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Week 11 Assignment

Newtown Creek, Brooklyn, NY:

Newtown Creek, is located in the northern part of Brooklyn and is one of the most polluted water
bodies in the United States. Over the years, various pollutants have accumulated in the creek,
leading to severe environmental degradation

Pollutants in Newtown Creek:

1. Industrial Chemicals: Newtown Creek has been historically used by numerous industrial
facilities, resulting in the release of various hazardous chemicals into the water.

2. Nutrient Overloading: The excessive release of nutrients from various sources including
industrial and wastewater discharges, has led to eutrophication in Newtown Creek. Eutrophication
promotes the growth of harmful algal blooms, depletes oxygen levels in the water, and disrupts
the ecological balance.

Remedies for Newtown Creek:

The creek's sediments are highly contaminated with industrial pollutants, which pose an ongoing
risk to aquatic organisms and benthic communities. Dredging and sediment capping are potential
remediation methods to remove or isolate contaminated sediments, preventing further pollution
and potential exposure to harmful chemicals.

Love Canal, Niagara Falls, NY

Love Canal, located in Niagara Falls, New York, gained notoriety as one of the most infamous cases
of environmental pollution in the United States.

Pollutants at Love Canal:

1. Chemical Waste: This city became a dumping ground for chemical waste starting in the 1940s
when the Hooker Chemical Company disposed of various toxic substances, solvents, heavy metals,
and pesticides. These pollutants seeped into the soil and groundwater, resulting in significant
environmental contamination.

2. Volatile Organic Compounds: Love Canal is also contaminated with volatile organic compounds.
These compounds, commonly associated with petroleum products, can pose risks to human health
through inhalation, dermal contact, or ingestion.

Remedies for Love Canal:

Relocation and Remediation: In the late 1970s, due to the severity of the pollution, approximately
800 families were relocated from the affected area. The site underwent extensive remediation,
which included the construction of a clay cap and the installation of a barrier to prevent further
migration of contaminants.
Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn, NY

The Gowanus Canal, located in Brooklyn, New York, is a heavily polluted waterway that has been
identified as a Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Pollutants in Gowanus Canal:

1. Industrial Contaminants: The Gowanus Canal has a long history of industrial use and has
received discharges of various pollutants from nearby industries. These contaminants include
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury, and copper), volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These pollutants degrade water
quality and pose risks to aquatic life and human health.

2. Sewage and Stormwater Overflows: The Gowanus Canal suffers from combined sewer overflows
(CSOs) during rainfall events, which leads to the discharge of untreated sewage and stormwater
into the canal. This contributes to increased levels of pathogens, nutrients (such as nitrogen and
phosphorus), and other pollutants, further exacerbating the pollution of the waterway.

Remedies for Gowanus Canal:

1. Superfund Cleanup: The EPA has designated the Gowanus Canal as a Superfund site, which
allows for targeted remediation efforts to address the pollution. The cleanup plan includes
dredging contaminated sediments, installing a multi-layered protective cap, and constructing
underground walls to prevent the migration of contaminants.

2. Green Infrastructure and Wetland Restoration: To combat stormwater runoff and reduce CSOs,
green infrastructure projects are being implemented in the Gowanus Canal area. These include the
installation of green roofs, rain gardens, and the restoration of wetland habitats.


Morse, K. (2019). Nutrient pollution in Newtown Creek, Brooklyn, New York.

Environmental Science & Technology.

Kleiman, J. (2010). Redeeming Love Canal: Controversy as Catalyst.

Rice M. (2016). Urban waters and the Gowanus Canal: Designing a Blue-Green City.

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