Ps. 52.7 strike down.
I I ηηπ q rake together.
"ΠΓιΠ terror.
^ηπ bandage.
cnnnn terror.
-ñn gent. Hittite,
ηΉΠ terror.
ηηπ ni be fixed.
pu be swaddled.
ho Ezek. 16.4 inf. abs. in conjunction with pu.
-π^ηπ swaddling-band.
n. place Hethlon.
ο η π q seal, affix seal ; Job 33.16; Dan. g.24 confirm.
ni be sealed.
pi lock oneself up.
hi be stopped.
ηηπ ι nnin.
|ηπ q pt. father-in-law; Deut. 27.23 mother-in-law (wife's parents).
hitp become related by marriage.
son-in-law; bridegroom; II Kings 8.27 connected.
ηηπ q snatch away.
ηζιπ robber.
inn q break through ; Jonah 1.13 row.
ηηπ q be dismayed, terrified.
ni be shattered ; be cast-down, terrified.
pijer. 57.56 be broken in pieces; Job γ.14 terrify.
hi shatter ; terrify, dismay.
I ηηπ terror.
I I ηηπ n. pers. Hathath.


KtaNta sweep away.

ab i aita.
η. pers. Tabeal.
n. pers. Tabeel.
- ^ a t ? turban.
"HSß navel.
naia q slaughter, butcher.
I nata slaughter.
I I n a ç η. pers. Tebah.
nata sg. butcher, cook ; pi. bodyguard,
τ τ —
rinata slaughter; slaughtered meat,
nnata n. place Tibhath.
n»ab n»aita.
^ata q dip, immerse.
ni be dipped,
innata η. pers. Tebaliah.
yao q penetrate, sink in.
pu be submerged.
ho be settled ; J er. 38.22 be sunk,
niyata n. pers. Tabbaoth.
nyata signet-ring, ring.
]Eiata n. pers. Tabrimmon.
naD Tebeth (name of a month, December!January ).
nata η. place Tabbath.
ΊίΠ'ώ clean, pure,
luti q be clean, pure.
pi purify, pronounce clean.
pu pt. cleansed.
hitp purify oneself,
nn'ta purity; purification,
•'nnta lustre.
ihtaτ -ointa.

mnta becoming clean; purification; rite of purification,

aita q be good, fine, glad, preferable.
hi act right.

I Dita good; pleasant, useful, proper, fair, benevolent; kind.

I I 2to fragrance.
I l l DID n. terr. T o b .
DID good thing, wealth, prosperity, goodness, beauty.
rw'lX 2to η. pers. Tob-adonijah.
(i)n«2itS n. pers. Tobiah.
Hita q spin.
Π1Β q over-lay, coat.
ni be coated,
ristato mark.
'bili ptlp fling down.
hi hurl, fling.
ho be flung down.
HC course, row.
°B>to q fly about.
ΠΠΰ pil pt. range,
lints hand-mill.
nine Ps. 51.8 text corr. ; Job 38.36 ibis.
nntD q be smeared.
]Ht2 q grind, grind down, crush; Eccles. 12.3 pt.f. molar.
runts mill.
C i h t û haemorrhoids.
ΓΡβ mud-plaster,
ta^ta mire, mud.
*ΠΤΟ encampment, course of stones; Cant. 8.g battlement.
í>tadew; fine rain.
X'i'taq pt- pass, flecked.
pu pt. patched.
I D>K$tS "· Place Telaim.
I I ff^t? Ρ1·
ν τ
¡"frû^ta long throw.
° ^ t a pi roof.
D^p n. pers. (Aram.), n. place Telem.

,°]ÌD^tO η. pers. Talmon.

KDtO q become unclean.

ni defìle oneself.
pi defile, pronounce unclean.
pu pt. defiled.
hitp defile oneself.
hotpaal be defiled.
KDtD unclean.
HNDtD uncleanness.
τ : •·.

¡IDtO ni be unclean?
]Dß q hide, fix secretly; bury secretly.
ni hide.
hi keep in hiding.
«:t0 basket.
opptO pi soil.
°nj?Q hi mislead.
DJJtO q taste, take food; perceive.
D¿?tO taste, perception; sense ; Jonah 3.7 order, decree (Aram.).
I 0 pu pt. pierced.
II q load.
ηβ coll. children; those not fit for marching; family.
I HBtO pi spread out.
I I ΠΒ10 /»( nurse.
ΠΒ12 hand-breadth; I Kings 7.9 corbel?
nab hand-breadth.
DTtfitO nursing.
^BtO q smear, sully, plaster up.
IDBtO ,"'~DDtO designation of an official tablet-writer?
F|BtO q trip along.
B>BtO q be insensitive.
°riBD n. pers.f. Taphath.
into q drip.
Dilti before.
Π-ltO hi load,
mb burden.
fresh, moist.
ma 100

D'Ita beginning; not yet; before, ere.

I rptû q tear, rend.
ni be torn in pieces.
pu be torn in pieces.
I I rptS hi give to eat.
I ηΐΰ prey.
I I ηηο food.
^"iti freshly plucked.
ΠΒ1Β that which has been torn in pieces.

^Κ* 1 q long.
î W q belong.

(i)PI\JTiO n. pers. Jaazaniah.

"VW n. peop. Jair.
I ni act foolishly, show oneself to be a fool.
I I ^ÍO hi be intent on something; resolve; set about.
river, stream; usu. the Nile; pi. usu. arms of the Nile; Job 28.10
galleries ?
•HtO gent. Jairite.
IMO ni despair; pt. also futile.
pi make despair.
-<· a>siv
0 ) W i Ó η. pers. Josiah.
rd. 43 (Ezek. 40.15) entrance?
· Pers- Jeatherai.
33^ pi lament,
η. place Jebus.
"Ç'D? gent. Jebusite.
ΊΠ3·; n. pers. Ibhar.
n. pers. Jabín.
II tS>3\
"Ύ "Τ
fr ιοί

fr hi bring.
ho be brought.
I * f r channel.
II fr
η. pers. Jabal.
$ n. place Ibleam.
bä·1 pi consummate a levirate marriage.
brother-in-law (husband's brother).
" n 9 ? · sister-in-law.
n. place Jabneel.
n. place Jabneh.
τ·. ι '
n. pers. Ibneiah.
η»»·· n. pers. Ibnijah.
τ · s ·
pSi n. river Jabbok.
n. pers. Jeberechiah.
n. pers. Ibsam.
ttb·« q dry up, be dry, wither.
pi dry up.
hi make dry, wither ; dry up.
I dried, withered.
I I B f• ·rτ n. pers., n. place Jabesh.
Τ Τ -
the dry, dry ground, dry land.
dry land.
τ ; · n. pers. Igal.

ar q pt. labourer on the land?

τ τ: ·τ
n. place Jogbehah.
irpínr n. pers. Igdaliah.
I nr ni pt. grieved.
pi grieve.
hi torment, grieve.
II nr hi II Sam. 20.13 clear away.
Ρ : grief, torment.
n rΤn. place Jagur.

JPJ? toil, labour; produce, acquisition, property.
n. pers. Jogli.
y3 s q be weary, labour for, toil.
pi make weary, trouble.
hi weary.
proceeds of labour.
J}}"1 weary, wearisome.
"Myji wearying.
q fear.
"13? Aram, heap of stones.
Τ hand; side, bank; area, place; strength, might, power; monu-
ment, token; pi. handles, arm-rests, tenons; with numeral
parts, times as much; Isa. phallus; Ezek. 21.24 signpost.
'"^ίΠ- »· place Idalah.
ti>3T n. pers. Idbash.
I T q cast.
Π Π Τ beloved.
I HT q shoot.
pi throw, throw down.
I I HT hi praise, confess.
http confess.
I T n. pers. Iddo.
IT n. pers. rd. Q (Ezra 10.43) Jaddai.
|ΪΤ η. pers. Jadon.
yiT n. pers. Jaddua.
JìniT n. pers. Jeduthun.
"TT beloved; lovely.
HTT n.pers.f. Jedidah.
ΓΡΤΤ n. pers. Jedidiah.
ηττ love.
ΓΡΤ n. pers. Jedaiah.
"¡"KiTT η. pers. Jediael.
]1ΓΡΤ n. pers. Jedithun.
η^Τ η. pers. Jidlaph.
1Π" 103

JJT q notice, o b s e r v e ; learn, perceive, understand, k n o w ; care

for, get to k n o w , be acquainted with, be intimate with ; lie
ni show oneself, make oneself k n o w n , be made k n o w n ; be
e v i d e n t ; be/become k n o w n , b e c o m e recognized ; 31.1g
attain insight.
pi cause to k n o w .
pu pt. k n o w n , intimate.
poel d i r e c t ?
hi cause to k n o w , declare, make k n o w n .
ho be m a d e k n o w n .
hitp make oneself k n o w n .
V}\ η. pers. Jada.
η. pers. Jedaiah.
"OJH? soothsaying spirit, soothsayer.

contraction of Yahweh.
nfT> an.
τ :
load?,' care. ?

"ΙίΤ hitp profess oneself a Jew.

1ÍT n. place J e h u d .
"•TT n. pers. Jahdai.
ΝΓΡ n. pers. Jehu.
ΤΠΝίη^ η. pers. Jehoahaz.
n. pers. Joash.
un? ->inv
niin? n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. J u d a h .
n. pers. J e h u d i ; gent. J u d a e a n ; n. peop. J e w .
I rïHW? adv. in Judaean.
ΙίΓΗΓΡ n.pers.f. Judith.
rïfP Yahweh.
n. pers. Jehozabad.
|Jnin? n. pers. Jehohanan.
yTiT· n. pers. Jehoiada.
ρηη? ,ρήΤ η. pers. Jehoiachin.
DpMn? ,Π^ρΗΤ; η. pers. Jehoiakim.
a-'T'in·· n. pers. Jehoiarib.
tevr· n. pers. Jehucal.
mjirp 104

auiîT η. pers. Jonadab.

pJilT tt. pers. Jonathan.
ηΟΪΙΤ η. pers. Joseph.
ΓΠ^ΪΓΡ η. pers. Jehoaddah.
n.pers.f. Jehoaddan.
ρτϊΐτ η. pers. Jehozadak.
•ΤΪΓΡ η. pers. Joram.
JJ3ti>Í¡T n. pers.f. Jehosheba.
njJamT rt. pers.f. Jehoshabeath.
.JWiiT n. pers. Joshua.

1235ί>ίΓΡ n. pers. Jehoshaphat.

ΤΓΡ presumptuous, proud.
pi of ÍTIK.
"· pers. Jehallelel.
D'Í>¡T ,dS¡T jasper?
ΠΧΤ ,ρΓΡ η. place Jahaz.
n. pers. Joab.
ΠΝ^ n. pers. Joah.
THXi"1 n. pers. Joahaz.
n. pers. Joel.
tPS^ n. pers. Joash.
n. pers. Job.
aav n. pers., n. peop. Jobab.
'¡OV* ram; n>. njti> jubilee.
I canal.
II ÎÇV n. pers. Jubal.
n. pers. Jozabad.
ΝΠΐ* η. pers. Joha.
n. pers. Johanan.
nav -> nts\
yTV n. pers. Joiada.
P?^ n. pers. Jehoiachin.
•^M"1 n. pers. Joiakim.
D>TÌ'1 η. pers. Joiarib.
«· pers.f. Jochebed.
n. pers. Jucal.
ι°5 ΓΓ

DT> day; pl. days; time, period; year; Πί'ΊΙ also today; 0i*3,
DÌsn3 now, first, w. ΠΤΠ as it now is, as is now evident.
DD^ adv. during the day, by day.
Î ï t n. pers., n. terr. Javan; n. peop. Greeks.
sludge, mire.
n. pers. Jonadab.
I n i r dove.
I I rul- n. pers. Jonah.
l ì i rtíh pt. q of nj\
gent. Greek.
*n¡?Ji"· suckling; shoot, sucker.
inji- n. pers. Jonathan.
n¿i·· n. pers., n. peop. Joseph.
¡tçdï 1 rt. pers. Josiphiah.
n. pers. Joelah.
n. pers. Joed.
n. pers. Joezer.
n. pers. Joash.
Ps. 144.14 abortion.
Ρ ^ n. pers. Jozadak.
D-pi" n. pers. Jokim.
πτή" early rain.
ΓΠ^ τ n. pers. Jorah.
n. pers. Jorai.
DTÌ"1 n. pers. Joram.
non - t i v n. pers. Jushab-hesed.
nτi t: r· i i n. pers. Joshibiah.
ntfr· n. pers. Joshah.
r w r n. pers. Joshaviah.
n. pers. Joshaphat.
¿ni·» n. pers. Jotham.
-ini·1 what is left; what is in excess, superfluous, too much; w.b
advantage; adv. excessively, more; w. ψ it is unnecessary that.
n. pers. rd.Q_(l Chron. 12.3) Jeziel.
n. pers. Izziah.
n. pers. Jaziz.
ΠΝ^η ιο6 ΟΠ"1

Π Κ ^ Γ η. pers. Izliah.
pu pt. rutting.

Ο)1"1^-· η· Pers· Jezaniah.

J7P sweat.
nnr¡ rd. •'Πητ (I Chron. 27.8).
¡ΤΓΠΡ n. pers. Izrahiah.
n. pers., n. place Jezreel.
Sent- Jezreelite.
KIT - > Ν Γ ή \
Π2ΓΡ η. pers. Jehubbah.
1ΓΡ q come together, join.
pi concentrate.
"ΙΓΡ unitedness, totality; adv. together, all together, in the same
place, at the same time, completely, likewise; Ezra 4.3 alone.
l'ITP together, all together, at the same time, likewise.
°ί':ΙΠ]| n. pers. Jahdo.
^«^ΓΡ η. pers. Jahdiel.
°irniT n. pers. Jehdeiah.
v ^τ r·.r- - » h τi t· · .
ÏÇV. rd. Q_ (II Chron. 2g.14).
η· Pers- Jahaziel.
°"HIT η. pers. Jahzeiah.
^ΧζΤΓΡ η. pers. Ezekiel.
0)ΓΡ|?ΤΓΡ η. pers. Hezekiah.
ΓΠΪΓΡ η. pers. Jahzerah.
^NNV η. pers. Jehiel.
η. peop. Jehieli.
TfT only, alone, solitary.
¡ΤΓΡ η. pers. Jehiah.
^VT awaiting.
m wait.
pi wait.
hi wait.
^ Γ Ρ η. pers. Jahleel.
gent. Jahleelite.
ΟΠ"1 q be in heat.
pi be/make to be in heat ; conceive.
norr· 107 (i),w

"lìcn^ roebuck.
η. pers. Jahmai.
ηΐΤ barefoot.
^ΝΧΙΤ η. pers. Jahzeel.
^ΝΧΓΡ gent. Jahzeelite.
'¡WXIT η. pers. Jahziel.
ΒΤΡ hitρ be entered in the genealogical table.
"tfn^ IP.1SD genealogical table.
ΓιΓΡ η. pers. Jahath.
DtD1* q be good, go well; be pleasing; tv. 2s? be glad.
hi treat well, aright; do good; cheer; make ready.
rQQ^. n. place Jotbah.
ΓΙΓΟΕΛ η. place Jotbathah.
Πβ? η. place Juttah.
Uti^ n. pers., n. peop. Jetur.
^ wine ; drunkenness.
T- rd.Q_(ISam. 4.13).
•"Mis? η. pers. Jeconiah.
n^l^ rd.Q_(Jer. 27.20).
Π3"1 ni enter into legal argument; prove to be in the right.
hi decide, judge; justify oneself, vindicate oneself; call to
account; rebuke, chastise, punish.
ho be chastised.
http argue,
n ^ rd.Q_(II Chron.26.3).
p i ^ n. pers. Jachin (also the name of the right-hand pillar in front of
the temple in Jerusalem).
S e n t - J a c hinite.
^ q hold, bear, be able to ; have power to, be capable of ; prevail,
defeat; Job 31.23 hold one's own against.
n.pers.f. Jecoliah.
n. pers. Jeconiah.
ιο8 mo·»

q bear; beget.
ni be born.
pi assist at childbirth ; pt. f . midwife.
pu be born.
hi cause to bear; beget.
ho be born.
hitp be entered in the genealogical table.
"iV1. boy, child; youth, y o u n g ; Ex. 21.22 pi. foetus.
Π ^ ϊ girl, child,
n i l ^ childhood, youth,
"rt^ born.
n. pers. Jalon.

» τ son; 'ΓΡ3· - Τ ' Γ* :house-born slave.

^ hi howl, lament.
^ howling.
howling, wailing.
impf, q of I χφ.
r i f l h herpes.
p^J locust (crawling, wingless).
M p ^ shepherd's pouch.
D^ sea, lake; the west; river; Ezek. 32.2 arm of the Nile.
^NIO? n. pers. J e m u e l .
riD^D^ n.pers.f. Jemimah.
I pDJ right side, right; the south, south.
II n. pers. J a m i n .
^ D ^ gent. Jaminite.
rd. Q_ (Ezek. 4.6; II Chron. 3.17).
gent. Benjamite.
n. pers. Imla.
^ D ^ n. pers. Jamlech.
DDÍ vipers.
hi go, keep to the right; pt. also right-handed.
ÍUQ^ n. pers. Imnah.
right; south.
yjDt «· pers. Imna.
IQ·1 hi of "AD.
hitp boast?
ΓΠΟ* η. pers. Imrah.
t5>Qi 109 UP

ΒΌ*1 hi let touch.

ΠΓ q be cruel.
hi oppress.
n. place Janoah.
nrp> ». place Janohah.
DW n. place Janum.
'τ - : sucker.

pJ"1 q suck.
hi suckle, nurse; Deut. 32.13 make to suck,
long-eared owl? ; bee-eater ?
I TD"1 q found, erect; lay down, determine.
ni be founded.
pi found; determine; appoint.
pu be founded.
ho be founded.
I I ID1* ni combine.
ID"1 beginning?
"IÌD? foundation-wall, base.
"TniD^ foundation.
UDÌ fault-finder.
nap·; ». pers. /. Iscah.
VPDQD^ ». pers. Ismachiah.
ID^ q add; continue.
ni be added.
hi add; increase, multiply, surpass; continue.
"ID^ q instruct.
ni let oneself be instructed.
pi correct, chastise.
hi chastise.
nitp let oneself be warned.
«· Pers., ». place Jabez.
q fix, assign.
ni let oneself be met, appear; assemble; make an appointment.
hi summon.
ho pt. ordered, directed.

η. pers. rd. Q_(II Chron. 9.29) Iddo.

nj^ q sweep away.
η. fers. Jeuel.
J^JP ». pers. Jeuz.
HJP n. pers. rd. Q_(I Chron. 20.5 ) Jair.
n. pers. Jeush.
ÎJP ni pt. insolent.
'WW* n. pers. Jaaziel.
n. pers. Jaaziah.
η· Place Jazer·
•ù)3> hi of\ ntiV.
'ïW. «• Pers· J e i e 1 ·
D^ shovels.
n. pers. Jair.
n. pers. Jeish.
n. pers. Jacan.
hi profit, be of use.
I " mountain-goat.
II ^ η. pers. f . Jael.
η· Jaalah·
ferna'e mountain-goat.
D^Vl pers. Jalam.
^ cause for; on account of, because,
w. Π2 ostrich.
n- Pers- Jaanai.

W q become weary.
ho pt. wearied?
weariness?; swift course?
YV q advise, counsel, intend, resolve.
ni take counsel together, give advice, consult, resolve.
hitp take counsel together,
j'py^ n. pers. Jacob \fig. for Israel.
nü'pi,^ η. pers. Jaakobah.
nipiil ->· apöv
n. pers. Jaakan.
115T_ thicket, wood; forest; Eccles. 2.6 park.

I I -IJP honeycomb.
III n. place Jaar.
*.T1J2. honeycomb.
n- Pers- Jarah.

n. pers. Jaare-oregim.
ÎTBnjT η. pers. Jaareshiah.
lfegl m. Jaasau.
«. Jaasiel.
n. pers. Iphdeiah.
HB"1 q be beautiful.
pi adorn.
hitp beautify oneself.
ΓΙΒ^ beautiful; well-ordered, excellent.
ίΤΒ'ΠΒ'» beautiful.
τ · "S
(S)ÌB^ n. place Joppa.
ns^ http groan.
"^B"1. beauty.
JPB^ η. pers., η. place Japhia.
β.1??. «· Pers- Japhlet.
"•ÏÛ^S^ gent. Japhletite.
flJB* η. pers. Jephunneh.
JJB^ ht shine out brightly.
ΠΒ1 n. pers. Jepheth.
πηει n. pers. Jephthah; n. place Iphtah.
^Ν'ΠΓΙΒ^ η. place Jiphtah-el.
q go out, come out, sally out ; issue, be descended ; escape, elude ;
extend (boundary)·, be spent (money); be sold (commodity);
end ( time ).
hi lead out, bring forth, march out; produce, bring out; remove,
ho be led out.
32P http take one's stand, hold one's own against.

JìP hi set down, place, put; Gen. 33.15 leave behind; Amos 5 . 1 5
bring to effect.
ho be left behind.
I 1 W oil.
I I i n s ? n. pers. Izhar.
S e n t - Izharite.
• ψ ν couch.
JW rd. Q extension.
pnVI n. pers. Isaac; fig. for Israel.
"UTS'! η. pers. rd. Q Zohar or rd. Κ Izhar.
VX"1 hi spread out a couch.
ho be spread out as couch.
P ^ q pour out, empty out; flow; cast.
hi pour out; II Kings 4.5 rd. HpXiD pour in.
ho be poured out, cast; Job 11.15 unshakeable.
*rt|W casting.
T P q form, fashion; pt. also potter.
ni be fashioned.
pu be predetermined.
ho be formed.
I T P fgrm.
II n. pers. Jezer.

Ή^Ρ n. pers. Izri ; gent. Jezeritc.

W q kindle, burn.
ni be kindled, be burned.
hi kindle,
vat; winepress.
η. place Winepress of Zeeb.
"^ΕΓ! "Çî?? n- p l a c e King's Winepresses.
· p l a c e Jekabzeel.
V q burn.
ho be kindled, set on fire,
DJpjS^ η. place Jokdeam.
Hp^ n. pers. Jakeh.
ππρ·> "3

τ'τ: obedience.

ιίρ^ -»t'p?.
u p ; hearth.
eip^ rd. t2?p (nafp) (Job 8.14) gossamer.
Dlp^ existence, living being.
twp> ,^ίρ^ fowler.
<7Κ·,ηρ)' η. pers. Jekuthiel.
η. pers. Joktan.
D^p^ η. pers. Jakim.
T'p^ dear, precious.
n^Dpi n. pers. Jekamiah.
DJJOp'l n. pers. Jekameam.
DJJDp^ n. place Jokmeam.
D^DpJ. n. place Jokmoam.
DJJJp^ n. place Jokneam.
•yjp^ n. place Joknoam.
yps q be dislocated; turn away from, be alienated.
hi expose.
ho be exposed.
;1«Sp> rd. Q_ (Zech. 14.6) frost.
pp*1 q awake.
"IP"1 q be precious, costly; I Sam. 18.30 be respected; Ps. 139.17 be
ht make costly, rare.
costly, precious; I Sam. 3.1 rare; jfer. 1519 noble,
precious things; worth, price; lustre, respect.
t|"'TP'! meeting,
typ^ q set a trap; pt. fowler.
ni be caught; become entangled.
pu be caught.
l^PJ pers. Jokshan.
^OP? place Joktheel.
N T q fear, be afraid.
ni be feared ; pt. also fearful.
pi fill with fear.
K"Y> in awe, fearful.
ΠΝΤ fear, reverence.
]1NT n. place Iron.
,VNV 114 inn"

n,!lKV η. pers. Irijah.

^ V rd. (Hos. 5-13; 10.6) great (king).
í>i?2V ». pers. Jerubbaal.
». pers. Jeroboam.
nt^T η. pers. derogatory form n / í ' y S V Jerubbesheth.
I V q go down, come down, descend; also fig.
hi send down, bring down, lead down, take down ; lower.
ho be led down, be thrown down; Num. 10.17 be taken down.
TV n. pers. Jared.
n. river Jordan.
I ¡TV q throw, shoot; Gen. 31.51 erect; Job 38.6 lay.
ni be shot through.
hi shoot.
I I ¡TV hi Hos. 6.3 water?
ho Prov. a.25 be watered, refreshed?
Ill nv hi direct, teach.
ÍWV n. place Jeruel.
Πίν n. pers. Jaroah.
piv green thing,
n ^ n ; , K2>1T ». pers. f . Jerushah.
O^E^T «• place Jerusalem.
I Πν month.
I I (TV ». pers. Jerah.
Πν moon.
1nV ,ΙΠΤ ». place Jericho.
DrïV ». pers. Jeroham.
^NOITV ». pers. Jerahmeel.
^Spnv gent. Jerahmeelite.
î?nv ». pers. Jarha.
ß V q Job throw; Num. 22.32 be precipitate?
^ 7 ! Pe**· Jeriel.
I opponent.
I I ^ V n. pers. Jarib.
" ^ V ». pers. Jeribai.
(ì)n*V n. pers. Jeriah.
frrv ,ΠΓΤν ». place Jericho.
mon·' "5

niCT n. pers. Jerimoth.

ΠΐΟ^Τ n. pers. Jeremoth.
PIJPT tent-curtain.
rflvy. η. pers. f . Jerioth.
thigh, loin, side; Ex. 25.31 ; 37.17 ; Num. 8.4 shaft,
rear, remotest part.
niD"11 n. place Jarmuth.
niDT n. pers. Jeramoth.
niDT n. pers. Jeremoth.
^ÇT Pers- Jeremai.
(ΐ)ΓΡΟ"Ρ η. pers. Jeremiah.
yi"1 q quiver, be afraid.
n. place Irpeel.
pT q spit.
PT vegetables.
PT green thing.
}ip"P n. river Jarkon.
]ip"V mildew ; Jer. 30.6 pallor.
DyÇT η. pers. Jorkoam.
p l p T yellowish green, pale green.
t?T> q take possession of, subdue, dispossess; inherit; pt. also
ni be impoverished.
pi take possession of.
ht drive away; take possession of; impoverish; make to suffer
•"^"Π possession.
rW"V possession,
pnt^ n. pers. Isaac.
η. pers. Jesimiel.
n. pers., n. peop. Israel.
"· Pers- Jesarelah.
^«"Iti^ gent. Israelite.
γι pers., n. peop. Issachar.
Vfr there exists, there is.
ii6 "HDtí^

SB* q sit down, sit, stay, dwell; be inhabited.

ni be inhabited.
pi set up.
hi set; make to stay; make to dwell; settle; Ezra io; Neh. i j
ho be inhabited; be settled,
rüiy? jt^ n. pers. Josheb-basshebeth.
n. pers. Jeshebeab.
rtS^ n. pers. Ishbah.
•rtf o b *n. pers. Jashubi-lehem.
n. pers. Jashobeam.
n. pers. Ishbak.
n^çaç^ η. pers. Joshbekashah.
SìtPJ n. pers. Jashub.
gent. Jashubite.
Π1Β* n. pers. Ishvah.
ΓΡΠίΒ^ η. pers. Jeshohaiah.
^lipi n. pers. Ishvi ; gent. Ishvite.
yW* n. pers., n. place Jeshua.
help, salvation.
*ΠΚ>.Ί unexplained,
hi stretch out.
n. pers. Jesse.
n. pers. Jashib.
(l)ITt^ n. pers. Isshiah.
^ O ^ wilderness.
n i D ^ destruction ?

B ^ j .aged.
«. pers. Jeshishai.
NDB^ n. pers. Ishma.

^«yDKh «• pers. Ishmael.

^ ( S ) y p ^ gent. Ishmaelite.
( i ) n ^ D ^ n. pers. Ishmaiah.
"HDti^ n. pers. Ishmerai.
Ι]1ΐ»·> 117 "ΙΓΡ

11 q fall asleep, sleep.

pi make to sleep.
II IB" ni be long established; be old, belong to the preceding year.
¡^ old, of the preceding year.
I sleeping.
II ^ n. pers. Jashen.
njtt^ n. place Jeshanah.
yií" ni accept help, receive help, be saved ; be victorious.
hi help, save, come to the aid.
VW help, deliverance, salvation, prosperity.
^ψ) η. pers. Ishi.
n. pers. Isaiah.
n. pers. Ishpah.
n s ¿ » jade.
n. pers. Ishpan.
"Iti" q be straight, level, right.
pi make straight, level; go straight ahead, lead.
pu pt. beaten flat; foil.
hi level; make look straight ahead.
"Ili^ straight, level, right, reliable, upright.
"IB* n. pers. Jesher.
"IB" straightness, uprightness; what is right ; fob 33.23 duty.
*ΓΠΒ^ uprightness.
Jeshurun (honorific name for Israel).
B>B^ decrepit.
irV tent-peg; Zech. 10.4 support.
DÍJY fatherless boy, orphan ( bereaved of one parent).
HIV that which is espied.
"ΡΓΡ n. place Jattir.
n. place Ithlah.
non: · pers. Ithmah.
n. pers. Jathniel.
n. place Ithnan.
"ΐΓν q pt. ->• -ini\
ni be left over, remain over.
hi leave over, have over > inf. abs. more than enough; have
abundance; have pre-eminence.
Iirv ii8 i33

I "IÇÏ bowstring, cord.

I I ""líV remainder, abundance.
I I I "ΙΓΡ η. pers. Jether.

"ins - n n i v
ΝΊΙΥ n. pers. Ithra.
Ì"tfV n. pers. Jethro.
profit; advantage.
"HIV gent. Ithrite.
p r p η. pers. Ithran.
0JJ1W η· Pers- Ithream.
n-in s lobe (of the liver).
ΠΓΡ n. peop.? Jetheth.

3 as, exactly as, corresponding to, according to; when, as soon

as, supposing that;"ltt>K3 as, because, as though, when; w. |3
as—so, the more—the more.
3K2 q suffer pain.
hi cause pain; II Kings J.IÇ ruin.
3 K 3 pain.
ΠΚ3 ni be disheartened.
hi dishearten.
"INS rd.iWS (Amos 8.8).
-IB'«? S.
133 q be heavy, obtuse, important, honoured; II Sam. 13.25 be
ni be honoured, enjoy reputation; behave creditably, get one-
self glory.
pi honour; reward; I Sam. 6.6 make obtuse.
pu be honoured ; pt. respected.
1*133 119

hi make heavy, make weigh heavily; make dull, obdurate; make

important, numerous; make respected.
hitp make oneself numerous, give oneself airs.
1 1 2 2 heavy, burdensome, oppressive; numerous; arduous; obtuse,
obdurate; slow.
I I 123 liver,
nb3 - > i ü 3 .
τ τ

"123 heaviness, force, mass.

ΓΠ33 difficulty.
Π23 q be extinguished.
pi extinguish.
1123 heaviness, burden; importance, possessions, reputation; per-
son, self; dignity, splendour; distinction, honour, glory;
Ps. 149.5 song of praise.
ΓΤΤΙ23 valuables, splendour.
^ 2 3 n. place Cabul.
JÌ23 η. place Cabbon.
"P23 strong, mighty, much.
" T 2 3 skin?
°^23 fetter.
D22 q full.
pi cleanse, wash away.
pu be washed.
hotpaal be washed out.
Ί23 hi make many; pt. in abundance.
I °Ί23 long since.
I I Ί23 n. river Chebar.
I ί"Π23 sieve.
I I *'"n23 space; a distance away.
tt>23 lamb.
11^23 ewe-lamb.
W23 q subdue, tread down; rape.
ni be subdued, be brought into bondage.
pi subdue.
hi rd. Q_ (Jer. 34.11).
B>23 footstool.
^ 2 3 furnace.
na 120 112

n3 jar.
1 Π 3 hank, ball.
'"!? ->νΙ·
«. per s. Chedorlaomer.
Π3 thus; here, hither; now.
ΠΠ3 q become expressionless, weak.
pi fade, lose heart; I Sam. j . i j reprimand.
"ΠΠ3 expressionless, pale; disheartened; dim, smouldering.
ΠΓΙ3 alleviation.
]Γ0 pi officiate as priest.
]Π3 priest.
Π3Π3 priesthood, office of priest, clergy.
313 n. terr.? Cub.
V3Í3 helmet.
Π13 ni be scorched, be burned.
ΓΜ3 branding.
Π13 -> I Π3.
3313 star.
*?13 q comprehend.
hi hold, contain; endure.
pilp contain, hold in; supply; endure; Ps. 112.¡ manage.
polp be supplied.
tta -»ft.
TD13 woman's adornment.
Ρ qrd. pol (Job 31.15).
ni stand firm, be well-rounded; be firm, secured; endure;
be ready, prepared; be established; pt.f. also that which is
trustworthy, right.
poi set up, prepare, establish; set up firmly, enduringly; aim
polal be prepared.
hi provide, make ready; fix, determine, direct, appoint; make
firm; prepare; do something without being distracted,

ho be set up.
hit pol be established, take u p position.
n. place C u n .
sacrificial cake.
1IT0J13 n. pers. rd. Κ Conaniah.
I DÌ3 / c u p .
I I DÍ3 species of owl screech-owl?
U S furnace.
BHÌ3 η. pers. C y r u s .
IMS n. pers., n. terr. C u s h , Ethiopia.
"W3 n. pers. C u s h i ; gent. Cushite, Ethiopian.
^ 1 3 n. peop. C u s h a n .
DTlJJtîH }t£>12 η. pers. C u s h a n - r i s h a t h a i m .
"M^iS prosperity.
ΠΠ13 η. terr. C u t h .
rnnis rnn'3.
2T3 q lie.
ni prove lying, false.
pi lie, deceive, fail.
hi accuse of lying.
-T3 lie, deception, f r a u d .
N2T3 n. place Cozeba.
^2T3 n.pers.f. Cozbi.
2V3 n. place Chezib.
I Π3 strength, p o w e r ; ability, fitness; p r o d u c e , wealth, property.
I I nb
species of lizard.
1Π3 ni be h i d d e n ; go astray, perish.
pi keep h i d d e n , hide.
hi destroy; Job 20.12 dissolve.
q paint.
ίί>Π3 q grow lean.
ni feign submission.
pi lie, deceive ; deny, disown.
hitp act deceitfully.
ί?Π3 decline; lying.
*tWl3 u n t r u t h f u l .

I''S thus; then, just so; rather, but, nevertheless; because, for;
that; as, while, when, if; even if, though; see!, there!
I I ^3 Isa. 3.24 branding.
DS 13 except, unless; but, rather, however, yet; only; surely.
*T3 downfall.
"11T3 spark.
pT3 javelin.
"IÍT3 attack.
J T 3 n. pers. C h i d o n .
JV13 rd. JV3 (Amos 5.26) n. pers. K e w a n (Saturn).
~!i!,3 basin, cauldron; II Chron. 6.13 stand?
n ' S ^ S wedge?
HOto Pleiades.
D^ bag.
';T3 small stove,
-to -»-ito.
"llK^S spindle-whorl.
τ τ
~I33 f. round disc; unit of weight talent (c. 34 kg); encircling area.
Ϊ 2 totality, whole; entire, all, each; anyone, anything; all kinds;
whenever, as often as.
q hold back, withhold; restrain; shut up, imprison.
ni be restrained, held back.
NÍ73 prison.
p rd. iïï> (Ezek. 36.5).
η. pers. C h i l e a b .
of two kinds.
3^3 dog.
3 ^ 3 n. pers. C a l e b .
gent. Calebite.
q cease, come to/be at an end; be/become finished; pass away ; be
determined, resolved ; languish, become weak.
123 ΒΠΙΜ

pi complete, finish with, cease; annihilate, destroy; make to

waste away; do something completely.
pu be completed, at an end.
Τ -Γ annihilation, ' end.
Π^3 daughter-in-law, bride.
η. pers. text corr.
I 3 ^ 3 basket, cage.
I I 3 ^ 3 n. pers. C h e l u b .
" 0 ^ 3 n. pers. Chelubai.
bridal time.
I vigour.
I I Π^3
n. place Calah.
Πΐ'Π'ί?3 η. pers. Col-hozeh.
container, vessel; instrument, tool, article, weapon; Isa. 18.2
N^S rd. Κ prison,
annihilation; languishing.
n. pers. Chilion.
^ S entire, perfect; whole; whole-offering.
^3ί>3 η. pers. Calcol.
^ 3 q perfect.
n. pers. Chelal.
ni be humiliated, insulted; be ashamed; be confounded.
hi abuse, shame, bring disgrace upon.
ho be shamed, insulted.
n. terr. C h i l m a d ? text corr.
Τ · 5 insult.
nia 1 ?? insuit.
n. place Calneh.
Π03 q languish.
QH03 n. pers. Chimham.
¡HD3 n. pers. Chimhan.
ÍD3 as, when.
DniÇS rd.QfJer. 41.17).

ti^D3 η. deity Chemosh.

Bfcná -»· B>ÍC3.
l'B3 cummin.
DD3 q pt. pass, stored up.
"ID3 ni become hot, be aroused.
••"ID3 priest ( of alien gods).
115 thus, even so; so much, so greatly, so long; for, therefore; 133
then; as yet; ]2 -t 7y therefore.
I I 1? steadfast, erect, straight; correct, true, right.
I I I l ? stand, place; office.
I V 1? gnat.
riJ3 pi give someone an honorific name > flatter.
¡"133 n. place Canneh.
Π33 imv. q of
"IÌ33 zither.
niJ3 rd. <¿pl. o / * n J 3 .
ì!TJ3 η. pers. Coniah, Jehoiachin.
D33 coll. gnats.
p3 q coverÌ, protect?
•"JJS n. pers. Chenani.
(i)M\JJ3 n. pers. Chenaniah.
DJ3 q gather.
pi gather together.
http wrap oneself.
yj3 ni be defeated, bowed, humbled ; humble oneself.
hi subjugate, humble.
• load, bundle.
1JW3 n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. Canaan ;fig. coll. merchants,
rujys n. pers. Chenaanah.
VW? gent. Canaanite; fig. merchant,
^ 3 «¡'hide.
1J3 f . wing; corner; extremity, limit.
,ΓΠ32 η. place Chinnereth, Gennesaret.
n1"iJ3 ,ηνυ?"
"TiJS colleague.
XD3 full moon.

