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Tejas Lakshya JEE (2024)

Practice Sheet (Physics)

Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter

Single Correct Type Questions: (1 to 15)
1. When a metallic surface is illuminated with light of
wavelength λ, the stopping potential is x volt. When
the same surface is illuminated by light of
wavelength 2λ, the stopping potential is .
3 (3)
Threshold wavelength for the metallic surface is
(1) (2) 4λ
(3) 6λ (4) (4)

2. Wave nature of light cannot explain photoelectric

effect because in photoelectric effect, it is seen that 4. Light of frequency 4.5 times the threshold frequency
(1) For the frequency of light below a certain value, is incident on photosensitive material. If the
the photoelectric effect does not take place, frequency is halved and intensity is doubled, then
irrespective of insensitivity. the photo-current becomes
(2) Maximum kinetic energy of ejected electrons is (1) Quadrupled (2) Doubled
independent of intensity of radiation (3) Halved (4) Zero
(3) There is no time lag between the incidence of
radiation and emission of electrons 5. The work function of tungsten is 4.50 eV. The
(4) All of these wavelength of fastest electron emitted when light
whose photon energy is 5.50 eV falls on tungsten
3. Photoelectric effect experiments are performed using surface is
three different metal plates p, q and r having work (1) 12.27 Å (2) 0.286 Å
functions p = 2.0 eV, q = 2.5 eV and r = 3.0 eV, (3) 12400 Å (4) 1.227 Å
respectively. A light beam containing wavelengths
of 550 nm, 450 nm and 350 nm with equal intensities 6. Monochromatic light incident on a metal surface
illuminates each of the plates. The correct I-V graph emits electrons with kinetic energies from zero to
for the experiment is (I = current, V = potential) 2.6 eV. What is the least energy of the incident
[Take hc = 1240 eV nm] photon if the tightly bound electron needs 4.2 eV to
(1) 1.6 eV
(2) From 1.6 eV to 6.8 eV
(3) 4.2 eV
(4) More than 6.8 eV

(1) 7. Threshold frequency for a certain metal is v0. When

light of frequency 2v0 is incident on it, the maximum
velocity of photoelectrons is 4 × 108 cm s–1. If
frequency of incident radiation is increased to 5v0,
(2) then the maximum velocity of photoelectrons, in
cm s–1, will be
(1) (4/5) × 108 (2) 2 × 108
(3) 8 × 108 (4) 20 × 108

8. Figure shows the plot of the stopping potential 14. A surface irradiated with light λ = 480 nm gives out
versus the frequency of the light used in an electrons with maximum velocity v m/s, the cut off
experiment on photoelectric effect. The ratio h/e is: wavelength being 600 nm. The same surface would
release electrons with maximum velocity 2v m/s if it
is irradiated by light of wavelength:
(1) 325 nm (2) 360 nm
(3) 384 nm (4) 300 nm

15. Wavelength of a 1 keV photon is 1.24 × 10–9 m.

What is the frequency of 1MeV photon?
(1) 10–15 V s (2) 2 × 10–15 V s (1) 1.24 × 1015 Hz
(3) 3 × 10–15 V s (4) 4.14 × 10–15 V s (2) 2.4 × 1020 Hz
(3) 1.24 × 1018 Hz
9. The work functions for tungsten and sodium are 4.5 (4) 2.4 × 1023 Hz
eV and 2.3 eV, respectively. If the threshold
 One or More than One Correct Type Questions: (16 to 18)
wavelength  for sodium is 5460  , the value of 
for tungsten is 16. A point source of light is taken away from the
(1) 5893Å (2) 10683Å experimental setup of photoelectric effect. For this
(3) 2791Å (4) 528Å situation, mark out the correct statement(s).
10. An electron of mass me and a proton of mass mp are (1) Saturation photocurrent decreases
accelerated through the same potential difference. (2) Saturation photocurrent increases
The ratio of the de Broglie wavelength associated (3) Stopping potential remains the same
with an electron to that associated with proton is (4) Stopping potential increases
(1) 1 (2) m p / me
(3) me / m p (4) m p / me 17. When barium is irradiated by a light of λ = 4000 Å,
all the photoelectrons emitted are bent in a circle of
11. The work of function of a certain metal is 2.3 eV. If radius 50 cm by a magnetic field of flux density
light of wave number 2 × 106 m–1 falls on it, the 5.26×10–6 T acting perpendicular to plane of
kinetic energies of fastest and slowest ejected emission of photoelectrons. Then,
electron will be respectively (1) the kinetic energy of fastest photoelectron is
(1) 2.48 eV, 0.18 eV 0.6 eV
(2) 0.18 eV, zero (2) work function of the metal is 2.5 eV
(3) 2.30 eV, 0.18 eV
(4) 0.18 eV, 0.18 eV (3) the maximum velocity of photoelectron is 0.46
× 106 m/s.
12. A monochromatic source of light is placed at a large (4) the stopping potential for photoelectric effect is
distance d from a metal surface. Photoelectrons are 0.6 V
ejected at rate n, the kinetic energy being E. If the
source is brought nearer to distance d/2, the rate and 18. A laser used to weld detached retinas emits light
kinetic energy per photoelectron become nearly
with a wavelength of 652 nm in pulses that are
(1) 2n and 2E (2) 4n and E
(3) 4n and E (4) n and 4E 20.0 ms in duration. The average power during each
pulse is 0.6 W. Then,
13. What is the de Broglie wavelength of the wave (1) the energy of each photon is 3.048 ×10-19 J
associated with an electron that has been accelerated (2) the energy content in each pulse is 12 mJ
through a potential difference of 50.0 V? (3) the number of photons in each pulse is nearly
(1) 2.7 × 10-10 m (2) 1.74 × 10-10 m 4 × 1013
(3) 3.6 × 10 m (4) 4.9 × 10-11 m
(4) the energy of each photon is nearly 1.9 eV

