Unomalanga The Slave

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UNomalanga-The-Slave by Thandeka



always remember that you are the beholder"when some kids
were told they were loved every morning and night ,I was told
that I was pretty it's a petty that it took my mom her whole life
to realize that she was the BEHOLDER.


A maiden wearing a Royal Uniform was seen in the forest of

Zaziyani running tired Lesley constantly looking back to see if
she is being followed ,she was holding a small bag on her left
hand she ran until she reached the cliff , she looked for a
spot//a hidden spot long grasses and rocks that could hide her
belongings...she found one it looked really dangerous but she
cared less there were lots of rocks and a pit it looked like a
snake pit but she cared less, she carefully lowered the bucket,
opened it then took off her necklace and placed it inside she
wrote a note , put it inside her bag then positioned it next to
the bucket ... She looked at the bucket one more time then she
turned running down hill

U NOMALANGA ...Born to suffer

Chapter 1
At kwa Nongoma village a young black girl was seen in the back
of the house playing with a pretty Barby doll( the young girl
name is Nomalanga her skin is so black, most of people call her
ugly or Monkey she is wearing a long dress that covers her legs,
she have the most longest black Afro but it is unkept, this girl is
forever wearing clothes that covers her skin because she was
biten by a snake when she was young that made her skin to be
allergic to the sun) A young woman who might be 27 yrs came
out of her house and went to the back where she found
Nomalanga playing with her doll, this woman's name is
Anesthesia:hehe(exclaim) Nomalanga ufunani la( Nomalanga
what are you doing here)
Nomalanga:mama..a ..mama..a .
Anesthesia:Masimba! Angisi wuyena u nyoko Mina...uhlezi la
uthi izitja zizovaswa wubani(Rubbish!...I'm not your Mother ...if
you are sitting here then who will wash those dishes )
Nomalanga:(with a shaky squeaky voice) ngiya qolisa aunty (I'm
sorry Aunty)
Anesthesia:uwuthethephi lo Nodoli?(where did you get that
doll?)uyeba manje? Huh Senginesela la kwami?(you are stealing
now huh?so now I have a criminal in my house)
(She ruffly pulled Nomalanga's little hand and led her to the
You might be wondering how old is Nomalanga right?she is 5yrs
old and yet she is treated like a 15yrs old , she washes the
dishes, clean for her sisters and make sure that her sisters dolls
are not missing, while kids her age are at school she stays at
home hiding for people who are passing by the street afraid
that they will laugh at her
That evening Nomalanga was seen wondering around her home
looking for her sisters toys, Nomalanga is intelligent even at
such a tender age she can count and she knows every colour
unlike her sisters who are still struggling to call some word's...
Nomalanga:(mumbling)2pink dolls,3 red car's
3 Orange dolls,kutjhoda u Nodoli o hlaza satjani no hlaza
sasibhakabhaka (a green and a blue doll are missing)
Nomalanga looked stressed she knew that if she won't find
those dolls she will be bitten by her aunt.....tears were
threatening to fall, she knew that she was supposed to go look
for them in her neighbors house and that neighbor hated her ,
she tried asking her sisters to help her but they ignored her
Nomalanga was already heading to her neighbors house when
she heard her name being called, she looked back only to see
her father calling her....her happiness Overwhelmed her, her
dad is the only person who appreciate her, she ran to her
father's embrace with tears streaming down her eyes
Anesthesia came out of her house with anger written on her
face, she went to her husband expecting him to leave
Nomalanga and hug her but nothing of such happened
David: Anesthesia take this plastics to the house don't open
them( Anesthesia looked at him with shock, she quietly took
the plastic's then left , David payed no attention to his wife he
was so keen in listening to Nomalanga
Nomalanga :Baba kanti Mina ngizoya nini eskolwen ( Dad when
am I going to school)
David:utjho ukuthini Nobuhle ka baba(what are you trying to
say Mrs beauty)
Nomalanga:(she blushed, her dad is the only person who
believe that she is pretty)u Mbali no Nomvelo ngibo bodwa
abaya eskolwen mina angiyi(Mbali and Nomvelo are the only
ones going to school)
(David was shocked he couldn't believe his ears)
Chapter 2
David POV
(I couldn't believe my ears, I know that Anesthesia doesn't like
Nomalanga but for her to deprive her the chance to go to
school? that's too extreme)
Me: pretty face , what did I say about lying (we live in a village
but I made sure that Nomalanga knows English)
Nomalanga:I know dad, buka nasi( she crossed her
fingers...when she does that it means that she is telling the
truth, I quickly marched to the house,I found Anesthesia sitting
on a sofa with my daughters... Immediately when they saw me
they rushed to me)
Mbali:Baba ngi me)
Me:u Baba u guge u Nomalanga, mangimuhlisa ngizo guga
wena ( I'm still carrying Nomalanga)
Anesthesia:heh I sotja lase Ukraine lihlala liphethe isigidi(
Ukraine's soldier that is always carrying a gun)
Me:Angizwanga(repeat that again)
Me: good (Mbali and Nomvelo went back to the couch with sad
faces, I hate the fact that Nomvelo and Mbali treat Nomalanga
like their maid , Nomalanga is a special kid she never struggled
to do anything, unlike Mbali at the age of 3yrs she was still
struggling to walk.. I sat on a couch with Nomalanga on my lap )
Me: Nomalanga hamba uyo thatha ama plastic lawa uwalethe
ku baba( Nomalanga go fetch those plastic's)(she rushed to
them then tried to carry them but she couldn't so she pushed
them, even if I die I will rest in peace knowing that Noma will
Never suffer, she have a solution to everything)
Me: Nomalanga namuhla zingaki( Noma what is today's date?)
Nomalanga:ummmh mmmh zin 24 ku Ntaka (24 march)
Me :yini namuhla?(what are we celebrating today?)
Nomalanga:(she looked confused) My heart was shattered I
Know that she is still a child she can't remember her birthday
but Anesthesia was supposed to make it special, sometimes I
ask my self, how the heck did I fall in love with such a demon
Me: Everyone gather around ( Noma took a pillow and sat in
front of me while looking at me ready to hear everything
Mbali and Nomvelo looked at me confused, Anesthesia was so
embarrassed, she told them to copy Nomvula)
Me:I took out a cake , they all stood up happily
Me:Namuhla Yi Birthday ka Nomalanga (Nomalanga's
happiness was written on her face )
(That evening we celebrated Nomalanga's Birthday happily I
gave her some few gifts ( a pink teddy bear,a pretty pink dress
and some snacks ) Anesthesia wasn't ok with all that she made
an excuse to go sleep)
Next day
I was walking with Nomalanga heading to cristal primary
school, we met few people who looked at Nomalanga judging'ly
but my princess cared less she was busy singing and dancing
not minding her surrounding ( we finally reached the school
premises) we were directed to the principals office by a pretty
old lady who complimented Nomalanga's hair I felt happy to
know that this cruel world still have some warm hearted people
(In the principals office)
Principal Ngobeni was starring at Nomalanga disguised by her
Principal:you mean you want this thing to be granted an
opportunity to study in my school
David:(furious) when you say this thing, you are referring to my
Principal:it is not my fault that you slept with a monkey, this
thing can't be among my learners, she will traumatize them
David:I don't want to break your bones, is it her fault that she
have this skin color, after all we are all made by God , some of
your parents should have been killed in apartheid and save us
from such embarrassment
Principal:God? please Mr don't put God in this... everyone can
see that this thing is sent by the Devil to destroy the world, I
can't let her in my school
Nomalanga:'(with a breaking voice)do.. don't wo.. worry I will
hide my face
Principal:(with a shocked face) old are you
Principal:and you can speak speak like a white
person how?
David:yah it looks like I'm the best teacher, ain't I?
Principal:(embarrassed)I will see what I can do ...I will call and
inform you...
David:yah,it is too bad that my intelligent daughter will be
among your stupid learners...she will come to school next week
Monday it's not like you have a choice
Chapter 3
It was unfortunate that David was informed that he should go
back to his work place, immediately after he left Anesthesia
took the longest water pipe and went to Nomalanga's room
Thwaa(was the sound of water pipe on Nomalanga's fragile skin
then a loud scream followed )
It continued for an hour until one neighbor decided to go and
stop her ,she couldn't take it anymore, it's not like she likes
Noma , it's just that her weak old heart couldn't take it
Nonkanyezi: Anesthesia... Anesthesia..awyeke leyo ngane(leave
that child)
Anesthesia:she went out ruffly pulling the wailing
Nomalanga,we Nonkanyezi uyayifuna lengane ..? Ngikunike
Yona?awyeke ukungi sanganela (Nonkanyezi do you want this
kid?stop being a pest)
Nonkanyezi:wena nemfene yakho niyasi rasela akusiyo I zoo
Lena ( you are making noise with your Monkey this is not a Zoo)
Anesthesia: Nonkanyezi phuma la kwami (Get out of my yard)
Nonkanyezi:Nangabe awuyeki ukusi rasela ngizoku fowunela I
ngane Yami uyaz Ukuthi I dume ngani(if you don't stop making
noise I will call my son you know what he is capable of)
Anesthesia was left standing in her yard holding Noma's hand,
she was defeated she knew that if she go against that woman
word's she will call her criminal son and she have heard a lot of
bad stories about him
Anesthesia:(she looked at Noma then....) Make sure that you
sweep this yard(she looked at her one more time hatred
written on her face then she left)
Nomalanga limped towards the garage and she took a broom
she knew that if she doesn't sweep the outcome will be harsh
,she didn't understand why she was beaten so badly but she
didn't have that audacity to ask
While Noma was sweeping Anesthesia was sitting under
Amarula tree drinking coca cola, Mbali and Nomvelo were
playing on the street
you could see that Nomalanga was struggling, she would stop
for few seconds trying to cash her breath then start all over
again, tears were streaming freely on her face
I was sitting under the tree when my friend Lerato came, Lerato
is known for always being in trouble, she doesn't know her son
father and she is into blessers ...she is not married but she have
her own house and cars her son attend a highly recommended
private school... Her clothes are on flic and her make up is
always on point ,I hate to admit this but I'm jealous of her , she
live a perfect life
Lerato:hey Friend
Me: Ntanga(mate)
Lerato:u busy ngan(what are you doing)
Me:Aah nix ...
Lerato: Good... anyways I have a plan (her plans are always bad)
Me:ha nah ....I'm not interested
Lerato:Ay man friend this is serious...we will be rich(that got me
Me:hay nawe yini(what)
Lerato:(excited)ok so this friend of mine promised to give me
50million if I give her a young innocent girl
Me:Yoh hay you want me to sacrifice my daughter hay
Lerato:hay man friend....not your daughter
Me:so you want me to kidnap hay Ngeke
Lerato: Nomalanga
Lerato: think about it friend, I will come back tomorrow
remember 50 million (she stood up, kissed my forehead then
Unknown location
A king of a particular kingdom was waiting in a passage next to
a room were her screaming wife was giving birth...he was
passing up and down un-able to calm down
Lumko: Baba yehlisa umoya(dad calm down)
This king has 11sons and 4wifes his forth wife is pregnant while
his third wife is giving birth
A mid wife came out, he looked at her worried his wife was still
crying loudly
Midwife: Congratulations sir your wife gave birth to a healthy
bouncing baby
King:then why is she still crying?
Midwife:it's a boy...
Chapter 4
That night Anesthesia called Lerato
Anesthesia:(in a low voice)hey Lerato
Lerato:hey Shoma(friend) whatsapp with late calls
Anesthesia:Uhm Uhm...I called...I wanted to ask give
me more details about Uhm.. your friend... your Sangoma
Lerato:oh friend is a traditional healer he promised to
give me 50 million if I can find a young innocent girl for him so if
you give me Nomalanga we will share that 50million , I take
30%you take70% which means that I will get12.5m and you will
take 37.5m when can you take her should be quick I
don't know when my husband will be back
Lerato:Aaaa friend you will never regret this...we can take her
as soon as tomorrow let me contact him
Lerato: where is she...
Anesthesia: I sent her to the shop
Lerato:haaaa friend she is still young, and it's already late
Anesthesia:Ahhh who cares about that monkey
Lerato:hey wena keep her safe...she is our treasure phela
Anesthesia:hey I almost forgot (they laughed then disconnected
the call)
(She was standing in the tuck shop scared.......she had never
been in such crowded place, everyone was starring at her
weirdly ) (Greetings)she didn't get any
reply all she got was mocking stares followed by a loud
laughter, tears clouded her vision...Imagen what that could do
to a 5yr olds heart she looked down then played with her
fingers, an old lady approached her then touched her shoulder,
she looked at her with tears streaming down her face
Old lady:hamba uye lapha uyo thenga(go to that till and ...)
Nomalanga went towards the till she climbed on top of a crate
then handed the lady on the till her money
Nomalanga:Bengi zothenga uburotho (I came to buy bread)
The lady looked at her disguised
Lady:fusek ...hamba la(piss off)
Noma:a...A..kodwa(..a...a but)
Lady:mfene ngithe hamba!!(monkey I said leave!!)
Nomalanga quickly jumped down then ran away...she stopped
in the middle of the road crying , she didn't want to go back
home she knew that if she went home Anesthesia won't spare
her...she is still wounded so she can't take another
beating...she decided to away....she knew that no
one will care Even if she took a wrong way home, she took a
deep breath then she took a different route
The Night was now more darker Nomalanga could no longer
see (she have night blindness)she was in the middle of
nowhere, she kept rubbing her eyes hoping that her vision will
be clearer ,the night was too quiet the only sound that could be
heard was the sound of leafs blown by the wind...she had been
walking for hours she lost count's of the turns she took...she
decided to sit down/to rest hoping that a miracle will happen
I was scared it's already 10:34 pm and Noma is not yet back, I
am praying that no harm happens to her, I'm on the street with
Lerato we have been here for 2 hours but no one saw her...all
they say is that they last saw her running out of Nomsa's tuck
shop...I hope that she is safe wherever she is , I can't afford to
loose her...we are at Nomsas house I'm holding a side cutter
and Lerato is holding a bottle (Alcohol bottle)we are in for a
war Nomsas:I don't know her
Lerato::yey yey yey ungazongi hlanyisa wena uyisephi leya
ngane ( don't make me mad ...where is that child)
Me::Asizanga la ukudlala nawe uphi u Noma (we didn't come
here to play with you where is Noma)
Nomsas:A. A. Angimazi(I..I. I. I don't know)
I pinned her to the wall then I looked straight in her eyes
Me: where is Noma
Nomsas:(crying)a. A. (cough)a ngimazi(I don't know her)
Lerato:(picking up a call) Hellow...e...we wanted to I...inform
you that we have a little problem...e...uhm we don't umoya...ok ok ok
Lerato:e e e Ntanga sisemasimbeni lomuntu uthi akafuni ukwazi
yena ufuna u Noma ksasa nangabe siyahluleka ukumu letha
uzosenza imikhovu yakhe( mate we are in deep sh*t this person
says that he doesn't want to hear our excuses he want Noma
tomorrow if we fail to bring her he will turn us into his zombies)
I peed on my pants
Chapter 5
...:hey wena vuka (hey wake up)a drunkard man shook Noma
Nomalanga;huh... UWUBANI wena( who are you)
...:Zodwa yingane...woza uzoyibona (Zodwa it's a child.... come
and see her)He called his drunk wife who is carrying their 4yrs
old son
....: UWUBANI igama lakho (what's your name)Noma remained
quite, she was scared
Zodwa came closer to see what her husband is taking about,she
wasn't interested, all she wanted to do was to get in cold water
then sleep, she couldn't leave her husband behind she have the
problem of getting lost while she is drunk....she was shocked to
see a child under a tree at 01:00 am they decided to take her
with them maybe she will talk tomorrow
1:32 am
LERATO:Yoh Yoh Yoh wenzeni(what have you done)
Anesthesia was crying her lungs out holding Nomsa's Lifeless
body ,she was interogating Nomsa trying to suck out Nomas
Location out of her but Nomsa got tired and told her to do
whatever she wanted to do because she will no longer say
anything, that got Anesthesia angry so she sliced Nomsa's neck
with a side cutter leaving Nomsa's head hanging on her body,
she didn't kill Nomsa deliberately she was driven by anger
....she cried holding Nomsa's head trying to fix it back to it's
LERATO:hay Mina angisazingeni uwedwa kule nyakanyaka( this
is non of my business you are alone in this mess )she took her
black label bottle]I don't want police to find my finger prints in
this place
Anesthesia:Bekuyiphutha Bekuyiphutha (it was a mistake)she
kept repeating those words LERATO looked at Anesthesia one
more time then said
LERATO:u ubu qabangani ...awnayo nemali yo bhadela I Lawyer
(what were you thinking... what were you don't
even have the money to pay a Lawyer)
..Anesthesia looked at her ,tears glittering in her eyes, she
looked at a person she called a friend disappearing in the dark,
if it wasn't her love for money she would have never been in
this mess, she wanted to pray but she remembered everything
she did to Noma , she never loved Noma from day one
she kneeled down then prayed
....Dear God ...I'm sure that I'm the worst person you ever
wanna hear from, so I won't be long...Today I'm bowing before
you for the first time since forever, I won't ask you to forgive
me because I know that's impossible I'm only asking you to
protect my kids I don't want any of them to inherit my heart , if
in future I was going to be happy please take my happiness and
give it to.Noma she deserve it , I have decided to take my life
because there is nothing left for me to leave last wish is
For Noma to remain strong no matter what the world throw at
The next morning 6:30am
Nomalanga woke up and found everyone sleeping, she stood
up then went to the door (they were all sleeping in the sitting
room)she opened the door in her first attempt ,she went to
look for a broom, she looked for it but found nothing...she was
scared she thought she was going to beaten
...:hey...who are you(asked the neighbor ) Nomalanga looked at
her then said
Noma:Hey ma...I'm Nomalanga can you please borrow me a
broom....the woman looked at her shocked, she thought she
was a Tokoloshi (short boy)that was not the only thing that
shocked her..she couldn't believe that such a small kid can
speak English fluently she spoke like those billionaires kid her
accent was way better than hers
Nomalanga:Ma...did you hear me (the neighbor smiled then
went inside her house she came out minutes later holding a
broom Nomalanga quickly rushed to the fance then took the
Noma:thank you, I will bring it back when I'm done, I'm sure
you will be gone by then so I will give it to whoever is in the
... that neighbor looked at her then thought "She can't be a
small child she should be a dwarf there is no way a small pikini
like her can speak English so fluently"she then turned walking
to her old SUV then drove out...... Nomalanga hummed a song
while sweeping her voice mixed with birds voice made the most
heart warming song...Lumko who was passing by the street
driving her black Toyota suddenly stopped he was in tears
listening to those sounds he felt a connection with Nomalanga's
Voice, he had a feeling he couldn't describe he stopped his car
,lowered the sit then closed his eyes soon he was already
Chapter 6
I woke up with a banging headache, hangover was killing me, I
went to the kitchen to drink water.... after drinking I fell down it
wasn't because I was drunk or dizzy it's just that my head hurts
a lot and I can't think straight,I looked down trying to gain my
sense back,I heard sounds outside, it was as if someone was
singing and sweeping I didn't mind that I thought maybe my
daughter vigilant is in a good mood, I was still down when my
husband banged in the kitchen
Steven:hey zodwa uphi umtwana (zodwa where is the child)
Me:huh umtwana (huh a child)
Steven took a bucket of archer that was filled with water and
poured it on me
Me:aaah Steven uyahlanya (Steven are you mad)
Steven:manje uzokwazi uku Qabanga...iphi ingane
yakuyzolo(now you can think straight...where is the child we
were with yesterday)
Me:ye(I quickly went to the sitting room I only found joy
sleeping on a a couch)OMG let me go and ask vigilant, I went
out followed by my husband only to meet the shock of my life,
that young girl was sweeping the yard, half +quarter of the yard
was clean , my husband quickly rushed to her , he stood with
her for few minutes then he carried her to the sitting room I
followed them...he sat down (on a couch)and placed Noma on
his lab
Steven:Uhm Ndodakazi ulele Njani(Uhm daughter how did you
Young girl:ngi Lele kahle (I slept well)
Me: Uhm Ntokazi khonje uthe I gama lakho ngubani(Uhm girl
what is your name)
Young girl:(she looked at me with tears glittering in her eyes)ni
...ngi...ngi Ngu Nomalanga (I...I...I...I am Nomalanga)she said
then looked down
Steven:ooh une gama elihle (what a beautiful name you have)
Noma: Ngempela?(for real?)
