Martinez 1996

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Kinetic study of the reactions of NO3 with 3=chloropropene,

3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene using LIF detection

E. Martinez:" B. Cabaiias," A. Aranda," P. Martin" and R. P. Wayneb

a Facultad de Quimicas, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Campus Universitario sln, 13071,
Ciudad Real, Spain
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford, U K OX1 3QZ
Published on 01 January 1996. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 30/10/2014 12:26:30.

The kinetics of the reactions of the nitrate radical, NO,, with 3-chloropropene and 3-bromopropene have been studied in the
temperature range 296-428 K, using the discharge-flow technique coupled to detection of NO, by laser-induced fluorescence. The
results obtained for the room-temperature rate constants are (0.49 0.02) x and (0.38 f 0.02) x cm3 molecule-'
s-', respectively, and the proposed Arrhenius expressions are k = (1.92 f 0.79) x lo-'' exp[(-2480 & 143/T)] and
k = (1.27 & 0.37) x lo-', exp[(- 1737 f 104)/T] cm3 molecule-' s-', respectively (errors quoted as a).
The study of the reaction between the NO, radical and 3-iodopropene has also been attempted using the same conditions. The
decomposition of 3-iodopropene with increasing temperature and the occurrence of some radical-radical reactions makes it
difficult to establish the Arrhenius parameters. A room-temperature rate constant of k < 3.91 f 0.02 x cm3 molecule-'
s - has been estimated.
An estimate of the corresponding rate coefficients for the reactions of these halopropenes with the OH radical has been made.
Tropospheric half-lives are calculated at night and during the day for typical NO, and OH concentrations, and show that both
radicals provide an effective tropospheric sink for these compounds.

The nitrate radical is an important intermediate in tropo- The reactivity of 3-chloropropene towards hydroxyl
spheric chemistry. Many reactions with organic and inorganic radicalsI2 and NO, has been studied previously at room
compounds have been investigated.'-, Through these studies, temperature. The present study is the first investigation of
it has been shown that unsaturated hydrocarbons are highly reactions (2) and (3), and the first study of the influence of
reactive towards the NO, radical, which may be an important temperature on reactions (l), (2) and (3). Most kinetic work on
night-time sink for such chemicals. A knowledge of the rate the reactions of NO, with haloalkenes involve chlorosubsti-
constants for reaction of NO, with unsaturated aliphatic con- tuted alkenes. Only two studies are a~ailable'9'~in which
taminants in air is required to estimate the persistence, fate bromine or iodine atoms are present in the organic chain. Our
and harmful effects of these toxic organic compounds. In this study should thus contribute to the clarification of the influ-
context, the effects of ally1 chloride on the environment have ence of the different substituent halogen atoms on the reacti-
been widely d e ~ c r i b e d . ~ - ~ vity.
Early attempts to explain the reactivity of NO, towards
chlorinated alkenes were unsuccessful because of the substan-
tial scatter in the experimental r e ~ u l t s ,and
~ several different
structure-reactivity relationships were proposed for the reac-
tions with the hydroxyl radical and chlorine atoms. More Details of the apparatus and experimental procedure have
recently, further studies of the reactions of NO, with haloalk- '
been described previously,' and therefore only a brief
enes have been carried out8-" in an attempt to establish the description is given here. All measurements of second-order
reactivity of these compounds towards the nitrate radical. In rate constants, k, were carried out in a fast-flow apparatus
this work, we report experimental kinetic results for the reac- under pseudo-first-order conditions in NO, .
tions : A 115 cm long flow tube with an i.d. of 40 mm was used,
and the temperature was set between 296 and 428 K. Nitrate
NO, + ClCH,-CH=CH, -+ products (1) radicals, which are added to the flow tube through a fixed
NO, + BrCH,-CH=CH, -+ products (2) port, were generated by reaction of nitric acid vapour with
fluorine atoms from a microwave discharge passed through
NO, + ICH,-CH=CH, -+ products (3) 5% F,-He mixtures. NO, concentrations in the range
in the gas phase over the temperature range 296-428 K. (0.6-1.6) x lo1, molecule cm-' were used. Haloalkenes
In the atmosphere, the main loss processes for organic were added through a sliding injector of 0.8 cm od with a
species are photolysis and reactions with the O H radical and spray-nozzle tip. All halopropene concentrations gave
the nitrate radical. For 3-chloropropene and 3-bromopropene, [reactant]/[NO,] ratios between 50 and 1000. Variation in
which do not absorb actinic radiation (i.e. at wavelengths reaction time was achieved by changing the distance between
2290 nm), the available kinetic data for other alkenes and the injector and the detection cell.
haloalkenes indicate that the reactions with OH and NO, are Quantitative detection of NO, was carried out by monitor-
expected to be the dominant atmospheric loss pathways. In ing the fluorescence emitted after exciting the (0-0) 2E' t ,A2'
the case of 3-iodopropene, which undergoes photodissociation transition of NO,, pumping with R = 662.0 nm radiation
on exposure to visible radiation, its reactions with tropo- from a dye laser. Long-pass filters with a R = 665 nm cut off
spheric radicals are expected to be relatively less important in were used as most of the fluorescence intensity lies at wave-
determining the atmospheric lifetime. lengths > 710 nm.

