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Biology and Fertility

Biol Fertil Soils (1987) 5:164-170

°f S o i l S
© Springer-Verlag1987

Activity, origins and location of cellulases in a silt loam soil

C,E A. Hope* and R.G. Burns

Biological Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7N J, UK

Summary. "Cellulase" activity in a silt loam soil was The exact mechanism whereby microorganisms and
assayed and characterised using a microcrystalline cel- enzymes decompose cellulose is still the subject of
lulose substrate (Avicel). Activity was maximal be- some controversy (Burns 1982a) and the variety of
tween p H 5.3 and p H 6.0. A 64% loss in activity was names applied to the cellulolytic enzymes and their ac-
observed on air-drying the soil. However, the residual tivites have added to the confusion (Lee and Fan
activity was stable to storage at 40 °C for 7 days and 1980). In this paper we have confined our discussion
was resistant to the action of added protease. The to the activities of the enzymes endo-l,4-13-D-
component endoglucanase and ~-D-glucosidase ac- glucanase (EC, exo-l,4-[3-D-glucanase (cello-
tivities in field-moist and air-dried soil were also as- biohydrolase - EC and [3-D-glucosidase
sayed. The proportion of the soil microbial popula- (EC and we have used the term "cellulase"
tion able to utilise cellulose was investigated and the to refer to the combined action of these enzymes on
persistence of two free (soluble) cellulase preparations Avicel - a purified depolymerized alpha cellulose
of microbial origin was determined following their derived from fibrous plants.
addition to soil. A rapid decline in the endoglucanase A variety of methods and substrates have been
activity of a S t r e p t o m y c e s sp. cellulase preparation used for measuring cellulolytic activity in soils, e.g.
was observed while 30% of the original activity of a field measurements made on cotton strips or film
T r i c h o d e r m a viride cellulase preparation could still be (Latter and Howson 1977), measurement of carbon
detected after 20 days. From the data obtained in this dioxide evolved from labelled (Ibister et al. 1980) and
study it appears that the major portion of the ~-D- unlabelled (Sato 1981) cellulose, and release of reduc-
glucosidase activity is bound to and protected by the ing sugars from carboxymethyl cellulose (Pancholy
soil colloids. By contrast, the major portion of the and Rice 1973) and cellulose powder (Benefield 1971).
exo- and endoglucanase activity appears to be "free" Most of these studies have been concerned with deter-
in the soil solution, attached to the outer surfaces of mining the overall cellulase activity of the soil for
cellulolytic microorganisms or associated in enzyme comparative reasons. More recently, carboxymethyl
substrate complexes. The low residual activity mea- cellulose and cellulose powder have been used to
sured in air-dried soil may owe its stability to an asso- study the properties and location of the cellulase com-
ciation with soil colloids or with recalcitrant cellulosic plex in a tomato field soil (Hayano 1986).
material present in soil. In this study we have attempted to assay and to
characterise (in terms of pH-activity profile, thermo-
Key words: Soil cellulase - Enzyme characterisation stability, etc.) the total cellulase as well as the com-
- ~-D-Glucosidase - Endo-
T r i c h o d e r m a viride - ponent endoglucanase and [3-D-glucosidase activities
glucanase in a silt loam soil. This, together with a study of the
cellulolytic microbial population present in the soil
* Present address: Department of Microbiology, University of Sur- permits us to provide a detailed description of these
rey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK enzyme activities and to speculate as to their location
Offprint requests to: R. G. Burns in the bulk soil (Burns 1982b).

