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Reflection Paper
Rizal's concerns such as the agrarian issues of his family back
home, fellow countrymen gambling instead of fighting for liberty, the
pressure he got from the Spanish authorities in publishing his novels,
his friend dying, and his love affairs; had him refuse to be
disheartened. Instead, he chose to learn from these hardships using
them as opportunities to grow and become more determined to fight;
these never stopped him from pursuing what he had started for the
sake of oppressed Filipinos, he opted to turn these misfortunes into
something more valuable, wherein he took them positively as they
became his stepping stone to reach for a greater endeavor that could
make the colonizing power to be accountable for all of the damages it

Despite the challenges that Rizal faced while staying abroad, he

remained committed to the cause of patriarchal reform. He was
informed by the misdeeds of his countrymen in Spain, he knew that his
fellow countrymen needed a more positive and productive approach.
Therefore, he encouraged them to shift their focus from the
difficulties of short-term pursuits to the benefits of long-term
ones. Rizal urged them to invest their efforts in securing a
promising future of freedom for their beloved motherland,
which I suppose was misinterpreted by some Filipinos that it
pains them to accept the reality to make a wiser decision for
the common good of the Philippines.
Reflection Paper
As Rizal departed for Manila, he resigned as a benefactor of La
Solidaridad to pursue his goals for the country personally. Then came
the Borneo Colonization Project of Rizal. It became a beacon of hope
for Filipinos who lost their homes in Calamba. The process took a long
time for Governor Eulogio Depujol did not support the idea of them
migrating and cultivating foreign soil. Consequently, he was provoked
by myriad issues that made him contemplate returning to the
Philippines to resolve them firsthand. Though his loved ones warned
him not to be caught by the fangs of Spanish authorities, his decision
was unyielding. Regardless of the risk of facing the Spanish
authorities, is a testament to his dedication to the cause and his love
for his fellow Filipinos. Unfortunately, his noble intentions were taken
advantage of by his enemies as it gave opportunities for them to have
easier access to make him suffer.

Learning about how Rizal ascended from the depths of his

personal and patriotic difficulties had me rethink my pursuits in life. I
must not give myself the option to fail for I realized that my
success is solely contingent upon my ability to press forward
and to understand that limitation in my life is dependent on
how I embrace the negative thoughts in my mind. Each of us
may never have the same experience with the set of problems
that life could throw at us regardless, we can become each
other's opportunities to become wiser. It could teach us life
lessons by understanding the process of overcoming
those tribulations and allowing the wisdom to flow innately.

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