J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans., 1996,92(22),4385-4389 4385

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The laser system consisted of a dye laser pumped by the

second harmonic of an Nd/YAG laser (Scanmate 2C, Lambda
Physik). DCM dissolved in methanol was used as the dye
solution. 2-5 mJ pulses of 0.105 cm-I bandwidth and 8 ns
duration were used to excite fluorescence which, for these
experimental conditions, was a linear function of laser power z

: :
and NO, concentration with zero intercepts. The detector was W0 1
an R928 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube and signal averag-
ing was achieved by a boxcar integrator (Standford RS 250)
capturing 100-300 fluorescence decays.
The sources of the halopropene used and their stated
?5 0.5
W -
purities were: 3-chloropropene (Jansen 99"/), 3-bromo-
propene (Jansen 990/,) and 3-iodopropene (Aldrich 98%). All
0 ~ 1 l l l ( l r r l l l 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 l l l l l l l l l 1 l )
the reactants were purified by successive trap-to-trap distilla-
Published on 01 January 1996. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 30/10/2014 12:26:30.

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

tions. In the case of 3-iodopropene, special measures were timels
taken to avoid its exposure to light as it decomposes giving
molecular iodine. Nitric acid vapour was obtained by bub- Fig. 1 First-order plots for the reaction of NO, with 3-
bling He through a 2 : 1 sulfuric acid-nitric acid mixture (P.A. chloropropene at 428 K. 0 , [3-chloropropene] = 1.49 x 1014 mol-
ecule cmW3; [3-chloropropene] = 2.08 x l O I 4 molecule ~ m - 0,
~ ;
Panreac). Molecular fluorine mixed with helium (5% F,-95% [3-chloropropene] = 2.82 x 1014 molecule A, [3-chloropro-
He) was supplied by Praxain and Union Carbide. pene] = 3.37 x loi4 molecule ~ m - ~ ; [3-chloropropene] +,
= 3.28 x 1014 molecule A, [3-chloropropene] = 4.69 x 1014
molecule ~ m - 0,
~ ;[3-chloropropene] = 6.28 x 1014molecule cm-3.

Results and Discussion

Decays of NO, concentration were obtained as a function of parameters were calculated from linear least-squares regres-
time, and the logarithms of the ratios of the fluorescence sion (Table 1). The measured activation energies for the reac-
intensities in the absence and presence of reactants were tions of NO, with 3-chloropropene and 3-bromopropene
plotted for different contact times, in accordance with the E, = 20.6 1.2 and 14.6 0.7 kJ mol-l, respectively, are of

ln([NO,],/[NO,],) = k[halopropene]t = k, t (I) T=298 K

40 y
I 7-1391 K
where k, is a pseudo-first order rate constant. 35 :
For reactions (1) and (2), straight lines were obtained for all T-428 K
these pseudo-first order plots for every halopropene concen- 30 A T-347 K
tration, and at all temperatures, which is consistent with the
model of elementary gas-phase reaction considered. Fig. 1
shows some typical plots obtained for reaction (1) at 428 K.
The slope of such plots yields the pseudo-first order rate con-
stant. 15 :
The rate constants obtained for reactions (1) and (2) at dif-
10 7
ferent temperatures are listed in Table 1. Plots of k, us. [3-
chloropropene] and C3-bromopropenel were linear with inter- 5 :
cepts close to zero at all the temperatures studied, so that no
evidence of secondary reactions was observed. The data
obtained for reaction (1) are displayed in Fig. 2. 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4
The temperature dependence of the second-order rate con- [3-chloropropene]/lo'' molecule c m 3
stants was sought in Arrhenius plots (Fig. 3). Linear behaviour Fig. 2 Second-order plots for the reaction of NO, with 3-
was observed for both reactions (1) and (2), and the Arrhenius chloropropene at different temperatures