Materials and methods fers other than sodium acetate were used to investigate pH-activity
profiles) the humic matter was precipitated by the sequential addi-
Soil A silt loam soil (Hamble Series: Soil Survey Record No. 14) tions of 100 Ixl 1.2 M-lead acetate [(CH3COO)2Pb3H20 ] and 100 ~tl
with the following characteristics was used: p H 6.4, sand 9o70, silt 1.2 M-potassium oxalate [(COOK)2H20 ] .
72%, clay 19%, organic matter 6% (determined by ignition of The stability of glucose produced during the course of the assay
oven-dried soil); CEC 14.8 cmol kg -1 (Lethbridge and Burns was examined by performing an "assay" in which Avicel was re-
1976). The level of residual carbohydrate present in the soil at the placed by glucose (0.05 - 0.5 re_M). Reducing sugars and glucose in
time of collection was 7.8 mg (g soil)-1 (measured as glucose equiv- the supernatants were measured immediately after addition, after
alents following hydrolysis with 1.5 M H z S O 4 according to Brink et 16h incubation at 40°C, and following lead acetate/potassium
al. (1960). Enzyme activity was measured both in freshly collected oxalate treatment. Glucose added directly to soil was recovered
and air-dried soil. Where it was impossible to perform assays quantitatively (100% + 9%) after 16 h incubation, indicating that
immediately, fresh soil was stored for short periods (<48 h) in under the conditions of the assay (in the presence of 0.2% (w/v)
sealed plastic containers at 4 °C. Alternatively, air-dried soil (72 h, NaN 3 to prevent microbial proliferation) glucose was not utilized
22 °C) was hand crumbled and sieved through 2-mm mesh prior to by soil microorganisms, adsorbed to soil colloid, or oxidised to any
storage in dark-glass bottles at room temperature (22 o+ 3 °C). significant extent by indigenous soil glucose isomerase (Ross 1974).
However, following precipitation of extracted humic material, only
80% ___5% of the added glucose could be detected. This 20°70 + 5%
Viable counts o f soil microorganisms. Triplicate samples of flesh
loss was probably due to coflocculation of glucose with humic acids
soil (1 g) were suspended in 100 ml sterile buffer (7 g NazHPO4, 3 g
and a compensation factor (xl.25) was introduced for assays in
KHzPO4,5 g NaC1, 1-1). The flasks were shaken on a rotary shaker
which this treatment was used.
(150 rpm) for 1 h at 30°C to dislodge microorganisms from the soil
particles and a tenfold dilution series in buffer prepared. Three 0.1-
ml aliquots of three consecutive dilutions were spread onto agar Endoglucanase. Endoglucanase activity (EC was measured
plates and the plates incubated at 25 °C for 7 days. Total bacterial using a soil to buffer ratio of 1 • 5 and 1%0 (w/v) CMC 7L (Hercules
counts were made on nutrient agar plates whilst cellulolytic bacteria Inc., Wilmington, Del. USA) as the substrate. Samples were in-
were counted on plates containing Avicel PH105 (Honeywill and cubated unders shaking conditions for 16h at 40°C. Reducing
Stein, Wallington, UK). The Avicel plates were prepared by over- sugars in the supernatant following centrifugation (2500xg,
laying a defined minimal medium, pH 7.5 (Berg et ai. 1972a) con- 10 min) were determined using dinitrosalicylic acid reagent - DNS
taining 1% w/v purified agar (Oxoid), with 10 ml of the same (Miller et al. 1960).
medium to which 1% w/v Avicel had been added. The total num:
ber of fungal colonies was counted on malt extract agar plates and fl-D-Glucosidase. 13-D-Glucosidase activity was measured by mix-
cellulolytic fungi on Avicel plates prepared in the same manner as ing 0.2 g air-dried soil with 1.5 ml 0.1 M-acetate buffer, pH 5.5,
the bacterial plates but using a minimal medium, p H 4.6 (Stern- and 1.0ml 25 mM-p-nitrophenyl-13-D-glucopyranoside (pNPG).
berg, 1976). In order to prevent the growth of any bacterial colonies Controls without p N P G we also prepared. After incubation (4 h,
on the fungai plates, filter-sterilized streptomycin sulphate (400 ~tg 307C), 0.5 ml of 0.5 M CaC12 was added to each bottle and I ml
ml - l ) was added to the partially cooled (ca. 45°C) autoclaved p N P G was added to the controls. The reaction was terminated by
media. addition of 2 ml 0.5 M Tris, pH 10.5, and the mixtures centrifuged
(2500x g, 10 min). The supernatants were then diluted as appropri-
Cellulase assay. Combined exoglucanase (EC, endoglu- ate and the absorbance at 400 nm determined. The absorbance
canase (EC, and 13-D-glucosidase (EC activity - readings were related to p N P concentrations by means of a stan-
hereafter collectively referred to as "cellulase" - was measured by dard curve.
placing 1 g soil in a 25 ml Erlenmeyer flask and adding 5 ml 0.1 M
acetate buffer, pH 5.5, containing 0.2070 (w/v) sodium azide, as a Characterization o f enzyme activities. The thermal stability of
bacteriostatic agent. Washed Avicel (0.5 g) was added, the flask the soil cellulase activity was determined by bringing air-dried soil
sealed and incubated at 40°C for 16 h in a shaking water bath. In to ca. 85%0 W H C [0.5 ml 1-120 containing 0.2% (w/v) NaN 3
the control Avicel was added at the end of the incubation period (g soil)- 1] and storing the samples in 25 ml Erlenmeyer flasks at
and the reaction stopped by centrifugation (2500xg, 10 min). Each 25 °C or 40°C for up to 14 days.
supernatant was assayed in duplicate for reducing sugars and/or The resistance of the soil cellulase activity to proteolytic attack
glucose so that the levels o f product glucose and cellobiose could be by a nonspecific protease (Sigma type VI) was determined. Com-
calculated. Reducing sugars were determined using the Nelson- parison was made with a Trichoclerma viride commericai cellulase
Somogyi copper reduction method (Spiro 1966) and glucose by a (BDH) subjected to the same treatment. Soil samples (1 g) at 85%
modified glucose oxidase method (Pycraft and Howarth 1980). In water-holding capacity (0.5 ml 0.1 M Tris/HC1 buffer, pH 7.0,
both methods the absorbance readings were related to glucose con- containing 0.2% NaN 3 and 3 mg ml-1 protease) were maintained at
centration by means of a standard curve (0.05 - 0.4 mM) which was 25 °C. Because the added protease was found to be gradually in-
prepared each day. In the Nelson-Somogyi assay, the time that the activated in the soil samples, two additional amendments were
samples were kept in the 100 °C water bath prior to the addition of made (1.5 mg protease after 24 h and 67 h) in order to maintain a
the arsenomolybdate reagent was set at 20 rain since this was the high level of diffusible (free) protease activity. The presence of dif-
boiling time required for a standard solution (0.25 mM) of cel- fusible protease activity was confirmed, during and at the comple-
lobiose to give the same absorbance reading as a standard glucose tion of the experiment, using the method of Burns et al. (1972).
solution (0.25 mM) assayed under identical conditions. Three Trichoderma viride cellulase (1 mg m1-1 , prepared in 0.1M-
replica treatments and three controls were used for each assay. A Tris/HCl pH 7.0, containing 0.2 % NaN 3 ) was subjected to 0.1 and
glucose standard curve was constructed at each pH since the redox 1.0mg m1-1 protease (equivalent to ca. 16% and 138% of the
potential of the sugars is pH dependent. calculated average diffusible (free) protease activity measured in
In assays where humic matter was extracted into the super- the treated soil samples). Cellulase activity in the protease-treated
natant and interferred with the colorimetric assay (e.g. when buf- and untreated soils was assayed in the usual manner except that