ΚΞ3 chair, seat, throne.

HDD q cover, conceal.
ni be covered.
pi cover, cover up ; hide, keep secret ; conceal in itself.
pu be covered, concealed.
hitp cover oneself; Prov. 26.26 be wrapped up.
Π03 - + N M .
ΠΒ3 - > N ¿ ¿ .
n. place Chesuloth.
HÌD? covering, cover, clothing.
Π03 q pt. pass, cut away.
ITI? 3 throne of Yah weh.
I ^¿3 foolish; fool.
^DSOrion; pi. large constellations?
I l l ^D3 n. place Chesil.
ffl^DS foolishness.
q be foolish.
I I *?D3
imperturbability, confidence; Eccles. 7.2s foolishness.
Ps. 8s-9 foolishness ; Job 4.6 confidence.
I£D3 Chislev ( name of a month, November/December),
n. pers. Chislon.
n. place Chesalon.
12Γ) ni^DS n. place Chisloth-tabor.
DTtí?D3 n. peop. Casluhim.

DD3 ^ clip.
CDIpS spelt.
DOSS spelt.
DD3 q count.
q long, desire.
ni long; Zeph. 2.1 be ashamed.
'IDS silver, money.
K^SD3 n. place Casiphia.
"DOS band.

DJJS q be a n g r y .
pi provoke to anger.
hi make a n g r y , vex, insult.
,DJ?S anger, vexation.
F|S f . hollow of the hand, palm, h a n d ; Lev. 11.27 Paw; w
· λΠ· so e
' ì
Lev. 23.40 b r a n c h ; m. pan, vessel.
°*η3 rock.
ΠΒ3 q avert, p a c i f y .
n S 3 reed-shoot, f r o n d .
I lisa cup.
I I "I1BS hoar-frost.
D^ES stucco?, r a f t e r ?
T B 3 y o u n g lion.
, Π Τ Μ η. place Chephirah.

Í>BS q put doubled.

ni be doubled.
Í>BS d o u b l i n g ; du. d o u b l e ; Isa. 40.2 exchange value, equivalent.
°]BS q stretch out.
°|BS hunger.
I B S q bend.
ni bow down.
ΊΕΞ q smear, coat with pitch.
pi cover, atone for, make expiation f o r , p u r i f y ; avert.
pu be atoned f o r ; Isa. 28.18 be annulled.
hitp be atoned for.
nitρ be atoned for.
°*"1BS village.
I °"IB3 village.
I I "IBS asphalt.
I V "IBS hush-money, ransom.
"IB? miB|).
D^IBS atonement; TV. CV day of atonement.
rn'SS cover.
t^BS hi press down.
I nnss 127 DDIS

,1 "liflSS knob, capital; nodule.

I I "lÌFlDS n. terr. Caphtor.
"ΉΓΙ22 gent. Caphtorite.
I T S ram; battering-ram.
ilia pasture.
I l l IS saddle-bag.
1 2 dry measure cor (between 220 and 450 I).
pu pt. wrapped.
Inns ?dig.

ni be dug.
q bargain (for).
I l l ΓΠ2 q m. ΓΠ2 give a feast.
"ΓΠ2 unexplained.
ΓΠ3 feast.
I II n2nΠs2 cherub.
n. place Cherub.
Ή2 gent. Carite.
ΓΡ~Ι3 η. river Cherith.
,nVYH3 dismissal, divorce.
2'2"j2 edge.
D212 saffron.
, £ " 0 2 1 2 η. place Carchemish.
0 2 1 2 ». pers. Carcas.
"ΓΤΊ212 female camel.
D*l3 m. and f. vineyard.
*D13 vine-dresser.
''DIS n. pers. Carmi; gent. Carmite.
I '¡'DIS orchard.
I I ^DIS fresh corn.
III tolS
n. place Carmel.
^DTS gent. Carmelite.
pS n. pers. Cheran.
DDIS pi chew away.

>Π3 q kneel down, recline (of animals)·, bow down; buckle at the
knees, collapse.
hi force to the knees ; Judg. 11.3s bow someone down.
/ shanks; Lev. 11.21 legs for jumping.
DB"l3 fine fabric.
112 pilp dance.
"iiH3 belly.
Vip -»ΒΗ13·
KJ!£>~|3 η. pers. Carshena.
ΠΊ2 q cut off, hew down, fell; exterminate; w. ηΉ_3 enter into/
impose an obligation.
tti be felled, exterminated, destroyed; JosA. j[/· be divided.
pu be cut down, cut off.
hi exterminate, destroy.
ho be cut off.
ninna beams.
MYlS gent. Cherethite, Cretan.
n'nns ninna.
nStPa ewe-lamb.
η. pers. Chesed.
D^ntp? n. peop. Chaldeans; n. terr. Chaldea; Dan. 2.2,4 w se
i men,
nifS q gorge oneself.

^»>3 axe.
q stumble, stagger; be exhausted.
ni stumble, stagger; be exhausted.
pi rd. Q (Ezek. 36.14).
hi cause to stumble, stagger.
ho pt. brought to downfall,
stumbling, fall.
IIW pi practise sorcery.
"^B·? sorcery,
"V^S q succeed, please.
hi succeed?
29 "DI Κ1?

success, gain.
-Π2 q write, record, write upon.
ni be written, recorded.
pi write zealously.
°2Π3 piece of writing, roll ; script.
Γι 1Γι3 writing.
D^FlS ,D«n3 n. peop. Kittim.
n T i ? pounded; pure.
•Γ,7Γι3 wall,
rtyis n. place Chithlish.
°ΟΓΟ ni be stained.
DH3 gold.
n j h 3 , n j h s tunic.
i n S , η η | f . shoulder, shoulder-blade, shoulder-piece; side-piece, side-
wall; slope.
ΊΠ3 pi encircle; have patience (Aram.).
hi encircle; crown (Aram.).
°"ΙΠ3 crown; head-adornment.
ΓΠΠ3 capital.
STO q pound.
ΠΠ3 q crush, pound; hammer.
pi crush ; hammer.
pu be crushed.
hi disperse.
ho be crushed, dispersed.

towards, up to; at, even to, until, till nearly, after; within; with
regard to; to; for; namely; according to; on account of; sign of
the dative ; ί> of authorship.
not, un-,
"12"I N'1? n. place L o - d e b a r .
πκί> 130 Hp1?

q be/become weary; give up.

ni be exhausted, exert oneself ; be unable.
hi weary.
n. pers.f. Leah.
Di«^ —• D'N^.
QK1* pf. q of
gently, softly.
Q«^ -»to1?.
n. pers. Lael.
DN^ nation; Prov. 11.26 people.
η. peop. Leummim.
heart, interior ; fig. disposition, will, mind, conscience.
n. place? Labo.
"ΠΚ; 1? lioness.
τ τ :

n. place Lebaoth.
I ni become intelligent.
pi cause beating of the heart.
I I aa* pi prepare.
τ "·
heart-shaped cake?
-nf na.
*Π|!> flame.
"Π21? heart.
Iruiró nirt.
I I n j i i ^ n. place Lebonah.
clothing, garment.
P t t j clothed.
ni be trampled down.
Kp^ lion.
Κ*?1? lioness.

I p1? hi make white, purify; become white.

hitρ be purified.
I I pí> q make bricks.
ι Ρ* 131

I ρW1 ?τ white.
I I pí> η. pers., η. place Laban.
I π ώ full moon.
I I ¡Ijaí» η. pers. Lebanah.
njj^ 1 frankincense,
nja^ brick; Ex. 24.10 platform.
njD^ storax tree.
¡TD^ n. place Libnah.
|Ü2Í> · p l a c e Lebanon.
"Orft - Pers- Libni; gent. Libnite.
fiJ?^ n. <iver Libnath.
MSÇ code-name for Chaldeans.
q dress, clothe; put o n ; cover oneself.
pu pt. clothed; Ezra 3.10 in vestments.
hi clothe; put on.
t¡Oj> -»· P t t ^ , twa1?.
ft liquid measure log (between 0.3 and 0.625 I).
•ft n. place Lod.
»· P¡ace Lidebir.
n-ft childbirth,
••ft rd. &7(Deut. 3.11).
art^ flame; blade.
Π2Πί> flame; blade.
Cani' ». peop. Lehabim.
nb n. pers. Lahad.
nrt) q be exhausted.
hitpalp behave senselessly.
12Πί> q consume.
pi consume; scorch,
tsrf? blade.
" sorceries.
•Π1? hitp pt. titbit.
Ruth 1.13 therefore.
* n ç r £ band.
HÜ tf if; if only, O that.
D p ^ n. people Libyans.
n. people L u d , Lydians.
Ί Π 1* 132 η η vi*

nan i* -»· " i κ*.

Ini* q accompany.
ni attach oneself to someone, be bound.
I I Π1* q borrow.
hi lend.
TI* q leave.
ni pt. perverted, perversion.
hi leave.
I Tl* almond tree.
I I vb n. place Luz.
Πί* tablet; plank, board.
ΠΥ11* η. place Luhith.
tyni* n. pers. Lohesh.
121* q cover, wrap up.
hi cover,
liai* covering.
I I 121* n. pers. Lot.
|t2i* n. pers. Lotan.
""I* Levite; n. pers., n. people Levi.
••ITI* garland.
|fiV* Leviathan, serpent ; Job 40.25 crocodile.
"••'*1*staircase?, trap-door ?
\*1*, N*1* if not; unless; Ps. 27.13 surely.
}1*ni murmur.
hi murmur.
r * - p*.
Bñ* q knead.
V) * ri. (¿(II Sam. 3.15).
it* ,ητ*
... τ
,î*Τ -». ιτ*π
.· -
... τ -
-Γ -

"MT* perversity.
Π* moist, fresh, new.
"OÍ? freshness.
DVl* unexplained.
nin* -> ΓιΤΝ*.
jaw, cheek.
I I VI* n. place Lehi.
••«'-ι "Π^ - o i ñ νί*

^Π1? q crop.
pi lick, lick up ; consume.
I q fight.
ni fight, wage war, besiege, be victorious.
I I DH1? q eat.
ΟΠ^ battle?
ÛH^ bread, food; corn.
nrft -»ein 1 ?.
n. pers. Lahmi.
DQH^ n. place Lahmas.
q push, press, oppress, afflict, persecute.
ni press oneself.
γη1? oppression, affliction.
tirf? pi charm.
hitp whisper with one another.
Wp whispering, charming; Isa. 3.20 humming shell,
ta* occult art; w. 2 secretly.
ti? mastic bark.
ΠΝΕI1? gecko.
DNPIQ^ η. peop. Letushim.
q hammer, sharpen; pt. smith.
pu pt. sharpened,
night, by night,
n^^ n. pers.f. Lilith.
q stay the night, remain all night.
hitpol stay the night, lodge.
P ^ q boast.
pol pt. arrogant?
hi be spokesman, interpret; mock.
hitpol mock.
I lion.
II n. pers., n. place Laish.
Mty^ n. place Laishah.
q catch, capture; occupy, cut oft \ Josh. 7.14 designate;
I Sam. 14.47 assume.
ni be caught, captured; be chosen.
hitp be compacted together.

"13¡? capture.
Γθί> η. place Lecah.
n. place Lachish.
p 1 ? therefore, for that reason,
loops, nooses.
q learn.
pi teach; train.
pu be taught, trained.
"IE1? accustomed ; pupil, disciple.
,ΠΕ^ why? usually of inquiry.
τ τ '
, πτ ο: ^ "
ID1? for, with respect to.
Í>S1DÍ> η. pers. Lemuel.

η. pers. Lamech,
from then/there on.
I I » ? - 1S9·
*ì) pt. q of ρ«..
" Φ throat.
hi scoff.
IV1? q scoff.
ni speak in a foreign language.
hi mock, deride,
stammering; scoffing, mockery,
speaking in a foreign language,
rny? n. pers. Laadah.
n. pers. Laadan.
q speak incomprehensibly.
Dì!1? hi let gulp down,
ruy'? wormwood.
I VV^ q speak rashly.
I I yy1? q swallow up.
ΓιίΤ£^ n. pers. Lappidoth.
Γιε1? q clasp.
ni be diverted ; bend forward.
γ1? mocker,
Dpi" 135 1«D

Dip1? η. place Lakkum.

Hp1? q take, grasp, seize; take away; take with one, for oneself;
receive; take up; fetch, bring; carry off; Prov. 31.16 acquire.
ni be taken away, carried off ; be fetched.
pu be taken, taken away, carried off; be brought.
hitp flare up, flash.
Πρ'7 teaching, persuasion, insight.
n. pers. Likhi.
q gather, glean.
pi glean, collect.
pu be gleaned.
hitp gather.
tap^1 gleanings.
pp1? q lap.
pi lap.
pi plunder,
late crop.
"Iti'1? cake; marrow.
-r τ '

tongue, language.
rtìtP1? room, hall, chamber.
I Dtí>í> precious stone.
II nift
n. place Leshem.
poel slander.
hi slander.
νφ1? η. place Lasha.
- ^ti-
ri? inf. q of
grain-measure lethech (between no and 225 I).

DÌ2SD granary.
•ON'D - ο η κ ϊ η .
"ISO strength, power; very.
I nan 136 Ktaan

I ¡ISO hundred ; du. two hundred ; pi. hundreds.

I I Π«ρ n. place Meah.
''^y? eager desire.
D1KD ,D1SD stain, blemish.
nDIKQ anything at all.
"liSD lamp, luminary; lampstand; Ps. go.8; Prov. 15.30 light,
" ' r n w p young?
D^TKQ scales.
ni"1«? pi. of ι nsp.
^ « p food, food-stuff.
r f a S Q knife,
n ^ b s p feed.
*}>DND exertion.
° " Ί ρ χ ρ word, command.
pi refuse.
I DSD q despise, abhor; refuse, reject ; Job 42.6 retract.
ni be rejected.
I I DSD ni run, vanish.
"ΠΒΧΟ something baked.
^SKD darkness.
n ^ S S p darkness.
INO hi pt. painful, malignant.
2T.ND ambush,
mxp curse.
NÜQ entrance; entering; setting (of the sun) > west.
^lap heavenly ocean; deluge.
DTDD rd. (¿(II Chron. 35.3).
riDiap trampling down.
yi3D spring.
n¡?12D waste.
"lirDD choice, the best.
I * T D D choice, the best.
I I "ΙΠ3Ρ n. peop. ? Mibhar.
"toap hope.
K p a p rash undertaking.
ΠΕ20 137 mj»o

riCjD trust; security.

"TM^SD cheering.
"OaD «• pers. Mebunnai.
I I X j D fortified place, fortification, fortress.
I I "fipD n. peop.i Mibzar.
"ΤΠ30 fugitive.
Dä>20 n. pers. Mibsam.
*ΒΊΪ>20 private parts,
n f t l î b ç cooking-places.
3D part of a Bab. official title.
tt^ìUD n. pers. Magbish.
rfrìOp cords.
*njjaÏD head-band.
1JD gift; the best.
(|)Ì13D n. place Megiddo.
->· ftJD.
'¡WTID n.peop.? Magdiel.
^in rd. Κ (II Sam. 22.51).
I ^ D tower; Neh. 8.4 p o d i u m ; Cant. 5.13 cabinet?
I I ' ' ^ D part of n. place Migdal.
^UD n. place Migdol.
niJTJO costly gifts, valuables.
3130 n. pers., n. terr. Magog.
1Ì3Dτ terror.
- HJD Ps. 55.16 unexplained.
"Γηί3Ε> terror.
ΓΠ130 grain-pit.
" CI/Up status of client, residence,
".•nno axe.
^3D sickle,
."fao scroll.
•'HE3D striving?
J3D pi give up, hand over; Prov. 4.Ç bestow upon.
I }3D shield ; Job 41.γ scale.
II shameless.
"Π|30 insolence,
rnjnp threat.
nS3D 138 II p D

.1S3D plague.
B ^ B i D η. pers. Magpiash.
"13D q pt. pass, given up.
pi throw down (Aram.).
rnjp stone-saw.
p 3 D n. place Migron.
ledges, recesses.
τ τ : ν
shovel.?,' clod?
Β1 "13p pasture; uncultivated land,
n i t t h i o waves.?
"IP garment.
I " 1 2 1 0 steppe, desert.
I I " 1 2 " I ρ speech.
"Π0 q measure.
ni be measured.
pi measure off, measure out.
hitpo stretch out.
I Γ π ρ measurement, size; following tall, spacious.
I I * r n p tax.
πηηηρ /. r a r n p (Isa. 14.4) assault.
*V1D garment.
I Π1"!Ρ garment.
I I "Π1~ρ illness, disease.
cnì^O misleading.
"|1"|P ,1 p Q dispute, quarrel.
I I p i p n. place Madon.
ipp why ? usually reproachful.
ΓΠΠρ pile of wood,
rmp downfall,
"'•nsnnp blow.
•""ID n. pers. Madai; n. peop. Medes; n. ten. Media.
gent. Median,
•qp OVHD.
I "*pP dispute, quarrel.
II p p n. pers., n. terr. Midian; n. peop. Midianites.
I p p garments.
II p p n. place Middin.

pO rd. mû (II Sam. 21.20).

°aj s "lû circuit, area of jurisdiction, satrapy, province.
"O^ID gent. Midianite.
Π210 mortar.
]D1D n. place Madmen.
InjD-ÍQ dunghill.
I I rUDIQ n. place Madmenah.
njDHD n. pers., n. place Madmannah.
n. pers. Medan.
D'JTD gent. Medanites.
°ΐΠΟ, understanding; Eccles. 10.20 bedroom.
JHD relative.
* n j n b relative.
- n n p i D thrust.
rocky terrace.
*ί|Ύ1ΰ foot's-breadth.
"tt'yiD interpretation, exposition.
" J l ^ D that which is threshed.
Π0 what?, how?, w h y ? ; what; how!, aD'ajJ how long
ΠΠΟ hitpalp linger.
ΠΟΠΟ uproar, tumult; confusion, alarm.
]DinO n. pers. Mehuman.
3û\aD n. pers. m. (Aram.) and f. Mehetabel.
THD skilled, diligent.
^HD q pt. pass, adulterated.
way, journey, passage;/»/, access,
^^ΠΡ ». pers. Mahalalel.
nlD^ÎTQ blows, thrashing.
aonb ano.
n i a b a o pits filled with rain-water,
- a sτ s"aî n— overthrow.

rûSaç stocks.
I a a o ni act hastily; pt. rash, impetuous, dismayed.
pi hurry; hasten; imv. also quickly.
I I "Π0 q acquire (by payment of the bride-price),
a a b bride-price.
mno 140 ΊΟΊΟ

τ" :
haste;' in haste.
•ΗΠΟ η. pers. Maharai.
η^Γ,ΠΟ deceptions.
2NÌD η. pers., η. terr. Moab; η. peop. Moabites.
•OKiO gent. Moabite.
^SiQ to.
ND1D entrance.
31D q reel.
ni heave, surge to and fro.
pol soften, dissolve.
hitpol melt, be in commotion.
TD pol shake.
EID q totter.
ni totter, shake.
hi bring down upon.
hitpol reel to and fro.
tilD stand, pole.
ΠΟΙΟ yoke, bearer.
T]1D q come down, be reduced to poverty.
Τ to q circumcise.
ni be circumcised.
I I to hi ward off.
to , t o before, facingiD'OS to front; top before, in front of,
Π " i t o η. place Moladah.
r n t o offspring, relatives; pi. also descent,
" ¡ i t o circumcision.
T t o n. pers. Molid.
]2D1D rd. (Esther 1.16).
"2DID circuit?
. τ
foundation-wall,' foundation.
"10*10 foundation.
*!"HDÌO m. foundation-wall, foundation.
"IpiD fetter.
TDID 141 I I Bhio

ΊΟΙΟ chastisement, discipline ; reminder, warning.

I * m τ"
D i n fetter.
I I HTDiD n. place Moserah.
TJÍO meeting-place, place of assembly; assembly, meeting; fixed
date; appointed time, time of festival.
"lyiD assembly point ?
m ^ l D appointment.
πη$η η. pr. Moadiah.
"IJHD darkness.
""¡IxyiD counsel, plan.
npJîlD Ps. 66.11 unexplained.
TBÌD pt. ho of I TT2.
n y s i n -» n j ^ D .
n s i n sign.
I HïiD exit, going out; utterance; departure; rising (sun) > east.
I I NXÌD n. pers. Moza.
*nN¥ÍD origin ; latrine.
I pîHD (metal) casting.
I I pttD
τ affliction.
*Í1¡32ttD casting; pipe.
°P"D hi deride.
npiQ hearth.
¡"ITpÍD hearth.
tPpiD trap, snare.
TÍD —• nib.
TID «¿alter.
hi exchange, alter.
NT1D fear, terror; reverence.
3TÍD threshing-sledge.
TTÍD slope; I Kings 7.2g pendants.
rniD early rain.
I rniD m. razor.
I I rniD S'TiD.
DT.ÍD pt. pu of DTD.
rPTio nnb.
I ""tthiD possession.
I I *t£>TÍD desire.
fitthlû 142 n-iîD

IltthlD acquisition, possession.

Π| nt^lìD η. place Moresheth-gath.
ifltfhiD gent. Morashtite.
i'riD q feel.
hi let feel; be able to feel, grasp.
I I t£>lD q withdraw, cease; remove.
chair, seat ; home, place of residence ; location, site ; company ;
dwelling; inhabitants.
•WD n. pers. Mushi; gent. Mushite.
*fl3$iD help,
mo q die.
pol kill, give the death-blow.
hi put to death, kill, have killed.
ho be killed, suffer death.
ΓΠΟ death, dying; pestilence; abode of the dead.
°inÌD advantage, superiority.
Π2ΤΟ altar.
3TD mixed wine.
*ΠΤΟ weakened.
¡"ItO n. pers. Mizzah.
"ÌTD granary.
nWD door-post.
|1TD food.
I 1ÌTD festering wound, sore.
I I "ΠΤΟ trap?, ambush?
I HTD dockyard.
IlmD girdle.
rWD girdle.
TOTO spokesman (official title).
*.1Í>TD meat-fork.
τ : ·

3¡7TD meat-fork.
nftíD signs of the zodiac.
HQ TD thinking, plan; calculation, machination; prudence.
1ÍDT0 psalm.
*ΓΠΟΐΟ vine-dresser's knife.
*ΓΠΘΤΟ snuffers.
ijjTD few.
ΓΤΊΤΟ winnowing-fork.
rvnîD 143

nilîD southern signs of the zodiac?

ΓΠΤΟ rising (sun) > east.
•T 5
north winds.
*>ΠΪΡ sown land.
P"1TD basin.
"HD fading (sheep).
Hb marrow.
°SriD q strike, clap.
tOHD hiding-place.
DEDITO hiding-places.
ΠΪ"|3ΠΡ binders, clamps.
Π"Ι2Π0 seam, set.
ΓΠΠρ griddle.
η-|;ΠΟ girding.
I ¡DID q wipe off, wipe away; destroy.
ni be wiped out, destroyed.
hi blot out.
I I °ΠΠΟ q strike, meet.
I I I ΠΠη pu pt. full of marrow.
ΓΜΓΙΟ compasses.
"TiriD harbour.
n. pers. Mehujael.
gent. Mahavite.
I í>ÍrtD
round dance.
I I ^iriD
n. pers. Mahol.
appearance, vision.
niKVHD n. pers. Mahazioth.
ΚΤΠΟn. pers. Mehida.
preservation of life; renewal, new tissue; supplies, sustenance;
^Η^Πρ n. pers. Mehijael.
I THD equivalent value, purchase-price, payment.
I I Tflû η. pers. Mehir.
"Π'ΡΠρ sickness.
Π^Γΐρ n. pers. m. and f . Mahalah.
rftno 144 ηκηπη

"ΓΙ^ΠΟ round dance.

• η^πή hole.
n. pers. Mahlon.
^ΠΟ n. pers. Mahli; gent. Mahlitc.
Ο ^ Π Ο injuries.
-nis^inD plaits.
n i ï ^ O ? fine garments,
nip'rnn n. pers. Mahlekoth.
share, division.
I ΓΙ^ΠΟ liturgical direction.
,11 n^HD n. pers. Mahalath.
T l Ì T I ? gent. Meholathite.
n'SDHDτ ί —milk-foods.
'"'^DrtD desirable thing, valuable; desire; Hos. 9.16 darling.
*"ί0Π0 valuable.
7DTO unexplained.
nSDnD anything leavened.
nJHD camping-place, war-camp, travellers' camp; host, army.
· P l a c e Mahaneh-dan.
C.^HD n. place Mahanaim.
Ρ^ΠΡ suffocation.
ΠΟΠΟ ,Πρηη refuge.
DiDriD rein. ? , muzzle?
"lÎDHD want, loss.
rPDHD n. pers. Mahseiah.
}'ΠΟ q shatter.
γΠΏ wound.
2ΪΠΟ w. 15« dressed.
ΓΝΠΠ half.'
mrib half, middle.
°pnn q shatter.
"ΊζΠρ depth.
ττ tomorrow.
niKinb rd. Κ (II Kings 10.27) latrine.
."ΠΚ'ΙΠΏ ploughshare.
*η»ΊΠΟ '
nino 145 ρ ρ τ π IQ

ΠΊΠΟ following day.

«füTlD peeling off the bark.
,Γη^ΠΟ thought, intention, plan; invention.

^tpnç dark place, hiding-place.

nnç η. pers. Mahath.
n nχ n· c: terror;' destruction.
n n n c fire-pan, brazier,
ninne housebreaking.
NBKi?C besom.
Π2ΒΟ slaughtering-place,
n a o stick, staff; tribe; Ezek. ig also branch.
ntSO below,
n a o bed.
ΠΒΟ perversion.
"i"It2D spread.
niBQ yarn.
"^OD bar.
pOOD (hidden) treasure.
ytSD planting.
,-ηίΟ^ΟΟ titbits.
n n S B O wrap.
ΊΒΒ ni have rain.
hi send rain.
I B B rain.
° « n ¿ D target.
"ΠΒΟ n. pers.f. Matred.
u n~BD target; guard.
•""IBB gent. Matrite.
'"'•"O water, waters; Isa. 52.5 rd. Q_.
"•0 who?, w h o ; whoever; ^0 who gives? > O that!
N3TD n. place Medeba.
I T O η. pers. Medad.
VT'D rd. Q (Ruth 2.1 ) relative.
]ip"l»n "'D n. place Me-jarkon.
ίΠΤ IQ 146 miao

-Ol ^ n. pers. Me-zahab.

-•••-n^D the best.
K^D n. pers. Mica.
^ D η. pers. Michael.
njiQ n. pers. Micah.
i n: τy o* rd.Q_(II Chron. 18.8).
n. pers. Micaiah.
n. pers. Micaiah.
&D n. pers. f . Michal; II Sam. ιγ.20 unexplained.
D^D -OD.
10)9?? η. pers. Mijamin.
* r o kind, species.
npj-'D wet-nurse.
ηΟ^Ο rd. Q (II Kings 16.18) covered-way ?
ny&g n. place Mephaath.
Γ Ρ pressing.
I K W ? rd. Q(II Chron. 32.21 ) issuing.
n. pers. Mesha.
n. pers. Mishael.
plain, level; uprightness; Ps. 67.5 justly.
n. pers. Meshach.
j>r>D n. pers. Mesha.
yt^iQ n. pers. Mesha.
rectitude, uprightness; uprightly, justly; Dan. 11.6 settlement
bow-string; tent-cord.
pain, suffering.
n. pers. Machbenah.
n. pers. Machbannai.
"isip grating.
nSD stroke, wound; plague; defeat.
nop burn.
abode, foundation.
ruisn place, abode; stand.
descent (also pl.).

•oo η. pers. Machi.

TOO η. pers., η. peop. Machir.
n;30 gent. Machirite.
η30 q sink down.
ni become sunken.
ho be brought low.
W30 perfection.
ni^3D perfection, purity.
••'^30 perfection.
gorgeous garments.
nftp food.
°"D,303D treasures.
DOSO n. place Michmas.
" 1 0 3 0 ,1D?0 net.
',"'111030 fishing-net.
rrib? Ο
Β·030 DD30.
χ : · χ : ·

nnODÇ η. place Michmethath.

"01,330 η. pers. Machnadebai.
I rubo
τ i
τ J

I I rubo η. place Meconah.

"'DJ30 drawers.
D30 tax.
" Π ύ ρ ο number, amount.
¡1D3D covering.
ΠΘ30 covering; clothing; deck.
rfrS30 n. place Machpelah.
130 q sell, give up.
ni sell oneself, be sold.
http sell oneself, give oneself over.
130 purchase-price; ware.
•'130 acquaintance?
"Π130 pit.
τ·· :
"HSD n. pers. Michri.
"niSO gent. Mecherathite.
W 3 0 ,^»¿30 offence, obstacle.
148 Ilrfa

n^?D ruin.
2MD writing, document.
* Π Γ θ ρ that which is shattered.
DFÇD designation of a song.
I IPFOD mortar; molar.
I I t£>Fi2D η. place Machtesh.
KÍO q be full, be complete, be at an e n d ; fill.
ni be filled, fulfilled; Eccles. 6.7 be satisfied.
pi fulfil, fill; w. Τ also install, consecrate; m. ^"ΙΠΝ hold con-
stantly to.
pu pt. set.
hitp band together.
n!?D full.
N^p fullness.
full produce.
*ΠΝν>Ρ setting.
O'W v'P installation ; setting,
" K ' j ' E mission, duty, business, work, service; article.
•ON^D η. pers.? Malachi.
nsip fullness?
tMS^D garment.
brick-mould?, brick-kiln.' 1 , brick-terrace?
ni»n pimi
word ; byword.
N f t p , ftp -> K"7D.
N f t p mound, acropolis; Millo.

Hii'P salt-wort.
η ^ Ρ η. pers. Malluch.
riaìi'P kingship, royal-house, royal-,
••¿ftp rd.ìfin (Neh. 12.14).
] f t p camp for the night.
MJftp watchman's hut.
Tiiv'P n. pers. Mallothi.
ni be dispersed.
I I r f t n q salt.
Irto 149

pu pt. salted.
ho be rubbed down with salt water.
I "H^D rags.
I I n § D salt.
"TI^Q sailor.
ΠΠ^Ο salt land.
nOn^D fight, battle, war; Ps. 76.4 weapon?
I Û^D ni make for safety, escape.
pi save; II Kings 23.18 leave undisturbed; Isa. 34.15 lay
( eggs) ?
hi save; Isa. 66.7 bear.
hitρ fly out (sparks).
Hata hitp become hairless.
.Tta$D n. pers. Melatiah.
(rubbed) ears ( of corn).
•"IT^D cryptic remark.
I q be king, rule; Prov. 30.22 come to power.
hi appoint as king.
ho be appointed as king.
I I ο ηί>0
ni take counsel with oneself.
1 ^ 0 king.
II n. pers. Melech.
derogatory form of I ^ D ( title of a god) Molech.
*n"]3í>D trap.
nS^Q queen ( also wife of the king).
n. pers.f. Milcah.
riO^D royal power; royal dignity; reign; kingdom; royal.
n. pers. Malchiel.
^ K ^ D gent. Malchielite.
n. pers. Malchijah.
p 1 X v 3 í > D n. pers. Melchizedek.
DTS^D n. pers. Malchiram.
S W ^ O n. pers. Malchishua.
n. pers. Malcam.

D3^P Milcom ( name of a god).

fêfo rd. ¡¿(II Sam. 12.31).
η. pers.f. (Ham)molecheth.
IVm q wither.
poel wilt.
hitpo be limp. ?
II ^ D q circumcise.
ni be circumcised ; be cut off.
I I I c W D q give a signal.
pi speak, announce.
i ^ Q n. pers. Milalai.
ni be smooth.
"Ήφΰ overseer (Bab. official title).
P^D q nip off.
nip7D booty; du. palate.
Wip^Q late rain.
DTIpí>D snuffers.
ΠΠΓΐί'Ρ wardrobe,
*rrj3QD grain-pit.
*1DD measurement.
η. pers. Memucan.
•''QTiiCp death.
"IÎQD bastard.
"I20D sale, ware, that which is sold.
r n S D D sale.
fO^DQ sovereignty; royal dignity; reign; kingdom; royal; kingship;
reign, sovereignty, kingdom,
^DDD spiced wine.
"iDD bitterness, vexation.
n. pers., n. place Mamre.
D'HItSD bitterness.
ΠΡΟΟ dub.
^DQ dominion ; pi. leaders.

Ü ^ D D dominion, domain ; might.

'"ptfDD possession?
D^isnDD sweet things.
I ]D manna.
I I |D what?
I "|D string.
I I '|D Ps. 68.24 portion? text corr.
]D portion of > of, from; out of, away from, on, -wards; on from,
immediately after, since, after; because of, before, since; with-
out, far from; so that; used in comparisons.
nisjD pi. of njo.
"mJ^JD mocking song.
¡"UD q count, destine.
ni be counted, able to be counted.
pi allot, assign, appoint (Aram.),
pu ft. appointed.
njQ unit of weight mina (50 shekels, 571.2 g).
¡"UD portion, share.
"ΓΟΟ pl. times.
jHJD way of driving.
- r n n j Q cleft.
"TiJD shaking.
I HIJO resting-place.
I I niJD n. pers. Manoah.
nrflJD rest, resting-place; II Sam. 14.17 reassurance.
}ÌJD scorner?
DÍJD place of refuge, refuge.
noun flight.
"I'JD weaver's beam.
ΓΤΐύΟ lampstand.
'"'D^-ITjD watchmen.
nriJQ gift; offering, grain-offering.
nrao ->nn«o.
ΓΐίΓΠΟ n. peop. Menuhoth.
CnJD n. pers. Menahem.
nnJD n. pers., n. place Manahath.
WIJD gent. Manahathite.
VP (god o f ) destiny.
I "JD 152 •pD

I ^ D n. terr. Minni.
"•¿ID ,11 ^ p poetic form of ]D.
n i \ : p pi. of n j p .
n. pers. Miniamin.
n^p n. place Minnith.
χ : '
J!JD q hold back, withhold, refuse.
ni allow oneself to be held back, be withheld.
ftyjQ lock, bolt,
ρ bolt, lock.
DMSJjjp titbits,
n ^ j y p sistrum, rattle.
nsjo i m
•"-n^Jp offering-bowl.
npjp Π(?ΓΡ.
m Τï j d·. mΧi r a! .
-'¿'JO n. pers., n. peop. Manasseh.
"ΊΜΟ gent. Manassite.
fiJD share.
DO dub.
DD forced labour; coll. forced labourers.
2pD party at table, surroundings, round about.
*Π3ρρ pi. round about.
"I3pû locksmith?, master-builder?; prison.
ΓΠ3ΡΡ bulwark; moulding.
"1DD foundation.
*|Ί"ΠΡΡ porch?, privy?
HDD hi make to melt, wash, dissolve, consume.
I ΠΘΡ proving, trying.
II *MDD despair.
I I I HDD n. place Massah.
''ΠΒΡ according to the measure of, according to the circumstances of.
Hipp covering.
H21DP thorn-hedge.
ΠΡΟ alternately.
" i n p D trade.
^DD q mix.
^DD admixture of spices.
153 mayo

covering, curtain ;yzg. protection.

''•'¡"ODD covering.
I nDDD cast image; Isa. 30.1 drink-offering?
I I napD covering.
}3DD poor, needy.
niJSpD stores, storehouses.
HJSpp poverty.
n:pn warp,
n^pp highway, course.
^PP highway.
,""ippp nail.
'1Q PÇ
-nnppp nail.
DDD q despair?
ni melt, dissolve; become weak, despair.
hi make to melt.
ypD breaking up, setting out; stage of a journey, station.
JJpP quarrying; Job 41.18 missile?
1J?DD prop?
ISpD mourning custom, mourning rites, lamentation.
SiSDQ fodder.
ninSDD veils,
n n s p p scab.
I I S p p number, counting; narration.
I I "ISpp n. pers. Mispar.
ni.Bpp n. pers. m. Mispereth.
1DD q unexplained,
ni be enlisted ?
nnpb n. place Moseroth.
2 η Db rd.-IDÌD (Job 33.16).
ΓΠΟΟ bond?
Ί ί η ρ ρ hiding-place.
ΊΓίρρ covering,
nnpp hiding-place.
*Taj>D deed,
-nnyb foundry?
ford, passage, pass; Isa. 30.32 stroke,
ford, passage; pass.
i 'mjjd 154 D^yo

I wagon-track, track, course.

I i ï m camp-circle.
"1JJO q totter.
pu pt. rd. q.
hi cause to totter.