David was seen under a big amarula tree, he was called by the
police officers and he was informed that his wife committed
suicide and her daughter is missing, he just came from the
police station to identify his wife's body he tried to look for a
letter or anything that led her to commit suicide
rumor's say that she killed Noma for money rituals but she was
seen by Nomsas so she also killed Nomsa , after killing Nomsa
she panicked because she knew that she will get arrested,
David knew that Anesthesia didn't like Noma and her love for
money was un-measurable, she always wanted to be the most
pretty girl amongst all the girls in the village, this rumor's might
be true but he can't accept them, he is waiting for the police to
accomplish their investigation,he wasn't hurt about Noma's
situation he didn't even care after all that Noma is not her
daughter, he was hurt by the fact that he will never see her
wife again
I was passing up and down, how can Anesthesia be this stupid,
she left me in a big mess I'm going to face all the charges, My
son is watching TV un-bothered, I fetched him yesterday I was
afraid that ,that Sangoma will kill him he told me that
Nomalanga was the most biggest treasure, she have the royal
blood and that was going to make him and his tokoloshis to be
more powerful...she also told me that if I can't find Noma I
should mark myself dead
LERATO:I have been making calls and making plans to leave the
country that way i won't get arrested and that Sangoma won't
kill me
Chapter 7
LERATO:I have been making calls and making plans to leave the
country that way I won't get arrested and that sangoma won't
kill me and my son, I called my sugar daddy who is a Nigerian
he deals with human trafficking and shipping drugs to Europe, i
want him to look for Nomalanga, even if I no longer need her I
want to see her suffer she is the main cause of my problems I
want him to ship her to Europe and make her a sex slave I want
her to suffer for the rest of her life
Me:thula mthakathi (shut up witch)
I was beating Noma with a hosepipe, this girl is a witch can you
Imagine my crush came to visit me only for this fool to scare
him away, when I first saw her I thought she was a monkey I
was even afraid to come close to her
Me:Ooh bakuthumile ...ooh ngiyabona uze nebhadi(did they
send you...ohh I see you came with bad luck)
Noma:I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I don't even know how I
offended you.... please stop hurting me
Me:(I was dumpfolded how can such a small child speak English
so fluently ?I can't even speak like that sentence I could
have added a few Like and uhms)I looked at her then went to
my room
She sat down on a floor and cried silently, she doesn't know
how she offended her, she just came out of the kitchen heading
outside when she met vigilant and her friend , she smiled then
Greeted them all she got was a scream from vigilant friend then
he ran away, she stood up then went to sit near the window
and gazed outside, she saw a couple of kids playing with their
she also wished to be like them, she often ask God about her
purpose in this world, her life is not like others, she live every
single day in pain, she once heard her cousin presenting a
speech about love she coute this words "there is no one in this
world who can love you like your parents" "you are the most
valuable treasure in your mother's eyes"even today she still ask
herself if those words are true because she doesn't know what
love feels like she never received love from her mother
I'm on a private jet with my son and sugar daddy I'm trying to
persuade him to kidnap Noma
Sugar D:but baby why should I
Me:Arh daddy this for me(with a seducing voice)
Sugar D:babi where will I find this pikini na?
Me: daddy please (puppy eyes)she is a small kid I'm sure she is
still around
Sugar D:honey let's wait for the police to find her then we will
kidnap her
Me:are you mad ...(that came out wrong....I looked at him with
tears clouding my eyes, he is not the gentle type he looked at
me then smiled)
Sugar D:I will forgive you for that .... let's drop this conversation
(he took out his news paper then concentrated on it)
this seems like an aborted mission, I guess we will discuss this
Zaziyani village
Bayede ngonyama.... Bayede kosi those were the jubilating
voice's heard when the king sat on his throne, he made a
ceremony to welcome his son to the kingdom, Everyone is
happy but the king is not....what could be the reason? well the
king is not the only one who is not happy his first wife is also
not happy.... well it is said that the kings last son will take the
throne once the king is diseased, so the first wife is not happy
she is literally shouting at everyone
my uncle is enloading my kids luggages in his van, the funeral
was yesterday I will never forget that day 15May...
David:mtanami ngiyakuqela ungamtjeli udadwenu nge ndaba
Le(my child please don't tell your young sister about this)
Nomvelo:Akunankinga manje asisenabazali (No
problem dad now we no longer have parents)
Me: meaning
Nomvelo:uqitha isikhathi esiningi no Noma thina awunandaba
Nathi(you spend a most of your time with Noma you don't care
about us)she turned then ran away
Me:I looked at her regret filled my eyes...a call came through
Caller:hey Mr I called to inform you about the improvement in
David::hey I don't whatever you need to do, I no
longer care and please when you find her find a home for her...
never call me again
Episode 8
David continuation
I feel bad for doing this but this seems like the greatest thing to
do now, my wife badly wanted me to cut all connections with
her so I have decided to respect her wishes, ever since Noma
came into our lives we were forever fighting I lost my wife
because of my ignorance, I really love Noma but I have to do
this, if I am doing anything wrong God should forgive me after
all I took care of her for the past 5years,I looked towards my
uncle's car I saw my youngest daughter looking at me I slowly
walked towards her
Me::hey baby
Mbali: wubani loya mama obegade ujame naye(who is the
woman you were standing with)
Me :huh
Mbali:loya mama obegade ambethe irogo elibovu ,beka
bonakala a danile beka lokhu anyikinya I hloko mawukhuluma
no maliledinini wakho (that woman,she was wearing a red
dress, she looked sad, she constantly shook her head when you
were talking to your phone)
Me:ay mina angikamuboni ngena emodereni (ay I didn't see her
,get in the car)
Mbali:kodwa baba (but dad)
Me: emodereni (in the car)she got in the car still not satisfied
Aunt zodwa and uncle Steven came back later that day they
brought me a pink hoodie,blue dress,2black jeans,3
skirts,5shirts with different colour and 1Black Nike sneakers
Zodwa:Go and check if your clothes fit you in that room...I
quickly rushed to that room
I took off my dirty dress and wore a long black skirt a lion
printed shirt I went to the mirror holding a comb ,Wow I really
look pretty ,I look like a princess,i smiled then turned to see a
different view,I noticed that my necklace was not on my neck ,I
turned towards my clothes I saw it laying carelessly next to my
dress I quickly took it and I wore it , I have been wearing this
necklace eversince I was born, it is a horn necklace,I wore it
then I went back to the mirror, what I saw made me a little
dizzy a black lion with shinning black eyes was standing next to
I saw a black lion with shinny black eyes standing next to me, I
looked at my side and I found nothing... I laughed
Me:I think I need new pair of eye glasses (I used to wear eye
glasses until aunt Anesthesia broke them while she was mad)I
turned towards the mirror again and I saw 3Big black lions
starring at me I became dizzy then I fainted
We were all sitting in the sitting room waiting for Noma to
come back,that lady is really taking her time in there...we heard
a nock on the door vigilant stood up and attended to it...
Vigilant:Lotjhani ...ngingakusiza (hellow , can I help you)
Vigilant:Uhm ok ningangena (Uhm ok you can come inside)
She opened the door and 3 scarry guys came inside , vigilant
gave them chairs and they sat down they asked us to lower the
TV volume and we did as they said then we granted them all
our attention
Guy 1:(with a Nigerian access) Evening I am Oluwatobi I am
with my partners ademide and Qhumani we were sent by our
madam to come and collect her property...I looked at my
husband he also looked confused
Steven:uhm my brothers I think you are lost we don't posses
your madams property
Qhumani:Awume mfo awuyena u Steven (wait, ain't you
Steven :ewe nginguye (yes I am)
Qhumani:thina sithunywe ku Steven ongumyeni ka zodwa,
sithunywe ukuba sizolanda u Nomalanga (we are sent to Steven
who is Zodwa's husband we are sent to fetch Nomalanga)he
opened a bag filled with money
Qhumani:kuthiwa sininikeze lokhu sitjengise uku vuya
kwethu(they said we should give you this token to show our
Steven:Awww siyavuya mfo....ningahamba niyomuthatha kulela
gumbi(you can go and take her in that room...Ademide stood
up and walked towards the room he came back seconds later
carrying unconsious Nomalanga
Ademide: unfortunately we don't have enough time to chill
with you guys we are leaving..they all stood up then left
I was in the sitting room bored as f*CK when my sugar daddy
came and stood 8 steps ahead of me
Chapter 9
That same night at Zodwa's house, there were multiple trucks
off-loading different things, windows, bricks, sand and furniture
Zodwa's happiness knew no bond, she was seen shouting at her
neighbors who came to see the miracle that was happening,
she told them how smelly they are and how poor they look
some answered back and some went back to their houses with
Broken hearts, Steven was sitting with his friends giving them
silly challenges e.g tell them to run like dogs or lick his toe then
give them R100-R500, vigilant was ordering clothes online
when I say clothes I mean super skimpy clothes and ligarine's
Mrs Mbatha a lady who is known for having a pure heart was
sitting in her sitting room crying, she was hurt by Zodwa's
words, she was one of the neighbors who went to see the
miracle ,she was bold enough to get in Zodwa's yard, zodwa
pulled her roughly and told her that she is not worth being in
her yard and that she is way too smelly
She stood up attempting to go to her bathroom
Lindo:mama uyaphi (mom where are you going to)
Mrs Mbatha:I am going to the bathroom
Lindo:huh come mama you have already bathed 4 times
Mrs Mbatha:but I stink
Lindo:arhh mama don't tell me about aunt zodwa again, that
lady is mental disturbed, I warned you multiple times about her
Mrs Mbatha sinked down and baptised her self with tears, she
remembered when Joy Zodwa's youngest child was 2months
,Zodwa came to her crying asking for her help , her baby had no
clothes and her Brest couldn't produce milk because of hunger,
she was the one who helped them she went to a loan shark and
borrowed R7000 she spent it all on them Zodwa came to her a
lot of times asking for food or sanitary pads
Mrs Mbatha:I know that she is rude but she was never rude to
me, maybe she was drunk
Lindo: come on mama zodwa was not drunk that's how she is
she only care for money
at Zodwa's house
It was already late around 01:00 in the morning all Zodwa's
neighbors already went to sleep, , Stevens friends already went
back to their houses,Zodwa's and her fam were all sitting in the
sitting room (joy was sleeping on a Sofa) everyone minding
their own business...they heard a nock
Zodwa's:hay hay hay nifunani asikho (hay hay hay what do you
want....we are not here)
Zodwa was dead drunk (no one answered the person just kept
knocking... vigilant stood up with an attitude and went to open
the door)
Vigilant:(heading to the door)uyazi abantu aba tlhagako baya
tshwenya (you know poor people are pests ) she opened the
door roughly...BHA ... that was a sound of a bullet tearing
Vigilantes intestines
Zodwa's:Aaaah umtwanami(my child),she tried to run to her
but her husband stopped her, A man wearing Sangoma's attire
came inside accompanied by four buffy man wearing black
The Sangoma's made himself comfortable on Zodwa's couch ,
zodwa quickly rushed and carried joy
Sangoma's: Greetings...I am sorry to come un invited but I think
both of you possess something I desire
Steven:The money?we will give it to you now , even though we
ate few sences I will make sure that I will pay you
Sangoma's:Nah not money,I have plenty of it ,I am looking for
this girl, showing them a picture of Noma,and I believe she is
Steve(he looked terrified) I....I ....I ...
Sangoma's:stop waisting my time be quick.
Zodwa's:(with an attitude)the last time I checked I owe you no
explanation and I would like it to remain that way
Two buffy guys went to Zodwa's and forcefully took joy ,one
forced Steve to stay in position while one stopped Zodwa's for
trying to take her child back (joy woke up in that process, one
guy took out a kitchen knife they sliced joy's left hand off(this
wasn't a quick process, so joy released a piercing scream ,he
called for help from his dad but his dad was also crying, you
know kids believe that their dads are super heroes but joy
found out that a dad is just an average person who just
contributed in making you,Steve couldn't take it anymore he
fainted, Blood gushing out of joy's hand , joy eyes
simultaneously turned from black to pure white,the little man
was feeling real pain
Chapter 10
Zodwa was screaming like a mad woman
Words were failing her, she desperately wanted to beg
them,tell them that she will be their slave,try to reach a
conclusion with them, she didn't care whether their decision
will be cruel to her she just wanted to save her was
slowly loosing his breath, he was no longer screaming he was
just breathing heavily, they threw joy on the sofa and then they
all stood up looking at Zodwa
Sangoma:Uhm are you ready to co-operate now
Zodwa:h(cough) am...(cough)$he didn't know how to speak so
she decided to nod like a 5yrs old kid deep down she wanted all
this to become a dream, she made short prayers asking
For a miracles
Sangoma:ok so where is Nomalanga...I don't want you to start a
debate I want a straight forward answer
Zodwa:she took a glass of water and downed it in one go(she
regretted her decision of selling Nomalanga,and she was afraid
of lying to them because they might come back)I...I...I don't
Sangoma: what?
Zodwa,:I don't know h...(they didn't wait for her to finish her
statement, a loud slap landed on her cheeks, some guys took
vigilant and threw her inside a still washing dish(I bhada)they
opened a bottle of petrol and pored it on her
When Zodwa realized what they were trying to do she gained
some unknown power and pushed both of the guys who were
holding her and rushed to vigilant but they cought her when
she was next to the VAS and they pushed her back to the far
corner of the room
Zodwa: please don't... please don't kill my babies (hiccup)she
(hiccup)she is my only baby girl (hiccup)I can no
longer...ha...have a baby
Sangoma:kill that kid maybe after killing her she will be able to
Indeed a burning match stick was thrown on vigilantes body, in
a matter of seconds she was already burning... when vigilant
was shot she didn't die at that spot she just because
unconscious, so when the fire burned her flesh she woke up
and screamed loudly
The painful scream of vigilant plus her mothers sobs could
weaken a ice stone heart ...Zodwa wasn't only crying because
her daughter is dying, she was crying because she knew that
this was caused by her selfish desires and her love for money
vigilant was in deep pain some of her flesh was already falling
down/pilling off she was all over the house trying to accede the
fire, she rolled herself with curtains, floor mats and wiped
herself using pillows but that was no use it only made the fire
to spread
Zodwa: Rustenburg ext.4 stand no 4445(Zodwa shouted to
everyone's hearing they all turned then looked at her)
Sangoma; you should have told me that immediately when we
asked you... Anyways sorry for your lost at list you still have a
husband who will warm your bed,he stood up then headed
towards the door the door fell down before he could even
touch it he laughed then went out to his car, then he zoomed
Zodwa rushed to her room and took a plastic (the one that had
Nomas clothes, she opened her whalldrop and took out a
tracksuit for her son and boots she also took out a jean and
boots for herself
She rushed to the sitting room and kneeled down near her son
and checked his pulse...they were beating weakly she rushed to
the bag(the one that had money)she took half of it then staffed
her clothes in it, she carried her son and her bag then rushed
out, the house was already in fire, she badly wanted to save
vigilant but that was of no use she was already dead, her
husband?well he is old enough to save himself
David: Siyavuma makhosi (answered David, he is sitting on a
grass mat bare foot he is sitting with her mother and his
youngest daughter Mbali , he came here with hope that he will
get answers he is looking for and the help he need... His
daughter Mbali had been claiming to see a woman wearing a
blue jean and a white shirt with blood covering it the lady head
is tilted it looks like her neck was Broken, of course when she
first told them they didn't take her seriously they thought she
was just being a child till later, mbali's speech had gone from
better to worse ,she had changed ,she no longer play with her
age mates and she doesn't talk to anyone her teachers are
starting to complain
Chapter 11
The king is sitting with his 11 son's The eldest being Lumko 35
yrs followed by Luvuyo30 yrs
Everyone looks sad for the past 5years things had been like this,
The village is blessed with life that's an evidence to everyone
eyes, The grass is greener, crops are growing Richly, the River is
flowing with clean water Everything looks pretty
might be asking yourself, what might be the reason for the
Royal family to be like this
A Royal guard rushes in the throne room breathing heavily
Guard:Ndabezitha(My King)
(The room became silent everyone waiting for the king to
permit the guard to talk)
King:yebo sotja(you can talk)
Guard:Ngonyama ngithokoza indlebe ...Ndabezitha kuno mfazi
ojame eHegeni ongafuni ukukhamba angakaku boni( Great one
... there is a woman at the gate who demand to see you she
says she won't leave if you don't permit her to talk to you)
King:I told you to tell her that won't be possible 2 days ago...
