Climb The Food Chain

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Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray



To succeed online can be a struggle. Most people scrabble around at the bottom of the food
chain trying to grab a few referrals here, the odd sale there, while at the same time joining every
program that comes along and becoming part of someone else’s downline.

The people that succeed online have a great talent for grabbing those ‘bottom feeders’ and
making them part of their downline!

This short guide will jump you from bottom feeder to shark so you can be the one getting all the

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


Chances are, you don’t yet own your own program.

Chances are, you don’t even have your own list! If you do, congratulations, that’s a great head
start in moving up the food chain.

Having your own list or better still, owning your own program, is a great way to instantly gain a
real advantage over your competition.

And they are competition because chances are, when you have an opportunity to get a referral
in some program, they’ve already been nabbed by someone higher than you in the food chain!
That person either owned their own program (so has a large membership) or at least had
already built their own list.

Imagine for a minute what happens when a new program launches…

If you don’t own your own program or list, what do you do? If you want to promote the new
program, you start from scratch advertising your affiliate link. And sure, you might get a few

Meanwhile, the people with their own program or list, send one or two emails to their members
or subscribers and instantly get 10’s or even hundreds of new referrals in the new program!

Just think how many programs you’re a member of because you joined through someone’s
email, compared to how many referrals you have in all those programs from surfing or using
mailers. Imagine too, how much effort you put into getting just one referral.

You’ve either surfed traffic exchanges for hours to earn credits that then have a very low
conversion rate into referrals or you’ve read 100’s or 1000’s or emails to earn credits to send
mails to people that are only interested in earning credits, not what you have to offer.

Conversion rates on traffic exchanges and mailers are at an all-time low for promoting offers

But there are a couple of solutions…

If you want to succeed online, you must position yourself higher in the food chain. And the great
news is, it’s not difficult because there aren’t that many people that have made that leap away
from being a bottom feeder, the bottom of the food chain; the people scrabbling to get the odd

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


This is the simplest way to take the first step up the food chain.

Yet remarkably few people take this advice, despite everyone telling them they need to do it.

The good news for you is that once you start to build your own list, you’ll instantly start to gather
all of those bottom feeders, that won’t build their own list, into your ‘net’.

That’s because it’s way easier to build a list using traffic exchanges and mailers (and any other
advertising resources for that matter) than it is to try to directly promote specific programs.

People don’t like being sold to!

They will far more happily sign up to a list that offers them something free than join yet another

That something free needn’t be much – it could be just a newsletter or a free ebook. It’s the bait
you offer to get someone to join your list.

Not that this should be exploitative – it’s important you offer value in return for them joining your
list. But an ebook like the one you’re reading right now is all it takes.


Owning your own program is like a pipe-dream to most people. Most people wouldn’t know
where to start. They wouldn’t know what kind of program to create, much less how to source a
membership script, do or outsource the necessary design work and then host and run the

And the truth is, it’s not for the faint-hearted.

To do it yourself is harder than just building a list but the rewards are huge. If building a list is
taking the first step up the food chain, owning a program is like taking 10 steps up!


Because the members that join help you find more members!

That’s why so many programs are termed viral – the more members you have, the more people
are helping to bring yet more people into your net. Your list grows not just linearly like 5 people
a day, it grows exponentially faster and faster as you get more members.

Again, this isn’t (or shouldn’t be) exploitative – the people joining your program are using your
program to bring people into their own net too! They must get value for it to be worth promoting
the program.

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


When you promote an affiliate link via a traffic exchange or mailer, they either join or you don’t
(generally) see them again.

Even if they join, you generally have no easy, systematic way to contact them with any new
offers in the future. It’s a one-hit (or miss) deal.

When you promote a newsletter, ebook or your own program, the people that signup are then
part of your audience.

Let’s say you sign up 5 people a day; that’s 1,800 people a year being added to your audience.

So when you want to promote a new program, you can reach all those people people instantly.

Not only that, because you will have been communicating with them in-between times, they’re
beginning to know, like and trust you. And do you think they’re likely to join a new program
under you, or through some random advert they see on a traffic exchange? You, of course!

You can send an email the minute a program launches. How long would it take you to expose
your offer to 1,800 people the way you advertise now?