4.5 ml 0.1 M-acetate buffer was used. The m e t h o d used to assay the Table 1. Viable counts of microorganisms in Hamble soil [numbers
protease-treated and untreated Trichoderma cellulase preparations (g dry wt. soil)- 1 and standard deviation (o n_ 1)]
was the same as that used for soil except that 1 g soil was replaced
with 1 ml enzyme preparation and the a m o u n t of buffer reduced Medium Counts (cfu x l 0 - 5)
from 5 ml to 4 ml.
The persistence (resistance to degradation by native soil pro- Bacterial Nutrient agar 378 _+51
teolytic enyzmes or due to adsorption without inactivation to soil Avicel/Berg M M 70 _+16
colloids) of the endoglucanase c o m p o n e n t of Trichoderma viride Fungal Malt extract agar 8.1 _+4.1
commercial cellulase and a cell-free cellulase preparation from a Avicel/Sternberg M M 7.2 ___3.9
Streptomyces sp. soil isolate (Hope and Burns 1985) was deter-
mined by adding aliquots (0.2 ml) of cellulase preparation (1 mg
m1-1 in 0.1M-acetate buffer, p H 5.5, containing 0.2% (w/v)
N a N 3) to 0.4 g air-dried soil. The enzyme-treated soil and an un- 100
treated control were incubated at 25 °C and assayed for endoglu-
canase activity at intervals using the usual endoglucanase assay ex-
cept that the incubation period was reduced to 30 min and the DNS
reagent added directly to the soil slurry.