Table 1 Summary of the measured rate constants

T/K k/iO-I4 cm3 molecule-' s-l [reactant] / 1O molecule cm - EJkJ mol - ' A/10-I2 cm3 molecule-' s-'

298 0.49 0.02 2.5-13.9
348 1.41 f 0.10 2.1-10.5 20.6 f 1.2 19.2 i-7.9
391 3.16 f 0.13 1.4-7.0
428 6.41 f 0.46 1.3-6.3
297 0.35 & 0.02 1.2-4.7
346 0.80 f 0.05 0.8-3.6 14.6 f 0.7 1.27 f 0.37
39 1 1.41 f 0.13 0.6-3.8
428 2.37 f 0.14 0.7-3.9
296 G3.91 f 0.23 0.6-2.6
346 G5.75 0.55 0.4-2.3
39 1 G8.20 f 1.14 0.7-2.2
427 G9.97 & 0.36 0.3-1.9
~ ~ ~ ~~~~~

WO,] = (0.6 f 1.8) x 10" molecule PT = 1.1 & 1.3 Torr. Errors quoted are f a .

4386 J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans., 1996, Vol. 92

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A T=427 K

-30 7 30 - T-296 K


25 7
T=346 K

7a3 -31
- -
- 20

2 -32
*- 15 -
W 10
-c -33

Published on 01 January 1996. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 30/10/2014 12:26:30.

-34 0 - 1
2 2.5 3 3.5 0 5 10 15 20 25
[3-iodopropene] / 10 13molecule
Fig. 3 Arrhenius plots for the reaction of NO, with 3-chloropropene Fig. 4 Second-order plots for the reaction of NO, with 3-iodo-
and 3-bromopropene in the temperature range 296-428 K propene at different temperature

the same order of magnitude as for other reactions of NO,

with alkenes. the elementary reaction between 3-iodopropene and the
According to these experimental results, we propose the nitrate radical, and they should be considered as upper limits.
expressions : This work is the first investigation of the temperature
dependence of the kinetics of the reactions of NO, with 3-
k, = (1.92 & 0.79) x lo-'' exp[(-2480 f 143/T)] chloropropene, 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene. Tuazon
(cm3 molecule-' s-') (11) et a!." studied the reaction of 3-chloropropene with OH rad-
icals and ozone at room temperature, and there is also a pre-
k, = (1.27 & 0.37) x lo-', exp[(-1737 f 104/T)] vious relative-rate study of reaction (1) at room temperature',
in which a rate constant k = 5.35 x cm3 molecule-'
(cm3 molecule-' s-l) (111) s- ' was estimated, quite different from the value obtained in
to predict rate constants of reactions (1) and (2) in the range of the present work.
temperature 296-428 K. In any case, Atkinson,' does not recommend the previous
In the reaction of the nitrate radical with 3-iodopropene, results from his group as he believes that they could be subject
semilogarithmic NO, concentration decay plots were also to significant uncertainties. No data for reactions (2) and (3)
linear, with intercepts close to zero at all temperatures [as for have been found, so that no comparison may be established,
reactions (1) and (2)]. When plotting the experimental pseudo- but the results obtained for room-temperature rate constants
first-order rate constants k, against 3-iodopropene concentra- and Arrhenius parameters show that the behaviour is similar
tions, straight lines were obtained but the intercepts were to those of other reactions of NO, with alkenes and haloalk-
significant, and rose with temperature (Fig. 4).Our experimen- enes.'
tal technique, which normalises to [NO,l0 at each injector From the experimental rate constants measured in this
position, would usually be expected not to give an intercept. work, it is possible to estimate the room-temperature rate
The existence of this intercept thus suggests an additional loss coefficients for the reactions of 3-chloropropene, 3-
process of NO,, dependent on the pressure of 3-iodopropene. bromopropene and 3-iodopropene with the OH radical, since
We attribute this loss to the decomposition of a small amount reactions (l), (2) and (3) seem to proceed through a mechanism
of 3-iodopropene when it is heated inside the flow tube, similar to that for other alkenes.'-'' The correlation between
because molecular iodine was observed in the cooled trap, the reactivity toward alkenes of O H and NO, radical found
downstream from the reaction vessel. Ally1 radicals and iodine by Wayne et al.'
atoms must therefore be generated. Both are expected to react
rapidly with the NO, radical and to initiate a complex reac-
log kNO3= 21.6 + 3.32 log ko, (IV)
tion sequence that is, as yet, only partially characterised.' can then be used to yield the calculated values for k,, that are
These secondary reactions may generate other species such as shown in Table 2.
I 0 and CH,=CHCH,O, which would consume further NO,. The agreement found in the case of 3-chloropropene
Thus, although the rate constants extracted from plots in Fig. between the predicted k,, and that measured experimentally
4 and summarized in Table 1, do follow Arrhenius behaviour, is quite good. As no experimental data for reactions of O H
yielding an apparent activation energy of 7.58 & 0.36 kJ with 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene have been reported
mol-' typical of additions of NO, to alkenes, it is not pos- yet, the estimated values presented in this work can be used as
sible to assert that these rate coefficients are due exclusively to a first approximation to the reaction rate constant.

