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New Cutting Edge End of course Test

Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1 Would you mind _closing_ (close) the door, please?

2 I _will lend_ (lend) you some money if you like.

3 Do you mind if we _cancel_ (cancel) this evening’s meeting?

4 It’s normally _used_ (use) for cutting.

5 Currently, the number of people who take regular exercise _is decreased_ (decrease)
according to many specialists.

6 I _couldn’t take_ (never/take) a day off, even if I felt ill.

7 What _will_ you _do_ (do) if you have some free time this evening?
8 The witness said he _didn’t recognise_ (not/recognise) the criminal.
9 As soon as the guests left, we _were relaxing_ (relax).
10 Dogs _are not allowed_ (not/allow) on the grass.
11 What really _annoyed_ (annoy) me is when people don’t say sorry.
12 People should be _fined_ (fine) for speeding.
13 If she’d stayed in her old job, she _would been_ (be) the manager by now.
14 I _would become_ (become) a soccer star, if I’d been good enough.

Words with three letters only are missing from these sentences. Write them in.
1 A decorator is someone _who_ paints walls and improves houses.

2 I’ve got _too_ much work at the moment. I need some help.

3 Could I try a _bit_ of that fish, please? It looks delicious.

4 A _lot_ of people take holidays abroad these days.

5 How much sugar do you want? One or _two_?

6 Are there _has_ questions or comments about what I’ve said?

7 Robots _are_ likely to do most of the house work in the future.

8 He was so rude to me last time. _It’s_ that reason I won’t be coming again.

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Read this news report on the radio. Write the words in brackets in the correct form.

‘Good morning and here is the news…

Today the government announced new proposals to improve (1)_safety_(safe) on the roads. The
minister for transport said travel has (2) _become_ (become) more dangerous and that the new
laws would bring about a (3) _reduced_ (reduce) in the number of accidents involving cars.
Meanwhile, new figures for unemployment this year are (4) _shown_ (show) an increment from
1.2 million to 1.25 million in the number of people out of work. (5) _Criticises_ (Criticise) of
the government said that the figures were the worst (6) _latest_ (late) but the works minister
said that this was a small change and that overall the situation wasn’t deteriorating but was in
fact (7) _get_ (get) much better than when they came to power…’

Re-write the first sentence in reported speech with the words given.
1 ‘Where do you live, Mr. Rogers?’

The Policeman asked _me where I lived._(The Policemen asked Mr. Rogers Where has he

2 ‘We haven’t been to the zoo for years.’

They said_that hadn’t been to the zoo for years.

3 ‘Sally is the best employee of this year.’

The colleague said she _was the best employee of this year________________.

4 Will you bring your photos tomorrow?

SHE ASKED _if I would bring photos tomorrow______________.

Complete these sentences from different locations with answer a, b or c.

1 CUSTOMS: All arrivals _____ show their passports here.
a) ought to b) are permitted to c) must
2 SHOP: Credit cards _____ accepted here.
a) should be b) have got to be c) are
3 AIRPORT: Passengers _____ to board later than thirty minutes before departure.
a) don’t have b) are not allowed c) mustn’t
4 FACTORY: All visitors are _____ to show their security badge.
a) permitted b) allowed c) required
5 NON-SMOKING AREA: You _____ smoke here.
a) haven’t got to b) don’t have to c) are not allowed to

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6 BEACH: Danger! ____ to swim here.
a) It isn’t necessary b) It isn’t a good idea c) It is not permitted
7 ROAD: Pedestrians _____ cross the road when the light is red.
a) have to b) haven’t got to c) cannot
8 TRAINS: Passengers ____ buy their tickets from the kiosk but not on the train.
a) can b) can’t c) are allowed

Complete the sentences with could(n’t) have, should(n’t) have or would(n’t) have to have
the same meaning as the first sentence.
I was out all day so didn’t answer the phone but you didn’t call.

1 I _would answer_ the phone, if you had called.

It was possible for Sheila to fail the exam, but she didn’t.

2 Sheila _could fail_ her exam.

It was a good idea for Andrew to marry Viv, but he didn’t.

3 Andrew _hasn’t_ married Viv.

The shop nearly closed and he was responsible for the shop.

4 He _has_ responsible, if the shopped had closed.

It wasn’t possible for me to change the date.

13 I _couldn’t change_ the date.

It was a bad idea to stay out late, but we did.

5 We _shouldn’t_out late.

Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1 I couldn’t have done it, if you _didn’t help_(not/help) me.

2 If the hadn’t been boring, he _would have fallen_ (would/fall) asleep.

3 If I hadn’t been injured badly, I _could have become_ (could/become) a famous footballer.

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Read the extracts from ten different news items in newspapers. Then listen to the ten items
and write in the missing numbers. Listen twice. There is one mark per news item.
1 Alan Barnett, the Health Minister announced today _that moreover twenty hospitals_ have
been opened in the last ten years. He also added that waiting lists for major operations are
shorter than at any time in the previous _thirty years….

2 Latest estimates suggest that _English_ learnt by over a billion people. That’s far more than
the whole just twenty_ years ago….

3 Compared to last year road deaths are _twenty-seven_ percent lower with child deaths and
_serious injuries_, _thirty eight__ percent down. That’s the lowest level since records began
_more than fifty years_ ago. However, the fact remains that on average _six_ people die and
_three hundred sixty four_ are _injured_ every year on our roads…

4 There has been outrage at yet another rise in rail fares of _five_ percent as from January next

5 Australia’s treasurer announced some of the lowest figures for _six percent__ since __from
October_. This year it has gone from _seven_ percent in January to _six point two percent_
in September and finally _six_ percent in October…

6 TV is an insult to the intelligence of a _two_ year-old, claimed _about cartoons_ today…

7 A new telephone poll suggests that _eighty six_ percent of people in the state say that their
economic situation has improved with _forty-one____ percent saying it was good and
_forty-five_ percent saying it was better than four years ago.

8 __Up by three_ percent more of us are taking our holidays __abroad_ every year and
spending _eight_ percent more…

9 Critics of the government say the country’s _school reforms_ is poor compared with
_twenty_ years ago…

10 Recent research says a record _sixty-five_ percent of people who join a gym fail to use it
after two weeks and that the majority of us get _ increased car use grove and home
entertainment such as computer games, DVDs_ than we would have done _twenty_ years

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