And you’d have to advertise to a lot more than 1,800 people to get the same response you’ll get
from your own list!

But as I stated before, if having a list is good, having a program is 10x better because some of
those people that join the program will help find more people to join the program – because it’s
in their interest. But more importantly, it’s very much in your interest!

So how practical is it to own your own program?

In the next section, I’m going to show you how you can do what you never dreamed was
possible – ‘own’ your own program but without any of the technical complexities!

Before I do, let me just say that if you’re promoting a business opportunity then this guide is
even more important to you. While people will join free programs relatively willingly, trying to get
them to join a paid ‘bizop’ program is a lot harder.

Not if you own your own program – and I don’t mean your own bizop, I mean your own program
for promoting that bizop! Just think – your program will be free, people will join for free. But
they’ll be led into your bizop like bees to nectar! (along with all the other referral programs within
your program)

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


I’m going to show you how you can ‘own’ your own program and start building your own
membership (which is like a list on steroids).

I say ‘own’ because you’ll have a fraction of the technical headaches of setting up, hosting and
running your own program – most of it’s done for you – it’s what we in the business call
‘software as a service’ – SAAS. We take care of hosting and keeping your site running, you
have the benefits of your own program but with none of the headaches!

Much like if you want to build a list, you don’t source, host and run your own autoresponder
service; it just isn’t worth it or even economically feasible. You use a 3rd party autoresponder


It turns out there’s a perfect type of program for you to run!

It’s beyond most peoples’ capability to run their own traffic exchange, mailer or bizop.

The program you’re going to ‘own’ and run is perfect for anyone trying to grow downlines in
specific programs. It’ll be extra perfect for you as the ‘owner’ because you’ll be growing your
downlines in those programs but you’ll also be building your own mailing list (helped by the
people that join and use your program). Of course it’s also good for the members that join and
want to promote the same programs – we’re not trying to exploit anyone, it’s just that you get
the extra perks from being the program owner!

That program is a dedicated downline builder.

No doubt you’ve encountered ordinary downline builders in just about every program you’ve
ever joined – every traffic exchange and mailer has a ‘downline builder’. The problem with these
so-called downline builders is that they’re really just plonked in the program in the hope that by
filling in your referral IDs, someone new might join, look at the page and decide to join one or
more of the programs.

But downline builders in other programs don’t really lead to that many referrals. That’s not to
suggest you shouldn’t bother filling in your IDs – you absolutely should.

You’ll be running a dedicated downline builder! One where you choose exactly and totally
what programs are in the downline builder.

Read on to discover the very important differences…

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


Your downline builder will (usually) have one of three approaches:

• It can offer people a step-by-step system to make residual income

• It can offer people a way to build downlines in specific programs
• It can be a team builder – you can run a team dedicated to building a specific program

Of course with the first option, it helps them make residual income by helping them build
downlines too, it’s just described differently to appeal to people that want to make money but
don’t necessarily know how.

Downline builders within for example a traffic exchange are really just a page that lists a bunch
of programs, typically other traffic exchanges. The programs within might have a short
description but there’s no real explanation of why you should join the specific programs – it’s
just hoped that the member will. So conversion rates are low, people just fill in the IDs they
already have.

And because people are joining for the traffic exchange, not joining for the downline builder
within, they often more or less ignore it.

A dedicated downline builder is very different because the whole purpose of the program is to
explain why members should join the specific programs (if they haven’t already) and to
systematically lead them to join each program.

Many of the most successful programs online are dedicated downline builders – they help the
owner and the members promote and build multiple programs with one umbrella program.

They’re attractive to many people because of the promise of helping them build downlines.

And of course the real power of a dedicated downline builder is that you only have to promote
one program – all the programs within are promoted automatically.

Also, a dedicated downline builder usually has step-by-step instructions that teach the new
member why they should join the various programs. As a result, the conversion rate is very
high for all the programs in the downline builder.

Another reason a dedicated downline builder works so well is that you’re providing a duplicable
system for your members – and their referrals – to follow.

Read on to find how to easily offer your own dedicated downline builder, complete with custom
domain name – it really is like owning your own program…

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray

MEET CUSTOMDLB.COM – YOUR OW N DEDICATED DOW NLINE BUILDER is a unique program offering a dedicated downline builder as a “software as

a service (SAAS)”.

