Assignment - 1

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Sambhram Institute of Technology

Ref: SaIT/BIO/2022-23/001 Date: 04 Jul 2023

Dear students, kindly submit the assignment -1 of Biomolecules & their applications and
Human organ systems and Bio designs -1 on or before 13 Jul 2023 without fail. Assignments
questions are given below.


1. What are Biomolecules? Briefly describe the engineering applications of
Biomolecules – Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic acids and Enzymes. 5

2. Write a note on Carbohydrates and their applications as Filters and Bio plastics. 5

3. Explain in detail application of Nucleic acids in Forensic sciences. 5

4. What are Proteins? Briefly describe on proteins from plant sources and the
production of whey protein. 5

5. Write a note on Lipids as Biodiesels and detergents. 5

6. Explain the concept of Eye as a camera 5

7. Write a short note on Heart as a pump system. 3

8. Write a short note on DNA and RNA vaccines and their applications. 3

9. What are Enzymes? Write a short note on their classification. 3

10. Explain the Human organ system and the co-relation on Bio-design. 3

11. Write a short note on Brain as CPU system. 3

12. What is EEG? Explain its applications. 3

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