"H^D n. pers. Maadai.

n. pers. Maadiah.
Cv|"iyD titbits, refreshment,
n i i y o fetters.
*¡H)D grain.
n¿¿ -* D^JJO.
JtyO anything baked?
Tiî?Q place of refuge, mountain stronghold ; protection.
"•jtyO n. pers. Maoch.
I lurking-place, (place of) residence, dwelling.
II »· pers., n. peop., n. place Maon.
n. peop. Meunites.
YÙIJJD η. pers. Meonothai.
•'"liyo private part,
fyo -> TijjD.
(l)nvyD n. pers. Maaziah.
"ijîJD rd. TtyD (Isa. 23.11).
12JJD q be/become few; decrease.
pi become few.
hi make small; Jer. 10.24; Ezek. 29.75 destroy.
12JÎQ fewness, little; few, a few; moment.
nisyD rd. ntsno (Ezek. 21.20).
-nç^D mantle.
*nBßJJO outer garment,
^ D n. pers. Maai.
^ D robe.
"CJID intestines, inward part; belly,
site of a spring, spring.
rd. <¿ (I Chron. 4.41 ).
155 rayo

^yo q pt. pass, crushed, thrust.

pu be handled.
n. pers. m. and/, n. terr. Maacah.
rOJJD η. terr. Maacath.
gent. Maacathite.
^ D q be faithless, misappropriate.
I misappropriation, unfaithfulness, apostasy.
I I tyû above.
^¿D lifting up.
ascent, rise; pass; Neh. g.4 rostrum.
n^JÎD step; Ρ ss. 120-134 pilgrimage; Ezra 7.9 ascent; Ezek. 11.5 that
which arises.
n ^ D upwards; onwards.
D^SlpJ) n. place Ascent of the Scorpions.
rd.<¿(Zech. 1.4).
• ' ^ b deed.
"IDJjp service; position; duty.
IQ^D footing.
"DDJJD w. p t t heavy stone,
always w. b with regard to; for the sake of, because of; in order
I HJJJD answer.
I I "HJpD purpose.
riJJ?D furrow.
Γΰ$)Ρ residence, lurking-place.
•'TiljyD rd.Q_(Ps. 12Ç.3) furrow.
n. pers. Maaz.
¡"QXJJP torment.
"liX^D impediment,
"lïyp mastery.
n¡?yD parapet.
D^ti'pyD rough country,
I " D"iyD merchandise.
I I -"iJJD setting (sun) > west.
*rnj)D surroundings, vicinity.
ImjjD βπβο

I niJJD cave.
II "ΓΠΪίρ bare ground,
"Tjnyp consideration.
nj"iyD row, course; battle-line.
rDTJJD row, layer, line.
••'D^EilJJD naked ones.
ns^D fright.
ΓΠ^Ώ n. place Maarath.
rítt>J)0 deed, conduct, work, labour; Isa. 32.17 produce.
Hí^íQ ». pers. Maasai.
(i)rPti'i)P n. pers. Maaseiah.
"l'^JJO a tenth, the tithe.
niptt'yD extortions.
HD n. place Memphis.
W3SQ ηφ(·)·,Εη.
5J3SD target.
"HSD expiring.
nSD bellows.
n. pers. derogatory form of ^JÜ'^D Mephibosheth.
CSD n. pers. Muppim.
PSD club.
^BQ Amos 8.6 waste ; Job 41.1s pendulous underparts.
wonderful work.
*Ì13^BD division.
n^BD ,Π^ΒΟ ruins, ruin.
Τ Τ - Τ " - '

ti^BD place of refuge.

nx^BD abhorrent cult image.
""'ti^BD suspension.
n^SD fall, ruin; Ezek. 31.13 felled trunk; Judg. 14.8 carcass.
"^BD deed.
n¿BD ->ΠΪ)ΒΊ2.
"{'SD destruction.
{•BD hammer.
1¡3BD appointment, muster.
"{•TBC landing-place.
"n¡3"IBQ neck.
" t^nED sail, layer.
njWBD 157 I I msD

njWBD buttocks.
"ΠΓιΒΟ opening.
ΠΠΒΟ key.
|RBD pedestal, threshold,
I'D chaff.
«SO q attain, meet(with), find; obtain.
ni be found, let oneself be found ; be sufficient.
hi bring up to, cause to find; deliver up ; Job 37.13 bring to
«SD I «S1D.
2!tp place of standing, outpost, office.
2SD Judg. 9.6 monumental stone; Isa. 2g.3 outpost?
¡"OXD outpost, guard.
r c s p massebah, monumental stone; Jer. 43.13 obelisk.
¡T3¥D gent. ? Mezobaite.
I r D ï D Isa. 6 .13 tree-stump.
I I n s s p -»· r n x o .
"ISO place difficult of access; mountain fastness, stronghold.
r m p ,Γπχρ rnisp .Ilrnrcp.
Î1SD q squeeze out, drain.
ni be squeezed out, drained.
I ΗΧΟ unleavened bread, matzah.
I I Πϊρ dispute, quarrel.
nsD n. place Mozah.
""lisp noose; Eccles. g.14 bulwark.
I ΓΠΙϊρ net; prey.
I I Π "Vi'ρ inaccessible place, mountain stronghold.
rniXD net ; Isa. 2g.7 dub.
UTS'? order, command, commandment ; right.
..TjttD depth.

piSD affliction.
PttD pillar.
Ηζίχρ affliction.
I "IÎXD affliction.
I I 1TXD siege; siege-works.
III uso 158 -IDPD

I I I "liso η. terr. Egypt.

rníSD fortress, fortification.
nSD brow.
!inSD greave.
*n|sç bell.
n^SD -> rfriSD.
D^SD cymbals.
DBJSD turban, head-band.
"j)?D bed.
"IJJSD step; pi. also train.
I^SD small, insignificant thing.
I HSSP watch-tower.
I I HSSP η. place Mizpeh.
n s s p n. place Mizpah.
" D^BSD hiding-places.
J'SD q drink deeply.
"ISO affliction.
msp ->mjiSD.
"ISD gent. Egyptian.
Dyisp n. terr. E g y p t ; n. peop. E g y p t i a n s .
niSD crucible.
*nSD strife.
pD ,pD decay, smell of decay.
I n?¡5D hammer.
I I rú¡5D excavation.
rn¡5D n. place M a k k e d a h .
BHpD holy place, sanctuary; holy thing.
*ftl¡5D assembly,
ri'jripp n. place Makheloth.
Nlfjp -> II Hipp.
I nipD hope.
I I '''Προ collection.
Hipp basin, ditch.
DipD place, position, abode; region; space; Eccles. 10.4 post,
lipp spring.
"ΠζΡ taking.
η ϊ Π ζ Ρ wares.
*"IDpD place of burning.
rvnopo 159

niltSpD incense-altars.
ΓΠΟρΟ censer.
ϊφΏ branch, rod ; staff, stick,
nftpp n. pers. Mikloth.
li^pD refuge, asylum.
ny^pD wood-carving.
rUpD acquisition, possession; cattle (possessed by one),
njpp acquisition, purchase,
irpjpp n. pers. Mikneiah.
•:DDpp soothsaying.
J'pQ n. place Makaz.
y'xpp ,JJÍX¡5D corner,
''•nyspp rasp.
mτp. o· - > mτ":

PPO ni rot, fester; rot away, decay; dissolve.

hi make to rot away,
npp -»-Tipp.
N i p p proclamation, convoking festival; Isa. 4.5 pl. place of assembly;
Neh. 8.8 reading aloud,
nnpp chance, happening ; fate, condition,
p o: beams.
mpQ cooling.
ntî>pp hair-curling.
I WTp·.O. turned, chased work.
I I ΠΒ'ρρ field of cucumbers.
ni^po BfeiD.
I ΊΟ drop.
I I 1 0 bitter, bitterly, embittered.
1 0 myrrh.
I K"10 q be obstinate.
I I ΝΊΟ hi spring up.
«no -> « τ ο .
* n p /. o / i n p .
ΠΧΊΟ seeing; look, appearance; apparition, sight, vision; brilliance.
ΠξΠΟ sight, vision; Ex. 38.8 mirror.
"ΠΝ"Ι0 crop.
P'S'10 text corr.
neto-® 160 mo

ΠΙΡΚΊΟ η. place Mareshah.

nÍ¿»Sl¿ head.
210 n. pers.f. Merab.
H3"1D capacity.
Π3ΊΡ increase, abundance.
JVÌHD large number, majority; Lev. 25.37 usury,
pî"lD fattening, feeding-stuff.
J)Í3"lD resting-place.
* Γ β η ρ foot.
Π03"10 heap of stones.
njja-ID resting-place.
nD q revolt, rebel.
I TID revolt.
I I TID n. pen. Mered.
°nmp revolt.
n. deity derogatory form o / M a r d u k .
». pers. derogatory form o/Marduk-baladan.
^ • Π Ο , "OTlß η. pers. Mordecai.
ηT i p persecution?
ΓΟΟ q be obstinate.
hi be obstinate.
*ΓΠρ grief, sorrow.
ΓΠΟn. place Marah.
"ino homelessness; homeless.
n. place Meroz.
height; high, also adv. on high; exalted.
DHD η. place Merom.
I " Π ϊ Π ρ course, running.
I I ΠϊίΊΟ oppression, extortion.
* D \ W D beauty treatment.
n i l Q n. place Maroth.
*ΠΠΡ ,ΠΗρ revelry, cultic feast; noise.
ΓΠΟ q apply.
2ΓΪΊ0 ι6ι 'ceno

-ΠΊΟ spacious place, expanse,

ρπηο distance, expanse; II Sam. 15.17 last.
ΠΒ»Πηΐ2 cooking-pot.
q pull out; whet; wear away.
ni become bald.
pu be burnished, be smooth; be whetted.
"HO obstinacy.
Knn failing.
2"HO n. pers. Meribbaal.
Î nsno strife.
τ · :

I I n ^ - i D rt. place Meribah.

^"HD η. pers. Meribaal.
¡TTD n. pers. Meraiah.
!T"1D n. place Moriah.
nÏHD η. pers. Meraioth.
DJ.1D n. pers.f. (m.? I Chron. 4.17) Miriam.
fflTID bitterness, affliction,
η-jb faint-heartedness.
33"]D coll. chariots ; saddle, seat.
n$3-lD chariot.
rto-iCi market.
I ΠΟΊΟ fraud, treachery.
I I ΠΟΙΟ η. pers. Mirmah.
ΠίΟ"ΐρ η. pers. Meremoth.
DD^D that which is trampled, trampled ground.
"TÙIO gent. Meronothite.
DID n. pers. Meres.
KJD1D n. pers. Marsena.
i n o evil,
"jnp friend.
ny*lD pasture ; fodder.
rpyiD pasturage; flock.
Π^ΙΟ n. place Maralah.
I Κ S I D healing.
I I KS10 calmness,
n s - i o - » I κ BIO.
τ : · that which is turbid.
IÓ2 mi'tpo

pQ ni be crippling, devastating.
hi provoke.
ί η Π ΰ ->· I ΠϊΓΚ?.
JJX-li? awl.
ΠΒΧΙΟ pavement.
q polish, burnish.
pu be scoured.
hi cleanse, purify.
P I D broth.
*n¡3"lD spice.
ΠΠζΊΟ ointment ; ointment-pot.
ΓΙΠίΠΟ ointment-mixture.
VID q be/become bitter; be incensed; be embittered; be in
pi make bitter, provoke; weep bitterly.
hi afflict, embitter ; lament bitterly.
hitpalp be enraged.
"VD bitter.
*n-n¿ gall.
*ΠΤΊΟ gall; poison.
ΉΤΟ η. pers. Merari ; gent. Merarite.
n. pers., n. place Mareshah.
nyt£>"lD infamy ;fig. infamous woman,
"ntintl ->WTÌD.
ΟΥΠΟ double obstinacy; derogatory form o/Babylon.
I Kti'D bearing; burden; tribute; Ezek. 24.25 longing.
I I Nt5>0 utterance.
I l l NB'D n. pers. Massa.
Ntî»D partiality.
ÏWD lifting up.
niNtfD Aram. tnf. ofKVl(q).
fiKti'O lifting up, ascending; signal; burden; tax; gift, present,
high ground, refuge.
n?B>D pt.hiofi tM
li'lVD saw.
""Tl'tt'P measure (for liquids).
tm>D 163 mhpd

tt>ïe>D joy.
pn'^D laughter.
HDQipp enmity.
*¡"DBM3 thorn-hedge.
^Stpp designation of a song.
rVStPD figure, image, imagination.
"niSîi'D wages.
*rnp'¿>D nail.
n s i f p breach of law.
MTti'D dominion.
*niB"iti>D burning,
ero n(Í)S"lti>p «. place Misrephoth-maim.
np'Vtt'p ». place Masrekah.
rn'ti»p pan.
t£>D n. pers. Mash.
Ν t^P debt, usury.
NtPD η. place Mesha.
*ΠΝΒ>ρ debt,
ηκ'κίρ HKitt-p.
*ΠΚ£·Ρ ruins.
n. place Mishal.
"Π^ΚΒ'Ρ request.
*ΓΠΚ1£>ρ kneading-trough.
nai^p turning away, apostasy, faithlessness,
nixaif'p settings; Ps. 45.14 dub.
lat^p mouth of the womb.
""i2ti>p breakers.
τ t ·
HâK'D inadvertence.
nt6»D q draw out.
hi draw out.
na>d n. pers. Moses.
*H¿>D loan.
¡"INifci'P devastation.
niK'typ ruins.
aaifP n. pers. Meshobab.
rC!t£>D 164 I ^D

rowp -»· rctpp.

•'nmÇ error,
" t a w o ,tûitt>D oar.
Γ©1Β>Ρ rd.<¿(Isa. 42.24).
ntPD q smear, anoint.
ni be anointed.
I r w p anointing.
I I "ΠΠ^ρ portion.
I ΠΠΒ'ρ anointing.
I I ΠΠΜ portion.
rvntiip coll. destroyers; destruction;^/·. 5.26 trap.
nnti'P early morning?
*nnt£>D destruction.
*nnti'P disfigurement.
* n W D defect.
,ΠίίΟΙί'Ρ drying-ground.
*nçt£ip writing.
"'ti'D fine fabric, silk?
•wp -»nm
n. pers. Meshezabel.
/T!£>D anointed, anointed one.
q draw, drag along; prolong, maintain; have patience, be stead-
fast ; draw (the bom) ; sound (the horn).
ni be delayed.
pu pt. long-drawn-out, tall; long protracted.
ΙηΒ»0 bag.
II η. peop. Meshech.
23l£>p lying, intercourse; couch; sick-bed.
nii!f>D fetters.
I ί>Β>0 q compose/utter a proverb, parable.
ni become like.
pi constantly utter proverbs.
hi compare.
hitp become like, similar.
II tec 165 nnaeto

II ^ D q rule.
hi cause to rule.
I Í>tí>0 saying, proverb; parable; lampoon, mocking-song.
I I ^ D n. place Mashal.
I ,VI7¿>D the like.
II dominion.
n ' ^ D , Π ί ^ ρ sending; b>. Τ possession.
w. T . undertaking, acquisition ; Isa. 7.25 pasture whither cattle
are driven,
n r f r ç ' p band ; discharge.
D ^ P n. pers. Meshullam.
n. pers. Meshillemoth.
( i ) I T p ^ p n. pers. Meshelemiah.
n s p ^ p n. pers. Meshillemith.
nOv'B'P n. pers. f . Meshullemeth.
ΠΘΒ'Ρ devastation; pi. devastated area; horror.
* |Ott>P fatness ; pi. robust people, fertile tracts of land.
¡130 ΒΌ η. pers. Mishmannah.
D\3DÇ>D rich foods.
I -ypti'p rumour.
I I yQB>Q n. pers. Mishma.
"TiyDii'p bodyguard; Isa. 11.14 subjects.
IDB'P guard, sentinel; detachment; pi. service; custody, confinement,
prison ; Prov. 4.23 vigilance.
ΓΠΟΒΊρ guard, sentinel; detachment; pi. service; observance; obliga-
tion, service.
!1Jti>D the second, second (of part, rank, position, litter)·, double;
duplicate, copy; w. ^JJ twice as much as.
nSB»D plundering, booty.
í'iytí'P narrow defile.
DJJB»P n. pers. Misham.
IJJB'P support.
ly^D support,
r u j w p support, staff,
n j y ç ' p support, staff,
n n s t i ' p family, clan; association; species.
166 I runo

tûSli>P judgment, legal process; arbiter's decision, verdict, sentence;

ruling ; legal case, right, legal claim ; > suitability, what is right ;
duty, obligation; manner; mode of life, custom, conduct;
II Kings i.y appearance.
DTlSlpD saddle-bags.
ΡψΟ possession?
*ptäta attack.
fl¡5t£>D cup-bearer; drink; well-watered region.
í>Ípa>D weight,
jipata lintel.
,Γΐ^'ρ^ρ level.

*J}ptita clear water.

*ΓΠΒ>Ρ juice.
^Ttita gent. Mishraite.
tfi>tS»Q q feel.
pi investigate by feel, search thoroughly ; grope.
hi feel all round, let feel,
finteo drinking; revelry; drinks; banquet,
np dead, corpse.
"'nD pi. men, people.
;2np heap of straw.
:np bridle,
pino sweet.
^SlMnO n. pers. Methushael.
rfttWlP η. pers. Methuselah,
nno q spread out.
ViD when?
nJSnp proportion, tally.
fiij^np < fiK^n-np.
niy^np jawbones.
Dhp uninjured, sound spot.
I ]np gift, present.
II |np n. pers. Mattan.
I runp present, gift.
I I runo 167 nSKJ

I I runo η. place Mattanah.

•>jnO gent. Mithnite.
^nO n. pers. Mattenai.
(i)n^jno n. pers. Mattaniah.
D?JnD loins, hips, small of the back,
pno q be/become sweet; Job 24.20 feast upon.
hi make sweet; taste sweet.
*pn'D sweetness,
"pno sweet.
ΠζηΟ η. place Mithkah.
n-nno n. pers. Mithredath.
nno gift.
Πηηο n. pers. Mattattah.
(i)rpnno η. pers. Mattithiah.

particle of request or encouragement.
n. place No, Thebes.
leathern bottle.
(IKJ) riKJ
q be lovely, beautiful.
the seemly, proper.
beautiful, lovely; seemly.
ηί«ίpi. of I nij.
q speak.
q commit adultery.
pi commit adultery.
"D^ISXJ marks of adultery.
D^BKJ ->· D^ttU.
{•SJ q despise, reject.
pi treat with contempt.
hitpo pt. abused.
ÍTCNJ humiliation.
*rrcsi abuse.
PSJ 168

pNJ q groan.
•vn¡?KJ groaning.
"HO pi a b a n d o n , a n n u l ; desecrate.
2J n. place N o b .
K2J ni appear as a prophet, speak as a p r o p h e t ; be in ecstasy;
I Chron. 25.1-3 play in ecstatic state.
hit ρ b e h a v e as a prophet, r a v e ; speak as a prophet.
322 qpt. pass, h o l l o w ; ^ . stupid.
Í2J n. deity N e b o (name of a Bab. god); n. place N e b o .
nMDJ prophetic w o r d ; prophetic writing.
n. pers. N e b u z a r a d a n .
n. pers. N e b u c h a d n e z z a r ; Jer. 4g.28; Ezra 2.1 rd. Q.

n. pers. N e b u s h a z b a n .
nijJ n. pers. N a b o t h .
q bark.
H j j n. pers., n. place N o b a h .
ÎH2J n. pers. N i b h a z .
Ü2J pi look.
hi look, look u p ; see, look at, look t o w a r d s ; b e h o l d ; r e g a r d ;
EDJ n. pers. N e b a t .
ΠίΟΜ prophetess.
rVOJ , Γ Ι Ϊ ^ η· pers., η. peop. N e b a i o t h .

^SJ spring.?; b o t t o m ?
I q wither, break d o w n .
I I te2 q b e foolish.
pi treat c o n t e m p t u o u s l y .
I te J foolish ; godless.
I I ' ¡ D J n. pers. N a b a l .
I ^ iar·
II fti harp.
folly, foolishness; sin.

rttaj corpse, carcass.

'"'ni<7DJ private parts.
OvOJ η. place Neballat.
q gush.
hi cause to gush, gush out.
] t î b j η. place Nibshan.
DIU arid land; south-land; south; n. terr. Negeb.
"UJ hi bring forward, report, tell, inform; solve, explain.
ho be told.
"U J in the sight of, before, opposite, straight ahead ; corresponding
to; TV. ^ in front of, facing, towards, present to, before, with
regard to; w. JD away from, far from, opposite; adv. opposite,
beyond, aside.
q shine, gleam.
hi light up.
Τ Γ φ brightness, clear light.
IT MJj n. pen. Nogah.
*nnij brightness.
Γ03 q gore.
pi gore, butt, knock down.
hitp clash.
Π33 liable to gore.
T3J chief, leader.
string music; mocking-song; stringed instrument?
ρ J q play ( stringed instrument).
pi play (stringed instrument).
1)33 q touch, harm, hurt, strike; extend; reach; arrive.
ni be defeated.
pi strike, hit.
pu be stricken.
hi touch, reach; cause to touch; come up to, come to; attain,
approach; Lev. 5.7 afford, give.
1)33 blow, plague; mark.
J q knock, strike, strike dead.
170 nu

ni be defeated.
http trip.
plague, blow ; collision.
Ί33 ni run, flow; Ps. 77 . j be stretched out.
hi pour out; give over; Micah 1.6 throw down.
ho be poured out.
tíOJ q press, drive; exact; pt. tyrant.
ni oppress one another; be hard pressed, harassed.
q draw near, approach; present oneself; Gen. ig.g w. ΠΝί>Π
move out of the way; Job 41.8 join together.
ni approach, draw near; Amos 9.13 overtake.
hi bring, offer, produce, bring forward.
ho be brought, offered.
http approach.
U dam, dike.
""ύ Ps. 56.9 unexplained.
NU q or hi divert.
q prompt.
http volunteer; enlist, present oneself voluntarily; give volun-
DU η. pers. Nadab.
¡"DU free choice, voluntariness; freewill offering; Ps. 68.10 u>. DK>3
abundant rain.
ITOU n. pers. Nedabiah.
"tU q flee, take to flight; wander about; Isa. 10.14 flap up and down,
poel flee away.
hi drive out.
ho be chased away, be blown away.
D"HU restlessness.
HU pi exclude; imagine to be distant.
MU gift, fee.
HU abhorrent thing, impurity; menstruation.
HU q wield.
ni be scattered, driven away, banished; be diverted, misled;
Deut. 1Q.5 swing.
pu pt. banished.
hi scatter, drive asunder; divert; drive away; mislead, expel;
171 31J

II Sam. 15.14 bring.

ho pt. scared away.
T O willing, ready ; noble.
''TI^IJ dignity; pi. that which is noble.
I " sheath.
[I "P r J gift, reward for love-making.
TU q blow about, blow away, scatter.
ni be blown away,
n j q make a vow, vow.
- n j , τ ι ; vow.
n j splendour ?
I 3I1J q drive, drive away, drive on ; lead, lead out.
pi lead away, lead ; make to drive.
I I XU pi moan.
ΠΠ2 q lament.
ni lament,
pi conduct, transport ; provide.
hitp proceed,
^nj n. place Nahalal.
II ftru n. place Nahalol.
DMJ q growl ; groan.
DÎ1J growling.
' riDllJ roaring; groaning.
ρΓΠ q bray, cry.
Ι 1ΠJ q stream.
I I °"l,U q shine, beam.
"IHJ stream, river; current ; frequently Euphrates; Dan. 10.4 Tigris.
' rnnj daylight.
D^nj -•DnnJDIK.
qrd.Q_(Num. 32.7).
hi prevent, hinder.
313 q increase.
pol make to grow, thrive.
31J rd. (¿(Isa. 57.19)·
"QIJ n. pers. rd. Q (Neh. 10.20) Nebai.
"313 distressed.
ιηι nnjnj

TÜ q sway ; be/become aimless, homeless ; show sympathy.

hi make homeless; shake.
hitpo sway to and fro; shake oneself; lament.
"liJ n. terr. Nod.
n. pers. or n. peop. Nodab.
I ΠΙ J q achieve the aim?
I I mJ hi praise.
I HU pasturage; abode.
I I '"¡TO beautiful, lovely.
*ΠΤ3 abode.
nilJ unexplained.
HU q settle, rest, repose; have rest, wait; Isa. 7.2; Ps. 125.3 be
friendly, make an agreement.
hi rest; give repose, rest; still, satisfy; Aram, forms: put, place,
lay; lay aside, deposit; leave; leave behind; allow; leave
alone; let do; let act.
ho be given rest; Aram, forms: pt. left empty, vacant; Zech. 5 . / /
text corr.
niJ rest.
nniJ n. pers. Nohah.
til J q be terrified ?, reel?
ΓΟΗ unexplained.
DU q slumber.
HOU somnolence.
JÌJ n. pers. Nun.
DU q flee.
pol drive.
hi put to flight; take to flight.
yU q shake, dangle; tremble; be vagrant, homeless.
ni be shaken.
hi make to stagger, shake; shake up; make homeless; II Kings
23.18 disturb.
n^JJiJ n. pers. m. and f . Noadiah.

I ΊΌ hi move to and fro, wield, brandish; present a wave-offering.

ho be waved in consecration.
pol brandish.
I I ^IJ q sprinkle.
hi shed,
iTtiJ pinions, plumage.
PU htrd. 2.9).
15>U q Ps. 69.21 text corr.
!"ITJ q spurt.
hi cause to spurt, sprinkle.
TU that which has been boiled, dish.
"VU prince; one consecrated, Nazirite; Lev. 25.5,11 unpruned
q trickle, flow, overflow ; pt. pi. also floods.
hi cause to flow.
DÎ3 ring.
°pT3 trouble.
"ι Τ J ni dedicate oneself; abstain, fast; display propriety.
hi dedicate oneself; abstain; Lev. 15.31 hold back.
"ITJ consecration; headband, diadem.
Π3 η. pers. Noah.
•»SW n. pers. Nahbi.
ΠΠ3 q lead, guide.
hi direct, guide.
DIP J n. pers. Nehum.
DV1J n. pers. Nahum.
D^QTIJ c t m
"linj n. pers. Nahor.
tt^fU bronze.
fiWD bronze, copper.
musical direction ; flute-playing ?
*Dn">n¿ nostrils.
^nj q get as a possession; take possession of; assign as a possession;
own property.
pi assign, allocate as a possession ; put in possession of.
174 I I ntMlJ

hit ρ get possession; obtain possession for oneself; get as a

possession by allocation; bequeath.
hi give as a possession; place in one's inheritance; hand d o w n
as an inheritance.
ho be m a d e possessor, heir.
í>ru valley o f a stream, watercourse, stream ; Job 28.4 shaft,
fl^nj possession, share in possession, inheritance.
^ f Ü η. place Nahaliel.
gent. N e h e l a m i t e .
DÍU ni allow oneself to be sorry, repent ; take comfort, allow oneself
to be c o m f o r t e d ; observe the period of m o u r n i n g ; Isa. 1.24
take vengeance.
pi comfort.
pu be c o m f o r t e d .
hitp allow oneself to feel s o r r y ; take c o m f o r t ; take vengeance.
Dnj η. per s. N a h a m .
ΟΓύ pity.
"HOrU comfort.
ÎTDHJ η. per s. N e h e m i a h .
D^pnj comfort.
η. pers. N a h a m a n i .
urb we.
pf. ni of mu.
JTIJ q pt. pass, urgent.
"ιΓΠ q snort.
pi snort.
* " i n j snorting.
* r n n j snorting.
"HIIJ n. pers. Naharai.
tWIJ pi seek an o m e n , d i v i n e ; Gen. 30.2/ know f r o m o m e n s ;
I Kings 20.33 take as a good omen.
tiTU enchantment.
I m serpent.
I I t y n j n. pers. N a h a s h .
ntfrn -» nwu.
n. pers. N a h s h o n .
I W W copper, b r o n z e ; bronze fetter.
I I *fitíTIJ menstruation.
Kwnj 175 Y1BÛJ

NPlBTU η. per s. f . Nehushta.

serpent-idol Nehushtan.
°nru q descend; Prov. ιγ.ιο affect more deeply.
ni sink.
pi press down, bend (bow)·, smooth.
hi lead down.
I °nnj descending.
I I n n j rest, calmness; Isa. 30.1s covenant loyalty; Prov. 2g.g recon-
I l l n n j n. pers. Nahath.
*nPIJ descending.
ntSJ q stretch out; pitch, stretch, spread out > lengthen; bend,
incline, bend towards, press against; turn aside, turn
ni be stretched; be long extended.
hi stretch out, stretch oneself out; spread o u t ; pitch; extend;
incline; pervert; divert, lead astray, seduce; convey;
prevent, push aside, drive aside, repulse; deviate, turn
ho pt. outspread,repulsed.
^netaJ gent. Netophathite.
weighing out.
nB"tpj natif
nltíhw tendrils.
^tûJ q impose; ha. 40.1s weigh.
pi lift up.
^ÛJ burden.
i?QJ q plant, implant; drive in.
ni be implanted.
ytDJ planting, plant.
D^tpJ plants.
B'tytaJ η. place N e t a i m .
*1BJ q drop, drip.
hi make to d r i p ; make to flow (words), drivel.
*)BJ drops, drops of resin.
HBbJ n. place Netophah.
*HBBJ earring.
TiBbj -onBitaJ.
I-ltDJ 176

I °"ltaj q guard, keep.

I I "ItDJ q be angry, have a grudge against.
IPtSJ q leave, leave to another, deposit, abandon; disregard,
desist from, forgo; Gen. 31.28 give opportunity; I Sam.
30.16 pt. pass, scattered; Isa. 21.draw; Ezek. 29.5
leave to one's fate; Hos. 12.1s let weigh upon; I Sam. 4.2
ni roam; grow luxuriantly; hang slack; lie disregarded.
pu be neglected,
TJ condolence.
ΠΎΟ object of aversion.
ΠΙΤΟ ,ΠΪΙΤΟ soothing.
}\J ni sprout ?
]\J offspring; descendants.
rnW n. place Nineveh.
|D\J N i s a n (name of a month, March/April).
I'ftM spark.
"I\J q bring into cultivation.
I T J lamp ; lasting existence.
I I T J newly broken ground.

ni be whipped out.
* N 5 J dejected.
n t Ò J ladanum resin.
13J descendants.
ΓΟΟ ni be struck down.
pu be battered down.
hi strike, dash to pieces, strike down, kill, smite, pierce,
ho be beaten, struck down, smitten, conquered.
*H3J crippled ; dejected,
striking?, stricken?
12J η. pers. Neco.
I pa: 177 no:

I pa: blow.
II p a : n. pers., n. place? Nacon.
n a : over against; straight a h e a d ; opposite, before, in the sight o f ;
w. directly t o w a r d s ; w. directly in front o f , on b e h a l f o f ;
w. as far as opposite,
-na: straight, r i g h t ; the straight, the right, straight away.
q act deceitfully.
pi act craftily.
hit ρ b e h a v e craftily,
••>pa: treasures, riches; wealth.
I Ί3: ni dissemble.
pi misunderstand ; make unrecognizable.
hitp disguise oneself, pretend.
ni be recognized.
pi regard, consider carefully.
hi look at carefully, e x a m i n e ; recognize, a c k n o w l e d g e ; k n o w ,
u n d e r s t a n d ; wish to k n o w ; w . D V S show partiality.
hitp make oneself k n o w n .
"ia: , " i a : misfortune.
ia: foreignness, foreign land,
na: alien, f o r e i g n ; f o r e i g n e r ; Isa. 28.21 surprising,
"ria: w. ΓΡ3 treasure-house.
n1?: (Isa. 33.1).
nran: rd. Sam. 15.Q).
^NID: n. pers. N e m u e l .
'''¡'SID: gent. N e m u e l i t e .
n^ÇJ ant.
ID: leopard,
np: n. pers. N i m r o d .
ΓΠΟ: η.
linn: ->·place
νιο:.N i m r a h .
ono: n. place N i m r i m .
^D: n. pers. N i m s h i .
Ο: signal-pole, standard, sign ; sail,
nap: turn o f events, disposing.
ΓΙΟ: tmv. q of KB»:.

riDJ pi p u t to t h e test, try, a t t e m p t ; give something a trial.

HDJ q tear d o w n , tear out.
ni be driven out.
drink-offering; cast image; one consecrated, leader, prince.
I ^DJ q pour o u t ; consecrate; cast (cast image),
ni be installed.
pi p o u r out.
hi p o u r out.
ho be poured out.
IIïpJ q weave.
T[pJ ,7¡D3 d r i n k - o f f e r i n g ; cast image.
DDJ q falter.
hitpo glitter, sparkle; Ps. 60.6 dub.
VDJ q pull o u t ; set out, m a r c h o n ; Num. 11.31 b u r s t out.
ni be pulled up, snapped.
hi pull u p , quarry (stones); make to set out, r u s h out;
II Kings 4.4 remove.
TpDJ n. deity Nisroch ( name of an Assyr. god).
ÍIJJJ n. place N e a h .
njJi n. pers.f. Noah,
early life, youth.
ÍWyj n. place Neiel.
D'tyJ pleasant, lovely, c h a r m i n g ; Job 36.11 delight.
q tie up, lock; tie on (sandals),
hi provide with footwear,
tyj / sandal.
DJM q be pleasant, lovely, charming.
DJJJ n. pers. N a a m .
DJ>J kindness, pleasantness.
riDJJJ n. pers.f., n. place N a a m a h .
n. pers.f. N a o m i .
gent. Naamite.
JDJJJ n. pers. N a a m a n .
C J D ^ J w. ^ B J Adonis-gardens.
Y1ÛJJJ gent. N a a m a t h i t e .
pijjj thorn-bush.
I lyj 179 D^bj

I "lyj q growl.
II q shake.
ni shake oneself free; be shaken off.
pi shake into ; shake out ; shake off.
hit ρ shake oneself free.
"IJJJ boy, lad, young man; servant, retainer; pi. also young
people; Gen. 24; 34; Deut. 22 rd. Q; Zech. 11.16 dub.
"iyj youth.
I m y J young girl; maidservant; young married woman; prostitute?
II my J n. pers. f., n. place Naarah.
-niiyj youth.
pyj n. pers. Naarai.
n. pers. Neariah.
any: only:.
pyj n. place Naaran.
nïyj tow.
ηί η. place Noph, Memphis.
JBJ n. pers. Nepheg.
"MBJ yoke ; mountain-ridge.
D^ptMBJ n. pers. rd. Q (Neh. 7.52) Nephishesim.
HBJ q blow, blow upon; fan; pant.
pu be fanned.
hi cause to pant.
riBJ ». place Nophah.
D^BJ giants.
CD'BJ ». pers. rd. Q_ (Ezra 2.50) Nephusim.
t£^BJ ». pers. Naphish.
"!JBJ semi-precious stone turquoise?, malachite?
^BJ q fall, be inferior, collapse; be downcast; be nullified; fall
down, throw oneself down; dismount; desert, defect;
Isa. 26.18 be born.
hi cause to fall, bring down, fell; cast; knock out; discon-
tinue; bear.
hit ρ attack; prostrate oneself.
pilrd. Í>BJ (Ezek. 28.23).
Í>BJ miscarriage.
D^BJ ->· Q ^ B J .
J»BJ 180 Ilrrej

{•BJ q shatter; be shattered, scatter.

pi shatter.
pu pt. crushed.
{•BJ cloudburst.
WSJ ni draw breath, breathe freely.
tPBJ throat; breath, breathing; being; life; soul (not in the Greek
sense), person, self; human beings, people; desire, feeling,
mood, will; dead person.
DBJ high ground ?
nBJ honey from the comb.
ninBJ n. place Nephtoah.
*D^n3J struggles.
DTïnBJ η. peop. Naphtuhim.
^riBJ n. pers., n. peop. Naphtali.
I Ρ falcon.
I I *]>J blossom.
NXJ q fly?
ni take one's stand, be stationed, stand; pt. also governor.
hi set up, erect; set apart, fix, establish.
ho be set up.
nSJ handle, hilt.
I ΠΧ3 q Lam. 4.15 set out?
I I Hï3 ni struggle.
hi struggle.
I I I ΠΪ3 q be devastated.
ni be devastated.
Π5Η blossom.
I *nxi filth.
II ώ ->· n ï i : .
CHttJ rd. DnW pa (Isa. 65.4).
nsj ni pt. lasting, persistent.
pi direct, supervise; I Chron. 15.21 accompany?; pt. also litur-
gical direction choirmaster?, director?
I n x j , n x j splendour; enduring; adv. continually, for ever; w. 5 con-
tinually, for ever.
I I *Π¥3 spurt of blood.
ι8ι DpJ

I pillar; outpost, garrison; governor.

I I a r i j n. place Nezib.
IT¥J n. pers. Neziah.
rd.Q_(Isa. 49.6).
ni save oneself, be saved.
pi plunder; extricate, save.
hi snatch away, take away; save.
ho be snatched.
hitp rid oneself of.
D^XJ flowers.
pu q sparkle.
hi blossom.
1ÏJ q guard, preserve, keep, observe; pt. also watchman; pt. pass.
preserved, something kept in reserve,
sprout, shoot.
2pJ q bore, pierce; point > fix, designate; distinguish ; Lev. 24.11,16
ni be specified.
I jpJ perforated piece of jewellery?
Ilnpj -» ripjTi •»οηκ.
¡"I2pj woman, female.
npJ speckled.
"Ipi sheep-breeder.
* r n p j (glass)bead.
D^llpJ bread-crumbs; something baked.
npj q Jer. 49.12 inf. abs. in conjunction with ni.
ni be free, exempt; be guiltless, innocent; remain unpunished;
Isa. j.26 be deprived.
pi pronounce to be guiltless, acquit; leave unpunished.
tnipj n. pers. Nekoda.
N^pJ ^pJ exempt, free; free from responsibility, guilt; guiltless.
^¡SJ cleanness, bareness; innocence.
"'•p^J cleft.
DpJ q take vengeance, avenge oneself; avenge.
ni be avenged; avenge oneself; procure vengeance.
pi avenge.

ho be avenged ; come under vengeance.

hitp avenge oneself,
MD¡?J vengeance, vindictiveness.
VpJ q turn away from, be disgusted.
I pi cut off.
I I HpJ q revolve.
hi move round; encircle, surround, besiege; Lev. 19.27 trim
round about; Isa. 15.8 penetrate throughout; Job 1.5 be
completed (in sequence).
IpJ beating,
n s p j rope.
"I Ρ J q gouge, pick out.
pi gouge, bore out.
pu be bored out.
tPpJ q become entangled?
ni be caught, ensnared.
pi lay snares.
hitp lay snares.
I "0 lamp.
I I "IJ n. pers. Ner.
U - I TJ.
n. deity Nergal (name of a city-god),
n. pers. Nergalsarezer.
γύ nard.
(i)nnj n. pers. Neriah.
S!£>J q lift, raise, pick up, lift high; lift up, give utterance; carry,
bear, carry away; take, take away, forgive; bring; number,
count; w. D\3fi receive kindly, show consideration for, show
partiality, favouritism, pt. pass, also esteemed; n>. long
for, desire; w. 3Í> be willing, be presumptuous.
ni raise oneself; be elevated, lifted up, be/become exalted; be
carried, carried off.
pi raise, lift up; carry, assist; n>. E>BJ long.

hi make to carry.
hitρ rise up.
JIM hi reach, overtake; be able to a f f o r d ; p r o s p e r ; come true, come
I N w j chief, prince,
II d a m p fog.
ni be kindled.
p'tyj hi kindle.

q lend ; practise usury ; pt. also creditor.