Guard:yes great one ,I know...and yes I followed your orders my
king ...but it seems like the woman had been standing at the
gate eversince then
King: Leave her...she will get tired then eventually leave
Guard:I am afraid not my king...the lady is said to be a great
healer from the neighboring village...and she doesn't look like
she will back down anytime soon ,and she told the gate man
that if you don't let her in sooner, the youngest price might
loose his life
Lumko:Baba ngiqabanga bona uze neendaba ezingasisiza
ngombana kuthiwe uyi nyanga (Dad I think this lady might help
us because they said she is a healer)
King:let her in
[Few minutes later the lady came accompanied by two royal
guards wearing traditional clothes (NDEBELE)...The lady didn't
wait for the King to permit her to talk]
Woman: (Referring to LUMKO) uphi udadwenu
(Everyone looked at her puzzled they all know that the king has
no daughter,he had been trying to have one but ...)
Woman:Abezimu bayakhala bathi wena walahla I Ndlovukazi
yabo okunguye oyoku phatha lelizwe mawu hambile uye kwaba
Dala (shaking her head) Abezimu bathi angekhe kube nokuthula
kuleli khaya iNdlovukazi ingaka buyi... U
(Your ancestors are crying, they say that you have abandoned
their Queen,the one who is supposed to rule this village once
you are gone (shaking her head)the ancestors are saying that
there won't be any peace in this house if the Queen is not yet
back) 3 min later
The royal family is now surrounding the woman who claims to
be a healer,The king was sitting on a tall chair surrounded by
his 3 wife's sitting on a grass mat, his third wife holding her new
born baby, Lumko was sitting next to her wife on the grass mat
Woman:(growling and mumbling)
Woman:kune lifu elimnyama elini zungezile , Abezimu
bathukuthele, bathukuthele kwamambala,bathi wena wone
khulu, (referring to the king)ulahle omunye wabo ,okumbi
khulu kukobana ulahle I Ndlovukazi yabo, Abezimu bathi ayikho
into ezokulunga iNdlovukazi ingaka tholakali, bathi nangabe
iNdlovukazi ayitholakali masinyana bazo kuthatha omunye
womndeni ebuncanini ukuya komdala (I see a dark cloud
surrounding all of you the ancestors are mad , really really mad
,they say they won't let you leave freely while their Queen is
suffering, they say you(referring to the king) did the most
forbidden thing ,you abandoned one of their own, so if the
Queen is not found they will start eliminating the family
members from the youngest)
Everyone was quiet... Quite sobs were heard among the ladies
of the family, The King was sitting on his chair deep in his
though, he was trying to remember the lady he might have
impregnated but nothing came to his mind, even on his teen
days he was never acting like his mates instead of chasing after
girls,he was learning how to become a great king...Lumko was
Quietly brushing his wife's shoulder, trying to remember the
location of the Queen,the highly respected Nomalanga but
everything proved fatal ...he hated how everyone expected him
to remember the location of Nomalanga, he was battling with
his though and blaming his father for failing to control his zip,
what made him to hate his father more was the news he
recently got
He found out that his wife is pregnant and it's a girl but
unfortunately the ancestors are promising to take the child, the
worst part is that this might be their last child, her wife's womb
is not strong enough, for her being pregnant was a miracle, he
doesn't understand the reason for ancestors to punish
them,they got nothing to do with this Queen saga ,his dad is
the one who is supposed to be punished instead, isn't he the
one who failed to keep his zip closed? His wife is sniffing quietly
next to him , holding her stomach like she is trying to protect it
Chapter 12
Nomalanga woke up with a banging headache, she felt like she
was in a moving object,she opened her eyes slowly then tried
to sit upright, the room was too dark ,way too dark for Noma,
she tried to locate her glasses using her hand but she couldn't,
her hands were tied with someone else's hands, She tried to
scream but she couldn't,she had no energy to do that,
The moving object reached the point of rest ,then the door was
opened,the light that came inside wasn't so welcoming,it
burned Nomas eyes badly...she quickly closed them then
opened them slowly, that is when she had a clear vision of what
was actually happening... Nomalanga is 5yrs old but her brain
works like a 20yrs old...she looked around and realized that she
was being kidnapped and she is on a process of being
transported to another country, tears streamed down Nomas
face ,she was not crying because she might be killed or might
be enslaved she is already used to pain anyways,she was crying
because she couldn't stand the piercing cries and desperate
pleas of her kidnapped mates, it was hard for her to watch
people who are 5yrs older than her crying and begging so
desperately. A young lady who was sitting next to her tried to
comfort her by brushing her head with her head, that was the
only thing she could do
The young lady could be 15yrs for the past 3 days she had been
taking care of Noma , it wasn't because she was given strict
orders to do that or because she knew her , it's just that she felt
petty for her, Noma is the only youngest girl in all of them, the
kidnapped girls are 75 in total, all of them are between the age
of 12-28 except Noma
at first the girls where 150 in total 50 were killed because they
were acting stubborn, 20 escaped and 15were sold
Tu...tu...tu that is the sound made by a life supporting
machine... Her son had been in this situation for 3 days now
and there is no improvement instead he is getting worse every
day ,she comes to the hospital everyday, stay with her son for
the whole day then go back to her rented back room at night,
she didn't report her case to the police, a day ago while she was
listening to a radio she heard that a house in Zaziyani burned to
ashes and not even a single soul survived, a family of 4 died,,
they said 2 corpses were found and the other 2 are believed to
have burned to ashes
Flash Back
The room was dark, no sounds was made, suddenly 3 buffy
guys busted in the room holding torch lights , their voices were
loud and they sounded scared, they took buckets of water and
poured them on the unconscious girls, they all woke up
confused, it seemed like they were brain washed, because they
stood still, scared and looked at each other
Man 1:what the fuck ,this minions think we are jocking
Man2: this bitches wanna get us in more trouble, idiots...move
move move he said that ruffly pushing the girls out
(The girls followed each other, rushing out of the door trying to
escape hard slaps from the heartless men , on that line of girls,
a girl who was carrying a younger girl was seen , the girl was
protection the younger girl by all means, it looked like a mother
protecting her daughter it was so heart warming but who
cared? )
The girls were led deep in the forest they stoped at a certain
sport then on of the buffy guy cleared the leafs that were
scattered on the ground and a door appeared, he unlocked it
then opened it the girls looked confused they only saw that in
Man 1; what the bitches get inside he said that sending
slaps on the unlucky girls who were near him...
Episode 13
The girls were kept in that underground room, given less or no
food, the room was too dark some managed to escape at
night... lots of terrible things were implied on the girls, some
were raped, the ones who were stubborn were killed at that
spot, it was hard for the girls to live with corpses in the same
room, their last day on the Underground room was the
worst,they brought pregnancy test and unfortunately some of
the raped girls were pregnant,they were made to drink the
most toxic substances all in the name of aborting some died
and only 5 survived ,the worst part is that this whole process
was made while other girls were watching
End of flash back
The girls were constantly changed from alcohol vehicles,sand
trucks and many more ,in some cases they would be tied to
each other or to the poles and in some cases they would be
compressed in boxes that led to 2 suffocating to death... Finally
the girls reached their destination...
Maxico city ...10 trucks entered in the compound of CORROSAL
night club, the trucks followed each other on the back of the
club where another gate was opened for them... The boxes
filled with young girls were offloaded and opened... finally the
girls could breath fresher air
The girls were led into the building,the building is pretty no lies
, it is a gigantic mansion that screams money , the girls starred
at the mansion for a moment they forgot their misfortune
situation, the girls were accompanied to their rooms which has
two beds, white sheets, white curtains, white head board and
white everything, everything about CORROSAL screamed
money , even though the rooms were strictly white they were
pretty, the patterns of the duvet, mats an curtains were made
by a famous designer in Nigeria...there was something about
those patterns,something historical
a normal girl from a different country would see Normal
patterns but for an African girl the patterns meant something
The girls were directed to their rooms, each room could
accommodate 2 girls,Noma was sharing a room with her new
found sister who was over the moon about her current
situation, she always wanted this kind of life style.The girls
were told to go and bath , when they came back White pyjamas
were neatly laid on their bed and there were different types of
food on their table.
Noma wasn't happy,there was something that kept on telling
her that her hardship has just started
A alarm rang loudly waking the girls, they were all surprised not
understanding why are they woken up at this hour, Noma felt
like her worst Night mare had began
A light nock was heard then someone pushed the door open...
it was a white girl wearing maids uniform holding a Gucci bag
Maid: Greetings, I am sorry to bust in your room like this,I was
instructed to tell you two to go and bath while I fix your bed,
you will find your clothes on the bed when you are done
Dorothy (Nomas room mate):and if I may ask why are we
awaken at this hour?
Maid: unfortunately madam I am in no position to answer your
question, hurry up and leave time is not on our side, everything
will be explained to you in the dinner hall
Dorothy stood up then carried Noma to the bathroom, The love
Dorothy have for Noma is un-measurable ,you could swear that
they are blood related
When they came back they found their clothes laid neatly on
their bed, Dorothy helped Noma to lotion and get dressed
(white panty ,a short Gold and white Gucci dress, the dress
looked like a Jim dress with no sleeves) Dorothy wondered why
would they give a child such a short dress, Noma kept quiet
thinking of a possible way to escape, after helping Noma she
wore her own clothes ( Short skimpy black Gucci Skirt, and a
black Nike shirt whith Gold heals ) the only problem with her
outfit is that her skirt was too short it kept on rising while she
walks,she combed nomas hair then she held her hand heading
to the dinner hall
When they got in they found other girls wearing the same
skimpy outfits,some were worse, a maid came and told them to
stand in line from the youngest to the oldest, the girls tried to
ask some questions but the maid ,gave them no answer...
Episode 14
After waiting for 5 minutes or so, a Woman wearing a Black
Gucci dress and Gold heels came followed by 8 men wearing
expensive suits, she had a smile plastered on her face,she stood
next to the girls
Woman: Gentle men I hope you like what you see, they are all
yours ( that statement sent shivers to the girls)
Man 1 ;Damn they look fresh
Man 2: I hope they also taste fresh ( everyone laughed except
the girls)
Woman: I can assure you in that
All the men spread amongst the girls , they walked around the
girls staring at them lustfully
Only5 men came back dragging the crying girls of their choice,
and luckily Dorothy wasn't amongst those girls, the men gave
the lady brown envelopes then they left
Woman:Uhm Gentleman's is there a problem everyone chose a
girl you are the only ones who didn't choose
Man 1 :well I want that young girl
Woman: which one
Man 1:the youngest one
Man 2: that's impossible I also want her
Man 3: I guess money talks in this case
Woman: yeah our little Nomalanga captured lot of hearts I
guess, so the one with the biggest price take her
Man 1:1000000
Man 3:$4000986
Man1:$15 000000
Man... They continued till the final price...and Noma was taken
by the third man
Dorothy rushed to Nomalanga tears gushing out of her eyes,
the securities came to separate her from Noma, Dorothy sore
to never love a man in her life
Nomalanga was acting normal as if she didn't understand
anything, Nomalanga's possibility to stay calm even in hurtful
situations is really amazing, she stood there innocently which
Broke everyone's heart , except the woman and the men of
course, the cleaners and securities looked down because this
moment was heart breaking
Nomas plan was unknown,The lady simply called her to come
closer to her and Noma obeyed with an innocent smile on her
face, she stood next to the lady and respectfully said
Noma:Mama you called me
Woman:(she was stunned for few seconds but soon regained
herself)Uhm Noma I want you to be a good girl and leave with
that man,and please Noma obey everything he says
showing off her dimples)yes ma
Woman: Good now go to him
Noma:uhm mem, I can't go out with this clothes if I do,my skin
will burn so bad and red lines will appear
Man: Enough young lady ,I don't have the whole day we need
to leave
Noma:but papa...
The man picked her up like a sac of potatoes and left , lucky for
Noma the clouds were shading the sun , but The sun still
Burned her ,when he got outside he started screaming because
the sun was burning her as we all know that the sun can burn
even when clouds are shading it ,two guards helped the man to
get in his car (the man is not cripple, his bones ain't functioning
properly but he can walk)The drive to the man's house was long
it was a 2 hours drive and little Noma was starting to become
Nomalanga:Uhm MR if I may ask where...
Man:don't ask just keep quiet it's a petty that when I am done
with you I will call my friends to finish you
Noma kept quiet,she didn't like what she heard, she didn't even
understand it but she knew that something bad will happen to
her, she understood that this man was going to do something
bad to her then he will call his friend to do something bad to
her again, Noma kneeled on the seat and gazed outside
thoughts filled her small brain, but what can a 5yrs old girl do
,she looked outside tears streaming down her melanin skin, she
closed her eyes for few seconds and ask for help to the
Almighty GOD,
They finally arrived at the man's house, his house was pretty
but Noma had no time to look at it she was hungry and scared
the man carried her to his room then threw her on his bed
Chapter 15
The man threw her on the bed...
Noma:ouch ... you've hurt should apologize (she said
that with tears streaming down her eyes and a breaking
voice)The man cared less, he continued taking off his clothes,till
he was left with his birth suit
Noma closed her eyes with her hands oviusly traumatized by
the event, the man approached Noma and tore her clothes off,
Noma was now crying,she was scared, confused, and hurt she
was used to the beating and working tired lesly but this was
new to her, after taking off noma's clothes he stood at the far
corner gazing at Noma...he poured two cups of whiskey he
drank the first one then approached Noma handing her the
other glass
Man:Kid I want you to pour this in your mouth, don't swallow it
just pour it then close your eyes and stretch you legs...if you
feel any pain swallow it right!
Noma noded her head not understanding a thing, she took the
glass poured the whiskey in her mouth but she split it
immediately when it touched her tongue
Noma:(regretful) I...I am sorry...but this thing is too acidic it
burned my tongue
Man:mmh smart I guess...just do as I say if you don't wanna
Noma became scared then she poured the whiskey in her
mouth, shut her eyes closed then she opened her legs...the
man took the Glass from Nomas hand ,he inserted one finger in
Nomas vig... ,Noma swallowed the wine and opened her eyes in
horror but quickly closed them after seeing the man's horrific
face...the man continued moving his finger in and out of Nomas
vagina increasing the pace every minute his breathing pace
increasing, he seemed like he was enjoying,,He took out his
finger then he forced two fingers in Nomas vigina, Noma
couldn't take it she released a piercing scream
then she tried to move back,but the mans grip was way too
stronger she couldn't move
Man:Bitch stay steel , he started moving his fingers faster not
caring about Nomas screams, he did that for 3 minutes then
tried forcing the third figure
Noma:Nnooo please no... Kill me kill me stop this pain help! ..(Noma felt like her vigina was being tored
Noma:(she stopped crying, composed herself)
Noma:(Breathing heavily) I wish your daughter could go
through the same pain multiplied 10 times...she said that then
The man fell down, clutching his head then he started rolling on
the floor screaming
Noma was now silent it seemed like she was dead,the only
sound that could be heard was the sound of a screaming man
who is rolling on the floor...after 5 min he stopped screaming
then he slowly stood up reaching his whiskey bottle,you might
be surprised to know that even after his agony experience his
manhood is still fully erected,he drank from the bottle,then
squeezed his face feeling the burning sensation in his thrachear
, he leaned to the wall then gulped the whiskey again this time
releasing a satisfied moan
Man:witch, you think you can kill me with just a mear
headache?bitch I will fuck you till you abandon your evil ways
He went towards Noma...
he stopped next to her for few seconds listening to her silence
sobs , NOMA looked at him surprised ,she thought maybe the
man realized that he was doing something wrong
he went out of the room and came back seconds later looking
better,he approached Noma with a smile on his face, he went
in between her leg
Man:shh don't cry, this will be good if you stop crying I promise
not to hurt you too much
Noma:(innocent voice)you you promise
Man:ahhh yes yes your voice ... if I'm hurting you say daddy it
Noma:ok(she wiped her tears )
Man:ahh good girl,now open your legs
Nome did as she was told,the man Lubricated his middle finger
then slowly inserted it Nomas vigina
Moma:auch it hurts
Man:what did I say to you
Noma:I'm sorry Daddy
Man:ahhh,(he wasn't moving his fingers ,he just kept it in after
few seconds he pushes it deeper and deeper)
Noma: Daddy please don't push it any further ,I feel it in my
Man:baby this is supposed to hurt, you should tell me if only
the pain is un-bearable
The man continued until his middle finger was fully inside,he
started moving it slowly in and out increasing his pace after
every 10 seconds, The man was now caring less about Nomas
vig he was roughly moving his finger in and out ,Noma was
screaming on top of his voice, the more he called him daddy
the more he increased his pace,he continued for good
3minutes then forced the second figure then his third followed
by the forth finger, now Nomalanga was no longer screaming
he was just breathing heavily with tears streaming down her
face... Nomalangas pussy was now wide enough , he Lubricated
the cucumber again and f*ked her with it ,he no longer cared
about Nomas cookie he was holding the cucumber with both
hands and pushing it in and out of her cookie with all his might
Nomas body was moving back and forth and the man seems to
like that because he keeps on saying"yes move for daddy" after
few minutes he took out the cucumber and Lubricated his own
cock he rufly inserted it then started pounding in and out
Her tears had already dried up, her voice was gone and she was
hella tired,She had been going through this misfortune pain for
2 hours now,she fainted and woke up 4 times already but this
man is still at it , her legs are numb the blood has already dried
up making her to be sticked to the blanket, she fainted 4 times
already and whenever she woke up she would find this man still
at it , and whenever she woke up she would feel like the pain
had increased 10 times ... She felt something... pain... pain in
her chest ofcause she was feeling pain from all the crying and
screaming ,but this pain was different,it was a burning liquid
rising from her chest to her mouth
Once the liquid reached her thyroxin she started coughing
profusely, even when her eyes were changing from dark black
to grey then totally white the man continued, the pain between
her legs didn't stop though, even though the man had inserted
only half of his snake the pain was un bearable...
... blood came out gushing from Nomas lips mixed with a black
fluid,the man jumped off Noma due to shock,he was
experiencing a heart attack, he collapsed but before collapsing
he pressed an emergency button...
Chapter 16
around 3:00 am
Lumko banged in the throne room tears and mucus all over his
face,he went to kneel next to his father's legs,he kept on
opening and closing his mouth but nothing came out, the king
was starting to panic,he taught his son to never show their
emotions and Lumko being the first born knew that too well
King: Khuluma Ndodana yini inkinga (raising his voice)talk son
what's the problem
Instead of talking,he cried more
The 3 wives entered the throne room following each other,
they were woken up by the king's loud voice, immediately
when Miss Themba the Zulu second wife of the king ,saw her
son,she rushed to him and kneeled beside him holding and
hugging him, The other wife's went to sit beside the king
surprised by Lumkos act.
