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Topic 1.

The Subject and Main Objects of Stylistics


1. The definition of stylistics and style.

2. The object and the subject-matter of stylistics.
Types of stylistic research and branches of
3. Stylistics and its connection with other sciences.
4. Text. Context.

stylistics, text, style, context, notion, utterance,
microcontext, macrocontext, megacontext

1. The definition of stylistics and style

The notion “Stylistics” appeared in the middle of the 19th century. So

Stylistics studies:
a) ________________________________________
b) ________________________________________
c) ________________________________________

There are several definitions of this science.

Stylistics is

Stylistics is

Style is one of the basic notions of stylistics.

The notion “style” is a polysemantic word, one of its meanings is deriv

Style is ____________________________________

2. The object and the subject-matter of stylistics.

Types of stylistic research and branches of

Stylistics is a linguistic discipline, its object is


One of the tasks of stylistics is ____________


Stylistics investigates the units of all language

The subject-matter of stylistics is __________

There are different types of stylistic researches.

They are:
1) literary stylistics, it studies __________________
2) comparative stylistics, which is connected with
3) decoding stylistics describes _________________
4) functional stylistics investigates ______________
Stylistic Phonetics Stylistic Lexicology

Branches of stylistics

3. Stylistics and its connection with other sciences

literature logic

Stylistics is connected with

It is also connected with some branches of

1) Stylistics and phonetics

Stylistics Phonetics

2) Stylistics and lexicology

Stylistics Lexicology

3) Stylistics and grammar

Stylistics Grammar

4. Text. Context

Text is ________________________________

Context is_____________________________

Extra linguistic and linguistic context

Extra linguistic context Linguistic context

Context is –

Questions for self-control:

1) What is stylistics?
2) What types of stylistics are distinguished?
3) What disciplines is stylistics connected with?
4) What is text ?
5) What is context ?
Topic 2. Stylistic Phonetics. The Phonetic
Means of Stylistics


1. The principles of sound organization of utterance.

2. Onomatopoeia. Alliteration. Assonance.
3. Graphical means.
4. Rhyme. Rhythm.

onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, rhythm
1. The principles of sound organization of

Stylistic device in phonetics can be defined as

The models of sound organization can be divided into two groups:

instrumentation versification

Versification is _____________________________

2. Onomatopoeia. Alliteration. Assonance.

Onomatopoeia is _______________________
Types of onomatopoeia:

direct indirect

Alliteration is __________________________

Assonance is __________________________

3. Graphical means
a) ______________________________________;
b) ________________________________________
c) ________________________________________

Punctuation is used in ___________________


It aims at clarifying the meaning of sentences.

Common marks of punctuation

Punctuation mark Function
the full stop
the comma
round brackets
square brackets
the dash
the exclamation mark
the interrogative mark
the hyphen
the oblique stroke
suspension marks
the colon
the semicolon
the apostrophe
capital letters
inverted commas
(quotation marks)

4. Rhyme. Rhythm

A rhyme is ____________________________

Rhythm is __________________________________
The word rhythm is derived from rhythmus (Greek) which means, “measured motion”.

English poetry makes use of five important

Types of rhythm: anapest, iamb, dactyl, trochee,
Rhythm ______________________________

Questions for self-control:

1. What is onomatopoeia? What types of
onomatopoeia do you know?
2. What is alliteration?
3. What is assonance?
4. What is the role of punctuation?
5. What is rhyme?
6. What types of rhythm do you know?

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