Table 2 Tropospheric half-lives of 3-chloropropene, 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene estimated from the room temperature rate constant for
reaction with NO, during the night and for reaction with OH during the day

cm3 kOHb/1O-" cm3 k, '/I 0- ' cm
compound molecule- s - ' molecule - ' s - molecule - s - TnighJh h,/h
~~ ~~ ~~

3-chloropropene 0.495 f 0.025 +

1.53 0.20 1.7 0.5 38.9 f 2.0 11.3 f 3.3
3-bromopropene 0.385 k 0.025 1.41 f 0.30 - 50.0 i-3.2 13.7 f 2.9
3-iodopropene G3.91 f 0.23 G2.85 f 0.05 - 34.9 f 0.3 36.8 0.1

a Experimental (this work). ' Calculated, see text. Experimental (ref. 12). Errors quoted are f6.

J . Chem. SOC., Faraday Trans., 1996, Vol. 92 4387

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Aird et aL8 made a first attempt to carry out a structure- absence of 02,it has been proposed that the primary excited
reactivity analysis of the reactions- of the nitrate radical, and a adduct decomposes to an epoxide and NO,. Although recent
reactivity factor for -CH,Cl of 0.52 0.12 was proposed. It evidence16.' shows that this pathway can sometimes account
was shown that a much larger kinetic data base was still for 17% of the products under atmospheric conditions, it has
required to establish a reliable set of rate constants for basic generally been neglected in high-pressure experiments, as
structures and group factors. Using our experimental results, increased total pressure and 0, partial pressure decrease the
it is possible to estimate the group reactivity factors of yield of epoxide and NO,.
-CH,Br and -CH,I when they are attached to the double The nitrooxyalkylperoxy radicals subsequently yield nitro-
bond as 0.40 _+ 0.09 for the former and 4.12 & 0.94 for oxyalkoxy radicals through reactions with NO, NO, and
-CH,I as an upper limit, although more experimental data HO, .l The nitrooxyalkoxy radicals can participate in differ-
are still required to extract more reliable factors. ent reaction sequences but, as suggested by the results of
The reactivity of NO, towards alkenes and halogenoalk- Wangberg et a1.,'* who studied the products of the reactions
enes has recently been to be dependent on the ion- of NO, and different halobutenes, the presence of H atoms
ization potentials, Ei of the unsaturated reactants estimated attached to the alkoxy-carbon, and a low level of substitution
Published on 01 January 1996. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 30/10/2014 12:26:30.

