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Roll No.

Class Test I 22207
Course Name: - Mechanical Engineering Course Code:-ME2I
Subject: EDR (22207) Semester:-Fourth
Date: -16/03/2023 Time: 02.00 pm To 03.30pm Max Marks: 20
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Assume suitable additional data if necessary.
5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
Q1. Attempt any two only 8 marks

a) .The top view of a 75 mm long line AB measures 65 mm, while the length of its F.V. is
50 mm .Its one end A is in the H.P. and 12 mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections of

b) A circular plate of negligible thickness and 50 mm diameter has its centre 25 mm

above H.P. and 35 mm in front of V.P. Its surface is is perpendicular to V. P. and inclined
at 45degree to H.P. Draw its front view and Top View.

c) A line AB 70mm long, has its end 15mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP. The line
is inclined at 30’ to the HP and 45’ to VP. Draw its projections.

Q2. Attempt any two 12 marks

a) A cylinder 60 mm base diameter and 70 mm length of axis is resting on its base in the
H.P. It is tilted on one of its base point in such a way that the generator passing through
that point makes an angle of 45 degree with the H.P. and is parallel to V.P. Draw its

b) A square pyramid , side of base 40 mm and length of axis 60 mm is resting on its base
corner on H.P. in such a way that base makes an angle of 30 degree with H.P. Draw its

c) An isosceles triangle of base 30mm and altitude 50mm is having its base on HP. Plan
is perpendicular to VP. And is making an angle 40’ to the HP. Draw three views of the
plane and find the height of the vertex above HP.
Roll No.

Class Test I 22207
Course Name: - Mechanical Engineering Course Code:-ME2I
Subject: EDR (22207) Semester:-Fourth
Date: -16/03/2023 Time: 02.00 pm To 03.30pm Max Marks: 20

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