NaMahlangu ( the first wife):Baba yini? Kwenzakalani nge vela
kuqala ( father what's wrong?what is happening with your first
born)the king didn't reply he just kneeled beside his son helping
him to drink a glass of water, this was actually the first time the
king showed affection to his son, After drinking water Lumko
became a little better he said
Lumko:Ma Khoza ( ma Khoza is his wife) after that he
No one asked any more questions they all rushed out heading
to the outside hut
except NaThemba she was busy mesmerizing her son
When they got there Ma Mahlangu didn't knock she just
pushed the door opened and then entered, immediately after
getting in she fainted, on the floor was Ma Khoza laying down
in a pool of her own blood between her legs was an Embryo(
developing baby), the king looked at the picture in front of him
and collapsed, the last woman standing was Ma Ntuli
screaming for help...
Lady : you said ,she will wake up today,I've been here for hours
what's wrong
Nurse:uhm mem sorry I am not a doctor
Lady:I don't fucken care ,make her wake up so that I can leave
this smelly place
Nurse:but mem ,you didn't even spend 30 min here...
Lady:stop splitting shit I...
NOMALANGA: a...a Manzi (wa...wa..water)
Courageous Hospital
The nurse's were seen chasing a woman who is pulling ruffly a
child of 8yrs
Nurse:Madam you need to stop... don't be harsh on that child
she is still fragile
Nurse 2: Madam please didn't take the child's pills
The woman ignored their shouting,she continued walking...she
was stopped by the securities at the door
Woman:(frustrated) Open the fucken door...I have a company
to run
Security 1:lady I am kindly asking you to go back and listen to
the doctor
Woman:and what about the money I am loosing when I am
busy bickering with that God forsaken Doctor
Security 2:if you don't wanna loose that money you can leave
this child here you can come back if you have time
Nurse 2:*And I assure you that this child will be in save hands
The lady finally gave up ,she made a call then talked for few
minutes then later she went to the doctors office
Dr Ndzimande : Greetings Madam and young Miss I am...
Lady: please stop waisting my time and tell me what I need to
Dr Ndzimande:uhmm ok.i..need to .make a call (she stood up
and went to stand next to the mirror talking to the phone then
she went back to her seat with a smile plastered on her face)
Lady: can you just talk i need to leave
Doctor: well Uhm... she was interrupted by a nock then 2
securities entered
Doctor: Gentleman's you are welcomed
Lady :and then?
Doctor:Uhm we want to make sure that you co operate with us
Lady:(with an attitude)mmh
Doctor:Ok so as you know what happened to this young lady, it
had affected her deadly she might become paralyzed if the
right instructions ain't followed
So due to forced penetration her pelvis gidle was Broken we re
connected it with 7 nails after 2 years she must come back so
that we can remove 3 nails and the other four will remain there
for the rest of her you understand miss
Lady:(fake smile) yes
Doctor:we will give her some pills to make her bones stronger
and you should make sure that she doesn't sit or stand for
more than 1 hour 30 minutes and due to trauma she have
memory loss(amnesia)but she WiLL regain it soon,and make
sure that she is always with her oxygen spray...
Nomalanga:Mem can I ask you a question?
Doctor:yes darling
Nomalanga:This might sound stupid but why do I feel like I have
become longer
Doctor:it is because you have grown darling you are now 8yrs
Chapter 17
Nomalanga didn't understand the words said by the Doctor but
she kept quiet anyways,after few minutes they were finally
done talking and Nomalanga followed the lady to her car, no
words were exchanged between them till they reached their
destination which took them an Hour
..The name of the company was written boldly TOYOTA
vehicles,lot of people were going up and down doing their
Various Jobs, Nomalanga suddenly became scared even after
3years of not being exposed to people she is still insecure about
her skin colour, when a car came to a halt ,the security man
rushed to them and opened the lady's door,The lady quickly
took her bag and rushed into the Company leaving Nomalanga
confused, Nomalanga remained inside the car not knowing
what to do,but one thing is for sure she was not going to leave
this car if this people are still here,the security man opened the
door for Noma
Security man:you may come out Madam (with a welcoming
Nomalanga looked at the man tears filling her eyes,she didn't
know why but the man in front of her was frightening her,
when he opened his Mouth and spoke with that deep voice it
seemed to have triggered something in her mind because she
started shivering immediately after hearing his voice,the man
was stunned he tried to touch her to see if there is something
wrong,but it seemed like he made everything worse Noma
started crying immediately, he took out his phone and made a
call few seconds later a woman who might be 40 yrs or so came
out rushing to them,she got in the car and tried her best to cool
down Noma, after few minutes Noma became better and the
woman took her to the Company Cafeteria because she
seemed dizzy
Ever since the tragedy death of Lumkos Daughter years ago
things ain't good for Lumko, 3 years ago when Lumkos wife
miscard ,Lumko fainted and he was also rushed to the hospital
he came back 4 days later and he was welcomed by divorce
papers from his wife ,Lumko tried his best to fix his relationship
with his wife, when everything was starting to be normal again
her wife found out she was pregnant again so they went so see
a seer so that he can protect their unborn baby from dying,but
unfortunately they found out that her wife is carrying a girl
again and it won't survive if the Queen is not yet back,Lumko's
wife became devasted,One day she went out saying she needs
fresh air but that was the last time he saw her, the witnesses
say she stood in the middle of the road and she was hit by a bus
,After that day Lumko had never been ok, he drowned himself
in alcohol
he spends his whole day crying and cursing his ancestors ,his
companies are now operated by his brothers because Lumko
can't do anything on his own
5:00 am
Promise the king's Second wife was sitting in the varanda with
her Son eating fat cakes and drinking tea while her son was
drinking his Black label beer and crying there and there, no
words were exchanged between them, this thing had been
happening for the past 3 years, every morning Promise sacrifice
one hour of her time to spend time with her son , Promise has
lost weight she pray everyday for her son to recover from all
the pain he had been through and move on with his life, they
were surprised when they saw the king approaching them, the
king had never joined them for breakfast before he prefers
eating breakfast alone in the throne room, Lumko looked at his
father with hatred written on his face he blames his father for
his lost,and he also blame him for not being able to close his zip
King:Sanibonani angikezi ngokunengi ngize ngoku nazisa ukuth
njengoba nibona isimo se Ndodana ngikhambile
ngayokuhlangana nezinye iinkosi ,sithethe isiqunto sokobana
sitholele I ndodana u malokazana uzokufika kusasa (he said that
with a lot of authority then he turned going back to his room
)(Greetings,i didn't come here to stay I just wanted to let you
know that i and other kings had taken a decision to find a wife
for my son and she is coming tomorrow)
Promise stood up fuming in anger ,she grabbed the king's hand
ruffly that even the king felt like he was being pulled by a man
Pretty:Angizwanga!?uthi utholele ingane yami ini?yena uthe
uyamdinga (repeat that again, did you just say you chose a wife
for my son ?did he ask for one?)
The king didn't spare her a glance,he just continued moving
Promise:ayy imihlola no,ngiqela ungisize ubuyisele leyo ngane
lapho uyithethe khona ngoba ayikho ingane yam eyotjhadiswa
ngenkani(wonders shall never end,please help me by sending
that child back where she came from because there is no child
of mine that will marry by force)
The king proceeded with his trip while her wife kept on making
noise in his back, Lumko cared less he continued drinking his
beer not minding his parents
Zodwa was sitting under a tree drinking her black label beer
and washing her son's school uniform,She live in a shack alone
with her son ,there is no day that passes without her thinking
about her daughter and her husband, she live in pain knowing
that her son is like that just because of her, her son is sitting not
far from her writing his homework ,he had mastered living with
one hand ,Zodwa changed her name to Lungile and her son
name to Junior for safety reasons,she was still washing the
clothes when her friend came she quickly dumped clothes on
top of her beer just to hide it
Betty:Mtwana ngize neendaba ezimnandi qagela(she said that
sitting comfortably on top of the clothes that are meant to hide
Zodwa's beer(friend I have great news ,)
Zodwa:(with a Broken heart)mmh
Betty:Ngithole ama sugar daddy mtase ,anemali azosisa
endaweni ezi fancy(i found sugar daddies,they are loaded,they
will take us to fancy places)
Chapter 18
Zodwa's house (Lungiles house)
Betty:banemali mtase bazosisa endaweni ezi fancy(they have
money,they will take us to fancy places)
Betty:haw mtase why ngathi awukho happy... wait a min yini
Lena engithambisako (friend why does it seem like you are not
happy...why does it seem like I am getting wet)Betty stood up
and removed the clothes from the hidden beer Lungile tried to
stop her but it was already too late, Lungile stood with her
mouth gap opened not knowing what to do
Betty:heh...ooh so this is what you are hiding from me, your
friend think after hearing this great news I first
thought of you
Lungile:(Laughing)Great news ziphi wena, Sleeping with old
man for money?that's why you are like this you are probably
suffering from aid's
Betty:(teary)Lungile...I...I I
Lungile:Vele khamba la, being your friend is actually
embarrassing I became your friend because I had no choice...
lento enukayo Le(this smelly thing)she looked at Betty up and
down then continued washing her clothes
Betty:(crying)After everything I had done for and your
son had no place to sleep ,I bought this place, the one you are
living at with my smelly self,I got infected with aids all because
of you, you spent all your money all your millions in alcohol...I
bought you clothes, your Son's clothes and this is how you
repay me...Lu.. Lungile answer me this is... you know what you
are not worth it she left
Junior:Mom you were wrong...
Lungile:Futsek wena write your homework
It was already the next day, Everyone was busy preparing for
the arrival of uMakoti, maids were going up and down some
decorating some preparing a fist for u Makoti the only person
who seemed not to be busy is Lumko ,he is not even dressed
well like the rest of his brothers, he is wearing his old brown
khakhi trousers and he is shirtless drinking his Amstel... Promise
is busy shouting at every maid on her way, she is mad because
she couldn't change the king's mind for taking a wife for his
son, she is taking out her anger on everyone...Ma Mahlangu the
king's first wife is preparing a guest room for uMakoti just in
case Lumko fail to accommodate her in his room, Ma Ntuli the
third wife is sitting in her room with her 3yrs old son she see
nothing special about this day ...The king had left with his 9
Zodwa's house
They were inside their shack ,Zodwa was cooking dinner junior
was reading a Novel
Junior:Mama I didn't like the w...
Lungile: that's non of your business junior just continue reading
Junior::But mama why did you say all those rude words , aunt
Betty had helped us a lot and...
Lungile: Enough know junior if you happen to have
a friend and one day when you are arguing that friend remind
you of everything they have done for you, know that ,that
person is not a true friend,they are helping you hoping that you
will help them one day, they are helping you because they want
you to depend on them they want to guilty trap you,If someone
constantly use the term "after everything I have done for
you"know that
that person gossip about you at every given chance ,they only
notice the things they have done for you not the things you
have done for them,be aware of the"After everything I have
done for you"kind of friend they are the ones who will plot to
kill you at the end of the day and please don't use that term to
your friends it proves that you are a snake because sometimes
we sacrifice things for our friends but we don't tell them how
much that favor coasted us
Junior:(Regretful)I'm sorry mom...I...
At the palace
The house was decorated,tables were set maids and guards
were wearing their clean uniform,The Queens were sitting in
the long table waiting for the supposed wife of the
Prince,Lumko was also at the table,he was actually interested in
meeting his wife,after the whole 3 years of his misery life, it
was actually the first time Lumko looked forward to something,
finally after waiting for what seemed like forever cars came
following each other, Lunations started the whole palace was
filled with noise, but something was not right though, when the
uncle's came out of their cars, their faces were not happy,they
were not in jolly mood like the rest of the maids and
guards,they went to the table and sat down without greeting
the Queen's,the son's followed the only person left in the car
was the King, his 12 yrs old son Mpilwentle and the supposed
Lumkos wife , the maids noticed the sour mood and they all
stopped their celebration, Promise had hope that maybe the
wife rejected their offer of marriage, the king approached them
with a disappointed look
King:I know you are all wondering,why we are all sad while we
are supposed to be happy, well the wife we paid bride price for
unfortunately died and...
Promise didn't wait for the king to finish his statement she
opened a Champaign bottle ready to celebrate
Promise;yes, finally God heard my prayers,I told...
King:if you may please listen...the wife had died so according to
tradition,bride price can not be returned if there is still an
unmarried girl in that house and so now my son will marry the
older sister who have 2 kids
Ma Mahlangu:imihlola so ingane Yami ibanjiswa I bhaji(so my
son will support kids that ain't his)
The door of the car opened Mpilo came out running chased by
2 young girls
Lady :(came out of the car shivering)
Chapter 19
The next day at the royal house... Lahliwe woke up early and
helped the maids to prepare Break fast, it was awkward,they
kept on looking at her wierdly and some had judging eyes,tears
kept on filling her eyes but she continued anyways
A maid approached her
Maid:Uhm hey
Lahliwe:Uhm hey (trying her best not to cry)
Maid:the Queen is asking for your presence
Lahliwe:ohh which Queen
Maid:Miss Mahlangu... follow me
She took off her apron and dried her hands using her dress then
followed the maid,She was
scared, shaking she didn't know what to expect...She was
praying and in some case she wished that she never had
kids...they finally reached the lounge and she found Miss
Mahlangu sitted next to the crying Mpilo and her two girls were
standing next to the Queen, her youngest daughter
(Beauty)was crying while her oldest daughter (Ntuthuko)was
folding her hands starring dagger at the Queen,She asked no
question she quickly abased herself next to the Queen asking
for Forgiveness,She knew that Ntuthuko had done something
bad to Mpilo, Ntuthuko is the dominant one she always protect
her recessive sister with everything she have. she was still
begging when the other Queens entered
Na Themba said nothing she just took a sit and watched
everything that was happening
Ma Ntuli:And then, what's happening?you know I knew from
the very first day that that these people were sent by the devil
himself. Ntuthuko:I beg you pardon...
Lahliwe: NTUTHUKO!!...I'm really sorry,I promise that this will
Ntuthuko:God forbid... Lahliwe you don't even know what
happened but you are already asking for Forgiveness
Na Mahlangu:you even call your mother by her name ,you are
indeed a rotten fruit
Ntuthuko: Never knew that I was a fruit to start with but I won't
be surprised to find out that you actually eat people your
ugliness says it all(The Queen's kept quiet starring at the girl
with her mouth gap opened)
The king entered followed by his 9 sons(they eat breakfast at
the first Queen house)Lumko was also present
King:Umsindo ongaka ekuseni kwenzakalan (why are you all
making noise at such an early hour)
Lahliwe:I'm sorry...she she is still young, she didn't mean to
hurt the young Prince and disrespect the Queen
Ntuthuko:ayy speak for yourself miss, mina I don't regret...
Ntuthuko:yini manje(what now)this chicken was bullying my
It has been a week since Noma came out of the hospital and
she had been living in this mension filled with a lot of miserable
looking girls, When she first came here everyone was happy to
see her it seems like they know her,she is sitting at the dinner
table her food remains untouched
...:hey Noma why ain't you eating, are you ok?
Noma:Uhm...ya..Uhm ok
Girl:arh stop lying I know you ain't know if Dorothy was
here she was going to scold you and... this girl had been telling
me about Dorothy and how she would react if I do certain
things, I decided to ignore her and drink my pills
Maid:06:00am time up
Everyone stood up some looked terrified some looked
Maid:Uhm is there a girl called Noma in here? everyone stood
still looking scared as ever, no one wanted to answer
Maid: I don't have the whole day can you'll speak...
Everyone:... They didn't want to speak they knew that if they lie
the is a harsh punishment for that and if they tell the truth they
might never see Noma again
Noma:Uhm yeah I am here...(I said that with a confused face)
Everyone looked at me with shock written on their faces
Maid:ohh now I know why everyone had that face anyways
Noma welcome back
Noma:Uhm thanks...I guess
Maid:(chuckle)Mmh ok go to your room there is an outfit on
your bed wear it and...I'm not happy with your hair but
anyways meet the rest of the girls on room 13 at 7:00
For the past 6 days Lahliwe had been getting up early and
helping the maid's whith whatever they are doing
Chapter 20
Noma was in her room starring weirdly at her dress,there is
absolutely nothing pretty about that dress, it is way too shiny
and too short, why would a person make such a short dress?
Noma:(talking to herself) Maybe they made a mistake,this dress
will not fit me and anyways who would want to wear such an
ugly dress
Noma was still starring at the dress when she heard a light nock
then someone opened the door, Valentina a girl who is always
starring at her entered
Valentina:hey Noma I came to give you this (she said that
handing her a book)
Noma:(taking the book)) thanks... Uhm do you know where I
could return this dress it won't fit me
Valentina:(Laughing)they know that it won't fit you you just
have to wear it
Noma:Ooh (opening the book and struggling to read)firs
...fir...first ...Flo , floor code 10936, back d...door pas pass word
Valentina:(Surprised)you don't know how to read
Noma(looking down in shame and she realized that it is the first
time she talked to someone for few minutes without being
Valentina:you are doomed...Uhm damn I hate Dorothy for this,
So girl what are you going to do?
Noma:(tears glittered in her eyes)Uhm...
Valentina:(frustrated)Uhm ok ok Noma you were
kidnapped ok that's a story for another day(she sat on top of
Nomas bed holding Nomas hands)you need to leave this place
it is not safe, they do a lot of bad things to little girls like I will escort you out
don't loose that book, when you go out of here learn to read
and you will understand everything
Noma:(Getting more and more afraid)what... what do you
Valentina:: we have no time, pack your pills I will come and
fetch you around 6:30 she stood up then left
The Royal family was sitting at the dinner table (The new wife
and the kids were also present)they were eating in silence small
conversations were exchanged between the king and his
Son's,Lumko was sited at the far end of the table minding his
own business
Beauty:(whispering) Ntuthuko I am telling them (everyone
looked at them and Ntuthuko pretended not to hear her)
Beauty:(whispering loud enough for everyone to hear)
Ntuthuko I can't hold this secret anymore I am telling them
Lahliwe: Beauty what are you if you don't wanna
be eaten by a demon
Beauty:(tears streaming down her face)I'm sorry
Ntuthuko...Mama Ntuthuko added custard to Mkhulus food
because Mkhulu didn't return her greetings (everyone looked
at Ntuthuko horror written on their faces ,the King is allergic to
Custard, it affect him to the state of not being able to walk and
feed himself)
Ntuthuko:(crying) uncle Lumko told me to add it (Lumko spit
out his beer starring at Ntuthuko with his mouth gap opened,
he doesn't care about the condition his father's will be at even
if he died he wouldn't care, but he doesn't even know this girl
name and he doesn't remember talking to her)
The rest of the family continued with their meal not wanting to
entertain this,they believed Ntuthuko, Lumko really hates his
The king excused himself from the dinner table
Chapter 21
6:30 am
Noma had already packed all her pills in a medium size
plastic,she had also added some hoodie's and a small towel
that's thoughtful for a 8yrs old, the lady entered wearing the
skimpiest autfit ever
Valentina:are you ready?