from the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital in the structure of the alkenes, would enhance the reaction
(HOMO). The energies of the HOMOS have been obtained with 0, to form HO, and halo-substituted aldehydes or
for 3-chloropropene (- 10.22 eV), 3-bromopropene (- 10.46 ketonitrates. In accordance with these ideas, we propose the
eV) and 3-iodopropene (- 9.44 eV) by means of semiempirical mechanism shown in Scheme 1 for reactions of 3-
calculations carried out with the Hyperchem 3.0 package and chloropropene, 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene initiated
PM3 parametrization. A correlation has been proposed for by attack of NO, under atmospheric conditions. These reac-
simple alkenes and alkenes that are not halosubstituted in the tions are thus a potential source of OH in the dark, and con-
double b ~ n d ~ ? ~ ? " sequently of H,O, . Daytime photolysis is expected to be the
main loss process for ketonitrates in the atmosphere."
-log(k,,,/cm3 molecule-1 s-l) = 3.276EJeV - 19.38 (V) With regard to the atmospheric implications of the reac-
The rate constants obtained for the reactions of NO, with tions studied here, it is possible to estimate the lifetime
3-chloropropene and 3-bromopropene fit eqn. (V) quite well. at night of 3-chloropropene, 3-bromopropene and 3-
Thus, the present work, together with our previous study of iodopropene in the troposphere, assuming the reactions with
the reactions of the nitrate radical with 1,l-dichloropropene, nitrate radicals to be the dominant loss processes. The night-
(E)-1,3-dichloropropene and 2,3-di~hloropropene,~tends to time half-lives, defined as ln2/(k[halopropene]), are given in
confirm that the alkenes with halogen atoms attached to the Table 2, calculated on the basis of an average concentration of
double bond present reactivities quite different from those NO, during the night of lo9 molecule cm-,.l
alkenes with the halogen atom joined to other positions, as Assuming that sinks other than the reaction with OH rad-
had been observed p r e v i o ~ s l y . ~
In, ~the case of species like icals during the day can be neglected, it is possible to calculate
3-chloropropene and 3-bromopropene, the behaviour with the daytime half-lives using the rate constants estimated in
respect to the ionization potential is similar to that of simple this work for the reactions of OH and 3-iodopropene, 3-
alkenes. bromopropene and 3-chloropropene (experimental value,
As the room-temperature rate constant for reaction of 3- Table 2).
iodopropene with NO, falls far from the regression line, the For both night- and day-time, it may be seen that the reac-
contribution of the atomic orbitals to the HOMO was also tions of the halopropenes with NO, and OH radicals are fast,
explored. It was noticed that the HOMO was mainly localised showing that these tropospheric processes provide effective
on the iodine atom of the 3-iodopropene molecule, while in loss pathways for such compounds.
the other alkenes it was on the carbon atoms where the
double bond formally resides. This observation can explain
why the HOMO energy might be of the wrong magnitude in
this case. The kinetics of the reactions of 3-chloropropene, 3-
The anomalous kinetic results for 3-iodopropene may also bromopropene and 3-iodopropene with NO, have been fol-
arise because the elementary reaction with NO, has not been lowed in the temperature range 296-428 K.
unequivocally characterised (see earlier discussion of possible The rate coefficients measured at room temperature show
secondary processes). Further, although PM3 is parametrized that these reactions may be of tropospheric relevance, as is
for iodine atoms, the validity of the calculation in molecules also expected for the corresponding reactions with OH rad-
with such large atoms is not well checked yet. icals.
The reactions of NO, radicals with alkenes proceed via Our recent work on the reactions between dichloro-
electrophilic addition of the radical to the double bond to propenes and NO, l 1 and the present study show the rele-
form an excited radical adduct. Under atmospheric condi- vance of LIF as a quite selective and sensitive technique to
tions, this irreversible step is followed by the addition of 0, to follow the reaction of the nitrate radical.
give nitrooxyalkylperoxy radicals.' At low pressure and in the The decomposition of 3-iodopropene when heated produces

4388 J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans., 1996, Vol. 92

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a complex system of radical-radical reactions that are difficult 8 W. S . Aird, C. E. Canosa-Mas, D. J. Cook, G. Marston, P. S .
to characterise. Although this effect is expected to be less Monks, R. P. Wayne and E. Ljungstrom, J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday
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important at room temperature, the corresponding rate coefi- 9 G. Marston, P. S . Monks, C. E. Canosa-Mas and R. P. Wayne, J .
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14 P. Carlier, H. Hannachi, A. Kartoudis, A. Martinez and G.
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Chemistry, Gas Phase and Multiphase Aspects, 1987, p. 133.
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