Passage Type Questions: (19 to 20) If intensity of incident

saturation current
Photoelectrons are ejected from a surface when light light is increased
D. s. will increase
of wavelength λ1 = 550 nm is incident on it. The keeping its frequency
stopping potential for such electrons is s1 = 0.19 V. constant
Suppose that radiation of wavelength 2 = 190 nm is
(1) p, r p, r q s
incident on the surface. (2) p, r p, r s r
19. Calculate the stopping potential Vs2. (3) p, r p, r s p
(1) 4.47 V (2) 3.16 V (4) p, s p, s s q
(3) 2.76 V (4) 5.28 V
22. Related to photoelectric effect, in Column I, some
20. Calculate the work function of the surface. physical quantities change while in Column II
effects of these changes are given. Match the entries
(1) 3.75 eV (2) 2.07 eV
of column I with the entries of Column II.
(3) 4.20 eV (4) 3.60 eV Column-I Column-II
Intensity of incident Kmax of emitted
Match the Column Type Questions: (21 to 22) A. light changes p. photo electron
21. In the shown experimental setup to study changes
photoelectric effect, two conducting electrodes are Frequency of incident Stopping potential
B. q.
enclosed in an evacuated glass-tube as shown. A light changes changes
parallel beam of monochromatic light falls on Target material Saturation current
C. r.
photosensitive electrode. The emf of battery shown changes changes
is high enough such that all photoelectrons ejected Potential difference Time delay in
from left electrode will reach the right electrode. between the emitter emission of
D. s.
Under initial conditions, photoelectrons are emitted. and collector changes photoelectrons
As changes are made in each situation of Column I. changes
Match the statement in Column I with results in A B C D
Column II. (1) r p p, q s
(2) r p r q,s
(3) q p p, r s
(4) r s p, q p

Integer Type Questions (23 to 25)

23. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving
with a velocity of 1.5 × 108 ms–1 is equal to that of a
Column-I Column-II
photon. Find the ratio of the kinetic energy of the
If frequency of
magnitude of photon to that of the electron.
incident light is
A. p. stopping potential
increased keeping its
will increase 24. In photoelectric emission process from a metal of
intensity constant
If frequency of current through work function 1.8 eV, the kinetic energy of most
incident light is the circuit may energetic electrons is 1 eV. The corresponding
B. q. stopping potential in volts is
increased and its stop
intensity is decreased
If work function of maximum kinetic 25. An element of atomic number 9 emits K X-ray of
photon sensitive energy of ejected wavelength . Find the atomic number of the
C. electrode is increased r. photoelectrons element which emits K X-ray of wavelength 4λ.
will increase

Hints and Solutions

1. (2) 14. (4)
2. (4) 15. (2)
3. (1) 16. (1, 3)
4. (2) 17. (1, 2, 3, 4)
5. (1) 18. (1, 2, 4)
6. (3) 19. (1)
7. (3) 20. (2)
8. (4) 21. (1)
9. (3) 22. (1)
10. (4) 23. 4
11. (2) 24. 1
12. (3) 25. 5
13. (2)

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