Results and discussion -~ 40

Viable counts o f soil microorgan•ms 2o

From a comparison of the total bacterial counts on
nutrient agar and the cellulolytic counts on Avicel 0

0-02 0"05



plates (Table 1), 7 × 106 or ca. 20% of the soil bacteria Avicet Concentration (g rnl"q)
were able to utilize Avicel as their sole carbon source. Fig. 1. Effect of substrate (Avicel)concentration on cellulaseactivi-
However, only a small proportion (ca. 0.2%) of the ty [nmol reducing sugars as glucose equivalents (g dry wt. soil)-1
cellulolytic bacteria produced clearing zones on the h -1] in field moist soil (26O7owater content) and soil: buffer ratios
Avicel plates (indicative of extensive hydrolysis and of o; 1:2; and A; 1:5
unequivocal evidence of their use of the substrate). A
large number (ca. 80%) of the cellulolytic bacteria fungal colonies the dense sporulating mycelium made
were actinomycetes. Reports in the literature on the
it impossible to see any clearing zones. Furthermore,
cellulase system of the actinomycetes (Crawford and
a comparable study made using a Trichoderma viride
Sutherland 1979; Hagerdal et al. 1980; Ishaque and
isolated from soil indicated that the radial growth rate
Kluepfel 1980) suggest that these organisms possess a
of the fungal colony on CMC agar plates was almost
cellulase system more akin to that of the fungi than
twice that of the rate of diffusion of endoglucanase,
the bacteria in that their cellulases are secreted to the
thereby masking any visual signs of hydrolysis (Hope
surrounding medium. One factor limiting the growth
and Burns 1985). Therefore, even if the advancing
of bacteria other than the actinomycetes on solid
fungal hyphae were producing endoglucanase one
media containing Avicel is that, in order to utilize this
would not expect to see a zone of clearing advancing
particular substrate, microorganisms may need to ahead of the colony perimeter. This illustrates the im-
align themselves along the cellulose fibril. Evidence portance, when screening fungi for cellulase produc-
for this view comes from electron microscope studies tion by the zone method, of either making an allow-
of bacterial configuration (Berg et al. 1972b) and ex- ance for the rate of radial growth or else limiting
periments which indicate that many bacterial species colony size by incorporating an agent such as rose
retain some of their cellulases at the outer membrane bengal into the medium (Montenecourt and Eveleigh
rather than secreting them to the surrounding medium 1977).
(Ramasamy and Verachtert 1980). Therefore bacteria
may have difficulty in growing on Avicel plates
because the microcrystalline cellulose particles are in-
Soil cellulase activity
corporated in the agar and many are not directly ac- When soil was incubated with the substrate Avicel
cessible as carbon and energy sources. (0.1 g m l - t) the rate of release of reducing sugars was
Fungal counts on Avicel plates were not signifi- constant for the first 24 h after which it declined.
cantly different from those on malt extract agar plates Figure 1 shows the effect of different substrate con-
(Table 1). Unlike the bacterial Avicel plates, where a centrations (0.002 - 0.2 g ml - i) on cellulase activity at
small number of distict zones of clearing were 25 °C for two different soil to buffer ratios. Substrate
observed, clearing zones were not seen at all on the saturation kinetics were not observed. Increasing the
fungal Avicel plates. However, with many of the amount of Avicel relative to the amount of soil either