Valentina::ok, follow me and don't act suspicious
Noma followed Valentina,the thought of turning back to her
room constantly visited her, She is still fragile she needs
care,she wondered how life will be outside this place,She knew
that she would have to skip drinking her pills some days
because there would be no one to provide food for her,her
brain kept on telling her to return back to her room but she felt
some kind of inertia,her body resisted going back, they kept on
taking turns till they reached the highest floor, they stood at
the balcony
Valentina:hey Noma, listen...we have no much time left so we
have to be fast,I already told you why you can't stay here right?
Nomalanga:(nervous):yeah but you didn't tell me everything
Valentina:ayy asiy yeke leyo, So as much as this environment is
not good for you it is also not good for the rest of us, we are
planning to escape 6 months from now, you were supposed to
escape with us but you can't due to reasons better left unsaid,
listen carefully I will only say this once...
Valentina::we all came from South Africa, we are planning to go
back there,there is a truck that transport drugs to South Africa
when it passes here you need to jump inside...
Noma:(shocked) From here?
Valentina: Girl you have no choice and please stop talking while
I'm talking...yah and when you are inside dig deep and go under
those small plastics of drugs, if you don't you will be found
when they are putting the fake cover that looks like Gold bars,
and if they find you you will be killed
are we clear?
Valentina: This is a matter of life and death, you have to do it,
when you reach South Africa try to escape I don't know how
but you should escape
Immediately when the truck came she jumped inside...a minute
passed, 2 minutes passed Nomalanga's little nose couldn't
stand the harmful fragrance that came from the drugs ,she
slowly drifted to lala land the only good thing was that she was
able to go underneath the drugs
2 Days Later
Lahliwe woke up just like any normal day and she went outside
to sweep the yard, today she was not in charge of making
breakfast, after sweeping she went to her daughters room to
wake them up ,she usually wakes them up an hour before
breakfast so that they can have enough time to bath ,she got
there only to find beauty sleeping alone
Lahliwe: Morning beauty ,uphi u sis wakho (where is your
Beauty:(sleepy)uhmm uthe uya ku malume u Lumko(she went
to uncle Lumko)
Lahliwe released a sign , Ntuthuko had this theory that Lumko is
suffering from some sort of demon possession,and she believes
that it is her duty to save him,she is glad thet Lumko doesn't
mind her daughters madness because if he did they would be
wondering in the streets with no place to stay
Lahliwe:Uhm ok baby, wake up you need to bath (she carried
beauty to the bathroom)
Outside the palace
Lumko is sitting on a garden chair holding his black label beer
on his hand, honestly speaking he lost interest in it,ever since
he woke up this girl had been following him ,the worst thing is
that she keeps on talking even though he doesn't reply her, he
was still listening to the noisy kid when the seer came out of
her hut growling,dancing singing and beating her drum,all the
family members even the maids came out to see what was
Ma Mahlangu:haw kwenzakalani Kwa bhinwa ekuseni
kangaka(what is happening)
Seer:The ancestors are happy, with u Malokazana the king
chose for his son she is the one responsible for the return of
the Queen, she prayed for her well being ,the queen is back
Everyone stood there with their mouths gape opened.
Chapter 22
Lumko stood there surprised as everyone,well he didn't think
bad about her he just never saw her as someone that good and
anyways why would she pray for someone she never met?His
thoughts were disturbed by the most irritating squeaky voice
Ntuthuko:'Yerses' u Lahliwe yisiphukuphuku (Lahliwe is a fool)
Everyone looked at her with irritation on their faces,
THETHELELA village is a bond by rules village, they are not used
to a child calling her mom by her name,to them it's a taboo
Ntuthuko:(Not minding the nasty stares) yisiphukuphuku
ngampela u Lahliwe (She is really a fool)why would she pray for
the only girl who can make this family suffer mxm (She stood
up and went inside the house)
Noma woke up in a hospital, machines piping around her
head,she tried to sit up right , but big hands forced her to lay
back down
Male voice:Lala sthandwa, ungavuki uzozi limaza(Sleep honey
,don't wake up you will hurt yourself)
That voice,that sweet and tender voice filled with care and
patience reminded Noma of Someone she knew ,she laid back
down and tried to remember where she had heard that kind of
voice , she knew that, that voice hold only good memories,she
tried so hard to remember but she could only see vivid images
that made her head hurt, the machine started piping madly but
she cared less the only thing at focus was to remember the
person, her head hurt so bad it is almost unbearable, when she
was about to give up she saw him,it was like a movie playing in
her head...She looked sad and scared, she was coming out of
what seems to be her home and going to the neighbors
house,she was about to open the neighbors gate when she
heard the voice
that husky tender voice
Voice: Nomalanga
She looked back and saw him ,a clean and a bit ugly man with
the most pretty smile, she also smiled and said the words she
never thought she would say
She ran to him and that was the end of her vision,She blanked
THETHELELA village the sitting room
The royal family were eating breakfast, no one was talking
except Ntuthuko and her sister (Beauty) Lahliwe was glad that
they are not so loud,the Seer went out to do whatever she
needs to do,...Sizwe came in holding numerous plastic's,he is 18
yrs old he spend most of his time in boarding school
Sizwe:Hellow family, whatsApp with the quietness in this
beautiful morning when we just received such amazing news?
KING:Sizwe aw hlale phansi uyeke ukurasa (sit down and stop
making noise)
The king dislike Sizwe because of his girlish behavior and his
numerous Female friends
Sizwe:Whuu ok ungangidli, mina I'm happy that the will be no
more deaths in this family (he hugged Lahliwe and kissed her
Unknown Location
The mumbling voices of Naked girls could be heard in the dark
woods,the girls were badly wounded ,Some were no longer
crying, they had no energy to do so, the girls were tied on trees
and left alone ,they were told that if they don't die or excape
they will come back after 24 hours to kill them, not with knifes
or gun but with acid and fire and they now have 5 hours left to
their horror most of the girls were praying asking to die fast
A mad man came out of no we're and stood in the middle of
them with horror written on his face ,they thought god had
finally heard their prayers,they tried to tell him to un tie them
but they couldn't their mouths were covered with foils,after 5
minutes of trying to talk to the man the man finally collapsed
and fainted that's when the horrified mumbles started all over
again but their voice couldn't be heard only mumbles were
heard and they were not loud enough to travel to town where
they would be heard...Valentina was quite, starring at a
distance no hope left in her ,she knows that Noma is the cause
of all this but she doesn't regret saving her even though helping
her caused the life of 79 girls and counting because they are
dying every minute
Chapter 23
Noma was sitting beside other patients in the hospital
garden,her mind seems to be far , she wasn't listening to
whatever they were saying, she keeps on asking herself about
the man she saw on her dream ,she doesn't want to call it a
dream because she knows that she wasn't asleep
Noma felt a soft tap on her shoulder, she turned only to see an
old nurse ,the one who woke her up and accompanied her to
this garden
Nurse:The doctor is asking for your presence in her office
madam , please follow me
Noma doesn't understand why everyone is acting so formal,she
stood up and followed her, immediately when they reached a
door written DR Mashaba the lady told Noma to get inside then
she left
Noma didn't think that knocking will be necessary since the
doctor is expecting her so she just pushed the door and got
inside, the Doctor was engrossed in a conversation with a
certain man that she didn't even notice when Noma got inside .
immediately when Noma set his eyes on that man,her heart
stopped beating for few seconds,her eyes got filled with tears
her legs felt like jelly ...A man on a wheelchair?the calm
voice?sly look? Something is surely off with this man...Noma
felt the same feeling she felt when she heard that Doctors
voice,she felt like she knew that man from a certain place,and
she knew that wherever she knew this man from is surely not
Dr Mashaba :(to the man )Mr I told you before and I will tell
you again, I can not give you the child,the girl was brought by
the police officers and they warned me not to allow anyone to
take her
Man :but she is my daughter
Doctor :I don't care ,you are not the one who brought her here
Man :You know I can...
Doctor :Oh she is here ,baby come here(referring to
Noma)Noma was reluctant
she walked slowly towards the man and the Doctor not
spearing them a glance ,she pulled a chair then sat down
Doctor :hey baby do you know this man?
Man :how can she know me ,she have Alzheimer!
Doctor:very wrong Mr ...I told you before that this is not your
daughter, this girl here have no memory loss
Man:you are lying...
The door opened, a man wearing an expensive looking suit
entered followed by 4 police officers and a camera man
Doctor : whow my office is now crowded but I don't mind as
long as this will clear all this confusion
Police 1 : yep let's get to it ,The police introduced everyone and
Noma got to know that the man wearing a plain suit is the
Man's lawyer
Lawyer:( Opening his briefcase and taking out some few papers
and few photos, he was about to talk when a man also wearing
a suit entered)
Man:Sorry I'm late, he said that with an apologetic smile, he
pulled a chair and sat down
Police 1: Mr ngwenya this is so inappropriate of you
Mr Ngwenya: I'm sorry, I got cought up in a traffic
Doctor:let us stop waisting time and get to business
Police 1:So this is the Government Lawyer who will be making
sure that this man here is not lying (referring to the man on a
Man:(looking terrified) but I brought a lawyer
Doctor:yeah, and we also brought one
Man's lawyer:worry not everything is under control, you will
get your daughter
Doctor:baby say Hy to Mr Ngwenya
Noma raised her head to look at Mr Ngwenya, immediately
when her eyes met his, she felt calm ,she wanted to hug him so
tight and just cry, she felt like home
Dr:Ohh do you perhaps know each other?
Mr Ngwenya:No I'm surprised that she knows my name
Man: can we just start with this whole thing
Man's lawyer:Ok this little girl is my clients adopted daughter,
she was adopted on 19th April 200* when she was
6months(Noma got a sudden 5sec vision,she saw a man asking
her something and she replied "24 kuntaka(March)...
Man's lawyer: and here I have her birth certificate,Mr Ngwenya
took the certificate and examined it
Mr Ngwenya:...
Chapter 24
Mr Ngwenya:Mhh...
DOCTOR: NO this man is lying, he told me that this little girl
have Alzheimer, I'm the one who checked her brain, she have
no brain damage
Man's lawyer:My client is old he tend to forget simple things
POLICE 1: so is this the only proof you have with you?
LAWYER:no ,I have this photos (picture of Nomalanga on a
couch sitting with Dorothy wearing Gucci dress and Smiling
happily, and a picture of him(wheelchair man) carrying Noma
,*the day he was choosing her*...( Handing the pictures to Mr
Ngwenya)this are the only pictures that were able to be saved
in a fire accident that led to this man loosing her daughter)
DOCTOR:(teary) No they are lying,I know that they are lying
POLICE 2: anything else MR?
LAWYER: yes ,(handing MR Ngwenya the document) this is the
copy of a contract paper of the teacher who home schooled
Michael (Noma)
Dr:(tears dropping) Mr Ngwenya you have been quiet for a long
time now say something
POLICE 2:Mr Ngwenya?
Mr NGWENYA:can I please be excused with this little girl
LAWYER:That is not Lawfully accepted ,any investigation was
supposed to be done before the day of presentation
DOCTOR:what are you afraid of?
LAWYER:Miss that's how Law work's
Mr NGWENYA:can this little girl please excuse us for few
minutes, Noma didn't want to be told twice she stood up and
gave Mr Ngwenya the most biggest smile then left
Mr NGWENYA:(he took out his iPad and glued his eyes on it for
few seconds)
Mr NGWENYA:(his eyes still glued on his iPad)Mr you said this
Little girl have Alzheimer right?
Man: yes
Mr NGWENYA:(referring to the Camera man)got it?
CAMERA Man:yes sir
Mr NGWENYA:and which hospital did she go to ?
LAWYER: Veterinarian hospital
Mr NGWENYA:Mhh Captain Nyathi can you please call the maid
for me
Captain Nyathi stood up without saying any word
Mr NGWENYA switched off his phone
Dr: is that all?
POLICE 2:patience madam
Mr NGWENYA:So Mr(taking out a bunch of papers from his
briefcase and a laptop,he clicked some few buttons and turned
the laptop towards the man and his lawyer then he stood up
Mr NGWENYA:(standing up) I hope you all don't mind but my
dad told me that only a lazy king work while sitting , so as you
can all see an article on this laptop about a child who was found
abandoned on a mountain and was adopted by the buthelezi
family,8years ago
LAWYER:and how does that affect us?
Mr NGWENYA: patience Mr, we still have few hours remaining
LAWYER:I don't see the necessity of going through history that
doesn't affect us
The door opened and Captain Nyathi entered followed by a
maid, they both sat down
Mr NGWENYA:May we continue?
Mr NGWENYA:3years ago a missing case was opened
he scrolled down on his laptop and a picture of Nomalanga
appeared (The man looked terrified but he quickly composed
himself ,but it was too late because everything was recorded by
the camera man)
Dr:Ohh My God ,my eyes are deserving me
Mr NGWENYA: please can I be given a platform,I wouldn't want
my birds to escape will I?
LAWYER:and who's your bird
CAPTAIN: quiet everyone,let Mr NGWENYA finish, and Mr
Ngwenya I don't approve your attitude
Mr NGWENYA:I'm sorry Captain
CAPTAIN:you may proceed
Mr NGWENYA:The missing Nomalanga was never found, until a
month later she wasn't actually found but we found a lead,
some girls who managed to escaped described someone like
Nomalanga as the youngest kidnapped girl, and they gave
police directions on where they were kept, but unfortunately
when the police came through they found out that they were
already gone,he scrolled down on his laptop,and a( vivid picture
of Nomalanga was shown carried by Dorothy, while they were
changing transport's)and this picture was captured on the
boarder gate ,where a shooting happened ,12 securities and
7police officers were killed while some where injured, ever
since then we never heard of Nomalanga,so what do you all
think about this terrifying story
Chapter 25
Doctor:huu it seems like we have lot of missing puzzles
Mr NGWENYA:well it seems like terrible things keep happening
to innocent people,3 years ago ,he scrolled down on his laptop
and an article appeared, showing a bleeding naked man and a
young girl who's legs were wide opened (when Noma was
POLICE 3:Holly Jesus (vomiting on the floor)
Ewws filled the office, the man and his lawyer looked at each
other terrified
Mr NGWENYA:when I was investigating this case I found this
article,"The man was accused of raping a girl who is young
enough to be her grand daughter"what surprised me is that the
girl look exactly like Nomalanga, the girl was admitted in the
government hospital for a week and was later moved to an
unknown hospital, he scrolled down again and a Picture of
Nomalanga carried by a woman in TOYOTA company appeared
,that was the last time we saw this mysterious girl (he closed his
laptop) until a week ago when a company that sold girls as
prostitutes was discovered and it was said that the raped girl
was one of the girls who were captured in that company,The
girl you claim to be your daughter was found in the truck that
was coming from the same company, and she was found with
the code of that company in her hand, and the doctor found
out that she was once raped and again she have the similar
DNA profile of Nomalanga,So MR Because you claim that she is
your daughter can you please explain
Mr NGWENYA:Ok then ,can I ask you some few questions?So
Mr what is your daughters favorite season?
LAWYER: Summer of cause.
Mr NGWENYA:I'm talking to the girls father
Man:(breathing heavily) Summer (his voice came out tinnier
than usual)
Mr NGWENYA:can someone please call the Little girl
The doctor took out her phone,and send a message
2min later Noma entered
Mr NGWENYA:(to Noma)What is ur Name honey
Nomalanga:(her memory seems to be coming back )No...No...
Man:she's lying her name Is ivory
Mr NGWENYA:Mr you are selling yourself now ,you said her
name is Michael and her certificate proof that she only have
one name
LAWYER:that's the name they often use ,its a father and
daughter thing
Mr NGWENYA:(Laughing)ok so Nomalanga what's your favorite
season of the year
Man: She's a child,she doesn't understand what she is saying
Mr NGWENYA:mmh ok so Nomalanga, why do you like winter
NOMALANGA: Because in summer it is too hot and the sun
burns me, I am allergic to the sun
LAWYER:She's obsessed with Vampires
DOC:No she's not,(taking out documents from her drawer )she
is indeed allergic to the sun
Man:(wiping his forehead with his handkerchief)
Mr NGWENYA:Mr When is your daughters birthday
Man:(low voice)19 October
Mr NGWENYA: Nomalanga when is your birthday
Nomalanga:24 March
Mr NGWENYA: So let's go back to the mysterious girl again , so
when she was found the was no letter that told us about her
birthday so the doctor could identify her birth day so they just
gave her a random day (high probability) and guess what?
Doctor:oh my God(wiping her tears)
Mr NGWENYA:you guessed right, so this is my conclusion...(he
sat down and packed all his papers)
CAPTAIN:Thank you Mr NGWENYA, we would like to give the
opponant's the chance to present themselves and note that
failure to do so this case will be taken to court ,with the
opponant charged with ,human trafficking,Rape,fraud ,
planning of murder and distribution of unlawful drugs
Man:(looking at his lawyer desperately)
CAPTAIN:ooh before I forget ,we would like to ask the
opponant Lawyer to remove his ear piece because it is no
longer working...
(Minutes later )
The man and his lawyer were accompanied to the police van
Chapter 26
Unknown location
The girls were tired and drained, from all the crying plus
hunger, they were now all quiet some were asleep,a bus filled
with Buffy man halted in front of them, they all tried to look
closely, they were all curious some even thought that their
prayers were finally heard, only to be disappointed when they
saw those guys coming out with steel buckets (filled with acid)
immediately when some realized what was happening they
fainted right away,the guys came closer to them,a man who
seem to be their leader told the guy's to go back in the bus and
fetch something,they all left without saying a word they came
back with black leather bags,they placed them next to the
Leader guy:(British accent) when I left this place I told you to
die or escape, well I can see that some are already
dead...(exhale)you know this was not supposed to happen the
only thing that led us here is stupidity, stupidity that ruined
everything, stupidity that might end me but it doesn't matter
now you all are going to die soon and I'll make a plan out of this
mess, now this is how things are going to be done you will
choose whether you want to swim in acid or be sliced , so
without waisting time my friends here will untie 12 Girls and
one by one they will choose how they would like to die
Girl 1:Nomfundo
Leader guy:(British accent)and ohh before I forget, when you
come here you should tell us about yourself,a little history,I
want the person who did all this mess to realize how stupid she
is and you don't wanna know what I will do if you don't obey
my rules...