You join, becoming one of a limited number of clients. Each client can then
create their own virtual dedicated downline builder, complete with a custom domain name. The
number of clients is limited to help maintain a degree of exclusivity.

If you create then your members will see and won’t even be aware that
your downline builder is actually a SAAS downline builder and part of

Once you become a client, you can begin customizing your downline builder.

Typically, you’ll first define the programs that you’re going to include. To help with the design,
you can add programs in one of four categories. By default, they’re named:

• Money
• Traffic
• Tools
• Other

But you can rename these categories if it suits you. The reason for these categories is that your
downline builder will likely have one or more main, residual income-generating programs
(money), programs to help your members get traffic and promote their downline builder (traffic).
Tools might be recommended programs like autoresponders and Other for programs that don’t
fit in the previous categories.

Next, you define the pages you want in the downline builder. This is where the magic happens
that will persuade your members to join the various programs.

You can have individual programs and their signup boxes right on the individual pages e.g:

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray

Contrast this with downline builders in other programs where all the programs are listed on one

By writing your own text and weaving the join boxes right into the page, you offer the least
resistance and maximum persuasion for them to join the program.

And note the menu at the top: this will automatically show all your pages as a step-by-step
system for your members to follow. And it’s proven to work very effectively – it’s human nature,
people want to complete the steps!

You can have as many or few downline builder programs as you like and any number of pages
for your system.

Remember, you’re aiming for your pages to be the step-by-step instructions for a duplicable
system so that when your members join, they can simply follow the steps (including how and
where to promote) and then their referrals will do the same.

Finally, you’ll want to register a domain name for your dedicated downline builder. If you’ve
never done it, it’s very easy and inexpensive. Once you’re registered your domain name, we
can link your new domain name to your dedicated downline builder so that from that moment
on, you and your members log in at your domain and won’t even be aware of CustomDLB being
the power behind your site!

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


Of course, for you to promote your downline builder, you need promotional pages such as
splash pages or mini sales pages.

We can provide templates that you can edit or you can create your own or have someone
create them for you.

We also offer a paid service of creating designs for you or we can recommend resources for you
to outsource.


All the pages you create can be custom HTML including being able to add videos, graphics and
things like autoresponder signup forms.

The important thing about this whole concept is that you want to be able to mail all the members
that join, either through you or your members’ referrals.

If you have your own autoresponder already, you can do this by including your autoresponder
capture form in one or more of the pages. But you can optionally use the built-in autoresponder.

This lets you set up an email series that will go to all your members after they join. So they
might get a welcome email on day 1 and then another email 3 days later.

You can also broadcast other emails to your whole membership, for example when you want to
promote a specific program (although if it’s a referral type program, it’s better for your members
that you add it to your downline builder and then mail your members telling them you’ve added a
new program).


As soon as you have everything set up you can start promoting your dedicated downline builder.

Members that join will think they’re joining a program owned by you and will generally follow
your step-by-step instructions. That’s why they joined after all !

Each member will be able to see the referrals that they’ve brought in.

And of course each member that joins will fill in their referral IDs in all the program boxes, either
as they join the programs or if they were already a member.

Note: even if some of the people that join were already a member of some of the programs,
you’re still likely to get them joining some programs and they’re on your mailing list.

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray


To get started, go to and register.

You’ll get a verification email to make your account active.

Once you log in, you’ll see the home page. Right now, the content will be a guide to show you
how to create your own pages but you’ll be replacing these pages with your own content.

Once you’ve read everything and you decide you want your own downline builder, you need to
become a client. Simply go to the upgrade page and choose one of the options.

Once you’re a client, you’ll see a new clients menu. This will be seen by you only, not your

In this menu are all the sub-menus for you to start creating your own custom downline builder.

For example, the first thing you’ll usually do is define what programs you want in your downline

There are also ‘assist’ packages you can purchase if you want to just supply the raw information
and have us set up your programs and pages for you.

Of course there’s a full instruction guide inside for you to download and follow that makes
everything very easy.

If you need help at any time, just go to and open a new
ticket. Be sure to choose CustomDLB as your department.

Climb The Food Chain Copyright 2015 © Troy Wray

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