by increasing the Avicel concentration in the buffer or ~0

by increasing the buffer to soil ratio increased the
amount of reducing sugars that were produced. The 30
most likely explanation for this is that the Avicel,
while being chemically homogeneous, is not physical-
ly homogeneous and some regions, e.g. those surfaces ~ 20
of the elementary fibrils where "strain-distorted tilt
and twist" occur, will be more susceptible to rapid 10
hydrolysis than others (Rowland 1975). Several
kinetic models of varying complexity have been
proposed to explain the hydrolysis of insoluble s:0 s:o 70
cellulose by cellulase enzymes. pH
However, an unified model has not yet emerged. Fig. 2. Effect of pH on soil cellulase activity [nmol reducing sugars
Our system is further complicated by the fact that (solid lines) or glucose (broken lines), expressed as glucose equiva-
some of the enzymes whose activity we are measuring lents (g dry wt. soil) -1 h - l ] . A, A; sodium acetate buffer; O, © ;
are likely to be soil bound or otherwise immobilised sodium acid maleate buffer; IN; Tris/maleate buffer
on microbial cell walls (Burns 1982b). As the sub-
strate is also insoluble it is likely that steric hindrance
and restricted diffusion of the interactants would Firstly the pH of the soil-buffer slurries in which these
make saturation of all the active sites impossible. It is assays are performed is almost certainly not the same
unlikely that cellobiose is causing end product inhibi- as that at the soil/solution interface, where much of
tion of enzyme activity, for while this phenomenon the enzyme/substrate interaction is probably occur-
has been reported for purified cellulases it is only ring. In fact the pH at the soil colloid surface may be
operative at cellobiose concentrations of greater than considerably more acid than that of the bulk solution
30 m M (Reese 1963), i.e. ca. two orders of magnitude due to the accumulation of H ÷ ions within the diffuse
higher than that observed in the soil assays. An double layer (McLaren and Skujins 1968). Secondly,
incubation period of 16 h and a substrate concentra- the activity and the pH profile of the soil cellulases are
tion of 0.1 g m l - i was chosen for the routine assay so probably a composite of a group of enzymes from
that the rate of product formation would be constant microbial as well as plant origins. Fungi have been re-
for the duration of the assay and the results could be ported as being the principal producers of extracel-
expressed in standard units. lular cellulases (Enari and Markkanen 1977) and since
Field moist soil (26.3o/0 moisture) contained only the true p H at which the cellulase is most active
a very low level of extractable reducing sugars (taking into account the interfacial phenomena) is
( < 50 nmol g - a) and the level of these extracted into likely to be below 5.6, the cellulase activity that we
the buffer did not increase during the incubation have measured is probably of fungal origin. A similar
period of the assay. By contrast, when air-dried soil conclusion was reached by Hayano (1986) for the
was assayed 6.25 nmol g - l h - 1 reducing sugars were cellulase activity measured in a tomato field soil.
produced during the course of the assay in the absence Nevertheless, there are many reports in the literature
of added substrate. This was attributed to the air-dry- on the cellulolytic activities of soil actinomycetes
ing process increasing the accessibility of endogenous (Crawford and Sutherland 1979; Williams and Robin-
substrate. The carbohydrate content of the soil was son 1981) and the possibility that members of this
43.3 ~mol glucose equivalents g - 1. group are contributing to the pool of cellulase activity
measured in our soil should not be ignored.
The measurement of glucose produced during the
p H activity profile
16-h assay demonstrated that this sugar accounted for
The relationship of cellulase activity to pH for air- 65% - 80o70 of the total reducing sugars. Although the
dried soil is shown in Fig. 2. The activity is maximal apparent pH optima of the [3-D-glucosidase com-
between 5.25 and 6.0. The pH optima for fungal cel- ponent of cellulase in this soil was 5.2 - 5.5, the high
lulases is in the range 4.0 - 5.5 while bacterial (includ- level of glucose produced was predicted since the ac-
ing the actinomycete) cellulases have pH optima in the tivity of the [3-D-glucosidase enzyme in air-dried soil
range 5 . 6 - 7 . 0 . This suggests that a wide range of is an order of magnitude higher than the "cellulase"
microbial types are contributing to the overall activity activity we were measuring and it is likely that any
in our soil. However, direct comparisons of the prop- free cellobiose would be rapidly hydrolysed to glucose
erties of soil enzymes with those from microbial even at suboptimal pH values. The remaining
sources must be made with caution for two reasons. (20O/o-35O/o) reducing sugars are likely to be corn-

