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Attendance Agreement

School’s Commitment
 Work in partnership with you to promote good behaviour and excellent
 Provide a positive and nurturing learning environment where your child
can thrive
 Offer your child a broad and balanced curriculum which is suitable for
their age and ability
 Keep you informed of your child’s progress
 Keep you informed of your child’s attendance
 Contact you if we have any concerns about your child’s attendance,
punctuality, welfare or wellbeing
Parent’s commitment
 Make sure my child attends school each day
o On time (8.30-8.45am)
o In full school uniform
o With the right equipment (e.g. PE/Swimming kit)
 Inform school of any concerns that may affect my child’s behaviour or
 Inform the office on the first morning my child is sick and every morning thereafter
 Stay in touch with the office if my child is off ill for more than a few days
 Contact the school office if I have any concerns, to book a meeting with
the class teacher
 Attend parent consultation evenings to discuss my child’s attendance
and academic progress

Signed by School
Child’s Name. Jaime Merino-Bone Class. RT
Signed by parents. Diana C. Bone Barahona …………………………………….

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