I «m hi lend.

I I Ktw ni be d u p e d .
hi d u p e , deceive; attack, invade.
q blow.
hi cause to blow ; drive off.
I n w q forget.
ni be forgotten.
pi cause to forget.
hi cause to forget.
I I nti!j -» I NtM.
HBÜ region of the hips.
rwi forgetting.
pi. of ΠΒ>Κ.
r ^ j q bite.
pi bite.
q d e m a n d interest.
I I ηΐΜ
hi exact interest,
room, cell.
q loosen; take off; detach, drive away; detach itself, fall
pi drive away.
DVÌ q pant.
n n t f j blowing, b r e a t h , breathing ; pi. beings, souls.
η ά : q blow, blow u p o n .
n t w twilight.
I ptw 184 j>ru

I ptw q kiss.
ni kiss.
hi be in close contact.
I I ptW q arm oneself.
P&J equipment, weapons.
"llfJ eagle, vulture.
HtW q dry up, be parched.
ni be dried up, be parched.
JWtM letter.
QiJinJ rd. Q_( Ezra 8.17).
nnj pi cut into pieces.
nnJ piece,
''l^rJ temple-servant.
^Γΰ q gush forth.
ni gush forth; be melted.
hi pour out, empty out; melt.
ho be melted.
jfiJ q give, proffer, grant, bring, offer, repay, give in exchange,
give up, deliver up, hand over, transmit, proclaim, allow,
commission; set, place, put; make, cause to be, cause to
find; φ ν Ρ o that!; Ps. 81.3 beat (drum); Lev. 17.10;
Dan. g.j turn ( the face) ; Neh. g.17 take ( it into one's head) ;
Jer. 12.8 raise (the voice),
ni be given, commissioned, given up, made, put, granted,
ho be given.
n. pers. Nathan.
^tUHJ n. pers. Nethanel.
n. pers. Nethaniah.
n. pers. Nathan-melech.
DDJ q break up.
yriJ ni be knocked out.
{TiJ q tear down, demolish, destroy, knock out.
ni be torn down, destroyed.
pi tear down.
I85 22D

pu be torn down.
ho be shattered,
prü q tear away ; cut off.
ni be torn off, cut off ; be drawn out.
pi tear apart, tear out.
hi separate, single out, cut off.
ho be cut off.
pro itch.
inj q leap up.
pi leap.
hi cause to start u p ; cause to leap up > loosen, release ; Job 6.g
"IfU natron.
BTlO q tear up ; drive out.
ni be torn up.
ho be torn up.

nSD grain-measure seah (between 7 . J and 75 I).

Jisp boot.
)ND q tramp along.
KDND scare away.
ÍOD q tipple, drink, be a drunkard.
""'N2D beer (made from wheat).
N3D n. peop., n. terr. Seba.
D^N^D n. peop. Sabeans.
- 2 D q rotate, turn; look about; turn away f r o m ; go round) make
the round, walk round; surround, flow round, encircle,
make a detour; step aside; go off to, come towards; roam
about; I Sam. 16.11 sit at table; Zech. 14.10 be trans-
ni turn, bend; encircle, surround; be given into the possession
pi transform, change.
po walk round, flow round, stand around, encompass; roam
through, roam about.
H3D ι86 ID

hi turn, turn towards; turn back, turn away, turn round,

turn away from; change; bring; cause to go around;
II Chron. 14.6 erect all round.
ho turn; be turned, changed, set.
M3D turn of events, disposing.
j"OD vicinity ; all round, round about ; on every side ; pi. surroundings,
cycle, all round.
TpD q pt. pass, entwined.
pu be entwined.
T¡;p undergrowth, thicket.
undergrowth, thicket.
"OaD n. pers. Sibbecai.
taD q carry.
pu pt. laden.
hitρ drag oneself along.
^D burden, forced-labour,
carrying of burdens, forced-labour,
n^'ap Ephraimite pronunciation of n¡?3t¡>.
D^"Dp n. place Sibraim.
ΠΡΟ? ,ΝΓΰρ n. peop., n. terr. Sabtah.
N3MD n. peop., n. terr. Sabteca.
°"1JD q bow down,
lijp enclosure.
11JD π>. 2ΠΤ pure, solid gold; I Kings 6.2of. gold-leaf,
*pD governor, official, chief.
DID q shut, close, shut in; pt. pass, also -> HJD.
ni be shut; shut oneself in; be shut out.
pi hand over.
pu be shut up.
hi shut u p ; isolate; hand over, abandon ; Job 11.10 imprison.
"VOD heavy rain.
°1D stocks.
i87 I new

DIB n. place Sodom.
°"TI.D order.
"fIB roundness.
"ΙΠΒ n>. JV2 prison.
NÍB n. fers. So?, n. place Sais?
*N91B rd.KfEzek.23.42).
I JIB q deviate, be disloyal.
ni draw back, fall away, become disloyal.
hi displace.
ho be driven out.
II o J1D q pt. pass, fenced round.
JIB rd.Q_(Ezek. 22.18).
131B cage.
"1ÍB assembly, circle; joint consultation, confidential conversation;
decision; secret.
Ή1Β η. pers. Sodi.
Π1Β η. pers. Suah.
ΠΠ1Β refuse.
^ I D n. pers. Sotai.
I T[1D pilp spur on, incite.
hi make unapproachable, shut off.
I I ìpB q anoint ; anoint oneself.
hi anoint oneself.
ho be rubbed in.
nWB -•M^b.
ΓΠ1Β n. place Syene, Aswan.
BIB rd. Q_ (Jer. 8.j) swift, swallow.
I DID rd. D^D (Isa. 38.14) swift, swallow.
I I BíB horse.
*fiDìD mare.
Ό ί Β η. pers. Susi.
11D q cease, come to an end.
hi put an end to.
°p|iB end, rearguard.
I ^I'D reed, aquatic plants.
I I H'B n. place Suph.
I ΠΒ1Β storm, storm-wind.
I I riBlD

I I nslD n. place Suphah.

rnsiD - • niBD.
"HD q leave, deviate, turn aside; go away, depart, keep away f r o m ;
turn; fall away; put up at.
pol reduce to confusion.
hi remove, take away; take off, cut off; withdraw; keep away,
divert; abolish, do away with; revoke; have brought.
ho be taken away; Isa. ij.i m. |p cease to be.
I "HD cast off, degenerate, disloyal.
I I HD η. place II Kings 11.6 Sur.
HID hi lead astray, instigate, incite; distract.
*MD garment.
2HD q drag about, draw away.
niDHp rags.
ΠΠ0 pi sweep away.
"AD refuse,
t ^ n p corn growing wild.
HHD q wash away.
ni be swept away.
"IHD q journey up and down ; pt. merchant, buying-agent.
pealal beat violently,
i n p gain, profit.
"ΠΤΠρ trading partner.
'TinD rampart?
η-ίΠΟ sohereth stone,
tip transgression?
•»Û'D - o t a i D .
J^D dross of silver; Prov. 26.23 glaze.
°]T,D Sivan (name of a month, May I June).
frPp, ]ΊΓΡρ ». pers. Sihon.
p p n. place, n. terr. Sin.
"O^D gent. Sinite.
TP n. place Sinai.
D ^ D n. terr. Sinim.
NTtj^D γι. pers. Sisera.
KJPD 189

«njr-p , Κ ^ Β η. pers. Sia.

I TD cooking-pot, tub.
II *TB pi. thorns, bushes (thorny burnet).
"ΠΤρ thorn, hook, fishing tackle.
T|D throng ?
-•φ hut; lurking-place.
Π3Β canopy of leaves, hut, booth; lurking-place.
niSD n. place Succoth.
IH3B rd. ÍH3D (Amos. 5.26) n. deity Sakkuth (Saturn).
ΠΪ32 niSp n. deity Sarpanitu (name of a Bab. deity).
Dv?3p n peop. Sukkiim.

Dpp J er. 39.3 text corr.

q cover, screen; wrap oneself; Ps. 139.13 weave.
poel intertwine.
hi cover; m. relieve nature.
7[3B blockade, barricade.
Π33Β n. place Secacah.
^3D ni behave foolishly.
pi make to appear foolish.
hi act foolishly.
^3D foolish.
Í>3B foolishness, fool.
Πί^ρρ foolishness.
I p B q yield profit; pt. administrator, attendant.
hi be in the habit of, be conversant with; agree.
I I p B ni be endangered.
I I I pD pu be set up.
ηΒ3Β pilp of 111D.
1"I3B ni be stopped up.
pi hand over.
I I 13D q buy, bribe.
Γ)3Β hi keep silent.
n'3D - > n i 3 p .
^p basket.
Nto i l ni>D.
N^B n. place Silla.
-ito 190 "7DD

i t o pi leap.
I^D ». pers. Seled.
q reject.
pi reject.
I I rfrD pu be paid for.
Π^ρ liturgical direction Selah.
1v>p n. pers. Sallu.
N^D ». pers. Salu.
». pers. Sallu.
;ii>p thorn.
nto q forgive ( only of God),
ni be forgiven.
Π|Ρ ready to forgive.
n. pers. Sallai.
nn^D forgiveness,
τ I —
n. place Salecah.
^ D q throw up, pile up.
pilp think highly of.
hitpo act haughtily,
tfjto siege-mound.
Dv?D staircase,
- n t o t o tendril.
rock, crag.
I I J^D n. place Sela.
DJjto locust.
^ D pi twist, rxxm.\ Job 12.1g dry up.
fftp crookedness, falseness.
q ascend.
n t o wheat groats.
"Dp paste, fragrance.
ijIDp n. pers. Samgar-nebo.
^DD q support, lay, provide; throw oneself; pt. pass, supported, firm,
ni support oneself, brace oneself.
pi refresh.
ìITpDp n. pers. Semachiah.
^DD image, idol?
{OD nao

|DD ni Isa. 28.25 dub.

HDD q shiver.
pi bristle.
"IDD bristling.
¡"IKJD n. pers. Senaah.
τ ·•. :
τ :

tSÌOJp n. pers. Sanballat.

njp thorn-bush.
¡"130 n. place Seneh.
nWJD n. pers. Senuah.
D^yp blindness.
j^inJD ,3"llT3p n. pers. Sennacherib,
njpjp n. place Sansannah.
*i"l|pJp cluster of dates.
T S j p fin.
DO τ
•>DDD n. pers. Sismai.
q support, strengthen; fortify, take refreshment.
nj)D q be rushing.
I "H^V? cleft, fissure.
II branch.
1JÍD pi hew down.
-P|jjp wavering ?, base. ?
"ilSJJD branch.
CSyp crutches.
"IÎ?D q be stormy.
ni become agitated.
pi blow away.
poel fly away.
pu be blown away, driven away.
"1JJD storm.
rnjJD storm.
I Hp basin, cup.
I I ηρ threshold.
I l l 1p n. pers. Saph.
"1SD q lament, lament for the dead; Isa. 32.12 beat (the breast) in
ni be lamented.
192 msD

Í1BD q snatch away, carry o f f ; vanish away; Num. 32.14; Isa. 30.1
ri. nSD(^).
ni be carried off, perish.
hi rd. nSDS (Deut. 32.23).
rtSD q attach.
ni join.
pi admix.
pu come together.
hitρ have a share in.
n n S D scab, eruption.
''BD η. pers. Sippai.
I *ITBD downpour.
I I rVBD after-growth.
°njiBD ship.
"PBD lapis lazuli.
^BD bowl.
|BD q cover, panel; Deut. 33.21 reserve.
|Bp ceiling.
^BD hitpo stay at the threshold.
pBD q clap, strike, strike oneself; Jer. 48.26 fall with a splash
pBD mockery?
"IBD q count, reckon; measure; Ezra 1.8 count out; pt. also
ni be counted.
pi count, recount, reckon; make known, relate.
pu be related.
"1BD inscription; document, letter, scroll; kind of writing.
"IBD clerk ; secretary ; scribe.
I °"1BD census.
I I * 1 B p n. place Sephar.
"PSD n. place Sepharad.
*rnBp scroll.
D^HBp n. place Sepharvaim.
D I I B p gent, of Sepharvaim.
rri"ÍBD numbers?
ΓΠΒΒ η. pers. Sophereth.

^pD q stone.
ni be stoned.
pi throw stones ; clear o f stones.
pu be stoned.
"ID sullen.
0 " JTD obstinate.
]ÌJ"ID n. pers. Sargon.
"HD η. pers. S e r e d .
^ΊΟ gent. Sardite.
1 ΠΙΟ desisting.
I I rnD obstinacy, disobedience, apostasy.
¡"HD n. place Sirah.
ΠίΊϋ p e n d e n t ; Amos 6.4 lying indolently.
I ΠΊΟ q h a n g d o w n ; spread.
I I ΠΊΒ ni b e spilt.
PHD what is o v e r h a n g i n g .
D^D court official ; e u n u c h .
*n.B axle.
D\JTp princes.
°*nBjnp branch.
HID pi burn,
n S "ID steppe-plant?, nettle?
"HD q be s t u b b o r n , obstinate.
°iriD winter, rainy season.
Hfip n. pers. S e t h u r .
ODD q stop up, b l o c k ; keep secret; DHD2 secretly.
ni b e stopped up, closed.
pi stop up.
"inD ni hide, be hidden.
pi hide.
pu pt. kept secret.
hi hide, cover, keep secret.
http keep oneself h i d d e n .
"HID h i d i n g - p l a c e ; cover, shelter; w. 3 also secretly.
mnD cover, shelter.
τ : · '
"Hflp n. pers. Sithri.
194 II nay

I ajI trellis?
I I aj? cloud, clouds.
I l l *aj) thicket.
"Oy q work, till; serve; be a slave; perform, do; make to perform,
do; do service; worship; I Kings 12.7 do as someone wishes.
ni be tilled, cultivated.
pu be worked.
hi cause to work, subject to work; enslave, hold in servitude,
make subject to; Isa. 43.23/. distress.
ho let service be paid to.
I "lay s ' a v e > servant, subject.
I I l a y n. pers. Ebed.
-n'y - n a i y .
K^nj? η. pers. Abda.
D(i)ns(-)"OJ? n. pers. Obed-edom.
"^nag n.pers. Abdeel.
rnhy. work, forced labour, service; worship; Ex. 12.25/.; 13.5
r n p y domestics, servants.
P^nj) η· pers., η. place Abdon.
n. pers. Abdi.
Ïipïàll η. pers. Abdiel.
(l)rrüV η. pers. Obadiah.
η. pers. Ebed-melech.
,ÌJJ lajJ. n. pers. Abed-nego.

*ΓΠ3£ servitude,
nay q be thick.
rniay. rnay.
OÜJJ pledge.
1 I t t J ) w. 3 on account of, for the sake of, for, in order that, in order
I I H a y Josh. 5.11/ produce.
195 DOjy

niay. - » n a y .
I tiay q borrow; take a pledge.
hi lend on pledge.
I I tsay pi change,
ta'ttay debt secured by pledge.
"OJJ thickness; II Chron. 4.17 mould?
I m y q pass, go one's way, pass through; pass over; pass by; pass
on, pass away; go across, cross, go beyond, outstrip, go
on ahead; JP. "'"IHK follow; W. Jp elude, Ps. 81.Γ let go;
n>. ηΪΓΕ disappear among; Num. 34.4 extend; pt. also
current, liquid.
rti be crossed.
pi draw across ; Job 21.10 mount.
hi make to pass over; make to cross, bring across; make to
pass by, let pass; overlook, let slip; make over; present
(offering); issue, sound, circulate; lead past, lead through;
take away, remove; take down; turn away, keep away,
take off.
I I nay http be angry, impassioned.
I nay opposite side ; side, edge, bank > on the other side of.
I I nay n. pers. Eber.
¡"Hay. crossing, ford,
rn^y boiling up, arrogance ; anger, rage.
gent. Hebrew.
Û ^ j y . η. place Abarim.
p a y n. place Ebron.
nj"py n. place Abronah.
q dry up.
nay /»¿twist?
nb>) branch; branching,
nay cord, rope, twine.
ïy - Tiy.
a:y q have desire,
ajy -»aaiy.
"Majy desire,
njy 196 nny

Hjy flat cake of bread.

•flJJJ thrush.
ring, earring.
Vi)} round,
young cow.
II n. pers.f. Eglah.
rfrjj) wagon, cart.
n. pers., n. place Eglon.

rfay n. place Eglath-shelishiyah.

D3J> q have sympathy.
°pìì ni be withdrawn.
I "iy unlimited future; always, for ever, everlasting ; Job 20.4 "iy
since time began.
I I "iy up to, until; during; on.
I I I i y prey.
HI witness.
ny - n y .
Vty n. pers. Iddo.
m y -•nniy.
I " m j ! q stalk.
hi strip off.
II m y q adorn, adorn oneself.
,113; n. pers.f. Adah.
I my assembly, congregation; troop, band.
II m y witness.
*my menstruation.
n. pers. Iddo.
riìiy testimony, reminder; commandment, law; II Kings 11.12;
Ps. 132.12 royal protocol.
* n n y pi. of rvny.
"ny adornment.
N^y n. pers. rd. Κ or Q (Neh. 12.16).
η. pers. Adiel.
D ^ y ' pi.
n. pers.
of mAdaiah.

I "fiy voluptuous.
II pj? η. pers. Adin.
«J^JJ n. pers. Adina.
ÜW¡) η. place Adithaim.
η. pers. Adlai.
η. place Adullam.
gent. Adullamite.
pJJ http luxuriate.
I *|"iy delight; II Sam. 1.24 ornament.
I I }"iy n. pers., n. terr. Eden.
n. terr. Eden.
| T ¿ hitherto.
KJ"iy η. pers. Adna.
rOiy sexual pleasure.
n. pers. Adnah.
rüiy n. pers. Adnah.
~yjT¿ n. place Adadah.
TV q be in excess.
hi have a surplus.
I "liy q be assembled, set in order.
I I "ny ni be weeded.
III n y ni be missing.
pi leave lacking.
I - n y flock, herd.
II ny n. pers. Eder.
I I I "liy n. place Eder.
° - n y n. pers. Eder.
11. pers. Adriel.
D^ny lentils.
rny rmy.
"ri-iy pi. of rvny.
XVJ n. place Avva.
hi becloud.
12iy ». pers. Obed.
^iy n. pers. Obal.
Jiy q bake.
3iy n. pers. Og.
198 D-yijj

"IIJJ pi surround.
pol aid.
hi affirm, admonish, warn; be witness; call to witness.
ho be warned.
hitpol raise oneself,
"liy duration, lasting; continually, always, still; once more, again;
moreover, besides; while.
"Hiy n. pers. Oded.
1*1*3} q do wrong, go astray.
ni be troubled; / Sam. 20.30 dub.
pi disturb, disrupt.
hi pervert, distort; go astray, do wrong ; J er. j.21 w. go on
crooked paths,
n^) ruins.
HÍJ} n. place Ivvah.
Til? q seek refuge.
hi save, bring into safety.
Tiy -Τ3λ
boy, lad.
D*iy n. peop., n. place Avvim.
rMJ} n. place Avith.
I ty pi act wrongfully.
II q suckle.
ty sucking child.
evildoer, criminal.
^13} wrong.
n^J} perversity, wickedness.
I ¡"frty perversity, wickedness.
I I rh 13} I rfry.
, ϊ τ ν child. T
ni^iy -»nWy-
D^iy long time, duration, eternity; for all time, for ever, continually,
eternally; time to come; remote past, ancient, long since.
]iy qrd.Q_(l Sam. 18.9).
]iy transgression, sin; guilt; punishment.
D^yiy staggering.
I q fly, fly away; Prov. 23.5 rd. £λ
pol fly, soar; wield.
hi cause to fly; Prov. 23.5 direct (upon).
hitpol fly away.
I I *\f¡) q become dark,
ηϊν coil, birds.
•'BIJ! n. pers. rd. Q (Jer. 40.8) Ephai.
rnsiy -»nis'y.
pV q plan.
py n. pers., rt. terr. Uz.
piy -»ρ*».
Iny /.¿blind,
liny nt be bare.
I l l "liy q bestir oneself; be active, awake.
ni be roused; come into action, be wakened.
pol bring into action, waken; rouse, stir up; let oneself be roused;
polp Isa. ι ss raise.
hi awaken, stir up, rouse, bring into action; let be awakened,
summon; bestir oneself; Hos. 7.4 poke.
hitpol summon one's energies, rouse oneself,
l i y skin, hide; leather.
Hy blind; one-eyed.
aniy -oiy.
]i-|}y blindness,
r n i y blindness.
m q come to aid.?
I m y pi pervert, falsify, misguide.
pu pt. bent.
hitp stoop.
I I my q support ?
* n m y oppression.
Tfly n. pers. Uthai.
ty strong; obstinate, defiant; shameless.
Ty might; strength.
T'y strength, power, might; protection, refuge.

ÎJ) she-goat; pl. also goats' hair.

KîJ) η. per s. U z z a ; pS.
^TKTy n. per s. Azazel (desert demon).
I 2îy q leave, dismiss; not follow (counsel)·, leave behind, leave
to another; leave over; let go; leave lying; give up; let
loose, release, let do as one pleases; remit; Gen. 24.27;
Ruth 2.20 withhold, let fail; Job 9.27 w. S'OS change the
ni be forsaken, neglected ; be left to another.
pu be forsaken, deserted.
I I my q pave.? (Neh. 3).
D^iaty wares,
piajy n. pers. Azbuk.
"13ty n. pers. Azgad.
njy n. place Gaza.
HîJJ n. pers. Uzzah.
naiTy n. pers.f. Azubah.
Wy strength, might, power.
Wy powerful; coll. heroes.
-my -»"vry.
ny q be strong; show oneself strong; be defiant.
hi w. 0^2(2) assume a defiant, insolent expression.
Tty n. pers. Azaz.
iiTTty n. pers. Azaziah.
*íy n. pers. Uzzi.
WTy n. pers. Uzzia.
η. pers. Aziel.
^ s v y n. pers. Uzziel.
^K^y gent. Uzzielite.
(i),1»îy η. pers. Uzziah.
Xrty ». pers. Aziza.
niDTy n. pers., n. place Azmaveth.
]'Ty n. pers. Azzan.
ΓΜϊ>) vulture.
pTy pi hoe.
n¡3íy η. place Azekah.
-ny q help, aid, support; come to aid.

ni find/receive help.
hi help.
I "irç! help ; helper.
I I ~1TJJ n. pers. E z e r .
"IÎJ? n. pers. E z e r .
"VTJ? n. pers. A z z u r .
n. pers. Ezra,
^"iry n. pers. Azarel.

I help, aid ; helpers.

I I ΓΠΤ1? n. pers. E z r a h .
ΠΊΤν barrier, enclosure ; outer court.
η. pers. Ezri.
^"HR? Pers- Azriel.
n. pers. A z a r i a h .
Dp'HTy n. pers. A z r i k a m .
nnTJ) help.

Sent- Gazite.
ay stylus.
I niDJJ q cover, cover u p ; w r a p oneself up in something.
hi wrap u p , envelop.
I I ntiJJ q seize; Jer. 43.12 delouse.
weakened, feeble,
t r o u g h ? , intestines ?
r^DJ? bat.
I fllDJ? q cover o n e s e l f ; w r a p up ; Job 23.g turn aside.
I I 1 Û J J q b e c o m e weak.
ni languish.
hi be feeble.
hitp feel w e a k ; despair,
"itij) q surround, encircle.
pi c r o w n .
hi bestow garlands, diadems.
I may garland, diadem.
I I ¡ " n a y n. pers.f. Atarah.
n(l)lB¿ η. place A t a r o t h .
IBiB* rnçy n. place A t r o t h - s h o p h a n .
Ί ί n. place A i .

*»5J ruins, heap of ruins.

KSJJ n. place Aija.
^ J J n. pers., n. place Ebal.
¡"PJJ n. place Aijah.
n. place Ijon.
n. place rd. Q(I Chron. 1.46).
Cy q fall upon; scream at, round angrily upon.
tû?y bird of prey; also coll. birds of prey.
DC^y n. place Etam.
D«¡! η. place Ijim.
Di^y rd. D^iy (II Chron. 33.7).
^•»y n. pers. liai.

D^y ». pers.; n. peop., n. terr. m. andf. Elam.

py q eye with mistrust.

py eye; appearance, gleam; what is visible; spring.
Ήϋ(")Γ8 n. placeïLn-%tà\.
· place En-gannim.
"INVpy n. place En-dor.
T V . H i VV. n. place En-dor.
Klipn ]»¿ η. place En-hakkore.
pjnn ji^y
py n.
- »place
f i r y - iDragon
xn. Spring.
ΓΠΠ py n. place En-haddah.
"ΐίΧΠ pyn. place En-hazor.
Τ1Π py n. place En-harod.
D^y n. place Enaim.
DJsyn. place Enam.
tûStl'D pyn. place En-mishpat.
n. pers. Enan; f^y 1ΪΠ.
D^jy py n. place En-eglaim.
n. place En-rogel.
jiQT n. place En-rimmon.
WW py n. place En-shemesh.
-nry rd. Q_(Hos. 10.10).
ΓΝ3ΡΙ py n. place En-tappuah.
*P5> q be weary; Jer. 4.31 succumb,
r^y weary, exhausted.
I na>y 203

I riDsV darkness.
I I ΠΒ^ η. pers. m. and f . , η. peop., η. terr. Ephah.
n n s ^ darkness.
P^J? q sway?
hi make to sway ?
I TJ) town, (permanent) settlement, occupation ; fig. population (of
a town).
I I Ti) agitation, fear.
I I I TJ) η. pers. Ir.
TJ) , I V *TJ) ass, young ass; male ass.
KTJ) «. pers. Ira.
"ITJ) «. /)in. Irad.
Dinn TJ) n. place City of the Sun.
n f a n TJ) n. place City of Salt.
ΟΉΟΓΓΙ TJ) n. place City of Palm Trees.
ÌTJ) η. Iru.
•"TJ) n. pers. Iri.
DTJ) n. peop.? Iram.
2TJÎ naked, unclothed ; nakedness.
^OT Ir-nahash.
tPDtt» TJ) «. place Ir-shemesh.
f . lioness (constellation).
JVJ) ». place Aiath.
pers. Achbor.
tP'OSj) spider,
Ì3J? n. place Acco.
"IÍ3J) «. /i/ecí Achor.
195) n. pers. Achan.
Ö3J) /»¿jingle (with anklets).
DSJ) anklet.
HMjj n. pers.f. Achsah.
~i-V q make taboo, untouchable, taboo.
ni become taboo, untouchable.
131? n. pers. Achar.
|"}3J) n. pers. Ochran.
311^95? horned viper ?

height, what is above; on, over; at, by; concerning; on account

of, because of; against, over against; together with; w. 3 in
accordance with; w. |D down from, away from, off f r o m ; u p
over; w. J3 thereon, therefore, for that reason,
n. pers. Ulla.
yaty jü^nrisv
n^y g ascend, mount, go up, climb (up); come (up); become in-
tense (battle)·, withdraw (army),
ni rise; be exalted; be led u p ; withdraw; w. DBW'ty get
talked about.
hi bring up, lead u p ; present (offering); bring upon someone;
make high, set high; send up, cause to go up (into), grow,
raise; overlay (gold); set up (lamp)·, raise ( levy for forced
labour)\ take away, cause to die; w. ΓΠ3 chew the cud.
ho be offered, be led away, be entered.
hitp rise,
nty leaves.
I nyu burnt-offering.
I I r^V perversity, wickedness.
I Hl^y obstinacy.
IlflljTJ n. peop.? Alvah.
* D^Dl^y youth, youthful vigour.
n. pers. Alvan.
Πζ^Ι? leech.
fìy q rejoice, exult.
T"7y exultant.
ntD^JJ darkness.
n. pers. Eli.
•^JJ pestle.
" t y upper.
¡"P^JJ n. peop.? Aliah.
n ^ y upper room,
j i ^ y u p p e r ; highest.

•Tv>l? exultant; unrestrained, wanton,

rtty deed, action ; w. D'HD'I deed which gets talked about.
n^J) deed.
n. pers. Alian,
rejoicing, exultation.
poeldeal with, do to; glean.
poal be inflicted on.
hitp treat (harshly), indulge in wantonness.
hitpo perpetrate.
II poel push in.
Vtí - W ? ·
rt^V gleaning.
D^y q pt. pass, that which is hidden.
ni be hidden, cunning.
hi hide, cover.
hitp hide oneself; withdraw.

D^y young man.

HD^JJ young woman (until the birth of her first child)·, Ps. 46.1;
ι Chron. 15.20 musical direction with girls' voices?
η. place Almon.
np^JJ n. pers., n. place Alemeth.
Dty q enjoy.
ni beat joyously.
hitp take pleasure, luxuriate.
V^J pi gulp?
pu be wrapped up, covered ; faint.
hitp wrap oneself up ; faint,
nsftj rdAt^ Ezek. 31.15.
p t y q rejoice, be glad,
nn^y wickedness.
DJ) ,Di? kinsman, fellow-tribesman, relative, relatives; tribe, nation,
people, persons; m. ¡-ΗΚΠ coll. citizens with full rights; pi. a>.
ΡΙΝΠ heathen nations.
Dl) with, at; as well as, as, comparable to; as long as, at the same
time; w. JD away from, before; on the part of; w. ΠΤ neverthe-
2o6 D^DOJ?

"IDJ! q take u p position, place oneself, present oneself, c o m e f o r -

w a r d ; stand (forth), d w e l l ; stay, c o m e to a halt, remain,
be preserved, stand firm, stop, cease; do service, a t t e n d ;
Eccles. 8.3 engage i n ; Esther 3.4 be a l l o w e d ; Ezra 10.14
m. ^ represent.
hi make to stand, place, p o s t ; leave in place, let r e m a i n ; a p p o i n t ;
erect, restore, set u p ; c o n f i r m ; 1p. ΠΟΤΚ allot l a n d ; w. "D'i
and make a decision t o ; w.T03 stare straight ahead.
ho be m a d e to stand,
*läj? with.
"¡"Πΰ32 location, stay.
I *ΠΒ$) m. 5 close by, b e s i d e ; corresponding to, just as; I Kings γ.20
close beside.
I I nEJJ n. place U m m a h .
HBJ? tent-support, pillar, c o l u m n , post,
jisjj n. peop. A m m o n , A m m o n i t e s .
^ B J ) gent. A m m o n i t e .
OlOJJ n. pers. A m o s .
pìDJ) n. pers. A m o k .
' W S J ? n. pers. A m m i e l .
HITEJ? n. pers. A m m i h u d .
"· Pers· Ammizabad.
"WPEy n. pers. A m m i h u r .
aiJ^J) n. pers. A m m i n a d a b .
"PÇJ) ( m o w n ) corn.
•'W^DJJ n. pers. A m m i s h a d d a i .
*ÌVDì> fellow, associate.
q toil, labour.
I ^DJ) toil, t r o u b l e ; g a i n ; misfortune, mischief.
I I ^DJJ n. pers. A m a i .
^DJJ toiling, l a b o r i o u s ; labourer.
n. pers. A m a l e k ; n. peop. Amalekites.
•>¡?í?Dg gent. A m a l e k i t e .
I DDJ! q be equal to.
I I DOJ) ho b e c o m e d i m .
b^odj? pi. of ag.

^Κ ^JBJÍ η. pers. Immanuel.

DDJ) g load, pick up, carry.

hi lay on.
ÎTÇDJ) η. pers. Amasiah.
"I^DJJ n. place Amad,
p o y q be deep, mysterious.
hi make deep ; in conjunction with another verb deeply.
PPJ> valley bottom, flat valley floor, plain.
pnV depth.
pDy deep, deepened ; mysterious, unfathomable.
*pt?i) deep, unintelligible.
Π 3 1 3 PÇJÎ η. place Valley of Beracah.
n^KH pDJ> n. place Vale of Elah.
p s p PPÌ? n. place Emek-keziz.
D^sn PÇV. n. place Vale of Rephaim.
¡"IIB» PDJ? n. place Valley of Shaveh.
I "IÛJJ pi gather.
I I nny hitp treat brutally.
I "lûty (cut) corn.
I I 1DJ? grain-measure omer (between 2.2 and 4.5 I).
mbjj n. place Gomorrah.
Ή05? η. pers. Omri.
D1Ç5? n. pers. Amram.
"'DIDy gent. Amramite.
Ν BOJ?, η. pers. Amasa.
"OTlJ? η. pers. Amasai.
"Ot^QJ) n. pers. Amashsai.
n. place Anab.
pu pt. pampered.
hitρ pamper oneself, enjoy thoroughly, revive oneself; make
fun of.
JJÍJ) pleasure, joy.
j j y pampered, spoiled.
Hjy q wind around.
I njy 208

I MJJJ q reply, a n s w e r ; take up discourse; give to understand; give

a favourable hearing, f u r n i s h ; testify, bear witness.
ni let oneself be moved to answer, receive an answer.
hi pay heed.
I I n j y q submit, be w r e t c h e d ; be humiliated, h u m b l e d .
ni bow d o w n ; be/become humbled.
pi oppress, violate, h u m b l e ; m. tPBJ humble, m o r t i f y o n e s e l f ;
rape, a b u s e ; o v e r c o m e ; Ps. 105.18 force.
pu be humbled ; humble oneself, m o r t i f y oneself.
hi oppress.
hitp h u m b l y submit, subject oneself; Ps. 107.17 be afflicted.
I I I nJV q toil.
hi divert?, compensate?
I V ruy q sing, celebrate in song; howl.
pi sing, celebrate in song.
*ÎU'y marital intercourse.
flJJ} n. pers. A n a h .
lowly, humble, meek. (Neh. '2.9).
2UJJ n. pers. A n u b .
fllJJJ h u m i l i t y ; Ps. 18.36 condescension.
nUJJ clemency.
piJJJ n. pers. A n o k .
D W ^ fines.
nijji -»· n ü j m a .
n ì j y affliction.
"'JJJ unfortunate, wretched, p o o r ; humble.
^ affliction, m i s e r y ; I Chron. 22.14 trouble, hardship.
"'¡ft n. pers. U n n i ,
rny n. pers. Anaiah.
D^JJJ n. place A n i m .
°J\35? task, occupation; happening.
Djy n. place A n e m .
CDJy n. peop. A n a m i m .
n. deity A n a m m e l e c h .