posed of a small amount of cellobiose and the higher

cellooligosaccharides that are produced during cellu-
lolysis. 1 2 0 ~

Thermal stability and resistance

to proteolytic attack
No significant change in cellulase activity was ob-
served following storage of air-dried soil moistened to
85% W H C at 40°C for 14 days. Thermal stability is a
characteristic often associated with soil-bound
enzymes (Pettit et al. 1977; Nannipieri et al. 1982);
also cellulase-humic complexes have been shown to
have increased thermal stability when compared with
free (soluble) cellulase (Sarkar 1986). 0 24 48 72
The effect of added protease on cellulase activity Time(h)
in soil compared with that of a Trichoderma viride Fig. 3. Effect of protease on free (soluble) and soil cellulase activity
commercial cellulase preparation (BDH) is shown in (expressed as a percentage of the untreated control), o ;
Fig. 3. Virtually all T. viride commercial cellulase ac- soil+protease (3 mg ml-1); ©; commerical cellulase+protease
tivity was lost by 24 h after treatment with 1.0 mg (0.1 mg m l - 1); []; commercial cellulase + protease (1.0 mg m l - 1)
ml-1 protease. The soil cellulase activity in contrast
was resistant to attack by protease (3 mg m l - 1). The
resistance o f soil cellulase to proteolytic attack is not
surprising considering the high levels of protease ac-
tivity and proteolytic microorganisms found in Location o f cellulase activity in bulk soil
Hamble soil. Only resistant enzymes will survive to be The cellulase activity measured in field-moist Hamble
assayed. Soils collected at different times of the year soil [ca. 110 nmol reducing sugars as glucose equiva-
(March, June and October) and air-dried had similar lents (g dry wt.)- 1 h - 1 at 40 °C] is comparable to that
activities towards Avicel (34.3, 38.2 and 39.8 nmol reported by Beneficial (1971) for an agricultural soil
reducing sugars [as glucose equivalents (g dry wt. (3200nmol glucose g-a 4 8 h - 1 at 50°C) and that
soil)- 1 h - 1], suggesting that this portion of the total reported by Ross and Speir (1979) for two silt loam
activity is constant regardless of season. New Zealand soils [25.2 and 50.4nmol reducing
sugars as glucose equivalents (g dry wt.)-1 h - I at
Endoglucanase activity 30 °C]. Assuming a linear relationship with time and
activity and a Q10 effect of approximately 2, the
Reducing sugars were released at a linear rate for the
activity reported by Benefield is 31, those by Ross and
first 30 h following the addition of CMC to either
Speir are 50.4 and 100.8 respectively, and that ob-
field-moist soil or air-dried Hamble soil. In a 16-h as-
served here is 110.8 units.
say the activity in field-moist soil was 490 nmol reduc-
In contrast to the [3-D-glucosidase activity, a 64%
ing sugars as glucose equivalents (g dry wt. soil) - t h - 1
decrease in cellulase activity was observed on air-dry-
and the activity in air-dried soil was l l 0 n m o l g - t
ing. A similar decrease ( 3 6 % - 80%) in activity fol-
h - t . These activities were not characterised further.
lowing air-drying was reported by Speir and Ross
(1981) for a range of soils assayed for cellulase activi-
fl-D-Glucosidase activity ty with cellulose powder. A decline of ca. 50% in
The ~-D-glucosidase activity was largely unaffected [~-l,3-glucanase activity was observed by Lethbridge
(10070- 15% loss) by air-drying the soil. The activity et al. (1978), and they suggested that the stress of air-
in air-dried soil was measured as 0.88 ~tmol p N P drying denatured much of the extracellular unbound
(g soil) -1 h -1 with a pH optimum of 5 . 2 - 5 . 5 and a and hence unprotected enzyme. The significant per-
temperature optimum of 60°C. This activity was re- centage of the cellulase activity measured in field-
sistant to added protease, indicating that it was bound moist soil is either associated with soil microorgan-
to and protected by the soil colloids. This was later isms which are not resistant to air-drying or is free in
confirmed when about 10% of the original stable ac- the soil solution. The low residual cellulase activity as
tivity was detected in filter-sterilised humic extracts compared with, for example the residual [~-l,3-glu-
(Pettit et al. 1977) and was shown to have properties canase activity (ca. 400 nmol reducing sugars as glu-
similar to that of the whole soil activity. cose equivalents g-1 h-1 _ Lethbridge et al. 1978),

