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Job interview conversation: Dialogue between interviewer and interviewee

- Good morning, may I come in Sir/ Madame?

- Yes, please, come in.
- Thank you, Sir/ Madame.
- Please have a seat.
- How are you doing today?
- Very fine Sir/Madame, thank you.
- So, (your name), tell me someting about ypurself.
- My name is (put your name here). I am ..... years old. I am from (your country
you come from). I completed middle school. I am maried for......(how long you
have been maried), I have two children, namely two boys, the first boy is (how old
he is), and the second is...... . My hobbies are/ In my free time I like: cooking,
reading books, running, taking photographs, watching tv, listening to music,
sewing, shopping, walking in the park/ forest, studying languages, gardening,
chatting with friends, I am very domestic (casnică/iubitoare de familie)- I love
cleaning, cooking and waiting on people(a servi/ a face un serviciu pt oameni).
- Nice. Have you worked before? Where? /What experience do you have in this
domaine/ sphere? /What duties and responsibilities did you have as a/ an....
- Yes, I have already worked in this domaine for ___ years.
- Why do you want to work here?
- Now, I really want to work here/ looking for this job/ I want to apply for this job
because I think/ believe I am suitable for this position. I believe that my skills
match with your requirements. (I am very attentive to my obligations/ duties. I am
a welcoming person/ friendly,patient and also I am very sociable/ communicative, I
am able to maintain positive interactions with different people. I can make quick
decisions. These are my greatest strengths.)
- Ok, I see/ I understand. How did you hear about this position?
- I learned/ found out about the position through internet/ announces/ newspaper/
my friends.
- Thank you (put your name), It’s been good talking to you. Thanks for coming to
the interview. We have your phone number and we’ll call you if we hire you.
- I am greatful to you, thank you for the opportunity to have this interview with
- Good- bye, have a good day!/- Thanks, you too!Good-bye!
Interview to employ as a waitress:
T- Welcome to our restaurant/ company, Natalia. I am Tom.
N- Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
T- Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?
N- I am doing well, and yourself?
T- Great, thanks, I hope we didn’t keep you wainting for long?
N- It’s okay.
T- That’s good. Natalia, shall we start?
N- Yes, sure.
T- First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our restaurant/
company here and we have an open position/ available position, so we need to fill
the position as quickly as possible. (cred că mă potrivesc bine)
N- Yes, sir, I read about the position on your website, and I think I am a good fit.
T- Do you like cleaning?
N- Yes, of course.
T- Why are you the right person for this job?
N- I am a right person for this job because I know what and how I must do my job.
My duties include such activities like: sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming,
polishing, emptying trash cans, and sometimes changing the linens or light ironing
and laundry. I also have proper qualities for it, I am punctual, hard-working,
skilful, responsible, trustworthy- reliable (demn de încredere), honest, patient and I
am a fast learner as well(de asemenea).
T- Have you ever been arrested, or is there any reason for us to believe you
wouldn’t be trusted to work unsupervised?
N- No, I haven’t been ever arrested and there isn’t any reason for you not to trust
me to work unsupervised.
T- Are you confortable in stranger’s homes, cleaning their personal items?
N - Certainly, as long as I feel safe/ in safety/ secure.
T- Are you able to lift heavy things and remain on your feet for a large portion of
your day?
N- Well, I can lift heavy things as long as they don’t cause any injury to my health.
However, when I work I wear waist support belt and other medical support
devices. So, I am able to work on my feet a large portion of day.
T- Is there any part of this job that you would be unable to perform? If so, why?
N- No, I don’t think, but, if so, I am a fast learner./ Yes, I have fear of heights and I
am unable to do cleaning on high places.
T- What would you do if a custumer confronted you about something he/ she felt
you had done incorrectly? A client was unsatisfied with your work?
N- If a client wasn’t satisfied with my work, I would listen to his/her objections
and if it were in my power, I would try and put all my efforts to redress/ set right
the situation immediately, but if I couldn’t do anything I would begged my pardon/
T- How clean is your own house?
N- I always maintain an excellent cleanliness in my house.
T- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
N- My strengths are punctuality, honesty, diligence, patience, tolerance,
accuracy, ... As far as I know (din câte știu) I don’t have any weaknesses to
perform my duties, however I often focus too much on detail and it takes some
time, but usually I strive to complet the tasks on time and I always succeed.
T- What is your salary requirement and does it increase?/ What are your salary
N- My salary requirement is in the 100 € – 200 € range per hour/ week/ month.
(Cerința mea salarială este între… pe oră)./ “I am seeking a position that pays
between 75,000 £ and 80,000 £ annually.”
T- Not bad! So, we shall announce you about our decision as soon as possible.
Thank you for coming! Have a wonderful day!
N- Thank you! The same to you!
- So, shall we start?
- Tell me please about your care-giving experience.
- I have some experience in care-giving, when I bred up my own children.
- What made you to become a nanny(babysitter- bonă)?
- First of all I love children and I enjoy spending time with them actively. I think I
am a good fit. I also know my duties and responsibilities very well.
- Can you list all the babysitter responsibilities and duties?
- Of course. A babysitter have to provide(a oferi) care to children inside and
outside the home, to prepare healthy meals, to maintain daily schedule, to perform
( a îndeplini) light housework, to lead children in fun activities and also to keep
children’s living (locuința) and play areas tidy(ordonat), to change diapers(scutece)
and she have to bathe children and put them to bed/ lay them down.
- Thank you for such a full answer/ response. Yes you are right, these are the main
responsibilities of a babysitter. But, tell me please, how many hours are you
willing to (dispusă să) work in a day/ a day?
- Actually, I am willing to work eight hours a day, three/ four days in a week.
- I see/ understand. Natalia, have you ever had a child care emergency(eveniment
neprevăzut/caz de urgență, extrem)? If so, describe how you handled (te-ai
descurcat/ manevrat) it?
- Usually I put all the efforts to avoid any emergency. I do my best (fac tot
posibilul). But, I think that first of all, I should inform parents when something bad
had happened.
- What do you find the most challenging about caring for a child?
- The most challenging about caring for a child are the first days of aquaintance,
when I have to befriend with the child and convince him/ her I am his/her friend
and he/ she should trust me.
- Yes, it’ s true, and how do you proceed? What type of activities do you like to do
with children?
- As a rule(ca regulă generală), I always try to meet all the child needs and it
works/ I succeed. I choose simple and popular activities and games because they
never grow old (niciodată nu se învechesc). For instance: Hide- and- seek,
painting, playing with the ball or with toys, bulding games, making puzzle. The
important thing is to choose something interesting and it dependes on the age and
maturity of the children.
- Thank you very much for responses. It is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good
candidate. Thank you for coming./- Nice meeting you too. Thank you for your time

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