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TAMIL 1, அ பவ வா த ெப யவ கள ட ேக 50
பழெமாழிக ேசக எ க.

2, நா ேப ேப வழ கி இைணயான எ வழ
ெசா ெறாட 50 எ தி வ க.

3, ேகாைட வ ைறய ந ெச ற லா றி
எ க.

4, ேகாைட வ ைறய தா தா, பா அ ல

உறவ ன வ கழி த நா கள ைவயான
நிக கைள எ க.

4, ெபா ைம, ண ச , வ டா ய சி, த ன ப ைக,

அ ஆகிய தைல கள ெசா த க பைன திறைன
பய ப தி க பைனயாக சி கைத எ தி வ க.

5, ஏேத ஐ தமி லவ கள பட ஒ
அவ கைள ப றிய வா ைக றி எ க.

ENGLISH  Prepare a tree chart on types of tense with definition, forms and 3
examples each.
 Read a novel and write the character sketch of important characters.
 Read a story find its theme and create your own story with same
theme but different plot twist.
 Write 50 new vocabularies with sentence.
 How theatres played an important role in Shakespeare’s plays.( Use
reference and write)
MATHEMATICS Topic 1: Prepare the Still Models of Solid Shapes (Cube ,Cuboid,
Cone ,Pyramid)

Topic 2: Solve the Given Puzzle and Magic Square in Pg: 275

Topic 3: Write the Multiplication tables from 5th to 15th

Topic 4: Collect the datas on Expenditure of your family in 2024 on the

following things: Food, Clothing, Education, Electricity and prepare a Bar graph
on that, and find that on what your expenditure is minimum and maximum.

Topic 5: Prepare the working model of Pythagoras theorem, also learn and write
the theorem in a chart with diagrammatic representation


1.Write the elements name and its symbols from atomic number 1 - 20.

2.Write any twenty bases and acids and write their chemical formula.

3.Make any one model of the following:

i) Types of human teeth ii) Food web. iii) Dialysis. iv) Life cycle
of the silk moth

4.Write an assignment on the topic" My favourite scientist".

5.Make a working model of an electromagnet.

SOCIAL 1. Draw 10 election symbols of the political parties in the chart.

2. Write an assignment of Cheras,Cholas and Pandyas.
3. Write the name of the Chief Ministers of all states.
4. Make power point presentation of any one topic.
5. Paste pictures of product like toothpaste, Medicine, hair oil etc.
Study the chemical composition and make an imaginary product
of your own and give the details of its composition. Create an
innovative advertisement.

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