\y¡) pi cause to appear.

poel conjure, practise sorcery.
1 clouds, cloud-mass.
I I ]iy n. pers. Anan.
n:jj) cloud.
\]JJ? n. pers. Anani.
ITJJJ? n. pers., n. place Ananiah.
W branch also coll.
" I j y many-branched.
pJJJ q put round the neck.
hi put on the neck, present.
I pi)) neck-chain, necklace.
I I p j y n. peop. Anak, Anakim.
"1JJJ n. pers., n. place Aner.
tMJ? q impose a fine, punish.
ni be fined; must suffer for.
tViy fine.
njy n. pers. Anath.
nìnJJ) n. pers., n. place Anathoth.
"niray gent. Anathothite.
nhJJ) n. place Anathoth.
">n'n|îj" ->· Tiiniiy.
riTihJi) n. pers. Anthothijah.
D^py grape-juice.
00)) q trample down.
thick foliage.
"72JÎ pu be puffed up, presumptuous.
hi presume.
I ^S'y II Kings ζ.24 hill; n. place Ophel.
II ulcer.
^JSy n. place Ophni.
"D^sysy beams; flashing eyes.
"IBJJ pi throw at.
ΊΒ$> surface soil, loose earth, dust; soil; rubble; coating, plaster.
n. pers. Epher.
ΤE'y young, fawn.
ΓΠΒ}? n. pers., n. place Ophrah.
mejj 210 I DSV

rnSJ) η. place Aphrah.

pSJ! η. pers., η. place Ephron.
m s ' l ) lead.
ΠΠΕ1? darkness.
]·*>) tree also coll. ; wood; pi. also logs, wood-pile; pole, shaft.
I " ¡ V pi fashion.
hi portray.
I I 3SJÎ q rebuke, hurt, grieve.
ni be grieved, fret; hurt oneself.
pi vex, grieve.
hi vex.
hitp be vexed, grieved,
image, idol,
I yT¡í_ creature.
I I DSJ) pain; offence; that which is hard-won.
I idol.
I I yi]} pain, hardship.
difficulty, hardship,
n û s y pain; Ps. 147.3 wound.
mtj> q narrow,
nxy tail-bone.
I flXJJ counsel; resolution, plan; community, circle; Zech. 6.13 agree-
II Ps. 106.43 disobedience.
I I I ."Kg J er. 6.6 wood.
D12C5J strong, mighty; numerous.
n. place Ezion-geber.
-Ü3 '

"rsy ni delay.
Í>XJ> idle, lazy,
n^i'l) laziness, idleness.
n^ïJJ laziness, idleness.
D^rtoj? laziness.
I DÏJJ q be strong, mighty, numerous.
pi gnaw the bones of.
hi make strong.
I I DSV 211

I I DSV q shut.
pi shut.
I DSV bone, bones; pi. also corpse; being > precisely, just, even.
I I DS^ n. place Ezem.
DSV abounding might; bones.
*nDSy crime; suffering.
nDSy strength, abounding might.
|lDSy η. place Azmon.
*niDSJ? proofs.
*1SV II Sam. 23.8 text corr.
nsV q hold back, hinder, detain; shut up, arrest; retain; close,
withhold, restrain; keep within bounds, rule; 2WJJ1 HSJJ sig-
nificance uncertain slave and freeman?, unclean and clean?,
minor and of age?
ni cease; be closed; be detained.
"ISJ) possession?
"ISV closedness; oppression,
r n s j ) . m s y festival.
2pV 4 seize by the heel, cheat.
pi hold back.
2pV heel, hoof ; fig. rearguard; pi also footprints; Ps. 4Ç.6 adversary.
Dpy to the end, to the last > result, reward > in return for the
fact that; w. by because of.
DpV rugged; deceitful; Has. 6.8 tracked?
napV cunning,
npv q bind.
"ipV striped.
npjj - > ( D T f t n ) npy n 11 ?.
" npV oppression.
n. pers. Akkub.
bp)) pu pt. perverted, distorted,
| 1 n i p y twisting,
p y n. pers. Akan.
Ίρν q uproot, weed out.
212 II nmy

ni be destroyed.
pi hamstring,
npj) barren.
I Ipy offspring.
I I "Ipy n. pers. Eker.
mpJJ scorpion, lash,
pipy n. place E k r o n .
"Oilpy gent. Ekronite.
IPpy ni go by devious ways.
pi distort, pervert.
hi declare guilty.
I t^py distorted, perverted, false.
II n. pers. Ikkesh.
nwpy distortion, falseness.
I "iy enemy?
II1J; n. terr. A r .
iy n. pers. E r .
I my q go bail, give security, intervene on behalf o f ; give in pledge,
m o r t g a g e ; exchange.
hitp make a wager.
II m y hitp have dealings with, m i n g l e with, be involved in.
III m y q be pleasant, b e pleasing.
IV my q b e c o m e e v e n i n g ; vanish.
hi do late.
I my e v e n i n g ; du. w. J*13 in the evening.
II m y I Kings 10.15 Jer. 25.24 dub.
I l l mj) mixed race, mixture.
I my mixed race, mixture.
II m y (weaving) w o v e n material?, w o o f ?
I my desert.
II m y n. peop. A r a b s ,
my pleasant.
I my raven.
I I m'y Π. pers. O r e b .
m j ) noxious insects, dog-fly.
I *nmy E u p h r a t e s poplar.
II n m y steppe, desert; n m y n Jordan depression, A r a b a h (as far as the
Gulf of Aqabah ), w. DJ D e a d Sea.
nmy 213 I did

nSIJJ security; token,

"OTJ? /Ony gent. Arab.
T>3"!32 gent. Arbathite.
2"iy q long for, desire,
" n y n. pers., n. place Arad,
my ni be p o u r e d out.
pi lay bare, remove t h e covering; p o u r out.
hi expose; Isa. S3·12 give up.
hitp expose oneself; Ps. 37.35 be expansive.
*ΓΠJ) r u s h ?
1113? wild ass.
nny nakedness, exposedness, genital (area), sex organ; w. " I ^ in-
Eiiy naked, u n c l o t h e d ; scantily clad.
Di-iy ->· DTJJ.
DViy clever; crafty.
lyinj) n. place Aroer.
"»"ny n. pers. E r i ; gent. Erite.
rP"iy nakedness, bareness.
• nDny dough,
powerful, violent; potentate, tyrant.
nny childless.
Tpy q arrange in order, prepare, set in order, hold in readiness;
draw up (for battle), f o r m u p ; c o n f r o n t > c o m p a r e ; be
equivalent; lay before, p u t forward.
hi value.
T|"iy layer, r o w ; e q u i p m e n t , accessories; valuation; Ps. 55.14
such as I.
í n y q leave unharvested.
ni display t h e foreskin,
'iny uncircumcised.
."liny foreskin ; also fig.
I D i y ni be d a m m e d up.
II my 214

II my q be/become clever, cunning.

hi w. T D plan a cunning attack.

D'ny ->DT¿.
HDIJJ shrewdness; treachery.
n¿-i¿ heap.
"¡ÍT3~iy plane-tree.
yy¿ η. pers. E r a n .
iJiy gent. Eranite.
-liyny η / . - i y n y , (Judg. 11.26).
"Φί -^lüiiy·

naked, destitute; juniper.

"Hy'iy gent. Aroerite.
I η-iy q drop.
I I *¡y¡) q break (the neck), break down,
nili nape, n e c k ; back.
nS"!JJ n. pers.f. Orpah.
Í'B'IJ} darkness, dark cloud.
Y~\"J q frighten; be afraid.
ni pt. fearful.
hi fear.
q gnaw, gnaw off.
^"ly gent. Arkite.
"Hl? q strip oneself.
poel lay bare.
pilp lay bare, demolish.
hitpalp be demolished,
tiny f . bed, couch.
2B>JJ herb, herbage.
I Wy q make, manufacture, produce; perform, do, act, practise;
work, be active, acquire; carry out, observe; prepare; fix;
take steps; accomplish; w. 3 cope with; Eccles. 3.12 3ÍE3 enjoy
ni be made, manufactured, prepared, carried out, observed,
used, shown; be done, committed; proceed.
pu be made.
I I nœy 215

I I ÍTO>JJ q Ezek. 23.21 squeeze, press.

pi Ezek. 23.3,8 squeeze, press.
n. pers. Asahel.

WJÎ η. pers. Esau,

" i w y ten ; tenth.
^ K T J J n. pers. Asiel.
ΜT T —:
η. pers. Asaiah.
nytyj? tenth ; tenth part,
p'ü*!? hitp quarrel.
». place Esek.
"ittty ^ exact the tithe.
pi collect/give the tithe.
collect/give the tithe.

*ΪΒ>y ten.
"ïtpjj -»· "IIB^.
ΠΊ^ ten.
](Í)Í¿»V tenth.

Cn'tPy twenty, twentieth.

ΓφΖ ten.
Iety moth; pus?
I I li»}?
Job g.g Leo (constellation).
pWJ) oppressor.
CpWy oppression,
nit^y wrought.
nitPJ? «. pers. Ashvath.
rich, rich man.
q smoke.
I smoke.
II n. place Ashan.
]ψ)) smoking.
ptPy q oppress, wrong; extort.
pu pt. abused,
pttty oppression, extortion,
pttty n. pers. Eshek.
2i6 ^«•ony

ΐ\ρψί oppression.

1tí>y q be/become rich.

hi make rich, become rich.
hitp pretend to be rich.
1tS>JJ riches.
Wy q become weak; disintegrate.
I my q become plump?
II rwy hit ρ think of.
rwy plaque.
VWJJ vp. ItPJ) eleven, eleventh.
c *n:htt>y thought, plan.
riling ->• riinwy.
fTinsry n. deity f . Astarte.
'''rnrWJ) increase,
nint^y n. place Ashtaroth.
Wnti'y gent. Ashterathite.
n j j m. and f . time, moment, period; pi. also course of events, new
ny_ - » a n » ·
iny pi carry out.
hitp be destined,
ilny now, at present; now then!, so now?
*lìny ready; store,
" l i n y ram, g o a t \ f i g . leader,
in readiness.
iñj> n. pers. Attai.
TflJJ ready; pi. also events in store; stores,
rrny ». pers. Athaiah.
"P^ny removed, weaned; ancient (Aram.).
^ny n. place Athach.
^ n y n. pers. Athlai.
(^n^ny n. pers. f . Athaliah; Ezra 8.7 ; I Chron. 8.26 n. pers. m.
Dny ni be laid waste?
"»Jnj) n. pers. Othni.
'bsrJnjS n. pers. Othniel.
pnj) 217 yus

p n y q move away; Λ . 6 . 5 b e c o m e àim?, Job 21.J grow old (Aram.).

hi journey o n ; displace; leave in the lurch; collect,
p n j j forward, insolent,
pny splendid?, inherited from of old?
Π}) n. place Eth-kazin.
I inj) q pray, entreat.
ni be moved by entreaty, give a favourable hearing, have mercy.
hi pray, entreat.
II m y ni be plentiful?
hi heap u p ?
"inj1 Ezek. 8.11 fragrance; Zeph. worshipper?
inj? η. place Ether.
mn¡) abundance?

KS ->ΓΙ3.
¡INS hi shatter.
I ΠΝΒ side, edge; du. temples.
I I ΠΝ3 Neh. ç.22 piece, portion.
I l l nSS Amos j.12 magnificence.
I "INS pi strip bare.
II Ί Κ Ε pi beautify, glorify.
hitp make oneself glorious, boast; Ex. 8.5 w. deign to appoint.
IKS head-dress.
shoot,' branch.

ÎTTSB branches,
"inxs glow.
]TXB n. terr. Paran.
" 3 3 unripe fig.
unclean flesh.
yjS q meet (with someone), encounter; reach; fall upon, attack;
w. 2 urge someone, entreat; touch (border),
hi let fall upon; intercede; 1v. 3 urge someone strongly.
ÎÎJS happening, chance.
'WJJJB 218 ms

^ J H B η. pers. Pagiel.
"IJB pi be weak, weary.
"I3B c o r p s e ; coll. corpses.
IMS q encounter, meet.
ni meet.
pi encounter.
HIB q r a n s o m , r e d e e m ; deliver; Num. 18.15-1 j let be r e d e e m e d .
rti be r a n s o m e d ; be delivered.
hi let be ransomed.
ho be r a n s o m e d .
'¡»Kills n. pers. Pedahel.
,ΙΙΧΓΠΒ η. pers. P e d a h z u r .
u r m eX t "
n. pers. Padon.
Π Π 3 deliverance.
( ί ) Π ^ Β n. pers. Pedaiah.
DVHS r a n s o m .
f H B , ^ Ή Β ransom m o n e y .
η. terr. P a d d a n .
JHB q dub.
TIB suet.
Π "IB -» ΠΠΒ.
Π Β m o u t h (man, animal), jaws, beak; opening, e n t r a n c e ; edge
(sword)·, utterance, c o m m a n d ; w. two portions, two
t h i r d s ; w. 3 according to, corresponding to, as m u c h as,
accordingly (as); w. ί> according to, corresponding to, in con-
junction rv. inf. whenever, only w h e n ; w. ty according to.
IB ,ΠΒ here, hither.
ΠΚ1Β n. pers. P u a h .
JIB q b e / b e c o m e cold, weak.
ni be enfeebled, powerless.
*!TH3 slackening.
ΠΊΒ ,ΠίΒ η. pers. P u v a h .
Π1Β q blow.
219 lins

hi snort, hurl out, utter; Cant. 4.16 make fragrant.

Û1B n. peop. Put.
fy^S n. pers. Putiel.
"IS^EIS n. pers. Potiphar.
Dis ""tiiS η. pers. Potiphera.
TJ1S eye-paint; cement.
^iS beans.
KB n. pers., n. peop. Pul.
J1S q be helpless?
r u i s rd. Π35Π (II Chron. 25.23).
\J1B gent. Punite.
plS n. place Punon.
njHB n. pers. f . Puah,
ps q be scattered; be driven out, overflow.
ni be scattered ; II Sam.. 18.8 rd. Q spread.
hi scatter, disperse; be scattered; Job 18.11 pursue; Job 40.11
let overflow.
PIS q reel.
hi wobble; obtain; let attain, grant.
n¡5íB stumbling.
"IIS hi break, frustrate.
HB lot; pi. festival of Purim.
miB wine-press.
ΝΓΠΊΒ n. pers. Poratha.
I tîHB q trample, paw the ground.
I I ti»lS ni be scattered.
TllB gent. Puthite.
TB pure gold.
I Π3 ho pt. set with gold.
I I TTS q be agile.
pi leap.
"ITS q pt. pass, scattered.
ni be scattered.
pi scatter, spread abroad.
pu pt. scattered.
I ΠΒ clapnet.
I I "ΠΒ plate.
-ins 220 nwB

"Π2 q tremble, be afraid; Isa. 60.5 leap.

pi be afraid; Prov. 28.14 be God-fearing.
hi make to shake.
I "ΙΠ5 trembling, terror; Job 39.16 w. unconcerned; w. pnx?
Fear of Isaac?, Kinsman of Isaac? ( title of a God).
I I ''HIS loin, thigh,
- n i n e fear.
ΠΠΒ governor; deputy.
ÎHS q pt. insolent, undisciplined.
TPS frothing over.
*ΓΜΠΒ telling lies.
nrtS hi be captive?
DHS charcoal.
ΠΠΒ pit.
-KÌD n n s n. pers. Pahath-moab.
ΓιΓ)ΠΒ penetration (by rotting).
¡TTOS yellow precious stone chrysolite?
ΟΉ*ΰΒ rd. Q_(I Chron. 9.33) exempt from duty.
tt"t2B sledge-hammer.
"ICS q elude; free from duty, let flow freely; I Kings 6 D^SÏ ^ ß B
festoons of flowers?, buds?
hi w. nsb>3 make a wry mouth (in scorn).
IBS firstborn.
*mt2S firstborn.
"β ΠΒ.
nD2"' , S n. place Pi-beseth.
T B misfortune, ruin.
η'ΤΠΠ "'S η. place Pi-hahiroth.
nr>3 pi. of ΠΒ.
Π"1? soot.
n. pers. Phicol.

C S unit of weight pim (between j . i j and 7.77 g).

nn>S fat.
DH^B n. pers. Phinehas.
I^B n. peop. ? Pinon.
rWS^B with double edges.

ptí^B η. river Pishon.

|ίΓΡΒ n. pers. Pithon.
η δ jug.
Π2Β pi trickle.
D^DStn m . S n. pers. Pochereth-hazzebaim.
ni be too hard, too difficult; be extraordinary, marvellous;
pt. pi. f . also marvels, wonders, marvellous acts, Job 3J.5
wondrously, Dan. 8.24 in monstrous fashion, Dan. 11.36
unheard-of things.
hi make marvellous, do wondrously; act/deal wondrously with;
inf. abs. also wondrously.
hitp show oneself marvellous.
I I KÍ>B /»¿fulfil (vow).
hi perform (vow).
8*75 extraordinary thing, marvel, wondrous thing; Lam. i.g in
horrible fashion; Dan. 12.6 wondrous event.
^ ¡ S ri. Q_ (Judg. 13.18) wondrous.
"W^B gent. Palluite.
.TN^S rd. Q_(Ps. 139.6) wondrous.
¡TNte n. pers. Pelaiah.
ni be divided.
pi cut open, channel.
I 3*73 canal, channel, stream.
I I J^B n. pers. Peleg.
* division ; watercourse,
tW^B f . concubine; Ezek. 23.20 m. lecher.
" Τ π | β steel?
tt^B η. pers. Pildash.
ni be distinguished, select.
hi treat specially ; distinguish.
« ^ B n. pers. Pallu.
•gftS —• ·
Γΐί>Β q furrow.
pi rupture; cut u p ; give birth to, drop.
Π^Β f . slice; millstone; w. n ^ j " figs pressed in a disc.
ΝΠ^Β η. pers. Pilha.

β^δ q escape.
pi bring to safety, deliver; Job 21.10 give birth, bring forth;
Job 2J.7 establish (right),
n. pers. Pelet.
ntaU —•
lû^B η. pers. Paid \ gent. Paltite.
"•Û^B η. pers. Piltai.
η. pers. Paltiel.
η. pers. Pelatiah.
ΓΤ^Β ». pers. Pelaiah.
t i ^ B one who escapes, fugitive also coll.
one who escapes, fugitive.
ΠΒ^Β what has escaped, remains over; escape, deliverance.
n^B decision.
Φ^Β calling for judgment.
IT^S judgment.
I spindle-whorl.
I I T¡Í?B district, region.
I ^ S pi judge, decide; Gen. 48.11 expect; Ezek. 16.52 become
substitute for.
hitp arbitrate.
I I ^ B hitp pray, petition.
^ B n. pers. Palai.
¡T^B η. pers. Pelaliah.
VÌQ^B such and such a one.
\ίί>Β a certain one, someone; nOJD^K such and such.
I DÍ>B pi prepare; Ps. ¡8.3 prepare the way.
I I D^B pi Prov. 5 note, observe.
D^B scales.
}·ί>2 hitp shake.
ΠίΧ^Β shaking.
ί Λ ε hitp roll.
ΠΒ'/'Β η. ten. Philistia.
"'Plti'^B gent. Philistine.
ΠΪΒ n. pers. Peleth.
"n^B gent. Pelethite.
"|B lest, so that not; Prov. 25.8 otherwise.
223 nos

MS kind of food, unexplained.

HJB q turn, turn towards, follow a direction; pay heed; expect; turn
round, turn back; go on; apply oneself attentively; dawn,
decline ( time of day ) ; turn ( the back ) ; be directed, face.
pi remove, clear up, make clear, prepare.
hi turn (intrans.), turn round, retreat; turn (the back), turn
ho turn; be directed, face.
* n j B face, countenance; appearance, expression; self; look; inten-
tion; visible side, surface, front, edge (sword)', Joel 2.20 van;
XV. nor^D battle-front; D\]S(n) (ΠΠ1?) |Γφΐ£> table for shew-
bread; before, earlier, formerly.
\5B w. to the front of, along; w. HS before; n>. 3 before,
against; w. ϊ before (time,place), in front of, quicker than; \3ΒνΊ2
before, away from, starting from, because of; w. |D before, away
from, on before, on the part of, because oí, Job ιγ.12 compared
with; w. by before, in view of, facing, over against, at the ex-
pense of.
ΓΒΒ corner, corner-tower, battlement; leader.
n. pers., n. place Penuel.
Dm s -»Dmis.
^K^JS n. place Peniel.
D^JB rd.Q_(Prov. 3.15).
D\3B pi. of njB.
HDiJB inside, within; w. ^ on the inside, into the interior; w. |D
^D^JB inner.
O W B corals.
¡"I3JB n. pers.f. Peninnah.
pJB pi pamper.
"DB pl. multi-coloured?, ankle-length?
3DB pi go through?
njpS n. place Pisgah.
Ο'ΐΠ DB η. place Pas-dammim.
τ· abundance?
ΠΟΒ q be lame, limp; pass over, spare.
riDS 224

ni become lame.
pi limp around (cultic dance).
H p s passover; sacrifice of passover.
HOS n. pers. Paseah.
ΠΒ3 lame.
' • > D S idol.
n. pers. Pasach.
Í>DB q hew.
Í>DS idol.
DDB q cease, disappear.
n S D S n. pers. Pispah.
nys q groan.
n. place P a u .
liys n. deity, n. place Peor.
^S n. place Pai.
^JJB q make, practise, commit, perpetrate, work ; do, do to, a c c o m -
plish, carry out, Job 36.3 pt. maker.
^JJS deed, labour, w o r k ; doing, w o r k i n g ; wages, acquisition.
* riv'JJS labour, d e e d ; reward, wages, punishment.
n. pers. Peullethai.
Dys q impel.
ni be agitated.
hitp be disquieted.
Dys / foot, step, pace; Isa. 41.7 anvil; time, occurrence; Neh.
13.20 once; DJJBfl this time, at last; DJJB—DJJ3 now — n o w ;
DJJB2(-)Dî;b3 as always.
; i n y s bell.
mys m y s nJBs.
Ί])ΐι q open wide.
•HyS n. pers. Paarai.
Í1XB q gape, open wide; Ps. 66.14 open; Ps. 144 Aram, rescue.
I ΠΧΒ q be glad.
I I ΠΧΒ pi shatter.
ΠΤΧΒ sharpening.
ftCB pi strip, peel.
DÌ^XS strips.
DXB q split.
yxB 225 nps

JfifB q wound, crush.

JJXB wound.
ptB poel shatter.
pilp dash in pieces.
hitpo be shattered.
j>sB -> }>SB n i a .
{•SB η. pers. Pizzez.
"TOB q urge someone strongly, press.
hi be rebellious.
pB shaking.
"lpB q seek, seek out, search; attend to, come to the aid of; miss,
long for; enrol, muster; appoint, install, set, enjoin, com-
mission; call to account, requite; II Kings 5.24 deposit;
Num. 4.32 entrust.
ni be missed, be missing, go missing; be summoned, be
appointed, be called to account; befall; be affected.
pi muster.
pu be summoned; be determined.
hi order, commission, appoint, commit; deposit, bring into
custody, entrust; Lev. 26.16 ordain; I Sam. 2g.4 assign;
Isa. 10.28 leave behind.
ho be commissioned, appointed; be entrusted, deposited;
Jer. 6.6 be called to account.
http be numbered, mustered.
hotpaal be numbered, mustered.
ΓΠρΒ office, service, division for service; guard, care; sentry; ad-
ministration; requital, visitation; muster, census; Num. 16.2g
fate; Isa. 15.7 what remains o v e r \ J e r . 52.11 w. ΓΡ3 prison.
jilpB deposit, store.
ΓΠρΒ m. ^Jia commander of the guard.
lipB n. peop., n. terr. Pekod.
" D'HpB Ex. 38.21 calculation of costs,
Hps q open; Ps. 146.8 open the eyes.
ni be opened.
nps 226 nine

npS n. pers. Pekah.

npS having sight.
¡rnpS n. pers. Pekahiah.
nip-npB opening.
T p S deputy, overseer, officer.
" D ^ p S gourd-shaped ornaments.
°nVpS gourds.
"IB young (male) ox, young bull.
SIS hi flourish/1, bear fruit?
N"IS wild ass or zebra.
DK1S n. pers. Piram.
"I2*]3 forecourt.
IIS q pt. pass, outspread.
ni divide, part; be separated, isolated.
pi go aside.
pu pt. separated.
hi separate, isolate ; disperse.
hitp be separated, be dispersed.
IIS mule.
TPS she-mule,
ni-ns seeds.?
ETI® orchard, park.
•TIS q be fruitful, produce fruit.
hi make fruitful.
I MIS cow.
II m s ». place Parah.
rns K-is.
niS n. pers. Purah.
Ν1ΠΒ n. pers. Peruda.
DVnS rd.Q_(Esther g.ig).
nns n. pers. Paruah.
D^llS n. place Parvaim.
"inS forecourt.
"lilS pot, cooking-pot.
nils - + n n s ïsn.
*nS ,*ΠΒ Hab. 3.14 text con.
]1ΠΒ inhabitants of the open country?
n i n S open country.
TIS 227 pa

•"PS inhabitant of the open country; open country.

"ΉΒ gent. Perizzite.
I m s q sprout, bud, blossom; break out (skin-disease), burst open
hi cause to sprout, blossom ; flourish.
I I ° m e qpt. flying?
ΓΠΒ bud, flower (also as ornament).
ΠΓΠΒ brood ?
Ens q bawl?
tSIS fallen grapes.
OS fruit (also in the broadest sense).
ST"1S n. pers. Perida.
P"1B burglar, robber; Isa. 35.ç tearing.
TJ~IS ill-treatment.
Π3ΊΒ curtain.
DIS q tear in pieces.
Xriti'DIB n. pers. Parmashta.
n. pers. Parnach.
DIB q break.
hi have hoofs, divided hoofs.
DTS vulture?
D"1S n. peop. Persians; n. ten. Persia.
ncnS foot; hoof.
"'D'lB gent. Persian.
>HS q let hang loose, unbind; release, abandon oneself to, ignore;
pt. pass, also unbridled.
ni become unbridled, degenerate.
hi let be negligent; cause the spread of degeneracy.
I loose hair of the head.
II jne -<· j n s nais.
n'y "ι Β
I PiHs flea.
I I BtynS η. pers. Parosh.
pnjTlB n. place Pirathon.
ê e n t · Pirathonite.
1 B 1 B n. river Pharpar.
p S q breach, tear down, break in, break through; overflow,
I pB 228 TBhB

spread; make a gap, a breach (in opposing ranks); urge

ni pt. frequent.
pu pt. torn down.
hit ρ break away.
I pB bursting, gap, breach, bursting out.
II p B n. pers. Perez.
^ n S gent. Perezite.
D^XTS n. place Perazim.
pS n. place Perez-uzzah.
Πί$> p s ' '
P"IB q Ps. 7 . j tear?; Aram, tear off, rescue.
pi pull off, rend.
hitρ pull off ; be torn off.
P"IB parting of ways; spoil.
*P"1B crumbled thing.
I "HB hi break, destroy, annul, frustrate, invalidate; burst (fruit),
ho be shattered, annulled, frustrated.
I I "ΠΒ q Isa. 24.1g inf. abs. in conjunction with hitpo.
poel rouse.
pilp shake.
hitpo rock to and fro.
ttHB q spread, stretch, spread out; Isa. 33.23 make to shiver;
Micah 3.3; Lam. 4.4 -* DIB.
ni be scattered.
pi spread, scatter.
tiHB q give instructions.
ni rd. rv'ttHBJ (Ezek. 34.12).
pu be determined ; pt. section by section.
hi secrete poison.?, sting ?
I >¿>"13 contents of stomach.
I I BHS n. pers. Peresh.
11HS horseman; steed,
•'fitihB loophole.
Τ TT τ
exact statement.
TtîHB spread.
NfTUtiHB 229 Inns

NrnitñS η. pers. P a r s h a n d a t h a .
ΓΠΒ η. river E u p h r a t e s .
r n i q pt.f. of m a .
DOrriS nobles,
nbs q spread.
JWB q step.
I?E>B step.
ptPfl q open wide.
pi spread wide.
PB rd-νψΒ (Job 35.15).
ΠΒ>2 pi tear in pieces.
"lVlti>3 η. pers. P a s h h u r .
WB q take off, strip off; undress, shed t h e skin; make straight
pi strip.
hi take off, strip, strip off; flay.
hitp strip off.
JJtPB q break (with), transgress, revolt, rebel.
ni pt. treated faithlessly.
J?B>B offence, revolt, rebellion; Micah 6.7 a t o n e m e n t ?
°"ltt>B explanation, interpretation.
•T)¿>B flax, linen Titi>5 stalks of flax.
n n i f S flax, linen; wick.
ΠΒ morsel, bit.
"ΠΒ forehead ; f r o n t , façade.
D i x n s -»DNflfi.
CSriB pi. 0 / \ΠΒ.
DKnS instantly, suddenly, unexpectedly.
32"ΓιΒ food, board, table.
°DJilB decree, order, sentence.
I ΠΠΒ q be inexperienced, simple; be deluded, allow oneself to be led
ni let oneself be deluded.
pi delude, lead astray, seduce; p e r s u a d e ; deceive, d e f r a u d .
pu allow oneself to be led astray, be seduced ; allow oneself to be
II nns 230 nns

I I ° n n s q open wide?
hi provide ample space.
Í W n S n. pers. Pethuel.
nWB engraving, carving,
"lins η. place Pethor.
" n i n s piece, morsel.
I n n s q open, uncover; strip; conquer (city)·, draw (sword)·, solve
(riddle) ; offer for sale (corn).
ni be opened; open; be set free, released ; 32.1g be vented.
pi open, loosen, untie; open up; break open; Gen. 24.32 un-
http loosen.
I I n n s pi engrave, carve.
pu pt. engraved.
ΠηΒ opening, entrance, door, gate,
n n s disclosure, communication.
* ; i n n s opening.
,ΤΠηΒ η. pers. Pethahiah.
I ·>ηβ inexperienced, simple.
I I \nS simplicity.
^rnS fine garment, gorgeous gown.
nvnB simplicity.
"Tin^nS drawn sword.
^nS thread, cord, rope.
ÍTlS ni Gen. 30.8 wrestle, struggle; pt. cunning, wily.
http show oneself cunning, wily.
í'n^nS false, corrupt.
DhS n. place Pithom.
°]nS cobra.
yns instant; adv. instantly, in a moment,
ins q explain, interpret.
Dinne η. terr. Pathros (Upper Egypt).
D>pnns n. peop. Pathrusim (inhabitants of Upper Egypt).
"|inns explanation, interpretation,
nns q crumble.

NX Isa. 30.22 filth or imv. afW" away with!

*ΠΧΧ excrement.
ΠΝΧ excrement, filth, loathsome thing.
"•WS filthy.
D^NX thorny lotus.
I MX coll. small cattle; I Sam. 25.2 sheep.
n. place Zaanan.
D^KXNX offspring, descendants.
I - X covered wagon, wagon.
I I ax Lev. 11.2g thorn-tailed lizard.
K3X q wage war, do duty.
hi muster.
I tOX army, host; military service; forced-labour; service in the cult;
pi. hosts.
I I *K2X parallel form o / I I ^ X gazelle.
N2X ->N5 S X.
" H S j X female gazelle.
τ χ :

D^XbX n. place Zeboiim.

Π22Χ n. pers. Zobebah.
Π2Χ q swell up.
hi make to swell up.
Π2Χ -> KDiX.
"ΓΙ^'Χ q pt. of N2X.
"TQX swollen up.
JJOX hyena.
Î2DX q pass.
I ornament, glory.
II ^X gazelle.
H^X n. pers. Zibia.
ΓΡ3Χ n. pers. f . Zibiah.
¡T2X female gazelle.
• (Όί'-Χ D^hX.
Ì)jX coloured cloth.
filOX n. pers. Zibeon.
n^as 232 Ito*

D^JjaS η. place Zeboim.

Ί3Ϊ q heap up, store up.
*"I3S heap.
"Has bundle of heads of corn.
I "IS side, flank, hip.
I I " I S snare.
"ITS n. place Zedad.
I ms q lie in wait for.
I I ' r n s ni be devastated.
mΤs" - » η Ττ χ•· .
pì"lS η. pers. Zadok.
evil intention, premeditation.
O^S η. place Ziddim.
P'HS innocent, righteous, just ; godly, right, correct.
•O'lS - » ^ T S .
ri»Jis - o j ' t s .
pTf q be innocent, be righteous, prove to be right, be just.
ni be reinstated in its rights.
pi make to appear righteous; consider oneself in the right;
declare to be in the right; w. WSJ prove oneself righteous.
hi declare innocent; treat as innocent; declare righteous;
dispense justice, attribute right, help to procure rights.
hitρ justify oneself.
p I S what is right, correct; righteousness; justice; victory.
p i sτ ->• 'pins.
1 Τ

npTS right conduct, justice; godliness; innocence; legal claim, right;

victory, goodness ; pi. also just cause, just deeds, acts of justice,
deeds of victory, uprightness, godliness.
(l)rpp"lS n. pers. Zedekiah.
ans ho pt. gleaming red.
ahs gleaming red.
I *?ns q neigh ; shout with joy.
pi make shrill.
II tax 233 I ms

I I fcw hi make to shine.

ΊΠΧ hi press out oil.
irre roof.
onmt midday, noontide.
i? zaw meaning dub. ; mimicking?, name of letter of alphabet?
1KW neck, nape.
n a i s .«nix n. place., n. terr. Zobah.
nix q hunt, lie in wait for ; spy on.
pol catch.
m s pi appoint, order, summon; charge, command.
pu receive command, be charged.
m s q cry.
n m x cry.
r ¿ í x abyss (of sea).
DIS q fast.
DiS fasting, time of fasting.
i j n x n. pers. Zuar.
l i s q flow.
hi cause to flood ; make to float,
I «lis liquid honey.
I I η « n. pers. Zuph.
ItBÍS n. pers. Zophah.
"'BIS n. pers. Zophai.
D-'BiS element of n. place Ramathaim-zophim.
IBIS n. pers. Zophar.
I p s q blossom.
hi blossom; Ps. 132.18 radiate.
II p s hi glance.
I pis hi oppress, press hard.
I I pis q pour,
pis affliction,
fi¡5ÍS affliction.
I ms q tie up; clasp, surround, besiege; Judg. g.31 unite, stir u p ;
Isa. 2Ç.3 xp. 2SD post sentries around ; Cant. 8.g bar.
I I nix 234 ΠΤΧ

I I I I S q show hostility, press hard.

I I I T X q trace o u t ; fashion, mould.
I H i boulder, rock.
I I nix pebble, feldspar.
I I I niX η. pers. Z u r .
nix π n'x.
*mx -OK«.
"ΠηίΧ plan; form,
^ κ η « η. pers. Zuriel.
η. pers. Zurishaddai.

" D V ' n « necklace,

nix hi kindle.
ΠΧ brilliant, radiant; Isa. 18.4; Jer. 4.11 Z a h (name of month,
τ *
τ ·

"ΠΗΧ parched.
ΠΠΧ q gleam, be white.
D^nnX rd.Q_(Neh.4.7).
glaring, bare surface; Neh. 4.J open place?
ΓΙΙΤΠΧ bare, scorched region.
"¡"ΠΠΧ stench, putrefaction.
ΓιίΠΧΠΧ bare, scorched region.
prtX q laugh.
pi fondle, jest; make fun of, make m e r r y ; disport oneself.
ΡΠΧ laughter, mockery,
nnx n. place? Zahar.
- n n x white?, sandy-coloured?
nnx n. pers. Zohar.
I "'"»X ship.
I I Vï demon.
" N ^ X n. pers. Ziba.
T X hit ρ take as provision.
I T X hunting, game.
I I T X food, provision.
"TX hunter.
ΠT X provision.

p^X ,]ÍTX η. pers., η. place Sidon.

V'TX ."JITX gent. Sidonian.
ΓΡΧ drought; dry, waterless region.
pX dry, waterless region.
pX η. place Zion.
px stone mark, monument, road-mark.
«ITS n. pers. Ziha.
P^X iron collar,
•iyx n. place Zior.
«?X rd. Q_(I Chron. 6.20).
I px coll. blossom, flowers; plate worn on forehead.
II px -• p x n .
ηχιχ tuft of hair; tassel.

TX http dub.
I TX envoy.
I I * T X pi. labour-pains, convulsions.
I I I " T X Isa. 45.16 image, form; Ps. 4g. 15 rd. K.
I V " T X Prov. 26.14 pivot-cup.
^X shadow.
q roast.
n£x n. pers.f. Zillah.
^X rd. Κ (jfudg. 7.13) flat cake.
ΓΙ^Χ q be fit, strong, effective; be of use; succeed, have success;
w. ΠΠ take possession of.
hi have success; let succeed, give success.
°nvf?X bowl.
*nrrtx ,ηπ^χ
^ X roasted meat.
q ring; tremble.
^X sink. shadowy, dark.
X qq grow
hi give shade.
,^Χ ,ί^Χ forms of ^X.
statue, model, image.
JID^X n. pers., n. place Zalmon.
nittfx 236 DpDX

ΓΠΟ^Χ darkness.
ΠΛ^Χ n. place Zalmonah.
η. pers. Zalmunna.
J)^X q limp, be lame.
î ^ ï stumbling.
I J?^X rib; side; side-chamber, annexe; door-leaf; board; beam.
I I yftl n. place Zela.
η. pers. Zalaph.
η. pers. Zelophehad.
ΠΧ^Χ η. place Zelzah.
D^X^X cymbals.
P^X n. pers. Zelek.
"•n^s n. pers. Zillethai.
NDX q be thirsty.
τ τ
KDX thirsty, parched.
ΠΚΠΧ thirst.
thirsty, waterless territory.
IDS ni associate oneself with.
pu pt. fastened.
hi harness.
"IQX pair; yoke (square measure, area which can he ploughed by a pair
of oxen in a day).
*ΠΘΧ veil.
D^plBX bunches of dried grapes.
HDX q sprout.
pi sprout, grow again.
hi make to sprout; cause to sprout.
ΠΏΧ sprouting, growth ; plant, shoot.
I TOS bracelet.
I I TDX cover.
DN2X trapping equipment snare?
HJVDX vp. í> irrevocably.
PDS q dry up, shrivel.
D"pQX -> D^plDX.
IDS 237 nys

"IDS wool.
ΉΟΧ gent. Zemarite.
D"|"1DS n. place Zemaraim.
ΓΠΕΧ tree-top.
riDS q silence, annihilate.
ni be silenced, annihilated.
pil silence, annihilate.
hi silence, annihilate.
nnps nrvps-
*;S thorn, hook.
jS n. place Zin.
*KJS rd. DDJNS (Num. 32.24).
fU'S small cattle.
I *Π3Χ coldness.
I I MJS large, upright shield,
niis Amos 4.2 pi. of ;s.
"JJÍJS humble.
«11JS rd. (¿(Isa. 62.3).
"IÍ3S cataract; II Sam. 5.8 dub.
nJS qjosh. 15.18 ; Judg. /./.¿clap the hands?, bend down? \Judg. 4.21
C M thorns.
«VJS head-band.
* n s v ? head-band.
*DJS withered, shrivelled.
JJS n. place Zenan.
D-JJS -+DÍ».
yjS hi walk humbly.
flJS q wrap together.
nsJï bundle.
DJSJS receptacle ; jar.
°' v ni"injs pipes?
nys q step.
hi make to march.
1JJX step; walking.
H1J?S marching; Isa. 3.20 step-chain.
nj)S q be bowed with fetters; sprawl (prostitute)·, stride along;
238 .TBS

Jer. 48.12 pt. cellarman.

pi tilt, pour out.
*HΫt rd. Q (Jer. 14.3; 48.4).
veil, wrapper.
I small; young; lowly; Jer. 14.3 underling.
II n. place Zair.
¡TVJJX smallness; youth.
q pull down.
η. place Zoan.
D^JJJS n. place Zaanannim.
D^ÏJJS casting. ?
pys q cry; cry for help.
ni be called together, mustered.
pi cry.
hi call together, summon.
n¡?Í)S outcry, lamentation, cry for help.
"IJ?¥ q be/become small, insignificant; Zech. 13.7 pt. shepherd-boy.
"ly'ï η. place Zoar.
"IBS q contract, shrivel.
I ΠΒΪ q keep watch, be on the look out ; lie in wait.
pi look out.
I I ΠΒΪ q spread out.
pi plate; overlay.
pu pt. overlaid.
'•'ΠΒΪ discharge?
ÍBX n. pers. Zepho.
HBX plating.
I JiBX north; Cant. 4.16 north wind.
II η. place Zaphon.
η. pers. Zephon.
I "OÌBS northerner.
I I ΌΪΒΧ gent. Zephonite.
iJJlBS rd. Q (Ezek. 4.15) dung.
I "lisi f . bird; coll. birds.
II liSï η. pers. Zippor.
ΓιΠεϊ vessel, flask?
η. pers. Zephi.
*Γζβϊ look-out.

