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List of projects

1. Design and build an Arduino based color mixing lamp: to get comfortable with basic electronics, you can use
an Arduino board and connect it to various color LEDs (red, blue and green). Then program the Arduino to be able
to adjust the saturation of each LED individually and mix steady colors - this involves understanding the basics of
programming with an Arduino board.

2. Build a Battery-Level Detector using Transistors: Using your knowledge from basic electronics classes such
as conductors, semiconductors and resistors you could assemble a simple circuit which detects when your battery
needs replacing by detecting changes at certain voltage thresholds within the resistor network attached to your
device/battery/system monitor etc.

3. Automatic Room Lights using Arduino and PIR Sensor: This is a very simple lights project on automatic
room lights, where Arduino and PIR sensor automatically turn on and off the room lights.

4. Automatic Door Opener System using PIR Sensor and Arduino: In this project, an Arduino and PIR Sensor
based Automatic Door Opener System is implemented, whereupon detecting any human movement, the door opens
automatically. Mostly we see these kinds of functionality at shopping malls.

5. DIY Arduino and Bluetooth Controlled Robotic Arm Project: This is based on Arduino, Bluetooth and 3d
printed robotic arm parts. The main key element is we have used an android mobile application to control this
robotic arm.

6. Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino: a simple hand gesture-based robotic vehicle is designed. it is
designed using Arduino, mpu6050, and rf transmitter-receiver pair.

7. Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer: The aim of this project is to design a water level detecting alarm with
simple and low-cost hardware without compromising on the performance of the device.

8. Auto Intensity Control of Street Lights:This is a simple circuit that automatically controls the intensity of
street lights which is designed using microcontrollers and LEDs.

9. Automatic Door Bell with Object Detection: This automatic doorbell with an object detection circuit helps to
sense the presence of a person or an object automatically and rings the doorbell.

10. Mobile Jammer Circuit: This circuit is used to block the signals of cell phones within a range of 100 meters.

11. Thermistor Temperature Sensing Alarm: This circuit is a temperature sensing as well as an alarm circuit. The
circuit raises an alarm whenever the temperature crosses a certain limit.

12. Battery Charger Circuit Using SCR: SCR can be used in half-wave rectifier, full-wave rectifier, inverter
circuits, power control circuits, etc.

13. Automatic Battery Charger Circuit for 12v Lead-acid: For charging a 12v lead-acid battery, the adequate
charge voltage must be 14v-14.7v dc and charging cut-off voltage can be from 13.7v – 14v dc. The same is for an
inverter battery.

14. WiFi-controlled automation for home: Wifi Controlled Home Automation allows us to easily control our
home devices and security systems via Wifi or Internet connectivity.

15. Home Automation using Arduino and Bluetooth: We’ll be controlling home appliances with our phone

16. Security Alarm Circuit: is circuit in front of the locker or below the mat so when an unknown person comes
and walks over the switch, the circuit will trigger, and the sound of alarm comes.
17. Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using Relays and LDR: his circuit helps in automatically turn
ON/OFF the street lights using relays and LDR. The whole circuit is based on IC CA3140.

18. Solar Battery Charger Circuit: This solar charger has current and voltage regulation and also has over voltage
cut off facilities.

19. Electronic Eye Controlled Security System: This is a simple electronic eye controlled security system circuit
designed using a 7805 voltage regulator and LDR.

20.Security System: Develop a home security system that include sensors for detecting motion,door/window
status, and integrates logic gates to trigger alerts or actions.

21. Fire Detection and Alarm Mini Project: This fully automated Fire Detection and Alarm System is equipped
with a temperature sensor and a 555 timer IC.
22. Smart Solar Grass Cutter With Lawn Coverage: The robotic vehicle is equipped with a grass cutter blade
that allows for grass cutting at high RPM.

23. Auto Water Pump Switcher: To switch on your motor pump and wait till your water tank is filled up.

24. Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project: project consists of digital temperature sensors for more
accurate temperature control in various industries.

25. Clap Based Fan Switching System: The system is configured in such a way that by a particular action of the
user ‘Clapping’ can cause the Fan to start and remain ON for a limited period of time.

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