Nomfundo:(mucus and tears all over her face)she could barely
talk...hey...hey guys My name is Nomfundo Mthethwa From
Mpumalanga at Siyabuswa ,I was kidnapped when I was 13
years 8yrs ago(hiccup)...I...I...I wasn't actually kidnapped I was
sold by my mother (hiccup)my dad died while I was 3years
leaving my mother in dept's, so the guy I was sold to gave my
mom large amount of money
LEADER guy:Come on, say more ,your failed dreams, your lost
hopes when did your tragedy start don't make me mad say
Nomfundo:(wiping her tears) I wasn't a smart girl at
school...but I...I wanted to be a model , unlike most of you i was
raped immediately when I got to the first shelter by 5guys and
that resulted in me being unconscious for a week, I woke up
only to be given abortion pills which damaged my womb
I was only 13 by then imagine the pain I felt (hiccup) they didn't
wait for me to heal two days later I was again raped by 8 guys , I
became unconscious for a month ,I woke up in that beautiful
gigantic hell hole and I have been a sex worker ever since
then...I..I choose...a..acid
They didn't wait for her to compose herself,they carried her
and dumped her inside the bucket of acid , immediately when
her legs came in contact with the toxic liquid,all her flash
burned only her skeleton remained in the bucket ,the scream
she released while burning tore all the girls hearts,the only
good thing is that it she didn't scream for long hours she died
within few seconds,but her voice remained in the girls brain
Next:Nwabisa Meme from Eastern Cape
Nwabisa:I'm Nwabisa 22years old I was kidnapped while I was
14 yrs old well I never thought being kidnapped would be this
hard you know (exhale),most of you won't believe me but I'm
actually a guy ,I was substituted to rape when my mom passed
away ,I was raped by my own brothers,well because they were
not attractive enough and I looked like a girl,I had 4 brothers in
total, the young one started doing it while I was 7yrs he was 15
yrs by then,he continued for 2 yrs , when I was 9 yrs he was
caught while doing it by my oldest brother
(hiccup)I..I(hiccup)instead of helping me he...he just turned
back and left (inhale then exhale)that night all my brothers
came in my room, all 4of them , they all took turns in doing
it,the day I got kidnapped I was actually running away from
home, someone found me and offered to take me to the police
station but instead she drugged me, I woke up days later with
(hiccup) a changed private part , the lady who kidnapped me
took me to a surgery and they changed my private part , and
since from that day I had been living a life on a transgender, I
am actually grateful that I'm dying , living in this body with this
memories is hell, I'll go with (exhale) acid
Chapter 27
Thethelela village
The Royal house
immediately when Khaya (Ngwenya) entered the sitting room,
everyone stood up and looked at him with eyes filled with
hope, his dad approached him an squeezed him in a tight hug
Khaya:(Confused)uhm hey ,why is everyone acting weird
Na Mahlangu:(smiling) where is the queen?
Khaya:(Surprised )ain't you the queen?
Everyone looked at him confused
King:Son what do you mean when you say you know nothing
about the Queen?
Khaya:Baba, angazi lutho(I Know Nothing)
King:awumtholanga UNomalanga?
Khaya:ooh you mean the mysterious Queen?No. But that name
sounds familiar
Everyone looked at him with hopeful eyes
Na Ntuli :where did you hear it?
Khaya: Mhh I don't remember
Senzo:you need to remember,Phela if we loose her this time I
might be the one who dies
Na Ntuli:aww senzo kodwa yayaphi ihliziyo Ndodana (why are
you so heartless)
Senzo: Sorry Ma ,I'm just saying,he need to remember for
Christ sake he is a Lawyer ,he should keep every small details in
her brain.
King:(Looking disappointed)it's fine Khaya ,maybe after resting
you will remember everything.
Khaya:Kanti Baba what happened?
King:The seer came while we were eating and told us that one
of my Son had found the Lost Nomalanga,and you were the
only one who was out.
Promise the king's second wife entered holding a tray of food
and placed it on the table next to Khaya then she left,Khaya
wasn't surprised by Promise foul mood, Promise hate talking
about the Nomalanga saga,it really hurts her feelings, her Son is
still suffering from what the ancestors did to his Wife, Promise
still have sleepless nights when she think about her son, She
went outside and found her son chasing Ntuthuko with his shoe
,Even though Ntuthuko is rude she still find a way to creep in
everyone's heart,at first she hated the king for choosing a wife
for her Son ,and she hated Lahliwe for having kids at such a
young age, but now she is glad that everything happened even
though she won't admit it
her son is finally starting to become a normal person again all
thanks to Ntuthuko, Ntuthuko is the only person who can speak
to her Son and make him react to few things
Unknown Location
Petunia was leaning on the mad Man's Shoulder, moving to
where God knows,Realeboga was walking infront of them using
a log to support herself,no words were exchanged between
them,her right leg was cut off and she only has one eye while
Realeboga have only one hand and a knife on her tummy, they
were both saved by the mad man,when he finally woke up he
didn't panic he dragged Realeboga who was lying next to him to
the Wood's,they came back minutes later with Realeboga
looking better then they untied her they couldn't help the
others because there was no enough time ,She was actually
lucky to be saved , the girl who was supposed to be saved chose
to remain behind and die with the others,she said she wouldn't
live with the trauma she had been through,The mad man is the
one who dressed their wounds , using plastics and all the
Cotton's they had found, before he became mad he wanted to
be a Doctor,they were still walking when Realeboga fell
down,they stood still for a moment not knowing what to do
Petunia: REALEBOGA!!The mad man quickly rushed to
Realeboga leaving Petunia to fall down and hurt herself,that's a
disadvantage of having a caring someone,the mad man carried
Realeboga towards the crying petunia,
Realeboga:(weak)Guys leave me here, im way too weak to
walk(she fainted)
Chapter 28
RUSSIA [Siberia (irkutsk)]
Petunia is sitting on the hospital bed , sipping her lemon tea
,the Mad man is the one who helped them,he led them to the
main Road and they were immediately helped by an old couple,
they safely transported them to the Hospital and that same
night they were transported to another hospital,a Private
Hospital, it seems like the mad man come from a financial
stable Family,She was told that they are unable to replace her
eye but they are going to replace her leg with a robotic
Leg,Realeboga's case is worse than hers , her digestive system
is no longer working properly,she drink pills before and after
eating,She is unable to walk due to the cerebellum and inner
ear infection, the damage in her inner ear has led to a higher
chance of being def , and she is at stake of being affected by
(Petunia POV )
Realeboga: Petunia I had asked you a question 2 minutes ago
and you are yet to give me an answer
Petunia:uhm sorry what did you say
Realeboga:Ooh I see you are starting to become comfortable
Petunia:No I'm just... relaxing
Realeboga:I knew it.petunia this place is not good for us ,we
need to leave as soon as possible
(Rea doesn't want us to stay in this place,she believe that if we
don't leave sooner something bad will happen to us)
Petunia:Come on Rea,you Know I don't understand your
obsession of leaving this place,I thought after few days you will
stop this dump theory you have but clearly I was wrong.
Realeboga:(sad smile) Petunia I understand but remember that
we are in Russia, and this country is popular for all the bad
things in the world, it's fine I'll make a plan I'll leave alone
Petunia:Come on Rea we've been here for a week and nothing
if they really wanted to kill us they could have done that
immediately when we got here,and anyways Africa is Popular
for being the most poor and un developed country but we both
know that's not the truth
Realeboga:But Nomalan..
Petunia:Don't mention her name...that thing is the reason why
I'll have one eye for the test of my life
Thethelela village
(Royal house)
Everyone was in the lounge eating breakfast even Lahliwe and
her daughter's
King:(to Sizwe)So what's your plan for today?
Khaya:(Confused/surprised ,his dad doesn't usually ask about
their daily plans)uhm , work
King:Mhh I heard that you have a big case today
Na Mahlangu:Ooh a big case,are you representing a well known
business man?
Khaya:(Chuckle) No Ma I am representing this young girl who
had been kidnapped for like 3years
Sizwe:what's her name
Khaya:is that necessary, when are you going back to school
Sizwe:Oops, well I was just asking,Phela last week you said
wena you didn't meet the Queen, you only met your work
partners ,the Doctor, Suspects and the little girl,you might find
out that...
King:Sizwe today you are going to visit your aunt at Thuthukani
village you are only allowed to come back on your last day
before you departure to school
Sizwe:Kodwa baba...(but dad...)
Na Mahlangu:Sizwe might be right, what is her name son?
King:Na Mahl...
Na Mahlangu:wait Baba,Son what's her name?
Khaya: (Feeling defeated) her name is NOMALANGA.
The rest of the Family:WHAT...
17:05 pm
A nurse called Petunia to a certain ward room, Petunia followed
her looking nervous ,after her quarrel with Rea she became
worse ,Rea had been in her ward for hours and it seems like she
didn't recover ,She followed the nurse inside the ward,She
found Realeboga sleeping)
Petunia:(Relieved),she doesn't want to talk to her because she
believe that she is the one who contributed to her
sickness)Uhm nurse she's sleeping and I wouldn't want to
disturb her I'll come back when...
Realeboga:(Week)I...I'm...I'm awake(she said that whith her
eyes are closed)
Chapter 29
The family were sitting in a restaurant waiting for Khaya to
come back from the court,They were at the Suspects bail
hearing, they saw Noma even though she is dark skinned she
have some feathers of the King ,when they got to this
restaurant they were happy that the Suspects didn't get any
bail ,the man got 15 years in prison and a chance of parole after
10yrs and his lawyer got 5 yrs in prison (for assisting in
kidnapping) with no chance of parole,they were complaining
about the judge not being fair to Noma ,to them, both Suspects
were supposed to get life sentence,they had been in this
restaurant for hours they had already talked about everything
and now they have nothing to talk about, Lahliwe and her
daughter's+Lumko were not present in the restaurant, they
remained in the palace... Everyone was now quiet
wondering,what is keeping Khaya this long
Sizwe:yazi Baba(dad)I'm just wondering why Noma is this
Lubanzi (15 yrs): Meaning?
Sizwe:we understand that Nomalanga is the only girl in this
family,but why did we go through so much trouble just to get
her?Phela thina we have thee Royal blood,both our parents
come from Royal families but Nomalanga...I'm sure her mom is
just a common village woman.
Everyone looked at Sizwe terrified,no one had the audacity to
say that near the King ,they were all asking themselves that
question but no one had the Audacity to say it)
Sizwe:(ignoring the dead stare from the King )I was going to
understand if we were all girls and Nomalanga was a boy ,Our
ancestors acknowledge boys more than girls (Chuck)Kodwa
nabo abo Ngwenya, when did they ever see a woman ruling a
kingdom [Everyone remained quiet, waiting for the king to
(After few seconds...)
Na Mahlangu:(Chuck)Uhm immediately when I saw
UNomalanga I knew that she was from Mlozana Kingdom
Lubanzi: wait mama you mean thee Mlozana Village?the village
with the most powerful king who could communicate with
water guardians?
King:(feeling uncomfortable
he stood up)uhm uhhm excuse me (he left heading to his car )
Na Mahlangu:(looking as calm as ever) 10 years ago ,while The
Mlozana family were dying, their last daughter,15 yrs old
Makhosonke came to our house to ask for shelter, I knew the
Theory, well I thought it was a theory until today (the Mlozana
woman are unresisteble ) Makhosonke was a slim un-attractive
girl , with the most darkest skin ever ,the only pretty thing
about her was her calm voice, pretty black hair and her big
black eyes nothing more
(Everyone was quiet,they all wanted to know more)
Sizwe: Ma can you please tell us more about what actually
happened to the Mlozana Family that led to them being all
wiped out?
Na Mahlangu: you know back in the days the Royal families
used to be the most powerful and rich families in the village,the
king's used to sacrifice their cows and goats in order to gain
respect and some king's used to abase themselves to creatures
in order to gain riches but now times passed things
changed,king's and Queens started living like normal people but
the Mlozana King hated the change he wanted the world to
remain in the past and so did her wife they were both power
hungry, they both went to the river and sacrificed some few
cows and asked for riches but they were told that they need to
sacrifice the Pregnant Queen, because the king loved his wife
so much to sacrifice her he decided to marry a second wife , a
poor 12yrs old girl who just started her periods the girl lived
with only her grandmother after two months she was already
pregnant so she was sacrificed ,the king told the whole village
that the girl ran away but her grandmother noticed that the
was a problem when the king started gaining riches after few
months so she also sacrificed herself ,she put a curse on the
Mlozanas that after every 5 years they need to sacrifice a
newborn baby that was not much for the King and Queen so
after every 5 years they continued to sacrifice until 20 yrs ago
when the new king stopped all that nonsense, and that was
when all this trouble started ,the Mlozanas were losing a family
member after every 5 years ...
Chapter 30
Na Mahlangu:the Mlozanas were losing a family member after
every 5 years,they tried every possible thing to stop it but they
couldn't ,so the better solution was for the family to part away,
the Mlozana household use to be the biggest household, that is
why they have the biggest palace ,in the Mlozana house you
would find their grand grandparents, aunties, distance cousin
all living in the same house ,15yrs ago the family parted away
well they were already few members left anyways,they left the
king (new king)his wife and their children,The situation got out
of hand they were now loosing a family member every year
...10years ago when the queen finally died the king sent her
only surviving daughter away and I believe thats what resulted
to Nomalanga
Lubanzi:(fanning himself)huuu
Thethelela village
Lumko was outside bickering with Ntuthuko as usual, beauty
was playing with her dolls in the sitting room and Lahliwe was
preparing food for the four of them ,today they were going to
have their Supper in the garden ,they usually have their Supper
at 7:00 but today Lahliwe delayed because she was the only
one preparing dinner the maids decided to give themselves a
day off,it was going to be easy if Lahliwe was only making one
dish (similar food)but that's not allowed in the palace ,
immediately when the clock hit 7:30 she sent Beauty to go call
her sister and Lumko ,she is still shy to look at Lumko or to sit
close to him
she feel like she intruded his privacy ,ever since she came in the
palace she only talked to Lumko once or twice,her thoughts
were disturbed by the approaching heavy footsteps she quickly
pretended like she was fixing the dishes ,Lumko sat down then
beauty and Ntuthuko followed , this table only allow 4 people
to sit , she badly wanted to leave but she didn't know how
Ntuthuko:haw Mfazi kwenzakalani ,wajama Ngathi uyikukhu
enethwe lizulu nje?(Lahliwe what's happening,you look lost)
There is one thing Lahliwe will forever hate Ntuthuko for,her
lousy mouth, Ntuthuko can't keep her mouth shut,she was still
thinking about how to reply Ntuthuko when a deep voice
ringed in her ear it felt as if the person Speaking was just next
to her ear when he is 5steps away
Lumko:Am I making you feel uncomfortable Lahliwe?
Lahliwe:(trying her best to not show that ,his voice affect
her)uhm No(she quickly sat down and served herself)
Lumko:(motionless face) Lahliwe do you mind helping me
Ntuthuko:(annoyed)Oh my goodness Lumko ,I am 12 yrs old
and I can serve myself why can't you do the same
Lahliwe:(stem ) Ntuthuko I permit you to address me by my
name but I never said you should address everyone by their
Ntuthuko:(Scared)I'm, sorry (she continued eating)
Lahliwe:(she stood up)
Lumko:(looking embarrassed)Uhm Its fine I can do it
Lahliwe:(approaching him)no it's fine, (she picked up a bowl of
roasted chicken and implied to serve Lumko ,Lumko tried to
stop her by holding the bowl but instead he held her hands,it
was so sudden that they both froze)
Beauty:Mmh I sense love in the air
Lahliwe looked at her daughter not believing that She said that
,she was expecting that from Ntuthuko not Beauty.
Chapter 31
After hours of waiting Khaya finally came followed by his angry
father, he sat on the stool and started to narrate everything ,
unfortunately they can't take NOMALANGA before they can be
given a chance to be with NOMALANGA a case should be
opened ,and the king should explain why did they leave
NOMALANGA in a middle of no where while there were
Ophanages everywhere,and if NOMALANGA was missing what
took them so long to finally seek her,and after doing all that the
king need to do the DNA test to make sure that Noma is her
daughter when all that is completed he will still not be given an
opportunity to be with Noma until they find her Step Dad David
who's current location is un known ...
Sizwe:huu hay kutjho ukuthi sisezofa singakabi nayo leyo
ndlovukazi(we will die before that Queen comes)
King:I don't understand ,why am I supposed to go through so
much trouble just to find my daughter,Yi Ndodakazi Yami leya.
Khaya:Dad we need to follow the Law
Senzo:but Bhuti a DNA test can fix everything why...
Khaya:Senzo they don't only want to ensure that he is Noma's
father ,they are also trying to ensure that she will be in safe
Na Mahlangu:Kodwa u Baba have no criminal record mus
Khaya:yes and I hope it will remain that way because right now
we need all the good points because we have like 25%chance of
winning this case, and anyways there is a high possibility that
her Step Dad can denie us a chance of being with her because
after all he is Lawfully her dad
Na Ntuli:hay hay ,Kodwa yingane ka baba leya(but that's my
husband's daughter)
Khaya:(standing up) family remember that we are following the
laws order.
Russia (Siberia)
Petunia was sitting inside a black Audi R8 gazing at the passing
buildings,she wishes that Realeboga was with her but God had
other plans ,that day when she was called in a ward , Realeboga
told her some things she still find hard to believe,
Unfortunately they (Rea and Petunia) are the biggest prices in
the underground world(highly wanted by criminals) ,the person
who was in charge of their enslavement is the biggest criminal,
everyone want him dead, most police officers had tried to
arrest him but they couldn't,and some criminals had tried to kill
him but they ended up being dead, So Petunia and Realeboga
were the only living evidence
her life is now in danger ,she was helped by a nurse,she toolk
her out then she gave her womb to a rich barren woman in
exchange for safe transportation to South Africa and some few
dollars, well it was unfortunate that Rea died 2 hours after
telling her all that information leaving her to fix all this mess by
When the family got back from the Restaurant it was late so
they were expecting everyone to be asleep they were surprised
to see Lahliwe,her daughter's and Lumko playing Ludo , sitting
on a mat in the sitting room ,they were actually seen by Sizwe ,
immediately when he saw them he took a picture then went
outside to call the rest of the family
Sizwe:( breathing heavily)Baba you really need to get in the
house there is an emergency.
Everyone looked at him, they were all curious
King:(in bothered) I gave life to 11 boys and 2 girls
Sizwe:utjhukuthini Baba(what do you mean?)
