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Awareness of Digital forensics examination

1. Tell me about your professional background.
a. What is your current job title?
High Court Judge (Economic and Financial Courts 1)

b. What are your primary job duties?

As usual young man, I deliberate on Case presented to me and I make my rulings.
As a Judge, I need to maintain and enforce high standards of conduct and should
personally observe those standards so that the integrity and independence of the
judiciary are preserved.
c. How long have you been a (digital forensics examiner/attorney)?
17 years’ experience (high court ‘Economics and financial Court1 ’)
2. Do you feel your knowledge of digital forensics is adequate to fulfil your job duties?
Yes. I have undergone various training and seminars and this has given me enough
understanding of how information technology works and the impact it has on most of my cases.
3. The following questions are related to common knowledge of digital devices/technologies.
a. Please name a few items you would consider to be digital evidence.

1. Physical DNA evidence

2. Circumstantial Evidence
2. Digital Evidence
5. Forensic Evidence

b. How do you primarily learn about emerging technologies?

- Training
- Personal Research
- Webinar
4. On a scale of 1 to 5 describe your familiarity with IT, computers, and forensics.
Where 1= low; 2=below average; 3=average; 4= above average; 5=High

1 2 3 4 5
Digital Evidence 5
Computer Forensic Process 5
Computer Technology 4
Internet Applications 4
5. Do you feel the involvement of forensic evidence, in general, makes a case complicated than
a case not involving forensic evidence?
a. Why do you feel this way?
Well, the complexity of some of the evidence goes beyond imagination. For a normal
Judge, they may not accept on the onset. But after serval consultation, there will be
more clericity.
b. Does your feeling depend on the type of forensic evidence?

8. (Attorneys only) Have you ever used a digital forensic expert to assist in any of your cases?
a. What types of services did they perform? (Case review, forensic analysis, reporting,
testimony, etc.)
Mostly make Judgement on the cases presented to me. I also request the help of an expert
witness when needed.
b. What characteristics of the individual helps in admitting him/her as an expert witness in
The institution make the Expert witness available to my court (EOCO)
c. What were the factors that prompted you to consider or hire such an expert?
Mostly when I need much clarity about a particular event.
d. In what ways, if any, did you find the court's expert helpful?
e. How, if at all, do you think that the use of such an expert affected the outcome of the
Experts have, for the most part, constituted the bedrock of understanding in extremely complex
issues. Experts have proven to be indispensable in every aspect of a forensic case.

9. Tell me about recommendations that you might make to other judges to improve their own
knowledge and awareness of digital forensic evidence.
Well, we must learn more about cyberspace and digital forensics. Get trained and have an
expert around at all times.
10. In general, how do you think the use of the digital forensics method has influenced the
delivery of justice in our court?
Oh yes.
Digital Forensics (Digital forensic scientist only)
10. Is there any standardized procedure you follow during any forensics examination?
11. What procedure do you use during forensic examinations?
12. Do you use any software/application/algorithm to extract evidence from a digital device

Factors Influencing Digital forensics

13. From a scale of 1 to 5 describe how the following influences digital forensics investigation.
Where 1= low; 2=below average; 3=average; 4= above average; 5=High

Factors 1 2 3 4 5
Heterogeneous sources of data 5
Expanding the diversity of digital devices 5
Diversity of data 5
anti-forensics (such as artefact wiping, data hiding, trail 5
obfuscation, data encryption, and attacks against
computer forensics tools and processes)
Big volume of data 5
Legal requirements such as compliance with the law 5
Efficiency of digital forensic departments 5

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