η. per s. Ziphion.
niT>Sï flat cake.
"PBS rd.(¿(Ps. 17.14).
"VBX he-goat.
MTBS garland.
JTSS cushion.
• τ

IBS q hide (trans.), shelter, store up; keep away; hide (intrans.),
lie in wait for; pt. pass, also treasure.
ni be hidden; be reserved, fixed.
hi hide.
(l)ITJBS n. pers. Zephaniah.
riJJJS HJBS n. pers. Zaphenath-paneah.
V?? (poisonous) snake, viper.
*HJ>BX leaf.
(poisonous) snake, viper.
^BS pilp chirp; twitter; whisper.
TBSBS willow.
IBS q rd. ΟΣΓΓ.Γ (Judg. 7.3).
Tes -»lies.
¡¿TIBS frog ; coll. frogs.
ΓΠΒΧ n. pers.f. Zipporah.
I ISS nail (finger, toe) ; point of graver.
ΓΙΒΧ capital.
ΓιΒΪ η. place Zephath.
Π Γι SS n. place Zephathah.
]ps Isa. 26.16 dub.
n. place Ziklag.
*f?i?¥ dub.
I "IS narrow, limited; affliction, anguish; distress.
I I "IS oppressor, adversary, enemy.
I l l "IS Isa. 5.28 pebble.
I S n. place Zer.
"IS -+ us.
I Ts pebble; flint knife.
I I TS η. place Tyre.
21S ni be scorched.
240 mis

Γΰ"1¥ scorching; scar.
Π"ΠΪ η. place Zeredah.
I ΓΠΧ distress, affliction.
I I *ΓΠΧ I Sam. 1.6 rival-wife.
!T1"IX n. pers.f. Zeruiah.
n^ns n. pers.f. Zeruah.
I ΐϊηγ bag, sack.
I I "I'm stone, pebble.
I I I "111? η. pers. Zeror.
ΓΠΧ q cry.
hi raise the battle-cry.
"HX gent. Tyrian.
"""IS mastic gum.
ΉΧ η. pers. Zeri.
rnx rnnx.
ΓΡ"ΙΧ cave; cellar,
οηχ pl. of Il'ï.
*η"ϊΧ need.
U"T2f q pt. pass, suffering from a skin eruption.
pu pt. suffering from a skin eruption,
n j n x depression, demoralization,
fljnx n. place Zorah.
"J'Çi gent. Zorite.
ΠJ) "l'i skin eruption,
^nyis gent. Zorathite.
q smelt, refine, sift; pt. also goldsmith, silversmith.
ni be refined.
pi smelt, refine.
Ί£ΠΧ goldsmiths' guild.
ΓιΒΊΧ η. place Zarephath, Sarepta.
I "ΠΧ q tie up, wrap u p ; shut u p ; be narrow, cramped; be distressed,
oppressed ; be grieved, anxious.
pu pt. patched up.
hi afflict; be in affliction.
I I I I S q show hostility to, make war upon; be rival-wife.
*ΓΓΠΧ n. place Zererah.
mx 241 πικηπ m a p

nix η. pers. Zereth.

ΊΠΒ'Π ηΊΧ η. place Zereth-shahar.
]ΓΠΧ η. place Zarethan.

* K p vomit.
nM¡? ,ΓιΚρ species of owl?
2p dry measure kab (between 1.2 and 2.5 I).
22p q wish (someone) ill, curse.
¡"D¡5 rennet-bag, fourth stomach of ruminants; Num. 25.8 dub.
H2p women's quarter.
*}>12P dub.
rnfàp grave; burial.
°^2p pi accept, receive; undertake; choose.
hi be opposite to.
° "V2p siege-engine battering-ram ? ; II Kings 15.10 text corr.
ynp q cheat.?, rob?
n y a p cup.
q gather ; gather together.
ni gather; be gathered.
pi gather, gather together, harvest; w. "IÌ1NS grow pale or
pu pt. gathered.
hitp gather together.
Í>SX?P n. place Kabzeel.
"HXpp gathering.
D?X2p n. place Kibzaim.
"I2p q bury.
ni be buried.
pi bury.
pu be buried.
"12p grave.
,nisnn ni"l2p n. place Kibroth-hattaavah.
nisnn n l 2 p
"Hp 242 BHp

l i p q bow (in homage).

r n p cassia.
CDnp dub.
ΓΠρ a flare up ; kindle.
ΠΠ^ρ inflammation ; fever.
DH*1¡? what is in front > east side, east; east wind.
D i p pi lead the way; meet, advance towards; Ps. 1 ig.i4jf. ; Jonah
4.2 forestall, do early (Aram.),
hi Amos; Job 41.3 rd. pi.
D i p in front; east; earlier, of old; antiquity, primeval times; adv.
from of old.
" D i p east.
*ΠΟ"ΐρ origin; former condition; former time; Ps. 12g.6 w. ψ before,
ere (Aram.).
*¡"ID"lp over against.
H Q n . pers. Kedemah.
"I^IP eastern.
fiiDlj? η. place Kedemoth.
^"•ΕΠρ f. pers. Kadmiel.
I "Oblp eastern, former, earlier; coll. forefathers; Isa. 43.18 former
I I ij'Dip gent. Kadmonite.
nbnp ->rriD-ip.
crown of the head; parting,
"lip q grow dark; be/become turbid, dirty; wear mourning.
hi darken; cause to mourn.
hit ρ grow dark.
"Hp n. pers., n. peop. Kedar.
"i"Hp n. river Kidron.
nmp darkness.
in mourning.
q be holy.
ni show oneself holy; be hallowed.
pi declare holy; consecrate, dedicate; transmit holiness; regard
as holy.
ΒΗΡ 243 π^ρ

pu pt. consecrated, dedicated.

hi let be holy; consecrate, dedicate, offer; treat as holy.
hitp purify, sanctify oneself ; show oneself holy,
t ñ p•-Γ -vtPinp.τ
I BHp sacred, (cult) prostitute.
I I VHp n. place Kadesh.
BHj? n. place Kedesh.
tiH¡3 holy thing; holiness; holy place; pi. also offerings.
tih|? n. place Kadesh-barnea.
nnp q become blunt.
pi become blunt.
ί>Πρ ni assemble.
hi assemble, convoke.
^"P assembly, convocation, congregation.
Π^Πρ assembly, congregation.
Π/'Πρ preacher.
Πη^Πρ n. place Kehelathah.
ΠΠρ n. pers. Kohath.
W p gent. Kohathite.
line, measuring-line; Isa. 18.2,7 r<^· vigour.
1¡? kaw meaning dub.\ mimicking?, name of letter of alphabet ?
N'p rd. Sip (II Chron. 1.16) n. terr. Ko, Cilicia.
»Gip helmet.
tthip ιsnp.
I mp q wait for, hope.
pi wait for, hope, expect; lie in wait,
limp «¿gather.
*mp rd. Q (I Kings 7.23; Jer. 31.3g; Zech. 1.16).
mp rd. S i p ( I Kings 10.28) n. terr. Ko, Cilicia.
nip -»nip-nps.
ß p q loathe.
ni feel loathing.
hitpol loathe.
"?ip sound, noise, blast, stir, din ; voice, call ; listen ! ; pi. also thunder ;
Gen. 45.16 report, news.
mi>ip n. pers. Kolaiah.
Dp 244 löp

Dip q stand up, rise up, rebel; come to pass; endure; be valid;
belong to; Lev. 27.14,17 stand; I Sam. 4.15; I Kings 14.4
be/become fixed; pt. also adversary.
pi Aram, ratify, regulate, confirm; raise up.
pol erect.
hi raise up, erect, appoint; make/command to rise; rouse; per-
form, observe, honour; bring about, provide; Ps. 107.2g
make; Ruth 4.5,10 revive.
ho be erected, performed, set.
hitpol rebel.
riDip height, stature.
DVDDip adv. erect.
;Jip pol of pp.
yip n. peop. Koa.
*ηίρ ape.
I p p q loathe; dread.
I I p p hi tear asunder; split open.
I pp thorn-bushes, thorns.
II p p n. pers. K o z .
*nÍ3fl¡? locks.
Τip q dig.
*Hp thread.
s-iip π *np.
¡"nip beam, rafters,
t T p q trap, lay snares.
ΙΓΡΒΊρ n. pers. Kushaiah.
'τ willow.
tap only?, little?
* 2 û p , - Ç p sting; contagious disease, destruction.
ΓΠίβρ smoke of sacrifice.
r ™ * p n. pers.f. Keturah.
c ^p ^ kill.
]12p q be small, insignificant.
hi make small.
245 tnn τ ρ

small one.
í¿¡? small, insignificant; young, youngest,
small, insignificant; young, younger, youngest.
I I ]t2¡3 n. pers. Katan.
1 ¿ P q pluck, break off.
ni be cut down.
I "Ιβρ pi send (sacrifice) up in smoke, burn incense.
pu pt. perfumed.
hi send u p in smoke, burn incense.
ho go u p in smoke, be offered.
I I n a p q pt. pass, enclosed?, unroofed?
smoke of sacrifice.
P<?¡? n. place Kitron.
l ° ¡ ? smoke of sacrifice; incense.
ritsp n. place Kattath.
q spew out; vomit.
hi spew out.
what is vomited up, spewed out.
ï t a p ,-iitap standing up.
" D p pol chant a dirge,
- n τo p' · spear.
ΓΡ n. pers., n. place Cain; n. peop. Kenites.
ι "ΓΡ- dirge.
ι 1 ΓΡ n. place Kinah.
I njp gent. Kenite.
I I rPnSp n. pers. Kenan.
Γ? q spend the summer.
hi awake.
VP. s u m m e r ; summer-fruit,
* ] i ï p last, outermost one.
Ρ ι ? Ρ castor-oil plant,
I n p wall, city-wall.
I I η ρ n. place, n. peop. Kir.
b n n n p n. place Kir-heres.
nfenn τ ρ 246

TT? η· place Kir-hareseth.

DT¡? η. pers. Keros.
ti^S n. pers. Kish.
li^p n. river Kishon.
^ p n. pers. Kishi.
^¡3 swift; light.
I yp frivolousness.
I I yp -*VÇ.
rd. Q_(II Sam. 20.14).
I Π^ρ q roast.
ni pt. burning.
I I rbp ni be/become despised.
hi treat contemptuously,
ji^i? disgrace.
n r & ? pot, cauldron.
tS^p q pt. pass, incompletely developed,
^p n. pers. Kallai.
Ν^ζ parched grain.
¡T?p n. pers. Kelaiah.
sts^p n. pers. Kelita.
^p q be/become small, insignificant; be light, swift.
ni be little; humble, lower oneself; be easy, too little; Isa. 30.16
show oneself swift; superficially.
pi declare contemptible, accursed; curse.
pilp Ezek. 21.26 shake; Eccles. 10.10 sharpen, whet.
pu be declared contemptible, accursed; be cursed.
hi lighten, make light, lighter; treat as insignificant, treat con-
hitpalp be shaken.
P burnished.

D^p pi scoff at.
http mock, make fun of.
D^p mockery.
riD^p laughing-stock.
Itfp 247 γιο Jp

I lí7p ^ sling.
/>» sling.
I I JJ^p q carve.
I y^P sling.
II curtain.
meagre, poor.
w. ίά^ψ three-pronged fork.
HDP uncut grain.
n oΤ p - » n ûτ i p .

"¡WDp η. pers. Kemuel.

|ÍDp η. place Kamon.
t?ia¡? weeds.
HDP flour.
1212p q seize.
pu be seized.
*?0ρ q wither?, be infested with insects?
]>Dp q take a handful.
"J'Dp handful; Gen. 41.47 in abundance,
nest; pi. also compartments.
SJp pi be jealous; arouse jealousy; be zealous.
hi provoke jealousy, anger.
Wp jealous.
ΠΝ3Ρ zeal, ardour; passion; jealousy.
I Hip q acquire, buy, ransom.
ni be bought.
hi buy.
I I n j p q create, give birth to.
ΓΟζ reed; cane, pipe, stalk; length of a reed (6 cubits) ; bone of the
upper arm; beam of a balance, scales.
ΠΟρ n. place, n. river Kanah.
Xi3p jealous.
TJp n. pers., n. peup.? Kenaz.
VJp gent. Kenizzite.
•op -»7>¡3.
°|\3p possession, property; Ps. 104.24 created thing?
|1DJp cinnamon.

p p pi nest.
pu pt. nested.
"I'jp. limit?
r j p n. place Kenath.
DDp q practise divination by casting lots; divine,
a Dp divination by casting lots; Prov. 16.10 decision.
DDp poel pluck off?, make to flake?
n p p writing equipment,
rñyp , Π ^ ρ n. place Keilah.
ypiip_ tattooing,
rnjjp dish.
SEp q congeal, thicken.
hi curdle.
¡ÍSS¡r rd. Q_ (Zech. 14.6) frost.
Ίερ pi roll up.
TSP hedgehog; owl.
ΓΠερ anguish, anxiety.
nisp - n ' s p .
tí S ρ arrow-snake?
}'SP q draw together, shut.
ni be carried off?
pi leap.
]>p end, limit, goal; extreme; time of the end; w. ^ or ]D at the end
of, after, . . . later.
2 ï p q cut off, shear.
fashion, shape ; Jonah 2.7 base.
Πχρ q cut down.
pi strike hard; cut off.
hi scrape off.
Πχρ end, border, limit, extremity; point; w. ¡0 also endlessly, en-
tirely, irretrievably.
Πχρ end, border, edge, extremity ; w. 'D also at the extremity,
n s p end.
"Vip end.
shortened, small.
* η ί ϊ ρ end ; generality,
nixp pi. of rap.
HXp black cummin.
I pxp 249 I sip

I ρϊζ. chief, leader.

I I px¡? - n y (Josh. 19.13).
I *!"IJ)*ïp cinnamon-flower.
Iln^ïp η. per s. f . K e z i a h .
PVP - » P V P PDS.
I "VSp harvest, crop.
I I TS¡3 branch.
I ÎÎSp hi scrape off.
I I JJXp pu pt. cornered.
ho pt. cornered.
T¡fp q be/become angry.
ht provoke to anger.
http fly into a rage.
I ηϊρ anger.
II Hos. 10.7 broken-off branch.
Πβϊρ stump?, trunk?
pep q cut o f f , clip.
pi cut o f f , cut u p ; cut through, dash in pieces.
pu pt. cut off.
I "ISp q harvest ; pt. also reaper.
hi rd.Q (Job 24.6).
I I Ttp q be short, too short, shortened; be/become impatient, be
pi shorten.
hi shorten.
"IXp n>. ΠΠ impatience.
short; w.D^SK s h o r t - t e m p e r e d ; Î P . T powerless; w. D^D^ short-
lived ; π>. ΠΓΙ impatient.
°Γ)ϊρ end, e x t r e m i t y ; w. "ftp at the end of, some.
"lg cool, cold.
l'p cold.
np I τρ.
I Sip q call, invoke, n a m e ; a p p o i n t ; s u m m o n ; announce, p r o c l a i m ;
invite; recite, read, read a l o u d ; J e r . 36.18 dictate.
rti be s u m m o n e d , called out, invoked; be called, n a m e d ; be
r e a d ; I Chron. 23.14 be classed among.
II κηρ 250 mp

pu be called, named.
II m p q meet, encounter, befall; inf. also prep, toward, against,
ni permit oneself to be m e t ; happen to b e ; be met with.
hi bring upon.
I Sip partridge.
II Sip n. pers. K o r e .
mp q approach, come near; draw near, come forward.
ni be brought near; approach.
pi cause to come near, bring near, be near, draw near.
hi present, offer, bring; approach; bring near; bring forward.
ni¡? approaching; drawing near,
nip battle, war.
n i p inner self; b o d y ; inner parts; m i d d l e ; w. 3 amongst, in the
midst of.
nip niip.
* n n i p drawing near.
I S i p offering, gift,
*D11p axe.
I H i p q meet, encounter, befall; happen.
ni permit oneself to be met, m e e t ; happen to be.
hi bring to pass, dispose ; choose for oneself.
I I H i p pi lay the beams.
w - ' f y ' l pollution.
Πίζ cold.
nip ->rnïp.
η ί ΐ ζ near ; nearest one, friend, relative.
H i p q shave bald.
ni be shaved bald.
hi shave oneself bald.
ho pt. shaved bald.
H i p bald head.
H i p frost, ice.
H i p n. pers. K a r e a h .
n i p n. pers. K o r a h .
nmp 251 I ΊΊΡ

'"•Oli? baldness,
^rnp gent. Korahite.
ΠΓΠζ bald spot.
•ηρ ®."1?Π and Cy resist.
*Kp¡3 summoned.
Π«ηρ proclamation.
!T~lp city, town.
Hipp η. place Kerioth.
ySlK npp n. place Kiriath-arba.
Place Kiriath-baal.
ya-iKnnnp ^yais'npp.
Qi-i'^n nnp opjp npp.
ΠίϊΠ rnp n. place Kiriath-huzoth.
D^npp n. place Kiriathaim.
^"ΒΓ,Ο^Ίί? "· Place Kiriath-jearim.
n|D-nnp n. place Kiriath-sannah.
"ISDTipp n. place Kiriath-sepher.
°D"lp q cover over with,
pp q shine.
hi have horns,
pp hornig. might; Isa. 5.1 hillside; Hab. 3.4 ray.
TJíSn pp n. pers.f. Keren-happuch.
n. place Karnaim.
Dip q bend down.
Dip hook.
Dip DTp.
•vl7b"ip ankle.
yip q rend, tear away, enlarge; Ps. 35.15 revile.
ni be rent.
Cyip rags, pieces of torn cloth.
)Hp q narrow, purse (the lips in scorn).
pu be pinched off, formed,
¡np mosquito.
I JiiTli? sea-bed, bottom,floor;roof.
II '"'yplp n. place Karka.
np-ip rd. VIP (Num. 24.17).
1p"lp n. place Karkor.
I "lip hi keep cool.
I I TIP 252

I I Tip pilp pull down?, make an uproar?

tiHp board; Ezek. 27.6 cabin wall.
Π"® town.
ΠΓΠρ η. place Kartah.
ΙζΠΡ η. place Kartan.
"HlifP jug.
n i ú ^ p kesitah ( unit of value).
n b p j f p scale.
B>P straw ; chaff.
x ... ».
q be attentive.
hi pay attention, listen to.
StPg attentiveness, paying attention.
"jtPp attentive.
ΠΒ>ρ q be heavy, hard, difficult.
ni pt. distressed.
pi suffer severely.
hi make heavy, hard; harden; suffer severely.
HPp hard, hardened ; severe, difficult.
ffiPp hi harden; treat harshly.
°t2t2>p truth.
°¿Bp bow.
^tPp stubbornness,
ρ^'ρ η. place Kishion.
"lïPp q bind; conspire, be in conspiracy; pt. pass, strong.
ni be bound to ; be closed.
pi fasten, put on.
pu pt. strong.
hitp conspire.
"ItPp conspiracy.
Dna>P ribbons.
mp q gather?
poel gather.
hitpo assemble.
Γ ψ Ρ bow; w. ¡3 arrow,
n t f p archer.
run 253 III tÑn

HS"! q see, take for; become aware of, observe, look at; consider,
experience, know, distinguish; find out, concern oneself
about, visit; choose, select; watch.
ni let oneself be seen, be/become visible, show oneself, appear.
pu be seen.
hi cause to see, show ; cause to experience.
ho be shown.
hitp look at one another, try one another's strength.
ΠΝ1 seer; Isa. 28.j vision.
ΓίίΟ red kite.
I5WI n. pers., n. peop. Reuben.
gent. Reubenite; Reuben.

HINT. inf. q of ΠΝΊ.

nOWl n. pers.f. Reumah.
•"H"! mirror.
""NT appearance; fair looks; spectacle; w. El-Roi.
ITN") rt. pers. Reaiah.
onn -»οκη.
pt^tn rd. Q (Job 15.7).
nsK1 rd. Q (Eccles. 5.10) seeing, sight.
DN1 q tower.
DK"I wild ox.
IniDK-1 corals?
IlniDKT n.
place Ramoth.
n b s n -+niDNT
iwn pt. q of tsri.
ή η ->tt>v].
I ^ K l head; top; beginning; the highest, supreme, best; chief, leader;
total ; division.
II poisonous plant, poison.
I l l K>tO n. pers., n. ten. Rosh.

"Π^Κ") previous condition.

W K T ip.^K coping-stone.
first; previous, earlier, former.
niB»«i ^ n w N T D .
JYtPN"! beginning, starting-point; the first, best; first-fruit; Deut. 33.21
portion of the first-born,
I 2"! numerous, many, great; abundant; chief; enough.
I I "2"! missile,
number, abundance.
I 32T q be/become numerous, great.
pu pt. multiplied ten thousand-fold.
I I a m q shoot.
Î122") great number > ten thousand.

q prepare the couch.

I ΓΟΊ q be/become numerous, great.
pi make numerous; rear; make a profit.
hi make numerous, great, increase; have many; Π2ΠΠ large
number, much, exceedingly.
I I í"Ü*l q pt. archer.
Π2Τ n. place Rabbah.
°Κί3-1 ,°Ì2"1 ten thousand,
•^"O"! fourth; / fourth part, Ezek. 48.20 square; \32 descend-
ants to the fourth generation.
rV21 n. place Rabbith.
^DT ho pt. mixed.
η. place Riblah.
JD-21 - O D .
Dn.D-21 onç.
q lie down ; copulate.
hi make to copulate.
I I JQT q pt. pass, square.
pu pt. square.
I quarter; side.
I I yan 255

II η. pers. Reba.
I ya*1 quarter.
I I van dust.
member of the fourth generation.
lyan - » T ? " ] ·
fai q lie down, lie; rest, stretch out.
hi cause to lie down ; set.
f a i resting-place.
n¡5a-| η. pers. f . Rebecca.
np.t£>"~l Assyr. official title chief cup-bearer.
* a n . clod.
T3*1 q quake, be troubled; be roused to anger; Micah 7.17 come out
hi set in commotion, agitate, disturb.
hitp excite oneself, rage.
Tp~i agitation, excitement; raging.
T3*1_ trembling, quaking.
ΠΤ3Ί trembling.
ί>3*1 q slander.
pi slander; spy out; pt. spy.
tiphal teach to walk.
^31 foot, leg; du. also euphemism for private part; pi. also times;
m. a also behind.
^3"1_ on foot.
n. place Rogelim.
D3"1 q stone.
ft. pers. Regem.
* HD 3*1 throng
|3"1 q grumble.
ni mutter, slander.
i?3*1 q be soothed, form a scab; Isa. 51.15 ; Jer. 31.35 ; Job 26.12 stir
tit be at rest.
hi bring rest; come to rest, abide; do in an instant,
"••yn quiet, peaceful.
y3"l tranquillity; moment; in an instant, suddenly; ΐ?3"1—J}3"l. at one
time—at another; pl. w. ϊ time and again.
256 nn

q be restless.
tWn agitation.
°"ΠΒ0"1 agitation.
Π "I q trample down, subjugate.
hi have hammered out.
I nm q tread (wine-press) ; rule.
hi make to tread down.
II n n q scrape out,Jer. 5.31 dub.
"ΊΊ · Pers- Raddai.
DTI ni be in deep sleep; be stupefied.
*Vn q pursue someone/something, persecute, follow.
ni be persecuted ; pt. that which has vanished.
pi chase after.
pu be driven away.
hi pursue.
3m q assail, importune.
hi trouble, confuse.
2ΓΠ chaos-monster Rahab ; also name for Egypt.
"2m hurrying?
n m q rd. 1ΚΊ : η (Isa. 44.8).
" t 3 m drinking trough; Cant. 7.6 dub.
nn - o n .
nin -oh.
n n q roam about.
hi become restless.
C J n i n n. peop. Rodanim (inhabitants of Rhodes).
n n q drink one's fill.
pi give someone his fill to drink, soak.
hi give someone his fill to drink, revive,
n n given his fill to drink, watered,
n a n n ». pers. rd. Q(I Chron. 7.34) Rohgah.
I nn q become spacious, easy.
pu pt. spacious, roomy.
II n n hi smell, perceive, enjoy; take pleasure,
nn space, interval; liberation.
nn breathing, blowing, snorting; breath; air; wind, direction of
ηπη 257

the wind, quarter of the earth; empty, vain thing; spirit; dis-
position, mind, temper.
ΠΠΓ1 respite ; relief.
¡TV! overflowing.
Oli q be/become high, be lifted high; be exalted; arise; be over-
bearing, proud; pt. high, towering; uplifted; exalted;
arrogant, proud; Deut. 27.14 loud.
ni rise up ; remove oneself.
pol bring up; cause to grow tall; make to billow, erect, lift high;
exalt; extol, praise.
polal be/become raised high, exalted.
hi raise, lift high, exalt; lift up, set up; serve (foodJ ; be left with,
take away, remove; cease; offer, contribute.
ho be suspended; be removed.
hitpoi rise up (in pride).
DíT height; arrogance, pride.
DÎT height.
HDìT η. place Rumah.
Πθί"ι adv. upright.
*DD1T praise.
*nDDÌT exaltedness.
- 1 $ viDDin -> nry ΉΟΟΊ.
]Ί~ι hitpol come to oneself?
VA polal shout of joy be raised.
hi cry (aloud); raise the battle-cry; sound (the alarm); shout in
triumph, acclaim.
hitpol shout in triumph,
pi q run, hurry; be eager; Hab. 2.2 w. read easily; pt. also
runner, messenger.
pol drive to and fro.
hi cause to run, drive away; fetch quickly, bring quickly,
p n —> pO.
in -»in.
q be poor, starving.
hitpol pretend to be poor,
tfh II
rvn 258 I cm

nn n. pers.f. Ruth,
f i n q make to waste away?
ni waste away.
*ΠΠ lean.
I |ÍH emaciation.
I I )1Π dignitary.
]in n. pers. Rezon.
D P q wink.
| Π q pt. dignitary.
-ΓΗ q become broader; open wide.
ni pt. wide, spacious.
hi make wide, spacious, enlarge; open wide; make room
2ΓΠ breadth, width.
I 2ΓΠ broad, wide, spacious; extensive; w. ^ arrogant, p r e s u m p -
tuous; w. tPSJ greedy.
I I 3ΠΊ n. pers.f. Rahab.
I ani open place.
I I 3ΓΠ n. pers., n. place Rehob.
ΓΠ2ΓΠ n. place Rehoboth.
nh'rn ^nin'm.
(ΐ)Π£Π"ϊ η. pers. Rehabiah.
OJttm η. pers. Rehoboam.
3irn - • 2ΓΠ.
Dim n. pers. R e h u m .
Dim compassionate.
ΡΙΓΗ far, far off, distant, remote; inaccessible, hard to understand;
interval, distance.
QTH rd. Q_ (Cant. 1.17) rafters.
D?m hand-mill.
I ^m ewe.
I I frn n. pers.f. Rachel.
Dm q love.
pi love, have mercy, be compassionate.
pu meet with mercy, love.
ΟΓΠ carrion-vulture.
I D m n. pers. Raham.
II cm 259

I I ΟΓΠ ,ΠΓΠ womb; pl. heart, compassion, pity.

Τ Τ τ
"ΠΟΠΤ womb.
ΠΠΤ q tremble.
pi hover.
JVn q wash, wash away, have a wash.
pu be washed.
hitp wash oneself.
"J-'ΓΠ washing.
ΠΪΓΠ dipping,
p m q be/remain f a r ; separate oneself; keep away.
ni be removed.
pi remove far away; put an end to.
hi remove (oneself) ; keep (oneself) away.
"ΡΓΠ separating oneself.
p'rnΤ pirn.
· τ

twn q be stirred,
nrn winnowing-fork.
DtST q be/become wet.
2bT full of sap.
ntST q hurl?
titl"l terror.
tTEtin rd. tt'St^ (Job 33.25) become plump.
ΒΊ0Ί pi dash in pieces.
pu be dashed in pieces.
"H moisture.
-"Π q conduct a lawsuit, dispute; Ex. 21.18 fight.
hi dispute?, fight?
"ÍIjH pl. lawsuit, contention.
n. pers. Ribai.
Π"Η odour, scent.
D"1") wild ox.
Ì H -» I I j n .
ΓϊίεΉ grain.
η. pers. Riphath.

ΡΉ hi pour out, empty; leave empty; w. 3ΊΠ draw the sword.

ho be decanted, purified (by pouring from one vessel into another).
empty, vain, futile; what is empty.
*P"H empty, vain; unsatisfied; wanton.
D¡?,'~l empty, with empty hands; without cause.
"ΙΉ q secrete.
Τ") spittle, slime,

7p delicacy.
T["l tender, sensitive, pampered, delicate; mild; m. j j ^ faint-
3 3 Ί q be mounted, ride.
hi set on a mount, make to ride; transport (corpse) in state;
Hos. ίο.11 yoke; II Kings 13.16 lay.
23*1 coll. band of chariots, war-chariots; train; chariot; upper mill-
3 3 1 charioteer, driver, horseman.
2 3 1 n. pers. Rechab.
Π23Τ riding.
""03T gent. Rechabite.
Π3Ί n. place Recah.
Λ '3ί3"ΐ vehicle.
tM3"l possession, goods; equipment; personal property; Dan. 11.13
slander; slanderer.
Tpl q be tender, weak, timid.
pu be softened.
hi cause to be discouraged.
^31 q pt. trader, merchant.
η. place Racal,
trading; merchandise.
D3T q tie on.
"D3"l rugged country.
':D3'"i league?
KOI q gather, acquire.
ty'in coll-
- > t tteam
> m o f horses ; horses.
m 261 I I run

DT n. pers. Ram.
di an.
I ΠΟΊ q throw ; shoot.
II ."TO"! pi betray; leave in the lurch; deceive.
I ΠΕΠ hill-top.
II ΠΕΗ n. place Ramah.
ΠΒ"Ι maggot.
I |it2~! pomegranate, pomegranate tree.
II η. pers., η. place Rimmon; -> ]112ΤΠ , 5·
ÍJÍD"1 η. place Rimmono.
niDT iinios-i.
' niD"l heap of corpses?
nion noi.
ΠΟΤ lance.
n. pers. Ramiah.
ΓΡΟΊ slackness, laziness; deception, deceit.
Β^ΕΊ rd. Chron. 22.5).
"7|Q"1 race-horse ( / . ) ?
n^D") n. pers. Remaliah.
I BDI q rd. ton (Job 24.24).
I I 00~i q go bad, become worm-infested.
~\PJ VlDEfl n. pers. Romamti-ezer.
]D-i - » l i e n .
DDI q tread, trample down.
ni be trampled down.
ti>D-| q move; crawl; swarm.
ΒΌΊ animals; reptiles.
n o n -> π n i D S T
n o n η. place Remeth.
"Ijj'ja n'DT n. place Ramoth-gilead.
TiDT gent. Ramathite.
• τ τ "

B^Siï DTiD"l η. place Ramathaim-zophim.

'•'ρ rejoicing?
njl q rattle.
I Π|"1 shrill cry; rejoicing; lamentation, supplication.
I I Π31 n. pers. Rinnah.

pT q cry shrilly; rejoice, shout with joy; wail.

pi rejoice, praise with shouts of joy.
pu shout of joy be raised.
hi cause to rejoice ; rejoice,
njj") rejoicing, shout of joy.
DSJJ"1 / . female ostriches.
ΠΒΊ n. place Rissah.
I ""DOT drop.
I I "D^DI fragment ; ruins.
I |D1 bridle.
II }D"I n. place Resen.
DDT q moisten.
V I ,ΪΠ bad, inferior, decayed; ugly; wrong, evil, despicable; harmful,
bringing misfortune.
I JTI shouting.
I I JH kinsman, fellow-countryman, friend; another; neighbour.
III j n will, intention, thought.
j n poor quality, ugliness; grief; evil.
2 j n q be hungry.
hi make to suffer hunger.
2Jp hunger; famine,
|i2JJ1 hunger.
"lJTl q quake.
hi tremble,
u n quaking, trembling,
'"'^"l quaking, trembling.
I nyi q graze; pasture, let graze, tend, pt. also shepherd; care for,
concern oneself with.
hi tend.
II Π$Π q have dealings with.
pi be best man.?
hitp have dealings with,
n j p evil, wickedness; wrong, disaster.
ny~l friend, companion.
"ΓΤ^Ί friend, companion.

njp rd. $ñ (7sa. 24.1g); rd. njn (Prov. 25.1g).

W l τι. pers. Reu.
Í W j n ». />ítí. Reuel.
I friend, companion.
II striving, endeavour, snatching.
•*5Π pasture.
n. pers. Rei.
"."Vjn friend, beloved.
rd.Qtfudg. 11.37).
striving, endeavour, snatching.
í>jn ho be shaken?, be adorned (with veils)?
" Πτ ^τη : veil.
Π^ίΠ η. pers. Reelaiah.
I DJTl î rage, roar.
hi cause to rage, cause to roar, (cause to) thunder.
I I oyi q be agitated.
hi agitate.
Djn roaring, thunder.
NDjn π nojn.
I HDjn mane.
I I HQΙΠ n. pers., n. peop. Raamah.
."TDjn n. pers. Raamiah.
,DDDy~ n. place Raamses, Rameses.
]jn pal be rich in foliage, luxuriant.
|Jjn leafy, luxuriant ; fresh.
I jjjn q be bad, evil, grudging, discontented.
ni be badly treated, suffer harm.
hi do harm (to), injure ; behave corruptly.
II "J]}"\ q bre^k in pieces, shatter.
hitpo split asunder ; Prov. 18.24 break one another in pieces,
^yi q drop; drip.
hi let drip.
¡'DI q shatter.

tS^JÍI q be violently shaken; quake; Ps. y2.16 dub.

ni quake.
hi shake violently; make to jump.
B ^ l quaking, rumbling, rattle ; vehemence.
S S I q heal; pt. also physician.
ni be healed, become healthy, sound.
pi heal, make healthy; repair; provide for recovery ; Jer. J8.4 -»
I ns-i.
http let oneself recover.
XST n. pers. Rapha.
r>1«H healing.
I D^SB"! shades of the dead.
I I D^B-I n. peop. Rephaim; D^BT pDJJ.
^KBT n. pers. Rephael.
"IBI q spread.
pi spread ; refresh.
I ΠΒΊ q become slack; desist; sink (down), decline; m. C^T be dis-
couraged, lose courage; Jer. 49.24 lose courage.
nipt. lazy.
pi loosen (girdle); let drop down; n>. discourage.
hi let drop, forsake; withdraw (hand); desist, leave alone.
hitp show oneself indolent, lacking courage.
I I ΠΒΊ parallel form of NBT
ΠΒΊ slack, weak; discouraged.
ΠΒΊ n. pers. Raphah; n. peop.?
Ν1ΒΊ n. pers. Raphu.

"ΠΚίΒ-Ι healing.
nisi nisn.
n. pers. Rephah.
"ΠΤΒΊ back.
,Β^ΤΒΊ η. place Rephidim.
¡ΤΒΊ η. pers. Rephaiah.
DBT -/ti>B"l.
ΠΠΒΒΤ 2Ó5 πβχί

nil'DSn rafts.
®1ΒΤ poal shake.
pB"l http lean.
tCSI q muddy.
ni pt. muddied.
hit ρ dub.
ΙΡΒΊ slime.
"ΠΒΊ stall?
"Y1 dub.
I NXT q run ?
II parallel form of\ ΠΧ"Ι.
"ΙΪΊ pi look with envy.
I ΠϊΤ q take pleasure, delight; be favourably inclined, well-disposed
towards, love; approve of; be pleased.
ni be considered acceptable, received graciously.
pi arouse charitable feeling in ; beg from.
http ingratiate oneself.
I I ΠΧΊ q pay for, pay off; have restituted.
ni be paid off.
hi receive payment, restitution for.
favour, pleasure; will; wish; desire; inclination; whim; what is
ΠΧΤ q kill, murder.
ni be killed.
pi kill, murder.
ΠΧΊ murder.
η. pers. Rizia.
PXT. pt. pi. (Aram.) q of pi.
n. pers. Rezin.
q bore.
ηχτ q pt. pass, inlaid ?, upholstered ?
I *Ί5Π glowing stone.
I I η ϊ Ί η. place Rezeph.
I Π82Π glowing coal.
I I ns>n n. pers.f. Rizpah.
nss"1 pavement, mosaic floor.
pn 266 ppi

pn q break in pieces, break; ill-treat.

ni be broken.
pi crush, oppress.
poel oppress.
hi crush.
hitpo jostle.
P"1 thin, lean ; adv. only, merely.
P I - * P"1"!·
p i spittle.
S p i q rot ; be/become worm-eaten.
2¡5T bone-decay, caries; Job 13.28 rd. like a wine-skin,
"IpT q jump, skip.
pi skip, dance.
hi make to skip.
" Π ξ Ί temple.
|ip"l n. place Rakkon.
np"l q prepare, mix ointment.
pu pt. mixed, prepared.
hi prepare?
Π|?~! spice.
Hp"! spice.
"Πρ"ιτ - ointment-mixer.
τ'τ - ointment-mixer.
*0¡?1 ointment.
ypl firmament, vault of heaven.
p"pn flat cake.
Dpi q pt. weaver using coloured yarns.
pu be woven, formed.
D(?"l n. pers., n. place R e k e m .
ΠΟρΤ variegation, variegated fabric.
î?pT q stamp, trample down flat; spread out.
pi hammer out; overlay.
pu pt. hammered out.
hi hammer out, spread out.
*J?ijn that which has been hammered.
PPT q spit.

n¡PT η. place Rakkath.

tth poor.
iv¿n -» r w t n .
°DBH q pt. pass, entered,
ytih q be/become guilty.
hi pronounce guilty, condemn; treat as guilty; incur guilt,
become guilty,
yisn wrong, guilt.
guilty; evildoer; impious person,
D^njnin ατ^κη
I blaze, flame; lightning flash; pestilence.
II n. pers. I Chron. 7.25 Resheph.
tPtíh poel destroy.
pu be/become shattered,
neh net, lattice.
ΡΪΠΤ chain ?
nm pi bring to the boil.
pu be brought to the boil, seethe.
hi bring to the boil.
*nrn rd. ¡τπη: (Ezek. 24.5).
*n¡?srn rd. Q_ (I Kings 6.21 ) chain.
Dm q harness?
Drn broom,
norn n. place Rithmah.
pm pu be fettered.
ΓιίρΓΠ c h a i n s .
ΠΓΠ terror.


n'Sti' leaven.
I Γ\ψΰ rising, uprising; exaltation, nobility.
I l n s ' t p / b l o t c h , spot.