King:Sizwe you are old enough to fix any emergency in the
Sizwe:Ooh well Fam(Speaking loud enough for everyone to
hear)The sitting room is filled with blood ,and there are
candle's burning in all the corner of the room
(Everyone rushed in the house, the ladies remained behind
With the younger children)
Everyone bust in to the room scaring everyone,due to shock
Lahliwe and the kids jumped to Lumko, immediately when they
saw everyone looking at them , Lahliwe stood up, carried
Beauty then left the room feeling embarrassed
Ntuthuko:(Limping following her Mother)yerses anina timing
nina man
Lumko stood up also feeling embarrassed,he also went out..
King:(Smiling)atlist something good is happening in this family
Lerato was shielding her crying 2yrs old child , she was also
Lerato:(to her sugar daddy)Please dady don't do this ,please I'm
begging you this thing only envolve us leave Amara in this
Sugar d: Who's child is she
Lerato:(crying)I'm...I'm sorry dady you wanted a child and...and
Sugar d:and ,was that impossible for you to give me ?
Lerato:dady you are old ... your... your
(A bullet landed on Amara's leg and she immediately fainted)
Lerato took out her gun and released a bullet ,it landed on the
man Shoulder
Sugar d:haha ,so you are fighting with me now ...
Chapter 32
O6:00 am
The Royal family is already on the table ready for
breakfast,today Lumko looks slightly different he looks nervous,
Precious looks moody,when the king told her about the
position they found Lumko and Lahliwe in,she couldn't
believe,but now it is clear even in her eyes his son had never
been out of place like he is right now... everyone was feeling
the tenseness in the table ,Lumko couldn't hold himself
anymore ,he was way too nervous, he took a beer then started
drinking,it seems to cool him down cause he stopped
shaking,few minutes later Ntuthuko entered carrying Beauty on
her back chatting as usual
Beauty:(to Lumko)Lotjhani malume(Greetings uncle)
Lumko just looked at her and kept quiet
Ntuthuko:Hay haybo lentwebi umtwana uyaku lotjhisa
phendula Phela(this ugly thing, Beauty is greeting you)
The whole family looked at them they were all surprised by
Lumkos behavior,if Ntuthuko was the one who greeted him
they could have understood but it was beauty,the soft,
respectful child everyone loves...
Ntuthuko:mxm,baby leave him,he is miserable (they both went
to their usual seats at the far end of the table)
Lahliwe entered followed by a bunch of maids carrying food,she
was in high spirit as usual humming her fav song ,after serving
everyone she sat down next to her daughter's and started
eating immediately
After breakfast everyone acceded the sitting room leaving
Lumko and the maid's
Lumko: Lahliwe when you are done cleaning please come and
see me
Lahliwe:(confused) uhmm ,ok uhm Im done the maid's will
finish up everything(She went to Lumko and sat next to him )
Lumko:Soo this uhm past few days we had been close
Lahliwe:(understanding the whole point of the summoning)
Lumko:I don't want to sound rude but it meant nothing ,
Lahliwe don't get the impression that I like you or something
Lahliwe:(standing up)uhm yeah I get it...(attempting to leave )
Lumko:Where do you think you are going to?
Lahliwe:(surprised)ha, Lumko I get it and I..
Lumko:Ohh so I'm no longer sir ngingu Lumko manje , Lahliwe
this is what I'm talking about you are getting way too
comfortable with me
I think yo..
Lahliwe: exactly Lumko you think, there is nothing happening
between us sir
Lumko:and there will never be,
Lahliwe:(annoyed)SIR we are not close , maybe it's because you
act like an animal that's the reason why you had mistaken my
kindness to Love, dude there's totally nothing to Love in you ,
you are ruined beyond repair
Lumko:(hurt)ooh so you mean
Lahliwe: exactly,I was just showing you humanity
South Africa, Pretoria (OR Thambo)
Petunia :(inhaling)Huuu I'm finally back home
Lady:yep ,it was nice doing business with you young lady I have
to go back, go to that black Jeep (indicating with her
fingers)You will find Mrs Smith she will be your Lawyer and she
will accompany you to the hotel you will be staying at ,take this
(handing her a card )all your money is in there ,the pin is **** I
wish you a fruitful journey
Petunia:Thank you
The king's office
Khaya:Ngwenyama I understand your point,but please you are
loosing the point of this whole thing Ngwenya, those people
don't need to know if your the father or not ,all they want is for
Nomalanga to be in safe hands you can't tell them ukuthi the
healer says UNomalanga is your daughter that's ridiculous
Baba,those people have different spiritual believes
King:Ndodana do what you know best , because it seems like
my ideas are not working
Khaya:Thank you baba, So this is what we are going to do ,we
are going to open that case first thing tommorow,and then we
need to hire some people to look for That step father of
NOMALANGA , we need to dig everything about him ,every
little dirty secret,it might be small but we need everything we
can get our hands on and we must make sure that we find him
first before anyone does so that we can have some man to man
talk before the court interfere
King:(Smiling)it seems like you got everything planned
Khaya:(Chuck)I am called NGWENYA for a reason
King:That's my son
Chapter 33
Thethelela village
10:30 am
Lahliwe is with the other maids in the kitchen preparing
dinner,she had made peace with the sour mood of the maid's
,she even enjoy working in silence and the rude stares no
longer affect her ,
Lumko: Lahliwe
Lahliwe:(annoyed)Yes sir
Lumko:The King would like to talk to you outside
Lahliwe just smiled,she knows that the king can never call her
,they have no business to discuss but she can't help but to
pretend to fall for his tric ,his deep voice have something to do
with it ,she wiped her hands then followed him outside
Lahliwe:(Pretending to look around )Uhm sir where is the King
Lumko:Uhm uhh...
Lahliwe:uhm Sir can I go back inside and continue with my pots
if I don't go back sooner I'm afraid I might burn the food
Lumko:(taking a seat )Uhm Lahliwe ,he ...he will come back let's
wait for him for few seconds,you can take a seat
Lahliwe:thank you sir
Lumko:(inhale)I'm sorry Lahliwe ,I didn't mean to be rude the
other day
Lahliwe:(surprised)uhm I understand sir,you did nothing bad
you just did what a boss will do to his workers if they are out of
Lumko: Lahliwe you are not my worker ,Huuu(exhale) ...I want
to tell you the reason why I acted that way...
Lahliwe:no sir it's fine ,I understand there's no need for that...
Lumko:no I want to... I met her while I was 18 yrs I can not say
it was Love at a first sight because back then I knew nothing
about love ,I married her because I broke her virginity , while I
was 21 we got married you know she was a princess and it is un
propriet for a princess to marry someone who didn't break her
virginity (sniff) years went by we fell in Love , at first we
were both unfaithful but we decided to give love a chance and
it turned out to be amazing (Chuck)you know when I was 25yrs
she was 22 you would swear we were married because we
loved each other, Lahliwe my dad always put me in pressure
she was my resting place
after my long quarrel's with Dad she was the only person who
made me sane ...I...I...I loved her (inhale and exhale) ,when the
world was turning against me, while I had depression she
decided to quit her studies and help me get better (Sniff) years
went by,we were happy,she was my world I was confident to
go in the middle of people and tell everyone that my wife Loves
me with no doubt Huuu as years went by we became older and
we reached the stage where we needed a child, we tried our
best to have one but we failed a million times,but we didn't
give up when she was finnaly pre...p... pregnant (sniff) we were
told that our child won't make it because she is a girl and
unfortunately no girl should be born in the Ngwenya household
if NOMALANGA is not yet back (sniff)even after hearing that
heartbreaking news we still had hope ,and our Love became
more stronger (Chuck)you know for the first time in my Life I
went to church ,but guess what we lost our child ...we...we
were both heart broken but I failed to notice that my wife's
wound was bleeding more that mine, she portrayed a strong
character and fullish me I failed to notice her pain...I...I...I
Lahliwe:(in tears)Lumko its ok...
Lumko:no I...I(tears and mucus all over his face)
Lahliwe:(touching his hand weirdly)uhm sorry don't talk about
it if it still hurt you
Lumko: Lahliwe...can...can you a favor?
Lahliwe:(standing upright and wiping her tears) yeah anything
Lumko:(inhale) please sit on top of me, I...I...I want to hug you
Lahliwe:(unsettled)uhm why...that's weird
Lumko: I don't know, I feel the need to hug you but...but if...I..
Lahliwe:(unsure)no it's fine (she sat on top of him then Lumko
embraced her in a hug)
Sandile: Nomalanga woza
Noma:ngijamela ngiyeza(wait for me ,I'm coming)
Noma quickly wore her shoes then quickly rushed outside,she
met nurse Nomvula on her way
Nurse:ayy Noma man, yekela ukugijima kuma tiles
uzowa(Noma stop running you will fall)
Noma:(still running)Sorry aunt Nomvula
This few days had been good for NOMALANGA, immediately
when she got in the Ophanage she was welcomed with warm
hands ,she even got a best Friend Sandile, everyone in this
place is treating her with Love she used to Love nights and
being alone but these days she wishes that it can forever be day
time so that she can play with her new friends and she no
longer want to be alone
Chapter 34
NOMALANGA was playing with other kids they were enjoying
themselves they didn't even notice that it was already dark
Nurse Nomvula:Eyy,ey,ey kids get inside it's time to bath
The kids quickly rushed in the house nurse Nomvula is the most
strict nurse, the kids are afraid of her
Nurse Nomvula: NOMALANGA why are you still outside ?
NOMALANGA:Sisi I am Helping Sandile,her wheelchair is stuck
in the pavement
Nurse:(Smiling,she adores Noma ,most of the kids see Sandile
as a burden because she is unable to walk but Noma is different
she always help Sandile willingly and that doesn't seem to
affect her, infact she seem to be enjoying it)Ooh can I assist
Sandile:yes please mem
Nomvula went to them and helped her then they all went
The Bell has already rang indicating that it will soon be supper
time,they( usually eat supper at 19:30) they all eat at the same
room chefs,Maids, Gardeners, Securities (not all of
them)ect,the room was getting filled with different people,even
some of the kids were already at the table,Nurse Nomvula was
sitting with Nurse Zimkhona who just came back from her sick
leave she is telling her about Noma
Nomvula:you will Love her,she has a nice aura
Zimkhona:haw you now believe in aura's,I should see that
Nomvula:(Chuck)she is nice,I actually think of adopting
her,Kodwa the Problem is that If I adopt her I should also adopt
Sandile they are good friends
Zimkhona:wena na,hee friend this is not you that girl is surely a
witch ,she has been here for less than a week and your now
acting like this,hay ngeke I need the medicine she is using
Nomvula:(Laughing )you know what wothi ngimubize uzokwazi
ukum bona(let me call her so that you can meet her)Kyla!Kyla...
Kyla:yes Auntie?
Nomvula:please call Nomalanga for me
Kyla:ok aunt (she disappeared in the passange after few
minutes she came back with the grumpy looking Nomalanga)
Nomalanga:Sisi Kyla said you are calling me
Nomvula:(disappointed by her behavior,she was expecting a
happy, playful Nomalanga)I want you to meet my Friend
Zimkhona,she is also your aunt like me
Nomalanga:(starring at Zimkhona with dislike)I don't like you
,you are too dark ,we find joy in different places,I never wished
to meet you people like you deserve to rot in hell
Nomvula:hay Nomalanga uzithathaphi zonke Lezo zinto
umncane kanje(where did you hear all those things from)
Nomalanga:you have no womb because of her
you lost your only child because of her,you are married for the
third time because of her and sadly you will loose your current
husband because of your ignorance,all your family members
hate you Because of her
Nomvula:(with teary eyes)huh?
Nomalanga:I don't blame her ,i blame you,uyisi Lima Nomvula
pearl Mnguni ,why can't you ask yourself ukuthi why is she the
only one who is always in your Life?why didn't she leave while
everyone was leaving you behind ,why did everything started
going south when she got in your last, why did...
Zimkhona:hay wena, friend why are you telling this kid all your
life problems she is now making theories
Nomalanga:Sandile needs me (she disappeared in the passage)
Zimkhona:Mxm friend I don't like that kid ,she thinks she owns
Nomvula:(crying)why Zimkhona why? Ngikwenzeni?(what did I
Zimkhona:no friend ,you can't believe that kid ,she is
Nomvula stood up holding a knife ready to attack she was
disturbed by the vile screams of the kids,she looked towards
the passage and saw Nomalanga carrying a bleeding Sandile
,Sandile was bleeding from her mouth her pink night dress was
now covered in red ,Noma's eyes were matching her friends
dress ,she was angry ,hurt , traumatized and sad the guards
rushed towards her and took Sandile from her,she sinked down
tears streaming down her face , suddenly everyone went quite
they all got stuck in their positions starring at Nomalanga ,if it
was a Normal day she was going to ask "why are they all acting
weird"but she was way too hurt to say anything
Nomalanga: Sandile is gone(she said that with a breaking
voice)and ...she...she will never come back...(she was starting at
the floor all this time)
Nomalanga:(She raised her head ,what they saw was not
Nomalanga, if you knew her live story you would say the anger
and hurt she was feeling all these years was displayed on her
face) Hambani bezimu bekhaya niyongenzela umsebenzi
,umenzi walento kumele azwe ubuhlungu aze ayofa (my
Ancestors do my job,the person who did this to my Friend
should also die in a hard way )SANDILE ZIPHINDISELE (SANDILE
A loud Lions roar was heard, actually everyone was not scared
because Noma looked Scarry, yes the were also afraid of that
,but the most scariest thing is that there were Lions next to her
,angry looking Lions and they seem ready to kill
Chapter 35
The next day
The whole family was eating breakfast ,khaya's phone rang
then he excused himself ,no phones are allowed at the
breakfast table but they allow Khaya because his job is
demanding he came back moments later with a confused
Khaya:uhm NGWENYA we are needed at the court
King:Ku Motjhakelephi(what went wrong)
Khaya:I don't know ,I received a call from Sargent Nthabiseng,
she is summoning us to the station ...
King:is it about Nomalanga?
Khaya:I don't know
The king stood up and headed outside,Khaya followed him like
a lost puppy
Petunia was standing at the balcony gazing at the tall buildings
drinking her coffee , Mrs Smith came from behind
Mrs Smith: it's time to go
Petunia:(exhale) so soon
Mrs Smith:if you don't want to do it we can stop ,and we will
proceed when you are ready
Petunia:no it's fine ,we can go(she took her crashes and limped
towards the door)
Immediately when Khaya and his dad arrived at the station they
were led to the interrogation room by a receptionist
Sargent Nthabiseng:Good Morning gentlemen's ,I am sorry for
interrupting you, but I had to call both of you here due to some
certain issues concerning Nomalanga
King:(panicking voice )what...what is wrong with my daughter?
Sargent:it's a good thing that you still claim that she is your
Khaya: meaning??
Sargent: yesterday around 19:20 a terrific scen happened ,
Nomalanga discovered a poisoned Sandile, the most disturbing
thing is the words she said while Sandile was taken to the
hospital, well at that time we all understood because she was
hurt but we are surprised by the things that happened today
and since you guys claim that she is your daughter n sister we
were hoping we might get answers
Khaya: Sargent, explain everything in details
Sargent:ouk ,today around 04:00 chef Mazibuko killed himself
with a knife ,he claimed to be seeing Sandile,he was peeling
carrots when he suddenly screamed then stabbed himself with
a knife he died immediately at that spot
around 7:00 while the children were having their Morning
prayer a gate keeper busted in the room running like a mad
man ,when the pastor tried to interfere he also started running
around claiming to be chased by Sandile
Khaya: wait wait a minute ,who is this Sandile?
King:(panicking) what... Noma ok?
Sargent:(exhale) Sandile is the girl who was found by Noma,and
don't worry sir Nomalanga is ok
Khaya:So Sandile is Nomalangas dead Friend.
Sargent:yes , that's not all ,a maid was found in her room dead,
she was beheaded, her intestines scattered on the floor ,her
heart was bitten on the base the forensics claim that it is a
Lions bite,the most interesting part is that there maid had no
blood nothing, even on the floor there was no blood
Khaya:Mmh is that all
Sargent:I hope so
Khaya: Sargent can you please stop playing games and get
straight to the point, according to my understanding and my
beliefs All these people who went through this misfortune are
responsible for the dead of the little girl and that doesn't
concern me unless Nomalanga is one of the killers
Sargent:you know Khaya you are Smart,I like that about you
Khaya:I also do, stop waisting time,get straight to the point
Sargent: yesterday when the dead of the girl happened
Nomalanga said the Ngwenyas should do her job,so tell me
Ngwenyas do you know anything I need to know perhaps
Khaya:tell me Sargent,did the. Forensics find our fingerprints in
that room or anywhere close to the victims
Sargent:No the...
Khaya: Good, if you don't want to loose your job stop calling me
here for stupid reasons
Chapter 36
Khaya went outside with furry followed by his father who is
trying to catch up with him, he finally cought up with him
King: haw Ngwenya yehlisumoya (Ngwenya calm down)
Khaya:yazi baba u Nthabiseng akangazi kuhle, ungibizele lo
doti?(So Nthabiseng called me for this rubbish?)
King:Khona Ndodana kuya rara kwamambala mhlawumbe
ikhona into enye asibizele Yona(it is really surprising Son, but
maybe she wanted to tell us something else)
Khaya: Ayy akana mberego lo, uphethwe kudelela(nah she just
want to annoy us)
...: Good Morning gentleman's
Khaya and his dad stopped and looked back
Mrs Smith:I am Mrs Smith one of the Lawyers at...
Khaya:I Know who you are, how can we help you
King:kholise ukuba rude Ndodana (Stop being rude Son)
Mrs Smith:ooh uhm Mr NGWENYA I need to talk to you,may we
please go to my car please
Khaya: why would I do that
Mrs Smith:I have something that might help you win your
current case
Khaya:I'm dealing with lots of cases which one, and why would
you want to help me?
King:(raising his voice) Khaya khoziphathe kuhle,mem you can
go to your car ,he will soon be there(Khaya behave yourself)
Mrs Smith:ok, sir you can also join us ,my car is parked at the
first block when you turn left from the door(she went outside)
King: What's the matter Khaya
Khaya:(starring at the floor)Dad I'm sorry
King:you are not answering my question Khaya
Khaya:Dad I was wrong to talk to Mrs Smith like that but...but...