80 enzymes involved in the cellulase complex. [Purified

exoglucanases are generally identified by their lack of
activity against C M C and their ability, when com-
6O bined with endoglucanase, to bring about the exten-
sive hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose. In addition,
release of cellobiose units f r o m H3PO4-swollen cellu-
lose has on occasion been used as a measure of exo-
glucanase activity (Wood et al. 1980).]
The results obtained in this study lead us to
20 . ~ , . ,
propose that the m a j o r portion of the exo- and endo-
glucanase activity in field-moist soil is "free" in the
soil solution, attached to the outer surfaces of cellulo-
0 mo 200 3oo 46o s60 lytic microorganisms or associated in enzyme sub-
Time (h)
strate complexes. The high counts of cellulolytic fungi
Fig. 4. Persistence in soil of Trichoderma viride commerical cel- and actinomycetes lends credence to this view and
lulase preparation (O) and a cellulase preparation from a Strepto- while it is recognised that m a n y of the colony-forming
myces sp. (A). Endoglucanase activity expressedas a percentage of
the "soil-free" preparation stored at 25 °C units may have originated f r o m resting propagules
and m a y therefore not be representative of the active
microbial biomass present in soil, they nonetheless are
combined with the inherent stability and variety of indicative of a large potential microbial cellulolytic
free extracellular endoglucanase (Goksoyr et al. population. The low residual activity measured in air-
1975), makes deductions concerning the location of dried soil may owe its stability to an association with
these enzymes in soil difficult. soil colloids or with recalcitrant cellulosic material
The results of experiments in which the persistance present in the soil. The hydrolysis of insoluble sub-
in soil of the endoglucanase component of T. viride strates by enzymes immobilised by association with
commercial cellulase and cellulase from a Strepto- soil colloids poses certain conceptual difficulties in
myces sp. isolate were investigated are shown in Fig. terms of substrate-enzyme interaction. However, the
4. A rapid decline in the endoglucanase activity of the colloidal nature and hence mobility of the enzyme
Streptomycete sp. cellulase preparation was observed. support (clay, humates) in the soil aqueous phase go
By contrast, although the endoglucanase activity of some way towards overcoming these difficulties.
the T. viride cellulase preparation showed an initial
decline following its addition to soil, nearly 30% of Acknowledgments. We thank the Agricultural and Food Research
the initial activity could nonetheless be detected after Council for supporting this research and R. J. Geraghty for
20 days. This clearly illustrates the ability of some, technical assistance.
but not all, endoglucanases to withstand inactivation
due to adsorption, denaturation and degradation.
Drowzdowicz (1971) measured both endoglucanase References
and the combined exo- and endoglucanase activity of
an Aspergillus niger commercial cellulase following Benefield CB (1971) A rapid method for measuring cellulase activi-
ty in soils. Soil Biol Biochem 3:325-329
its addition to soil. He found that while endo-
Berg B, v. Hofsten B, Pettersson G (1972a) Growth and cellulase
glucanase activity declined slowly over a 40-day formation by Cellvibriofulvus. J Appl Bacteriol 35:201 -214
period the combined exo- and endoglucanase activity Berg B, v. Hofsten B, Pettersson G (1972b) Electronmicroscopic
of the added preparation disappeared with 24 h. In observations on the degredation of cellulose fibres by Cellvibrio
studies where the in vitro stability of the different fulvus and Sporocytopha myxococcoides. J Appl BacterioI
components of the cellulase complex have been in- Brink RH Jr, Dubach P, Lynch DL (1960) Measurements of carbo-
vestigated (e.g. Hagerdal et al. 1980), it appears that hydrates in soil hydrolyzates with anthrone. Soil Sci 89:157- 166
the activity of the endoglucanase component has Burns RG (1982a) Carbon mineralization by mixed cultures. In:
greater stability than that of the combined exo- and Bull AT, Slater JH (eds) Microbial interactions and communi-
ties. Academic Press, London, pp 475- 543
endoglucanase activity. The comparative instability
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