τ τ s trellis-work,7 net;' lattice.

268 κηπίϊ»

Dili' η. place S e b a m .
¡IDaiP η. place Sibmah.
q be/become satisfied, satisfy oneself; be/become sated; have
enough, be sick of.
nipt, sated.
pi sate.
hi sate.

ya®' satiety; plenty, abundance.

1?jtf satiety, abundance.
VJXÛ satisfied, sated ; rich.
njjstp satiety, satiation.
'''n^Sy satiety, satiation.
q inspect.
pi hope, wait.
0"Λ'"ΰΒ» hope.
hi make great, give greatness; praise.
-JtP q become h i g h ; be inaccessible.
ni be high, inaccessible, protected; be exalted; be incom-
pi make high, inaccessible; protect, save; make great.
pu be/become protected.
hi be great.
°!Uti> q become great, grow.
hi make great, increase.
jU't£> n. pers. S e g u b .
great, exalted.
rd. Q (I Kings 16.34).
JBW II m .
ΊΊΚ* pi p l o u g h ; harrow.
ΓΠΪΡ (open) country, field; territory, piece of g r o u n d ; mainland.
'HK' country, field.
M S n. place Siddim.
' ΓΙΊΊΙΪ' rank; pi. also precinct; I Kings 6.9 architectural term.
rä sheep; goat.
°*in'B> witness,
κηηπ» -» Biblical Aramaic part
D^m'tt» 269 I row

Quinti' crescents (adornment).

Nl'tt» inf. cs. of Km ? (Ps. 89.10).
7|?Vtt> branches.
I ι no,
I I Jl'tt» pilp raise?
m'tt» q dub.
tûl'tt» q deviate; get entangled.
TJl'tt» q hedge r o u n d ; hedge, block.
*^Vtt> brushwood,
'••rci'iy brushwood.
ÎOÏtt» ,n2Ïtt> n. place Socoh.
DTOl'tt» gent. Sucathites.
D1» -»·
I n'tt» q strive, fight.
I I litt» q saw.
I I I litt» hi appoint an official; —• also "ΠΒ».
I V -litt» HD.
¡Tlitt» millet?
tt»ltt» q rejoice.
*1W thoughts,
nntt» q swim.
hi flood,
in'tt» swimming.
pin'tt» pn'tt».
enii» q squeeze out.
•''rpn'tt> Ezek. 41.16 dub.
pn'tt» q laugh, jest; mock\Judg. 16.27 a c t clumsily.
pi jest, play, dance; jfudg. 16.25 entertain; II Sam. 2.14 hold a
hi mock.
pn'tt» laughter, jesting; laughing-stock.
"titt> disloyal?
nta'tt» q depart f r o m ; become unfaithful.
Dûtt» q show enmity, persecute.
|titt· q show enmity; oppose.
]t2tt» opponent, adversary; Satan.
I njç'tt» accusation.
II r o w 270 Ii ta»

I I njtatt» η. place Sitnah.

(«iti· η. place Sion.
yfo q be/become grey, old.
grey hair; old age.
¡"DÚP grey hair ; old age.
JVí> b o w e l m o v e m e n t .
TIP q cover with lime, w h i t e w a s h .
Ύ>ψ lime.
r w q be p r e o c c u p i e d , p o n d e r ; speak (also complatningly ).
pol be c o n c e r n e d a b o u t , ponder.
IrW bush.
II / W business; t r o u b l e ; c o m p l a i n t ; Ps. 104.34 m e d i t a t i o n ; II Kings
Ç.II babbling,
n τr w· meditation,' devotion.

Ο'ΊΡ q place, put, lay ; set u p ; appoint, determine, fix ; give, m a k e into ;
direct t o w a r d s ; Gen. 45.7 ; II Sam. 14.7 ensure.
hi dub. ; Job 13.27 parallel form of DDD.
ho be placed.

t h o r n ; splinter.
nb'tt> - o b i t ? .
tttp n. place S e c u .
η31£» cock.
¡TOE* n. pers. Sachiah.
*¡TJ¿& ship.
]·>3Β> knife.
"VOtt* hired ; d a y - l a b o u r e r ; pi. also mercenaries.
Spi? q cover.
I Ïïb q have
pi -* ^DD.
hi understand, c o m p r e h e n d , have insight; give insight, t e a c h ;
have success; act with insight, piety.
II V pi cross.
271 II Tiñr

insight, understanding.

~l3ty q enlist, e n g a g e ; hire; Gen. 30.16 buy.

ni hire oneself out.
hitp hire oneself out.
I -ob» wages.
τ τ

I I lifo
η. per s. Sacar.

"Ob' wages.
TO quail.
SD^tt· η. pers. Salma.
I no^b» cloak.
II H D ^ η. pers. S a l m a h .
fioVì? η. pers. S a l m o n .
left s i d e ; l e f t ; n o r t h ; n o r t h w a r d s .

'JNOb' hi go to the l e f t ; I Chron. 12.2 use the left hand.

^NOb> left.
ΓΙΟΙ? q rejoice, be glad.
pi cause to rejoice, make glad, let be glad.
hi cause to exult.
ΠΟΒ> joyful, glad,
nnm joy, gladness.
H^Dtf coverlet?
¡"I^OB* n. pers. S a m l a h .
n^Db' cloak, outer g a r m e n t ; clothing.
DDb> hi II Kings 9.30; Job 13.27 smear, paint, colour.
n^DDìi* gecko.
Xjli" q hate, have an aversion t o ; scorn; pt. also enemy.
ni be hated.
pi h a t e ; pt. also enemy.
nSJii· hatred, e n m i t y .
"N^b' disregarded.
n. place Senir.
I "Vy'tP h e - g o a t ; d e m o n , in goat's form.
II shower.
272 31»

"VW «. place, n. terr. Seir.

I "ΆΊ^ψ she-goat.
II n. place Seirah.
ο^ψ disquieting thoughts; musings.
I q shudder.
I I u w q sweep away.
ni be stormy (impersonal),
pi sweep away in the storm.
hitp assail.
I I I "ljjtp q be acquainted with.
I shuddering.
II storm.
"IJW hairy.
"IJW hair (collective).
rnyv a hair,
rnjjff tempest,
Qi-iyti» n. pers. Seorim.
ΠΒ0 lip; language; shore, bank; edge.
HEB» pi make scabby.
DSt£> moustache.
n. place Siphmoth.
n i e s t ? q pt. pass, hidden.
q clap (the hands).
I ps'tt> hi Isa. 2.6 strike hands (over a deal) or I I ps'"'.
q suffice, be enough.
I I pet? hi Isa. 2.6 abound or I pBB>.
haircloth; loin cloth worn in mourning, sack.
ni pay attention to.?
pi w. D ^ J J cast seductive glances.
official, ruler, leader; noble, man of rank; chief, head; also of
heavenly beings,
n. pers. Sharezer.

np't? pu be intertwined.
hitp be intertwined.


Tl'tr q escape.
TIS* woven fabric.
red ochre.
rrítí> q strive.
I !TTt¡> lady, lady of noble rank.
I I r n b ' n. pers.f. Sarah.
jnB* n. pers. Serug.
Tjntr sandal-thong > trifle.
ΓΠίΡ n. pers.f. Serah.
tD"lb> q make incisions.
ni lacerate oneself.
t3lji> incision.
HDlb' incision.
n t T n. pers. f . Sarai.
"Jn'B» tendril.
I THtt* survivor.
I I Tl'ï» n. place Sarid.
( ì ) n n b ' n. pers. Seraiah.
("HIP η. place Sirion.
"Pntr carded.
7\~W pi r u n back and forth.
D\3D*"ltt> n. pers. Sarsechim.
JHtV q pt. pass, d e f o r m e d .
hitp stretch oneself.
" C B y i t t ' disquieting t h o u g h t s ; musings.
TltT q fire, b u r n .
ni be b u r n e d .
pu be b u r n e d .
I ηΤΒ' s e r p e n t ; seraph.
I I ηΊΒ' η. pers. S a r a p h .
n s i t r firing; b u r n i n g ; scene of a fire; what has been b u r n e d .
•' p i t t ' red ; pi. fine grapes.
I ρ "lb* variety offine, bright red grapes.
I I n. place Sorek.
n ç n t r vine,
mtr q rule, direct.
hi a p p o i n t an official.
hitp set oneself u p as lord.
p w 274 ÌNB»

]ÌW joy, rejoicing.

Γιψ uprising.
DfW q remain unheard,
"in'tf ni break out.

°ψ "ψ relative particle', that; because; ? as.

Ntf devastation?
2 Κ ti* q draw (water).
3 S If q roar, cry.
nasty roaring, crying.
I nstf q lie desolate.
ni be devastated.
hi lay waste.
I I ΠΚ» ni rage.
I l l nKty hitρ look at.

ΠϊΚΒ» rd. Q_(Prov. 1.27).

í>ÍKt£> Sheol, underworld.
n. pers. Saul.
^ίίώ gent. Saulite.
I lÎStî' raging, din, roaring.
I I jiKty waste?, destruction?
tû S Β* contempt.
H'St? desolation.
^Ht? <?ask, inquire; desire, demand ; request, wish ; pt. pass, borrowed.
ni request leave of absence for oneself.
pi ask ; beg.
hi grant a request; lend.
». pers. Sheal.
rf?N¿> rd.nÏHV (Isa. 7.11).
fi^Sf request.
η. pers. Shealtiel.
pil be untroubled.
|KK> isirrva.
μκρ 275 ÍTOB'

Ρ Κ'·*' untroubled, secure; II Kings 19.28; Isa. 37.2g arrogance or rd.

pt. q m. suffix of fiDt¡>.
^Nt? q pant, long f o r ; lie in wait for.
INI? q remain.
ni be left over, remain over; remain behind, remain.
hi leave over, leave behind; have left.
IKti" rest, remainder.
~lNt£> flesh, body ; blood-relation.
rn«£ rd. (Lev. 18.17).
n-m> n.pers.f. Sheerah.
Π Ή Ν ^ rest, remainder; posterity.
nStt" desolation.
η. pers., η. peop., η. terr. Sheba.
D ^ I K ' n. peop. Sabaeans.

D'OSB' splinters,
refi? q carry off captive.
ni be carried off captive.
lSti* precious stone,
η. pers. Shebuel.
period of seven ; week ; n i ^ t ^ n ) feast of weeks.
Ά φ Ζ ψ oath, curse.
TÜE» fracture.
ΓΛΊψ captivity; n>. also change the fortune,
m?» rd. rvoti>.
I pi extol, praise; consider fortunate.
hitp boast.
I I Π25Τ pi calm.
hi calm.
B5Î? staff, stick; sceptre; dart; tribe.
ti-K· Shebat ( name of a month, January! February ) •
^ t P carrying o f f ; captivity; captives.
carried off captive.
^DtP n. pers. Shobi.
">210 n. pers. Shobai.
rvçti' carrying o f f ; captivity; captives.
276 onatt>

ÍYO«» captivity; u>. ait? also change the fortune.
ΓΪΟΙΡ rd. rVÇtp (Ezek. 16.53).
ÌOt? train, hem of skirt.
ttiv snail?
Inaiti' ear of corn; bunch.
I I nVaB' flood, stream.
NJatt» n. pers. Shebna.
ruaB' n. pers. Shebnah.
(í)n^á^ η. pers. Shebniah.
¿b¿> q pt. pass. ->· ÜJNa^.
ni swear; adjure.
hi cause to swear; adjure, urgently request.
I seven; adv. seven times; du. sevenfold.
I I ì t ì ^ η· Pers., η. place Sheba.
nj£¿> η. place Shibah.
njQt? njnati\
njyn'tt» τά,^ψ (Job 42.13) seven.
J'ûtf pi weave in patterns.
pu pt. set.
^atP cramp?, onset of weakness?
I q break in pieces, shatter, crush; destroy; Ps. 104.11 quench
ni be broken in pieces, shattered; crack; break in pieces.
pi smash.
hi cause to break through.
ho be broken.
I I "ÛtP q buy; buy grain.
hi sell.
I nati' breaking, fracture; ruin; brokenness; Judg. 7.75 elucidation,
interpretation; Ps. 60.4 fissure.
I I " W grain.
I I I -iaB> n. pers. Sheber.
filati' collapse, ruin.
D-nat^ n. place? Josh. 7.5 quarry.

Γ ύ Φ g cease; come to a stop; stop work, rest; w. keep the

sabbath; Lam. 5 . 1 4 stay away.
ni be brought to an end, disappear.
hi cause to cease, bring to an end ; do away with, remove; Ex. 5 . 5
make to rest; Deut. 32.26 wipe out; Josh. 22.25 divert;
Isa. 30.11 leave alone,
rütt* cessation; loss of work.
Π2Β> sabbath; Lev. 23.1s; 25.8 week; Lev. 26.34/., 43; II Chron.
36.21 sabbatical year.
|1Γ)3ΐί> celebration of the sabbath; day of rest.
Tl3tt> n. pers. Shabbethai.
JJtP q sin inadvertently.
TT :
njtP q stray; err; go astray; reel.
hi misdirect, let deviate.
ΓΠΚ* n. pers. Shageh.
(131^ hi look, gaze.
n^W lapse.
f^B* dirge?
jlV? q ravish.
ni be ravished.
pu be ravished.
ϊΐψ f . royal consort.
ÌW pu pt. mad, deranged.
hitp behave as a madman,
recklessness, madness.
"W oifspring (of animals).
"11? breast.
"Ίψ demon.
I breast.
II violent deed; devastation.
"IUP q be violent, use violence; ravage, lay waste.
ni be ravaged.
pi maltreat; devastate.
pu be ravaged.
poel ravage.
ho be devastated.
278 P3W

ΓΠ$ lady?
Shaddai (title of God).
"llN^'Itt' n. pers. Shedeur.
rd. i·^ (Job 19.2g).
n -m »
r •· :
Tits' q pt. pass, dried up, scorched,
risiti' that which has been dried up, scorched.
|Ϊ£Π$ blight (on corn).
ΐ|"Π$ η. pers. Shadrach.
I Ε~"$ carnelian.
I I ΟΓΪ$ n. pers. Shoham.
1$ r i . N l $ (Job 15.31).
SIE' worthless, vain thing; deceit, falsity; adv. for nothing, in vain,
Nl$ η. pers. Sheva.
risili' calamity; storm.
31$ q turn back, return; t u r n ; turn towards; turn away; do again,
be/become again.
pol bring back; lead astray; lead; restore.
polal be restored; become apostate.
hi bring back, lead back, let come back; give back; make restitu-
tion; pay back, requite; repulse; hinder; turn back (hand)·,
draw back, turn away; cancel, revoke; hold back, restrain,
repel; answer, report, inform; restore; do again.
ho be brought back, led back, given back.
'i'KJW ». pers. Shubael.
I 231$ apostate.
I I 321$ n. pers. Shobab.
221$ apostate.
¡121$ withdrawal (from war).
T¡21$ η. pers. Shobach.
Í>2Í$ n. pers. Shobal.
p2i$ n. pers. Shobek.
I rw 279

IÍW q be/become like; pt. also suitable; sufficient.

ni rd. ΠΠΙΙΐό (Prov. 27.15) be alike.
pi make like, level, pacify.
hi equate, compare.
hitpi —• ni.
I I ¡TM» pi set; lay.
job 30.22 rd. nsiijn.
-nitt 1 plain.
-» nia ; p o y .
mit' q descend, sink.
nW n. pers. Shuah.
I nm pitfall; chasm.
II n r w η. pers. Shuhah.
ìiniB* rd. Κ (Jer.g.y).
NTO gent. Shuhite.
DnVw' n. pers. Shuham.
"OJW gent. Shuhamite.
I U'tî> q range to and fro, wander about ; Ezek. 27 row.
pol rove to and fro.
hit pol wander about.
I I ìy\\à 0 despise.
I 1215? whip, lash.
II U'r Isa. 28.15, 18; Job 9.23 flood,
train; hem.
Wil* barefoot.
rVE^W gent.f. Shulammite.
a'DilP garlic.
1D"ti> n. pers. Shomer.
^jliy n. pers. Shuni; gent. Shunite.
2J1Ü" n. place Shunem.
ÍVÉJIÍP gent.f. Shunammite.
VMf pi cry for help.
*V)V cry for help.
I'¿It? noble, of high rank.
I I '¿té n.peop. Shoa.
I '¿W dub.
II n. pers. Shua.
NJW n. pers.f. Shua.
280 -nnt?

*njnE> cry for help,

I tyv fox.
II fyw n. pers., n. place Shual.
lyisr gate-keeper.
I ηΐΐτ q Gen. 3.15ha· crush.
II q snap at.
n. pers. Shophach.
gent. Shuphamite.
->]sitt> rhtaj?.
ΙΒίΒ» ram's horn, horn.
P'iìà pol bestow abundantly.
hi overflow,
pit? thigh, hind leg.
p w street.
I m a ' q look, gaze ; lie in wait.
I I - i w q descend; pt. caravan,
ox, bull,
I wall.
I I **m> Ps. Q2.I2 enemy ?
n. place Shur.
I I I H » retaining wall,
*·ηΐΒ> n. pers. Shavsha.
lily, lotus flower; six-stringed.
1 n. place Susa.
rd. ¿¿(I Kings 14.25).
rw -•rm
rfrnw n. pers. Shuthelah.
ητι? q glimpse; tan (sun).
ITS' ho pt. twisted.
ηψ downcast (eyes).
nnty q offer a gift.
TO gift ; bribe.
nnt? q bend down.
hi weigh down.
hitpal bow, prostrate oneself.
Tinti' —• ~iirw.
°-lint£> blackness, soot.
nm> 281 n w

* n w pit?
ΠΠΙΡ q crouch, be brought low ; be humbled, humiliated.
ni be bowed, humbled; be muted; sound muffled.
hi bring low, prostrate.
I tant? q slaughter, kill.
ni be slaughtered.
I I ΰΠΙΡ q pt. pass, beaten?; alloyed?
nanti' Hos. 5 . 2 text corr.
•m» -orntf.
"Πβ,ΠΙ£> slaughtering.
p n ¿ ¡ boil.
Dents' corn growing wild.
'"ΓΡΠΙΡ pit.
(young) lion,
n'jntî' onycha.
ήΠΒ> gull.
USTO consumption.
γηψ nobility.
ΠΟΙΧΠΒ' η. place rd. Q (Josh, ig.22) Shahazimah.
pntT q wear away, pulverize.
pntP layer of dust ; cloud ; clouds.
I °-|ΠΒ> q become black.
I I "ΙΠΒ> q be intent on something.
pi be intent on something, seek; inflict.
°ΪΠΒ> black.
"ΙΠ2> d a w n ; morning.
-inti> -nirw.
°nnw black hair.
""ι'ΠΊΠΙ^ swarthy.
ΓΡΊΠΐ^ η. pers. Shehariah.
«· pen· Shaharaim.
nnif ni be/become spoilt, depraved; be ravaged.
pt ruin, destroy; act wickedly; create disaster.
hi ruin, destroy; behave evilly, act wickedly.
ho pt. tainted ; defective.

n n t ? pit, pitfall ; grave.

ntût£> q spread out, scatter.
pi spread out.
t2Çti> scourge.
C S B · n. place Shittim.
q stream, flood; overflow, s u b m e r g e ; wash off.
ni be washed away, rinsed.
pu be rinsed.
flW streaming, flood,
"ititî" q pt. official, clerk; overseer.
•HÜB* η. pers. Shitrai.
^ gift, present.
tW n. pers. rd. Q_(II Sam. 20.25).
». place Shion.
•''ΓΟ"1!^ II Sam. 19.33 stay?; Ps. 126.1 captivity?, f o r t u n e ?
rm qrd.nWF1 (Deut. 32.18).
NPt£> ». pers. Shiza.
ITti* q melt, dissolve.
hitpol be dissolved.
ntTBi pit.
" l i r w river; canal; also Nile,
"lirw n. canal L i b n a t h canal,
trw rd. Q (Isa. 28.15).
-»rï 1 ?^.
VW -»rft».

^ (Mieah 1-8).

\Í^12> gent. Shilonite.
JÌCiP η. pers. S h i m o n ,
ptt* iphtaelpt. pissing; B\T¡53 pissing against the wall, male,
-ptr 283 ioa*

*Vt¡> q sing; sing of.

pol sing; sing o f ; pt. also temple-singer.
ho be sung.
"W singing; song.
¡TW song.
*iTW bracelet.
VT® alabaster.
XVhti n. pers. Shisha.
Ρψψ n. pers. Shishak.
rW q place, put, lay; appoint, make (into something); prepare.
ho be imposed,
r w garment, clothing,
r w weeds.
22V q lie down ; lie.
hi lay; let lie, let rest ; Job 38.37 tip > empty.
ho be/become laid.
'"i"D3ti> covering; w. JHT, emission of semen.
"Γΰ'3ψ intercourse.
*r>yy hipt. rutting?
í'iDti' childlessness.
bereft of offspring; childless,
"IÎ3Ç· drunk.
Π3Ε> q forget.
ni be forgotten; sink into obliviòn.
pi cause to be forgotten.
hi cause to forget.
hitp be forgotten.
*ΓΙ21ΐ' forgetting,
ì p t ? q subside (water); abate (anger); crouch.
hi cause to subside, silence.
q become childless.
pi make childless; depopulate; cause miscarriage; have a mis-
carriage; suffer crop failure (vine),
hi pt. barren or miscarrying.

* 0 ^ 3 IP childlessness.
hi rise early; do something early, eagerly.
I D3tp neck, shoulder; ridge.
II ». pers., ». place Shechem.
Dpi' n. pers., n. place Shechem.
"'DiB' gent. Shechemite.
ptî· q settle; remain, stay, dwell.
pi let dwell; erect (tent),
hi let dwell; erect (tent).
inhabitant, neighbour; neighbouring town; neighbouring
(i)¡TJ3lí> n. pers. Shecaniah.
ISiy q become drunk; be drunk, intoxicated.
pi make drunk, intoxicate.
hi make drunk.
hitp be drunken.
ISIS' intoxicating liquor, strong drink,
l'a» -OlSB·.
I ^Sif drunkenness, intoxication.
II " Ρ ? ? ' ». place Shikkaron.
ψ m.'?.
Jjstá rd. (Job 21.23).
pu pt. connected,
cross-piece, cross-bar.
ÙW hi snow.
I ifyü snow.
I I ^tt· soapwort.
fftW q be at ease ; Job 27.8 dub.
ni be negligent.
hi arouse false hopes in.
I request.
I I rhy n. pers. Shelah.
n. place Shiloh.
"rrrarôti» rd. ¡T Ύnhrfw (Cant. 8.6) flames o f Yahweh.
τ ϊ ν ·• : — •
' :
"fiìt} at ease, undisturbed, carefree; Job 20.20 rd. Πΐί>Β\
untroubled state.

V7tt> -» rftt?.
ease, security, untroubled state.
D^niv'tt' dismissal ; dowry.
Di^tf unharmed state; well-being, prosperity; friendliness, peace,
Díb^ n. pers. Shallum.
Dli'B' reward, requital.

l^tP n. pers. Shallum.

riots' q stretch out; let loose, give full scope to, let go; dispatch,
ni be dispatched.
pi stretch out; let loose, give full scope to, let go; escort, accom-
pany; send away, send out; set free; dispatch, send; Jer.
38.6,11 let down.
pu be dispatched; be sent away; Isa. 2 7 . 1 0 be forsaken;
Job 18.8 vp. 3 fall into; Prov. 2g. 1 ζ be left to one's own
hi let loose.
I Π^Β" javelin; Cant. 4.13 shoot.
I I Π^Β" Neh. conduit.
I l l nb¿> n. pers. Shelah.
φψ η. place Shiloah.
"ΓιίΠ)!ί» shoots.
n. pers. Shilhi.
Qinj»» n. place Shilhim.
η"Π|Β> DVnv>t2>.
jrftti' leather mat ( spread on ground for meal) > table.
q have power, win power; Neh. 5.15 tyrannize.
hi let master; enable, permit.
*IÚ¡?t5> circular shield.
that which has power.
°Γιβ;?Β> imperious,

governor, ruler.
I ¡à*''?® Isa. 40.12; Ps. 80.6 third of a measure.
II I Sam.
18.6 musical instrument.
Τ^ψ third, third part; Gen. 6.16 third story; I Sam. 3.8 third time;
I Sam. 20.5 day after tomorrow.
hi throw; cast off; throw away; reject, expel; overthrow, throw
ho be thrown; be thrown down; be overthrown,
I nriti felling.
I I VrfW name of a gate of the temple Shallecheth.
q plunder; Ruth 2.16 pull out.
hitp be left despoiled.
Vvà booty; gain.
tíiV q remain whole, unscathed; be/become finished, completed;
keep quiet.
pi make reparation; reward, requite; fulfil; I Kings Q.25 com-
plete; J M 8.6 restore.
pu be repaid; receive reward; be fulfilled.
hi accomplish; hand over (Aram.)·, be at peace; make peace,
bring to be at peace.
ho live in peace.
°D^t£> agreement.
d5>B> concluding sacrifice.
I D^ complete; unmolested, unhewn; peaceable.
II n. place Salem.
I Ov'tt· requital.
II q W n. pers. Shillem.
*nniV requital.
ΠΕι'ί>Β> n. pers. Solomon.
nicfrti> n. pers. Shelomoth.
NÍ>t£> η. pers. Shelomi.
"D^ 287 I no»

ND^ η. pers. S h a l m a i .
"'P^ gent. Shillemite.
n. pers. Shelumiel.
(i)"'^» n. pers. Shelemiah.
n. pers. m. and f . S h e l o m i t h .
n. pers. Shalman.
IDKJDj'B' n. pers. Shalmaneser.
c i b ^ gifts.
gent. Shelanite.

rfíVí q d r a w , take o f f .
n. pers. Sheleph.
ΐ Λ ΐ Ρ pi Deut. iç.j d i v i d e into t h r e e p a r t s ; I Sam. 20.1g d o o n the
third d a y ; I Kings 18.34 d o for the third t i m e .
pu pt. t h r e e f o l d ; Gen. 15.g three-year-old.
VfoW three.
tfW n. pers. S h e l e s h .

η. ten. Shalishah.
Τ * τ

iïVftip n. pers. S h i l s h a h .
Dittali· d a y b e f o r e y e s t e r d a y .
Ο^ψϊψ descendants o f the third generation, (great-)grandchildren.
ύν'ϊψ Ditt^BV

Dtt> h e r e , there, t h i t h e r ; t h e n , at that time.

I Di? n a m e ; r e p u t a t i o n , f a m e ; m e m o r y .
I I Dtt> n. pers. S h e m .
n. pers. Shamma.
IjKQK' n. pers. S h e m e b e r .
n. pers. Shimeah.
DKDti· n. pers. S h i m e a m .
Up» n. pers. S h a m g a r .
i o t i ' ni be d e s t r o y e d , e x t e r m i n a t e d ; be d e v a s t a t e d , m a d e u n u s a b l e .
hi d e s t r o y , e x t e r m i n a t e ; d e m o l i s h .
*1DB> n. pers. Shemed.
I ΠΕΒ* terrible t h i n g , a p p a l l i n g t h i n g ; d i s m a y ; Ps. 46.g acts a r o u s i n g
II noti 288

I I ΠΒ1£> η. pers. Shammah.

ΠίΠΟφ η. pers. Shamhuth.
η. pers. Samuel.
njiD¿» ->• njbtî».
'¡¡νάψ η. pers. Shammua.
news, report; revelation.
T D ^ η. pers. rd. Κ (I Chron. 24.24) Shamur.
Π VàW η. pers. Shammoth.
DDK1 q release, let go, drop; let go on one's own; remit.
ni be thrown down.
hi cause to release.
τ · :
remission of debt.
η. pers. Shammai.
η. pers. Shemida.
^TOB» gent. Shemidaite.
^Ώψ eighth.
I TQ¿> thorn-bushes.
II Tpt^ diamond; emery; —> also p S ï .
I I I TDtt>η. place Shamir.
niDTQB' n. pers. Shemiramoth.
n. pers. Shamlai.
q be without inhabitant, desolated; be deserted; shudder, be
ni be left without inhabitant, become desolate; be appalled.
poel pt. broken in spirit, stunned ; devastator.
hi leave without inhabitant, desolated ; agitate.
ho inf. desolation.
hitpo be astonished, perplexed, benumbed; Eccles. j.16 destroy
DDty without inhabitant, desolated.
τ :
riDOtt" dismay,
^DtP q be/become fat.
hi make fat > make indifferent; grow fat.
289 I IDti"

\Ώψ olive-oil.
*]D¿> fat.
;¿¿> fat.
njbtf eight.
JJQiP q hear; listen to, grant a favourable h e a r i n g ; o b e y ; u n d e r s t a n d ;
Deut. 1.16 hear a case; II Sam. 14.17 distinguish.
ni be heard, listened to, granted a favourable hearing, reported ;
be/become obedient.
pi s u m m o n .
hi cause to hear, proclaim, announce, s u m m o n ; let oneself be
IjJD^ sound.
II yol? n. pers. S h e m a .
l?Dty news, report ; m. |TK hearsay.
*J?OB> report.
n. pers. S h a m a .
yOB* n. place S h e m a .
NJJDti' n. pers. S h i m e a .
n. pers. S h i m e a h .
njJQB' n. pers. S h e m a a h .
nj5¿¿> -»rn»DB>.
n. pers., n. peop. S i m e o n .

^Ott* η. pers. S h i m e i ; gent. Shimeite.

(ì)n^DB» η. pers. S h e m a i a h .
"'jTypifi' gent. Simeonite.
nypti* η. pers. f . S h i m e a t h .
*Yl5Jûtt> gent. Shimeathite.
{•Qiy whisper,
n^pt? laughing-stock?
q tend, g u a r d ; take care of, protect; store up, reserve; observe,
heed, k e e p ; keep g u a r d ; revere; in conjunction with another
verb carefully, exactly.
ni be on one's g u a r d ; Hos. 12.14 be protected.
pi venerate.
hitp be on one's guard.
I "iDtt* sediment.
I I lût? 290

I I notr η. pers. Shemer.

nDti* ». pers. f . Shomer.
ΓΠΟΡ guard.
*Γηόέ eyelid.
piOtt* η. pers., η. place Shimron.
piÇtt* η. place, η. terr. Samaria.
"IDli* η. pers. Shimri.
· pers. Shemariah.
DnB¿> vigil,
ninncy rd. Q_ (II Chron. 17.8).
ΓΓΗΏΒ' n. pers.f. Shimrith.

V'IOti' Sent- Shimronite.

D'OIDti' n. peop. Samaritans.
ΓΠρΒ> η. pers. Shimrath.
ti>DB> sun; Isa. 38.8 sun-dial; Isa. 54.12; Ps. 84.12 shield.
n. pers. Samson.
"WDtP n. pers. Shimshai.
I'TB'Dii' n. pers. Shamsherai.
"•not? gent. Shumathite.

tooth; ivory; prong; crag.

KJt? q gleam.
pi, pu fW.
Wtf sleep.
- W t ? n. pers. Shinab.
"iXKJtt' n. pers. Shenazzar.
'"OtP q change, be different; repeat; do a second time.
ni be repeated.
pi alter, pervert; pretend; change.
pu change.
hitρ disguise oneself,
r w year.
ΓΠΒ» sleep.
D'OnJtt* ivory.
OtP crimson.
291 I

\3B> second.
D ^ P two; twofold,
nj^jti' (cutting) ridicule, gibe.
ma:» maw.
P » q sharpen.
pi impress.
hitp feel stabbed.
DJlf pi tuck up one's garments.
lyjtP n. ten. Shinar.
nitf sleep.
ΓΒΙΡ q plunder.
poel strip by plundering.
DDK* q plunder.
ni be plundered.
yDti> q be cloven.
pi tear, tear apart; I Sam. 24.8 rebuke.
i)Dtt> cleft.
HDH· pi hew in pieces?
njjty q regard, look; pay attention to.
hi look away.
hitp look about one.
*ntDyt¿> stamping.
TJtüJW woven from two kinds of yarn,
hollow of the hand ; handful.
D-O^t? n. place Shaalbim.
vúw η· Place Shaalabbin.
gent. Shaalbonite.
D^IW n. terr. Shaalim.
])!a} ni support oneself, lean ; rest.
I WW q be smeared, plastered up.
hi plaster up.
hitpalp be plastered up.
I I yyiy pilp play, indulge; pass. Isa. 66.12 be dandled.
hitpalp delight.
η. pers. Shaaph.
q reckon.
I gate.
I I -ΙΙ)Β> 2t)2 rosa*

II measure.
burst, bad.
*m¿V horrible thing.
^ΊΠ^ horrible thing.
nnjW ». pers. Sheariah.
«. place Shaaraim.
ììB'Jììi' η. pers. Shaashgaz.
a ^ W y v pleasure, delight.
HBty ni pt. bare.
pu be emaciated,
isa' η. pers. Shepho.
tOÍEti> judgment.
DSlSty η. pers. Shephupham.
)SlSt£> n. pers. Shephuphan.
niStr curds.
ΓΙΠΕΙί> female slave.
t2Stt> q decide, settle; procure justice for; judge, punish; rule; pt.
judge, ruler.
ni go to law; conduct a lawsuit; Isa. 66.16 execute judgment,
DElf n. pers. Shaphat.
(ί)ΓΡΕΕΒ> η. pers. Shephatiah.
n. pers. Shiphtan.
I " W bare hill ; track.
I I ''Sty n. pers. Shephi.

IS^SB" species of snake horned snake?

T'StP n. place Shaphir.
TJStí· q pour, shed; vent, pour out; gush out; heap up.
ni be poured out, shed.
pu be shed, spilt; Ps. 73.2 steps > be brought down.
hitp Job 30.16 overflow; Lam. 2.12 be poured out; Lam. 4.1 lie
scattered, strewn.
^SB* heaping-up.
¡"DS^ urinary duct, male organ.
tew 293 πρκ>

ten} q be/become low; sink, sink down; be humbled, be humble;

Eccles. 12.4 be muted.
hi bring down ; throw down ; abase, humble ; in conjunction with
another verb low down, deep down.
ΪΒφ abasement.
low, deep; lowly; humble.
Π^ΒΒ* lowness.
τ : ·

n^BB* lowlands, foot-hills; n. place Shephelah.

n^Bti> letting drop.
DBB*η. pers. Shapham.
DBtyn. place Shepham.
DStyn. pers. Shuppim.
gent. Shiphmite.
I JBtfrock-badger.
I I ]Bti>n. pers. Shaphan.
''nystt· superabundance, mass.
n. pers. Shiphi.
°ΊΒΙί> q be pleasing.
I ΊΒΒ> antlers.
'"'"IBl? η. place Shepher.
beingτ clear.
I I ΓΤΊΒΐ2> η. pers. f . Shiphrah.
*T"lBli> royal pavilion ?
ΠΒΒ' q set, put; provide.
D^BB' Ezek. 40.43 double hooks. ? ; ledges?; Ps. 68.14 sheepfolds. ? ;
pack-saddles ?
η>;ΐτ outburst.
I Ipiy q be vigilant, keep watch ; lie in wait.
pu pt. in the shape of almond-blossom.
I I IptS" q Ps. 102.8 be wasted away.
1pt£> almond tree; almonds.
np¿ ni rd. (¿ (Amos 8.8).
pu be moistened.
hi cause to drink, give to drink, water; pt. -» also npiiÌD.
"pp 294 OTO

^¡SIP drink ; refreshment.

γψψ heathen image > abominable thing.
ßptP q rest, enjoy peace; remain quiet, inactive.
hi make peace; remain quiet; enjoy peace.
tOptt· peace.
^piy q weigh; pay; II Sam. 14.26 weigh.
ni be weighed,
^pty unit of weight shekel (11.424 g).
*nDpt£> sycamore tree.
yptP q sink, subside, abate.
ni Amos 8.8 Q sink.
hi Ezek. 32.14 let become clear; Job 40.25 fasten down,
"'rnnjiptt' depression.
ηρ&> ni look down.
hi look down.
ηρΚ» frame?
D^Bpttf windows?
JptP pi make abhorrent ; abhor.
ΥΡΨ abhorrent thing.
j>¡¿¿> ->· }>pti>.
ppty q rush, attack suddenly; Isa. 29.8; Ps. 107.9 parched.
hit palp drive to and fro.
"ipìà q deal deceitfully.
pi deceive, cheat; deal falsely with; break (faith, obligation).
lie, fraud, deception; treacherously; w. "? also for nothing.
,Γίρ.Ιί' watering-trough.
navel-string; navel.
S l i P scorching heat.
n. pers. Sherebiah.
ΕΛ2~ιΐί> staif, sceptre.
!"TO q let loose.
pi free.
"TTO Jer. 5.10 pi. of ΠΎΙΒ>.
^HTO* η. place Sharuhen.
γΐΐψ η. terr. Sharon.
gent. Sharonite.
npVW 295 w

"ΠζΤΙΒ' rd. np-lti» (jfer. 18.16).