Dad these people like to play with other people's emotions not
knowing what kind of damage it does to them, The Nomalanga
issue affect me more than anyone,dad I don't know if you
remember this but I was Lumkos best friend before all this
drama happened, I tried my best to make him be himself again
but I couldn't, that is the reason why I am the one managing his
companies and the sad part is that I'm failing ,I already Sold 2 of
his companies and I'm about to sell another one ,I want to win
this Nomalanga case more than anything
this is my time to repay Lumko , before all this happened he
was an angel to me dad I...I... let's just leave this (he turned
then went outside ,the king followed him with a pained
expression) Mrs Smith car
Khaya opened the front door and went inside while his father
went in the back, they found Petunia, they simply greeted her
then concentrated at Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith:I called Khaya here because I want to do a
collaboration in the case of the lost girl with you, I will help
gather the information ,I already have someone who will testify
against the arrested men. Khaya:Mhh
Mrs Smith:Sorry for my Manus the lady who is on the back seat
is Petunia the girl who was kidnapped with NOMALANGA
Khaya turned his head with his eyes wide opened
Thethelela village
Lumko is sitting on the kitchen counter while Lahliwe is
cooking,they had just finished eating breakfast , Lahliwe is
preparing breakfast for the king and Khaya ,The king called
Lumko and informed him that they are coming back and they
want to eat breakfast ,his father insisted that his breakfast
should be prepared by Lahliwe alone and he also indicated that
he want to eat Pap and amakamyezi that's his favorite meal,he
only eat that meal when he is happy
Lahliwe:Lumko you are making me feel uncomfortable
Lumko:and I'm not going anywhere,Khaya said I should prepare
breakfast for him.
Lahliwe:and you agreed,come on Lumko just leave
Lumko:No ,I won't
Lahliwe:Lumko please stop being stubborn leave ,I want to cook
Lumko:And I'm not holding your hands
Lahliwe:ok then stop staring at me
Lumko: Unfortunately I'm not using your eyes madam
Ntuthuko got in the room while they are still bickering
Ntuthuko:So mama you took Malume Lumko from me
Lahliwe:awyeke ukuphupha wena ngimthethe kanjani(Stop
being a pest ,how did I take her)
Ntuthuko:mom you took her,uncle Lumko no longer stay with
me he is always with you ,you Know I...
Lumko stood up and carried Ntuthuko
Lumko: Advocate Ntuthuko let's stop disturbing mom (he went
outside with her)
Chapter 37
Baba!baba!baba woza uzosiza u Mbali (Dad!dad!dad come and
help Mbali)
David quickly let go of his shovel and rushed towards her
neighbor's house where she found her daughter Mbali shaking
on the floor with her eyes pure white, she quickly kneeled
down next to her and raised her head
David:Mbali Ndodakazi vuka, Sthandwasami ngiqala Nana u
Baba uyakubawa vuka Nana (Mbali my daughter wake up,My
baby look at me, baby I am begging you wake up)
Ever since Anesthesia died things had been bad, he Left his job
because he wanted to take care of his daughter
David:Nana yehlisa umoya, Mbali...Mbali(baby calm down) it
might look as if he know what he is doing, but he is clueless ,
there is nothing he can do ,The Sangoma told them that Mbali
is spiritual gifted and the lady she was seeing is her mother well
after they found out that Anesthesia was hunting her own
daughter they did everything they were told to do and she
stopped, they even found out that She was guilty for treating
Nomalanga bad and he wishes that they should all stop hating
Nomvela:(kneeling next to her dad)Mbali vuka wena uyeke
ukusihlekisa ngabantu (Mbali wake up, stop making us a
Laughing stock)
David:hey yey yey Nomvelo ngudadwenu umuntu lo, Kanti
wena uyithathaphi ihliziyo enje suka la!(Nomvelo this is your
Sister,why do you have such evil heart
Leave this place!)
Nomvelo:(with teary eyes)Baba bengithi ngiyasiza(dad I was
just trying to help)
David:Ngokuthuka udadwenu? Nomvelo unehliziyo embi suka
la Mbali Sthandwasami vuka(by insulting your Sister? Nomvelo
you have an evil heart get lost ,Mbali my baby wake up)
Thethelela village In the garden
Lahliwe served the king his food
Khaya:uhm Lahliwe where is my food
Lahliwe: Lumko said you asked him to prepare it (the king
chocked on his food) Khaya:huh...
Lahliwe:yes he will be the one serving you
The king and Khaya looked at each other shocked
King:uhm you can leave
Few minutes later Lumko approached them carrying a plate he
was with Ntuthuko, when he got to the table he placed the
plate of toasted bread then he left,Lumko looked at his plate,he
doesn't even like eating bread Thembalethu
5:00pm In a 2room house Nomvelo could be heard shouting at
the top of his voice ,her voice was filled with anger and hatred
,if you didn't know Nomvela you would think that she was
raised with hatred the neighbors are already used to Nomvelo's
rude behavior Nomvelo:uyazenzisa Mbali, awuna sipho wena
uthanda ukubukwa(you are Pretending Mbali you don't have a
gift ,you just love attention) Nomvelo leave with her father and
her young sister Mbali, they used to stay with their Aunt until
she died , Nomvelo doesn't shout at Mbali when their father is
at home she only do it when he is gone
Mbali:(teary)Angizenzisi Mina ,wena uyangi hlukumeza
ngizomutjela ubaba ukuthi nguwe uwangenza ukuthi ngiwe
khulu,u Baba wakutjela ukuthi ungangi theli ngamanzi
nangiwile Kodwana wena...(I am not pretending,you are
abusing me, you are the one who made me fall more often dad
told you that you shouldn't pour me with water when I had
fainted but you...)
Nomvelo:yey...yey... yey ungazongi sanganela wena.
Chapter 38(semi final ):
7 years later
The past years had been hell for the Ngwenya family, they had
encountered lots of challenges but the great thing is that they
were able to win Nomalangas case , well not everything was
bad in those past year's,Lumko and Lahliwe are finally in a
relationship and they are expecting a baby, yes they were
terrified when they found out that Lahliwe is expecting a baby
girl but after the umshwelezo ceremony everything went well
she is about to give birth, The king had finally accepted that his
son is gay and eversince then they had been vibing
together...they were able to find Nomalangas step dad and he
understood everything he was glad to know that Nomalanga is
save ,Lumko is now back on business ,he took ownership of this
businesses again even though there was almost nothing left,
Khaya sold 6of his companies only 3are left and they are not
doing good but with Lahliwe on his side everything seems
better and The king and David are now best friends ,the king
became found of David when Noma told him that David was
the only person who cared for her ,yes you heard right even
though they don't leave together the king and his only daughter
have a great relationship Nomalanga is not yet living in the
palace she is still at the Ophanage
4 years ago the Ngwenya family was allowed to to visit
Nomalanga, at first the king's wife's were not comfortable with
Nomalanga but they are now good, they are not that close with
her though, Khaya had become one of the best Lawyers in
South Africa
(He is sitting outside (ebandla) with David )
King:I am worried about Lubanzi lately he seems way too
distant and he no longer go to the Ophanage to visit
Nomalanga those two used to be best friends
David:(Laughing)U Lubanzi is old he is going through the first
stage of man struggle
King:and what's that
David:Being rejected by a girl
King:(laughing)ooh , but that can't be a problem even if it was
why ,would he stop visiting Nomalanga those two used to be
best friends, you should take your time sometimes and observe
Lubanzis behavior ,he is terrified by the smallest things when I
asked him about this you would swear he would cry at that spot
he couldn't even look at me in my eyes
David:Mmh I guess this is bigger than I thought
don't worry Ndabezitha (great one)I will talk to him ,Kodwa
nawe you were expecting Lubanzi to tell you his secret while
you look this scary
King:(Laughing)ayy suka wena I'm not scary ,I'm just not blessed
with a pretty face
They were still talking while Sizwe approached them singing
Stuck with you by Ariana grande
David: Ngwenya why don't we ask Sizwe to talk to him ,he is a
free spirit he can easily talk to him
King:mmh I never thought of that
Sizwe:Lotjhani Bantu abadala (greetings)
David:Akwande Ndodana
The king just nod
Sizwe :Baba can I use your car mine is...
King:no problem Sizwe only if you give me permission to burn
your clothes if my car is not returned safe
Sizwe:ahh baba(attention to leave)
King: Ndodana (Son) can you please talk to Lubanzi he doesn't
seem fine
Sizwe:Mmh eqinisweni (truly)baba I had tried Kodwa he doesn't
bulge , and I wanted to tell you that I had seen him crying in his
King: when
King: David you need to go talk to him now
(The king and David stood up heading to Lubanzis room)
Lumkos room(Roundvell)
(Lahliwe is laying down starring at the ceiling, Lumko is
massaging his legs )
Lumko:uhm Lahliwe who is Ntuthukos father
Lahliwe:(sitting upright) Lumko why are you asking about that?
Lumko:(helping her, and putting pillows in her back do that she
can be comfortable)well I just wanted to know, you know your
daughter has a hot head I wonder how you delt with her father
Lahliwe:uhm don't worry about that, he was a busy man I never
spent enough time with him
Lumko:Mmh ,he never call does he know that you gave birth to
a daughter that looks super pretty
Lahliwe:(scared)Why...why are you suddenly asking about him
Lumko:I just want to know,and I want to hear it from you
Lahliwe:(tears streaming down her face) I...I I'm sorry but you
said you accept me the way I am
Lumko:I still stand by my words wifey,I will never leave I just
want to hear my wife's life story
Lahliwe:(sniffing) mom left me on my grandmother's
door when I was a month old, she didn't give me a name , the
name Lahliwe was meant to be a joke I don't know how it got
to my birth certificate, when I was 6 years my mom came back
she was sick, she could even walk a distance, even on her sick
state she was still pretty, everything about her was pretty, he
silky fake her suited her she was a bit lighter than me(light
skinned) (sniff) God I was happy to see her she even pretended
to Love me and promised to give me a name (sniff) but my
happiness was short lived she got really sick until she eventually
died soon after her funeral my granny followed that's when real
life began (sniff) my...
Chapter39(semi final) granny followed that's when real life began (sniff)
my aunt came to stay with me at my grandmother's house ,she
came with my uncle at first everything was good until when I
was 8yrs my uncle tried to rape me ,I was clever enough to
know what he was trying to do so I told my aunt (sniff) she ...
She ...she told me that I was hallucinating days later my uncle
raped me, Was way too painful so I fainted ,I woke up in
the hospital with my aunt next to me she begged me not to tell
the police, she told me that my uncle was drugged but I refused
to listen to her,I told the police and he became arrested, after
that my aunt's behavior totally changed towards me, well I was
naturally a naughty kid ,I used to bug school and go to parties
but I swear I was never involved in any sexual activities,I was
still traumatized by the rape saga, years passed I got used to my
aunt's behavior, when I was 15 ,I remember that day as if it was
yesterday,I was coming back from school it was late(sniff)
around 18:00 I was used to coming back home late ,I didn't
bother knocking because my aunt didn't care,I went to my
room,well it was our room,me and my 2 cousins,I didn't take off
my school uniform I...I feel asleep I was woken up by pain in my
vagina,my uncle raped me again, Ntuthuko is my uncle's
Lumko:stop lying man Lahliwe!
Lahliwe:(tears streaming down her face)what do you mean?
Lumko:A Nigerian man is claiming that you have her daughter
Lahliwe: ah...
Lumko:and you were a sex worker
Lahliwe:Lumko you got everything wrong
Lumko:you should have told me this before I impregnated
you(he stood up then went outside ignoring lahliwe's please)
Dave entered carrying a tray of food, he was told that Lubanzi
didn't finish his breakfast he found him sleeping with his face
under the pillow he placed the tray on the table then stood
next to him,he tried to remove the pillow from his head but
Lubanzi held it still
David:Lubanzi mfana wam(Lubanzi my boy)
David:you know that we all noticed that you are not well, and I
was also told that your brothers had tried to talk to you
,(exhale)kahle kahle why are all the Ngwenyas this weak
bekungu bhudiwakho manje nguwe(it was your brother now it's
Lubanzi raised his head ,his eyes blood shot red ,all the brothers
are found of Lumko, he is more of a father figure to them than
their father
David:you don't scare me Lubanzi
your friends are out there chasing their dreams ...he yazi
Lubanzi you are such a Spoilt breath ,you are weak man, mina I
Lost my wife ,lost my job,Lost my daughter I couldn't help my
daughter while she was sick ,I can't control my oldest daughter,
inam labeled as a witch in my village, I depend on your father
Lubanzi:you won't understand (he sat upright)please leave my
David:hehe izwa leave my room, Lubanzi your problem is that
you are being spoon fed ,you are not a man enough,you are
way too femanin , have you ever seen your father crying when
his family was falling apart,when his child life was miserable
because of him Kodwa wena because you are a girl nx(he
turned and walked away, before he got to the door)
David froze at the door not knowing whether he should stay or
David:Which sister?
Lubanzi:(Chuck) the only sister I have
On the Garden
Lumko is sitting with Ntuthuko, Ntuthuko is taking non stop
while Lumko is busy on his phone, Sizwe came to them
Sizwe: Ntuthuko can you please excuse us,I wanna talk to your
Ntuthuko: Father!!
Sizwe:(Laughing)I'm jocking
Ntuthuko left
Sizwe:Bhutomdala(big brother)
Lumko:Sizwe what's the problem,you look scared
Sizwe:uhm I know that this is non of my business but uhmm
Bhutomdala don't you think you were a little bit unfair to sis
Lahliwe, uhm I don't mean to be disrespectful but please listen
to her I'm only saying this because she once told me her life
Lumko:(calm)Sizwe were you eardroping on our Conversation
Sizwe:no bhudomdala I was just passing by,you both were loud
enough for me to hear
Sizwe:uhm sengiyahamba,sekuzoba yisikhathi Sam's Dina
Bhutomdala (he Left)
The whole family had gathered in the dinner table, everyone is
present,even Lumko ,the maids served them their food and
they all started eating, The king's phone rang ,he excused
himself and came back minutes later looking like he had been
hit by a train
Sizwe:baba yininkinga wajuluka kangaka(dad what is the
King:(gulping down a glass of water in one go)U...u
Nomalanga...uzame ukuzibulala(Nomalanga tried to kill herself)
Everyone stopped eating and looked at the king in disbelief,
Nomalanga seemed fine when they called her
The king rushed outside then the whole family followed
him,Lumko also followed filled with mixed emotions
When they got in the hospital they were directed to the doctors
office,Mpilo,Nkosiyabo and beauty remained in the car
Chapter 40(final)
Doctor's office
King:a what?
Dr:Ohhh uhm NOMALANGA was 7months pregnant
The whole family looked at the doctor as if she is mad, there
was silence in the room everyone was just surprised by the
news , this whole thing is new to them well except for Lubanzi
Khaya:how her belly was not showing .
Dr:well we are all different, some women don't experience any
sickness during pregnancy and some do ,so Nomalangas case is
similar to those ones
The whole room became silence once again,Dave bust in the
office being chased by securities
David: what's happened to my daughter
Security:sir please leave before we use force on you
King:Leave him
David:what happened to NOMALANGA
Dr:uhm(unsure) NOMALANGA tried to commit suicide by
overdosing on pills
David:NOMALANGA would never do that , someone tried to kill
Dr:She left a letter
The whole family looked at the doctor ready to hear what was
written in the letter
Dr:uhm the letter is for Lubanzi(she said that handing Lubanzi
the letter)the whole family didn't mind because Lubanzi and
Nomalanga were close friends, Lubanzi took the letter ,all eyes
looked at Lubanzi wanting to hear what the letter says
Lubanzi read the letter in silence ignoring the impatient stare of
the family, he didn't read for so long,tears clouded his vision
when he was halfway to the end he tried to continue but he
couldn't ,he dropped the letter then ran outside
Nurse:(opens the door) doctor we have an emergency
The doctor took her cout then ran outside,The king picked up
the letter then started reading it
King: imihlola yamike le
Na Mahlangu:Baba kwenzakalani(what is happening)
King:(handing Na Mahlangu the letter)u Lubanzi akeze la
azongitjela kahle
Na Mahlangu:(reading the letter)
I am sorry for hiding the baby and I'm sorry for not aborting
when you asked me to a million times, let's forget about that
,now im in a better place I know that I had left you with a
burden but please don't let her feel like one, please love our
daughter...please tell her that I Love her I did this because I
want her to leave... Lubanzi I also wanted to leave ,I wanted to
be happy I wanted to enjoy life but I guess we don't set our life
rules, I was born to fix the mistakes of my Ancestors, I
discovered that the Mlozanas curse was still there if I didn't kill
myself my daughter was not going to survive
I sacrificed my life for her
Lubanzi I am proud of myself I ended the generational curse ,
please tell my daughter that I was a heroin and please always
remind her that she is beautiful...Her name is NOMALANGA the
difference between me and her is that she is not born to
suffer...tell everyone that I'm sorry
Your Queen.Nomalanga
The room was filled with silence sniffs, everyone was in tears
minutes later Lubanzi entered carrying a child ,the child looked
tin, there were drips connected all over her small body
Lubanzi:(Smiling)Nangu umtazinyana wami (This is my
daughter) everyone's face was replaced by sad smiles they all
gathered around her touching her small hands
Na Ntuli:Ooww she looks exactly like her mother(, everyone
just smiled they can not agree enough)
The door was opened ,Dr Nakedi came back looking sad
Dr:there is no easy way to say this but Nomalanga is gone
Lahliwe:aah baby ahh it hurts (the concentration
shifted to Lahliwe ,Lumko quickly carried her then rushed out
following the doctor)
Presenter:wow what a sad story so Nomalanga what happened
to Lahliwe's daughter
Nomalanga:(Chuckle)well Lahliwe was blessed with 3 beautiful
daughters and Later was blessed again with a daughter and a
Son , Uncle Lumko is the happiest man alive
Presenter:wow, So NOMALANGA ain't you scared that maybe
you might also be affected by the Mlozana curse
Nomalanga:(Laughing)oh no,not at all my mother sacrificed her
own life for me to survive
Presenter:So NOMALANGA how is ur life, I mean your a
queen,model and all that and how to you take the criticizing
you Know about your skin colour
Nomalanga:aah being a Queen to two villages is hard, The
Mlozana village and Thethelela village are demanding and I also
need to be a model ... Well but I am handling everything like a
Presenter:and cri...
Nomalanga:I honestly don't care about that,it doesn't affect me
Presenter: Nomalanga how old are you
Presenter:how do you spend your birthday's knowing that
Nomalanga:(Chuck)my mom died on my birthday? arh It no
longer matters, my birthday's are the reminders that I am
special,and I will always be loved ...
Presenter :ok Nomalanga we have reached the end of our show
, before you leave tell us about the most memorable thing your
dad used to do while you were young
NOMALANGA always remember that you are the
beholder"when some kids were told they were loved every
morning and night ,I was told that I was pretty it's a petty that it
took my mom her whole life to realize that she was the

…………………………………………The End………………………………………

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