«H¿i n. pers. Sharai.
¡ τ η » arrow-head.
coat of mail.
•τ muscle.
η η η » -»nmtt».
niQ-itt» rd.Q_(Jer. 31.40).
p ¿ > q swarm; be innumerable.
Π? swarm ; small animals.
p-w q whistle.
*n¡?1¿> flute-playing.
•VT¿> n. pers. Sharar.
n n - w stubbornness.
vHò pi root out.
pu be uprooted.
poel strike root.
poal be firmly rooted.
hi take root.
ϋΗΦ n. pers. Sheresh.
tinty root, root-stock, sucker; foundation, cause.
nitrii pi.ofrrwyà.
mtP pi serve, assist; minister.
ΓΠΙί> cultic service.
n'tr¿> ->·ποβ>.
I Wt six.
II Cant. 5.75,· Esther 1.6 alabaster.
III W linen.
rt pi lead along.
η. pers. Sheshbazzar.
rwti? pi give the sixth part,
^ttf η. pers. Shashai.
η. pers. Sheshai.
W rd.Q_(Ezek. 16.13).
"'tS'B' sixth; sixth part, one-sixth.
296 nj«n

η. place Sheshach.
η. pers. S h e s h a n .
Ρψψ η. pers. S h a s h a k .
"ιΚ*Β* red colour, vermilion.
I 1W buttocks; Ps. 11.3 foundation.
I I Γ)ψ Num. 24.ι γ defiance.
I I I n t ? n. pers. S e t h .
fWtf q drink.
ni be drunk.
I-Tlti» fabric.
I I "TW Eccles. 10.17 d r i n k i n g .
n»nti> drinking.
OWf· f of D.^ti».
'i'W q plant.
gent. S h u t h e l a h i t e .
Dnti* q pt. pass, opened?
(ht) pt. iphtael of r^·
q become calm.
η. pers. S h e t h a r .
ΠηΒ* q set.
nnt^ weaver?, rope-maker?

KPl guardroom.
I DKn q desire, long for.
-ΝΓ) pi Amos 6.8 abhor.
Κ Γι longing.
ΠΚΠ pi mark, fix.
iSR wild sheep?
H1NFI longing, eager desire, delight
QiQÎKJïl -> DDSin.
"H^KFi curse.
DSn hi bear twins.
DM2Nh DDNin.
"HJSri time of heat.
¡"UKPI fig-tree ; fig.
π:κη 297

pretext, occasion,
Ο^ΝΓΙ toil.
ή^ψ nJKJTi n. place Taanath-shiloh.
"ΙΚΓΙ q b e n d r o u n d , turn.
pi outline, sketch.
pu e x t e n d ?
ΊΚΓ) f o r m , fine appearance.
JTlNFi n. pers. T a r e a .
"WKn cypress.

¡"DI? chest, ark.

ΠΚί2Γ> produce.
r U Û f ) insight, skill.
"HDÜfl trampling down > downfall,
"lian n. place Tabor,
tan / continent,
tan vile interbreeding,
tan n. pers., n. peop. Tubal,
-n^tan destruction.
one w h o has a flaw,
fan c h o p p e d straw.
\Jan n. pers. T i b n i .
n\3an figure, pattern, likeness; m o d e l , p l a n ; something like.
rn^DPl n. place Taberah.
fan n. place Thebez.
"ian ->-iian.
n^n n. pers. Tiglath-pileser.
,-lDÍ^B TI

* Γ Πτ:3 Λ excitation.
ΠΠ'ΊΪη ti. pers., η. peop. Togarmah.
ΊΓΙ"ΐη ash-tree ?
"ίΟΊη η. place T a d m o r , P a l m y r a ,
tynn η. pers. Tidal,
i n h waste, d e s e r t ; n o t h i n g n e s s ; Isa. 2Q.21 e m p t y p l e a ; Isa. 45.19 to
no p u r p o s e .
Dinn 298 nnyin

Dinn primaeval deep, primaeval ocean, ocean flood,

rfrnn error.
n^nn renown, glorious deed ; praise, song of praise,
nb^nn festal procession.
"ΓΟΒΓ1Γ! pi. perversity, perverse thing, intrigue.
1Γ1 mark, sign.
win - > i w n .
DD Win twins; double.
^ n -»ion.
'JDín η. pers. Tubal-cain.
rd.Q_(Job 26.12).
n i í n grief.
nD"i3in - > n n - u h .
rriin song of thanksgiving, thank-offering; confession; Neh. 12.31,
38,40 choir.
I m n pi make a mark.
hi make a mark.
II m n hi grieve.
Hin n. pers. Toah.
n ^ n i n expectation, hope.
η ΐ η middle.
n n ? i n chastisement.
n n i i n correction, warning, remonstration; retort, contradiction; chas-
tisement; reproof, reprimand.
D^3in ->0·»3ΓΙ.
n. place Tolad.
- n i n ^ i n descendants; story of the origin and development of > story,
making, order of birth.
|ií>in n. pers. rd. Q_( I Chron. 4.20) Tilon.
* ^ i n tormentor?
I J ^ i n red-dyed cloth.
II n. pers. Tola,
n j ^ i n maggot, worm; scale insect; w.""Jtt* crimson cloth, crimson.
""J^in gent. Tolaite.
n ^ ^ i n parallel form of Π $ ΐ η .
TpOÍn parallel form of pt. q "(On.
DDin ->DDWin.
MDJJin abominable thing, abomination, abominable practice.
299 I ηπη

Π$?ίη confusion ; perversion.

niBJíin horns, summits; best.
η ί Κ ϊ ί η exits; recesses, extremity; termination; Ps. 68.21 escape; Prov.
4.23 source.
ΠΠρίη n. pers. rd. Q_(II Chron. 34.22) Tokhath.
D^piP) striking hands.
"ΠΓ1 q spy out, explore, investigate; Num. 15.39 go about.
hi send to spy out.
I "lin turn; pendant.
I I nin turtle-dove.
¡"Hin direction, instruction; law.
SB'in sojourner.
rPlMFl prospering, success; circumspection,
nnin club, cudgel.
TTn hi break off.
"'niJTn unchaste behaviour; fornication.
ηί^Πη deliberations; steering, wise direction.
ΙΠή n. pers. Tohu.
V'QSnn gent. Tahchemonite.
n^nn diseases.
n|nn beginning.
ηίτιή -»• n ^ n i n .
τ : '
unclean bird owl.?
|Πη η. pers. Tahan.
I Π3Πη supplication ; mercy.
I I Π|Πη η. pers. Tehinnah.
Vnn gent. Tahanite.
ΤύΠΓΐ place of encampment?
,DnJSnn n. place Tahpanhes.
D(',)JSnn n. pers.f. Tahpenes.
ΚΊΠΓΙ leather cuirass,
y-inn n. pers. Tahrea.
I m f í porpoise.
I I TO n. pers. Tahash.
I n n n place beneath; beneath, under; in place of, instead of, for.
II ηπη 300 3ΌΝ ί>η

I I η π η η. pers., η. place Tahath.

; i n n n the lower.
" i n f i n the lower, the lowest; depth.
•Win Qinnn n. place Tahtim-hodshi.
p n , ΐ ί ^ η middle.
KD^n n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. T e m a .
I J D T l south, southern region; south wind.
I I ]DTl n. pers., n. peop., n. terr. Teman.
"ODT! gent. Temanite.
"ODTl gent. Temnite.
'^mo^n column.
TT ·

"•XVl gent. Tizite.

t r i T n wine.
W T R η. pers. Tiria.
DTf> n. pers. Tiras.
tp-vn ^in^pi.
t^n he-goat.
°η'η oppression.
ilSn pu unexplained.
arrangement, fittings; Job 23.3 abode.
D^3n poultry.
Dpon pi of-ψ.
Π^ρη perfection.
n ^ S n the utmost, extreme.
n ^ S n violet-purple yarn/cloth,
pn q examine.
ni be examined ; be right, fair.
pi fix securely; determine the measurement of.
pu pt. counted out.
I ph quantity, standard.
II ph n. place Tochen.
n O S n example, model.
° T p O n cloak.
^n mound o f ruins.
N^n q hang; Deut. 28.66 w. ^ and 1330 be in uncertainty, danger,
n b s ^ n fits of fever,
η^ηκ i>n η. place Tel-abib.
πκ^η 301 non

r i t i r i hardship, difficulty.
τ — s
η. terr. Telassar.
ηΒ>2ί>Γΐ clothing.
nairi - » " I D ^ S r t o n .
q hang.
ni be hung up, hanged.
pi hang,
°Γ0Γι η. per s. Telah.
«ΒΠΠ ^n n. place Tel-harsha.
""•^n sling for weapons (quiver and arrows),
hi deceive, cheat.
ho be deluded.
D^n furrow.
η. pers. Talmai.
TD^n pupil.
n^D ^n n. place Tel-melah.
Γι^Γι murmuring.
JJ^n pu pt. clothed in scarlet,
courses of stones.
ïts^n -n't^n.
DJTI whole, complete; godly, right, upright; Gert. 2¡.2j quiet;
Cant. 5 . 2 ; 6.9 w. suffix my all.
Π Fi completeness, entirety; integrity, simplicity; Job 21.23 fu"
vigour; pi. D^QFl.
κοη -> sD^ri.
flDn q be astonished, look in astonishment, be surprised.
hitp gaze in astonishment.
"ΓΙΒΠ integrity.
ρΠΕΓ! astonishment, confusion.
TIER n. deity T a m m u z .
^iDn yesterday, formerly.
njìDri form, likeness.
m ? û n exchange, return for exchange, substitute,
nninn death.
ΠΟΓ) n. pers. T e m a h .
τοπ 302 DOVUn

Τ Ο Π continually; continuity, regularity.

D^Dñ complete; without blemish, faultless; perfect, blameless;
whole; uprightly.
D^BR tog. w. ΰΉ^Ν lot for oracular consultation (decision in the affirma-
^Dn q take hold of, hold, hold fast.
ni be held fast.

DDn q be complete, finished, completed, at an end; be used up,

gone; be blameless, perfect.
hi make ready, make up the full measure, finish; Job 22.3 make
blameless; Ezek. 22.15 remove.
http show oneself upright.
;ori -» ι ί ο · « .
njDn n. place Timnah.

•"jpn gent. Timnite.

yjDn, yjpri n. pers.f., n. peop. Timna.
DDn dissolving.
I "IDfl
TT date-palm.
I I 10Γ) η. pr.f., η. place Tamar.
I ΊΟ'Π palm.
I I IDFi scarecrow,
m o r i figure of palm-tree, as ornament,
p r i o n rubbing, massage.
I Ο Ή ν ΐ ό η bitterness.
D^lVlDPl Jer. 31.21 route-markers.
")Γι jackal.
°HJn q unexplained,
pi sing?
hi unexplained.
" ¡ I K U n displeasure, cause of displeasure.
¡"D1JF1 produce.
îjUri lobe of the ear.
τ :
ΠΒ^Γ) brandishing ; consecration ; wave-offering.
"lUri oven.
niOínJPl consolation.
D^Dínjri consolation.
norun 303 I "72η

nonjn η. pers. Tanhumeth.

Ι^ΓΙ ,Ο^ΓΙ sea-monster, sea-dragon; serpent.
I nDtWn Lev. 11.30 chameleon.
Ilnötfjfi barn-owl.
2ϊ?Γ) ni be abhorred.
pi abhor ; Ezek. 16.25 make abhorrent.
hi act abominably,
nyn q wander about, go astray; reel, be confused; w. JO deviate.
ni be deceived; reel.
hi cause to wander about, mislead, lead astray; Jer. 42.20
deceive oneself.
ìJÌFi η. pers. T o u .
rniyri confirmation.
^Fi n. pers. T o i .
I Π^Π trench, conduit, channel.
I I i f y j p growth of tissue (over a wound).
caprice, ill-treatment.
-'abyn rd. n o t y n (job 28.11).
" no^yri hidden thing, secret.
IVJFf ease, pleasure; pi. also pampering.
''TVJyFi mortification, penance,
^jyr} n. place Taanach.
Ä T i pilp mock.
- hitpalp scoff.
n i D s y n abundant strength.
i y r i knife; sheath,
r t o n j j n w.;? hostage.
D^njjri mockery.
«in timbrel, tambourine.
ΓΠΝ0ΓΙ adornment, ornament, splendour; glory, honour, distinction;
I HiSri apple; apple-tree.
I I Πί5Γ> η. pers., η. place Tappuah.
"Tlïisn dispersion.
'''D^SFi dub.
^sn hitp rd. ^snri (II Sam. 22.2J).
I whitewash.
II ^sn 304

I I ^B£) Job 6.6 insipid thing.

ί'ΒΡΙ η. place Tophel.
Η^εΓι unseemliness ; scandalous thing.
Π^ΒΓι prayer.
"Γιϊ^ΒΓ) horror.
ΠΟΒΓΙ n. place T i p h s a h .
ηΒΠ q play the tambourine.
poel beat.
ΊΒΠ q sew.
pi tie together.
tt>an q grasp, take hold of; manipulate, handle; capture; Hab. 2.ig
mount; Prov. 30.9 take in vain.
ni be seized, caught, captured, occupied.
pi catch.
I ΠΒΠ Job IJ.6 spitting.
I I ΠΒΓ) n. place Topheth; place of sacrifice?
nnsn rd. nhen (Isa. 30.33).
I *nipn Josh. 2.18,21 cord.
I I illpri expectation, hope.
I l l HlpO η. pers. Tikvah.
noipri standing firm.
'·'DDipFi adversary?
yipjn Ezek. γ.14 horn?
JJiprin. place Tekoa.
^ipri gent. Tekoite.
" HBipFi turning-point, turn.
0 fri?nstrong.
c |pnq become straight.
pi make straight; cast in suitable form.
J?pn q drive; pitch; clap; strike hands; thrust; blow.
ni be blown ; Job ij.3 be guarantor,
y p n blowing (horn).
0ρ ΡΓ) q overpower.
strength, power.
I n h -»• I ΊίΠ.
II i h Il l i n .
Π^ΚΙΓι n. place Taraiah.
mann 305 mwn

mann new generation, brood.

n"snn extra charge, usury.
orín pt. pass, translated.
πητιη deep sleep, stupor.
ΠζΠΊΓ) n. pers. Tirhakah.
nenn contribution.
n>onn contribution.
njjvup alarm, alarm-signal; shout of joy.
nenn healing.
nnn species of tree.
nin n. pers., n. place Terah.
njn-in n. pers. Tirhanah.
nenn deceit.
niçnn rd. Q_ (Jar. 14.14).
n"D-in deceit.
Φ signal-pole; mast.
rftjnn reeling.
D^njnn gent. ? Tirathites.
teraphim (idol).
πχηη n. pr.f., n. place Tirzah.
¿Hn rt. pers. Teresh.
I twin precious stone.
II tt^-in n. pers., n. place, n. peop. Tarshish
«mhn governor.
prnn n. deity Tartak.
nnwn deposit?, joint property?
noise, shouting; crash.
•»awn gent. Tishbite.
woven material.
return ; reply, answer.
rWn rd. niWn (Job 30.22).
njwn help, deliverance, salvation.
*n¡?wn longing.
nwn gift ?
rwn 306 ijjbti

Wfl ^rwvi.
JWP) nine.
ην η - o j w n .
Biblical Aramaic Part

"DX father, forefather.

I D S pe perish.
ha put to death, destroy.
ho be destroyed.
jDS / stone.
ΠΊ3Κ f . letter.
ΡΊΝ then, thereupon.
"ΠΝ Adar ( name of a month, February/March ).
K^TTIN adv. zealously,
arm ; force.
N^K declared.
ΠΤΝ pe heat.
^TK pe go.
*ΠΝ brother.
-'"ΠΜΠΚ inf. ha of Π1Π.
"ΠΤΠΝ riddle.
ΧΠΟΠΝ n. place Ecbatana.
*"ΙΠΚ after.
*·ΗΠΚ end.
^ΙΠΚ / another.
•τ: Τ J

Ρ.ΠΝ adv. at last,

pn« another.
"'jsWra satrap.
*jnD"N terrible.
WS there is/are.
pe eat, devour,
rd. Q (Ezra 5.15) these.
n^K God.
rf7K 310 m «

n^K these.
-»• Γ ^ ·
* ritas cubit.
HQ Κ nation.
|D« ha trust; pt. pass, trustworthy.
i n « pe say; command.
"IQ S lamb.
2 « w. suffix.
they; those.
,«m« we.

DJ« pe oppress.
**1JK face.
twK m a n ; coll. men, mankind.
n n j « , r u s you (sg.).
JVtfK you (pl.).
bond, fetter.
n s j p « n. pers. Osnappar.
NflSD« adv. precisely, promptly.
5>ç wood.
η« also.
gent. Persian or title of official.
gent. Persian or title of official.
"•''•onrns« title of official.
o h s « treasury?, finally?
finger; toe.
* m « way.
r n s lion.

η. pers. Arioch.
fitting, proper.
•'•naD-lS knee.
length, duration.
gent. Archevite.
•'inN earth,
n. pers. Artaxerxes.
ΛΒ>Ν foundation.
Kt^K fire.
HÇ'S exorcist, sorcerer.
"I'IB'K timber, panelling.
m n B ' N revolt.
Vritt>N pe pf. of Τ\ΓΆ' w. N.
'TiS sign.
ΠΓιΝ pe come.
ha bring; pass, be brought.
"]ìriS furnace.
1ΠΝ trace; place.

3 in, at; with, by; from; over,

pe w. ϊV_ it is displeasing to.
i n t o after,
ft 3 n. place Babylon.
gent. Babylonian.
"Π2 pa scatter.
ftflS haste.
pa frighten.
hitpe hasten.
hitpa be frightened.
pe cease.
pa stop, prevent; order to stop.
p a between.
ru*2 insight.
"¡TV a fortress,
heart, mind.
pa wear out.
•"l^N^a η. pers. Belshazzar.
1^2 tax.
•BtNB^a n. pers. Belshazzar.
rt. pers. Belshazzar.
Π32 pe build.
hitpe be built.
•"¡\12 building.
fj2 pi. of ina.
D32 pe become irritated, be angry,
njja ,NJ?2 pe seek, request.
pa seek.
11?2 petition, prayer.
Í>y2 owner, lord.
-nj?i?á plain.
"Ip2 pa search, investigate.
hitpa be searched, investigated.
I · l a field.
I I "I a son; also denotes membership of a group or
I pe kneel down.
II Tp2 pe pt. pass, blessed.
pa bless.
'·' knee.
Dia but.
-ib>2 flesh.
"'na liquid measure bath (between 22 and 45 I) •
"ina after.

"23 back or side.
23 pit.
muí 313

*ΓΠΡ3 might, power.

133 man.
* Ί 3 3 strong man.
* 1 ? 1 3 treasurer.
pe hew down.
*(N)i3 ,*lä interior.
ΠΪ3 - > 2 3 .
¡113 pride.
ΓΠ3 ha stir up.
"~l2Ta treasurer.
1Î3 pe pt. pi. astrologers, soothsayers.
itpe, hitpe break away, break loose.
'·ΤΠΤ3 decision, decree,
s^ rfo.
*^>3 wheel.
pe disclose, reveal.
ha deport.
"'^3 deportation.
^3 coll. w. hewn stones.
"1D3 pe pt. pass, finished.
"T33 treasure,
"D13 bone.
" 011*3 body.

N1 f . this,
Π21 pe sacrifice.
' Π21 sacrifice.
p21 pe hold together.
Π121 matter.
2Π1 gold.
Ν1ΓΠ rd. Ximi (Ezra 4.Ç) that is.
p n -+ ppi.
IH 314 Din

1Π pe dwell.
NW η. terr. Dura.
t2H"lpe trample down.
"ΠΙΠΊ dub.
^ΓΠ pe be afraid ; pt. pass, frightful.
pa frighten.
^ genitive particle ; relative particle; that, so that, in order that,
because, for; introduces direct speech.
]Ή pe judge.
fH justice; judgment; court,
•.\nj. ,η*ΐ that.
HI -
*JÍ*13*! record, edict.
'•''¡"Vj'I annals.
P^l pe burn.
HDT pe be like, resemble.
Γΰη this.
^NOI n. pers. Daniel.
PP*1 pe break in pieces.
ha crush.
Τη generation.
t^THI n. pers. Darius,
ΠΊτ order,' law.
*ΚΓΠ grass.
' ' " " 1 2 ' a w official, judge.

Π ,Π interrogative particle.
ΝΠ look!
sn as.
""^lI high royal official.
"Din member, piece.
"ΠΠ 315

"ΠΠ pa glorify.
*T!D majesty.
« r i he; that.
mn ,ΝΊΠ pe be; become; happen.
tovi palace; temple.
η>η pe go, reach.
pa walk about.
ha rd. pa.
]ΪΒΠ ,ΙΘΠ pi. they, them.
s a j i ç n rd. Q necklace.
" Ρ if, whether.
- * Ν TI.
* i h ñ n fancies of a dream.
ntoaçin haste.

1 ,1 and, but, also.

pT /»¿buy.
*"I\"1T careful.
TIT ha act presumptuously.
|1T hitpe feed.
VIT pe tremble, quake.
TT -Olì.
brightness; pi. complexion.
12T innocence.
ίΤΊ3Τ n. pers. Zechariah.
]DT hitpe, hitpa decide, make an agreement.
}DT, |DT time; occurrence.
noi 316 3ΌΠ

"~|DT music for strings.

"IDT singer.
*Π kind.
Pi?T pe cry.
ΠΡΤ pe pt. pass, impaled.
taâ"lî n. pers. Zerubbabel.

tan pa hurt; destroy.
hitpa be destroyed, perish,
tan hurt, damage.
'""Cn companion.
"νΓΠ?Π pl. the others.
"•3Π rt. pers. Haggai.
1Π one; -fold; Dan. 2.35 w. 3 together.
"ΓΠΠ breast.
Τ.1Π joy.

ΓΠΠ new.
Π1Π ,ΗΙΠ pa inform.
ha inform.
Ί1Π white.
ΠΤΠ pe see, perceive; pt. proper, usual.
"ίΤΠ apparition, vision; Dan. 7.20 appearance.
"'ΠίΤΠ sight > it was to be seen,
"^tsn sin.

s^isn sin-offering.
TI living; pi. life.
ΓΡΠ pe live.
ha spare alive.
ΠΙΑ beast; coll. animals.
ΟΤΙ pe or ha repair ?
^TI power, strength; army.
" wise, wise man.
nODn 317

τ i τ wisdom.
D^n dream.
pe pass over.
Ρ^Π portion; lot.
ΓΙΟΠ anger, rage.
"ΙΠΠ wine.
"¡ItDJn wheat.
* n S J n dedication,
ρπ pe show mercy.
hitpa make supplication.
¡TJJ0 n. pers. Hananiah.
ΤΒΠ insignificant, of inferior value.
pH ha take possession of, possess.
"]0Π power,
ηρπ clay.
ηΧΠ ha pt. severe.
3ΊΠ ho be destroyed, devastated,
• b i n magician.
τρΠ hitpa be singed.
* j n n hip.
•tin pe reckon, regard,
"-lit^n darkness.
Π!£>Π pe need.
*ΠΠ0Π need.
*V1¿T! need,
^t^n pe crush.
ΟΠΠ pe seal.


3KD pe be good.
Π2β bodyguard,
"lift mountain,
nip fasting, in abstinence.
*f¿ clay,
3Ι8 ηρι

^ B ha nest?
DJJtû pa give to eat.
DJÍtp understanding; order; advice, report; Dan. 5.2 taste.
" 1 E Ç nail; claw.
"Πβ pe drive away.
gent. Tarpelite or class of officials.

^ ha bring.
sa ->
heap of stones.
Τ hand, paw ; power.
NT ha praise.
JJT pe know, be acquainted with, learn, perceive, understand ; be
ha tell; Ezra 7.25 instruct.
2ΓΡ pe give; Dan. 6.3 submit (report); Ezra 5.16 lay (foundation).
hitpe be given ; Ezra 6 be paid.
"11ΓΡ n. peop. Judaeans; n. terr. Judah.
>Tl,T< gent. Jew.
QV< day.
ΡΊΪΪ^ η. pers. Jozadak.
a r sa -»· arti».
pe please.
ÍO"1 pe be able; overcome.
"D^ sea.
^D*» ho be added.
tûï?*1 itpa take counsel together,
sa -» KW·
MP pa discover exactly.
M T reliable, certain ; certainly !
pe burn.
η ν 319 flj»

*Π1|Τ burning.
τ'·· i
*T , ¡5 > difficult; illustrious,
honour, majesty.
D¡?B>1T n. place Jerusalem.
*ΠΤ month.
*Π3Τ thigh.
P e o P · Israel.
Jffií^ n. pers. Jeshua.
*JV accusative particle.
3IV pe sit down ; dwell.
ha settle.
W extraordinary; adv. very, exceedingly.

3 like, corresponding to, according to ; about ; w. inf. as soon as.

nans lie.
Π3 here.
pe be able.
*}ΓΙ3 priest.
*ni3 window.
tihiS n. pers. Cyrus.
"133 unit oj weight talent (between j,ooo and 3,600 shekels, between
34 and 41 kg).
*73 whole, every, all.
sa complete.
ist be completed.
}3 thus.
KDJ3 thus.
IM3 pe assemble.
hitpa assemble.
•'TJ2 associate, colleague.

|J)3 now.
HJJJ3 and now.
njjs -> r o y a .
ns3 320 «D

ΠΒ3 pe be bound.
pa bind.
" Ί 3 dry measure corn (between 220 and 450 I).
ÍTD itpe be troubled,
"tins herald.
Τ"12 ha proclaim publicly.
" KD"l3 seat, throne.
H£>3 gent. Chaldaean.
3Π3 pe write.
3Π3 writing; document; prescription,

b to, in order to, at, for, into, towards, that is, with regard to;
sign of the genitive, dative and accusative.
3? 1 ? heart.
tîh^ pe be clothed with.
ha clothe.

I I ΙΠ1? unless, except; but, rather.
gent. Levite.
" Τ φ with.
ΟΠί> meal, banquet.
"Τυπί> concubine,
tongue, language.

«ο -»no.

flKD hundred.
*KJ}¿¿ scales.
"IDND w o r d ; order.
vessel, utensil.
rfrjD scroll.
"OD pa overthrow.
ΓΠΟ tax, duty.
*"l11D dwelling.
"•ID n. peop. Medes.
*Î"UV1D province, city.
""ι"ιό -ninp.
ΓΙΟ what?, that which; m. 3 h o w ! ; w. b lest.
DID death.
|irn food,
sno pe strike.
pa hinder.
hitpe be impaled (on the stake).
*n¡?'?nQ division.
NÛD pe reach, arrive at; come to; begin; w. happen.
^Nt^P n. pers. Mishael.
n. pers. Meshach.
NÍ>D pe fill.
hitpe be filled with.
^N^P angel.
nbD word ; matter, affair.
n'i'D pe eat (salt).
rftD salt,
sovereignty, kingship; kingdom; Dan. 6.5 administration.
^ D pa speak.
]D who?, whoever.
|P from, of, since, in accordance with.
NJD unit of weight mina (¡0 shekels, 5 7 / . 2 g).
nun 322 ίυυ

rnjç ac-
JHJD knowledge, understanding.
rijo pe number.
pa appoint, install.
nnJD offering.
£¿D number.
" i n j i D work, deed.
*nj)D pi. belly, bowels.
setting (sun).
«"ID lord.
* T T ¿ rebellious.
taiD pe tear off.
WO n. pers. Moses.
nàto oil.
*n:no gift.

hitpa appear as a prophet.

*rW2J prophecy.
n. pers. Nebuchadnezzar.
Î13Î2J present,
τ s :ν
U J pe flow.
"TM toward, in the direction of.
(S)iJJ element of n. pers. Abed-nego.
3 U hitpa volunteer; contribute; Ezra 7.1b inf. contribution.
ί||Π·? course.
"Π3 Í í f l e e .
nru sheath; body?
1MJ 323 in:

*Thj rd. H (Dan. 2.22) light.

íTfiJ illumination,
inj stream ; frequently Euphrates.
TIJ pe flee.
I^IJ heap of refuse, heap of ruins.
1U fire.
pTJ pe suffer loss.
ha harm.
tPnJ copper, bronze,
n n j pe descend.
ha deposit.
ho be deposed.
^tSJ pe raise up, raise.
ItDJ pe keep.
*nilTJ incense offering.
"D3J treasure, m o n e y .
1DJ panther.
HDJ hitpe be pulled out.
!¡DJ pa offer.
^SJ pe fall, fall d o w n ; fall to, be i n c u m b e n t on.
pBJ pe go o u t ; Dan. 2.13 be issued.
ha remove.
*i1(?SJ expense.
*nasj hardness.
nSJ hit pa distinguish oneself.
'¡'XJ ha save.
Spj pure.
B»pj pe knock.
KtPJ pe take ; carry away.
hitpa rise up.
breath o f life.
1¿>J eagle.
*]TPit£>J letter, decree.
* p n J temple slave.
p J pe give,
i n j aph strip off.
K33D 324

T i - Ύ i -

•7:0 po lay?, offer?

"ÛD pe intend.
UD pe do homage.
"|jp prefect, governor.
UD pe shut.
rPJSOìD bagpipe?
pe be fulfilled.
ha destroy.
ηίΟ end.
P^D pe go up, come up.
ha bring up.
ho be hauled up.
"lì® pa support.
"1SD book.
"IBD secretary,
I ΙΓιΟ pa pt. pass, that which is hidden.
I I "IfiD pe demolish.

pe do, make; obey; commit, arrange.

hitpe be made, carried out.
"DJ) worshipper, slave, servant.
"HTDy work, service; administration.
Í3J Ί^ν η. pers. Abed-nego.
*-ûy beyond.
"IJ? up to; until,
mj) pe go, come; pass away, be annulled.
ha take away, depose.
Nfaj; n. pers. Iddo.
111? time; year,
"lfy still.

* r n j ) offence.
HIV bird ; coll. birds.
1XIÍ chaff,
*n¡?T)J signet-ring.
ΝΊΤ1) n. pers. Ezra.
rP"ITJ> n. pers. Azariah.
ΠϋΤ) counsel.
"Vy angel.
ty on, over, against, to, concerning.
«v>y above, over,
burnt offering,
upper room,
the Most High,
^ î ) pe go in.
ha bring in.
ho be brought in.
D^JJ remote time, eternity.
gent. Elamite.
DJJ people.
Dl! together with, at.
*P13}> deep.
"lDg wool.

njy pe answer ; begin,

pi. of rnj).
" ΐcloud.
' m branch.
IMJ) fine.

'^¿V foliage.
yyV. distressed.
"IPV itpe be torn out.

" I J J adversary.
pa mix.
hit pa mix.
*TIJ) wild ass.
"Πη>; dishonour.
coll. herbage, grass.
ϊψν ten.
nt^y pe intend.
*Tn$> ready.
PTlJ! old.

DIS -» DB.
ΠΠΒ governor,
"ins potter.
'"tihlSB rd. j£) (Dan. 3.21 ) article of clothing.
pe pt. pass, divided.
tfS half.
"Π35?8 division.
pe serve,
service, worship.
DB mouth ; opening.
DB palm, hand.
pûJM zither.
^ΠΒ iron.
DIB pe be divided.
D"lB unit of weight half-mina. ? , half-shekel ?
DIB n. peop. Persians; n. terr. Persia.
'"'CnS gent. Persian.
p l S pe blot out.
tiHB pa pt. pass, made distinct.
f J t p B copy.
"ltt>B pe interpret.
pa interpret.
•WS 327

IK'S interpretation.
Τ : ·
word;' edict.
nns pe open.
*"Πβ breadth.

ΓΠΧ pe wish, desire.

JttX pa wet.
hitpa be wet.
IX side.
NIX true.
ΠζΊΧ charity,
pa pray.
n^S ha prosper, make to prosper, make progress.
D^X statue.
*TBX he-goàt.
*1ΒΧ bird.

"?jp pa receive.
*75P before, opposite, because of; w.'^ti accordingly, thereupon,
tt^p holy.
mp before; w. |D before, on the part of.
"Π0"](3 former time; B>.|D previously, before,
first, former.
Dip pe stand up ; stand ; endure.
pa establish, issue.
ha set up, found; appoint; issue.
ho be set up.
í>tap pe kill.
pa kill.
hitpe (hitpa) be killed.
Τώρ 328

-nap knot > joint, difficult problem.

D^p ordinance.
D ( i ) n n p rd. Κ zither.
voice, sound.
Kjp pe buy.
ηϊΡ pe become furious.
1 Ϊ Ρ anger.
Ρ Φ pa hew off.
m p end; part.
tnp pe call; read.
hitpe be called.
Dip pe draw near, approach.
pa offer.
ha bring near, offer.
rtnp, « η ρ city.
n ¿ horn.
" Π Ρ piece; w. slander.

head ; beginning,
great ; head-, chief-.
¡"Q1 pe become great, grow.
pa make great, elevate.
Ì2T ten thousand.
IDT greatness,
^ r n fourth.
nobles, grandees.
Tin ha provoke to anger, anger.
T3"! anger.
f . foot.
ttOT ha come up running?, storm in
Π 329 ISJ'f

πη wind ; spirit.
o n pe raise oneself.
pol praise.
ha elevate.
hitpol rise up.
* ο η height.
τη secret.
DITTI n. pers. R e h u m .
ΡΡΠ-Ί compassion.
hitpe trust.
πη smell.
ποτ pe t h r o w ; set d o w n ; impose.
hitpe be thrown.
*m will.
vh pe crush.
pa crush.
Dsn pe trample down.
Dt¡h pe write.

triangular musical instrument.
tut? pe become great.
W great ; m u c h , m a n y ; adv. very.
*nnt¡> testimony.
-Itoti» side.
BVP pe place, l a y ; g i v e ; appoint; Dan. 3.12; 6.14 w. Di'ti pay heed
hitpe be laid; be made, given.
hitpa consider.
pe pt. enemy.
"Φ hair.


ί'ΝΕ' pe request, d e m a n d ; ask.

"'n^Kti' q u e s t i o n ; matter.
n. pers. Shealtiel.
rest, r e m a i n d e r ,
rims' pa praise.
*û3!i î tribe,
pDW pe leave b e h i n d ; leave, let alone.
hitpe be left.
tiOtf hitpa be perplexed.
nty hitpa strive.
ΤΠΊ?' η. pers. S h a d r a c h .
Í71tt> pa rd. Q (Dan. 5.21 ) make like.
hitpa be m a d e into,
gent, of Susa.
nrttt» pe pt. pass, c o r r u p t , base; corruption,
a r t y save.
N T W complete.
nDB* ha find; obtain.
hitpe be f o u n d ; t u r n out to be.
Κϊψ sa of
pe dwell.
pa cause to dwell.
!l|?ti> at ease, carefree.
rbti rd. (¿(Dan. 3.2g).
l'jtî' negligence ; fault.
*ÏVÙV happiness.
Tfiv pe dispatch, s e n d ; Ezra 6.12 dare,
t i ^ pe r u l e ; Dan. 6.25 overpower.
ha make to rule,

1 d o m i n i o n , power, realm.
ta^tS» powerful; official, ruler; Ezra γ.24 it is permitted.
D^t!> pe be finished.
ha deliver, abandon.
D^tP peace, prosperity.
ύ ψ name.
IDS' ha annihilate.
DDIS' ttpo be overcome with fear.
yOtt* pe hear.
hitpa obey.
P l p t P η. place, η. terr. Samaria.
tS>Dti> pa serve,
'WOtt' n. pers. Shimshai.
"]ψ f . tooth.
pe be different; be changed.
pa change; pt. pass, different; Dan. 3.28 transgress.
ha change; transgress.
itpa change.
I * r w year.
I I *ru¿> sleep.
njW short time, moment.
DStP pe pt. judge.
"VBty beautiful.
í'Stí' ha bring low.
í>2tt> lowly.
IBtP pe please.
*ptf lower leg.
m i f pe loosen ; dwell.
pa begin.
hitpa be loosened.
*tthB> root.
"l!£>"lt¿> rd. Q (Ezra 7.26) banishment, exclusion.
"IX2tÉ>¿> η. pers. Sheshbazzar.
riti* six.
332 >jnn

.im pe drink.
ITiti» sixty.
•>JÌÌ2 η. pers. Shethar-bozenai.

12Π pe pt. pass, brittle.

''"ΤΗΓ) duration ; w. 3 continually.
31Π pe return.
ha return, send back ; answer,
mn pe be astonished, be frightened,
" l i f t ox, bull,
n i n n under.
Tl^n third.
n^n three.
,ΚΓΙ^Γ) triumvir?
ρη^Γί thirty.
"''"DFi wonder.
ΠΕΓΙ there,
n i J ^ r i a second time.
*TlSP> police official,
strong, mighty.
•?pn pe weigh.
"7(5 Γι unit of weight shekel ( 11.424 g).
| p n ho be re-established.
"PPI pe be/become strong; grow hard.
pa enforce.
*ηρη might.
*1ί5Γ) might,
p n two.
door; court.
*y-in door-keeper.
) τ η η / . two.
^JFlft n. pers. Tattenai.

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